Bryce Crawford
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
What's going on guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Bryce Crawford podcast. I'm Bryce and today by the title of the episode, you guys know we're going to be talking about how to overcome anxiety. This is something that's near dear to my heart and I want to share this before we get into this. This is the heart of every podcast episode we do, not just this one.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Where am I going to go after I die? We're going to cover all of this. The first scripture I want to talk about right now is Proverbs 12, 25. where it's laid out pretty clear, anxiety weighs a man's heart down, but a good word makes him glad again. It is no doubt if you struggle with anxiety, I think we can all universally agree that it is wear and tear on your mental and physical.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I mean, it is no doubt, it does something to you physically. When you're anxious, you don't wanna leave, you're worried, you're confused, you don't wanna make the wrong move, so it's like you just wanna stay in bed, you wanna rot, and it kinda can put you in a depressing mood, anxiety can, and then mentally, like it just drains you, man, you just get tired.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Physically and mentally, and it's so draining. And Proverbs is right. Anxiety weighs a man's heart down. But I love the back half of this verse. It says, What could a good word be? There's no amount of self-help books that you can use to make your anxiety go away. There's no amount of alcohol that can numb the pain of your anxiety. There's no amount of drugs.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I don't want you guys to ever think I'm preaching to you. Oftentimes the things I'm saying every time are stuff that I need to hear. So rather the podcast episodes, these are just an invite of things that the Lord is teaching me and things that I'm learning about myself and situations I'm going through. And so today we're going to be talking about anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
There's no amount of sex that can numb the pain of your anxiety. So what is the good word that's gonna make your heart glad again? The good word is the good news of the gospel.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
The fact that we have a suffering God that understands our anxiety, that understands our worry, because he lived in the sinful, wicked world that we did, except perfection humbled himself and became a human and lived a perfect life in this crazy, sinful, suffering, wicked world.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
And then he died on the cross, defeating our anxieties, defeating suffering, defeating worry, defeating sin, all on the cross. And then he resurrected. resurrected from the dead, defeating death, defeating sin, defeating suffering, defeating anxiety. The good word is that. It's the gospel. The gospel has this generational impact from old to new.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
It doesn't need to progress and adapt to society's culture, and it doesn't need to revert and retract or remove a little bit less. It has generational impact before us and after us to come. The gospel is good news every day. It's not something we listen to one time. We go, all right, I know this. I don't need it anymore. No, the gospel is good every day.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
And to be honest with you, the days that Bryce is having a sucky day, the days that Bryce is having anxiety creep on him, the days that Bryce sins the most, the days that Bryce is having a hard time is the days that Bryce doesn't preach the gospel to himself. I have to preach the gospel to myself every day. And this is a call to you. You've got to preach the gospel to yourself every day.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
The gospel is good news, and the gospel, love for Christ, love for what he did for us, should be our driving factor. Anxiety, fear about the outcome of something, fear that no one loves me, fear that I'm not valuable, fear that I'm going to do this, fear that this is going to happen to me, is all trumped by the fact that Christ handled it all.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Anxiety directly correlated to fear, but this fear can be fizzled out when we know the truth of who Christ is and what he's done for us. It's powerful. And that directly correlates to 1 Peter 5 and Psalms 55, 22. What do both of these scriptures say in common? Cast your anxieties on the Lord. Cast your burdens on the Lord.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
What does it mean when the Bible says cast your anxieties and burdens on the Lord? It means give it to him. Here's a story from Luke chapter eight that I think correlates well with these verses. See, Jesus says to his disciples, hey guys, we're gonna go to the other side of this lake. They go, okay. They get on a boat. They start sailing to the other side and the storm arises. Jesus is asleep.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
This crazy storm arises. This is and that, blah, blah, blah. And they think that they're about to die and they wake up Jesus because they're like, dude, are you kidding me? You're asleep in the storm. What are you doing, Jesus? Do something, we're about to die. He gets up, he calms the storm and he looks at them and he says, why do you have little faith?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Now, when we read this passage, we go, oh man, Luke chapter eight, man, why did Jesus, like, that's kind of insulting. Why did Jesus say, why do you guys have little faith? No, the reason he asked that question is at the very beginning, before they get on the boat, he tells them that they are going to the other side. He goes, hey, we're going to the other side.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
