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Payton Moreland


Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und jetzt hat Susan drei Leben zu schützen, ihre und ihre zwei Kinder. This is all while Jeff lived his life doing whatever he wanted, including dating women. Like he would just cheat all the time. He gave Susan an STI that he had gotten from one of the women he was sleeping with. It's really so much for Susan or anyone to bear.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And with Jeff literally threatening to kill her if she tries to leave again. That's when Susan realized. And this is Garrett literally just said this. auf der letzten Woche. Aber Susan kommt zu dem Verständnis, er wird mich nie in Frieden lassen. Ich werde sterben. Also ist es entweder... Killed or be killed, man. Also am Abend des 13. Januar 2003 würde diese Entscheidung gemacht werden.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So that evening, Jeff came home from his weekly boxing lesson with a look in his eye. Susan knew it all too well. Jeff was high on cocaine. And that's when he started taunting the now four-year-old Bradley, trying to get him to box with him. Jeff began taking jabs at the little boy's face, eventually hitting him pretty hard on the cheek.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And the more Bradley tried to run away and resist the fighting, the more Jeff was badgering him, calling him a sissy. Oh, I'm sure that went over amazing. Okay. Insane, dude. She was scared of what was coming next because this was a really, really bad fight. And when she opened her eyes, according to her, Jeff is holding a knife above her. This has escalated to that point.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So Susan did the only thing she could think to do at that moment, which she hadn't really done. She fought back. She kicked Jeff. She actually managed to grab the knife from his hands and she just began stabbing him in the bedroom while her kids are in the other room.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I actually posted a picture of his eyes super swollen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So, as soon as she gets the knife, she's stabbing him over and over again. She stabs him in his chest, his neck, his stomach, his legs, his genitals. Holy crap. Everywhere on his body.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Well, 193 wounds on his body.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Wahrscheinlich nur Zähne und Stabben zusammen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


according to susan she like fully admits now something came over me and i couldn't stop like once i started i did not stop okay um i mean i don't blame her i don't know and you have to like this story is just like it was a kid in the room In the room, in the next room. Okay. The reason that Susan stopped stabbing is because she hears a little knock on the door. Got it.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And Bradley is asking if everything's, are you okay? Now Jeff is already dead, but Susan wasn't convinced. So she hid the knife. She wiped the blood off herself. She walked Bradley back to the bed. She tucked him in. She said, everything's fine. But in the back of her head, she's like, what if he's alive? Like, what if he's alive? What if he's going to get up, you know, on the movies? Yeah.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So as soon as the kids are back tucked in, she goes back to the kitchen, she grabs a brand new knife, she goes back to the bedroom and stabs him several more times.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So this comes to a grand total of 193 wounds. And this is why I opened this.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Because this case is complicated and you now understand why trial is going to be probably the biggest part of this case. Because you do have... Eine Frau, die verletzt wurde, die sich wohl fühlte, als kämpfte sie für ihr Leben. Aber diese Selbstverdienung hat 193 Schmerzen. Kann man Selbstverdienung in der Gerichtssitzung argumentieren?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


When you say kill or be killed, you will never be a part of it.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So Susan is done now. And she's like, oh.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


How is she going to clean up this mess? Get her husband out of the house without anyone knowing? The only thing she could think of was a dolly that they had outside. So she goes out.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I told you this case is going to be complicated.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Sie, I'm trying to just give you the facts as is. I'm trying to give you Susan's history and background and the reality of her life, but also give you how horrific this murder was, how she had thought about killing him before. Does that make it premeditated? Even though it was self-defense, it is so complicated. So she brings the dolly into the bedroom.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She pushes Jeff off the bed and onto the cart and she wills him into the backyard. Conveniently, Jeff had dug his own grave just a few months earlier. There was a hole in the backyard that he had dug because he was planning to install a fountain, but he hadn't done it yet. So Susan dragged him off the dolly, put him in the hole and then covered it with dirt.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Aber selbst als die 26-jährige Susan, so jung, ihre Atemzüge getroffen hat, hatte die Realität der Situation noch nicht gesunken. Sie sagte, selbst an diesem Punkt war sie fürchtet, dass Jeff nicht tot war. Und ich denke, dass das herkommt von ihrer Lehrerin, die versucht hat, die Anzahl der Angst zu argumentieren.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, die Anzahl der Angst, die sie hatte und wie das beobachtet, dass das Selbstdefense ist.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es macht total Sinn, dass das nicht passieren kann. Ich meine, sie sitzt nicht hier, panikierend, und sagt, oh, schau, wie komme ich davon?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yeah. So she actually goes back inside. She sits on the couch. She stays up all night, a knife in her hand, staring at the door.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Just to make sure that he doesn't get up and come back in. Again, according to her story and her lawyer. For the next few days, Susan says she remained in a hazy fog, just on autopilot. But Jeff's parents obviously knew something was wrong. Oh nein. Oh nein. Was in ihrer Meinung ist, sie versucht jetzt, was sie gemacht hat zu öffnen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich würde sagen, dass ich viele Haartransplantationen verfolgt habe, wie Gernys, als Garrett seine Haartransplantation gemacht hat.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Also sie ist so, wenn ich seinen Eltern sage, dass es Blech in der Bathroom oder im Bett war, dann, wenn die Polizei den Blech findet, werden sie nicht denken, dass es ich war.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich denke, sie ist einfach in.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, ich meine, ich weiß nicht, ob ich so weit gehen würde, aber es ist so, was machst du? Okay. Also, ich meine, 190 Schmerzen, wie kannst du das den Polizisten erklären? Ja, ich verstehe das. So to the rights, his parents, this just doesn't make sense. They're like, Susan's acting weird. Why would he have poured bleach? This is not right.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And Susan actually told this same story to Jeff's boss when he called later that day looking for him and then also to a neighbor who called to check in. And after hearing the story, the neighbor told Susan she should file a report with the police because the entire situation sounds like domestic abuse. She's like, well, if Jeff really did that, you should go file a police report.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Which was actually something Susan took them up on the following afternoon, so January 15th. So this is two days after cleaning up the crime scene and emptying the joint bank account she shared with Jeff. Susan walked into the Harris County Constable's office.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, nein, es sieht gut aus. Ich würde sagen, deiner sieht besser aus.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Da hat sie ihnen die selben Geschichten erzählt, die sie mit den anderen geteilt hat, insbesondere die Tatsache, dass er ihren Sohn an der Nacht des 13. war. Sie hat ihnen auch Bilder auf ihrem Telefon gezeigt, die sie hatte. Sie hat den Polizisten gesagt, sie wollte eine Verabschiedung von ihrem Mann für sie und ihre Kinder. Und sie hat offiziell einen Domestic Violence Complaint verabschiedet.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay. Jetzt wissen wir offiziell, dass ihr Mann im Hintergrund in diesem Moment verurteilt ist.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yeah. So by January 18th, the pressure was too much for Susan. Everyone's calling. Everyone's asking, where's Jeff? Where's Jeff? And it was only a matter of time before someone would come to the house. and noticed things were wrong.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And that evening presented another huge hiccup for Susan because their dog had been in the backyard digging at the grave and he had allegedly exposed a part of Jeff's head.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Well, he had also chewed off Jeff's hand and she found the dog gnawing at it on their patio.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So that's when Susan was like... I've got to get out of here. So she grabbed the kids, she threw them in the car and she went to stay with her mother. When she got there, Susan's mother finally confronted her about it. She's like, where's Jeff? Did you do something to him? And Susan confesses to her mother that she murdered him. Now, I can only imagine what it was like for Susan's mother.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I'm sure she's in panic. She tells Susan, go send the kids to stay with Cindy. That's their aunt, her sister. And we are going to find an attorney.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yes. Well, I mean, as the mom, you're like, listen, you're not going to hide. You're going to admit to the murder, but we're going to find you an attorney first. So... They lock in on a guy named Neil Davis. And before going to the police, she tells her attorney everything, which we talked.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But we don't want a murderer getting an attorney before. But you also... Ja, ich weiß nicht. Das ist...

