Eli Doubletap
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Oh my God, the Delta guy gonna spill all the secrets.
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It has happened. Oh, we fixed it, blah, blah, blah. But I mean, all the recent ones are like, I've seen the videos where it's like a cop just like... literally talking to somebody and his gun just goes off. And they're like, what the fuck? In the holster.
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Completely holstered gun and he's like talking and it's just like security cam footage and the gun just goes off and Glock is like... Are you sure that wasn't a pager? He re-holstered that the wrong way. Sorry, Sig. Sig is like, he re-holstered that the wrong way.
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Yeah, I mean, you have two options. You have the companies still trying to perfect firearms, and you have the company that perfected firearms decades ago and has moved on to horse cum.
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Cody nailed that intro. That was a good intro. Cody's intro is done.
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Remember that time we all silently agreed to gaslight Eli into thinking we've done the intro, but we actually didn't. That was a good time. Go ahead. Okay. I was like, the intro.
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Hi, everyone. Welcome.
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We did the intro. You literally just gaslit him that you were gaslighting him. Join the military.
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Could you imagine being an enemy of America, being like, oh, I haven't had food in a little while. Supply lines are weak, and then America pulls a fucking Burger King out of a plane. It's like, oh, shit.
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I think I started to bring this up and got interrupted in a previous podcast, but you don't know the chocolate cake story, do you, from World War II?
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Yeah, there's the ice cream ships. That was with Japan. That was like when Japan realized we were fucked is when they found out we had entire naval vessels whose whole job was to make ice cream for the Navy in World War II. That's pretty dope. He's a historian. On the German front, I haven't read the actual one because I can't read German.
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But allegedly, there's a German officer that they interviewed. And they were like, so yeah, when did you realize the war was over? And he's like, we intercepted American mail. And in the mail on the front lines, somebody had shipped him a chocolate cake. And it was still good. Right. And he's like, that's when we realized that the American logistics is going to win this war no matter what.
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We're fucked. They just got a fucking chocolate cake to the front lines from the other side of the planet before it got bad.
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Yeah, in the 40s.
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Oh, Tyler casually was like, you guys ever seen a CQB AT4? And we're like, uh, what?
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I didn't want to bring it up and make it more awkward.
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You know, in the cans of Guinness, there's that little ball at the bottom for like keeping the foam, right? Like it's on tap. That was the invention of the year in 1999. Was it really? You want to know what it beat out from second place? What? The internet.
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This gave me anxiety about drinking in Ireland. I'm like...
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The shock on his face when a medic from the National Guard never got given a CQB AT4. The shock.
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Me and Trout were just talking about Irishmen going to Mexico last night at 3 in the morning.
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No, I just read constantly.
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During the Mexican-American War, there was a bunch of Irish guys that came over and they basically got drafted to get their citizenship in exchange. And so they had entire brigades of just straight up Irish dudes that were getting their citizenship and fighting in the Mexican-American War. Yeah.
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No, you guys go ahead. Anyways, all these Irish dudes were in a unit together. It's like they're all from Ireland getting their American citizenship or whatever. And they go down and start fighting the Mexicans. And after a little while, they're like...
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No, this is real life.
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All these Irish dudes get over there and they're like, you guys are Catholic too? Yeah. Fuck, tortillas are awesome. They literally ended up switching sides and sort of fighting for Mexico. And the Mexican-American War, there was a huge Irish population in Mexico because of it. Actually, there is, yeah. That's why. Holy shit. What year is this? Mexican-American War, 1800s.
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Canelo, literally. So as Brandon wants me to tell you my conspiracy theory. So you know how like a lot of military games were actually like kind of secretly covertly aided by the government for like making the army seem cool or like we're going to make Arma so they know damn near how to pilot a drone out of the gate when they get to training, shit like that.
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Yeah, exactly. So I have a theory. I think Fortnite was invented for ICE. Please elaborate. If ICE busts in to deport a bunch of Mexicans, then they just start building structures really fast so you can't get to them. They want to be prepared. You've got to know how to combat that.
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How is that physically possible? Are you harboring enemies of the states beneath the floorboards? Did the enemies of the state just make this fucking house?
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What do you mean you want me to program tanks from World War II in the modern warfare game?