God set me free of crippling anxiety right when I was 17 years old, the moment I encountered the Lord. But I'd be lying to you if I told you that I don't have anxiety that creeps up on me. So we're going to look at scripture and what Jesus says about dealing with anxiety and look at a specific passage in the Bible where we see the disciples go through deep anxiety and what Jesus does about it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
They get on the boat, the storm comes, and they're not even focused on the promise that Jesus has given them. They're focused on the storms and trials and the anxieties. I'm about to die. What's going on? And Jesus says, no, no, no. It doesn't matter how hard the storm gets. It doesn't matter how hard the trials get, how hard you suffer. If I've made you a promise, I'm going to fulfill it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I'm going to fulfill it. And so when the Bible tells us to cast our anxieties on God, Psalms 55, 22, cast our burdens on the Lord, it's saying give it to him because he's already handled it. God, thank you that you're a promise keeper. Thank you that you got this under control. And thank you that you answer my prayers and my situations, whether I like the answer or not. God, you've handled it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Thank you for who you are. Thank you for the cross. I love you, Jesus. That's what it means to cast your anxieties on him. Matthew 11, 28, Jesus says, come to me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. The reality of anxiety and pressure is that you were never meant to build the pressure. The reality of this is that you were never meant to handle the pressure and anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
So give it to him. Jesus' yoke is easy and light. That's the crazy thing is the yoke was a farming tool that you put on. It was like a heavy farming tool. And whenever you're trying to carry this anxiety, carry the burdens of your life, carry your sin, whatever it may be on your own, it weighs you down.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
But when it says take on the yoke of Christ, the yoke of Christ is actually removing the burden of anxiety and sin and suffering and giving it to him. That's the yoke of Christ. Putting on Christ's yoke is actually giving him all your junk. And that's what gives us rest, knowing that he's handled it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Knowing that he is a perfect almighty God that humbled himself and came down on this earth so that he could bear the burden because he did on the cross. And we got to give it to him. Why are we still carrying something that was killed on the cross? Why are we still carrying this junk that was killed on the cross and defeated when he was raised from the dead? Philippians 4, 6 through 7.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I love this verse. We're going to break this down. Paul writes, now keep in mind where Paul is writing this from. Philippians is considered the book of joy, and he's writing this from prison, okay? He says this, do not be anxious about anything.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to god stop right there before we read verse seven what is he saying he says do not be anxious about anything but in everything okay not just anxiety but with everything prayer and supplication there's a call for prayer and supplication and importance of this we made an episode on the power of prayer a while ago you guys can go check it out but not just for anxiety prayer praying to god and asking god to do something specific about your situation
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
But specifically with anxiety, he's asking us to pray. Pray to God. Talk to an all-knowing God. There is an action step on us. Yes, God knows exactly what we're going through, but he wants us to go to him because it's personal and there's a relationship. Go to him. Pray to him. What does supplication mean? Supplication literally means to ask God to do something specific about your situation.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
God, I'm anxious about this. God, do something about it. I'm your child. You said you would take care of your children. Do something about my situation. And then the back half, with thanksgiving. When we make requests known to God, we do it without grumbling or moaning or complaining about our situation. Despite the outcome, whether it's what I want to hear or not, God, thank you for who you are.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
It's going to be super cool. I'm going to end the episode in a unique, different way, but I'm going to pray into the episode just asking God to move in our hearts today as we listen to it. So Jesus, thank you for today. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for the cross. God, thank you that. All of our anxieties and worries, you've handled it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Thank you for what you've done for me. Thank you for the cross and thank you that you've handled it. I love you, Jesus. Amen. Let your requests be made known to God. Then verse seven, this is what I love about it. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Jesus Christ will give you a peace that does not make sense to your brain, but will totally flood your heart with love and peace and tranquility and contentment. The peace of Jesus Christ will totally offend your brain. It does not make sense to your brain. but it calms and soothes your heart and makes your heart glad. I have a deep fear of flying, okay? I hate flying. I have deep plane anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Daniel, Josh, Dylan, they all make fun of me. They crack jokes at me because we fly all the time and I have deep fear and anxiety of planes. It's like the moment I get in the airport, the day before the flight, when I'm on the flight and I was flying back from North Carolina to LA with Daniel and And we were on the plane and we had really bad turbulence. And I'm not gonna lie, I was freaking out.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I was gripping the seats on the handles. I got my eyes closed. I'm shaking a little bit. Maybe it might've shed a couple tears if I'm being completely vulnerable. And Daniel's cooling on the flight and I'm freaking out, all right? I'm freaking out. Now, why am I freaking out? It's because I'm afraid. I'm afraid of something that I can't control. I'm afraid of the outcome of the situation.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