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So Neil Davis, she tells him everything. Listen, like, I don't know what to tell you. Not only did I kill him, I stabbed him 197 times. I snapped. She's like, I snapped. Enough was enough. I could not take it anymore. She said, I thought he was going to kill me and the kids if I didn't kill him first.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So only hours after confessing everything to her mother and attorney, Neal Davis was walking into the Harris County District Attorney's office and he said, if you go to the address, you will find a dead body in the backyard. Now, when the police pushed for more details, Neal said, nope, attorney-client privilege, but hey. When a lawyer says there's a dead body somewhere, the police are gonna go.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So he's like, I'm not telling you any details, but I'm just letting you know this is us officially turning in that a crime has been committed.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But he doesn't make her go in.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


The police do. They send a team down to the home and sure enough, after barely scanning the backyard, they found him partially buried. His head, his arm and shoulder at this point were exposed. He's also completely naked, aside from the neckties around his wrists and a sash from a bathrobe. Ja, genau. Und wenn sie in den primären Zimmer kommen, sieht es aus, als hätte ein Tornado geschehen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es gibt alles. Es gibt frische Farbe, Blech. Ein riesiger Teil des Körpers hat von dem Boden ausgeschnitten. Es sieht aus, als hätte jemand versucht, jeden Teil der Beweise, die sie finden konnten, zu nehmen, aber es hat nicht sehr gut funktioniert. Es gibt immer noch Blut auf den Körnern.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich bin so gespannt, was das Gericht sagt, was für eine Schlussfolgerung sie kommen, weil ich weiß, welche Schlussfolgerung ich denke, ich komme, aber ich kann sehen, dass das Gericht beide Wege gezwungen wird, um ehrlich zu sein. So, this whole thing is a disaster. Should be a pretty open and shut case when you consider the evidence. Like, they have enough evidence.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Our sources for this episode are,,,,,,,,,, and A lot of sources. Okay, so... No matter how big or small a case, how violent or discreet it all may have been, in the end, the entire investigation typically amounts to one big finale.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


They have a giant hunch about who's done it, obviously. So they call the lawyer back and they say, any chance your client Susan weren't right? And he's like, yep. And he says, she will not be speaking to police though, because she's been checked into a psychiatric ward at the hospital. The mental break that she has suffered and originally started on the night of the murder has not subsided.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She's still not convinced that he's fully dead and she still believes that he could come for her at any moment.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


The police are like, oh gosh, is this a lie? This is the pros of getting a lawyer before you turn yourself in. Because whether it's a lie or not,

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She's in a mental hospital. Yeah. Because she still thinks her husband's going to kill her. Because she thinks her husband's going to kill her, yeah. So the police are like, okay, we get what you're saying. And we get that this is obviously going to, she's not denying the murder. So this is going to be a self-defense murder case.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And also they discovered the injuries were so violent that the tip of the knife had actually snapped off and was still lodged inside Jeff's head. So she was stabbing his head.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But they find something else in the autopsy that's going to throw a wrench into her case. It's actually gonna be a huge part of the debate. Sie finden rotes Kandelblatt auf seinem Bein und um seine Genitalien, was nicht mit der Geschichte, die Susan so weit erzählt hat, ausmacht. Ja.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Neil Davis hat an diesem Punkt ein Statement an Susannes Beihilfe geliefert, dass sie von ihrem Mann Jeff verabschiedet wurde, für etwa vier Jahre, bis zu seinem Tod. Okay. Okay. Eine Möglichkeit, die endlich für Susan kam, etwas mehr als ein Jahr später, im Februar 2004. Also, während dieses Jahres, ist sie nicht im Gefängnis? Nein, sie prägt sich für eine Trial.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und als Susan den Stand nahm, war es offensichtlich, dass sie für ein Jahr sehr hart mit ihrem Lawyer für diese Trial prägt. Sie verpasst nicht einen Schlag. Sie eröffnet die gleiche Geschichte, die ich dir vorhin erzählt habe. Das ist die Geschichte, die sie erzählt. How Jeff had come home that night from a boxing match high on cocaine, how he was hitting their son.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


How later that evening in the bedroom, Jeff came at her with a knife in the middle of their attack and she fought back thinking it's either him or me. And that the reason she didn't go to the police right after was because she was having a mental break and still literally confused, thinking that her husband was going to be able to get to her and her kids at some point. Okay, like.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


This hinged on two giant things found on Jeff after he died. Number one, he had ties on his wrists and feet. If a body is already dead, why would you tie the feet and wrists up? You would tie feet and wrists up on a person who's alive to keep them from moving.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Neckties and bathrobe.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


You're thinking maybe just to move him?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Number two, the wax near his groin that does not come up at all in her story.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She thinks this doesn't look like a situation where someone fought back from self-defense. She thinks Susan decided a couple days earlier, it's me or him. He's gonna kill me if I don't kill him. So she lured Jeff into the bedroom, seduced him with what he thought was gonna be maybe... And then started killing him. Tied him up.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And then started killing him.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Dass sie ihn abgesteckt hat, dass sie den Wachs auf ihn hat, dass es ein ganzes Ding war und dann den Knopf bekommen hat und ihn gestabbt hat.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, aber es passiert.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja. Und auf der Oberfläche von ihr, was ein schwierigerer Ort ist. Es ist möglich.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Also wenn du auf dieser Dürre sitzt, denkst du, das ist ein bisschen unwahrscheinlich.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay. So, this is where the prosecution comes in. They said, yep, we agree that she murdered him. We're not even really arguing that she wasn't abused by him. What we're arguing is that this was not self-defense, this was premeditated murder.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