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You have the company that perfected firearms decades ago and has moved on to horse cum.
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They're casually missing 58% of it. Yeah.
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I was just like, what? Bad day to be a twin tower.
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Dude, every year. It blows me away that's even allowed.
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If I have to hear one more person that can't spell the word tariff have an emotional crisis about tariffs, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.
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Every time I get upset with Canada, I see immediate footage of farmers from Canada blowing manure onto government buildings.
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Oh, I would assume so. It was a P320. It wasn't his fault.
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Hold on. He's got to get his can opener. Three, two, one.
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I'd come too.
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You were going to say Nazi.
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Ozzy Osbourne beat him. No. So then he goes, so then he goes.
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I had that moment last time I was here.
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We got done filming one podcast. You're like, yeah, we're going to go to the pre-range day party for like 30 minutes and we got to come back and film a podcast with Terry. And I was like, okay, dope. Who's Terry? And he's like, oh, it's that guy right over there that was like watching the whole previous podcast. And I was like, okay, dope. Nice to meet you, Terry. Come over here.
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Who the fuck is Terry? And he's like, oh, he's the guy that saved Captain Phillips. Oh!
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How much for hot dogs?
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Are you familiar with Glock? I've heard of said brand, yes. A little bit? So they primarily make their income manufacturing.
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No, like what product? Firearms, yeah. Would you guess the other product that they're known for selling?
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Yeah. There's a lot of money, man. Glock sells pistols and cum. They don't like it when you joke about it for some reason.
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In your defense, they were literally wearing the same shirt today.
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Somebody thought I was Brandon.
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We were all like this.
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Some of the funniest political ads you've ever seen in your life are against him. Cody has a mailer that got sent out to everybody in the district of a cartoon with Brandon's real face on it of a dude wearing an enormous cowboy hat. Brandon Herrera's all hat, no cattle. That's the whole matter. It was so f***ing funny. They're so bad.
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Literally. Let's go Brandon. And now he's currently in consideration to be the new head of the ATF.
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Then I got bored and made Tony the most dishonest politician.
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I thought I was joking, but I was just stating the obvious.
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We're professionals.
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The ATF had to fight the hippos.
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That's coming out soon. You missed a golden opportunity when you were on the phone. Next question, did JFK's head really just do that? No.
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You guys laughed, but Sig figured out how to make them shoot themselves.
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That was a P320 joke, how they just have a tendency to go off on their own.
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And we're going to see what it takes to actually make them go off by dropping them. We have a grain silo that's like four stories high that we're already going to go and throw the Glock and the P320 off of while they're loaded to see if they go off. I guarantee you I can overhand a Glock in a brick wall as hard as I can.
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Two fake sales disproved the JFK narrative.
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All the Chinese guys, holy shit, he's holding a hat up.
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It's impossible to make a Glock go off on accident.
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That's another show yeah a full-on another TV show class neighborhood where an actor that played a Navy SEAL becomes the badass I think it's called Galaxy Quest When we came back and I was like talking to Tyler Mike did you should put the post seal team we should have a
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That's why it's stupid that Glock lost the contract for the new service pistol to whatever they named the P320. It's the same fucking M17. So, like, M17 beat it out for the military contract for the sole reason that Glock refused to put a manual safety on a Glock because it's just fucking quadruple overkill.
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How do you guys feel about Karl Marx? No, I'm just kidding. No, seriously.
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Oh, wait. Did you open, Steven? Yes. Oh, just opened it. Five seconds ago. Did he say all our names? No, it's a TBI for sure. We said all our names. Hold on, I'm going to put a second Purple Heart on your license plate.
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There's been a couple. They also have this thing.
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202 - What REALLY Happens At The Pentagon? Our TOP Secret Mission | Unsubscribe Podcast Ep 202
There was a whole process, apparently.
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Let's go. Well, our unit used to do those. And if you did one, you got to go home early. I fucking hated those. Those are the worst feelings I've had.
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How long have you known Trump?
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Oh, my God, I love the enlisted so goddamn much.
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What the fuck are we doing, guys? So it's just a normal box.
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Black cherry. Black cherry.