And I'm talking to myself right now, like, man, Bryce, I really need to hear this. And then there was a moment on the plane There was no self-help book. There was no amount of facts. It was safer to fly in the air than it is to be on the highway. There was nothing that was helping me in my situation. And I literally go, I need my dad. I need my dad. I need my dad. God, I need you. God, I need you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
God, I need you. And then all of a sudden I wasn't shaking and I wasn't gripping the thing and I was calm. And my tears went from tears of fear and sadness to tears of joy and gladness of Wow, God, thank you that in the middle of this thing that feels unconquerable, God, thank you that you give me this peace. And that was the moment. It was the peace that surpasses all understanding.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
The peace that just does not make sense to my brain because Bryce is deathly afraid of planes, but I'm super calm and composed, not out of my own strength, but I'm calm out of the strength of the Lord, knowing that despite the circumstance, I can't control it. God's got it under control. And God loves me and he'll give me a peace. And all I had to do was just call on to him. That's a crazy thing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
It's like when we go through things and hard times or trials come, it's like, oh, let me call my friend or let me call my mentor or let me make a post on my private story on Snapchat about this to gossip about it. It's like we want to do everything first other than I need my dad. I really need my dad. When anxiety comes, like go to your dad, go to Jesus. God, I need you. God, this sucks right now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Do something about this. Man, this is awful. I mean, really, how many hours do you add on to your lifetime by worrying? You don't add any hours. It's like you lose time, you lose willpower, you lose strength. And the reality of it is there's no amount of worrying that will do anything about your situation. When are we going to understand that worrying doesn't do anything?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Whether we like the outcome of it or not, you've handled everything. So God, thank you for that. We love you. Allow this episode to impact my heart and strength and my relationship with you alongside everybody else listening and watching. God, we love you. Thank you. Praise you. It's in your name we pray. Amen. Guys, we're going to read into the Bible about how to deal with anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Like Bryce, when are you going to understand, Bryce, that worrying doesn't do anything about your situation? Oh, where am I going to go when I die? Christ has paid the price. It's in him that we find eternal life. What am I going to do about money this month? God takes care of his children. Don't be greedy. Just trust in him that he's got it. God, I'm losing my friends.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
What am I going to do about friends? Find friendship in me. God, God says find friendship in me. Look for friends that love me. Good company. I will give you new friends. I will mend your friendships. God, what do I do about my family? My family's broken. I can't do this. God, I got this for you, my child. I got you. That's why I want to close with Matthew chapter six. I'm not going to explain.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I'm not going to break down what each word means and the Greek of this and that, whatever, like we did in Philippians. Instead of praying to close, I'm going to read this passage. And if you're watching this or listening to this, whatever you're doing, I want you to stop right now and let the words of Jesus Christ comfort you in the midst of your anxiety.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life. what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on? Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air. They neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
And which of you, by being anxious, can add a single hour to his life span? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, What shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear? For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. To close this episode, I just want to say,
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
But what exactly is anxiety? Anxiety is directly correlated to fear. And anxiety, I would describe it as the fear of an outcome of a situation, of a person, of something. So anxiety could be correlated with something like, I don't have money to pay my bill. Anxiety could be correlated with, what is this person going to say about me at school? Anxiety could be correlated with,
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
For someone personally that has struggled anxiety for a long time and even had crippling anxiety for a portion of my life, I always thought God was mad at me when I was anxious. And so whenever I heard the words, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, I thought God was shunning me for being anxious. But God isn't mad at you when you're anxious.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