They said it had nothing to do with protecting her children. They actually said, and they brought her past of dancing into the trial, like trying to smear her reputation, you know, make the jury think different of her. They said, also Jeff had a $200,000 life insurance policy. And what was she going to do? How was she going to provide for her kids?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And that is the courtroom hearing. A trial is supposed to be the most critical part in the justice system machine. But at the same time, It's theater, right? And you hear Garrett talk about this all the time and how annoying it is. A good performance by either the accused, a witness, an expert, or more importantly, the counsel, can make or break a juror's opinion of the case.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Which the prosecution even called a witness to support. Kevin Conboy was a co-worker of Jeff's and he recounted a time just a week or so before Jeff's death, where Susan called the office. He said he could hear Susan screaming over the phone at Jeff, asking him whether or not he completed the insurance policy paperwork. So a week before she murders him, a co-worker...

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


is coming forward saying she called him at work complaining about the insurance policy that's a $200,000 payout. I don't know.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So Kevin says Jeff even ended the call saying, if I die, like as a joke saying, if I die, you'll be a very rich woman. So Jeff's brother-in-law... But very rich.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yes, but I mean, how many times do you joke about insurance?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So Jeff's brother-in-law, Brian Roberts, also testified against Susan. He said there was one occasion where he was at their house for dinner and Susan and Jeff got into an argument. He then said Susan, who was using a knife, turned and pointed it at Jeff in a threatening manner.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Which doesn't really mean Susan's lying, but also Brian claimed he never once saw or heard any abuse from Jeff towards his wife or kids.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And the prosecution sort of takes that and runs with it. They say, this relationship could have been toxic, okay, but is this domestic abuse... Or murder. Is this domestic abuse defense exaggerated? Was this something that was conjured up after the murder that was made to be even worse? She created this huge lie about the history of their relationship.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And because Susan didn't file a police report until after Jeff was dead, there's really no evidence of her... going to the police and filing domestic violence report or cops coming, you know how sometimes you have that evidence, doesn't mean it's not happening.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


People come to Susan's defense. A neighbor testifies and says, no, I saw Jeff angrily physically grab Susan a few times. A few friends testified that she had shown up with black eyes. zu Plätzen, die behaupten, es sei nur ein Fall oder ein Kind hat mich verletzt. Andere sagten, sie war völlig verärgert von Jeff. Sie sagten, nein, Susan war verärgert.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Doch ihr bester Freund behauptete, es gab einen Fall, in dem sie verurteilt hat, dass Jeff sie verletzt hat, nach einem Argument an seinem Geburtstag. Es gibt also Zeiten, bevor dieser Mord geschah, in denen sie Menschen erzählte. Okay. Okay. Susan said there's not a simple explanation for it.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She says the wax from the candle came from when she pulled Jeff off the bed that night after killing him, that his shoulder had hit the nightstand and the candle fell over and poured wax on him. She also said the neckties and bathrobes, she never used them to secure Jeff to the bedpost or tie him up. She said those are what I was using to secure his body to the dolly while moving him.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Still, the prosecution had one more trick up their sleeve at trial. One more attempt at proving Susan wasn't telling the truth about what went down that night. And to pull it off, it required them to bring the rights actual bed to the courtroom. And this is where I was saying theatrics and theater. We see this with the O.J. Simpson trial. It's big, okay?

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So on the most shocking day of the trial, Prosecutor Kelly Siegler had the Wrights bloodstained mattress and bed set rolled into the courtroom. Then she asked another young male prosecutor from her team to step up and lie down on the mattress. And then she climbed on top of him to show a reenactment.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay. Sie sagte später, dass der Grund, warum sie das gemacht hat, war, dass man es lebendig machen muss. Das ist ein Quote. Du kannst nicht nur in deiner Schuhe sitzen und mit dem Beobachter im Stand reden und es theoretisch diskutieren. Sie sagte, ich habe mich entschieden, es auf den nächsten Niveau zu nehmen, mit einer Oscar-wertigen Präsentation.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Was hat ihr Arbeiter überzeugt? Welche Geschichte war stärker, die der Verwaltung oder die Verteidigung? Das sind alles Dinge, die die Juristin in Erinnerung stellen muss, wenn sie manchmal das Leben eines Menschen wählt. Aber das Problem mit Verwaltungstheatrischen ist, dass sie nicht immer eine akkurete Interpretation der Wahrheit sind. Sie sind ein bester Wunsch.

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Eine, die für den Jurist genug überzeugend sah.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Some people call it genius, some people call it completely inappropriate, but the jurors called it the truth. After five hours of deliberation, they came back with a verdict. They found Susan Wright guilty of murder in the first degree. She was sentenced to 25 years in prison. Susan has since said that her defense kind of failed her at trial. They had a lot of regrets about how it was handled.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


For example, they failed to call to the stand the psychologist who treated Susan after her arrest. Ja. Ja. Sie hat sogar einen Polizeireport eingeführt. Also gab es Beweise, um es zu beurteilen. Jeff wurde tatsächlich verhaftet und hat die Nacht im Gefängnis verbracht, weil er seine Freundin zerstört hat. Sie sagte, er war kontrollierend.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Sie hat sie im Grunde genommen, ihre Geschichte kontrolliert. Er hat meine jeden Bewegung beobachtet. Der Jurist hat nie das Wort davon hören können. Sie haben nicht von Domestic Abuse Experten gehört. Also ist es so, als hätte sie eine bessere Verteidigung. So in November of 2004, Susan and her new lawyer, Brian, began filing appeals stating that her lawyers were inexperienced and ineffective.

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There was evidence that should have been given at trial. He also argued that Kelly Siegler's courtroom reenactment should not have been allowed, that that is made for TV nonsense and the whole thing was just confusing and how can you... separate acting and dramatizations from what actually happened.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


It took nearly five years, but after a judge also heard Misty Michaels' testimony, this is the ex-girlfriend, they granted a new sentencing hearing for Susan Wright. In 2009, a court ruled that Susan's counsel was in fact ineffective. They shaved five years off her sentence. So in 2020, after being denied parole twice, Susan Wright was released from prison.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yes. Up until 2024, Susan was on intensive supervision. She was required to wear a GPS monitor, had to attend anger management classes, but now she's a free woman. We may never know for sure what happened in the Wrights' home behind closed doors on that night, but Susan said even jail was better than the way she was living before.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und sie hat es den Rednern gesagt, ist es nicht seltsam, dass ich in die Gefängnis gekommen bin, um endlich sicher zu fühlen? Und das ist der Fall von Susan Wright.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Oh mein Gott. Ich denke, Susan ist wütend.