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yeah my my fear was getting stationed at in alaska when i was like it was like oh you were they were gonna send you wherever the army was gonna send you i was like oh please not alaska like i don't my mexican ass would have died did you already like the cold before that no oh oh so that was no no no no that's what i tried so i grew up in the south and so actually i'm a i've been a member of or dependent on the army since the day i was born my dad's retired w3
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Yeah. I mean, I had 120,000, it was like 60 to 120,000 pounds.
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It tastes so much better knowing how much paperwork went into getting it.
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Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!
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I love it. Leadership is something I will always say. I learned from the military and then taking that out and apply it the rest of my life because and then also stress levels are very hard to civilian stresses.
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I'll be the second person to finish the White Claw in the Pentagon.
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Today we're gonna be... I don't know. We're having fun today. We get to interview... A couple of privates and specialists.
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Burn daily. Thank you.
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Yes, Eli. When you think of businesses that are just crushing it, bonker, onset, what's the first thing to enter your mind? That's easy, Eli. A good child labor law attorney. Eli, I said Shopify. What did you hear? Actually, it was the overlooked secret behind the business. Like I said, Shopify. Oh.
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I'm doing great. Thanks for having me. This would be terrifying as like rewind when I was a private or anything. This would have been absolutely terrifying just interviewing Sergeant Major.
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Do push-ups. Oh, I'm so sorry.
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With Brandon this morning, it's like, well, I thought we were training for a fight.
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You have, what, first combat?
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And then got... Do you know, like, Brandon, have you ever read or seen how, like, Ranger School or R.I.P. at that time? That was three weeks, right? It was about three or four weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Three or four. Yeah. You had like, man, you had pre-rip and then rip. My buddy got fucked cause he was, he did pre-rip, which not a fun time.
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And then he got to, uh, actual, uh, for, Oh, his Ranger tab, not the nevermind. He did a pre-ranger, uh, And then when he got there, they had to make him do pre-ranger again. Now at Benning, he was like, well, I already did this literally like two weeks ago. So when you went in, you were doing how was like rip compared to ranger school for you?
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We're going to hang out for a little bit.
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What was your, like, one of the hardest days you look back on at, like, Rip, and we're like, man, I almost tapped out there. There had to be a couple. Well, I screwed up. Godspeed. When they say smoke you all day, this is like for eight hours. They have no problem just making you do up, downs.
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That's so true. He's like, man, worst day of my life. There I was just cleaning.
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Yeah, it was rough. And you made it. How did you stay in? How high did you get in the Ranger Regiment? Were you Sergeant Major or First Sergeant?
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That's awesome. Did you, Jericho, actually, did you ever know a Jericho? I don't know what bat Jericho's in. Was he a second bat boy? I don't remember. A lot, but he was in, he made, I want to say Sarn Major, or first Sarn at least, too.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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I was like, you guys probably knew each other. Avocado definitely.
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How many deployments did you end up doing with? I think it was 13.
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That is a lot of war. Yeah. That is crazy. And Sergeant Major Mullinax? That's right. Thank you so much for your time, man. This has been great. Truly, truly a pleasure, brother. I'm glad you know a couple of the same people.
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How was it like, oh, these guys are coming on and they're bringing white claws. What was your reaction to that? It's like...
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That is as military as it gets where it's like, hey, you're going to have to do this. Why?
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What if this is just hazing? I didn't think about that. Has it made us just fucking with you?
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It's weird coming from any... I'm sure a lot of the viewers, if they're veterans or even active, like the level of all of you and then just a bunch of... Degenerates. Yeah. Retards. Yeah. There's so many words for it.
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Exactly. It's still... That makes it more solidified. Makes it worse. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, a majority did. They had different walks and then...
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Yeah. And it is an awesome experience. It is. Also, yeah, yeah. wild, wild experience for any of us because none of us have done, we've never been here. It's a daily activity for you.
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i gotta win you told no one no i had to win obviously i also wore a tuxedo tank top probably also a first in the pentagon is this the first yeah for any occasion we're gonna claim everything we were talking about the intro we're gonna do we did you go poop yet
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That's one thing everyone was like, do we all?
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That would 100% go in the studio forever.
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That's ours. You just have that retweet with a hand up.
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Oh, no. I mean, this is going to go, I mean, a lot of people, you're going to see, you're going to be hit up by family members, and they'll be like, oh, shit, I saw you on that. For the good or the bad, we'll see. It's the bad.