When Jesus says, don't be anxious, he's not shunning you or scolding you. He's actually saying, you don't have to be anxious. You don't have to worry. I've got this under control. So to you, my friend that struggles with anxiety, like you don't have to be anxious. You don't have to worry. Trust in the unwavering and the firm foundation of the words of Christ. He's got it under control.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
How To Overcome Anxiety (EP 83)
I love you guys. Pray this episode to encourage you guys. Be looking forward to next week's episode. We've got an amazing guest coming on. I love you guys. Subscribe to us. Follow us on everything Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Bryce Crawford Podcast. I love you guys. Pray this to encourage you guys. See you guys in the next episode.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of the bryce crawford podcast i'm bryce and today i have a very special guest i'm so excited for this episode we've got pastor judah smith on judah how are you doing so good thanks for having me on bryce yeah i'm excited i want to start off with a completely honest confession okay okay um uh tanner was telling you earlier about how he watched jesus love and barabbas yeah when he became a christian yeah
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I'm talking about something that I believe. I'm talking about something I have faith in right now. And I'm passionate about it because I think it's true. But then when I cut the camera off, it's not that all those things are wrong, but it's at that one piece that I so desire. This intimate, you're real, you're embraced. It feels like it hasn't been there.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And it partially feels like it's my fault. You know? Yep. And that's why I really wanted to talk about this love of God today, because that's that's I feel like part of my part of my issue is I feel like my perception of God's love is kind of warped right now, if I'm being honest. And so I'm just going to I mean, selfishly, this episode's about me today.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I'm like, you know, I want to talk about myself and things I'm going through. Sounds good to me. So it's selfishly about me, but I feel like that God's going to use this for a lot of people. I feel like a lot of people are feeling this way. I feel like that's the truth. You know, like you feel like no one understands how you feel and then you share it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Okay, perfect. Well, this is good. But I want to learn a little bit about you, too. I mean, where are you from? How did you come to Christ? How long have you been a Christian? Those kind of things. Yeah.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And then you're like, actually, everybody feels the same way that I'm feeling right now. Just no one's saying it. So thanks for just ministering to my heart today and letting God use you. My privilege, man. Truly. Yeah. So what is the definition of God's love?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
If you could summarize the definition of God... Which, again, is hard. I mean, you got 1 Corinthians and all this other stuff and things like that, but if you could summarize the love of God in a definition, how would you package it?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Dang. I feel like when I look at society, everyone defines it as love is sex, love is drugs, love is this or love is the butterflies. And then if you don't feel it and it's been so weird to invite you to my personal life this week. literally this entire week I've had close friends, um, family, um, people that are super close to me texting me all across the same issue of, of,
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
this relationship or this thing is falling apart, friendship, relationship, whatever it may be, even things in my own life where it's, I don't feel, this person's not making me feel excited or I don't feel this butterflies. And so it's like, oh, because I don't feel this thing, I'm going to quit. I'm going to give up and I'm going to stop. And I'm going to do this.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I had so many people text me, call me this week. And it was weird because it's like, I'm... These people are calling me saying like, Bryce, like this person in my life, they're not making me feel excited. So because they're not making me feel excited, I'm going to leave or I did decide to leave. And I don't know if I made the right decision.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I'm talking to them on the phone or I'm texting them like, man, you know, we choose to love. We choose to love. And when we choose to love and we show up despite the conditions, it stirs our affections for them. And then I'm sitting here telling these people on the phone and then I'm hanging up the phone and I'm going, dang, I don't even feel God's love right now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I'm in the dry and thirsty land right now begging for a drop of something. And I'm telling these people what to do and I'm having a hard time showing up. And I'm having a hard time, to be honest. And that's what makes me feel like the hypocrite. exactly what you described. God, I'm going to give you everything. And 48 hours later, not everything's there. And I feel like I'm saying that too.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I'm getting convicted. All right, God, I'm going to do this thing. And then I halfway do it. And I'm like, man, am I just human? Or am I a piece of junk? Should I even be talking about this guy? All of these things, I feel like, and again, I believe it. I have so much faith that this guy really is who he says he is. But I'm just kind of sick and tired of my faith being nothing but knowledge.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
My whole faith in 2024 was how much knowledge can I gain? And that's a crummy way to have faith is how much knowledge can I learn about this guy? What was the surpassing moment for you to where it wasn't just in your head, but it was in your heart too? What got past that barrier for you? Yeah, I mean, I think...