Murder With My Husband

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Okay, ich weiß, dass das wahrscheinlich eine, ich denke, das ist ein bisschen zu viel.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und manchmal braucht es nur ein Oscar-wertiges Reinkommen, um einen Jury zu überzeugen, ob er schuldig ist oder nicht.

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Um nicht getötet zu werden, Gare.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Das ist, wenn das Selbstdefense-Ding ausgenommen wird. Wenn er auf sie mit einem Knife war, dann ist das Selbstdefense.

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I'm not going to say you deserve to die, but maybe. How many times have we seen women in cases who are being abused who don't kill their husbands and end up dead?

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It's a very complicated topic and it's a very complicated thing to go to trial for. When a woman fights back to what I think is provable that he was abusive. People saw it, his ex-girlfriend came forward and basically shadowed her statement. So I think it's pretty safe to say, no doubt that he was abusive. But you also... Ich meine, hat sie einen Mörder geplant?

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Du kannst nicht nur einen Mörder planen und damit wegkommen. Es ist einfach ein komplizierter Fall, ihr Leute. Offensichtlich denke ich nicht, dass wir beide 100% richtig oder falsch sind. Ich denke, dass das einer dieser Fälle ist, der so weit in die Gräbe ist. Es hat einfach nur auf die Jury geachtet. Weißt du, was ich meine? Aber lass uns in den Kommentaren wissen, was du darüber denkst.

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Und wir sehen uns nächstes Mal mit einem anderen Episode. Ich liebe es.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und du hast gesagt... Du hast gesagt, wenn ich zu einem Trial gehen würde, würde ich einen Juden-only-Trial wählen oder würde ich ihn zu einem Jury lassen?

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Und ich habe gesagt, dass es auf den Verbrechen abhängt. Ja. Weil, und das ist wirklich der Grund, warum ich das sage, weil das genau das ist, worüber ich rede. Du kannst einen Gericht viel einfacher manipulieren, als du einen Gericht manipulieren kannst.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


You're listening to an Ono Media Podcast. Hey everyone and welcome back to the podcast. This is Murder With My Husband. I'm Peyton Moreland.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Du musst auf deine dummen Feinden verlangen. Ja. Nicht deinen sehr klugen Gericht, der das täglich macht. Also, heute gehen wir nach Houston, Texas. Where Susan Weisch is born on April 24th, 1976. Susan and her two siblings were brought up in an upper middle class household. Their mother was the textbook definition of a homemaker.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She watched the kids every day, made everyone freshly cooked meals and tended to the home while Susan's father would head off to work each morning. Susan's father was a mechanical engineer by day and then a husband with a temper by night. When he wasn't laying a hand on Susan's mother, he was taking his rage out on his three children.

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As you can imagine, Susan and her siblings sort of had to learn how to walk on eggshells around him, as they put it. When he got mad, they learned to scatter and hide. But for Susan... Okay. Okay. Still, every day when Susan and her siblings left the house, they put on their smiles and went about their business, pretending that nothing was abnormal at their home.

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And he's the husband.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Again, if you are on YouTube right now, you will notice that we are definitely in a different set. If you're on audio, maybe we sound different, maybe not. There's no pop filter on this one, so I hope I'm not popping peas the whole time.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And of course, the weight of it all did end up taking a toll on Susan's grades. But as you probably know where this is going, the relationship with her father and how he acted at home most affected the way she sought attention from other guys. So Susan said she craved male attention and was willing to do whatever it took to get and maintain it.

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So when a boyfriend of hers made some snide remarks about her looks, instead of breaking up with him, Susan dropped 19 pounds to try and please him. Und dann während ihrer Seniorjahre in der Hochschule bemerkte sie, dass sie eigentlich Geld so machen könnte, indem sie die Aufmerksamkeit von Männern sucht, besonders weil sie es mag.

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Und so ist es, als sie tatsächlich einen Job als Tänzer bekommen hat.

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Sie wurde 1976 geboren und jetzt sind wir rund um sie. Nur in der Hochschulzeit. Ich dachte, du hast das gesagt.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Nein, nein. Das ist die Dancer-Route. Und nicht der Typ der Dancer, über die wir gesprochen haben, in der UDA-Kollege-Kompetition. Ja, andersherum. Okay? Das war temporär für Susan, nur ein kurzer Weg zum Ende. Außerdem wollte ich nicht sagen, dass ich nicht tanzen unterstütze, weil ich alles unterstütze. So this though was temporary for Susan. It was just a quick means to an end.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


For the eight weeks she worked as an exotic dancer, she stashed away her cash because she wanted to go to nursing school. Now eventually Susan had enough to begin her education and juggled that with her new job of working in a hair salon. So she danced just enough to rake in some dough and then was like, I'll get a job at a hair salon and I'll start going to school.

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But those dreams of becoming a nurse were too time consuming and expensive for Susan to stay committed to. So she ended up just quitting and working at the salon full time. And then in April of 1997, the 20-year-old Susan went on a trip with one of her girlfriends to Galveston, Texas. And it was during that little vacation that Susan locked eyes with a 29-year-old man named Jeff Wright.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But Garrett's probably going to use why we're... I had a different set for his 10 seconds. But before we jump into that, I actually dropped new Into the Dark merch, which is my solo show, if you didn't know. And I'm pretty sure there's a few left over. So if you were listening and missed it, go over to Into the Dark. The links are everywhere and snag the little last bit of that merch.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Now remember, Susan is 20. She's still very young.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay, I'm just saying. Maybe when you're the type of girl who's trying to please a guy, even at your own expense.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Das war ja der Payton. Ja. Nein, ich musste es aus ihm holen. Also, als sie ihn nach Hause nahm, um seine Eltern zu treffen, liebten sie ihn tatsächlich auch. Er sprach über seine Träume für die Zukunft, wie er hoffte, sein eigenes Carpeting- und Flooring-Business zu starten, das er für ihre Tochter bieten würde. Er würde für sie kümmern. Und Susan war schmerzhaft.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Also, als Susan in den letzten Monaten ihrer Beziehung herausfand, dass sie bereits krank war, She wasn't panicking. She honestly was like, I love him. He's great. He treats me well. The pieces are kind of falling into place. But when she told Jeff, hey, I'm pregnant, he honestly seemed indifferent about the matter. He told her, I'll be fine if you want to terminate the pregnancy. I don't care.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Now, this wasn't an option for Susan. She told Jeff she was keeping the baby. And in October of 1998, when Susan was just a month shy of delivering, the two were married in a tiny little ceremony right outside of Houston. But after their son Bradley was born, Susan says she saw something change in Jeff. Keep in mind, the two had only been together for about a year by the time they got married.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So you're still learning things about people at that point, right? And now you have a baby and you're married, but you're still going to learn things. But what she was uncovering now post marriage and baby, it wasn't just like, oh, I learned that he leaves the sink on while he brushes his teeth. It wasn't good.