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it's the new if you're actually figuring stuff out and doing it right it is like how do you talk to the new generation it's not through a bunch of old people being like this is what the kids want to hear absolutely right i don't even know what the kids want to hear i like show is a decade younger than me and she knows what like a way better than any of us brandon's Like, in touch.
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On Twitter, X. Everyone has their roles, but it's a wild experience. And then you guys are... Cody's like, Cody gets his own Twitter.
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Yeah, that is. And then you got to see the complete change and then going from like civilian time army or peacetime military to wartime military and back to peacetime military, which, how was that? Just wild?
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Brandon was born. He still looks younger than me.
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What is the fastest for a lot of the Sergeant Majors? What is the fastest track you can take for that? Where you're like, dude, that guy made Sergeant Major in 12 years, 14 years. You know what?
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That's a coveted position that we have found out a lot of the guys are like. How long is SMA right now? Weimer been?
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Yeah, that's a good meeting him. We were like, blessed meeting that dude. And then he just clicked with us instantly. He dropped his dip can in that big meeting. Yeah, he dropped his dip can. I was like, oh shit, here. He's like, you know what that means?
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I, it's awesome. Like experiencing any of this. Was this one of your, uh, the first time going to the Pentagon or getting stationed here? Was that something in your like wheelhouse was like, Oh, I want to do that. Was that just like falling told?
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No shit. So now you have to build out the... Because I know like... But you just build out the mock units and then the layout, and now it's just doing it with VR and orientation.
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It's like... That flag on the play. They're leaving the hard drive. It's like, no!
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Yep. Done. Done. That's the biggest worry. They're like, no, they can't. We're just like, we'll offer one to every sergeant major that steps up.
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No. No.
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The best teacher.
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Wait, hold the shit on. Wait, ask him about his drink.
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Okay. There's going to be that technical difficulties.
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You are the first one that you are. You had some fun classes.
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So if you don't know Brady, do you? No, I'm lost. Halo, so Halo, scuba. Combat diver, right?
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Usually it's one or the other. You got both schools?
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That's crazy. We have I mean, everyone came from different walks of life in the military at the table. I joined like, oh, well, Brandon. Smart civilian side. But if you Google him.
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I've heard fantastic stories about dive school.
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Dude, three weeks would be like, what was the worst experience in that?
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Dude, that is. And you're just swimming in open water?
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And then you did Halo before Tunnels, right?
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Oh, okay. I was wondering about that.
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Dude, once you start rocking, you just go...
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I didn't say it. I was just like, ah.
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Dude, we always try to explain it, but... Uh, originally with the halo school, you'd have to do the, the boards. So you just literally your training for falling out of a plane was here's a board with wheels and you just have to roll around on your belly. And then they throw you out of. That is a wild, like, I could not wrap my head around that.
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And that is full.
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And that school, how long was that school?
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Okay, I was like, what else are you hiding right there?
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I was like, you're just stacking it up. No. What year did you end up joining?
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Sergeant Major at the Pentagon. Yeah, absolutely. What are you doing with the military?
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What is, like, with actually using weapons, you have your M4s, everything like that. I actually want, from your perspective, with shotguns getting implemented more with drone warfare. Because that is the one thing I looked at. I was like, man, this is going to be, you're going to start training soldiers in a completely new area. Okay.
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What was one of your favorite pieces of military equipment you got to use? Let's see here.
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Very light. What was the round for that? Is that the 338? I don't know.
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Did you get to shoot the 8.6?
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That one. Oh, 8.6 blackout? We know the guy, don't we? We know the guy, yeah. It's like the 300 blackout in 8.6 because you all worked with him for... Those guns and everything. Stuff. Yes. Stuff. Stuff. But when we first shot that rifle in that round, we were like, yo, what? It's a subsonic.
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It is a big boy round, but we could mag dump it and all keep on target.
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These are in a, it's subsonic crown, but it is still, they're hunting, uh, like water Buffalo. Yeah. And it's subsonic dropping them with no, um, so it, but it's using, um, it's one to three twist rate. Yeah. Okay. So it's just center crazy.
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We're going to do that later this year. We're excited to go do that. It was the people hunting data that gets you in trouble.
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He has a large property. Like a large, large property. Like, dang. Well.