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
So Tanner was the one that introduced me to this video a year ago, and I've never heard the gospel communicated in that way before. So I took it and ran with it. So if someone tells me to give a 10-minute gospel presentation at a church, I quote you word from word. So I just want to tell you it has impacted me. I have to make a confession.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Let's go. Thanks for giving me your time. So I guess for you, you came from a long line of Christianity, I guess you could say. So how did Jesus become real to you and not like a pressured thing?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
No, that was... Really, really what I need to hear, because I feel like I have been living in worthy world. I feel like that cartoon character that's got the cloud that only rains over him, you know, like I just got to be honest, because it's like I want to wear the robe. I want to wear the ring.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But then I feel like that if I had a screen over my head that had every thought, feeling, emotion, action I'd ever done, that it would just be, and I am unqualified. I am the last guy that needs to have a microphone. I'm the last guy that needs to be talking about this guy. And all I want to do is close my eyes and picture this man that I have so much faith in.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
That drives me to share Jesus with people and have conversations. And all I can picture when I close my eyes is swords pointed at me from every direction of pressure, of you got to do this. And I just keep falling to the pressure.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
If I got to be this perfect guy, I got to have it all together. And then Bryce makes a knucklehead decision or, or, or Bryce is just, I'm a consistent knucklehead 23 hours and 50 minutes of the day. And, and as I'm being a knucklehead trying to, to manufacture this, this, this love that I'm, I'm wanting so bad, I feel like all I'm getting is the sword. And I, I,
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah, I wear the robe and then it's like somehow it comes. It's not all me anymore. I take it off. And then I got the rain cloud over my head and I can't. I feel I so desire this. Like I was sharing with you, like I've always been passionate about Jesus. Ever since a moment, I surrendered my life to Jesus. And last year, there's no doubt.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I don't know why God keeps having a bunch of people listening to me. I mean, I got tattoos all over my body. I had some dude call me. He goes, dude, why are you preaching, bro? You look like the total opposite of a preacher. And I'm like, I am. I don't know why I do that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And then there's so many people listening and I feel like I did fall to the opinion and the pressure and the, oh man, I gotta do this. And I don't want to feel like that. I really don't. I don't think anybody wants to feel like that. How do you handle the pressure?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I guess that is how I've been feeling because... And it's so crazy that you brought that up. You're like, man, like you were talking about like the public, you know, people that you know about public falls and things like that. And I would look at that and I would go, I'm going to take every step possible to not even crack a door open to whatever a fall looks like. And, you know, I'm doing this.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I got a five minute screen time on my Instagram and TikTok. Yeah. I don't even follow girls. I have five friends. I can count on my hand how many friends I have. I've got 2,000 unread text messages. I've got nine voicemails I haven't listened to. I'm so like, oh my gosh, I want to do this. I want to do this. I just want to love Jesus and Jesus.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I just want to make sure you're my priority and this and that. Sure, it's like maybe you don't understand that Navy SEAL pressure or I don't understand your pressure and you don't understand my pressure and Even I look and I'm like, dang. And there's like a part of me and I'm not even trying to be like, oh my gosh, look at me when I say this. It's like, you just care about people.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And it's like, oh, I want to have the energy and capacity for every person I see. And it's like, I want to tend to their garden. And then my garden's a sloppy mess. And I'm like, you know, it's like, it's like, I want to, I want to help if I can. I want to like do this, you know, oh, you're hurting. Like, how can, can I just give you a hug?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
You know, something that I just want, I'll have an empty glass and like try to drop my last drop. And somebody else's, you know, just trying to like make, like see like, oh, you know, how can I be the light for this person? And I think that's why when I close my eyes, I see nothing but pressure because
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And it's like, I can shut off all the doors and windows and put the shutters and close them and tent all the windows of where every bit of pressure. And it's like, even what you said, even the nice comment, like someone will say something nice to me and I'm just like, thanks. And then I'll like sit on it and I'm like, I don't feel like that's true.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Like, thank you, but I just don't feel like that's true. Or yeah, it's just like, I don't know. I don't want to stop because I love this guy that I'm so obsessed talking about and I really do. I just want, for some reason, I feel like this knowledge that I'm carrying has calloused my heart to this feeling of like feeling God and his love and I also feel like