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Wow. Wow. So from there he supposedly only got more and more controlling over Susan. It was kind of this downward spiral. Susan said she could only leave the house to make quick trips to the grocery or drugstore or to visit her mother. But if she was ever gone for more than two hours, she would not hear the end of it.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


When she told Jeff she wanted to start taking college courses again, he was like, absolutely not. So Susan snuck away one night to the college campus to see if there was like an online course that she could take from home. But when Jeff found out that she had done this, he began accusing her of cheating on him, calling her horrible names.

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And there were also things about Jeff's past that were now coming to the surface in this new marriage. Like the fact that just a year before she met Jeff, he had pleaded guilty to felony drug possession.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But yeah, I don't want to bore everyone with this. So let's jump into your 10 seconds.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Now, according to some sources, this wasn't a big deal. Well, it wasn't a one off event. Apparently he didn't tell her, but Jeff had had a pretty rocky past when it came to drugs and alcohol, particularly in his high school years.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und anscheinend war Jeffs Vergangenheit zurück, um sie beide zu verletzen, weil nicht nur war Jeff fast jeden Tag Marihuana getrunken, was ich weiß, dass viele Leute das tun. Aber außerdem hat Susan gesagt, dass sie versucht hat, dieses Baby aufzubauen und mit postpartumer Depressionen zu verletzen. Und er ist super kontrollierend. Er würde draußen trinken und hartere Drogen machen.

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Das ist, was du sagst. Alle Nacht und dann würde er nach Hause wütend sein, weil die Drogen ihn wütend machten.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Well, yeah, I mean, it's like living with her father all over again. This is what her whole life looked like. Susan also claimed that when Jeff was in this state, he began physically abusing her. This was something that got even worse when they moved into a new home by the year of 1999. That's when Susan said every little thing, like every little thing began to set Jeff off.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


If there was a problem with a client or if the utility bills were too high or if dinner wasn't cooked exactly how he liked it, he would fly off the handles. Das ist verrückt. Das ist verrückt. Und Susan hat all das für sich selbst gehalten. Das ist das, was sie immer gesagt hat. Ich meine, du musst dir vorstellen, dass sie in diesem Umfeld gewachsen ist und es ein Geheimnis gehalten hat.

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Gerrit und ich haben gerade über das gestern Abend gesprochen. Domestische Gewalt ist wirklich eines der Dinge, die man nicht beurteilen sollte, bis man diese Erfahrung lebt. Weil wir wirklich, wir können nicht unsere Meinung wo... Und es ist hart.

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Aber es gibt... Du merkst, wie es noch komplexer ist.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I told him today in public, I said, stop itching your head, people are going to think you have lice.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay, so yeah, I think domestic violence is just a very complicated and complex thing that you truly can't wrap your head around it until you've been through it. And now as an adult, she still kept this abuse from her friends and now her family. She painted the picture of a happy wife in a happy marriage. If things weren't good, she just didn't leave the house.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Das ist vielleicht der Grund, warum so viele Leute dachten, dass Jeff und Susan ehrlich gesagt ein perfektes kleines Leben hatten. Aber im Sommer 1999 hatte Susan einen Ausbruch. Nach einer weiteren Begegnung von ihrem Mann hat Susan ihre Schwester Cindy für Hilfe angerufen, während Jeff am Abend auf Arbeit war.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


You have to imagine how mind-blowing this was for Cindy, who didn't know anything was going on in this marriage. So she tells Cindy about the abuse and Cindy and her husband arrived hours later in a U-Haul and they helped Susan pack up all of her and Bradley's things and she got them out of there. But the following morning Jeff called her threatening her.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


He said he was sending a moving van back over and if she didn't pack it all up and come home, he was going to kill her and Bradley.

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257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


No, she feels like she has no choice and things only get more complicated because Susan got pregnant. Okay. But then had a miscarriage when Jeff was beating her in the stomach and she lost the baby. Aber es ist nur ein toxischer Zyklus von Angst, was man normalerweise sehen kann. Dann, im Dezember 2001, wird sie wieder verheiratet, dieses Mal mit einer kleinen Mädchen, die sie Kaylee genannt hat.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Which may be a tad bit strange, but by most people's accounts, David is said to be a pretty stand-up guy. As some of the other girls at Mansfield High described him, David was sort of the cool guy around campus. By no means as popular as Adrian, but still attracted the attention of some girls. He was said to be a gentleman, very goal-driven and family-oriented, but his biggest identifier...

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


was that he was the battalion commander of the school's junior rotc program now if you don't know rotc stands for the reserve officers training corps it's basically like a college prep program for anyone who wants to go into the us military yeah on top of that people said david was an excellent student always very polite which is interesting because and i might be under the wrong impression i'm just telling you guys what i see on social media

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I don't think my school had an ROTC program.

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Wir hatten andere Programme für andere Career Paths.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Ja. Und auch Nursing. Wenn du eine Nurse werden willst, kannst du dir eine Zertifizierung geben, bevor du in die Schule gingst. Das hat dir geholfen. Ich weiß nicht. Ich war nicht smart genug, in der Nursing-Szene zu sein.

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Nur, weil ich studierte. Nicht, weil ich wirklich smart war. Ich war nur ein Hardworker.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Also, die Leute sagten, David sei der Ja-Mam, Ja-Sir-Type. Okay. Aber als es zu seiner Verbindung zu Adrian kam, waren die Dinge noch ein bisschen unklar. Ja, sie riefen beide zusammen durchs Land, aber David hatte tatsächlich eine sehr ernsthafte Freundin. Seine Name war Diane Zamora.

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Die beiden hatten sich vor vier Jahren durch einen lokalen Zivilfluggruppen getroffen, ein Luftwaffenprogramm, das die 101er der Militärleitung lehrt. While Diane went to another high school 15 miles away in Crowley, Texas, she and David grew very close over the years. And the summer before their senior years of high school, they both had started dating.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Gym, Pickleball. Gerrit hat seinen Futter geworfen.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Now, Diane was almost the complete opposite of Adrian. She was reserved, quiet. She kept to herself. She was very religious, the kind of girl who was not going to lose her virginity until marriage. The only thing she had in common with Adrian was that she was also an excellent student on the Honor Society. Aber Adrienne sollte nicht eine Angelegenheit für Diane sein.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Diane und David waren im Sommer 1995 verrückt verliebt. In der Tat, nur wenige Wochen nachdem sie angefangen haben, wurden sie tatsächlich in der Hochschule eingeladen, mit Plänen, sich zu verheiraten, nachdem jeder von ihnen ihre entsprechende Militärtraining beendet hat. Okay.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Diane wollte in die Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland gehen, während David die Air Force Academy nahe Colorado Springs, Colorado, besuchen würde. Sie haben sogar eine Datei für ihr Geburtstag vorgelegt. Fünf Jahre raus, August 13, 2000. Aber kurz nach der Erkennung ihres Engagements sagte Diane etwas, das die Dynamik zwischen ihr und David verändert hätte.