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We talked about it. We're interrupting your guys' work.
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I was so thankful you guys actually got us White Claws. Like, seriously. We appreciate that.
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Just going that through. Sir, can you sign this?
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I'm just living the dream.
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By the way, thank you so much for being so helpful with a lot of things. Even the video, the doc you did on, what is it? Habitually Fat. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. That was hilarious.
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We were told there is an SMA. What is it? Shut the fuck up. No, we're making this happen.
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It's like AI has no idea.
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So, yeah. Yeah, this is a wild experience for us. All of us, because it was like starting out as dumb jokes and it's like, hey, let's tell some military stories or have fun. And then all these crazy sons of bitches out there.
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17 Army Achievement Medals. He's got a Medal of Honor. He's got six names. But are you a public affairs officer? Have you been to the Defense Information School? Let's do it. I'm looking at the audience.
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What is the Sergeant Major of the Army? What is that award or whatever? What is it?
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He's already raised $100,000 for veterans last two months ago.
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I know, but dude, I will stand at parade rest for you if you get... I'd rather you drop the hard R. Dude, I will lock up so fast for you. Like, who's our major? And we can call... Like, with that, are they called to our major?
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This is great.
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We've got the 250 coming up.
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Dude, being an E4... They're just not like us, I guess. How is being an E4, like... Is there an E4 here?
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I never thought about that. Not a soul has ever listened.
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You're writing a new memo in your head right now. That was a mistake.
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We weren't expecting you. I was like, hell yeah.
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You probably shouldn't do this, folks, man.
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I'll just do that. A lot.
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To your testament, it was. Him being able to film a video that fast with that turn in, that was the first time. That was insane. Dude, and it was like, holy shit, that is good change. That is the change everyone would be happy to hear. It is, look, this got done quickly. That is wild. And now even what you're saying is like, hey, we're listening to the line.
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And it's actually going to be listened to really quickly at the top. And you guys are...
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you know everything's from the soldiers perspective with these guys it's it's it's great to be a part of it's why i stayed in the army because i know these guys are trying to make this change it is and when you say like general george is a soldier first and he cares that is i this is clint romashay medal of honor recipient from he's like hey it's george that long distance running machine i'll always remember how he put his career on the line to take care of my guys
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that's a medal of honor recipient praising the leadership that's in charge of everything which is awesome yeah fucking awesome and then what we've seen on our end is like again it's like that super fast it's for the first time ever i was like holy shit this is wild oh like when we have lunch and he's like i love cutting through red tape yeah And you guys are big on that.
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You're like, we need to talk about the da-da-da-da-da.
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Let's make a difference in the right way. And now you've got the 250th coming up, which you're putting on a huge... Big time. Huge event for that one.
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Dude, that would be wild. I mean, we would be down to do... I'll volunteer myself.
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We just go chaos for it. Dude, that would be amazing. Do you guys have any more planned for it as it leads up or is it still in the works?
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They force it. What can we do for Brandon to get him, like, an official military position?
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What was it like first meeting, what you met Brandon and I at the one event, and then you stayed in contact a little bit, but then you started watching, or is it your son that was super into Fat Electrician?
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And then it was just, what was that next step for you? Were you like, I'll actually listen to these guys maybe on some of the, or get involved? Because that was mind-blowing to all of us.
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Brandon's trying to get out of this mess. I'm squirming. I'll just, you know, pivot this way, and then we'll be gone.
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This is the purpose of the community that was built. I would drink. I'm out also. But it was, hey, let's actually give back, help others for everything that they've given us. And then also just have fun and then let them be part of that.
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But for first, it is the mission of like, hey, let's help others first and foremost, help whoever we can, whether it's veterans, whether it's autism, special needs. It's like, hey, let's just do that. That
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cost us time that's it but it makes a really big difference and then it's all them also being able to help with that which is awesome awesome and now we get to talk to individuals like yourself which is in places like this which is wild and then that's an awesome word for that yeah yeah well thanks for coming i mean it's really cool that you guys came and this will be uh
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Army? U.S. Army man?
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Oh, in San Antonio. So we filmed it, but we're super excited.
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A living room. With booze everywhere.
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Hey Brandon, you ever wake up in your bed feeling like you just fought in a war? Yeah, what do you ask?
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