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I have an amazing family, you know, I have an amazing family, but I would lie to you and tell you that my family doesn't have brokenness and my family wasn't broken and hasn't been broken for a long time, you know, and so I definitely know that there is also a perspective where I'm viewing God partially on. I'm viewing him wrongly.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I'm viewing him like things I've seen or things that have happened to me or things like that. And I want to be able to get over that. I want to, it's like I want to kill that part of me. I feel like this is the one thing that's holding me back is receiving this love that is so clearly displayed and so on the table and it's packaged with a bow on top. And it's like, oh, Bryce, like, here you go.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I'm like holding the gift. I'm like, hey, guys, look at this gift I got. And I feel like, you know, there's part of me that's like, I've got this gift. I know I got it. It's in my hand here. Check it out. And then I'm like, don't. Sometimes it's it's all the knowledge that's driving me.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I don't want that. I would drop all the knowledge right now if I could just know the person and his love. And I know I do. But this dry season, whatever dry, thirsty land of just nothing but swords pointing at me, and I'm still trying to micromanage this. Like, let me keep cutting off all these branches to get in the way. I can't. It just makes me feel weird. You know, like it's weird.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
why do we do this why why do why do we like try to micromanage those questions every day like i i don't i don't know i i don't know i get i guess you make me feel normal wow um thank you you don't make me feel crazy because i feel like i talk to a lot of people that um That kind of tell me that you have to be some type of way. And I don't feel like I match up to that at all. Wow.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I've been trying so hard to... receive this love. And I feel like I'm held back by this knowledge. And I feel like every time I'm like, I got to read this book. I got to do this. I got to do that. Because everyone I talk to is 10 times smarter than me. And they seem so much more closer to Jesus because they know so much more than me. And I feel like I'm just trying to catch up.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But I'm just at my wits end. I don't even care. I just want to... I want to feel this love again that I felt when I was at Waffle House.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I know there are people out there that feel like me, and that's why I'm willing to talk about it. Because I know I'm not worthy. I'm not perfect. I'm broken and unqualified. I mean, shoot, I'm supposed to be an adult, but I can't grow facial hair that doesn't make me look like a creep. I want to say I got it all made, but I don't. And you make me feel normal. Thank you. Thank you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I want to I just want to be that son. I want to feel like his son. I don't want to feel like I'm going to be another statistic one day. And I don't want to feel like I'm just this strong man. Let me strong man. I'm tired of trying to like do it on my own.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
That makes me encouraged. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. That's all I can really say. Thank you. Thank you for who you are and being you and making me feel normal. It's nice. I want to transition into a question that has to deal with different kind of love that I ask all my amazing married guests. Yeah. I listened to my amazing friends on your episode with Girls Gone Bible.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
So I'm going to ask you, you have to give me a different answer. And I'm going to force one out of you. I'm not married. I'm in an amazing dating relationship. My girlfriend's amazing. So I always ask married friends, what is their best piece of dating advice that they would give? And I'm going to quote you on what you said. You said... I can't give good dating advice.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
My wife's way better at that, but I'm going to shake you down for dating advice. I'm always trying to be better.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
So in that nine-year-old time, did you ask for that encounter or did it just kind of happen?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
When you're married, right? You knew that was coming. Amen, amen. I appreciate you. I feel like that is really practical because I feel like the most loved when people ask me questions. Even when you came in here, you have nothing but, where are you from? Or, dude, no way, that's so cool. Or, why do you do this? Or things like that. And I'm like... Oh man, like that is, that is awesome.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Like, you know, it makes you feel seen. It makes you feel seen. And so it's cool because you walk out the very thing that you're telling us to do. So thanks for doing that. Thanks for being that awesome example. And thanks for you doing that.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Really? Is that a good thing? Well, it's not good when I walk outside. The sun, like, blinds me, and I'm like, oh, my gosh.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah, yeah, it's really weird. Like, I thought it wasn't a real thing, and then I started noticing how bad my eyes hurt when I'm in the sun. My girlfriend does like my blue eyes.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Thank you. Well, normally I try to have good eye contact. And then when I met my girlfriend, I was so nervous I couldn't look at her in the eyes. I was like looking everywhere else but her in the face, like looking up at the sky, looking down at my feet, looking at my friends. How long has she been dating? A year. Oh, baby. Yeah, a year.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Well, you know, I had a crush on her all throughout high school. I knew who she was in high school, but she didn't know who I was. And I had a crush on her, like a digital crush. We knew who pretty girls were in the surrounding high school areas. This is unbelievable. It was like before I was a Christian, I knew who she was, and I always thought she was beautiful.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But I never, yeah, she didn't know who I was, became a Christian, You know, Jesus found me. I found God super cool. We're awesome. We're friends. And then, you know, in 2023, Tanner that you met from Washington, he runs a Bible study. She walks in my apartment and I almost crap my pants. I'm like, there is no way this girl is in my apartment for a Bible study.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah. This is how I introduced myself. I go up to her and I go, hi, I'm Bryce. Nice to meet you. She goes, hi, I'm Maddie. I said, I know. That's what I said to her. You think I didn't blow up that moment right there? I know. She's probably like, what? She's like, excuse me? Like, you're a weirdo. And I'm like, but I didn't drop the ball.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And then a couple days later, me, Tanner, Maddie, and her roommate drove through the night to Phoenix, Arizona to the closest Waffle House restaurant.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
