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The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1506 - Why Derek Chauvin Deserves a New Trial (And Will Win It)


From a flat earth point of view, I've always been mindful that the government isn't always truthful and that's been with me for years. When I was age 20 I read a book by Vance Packard called Hidden Persuaders which opened my eyes to the invisible forces that are controlling how we think and

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1506 - Why Derek Chauvin Deserves a New Trial (And Will Win It)


You know, from the top of North America, a couple of thousand miles, it changes two hours, another couple of thousand miles, another two hours. Then you get down to Yeshua and then you get onto Drake's passage in the ship and it leaps 16 hours. over across 500 miles. I think 600 miles maximum between Yeshua and when you get to Antarctica, supposed continent of Antarctica. So it's a mind game.

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1506 - Why Derek Chauvin Deserves a New Trial (And Will Win It)


It's a mind F if you don't, you know, they get on the boat and so they'll be looking up at the sun and they'll look at their clock and they go, my goodness me, what a magical place, you know, and it's not magical at all. It's basic common sense. I'm asking

The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1506 - Why Derek Chauvin Deserves a New Trial (And Will Win It)


a question of the powers that be, please really explain to me why you have made the time zones go two hours, two hours every few thousand miles, get down to Yeshua, then it's a 16 hour. time zone difference. What's that all about? Why?