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Es würde sie noch mehr verbunden machen. Sie verlor tatsächlich ihre Weisheit von ihm, nachdem sie sich engagiert haben. Und nachdem das, wurde es definitiv intensiver zwischen den beiden. Manche sagten, dass David und Diane beide sich mehr über einander besitzen. David hatte immer sein Arm um Diane, als sie zusammen waren. Aber er hat auch anders geschehen.

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Er wurde kräftiger und intensiver, als er mit ihr war. Und diejenigen, die sie kennen, sagten, dass es schwer war, zu erzählen, wer in der Beziehung kontrolliert wurde. Aber es wurde definitiv etwas toxisch.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


So, could that have been what David was calling Adrian about that night? Was there some sort of lover's quarrel between David and Diane that he was confiding in Adrian about? Well, once police hear that Adrian spoke to him in the hours before her death, they call David in for questioning. But they just aren't convinced that this guy is involved. Maybe it was his polite nature.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Maybe the fact that he was going to go serve his country. Or maybe it was the fact that not a single one of Adrian's friends mentioned him as suspicious. And that he was actually seen crying in the hallways after her death. Egal wie, sie haben David nicht mal einen Polygraph-Test gegeben, also fingen sie an, andersherum zu schauen.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Wie zu einem anderen lokalen Mannsfeld-Jährigen, dessen Name niemals vorgesehen wurde, wahrscheinlich, weil sie damals eine Minerin war. Also für den Sinn der Geschichte, werden wir sie einfach Tammy nennen. Oh, okay. While his wounds weren't fatal, charges were definitely pressed against Tammy. She had a trial. And guess who testified against her? Adrian Jessica Jones.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Tammy only got two years probation for delinquency. But many thought that was enough for her to seek revenge against Adrian. So the police pulled her down to the station, give her a polygraph. She passes. Plus, she has a really strong alibi. So she's off the list. Which brings them to their next suspect. Another name that Adrian's boyfriend Tracy brought up.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Remember how she supposedly lied to Tracy on the phone that night and told him she was speaking to an old classmate named Brian McMillan, the one who had a crush on her and had dropped out of school? Well, Tracy tells police, hey, you gotta look into him too.

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Und ich glaube, obwohl Brian aus der Schule gelaufen ist, sah er und Adrian immer noch einander, seitdem sie sich nahe beieinander gearbeitet haben. Aber als sie ihn anschauen, scheint es zu sein, dass Brian nicht nur einen Liebhaber von Adrian hatte. Es war ein bisschen mehr wie eine Obsession.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Er begann, sie ständig zu besuchen, bis es zu dem Punkt kam, dass sie sich verstecken und lügen musste, als er vorbeigekommen wurde. Habe das gehört, haben die Polizei entschieden, dass 17-jähriger Brian ein Verbrecher war. Und um ehrlich zu sein, war seine Geschichte ein bisschen schrecklich. Zuerst verurteilt er, Adrian alle zusammen zu kennen, wenn er die Polizei spricht.

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Dann sagt er, okay, gut, ich kenne sie. Also nicht auf einen guten Start. Aber als sie ihm fragten, was er machte, am Abend, als Adrian verschwand, war er so, ich habe mich selbst getrunken.

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Wenn Teenager andere Teenager töten, ist es entweder Leidenschaft oder.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


He told police he was upset that night because he realized all of his friends had girlfriends and he didn't. So this is raising all types of red flags for police. They even get a search warrant for Brian's house. They impound his truck. But Brian's friends all say, look, there's no way he hurt Adrian. He's a gentle soul. He would never hurt a fly. His dad also says, my son was home all night.

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There's no way. Still Brian sits in a jail cell from Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve. Eventually he's given a polygraph test. He passes with flying colors. So with zero evidence, police release Brian, which means they're back to square one. And that's where the case sits for a month. No new leads, no confessions or evidence, just dead end after dead end.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Währenddessen geht das Leben in Mansfield weiter. Für einige Menschen zumindest. Linda und Bill Jones finden sich immer noch auf der Straße zu fahren, wo Adrian gefunden wurde, weil sie denken, dass sie vielleicht dieses Mal etwas finden, was die Polizei verpasst hat. Einige Schüler versuchen immer noch, Griechische Begrüßung zu suchen.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Andere malen ein Porträt von Adrian auf der Tür des Werkstattes. Aber viele Schüler, wie David Graham und Diane Zamora, vorbereiten sich für den Rest ihres Lebens. As the two temporarily parted ways, the summer of 1996 was spent in intensive boot camps for both of them. Diane was at the Naval Academy in Maryland and David at the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

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And while David was excelling in his training, Diane was having a much harder time with the physical training and with the distance from her fiancé David. Other cadets said she talked about him constantly. Yeah, I know where this is going now. So she thought, why not get him back? So Diane began cozying up to her squad leader, a guy named Jay Guild.

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And she opened up to Jay about her relationship. And when Jay asked her why she didn't trust David, Diane told her it was because he had cheated on her in the past. And when Jay asked, okay, well, what did you do about it back then? Diane looked this man dead in the eyes and said, I made him kill the girl. Now Jay sort of laughs it off. I mean, she can't possibly be serious.

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But that's not the only time Diane says something like this. One night Diane's having a late night conversation with her two roommates telling them how deeply in love she and David are. And when one of them says to Diane, I bet you guys would do absolutely anything for each other, probably even kill for each other. You know what Diane says? Oh, we already have.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Now, there's an honor code in the Navy. It's called the Brigade of Midshipmen Honor Concept. And it basically requires anyone who hears of wrongdoing from a fellow officer to report it. Yep, no questions asked. Because if you don't, it could be grounds for dismissal from the Academy.

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I mean, we talked about earlier that there is an honor code when you're part of the military, even in the academy. So her roommates go and tell the people in charge and the people in charge don't just sit on this information. Officials call the police stations in and around Diane's hometown. They're like, hey, she's saying that her and her boyfriend killed a girl.

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And sure enough, they learned that there's an unsolved case from last year, that of Adrian Jessica Jones.