to la and all four of us true god waffles yeah yeah and that's on that drive i i was driving and and maddie was in the passenger seat so we were able to talk and tanner would say are you tired bro and i'm like no dude no i can drive us the whole way but it was just because i wanted to get to know maddie so i was pounding energy drinks so i could stay awake just so you get to know me and you really did the whole night yeah the whole there and back i drove i did not let anyone else drive because i didn't want to stop talking to maddie tell me love doesn't work tell me right now
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But yeah, that was so crazy. Yeah, but now we're together and she knows who I am now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
She's slightly older than me by a few months. Same.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah. Wait, when were you born? What's your birthday?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I was going to save you. I was going to save you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
October 22nd. Oh, we're October babies? Yes. October's the best. And then Maddie's birthday's in July.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
This is wild because when you said that, I was like, there's no way. But you look like you were born in October because you're a good-looking dude. Thank you, bro. You're welcome.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah, this is great. But that's kind of how we met. Whoa. But yeah, I was super nervous. I could not look her in the eyes. Super nervous. How long has it been right now as we talk since you've seen her in person? Like when was the last time I saw her? In person. Last time I saw her in person was yesterday. She lives in LA.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
So she moved to LA and I'd already been living in LA and she moved in with that roommate who was already living in LA. And then her roommate was like, you want to come to this Bible study? She's like, sure, let's go.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
She shows up to my apartment and I almost poop my pants because I'm like, there's no way this girl that I thought was so cute since I was a freshman in high school is in my apartment right now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Maddie. Her real name is Madeline. Oh. But she goes by Maddie. You're going to love her. She's amazing. Bro, Madeline? She's the best. My favorite part about her, and this is why she has shown me God's love in a perspective I've never seen before because... You know how when you get close to someone, I think you'll be able to relate because you're married.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I have taken your sermon from 10 years ago and ran with it super hard. So thank you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But the people closest to you, they see the nastiest, worst of you. So being that version of myself in front of someone I'm deeply in love with is scary to me. But Maddie's seen every flaw in me, and she still draws closer to me. And that's why I just love her because I'm like, dang, you just see all my junk. Like, if I need to rant about something, Matty's the first person I call.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Like, you will not believe what just happened. I had my wallet stolen two weeks ago, and it had an AirTag on it. And we're tracking the guy that's got my wallet, like, on Find My Phone and stuff. And I'm, like, not the awesome, gracious, loving, like, amazing, sweet Bryce that everyone sees. I am losing my cool. I'm like, this dude's got my ID. I'm flying in five hours. I need my ID.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah. What is like the most recent way that you feel like God has shown up in a magnificent way in your life or in your friend's life?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I don't even care about the money. I just need my ID. Like I got all this, this and that. And man, he's just sitting there in the car. Oh, come on. Just trying to be calm, calm, cool. we show up and I confront this guy, get my wallet back. It's so crazy. And then it's like, once I get my wallet, I'm like, man, man, life's good today, man. Like, you know, the sun's out.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Like I acted like I just was not cool for two and a half hours. And, uh, and, and she, and I just loved it because she was so loving to me in the moment. And then, you know, later on, she's like, Hey, you know, like, I love you, but that that's not cool. You know, next time maybe, you know, play it. Cooler, better, you know, maybe be a little bit more.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And that's what I love because it's like you can have those hard conversations, but I'm just bragging about Maddie because I don't get to do that often.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
She's the best. She's the best. That's a great story about finding your wallet. How long ago was that?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
two weeks ago like literally this was like not that long ago it fell out of my pocket and this guy just um took it and like like what an idiot like take the air the air tags on the front like dude just pop the air tag out like toss it or just take everything out of the wallet and toss the wallet out but this guy yeah he had it and i was telling maddie like we get there i'm in the parking lot of this this facility
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And it was his work. They were working on a Sunday because we were getting ready to go to church. And I realized I lost my wallet and I'm freaking out. And I'm like, all right, Matty, we got to go find this. And so I'm in the parking lot and I'm getting amped up. I'm like, Matty, I haven't been in a fight since the eighth grade. This dude's about to get it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I'm like telling, I'm like hyping myself. I'm like, if I see this guy, I'm going to fight him. And he's going to get it. And this and that. And we're in the parking lot and I see this guy. And it was crazy because we saw this guy's car earlier. And I was like, maybe it's him, but we knew it was him because his car was there. And I'm like, dude, this guy's going to get it.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I get out, and he rolls the window down, and I go...
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
hey bro you you crazy like there's totally the opposite of what i said i was gonna do and uh and he was like he was like laid off like oh yeah i was gonna he goes oh yeah and he's like patting his wallet he's like patting his pants and then he reaches over and grabs my wallet and you know what was so crazy was like i don't carry cash on me i carry like yeah my credit card my debit card my id and then i have all these letters that maddie has written me that are my favorite and
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
in there and so he had just like i knew he'd looked in it because my stuff was in different places you know what i mean but he probably was like this is the most boring wallet i've ever stolen and was like here you go bro like but but uh but did you still go to church no we didn't because it took forever it took forever so we were because if you still went to church i'd be like wow bro you really are a saint but no i'm the worst because we didn't go to church afterwards no i i think we we got some food after because i was so pumped but like
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I didn't even know like you could lock your card. I didn't even know that was a thing through an app. Anyways, but that was like pivotal moment of like Maddie loving me despite my atrocious breakdown of like somebody's got my wallet. I'm about to rip his vocal cords out. And then I get there and I'm like, oh, hey, bro. Awkward. It says my wallet is in your car right now.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah, you definitely don't. You didn't give me a weird look when I got out of the car to talk to your boss because you totally didn't know that that was my face on my newly updated ID that I got maybe two months ago. So it looks exactly like me and not like the prepubescent 16 year old getting his brand new license. Like, so yeah, that was crazy.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
I look forward to the date night. That's going to be fun.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Dang, I appreciate you. Thank you for giving me your time, for speaking of my heart, man. Like I never cry. So I was bawling my eyes out. I love crying. But that felt good. That was good. And I'm really grateful you helped me process a lot of moving through. And I know this is going to impact a lot of people. So thank you.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Thanks for what you do. And I appreciate you a lot. I love you, man. Thank you. Yeah, guys, thank you so much for watching the episode. Guys, please check out Judah and everything. I'm going to link in the description that Jesus loving Barabbas sermon because when you listen to it, then you guys are going to start preaching verbatim what he's done because I've been doing that and it's amazing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
So love you, Judah. Thank you so much for your time. Love you guys. Subscribe. See you guys in the next episode.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
No, no. It changed my life kind of in a similar way. Like there was a period of time where, I don't know, for me, I guess when I became a Christian, my faith was very emotional and Jesus was real. Right, right. And then something happened where he came very like logical and it was all like facts. Like how much can I know about Jesus to outsmart someone or things like that?
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah. No, I feel like God reveals himself to me when I'm in the shower. Yeah. So it's not weird. You know, it's like it just happens. But yeah, well, I had like my first encounter when I was 17. I don't know how much you know, but I had like an encounter with Jesus in Waffle House. No way. I love Waffle House. Dude, it's amazing. It's amazing.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
It's amazing. I wish we had. Yeah, yeah. I just like how they can sneeze on your food, and it's just good.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah, yeah. This is great. It's like an extra seasoning. Strong ingredients. Yeah, or like a motorcycle's on fire in the parking lot, and you're just like, yeah, I'm at home. I like that. But yeah, I was going there because I was taking it super intense right now. But long story short, I had struggled with depression and anxiety for years.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And I came to a moment where I thought my life wasn't valuable. So I was gonna go to Waffle House for my last meal and I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that stopped me from taking my life. And that's when I made my ask of God, if you're real, take away my anxiety and depression. And he did. I haven't had crippling anxiety or depression for years, which is amazing. Praise God.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
But that was my introduction was kind of like a moment too. And so I can kind of relate to that. I guess for someone like me, I guess something I'm having a hard time with is I feel like lately... I haven't had an encounter in a while. And I know that faith isn't based on encounters and stuff like that. It's nice to have those intimate moments with Jesus.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And so it makes me... I feel like some people think I don't get in my head and I'm not a human being because I...
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
i have a podcast and everyone's like oh you've got a podcast you got everything made up or whatever but the reality is like i'm actually 10 times more broken than people think yeah 10 times going through it as well like everyone and so you know what what do you do when when those moments come when you feel like you're in a drought of you you feel like you can't feel god because everyone wants to feel god and i feel like i'm in that right now absolutely
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
And then Tanner had shown me Jesus loving Barabbas and I would listen to it every day and I go hunting. So I'd be hunting and I'd have my AirPods and listening to your sermon on a repeat because it made Jesus so real to me. And so that's kind of what I want to talk about. I want to talk about God's love because I feel like that's something I'm still struggling with today. Wow.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Is viewing God as a loving Father, viewing God as God's love, receiving God's love. So I really want to talk about that today. Sounds good to me.
The Bryce Crawford Podcast
The Judah Smith Interview (EP 84)
Yeah. That speaks to my soul. I feel like whenever, I don't know, it's kind of hard because there's The fuel to my passion is Jesus, just what he's done in my life and who he is. And I guess sometimes it does make me feel like a hypocrite when I'm talking about Jesus. And I'm just like, man, I'm like, cut the camera off. And I'm like, dude, I can't even feel this guy.