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That both her and her boyfriend were questioned in.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


On August 30th, 1996, officers pulled her out of a pep rally and brought her in for questioning. Now, once Diane's confronted by these detectives and Navy officials, she says, I made the whole thing up for attention. I just wanted to look tough. Which the police think, okay, that could be possible. I mean, they have absolutely zero evidence on her besides other people.

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Perhaps she heard the news on Adrian and is making a false confession. Wouldn't be the first time someone's done this. But she doesn't get to just resume classes the next day. She's given a one-way ticket home to Texas while police rule her out for sure. Only Diane doesn't go home to Texas.

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When she gets to Atlanta on her layover, she goes to the ticketing agent and says, hey, can you actually put me on a flight to Colorado? Next thing you know, she's showing up on David's doorstep.

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Which is a very stupid mistake. Because that happens to be the detective's next stop. Obviously. So you're telling me that if she didn't go around saying that she killed someone, they probably would have gotten away with this. Yeah. So this friend is like, yeah, no, they showed up on my doorstep to change their clothing. They tell police that.

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And then when police are talking to David and tell him, well, your friend said you showed up in bloody clothing, he breaks. From there, he goes on to write a four-page confession letter detailing every little thing that happened that December night back in 1995 and what happened leading up to it. And here's what he says. It all started at a track meet in November.

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This would be a month before Adrian's death. Adrian and David were away with the rest of the team for a cross-country event. And during that weekend, they got pretty close chatting during their free time. And when the buses finally dropped them off back at Mansfield High, Adrian asked David, hey, can you give me a ride home?

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But instead of going directly there, he said they pulled into the elementary school parking lot and hooked up. Jetzt in der Fahrt. Und jetzt schreibt David, dass er so mit Schmerzen nachwuchs, dass er tatsächlich direkt zu Diane ging und ihr alles gesagt hat.

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Diane, die ihre Vigilanz zu David verloren hat, als sie es nie geplant hat, was auch ihr Verwandter war, war so verletzt, dass sie sagt, dass die einzige Art, dass sie zusammenbleiben können und dass David ihre Vertrauen zurückzuholen kann, ist, wenn er Adrian tötet.

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Ich möchte, dass du unseren Tisch saubern kannst.

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Und wenn er nicht... Was? Wenn er nicht, sagt Diane, und wenn du es nicht tust, werde ich mich töten. Diane sagt, wenn du Adrian nicht tust, werde ich mich töten.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Oh mein Gott, das ist so schade. in her hand is a dumbbell gosh which she begins hitting adrian in the head with and david just sat there and watched well adrian loser gets out of the car he runs and that's when diane tells david go after her with your gun so he chases adrian into that field up to that barbed wire fence when he catches up to her he shoots her twice in the head now like

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Adrian hat einen guten Wochenende mit diesem Mann. Sie sprechen.

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Sie hüpft mit ihm zusammen.

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Und dann schießt er ihr in den Kopf.

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Wie, das ist einfach falsch. Das ist einfach explizit dreckig und falsch.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


When David comes back to the car, he tells Diane he loves her. But he says, we shouldn't have done this. And we need to get rid of the evidence. So, of course, this is enough to get David behind bars. But now the next step is confronting Diane, because she was in the back seat. And when police get her back into the station, she admits to essentially the same story.

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Police also get a search warrant for David Graham's house and find both the dumbbell and the gun used to kill Adrian. So game over. They're charged with capital murder and they are tried separately. Now 20-year-old Diane gets to trial. She's like, no, my confession was coerced. The jury isn't buying it.

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And so after a two-week trial and a six-hour deliberation, they find Diane guilty of capital murder and she receives a life sentence.

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Now David's trial comes five months later in July of 1998. His plan is similar. He hopes to argue he was trapped in a controlling partnership. But there's one giant twist in the whole story. Something David hasn't even seemed to share with Diane. One of the people called to the witness stand is Adrian's friend and fellow track athlete Wendy Bartlett.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


All right. Our sources for this episode are,,,,,,,, and Honor, courage, commitment. Those are the core values, essentially the motto for the United States Navy.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


And she claims that November day after the track meet up, she drove Adrian home. Nicht David, was bedeutet, dass sie keinen Sex im Auto hatten. David verurteilt, dass wir keinen Sex jemals hatten. Es war nur eine Lüge, die er gegründet hat, um Diane schmerzhaft zu machen. Eine, die einfach unglaublich aus der Hand wurde und die Situation sogar noch mehr unvorstellbar gemacht hat.

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Weil wenn du mir sagst, dass sie keinen Sex hatten und er lügt und sie dann tötet. Sie hat keine Ahnung, was sie sogar getan hat.

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So, um, they return with a verdict guilty of capital murder. So it was initially a crime of passion had kind of inevitably driven a fake. Yeah. So, and I will say by the time they were both sentenced, David and Diane, who were once lovers had now become mortal enemies, which is always so ironic to me when people kill for love and then end up hating each other anyways.

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Diane moved on quickly though, falling in love with another inmate. She married him in 2003, only to divorce him by 2010. And whether they like it or not, Diane Zamora and David Graham will be forever bound anyways. Only instead of marriage, it'll be because of the horrific crime they committed together over some senseless teenage love affair. It's crazy.

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Ein Beistandard. Es gibt etwas darüber, wenn wir Teenager betrachten, die andere Teenager töten. Es ist einfach nur schrecklich. Ich kann es nicht erklären, aber jedes Mal ist der Motiv so dumm.

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so young and like what like it really just goes to show that their brains are completely underdeveloped and that they're just bad people sorry we can't have those people in our society it's so sad horrible awful okay you guys that was the case of adrian jessica jones and we will see you next time with another one i love it i hate it goodbye

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


So when you think about the people that are willing to dedicate their lives to service, you might imagine people who intrinsically have these values and are able to uphold them with no problem. People who are stand-up citizens willing to go above and beyond for their communities and do whatever it takes to protect the American people. 1400 Meilen, wow.

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But as it turns out, not everyone is who they represent themselves to be. And sometimes those who hide behind the banner of honor, courage and commitment are really masking their shame, cowardness and cold-blooded nature.

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And subscribe while you're there. So let's head back in time to 1995 as we travel to Mansfield, Texas. A farming community with an old indoor rodeo and a cute little main street lined with antique stores. Mansfield was a little slice of that all American life in Texas. And that's why Bill Jones and his wife Linda chose to raise their three children there.

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And while they settled into a modest little neighborhood, a bubble of safety and comfort, Bill always went the extra mile to protect his kids, especially when they became teenagers. There were curfews, rules, checks and balances to keep them safe, even though they were in a safe area. If they went somewhere, they would have to prove it later on with a ticket stub or a receipt. V.a.

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ihre Teenager-Töchter Adrienne, oder wie ihre Freunde sie als AJ genannt haben, die seit Längerem mit ihrer rebellierten Teenager-Seite experimentiert hat. Sieh, Adrienne war die Textbuch-Definition der populären Mädchen. Sie war ein Junge an der Mansfield High School. Sie war eine Trackstar mit einer schönen Gesichter, die definitiv die Augen der meisten Jungs getroffen hat.

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Sie hatte eine Menge Schulspirit, war praktisch ein Angeklagter ohne das Uniform und Pompons, aber sie hat auch auf ihren Akademiken gestanden und hat exzellente Grades bekommen, auch in ihren Honours-Kursen. Even her manager at her part time job at a fried chicken restaurant said Adrian was an exemplary employee. And on top of it all, she was nice.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Kids said Adrian would say hello to them in the hallway, even if she didn't know them. She was friendly, warm. She never acted snooty or above anyone else, which probably only added to her list of admirers.

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And while Adrienne was definitely looking towards the future, hoping to get accepted to Texas A&M University and eventually get her veterinarian degree, Adrienne was also enjoying just being a teenager. And she did what most teenagers girls do. She flirted with a lot of boys. And good for her. But her parents were not fond of it.

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Mostly because Adrienne was sick of all the rules that her parents had put in place. It prevented her from having a good time living her teenage years to the fullest.

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But you really just, you have no idea.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


So with a strict 10 p.m. curfew, she found ways to sneak out through her bedroom window. That was until they caught her and decided to bolt her window shut. Still, as teenagers always do, Adrienne found creative ways to skirt the rules. Little did she realize, those rules were meant to protect her from the very thing that would happen next. It was Sunday, December 3rd, 1995.

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Winter break was fast approaching and Adrian was probably excited about some time off from school and her responsibilities. She just spent her Sunday afternoon working a half day shift at the Golden Fried Chicken Restaurant. She was also a ball of energy. When she got home that day, she asked her mom Linda if she wanted to go down to the 24-hour fitness center with her.

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It was just a few miles away. So Linda took her down there, always enjoying that quality time between the two of them, and said she even remembered the conversation that they had at the gym that night. Adrienne was thinking about her new career path. She said she was interested in learning why people act the way they do.

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So her mother was like, hey, you might be interested in becoming a behavioral analyst. But she didn't seem to ask why Adrian had this sudden change in interest or if something or someone in particular had sparked it. So after their workout, they returned home to settle in for the night. By then, it was around 10.45 p.m., so after Adrian's curfew.

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It's after her curfew, but the phone rings when they walk in the door. Adrian answers. Adrian took the portable phone to her bedroom. Remember, we're in the 90s. And then walked around the house chatting while puttering around with laundry and a few other things. Eventually, Linda, her mom, told Adrian, hey, go to bed. Before Linda went to bed.

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But Adrian wasn't planning to go to sleep anytime soon. Instead, she waited until everything was quiet. And sometime between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., she slipped past her parents' bedroom and out the front door of the house, completely unnoticed. Around 6 a.m. the following morning, Linda woke up to the sound of Adrian's alarm clock ringing in her room.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


After realizing Adrian wasn't doing anything to turn the alarm off, Linda got up groggily and wandered into her daughter's room, only to find that Adrian wasn't there and her bed was neatly made. Now, Linda's first instinct is Adrian just went out for an early morning run, something she would do. But by 8 a.m., when Adrian still wasn't back, Linda started to panic.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


You're listening to an Ono Media Podcast. Hey everyone, welcome back to the podcast. This is Murder With My Husband. I'm Peyton Moreland.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


She immediately called the Mansfield police, who sent an officer to the house to help them file a missing persons report. Meanwhile... Okay. Okay. Oh mein Gott. Wir wissen, wer das ist. Plus, there were a few telling clues about what might have happened.

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Like, the girl appeared to be clutching the grass, which told detectives this was where she died, than rather where she had been moved and left after she was killed. And it only took a few hours for them to realize the Jane Doe matched a missing persons case that had just been reported over in Mansfield. The deceased body was 16-year-old Adrian Jessica Jones.

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So one of the first things detectives need to allow after making the connection is, is this an abduction? There's no indication of a struggle in Adrian's home. Plus the autopsy doesn't show any signs that Adrian was restrained or bound. She also didn't really have any defensive wounds of any kind.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


So they quickly realized that Adrian must have willingly left her house, whether that was with the attacker or not. But this also told them that she probably knew her attacker. So they start compiling a list of friends, coworkers and fellow students to speak with. But because Adrian was so popular, it kind of turned out to be a pretty long list.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


They began asking around, was there anyone that Adrian didn't get along with? Maybe someone was angry with her, was a girl jealous of her. And that's when the wild theories and rumors started to emerge. And you have to imagine in this small town in Texas in the 90s, Eine populäre Frau wird tot. Sie sprechen mit den Leuten in der Schule. Und die Leute fangen einfach an zu sprechen.

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Jemand sagte, dass sie Adrienne gehört haben, dass sie alle Nacht Rave verbracht hat, die etwa eine Stunde von Mansfield entfernt war. Es gab Geräusche, dass Adrienne vielleicht jemanden dort kennengelernt hätte, der sie getötet hätte. Oh. Andere sagten, nein, nein, nein. Adrienne wusste Drogendealers, die turned out to be completely baseless. Dude.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


The problem with in a town like this, it probably wasn't just the kids.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


A few even mentioned a former friend of Adriens who had been angry with her ever since Adrian told the girl's mom that she was drinking at a party like she tattled on her. So there was a ton of speculation, but not much evidence, which only made things even harder for police. But there seemed to be one thing a lot of kids at Mansfield High could agree on. The killer was likely in their halls.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


And I know we did have a lot of requests for another Strangie Danger Drop. So that will be coming in the future. So just get ready for that. We heard you. It is coming again. All right, Garrett, do you have our, your 10 seconds?

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


They had a locker beside them probably. They were sitting across from them in the cafeteria. They were sharing a school project with them.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Und der Grund, warum das die Theorie ist, ist, weil die Polizei glaubt, dass sie rausgeflogen ist, um mit jemandem zu verabschieden. Und diese Person hat sie getötet. Ja. Sie war wahrscheinlich rausgeflogen, um mit jemandem zu verabschieden, der ihr eigenes Alter ist und aus der Schule kommt. Also sind es 2500 Schüler in ihrer Schule. Also, es wäre nicht einfach, es zu vergrößern.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Wir sind Theresa und Nemo und deshalb sind wir zu Shopify gewechselt.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Linda sagte, als der Telefon um 10.45 Uhr klingelte, hat Linda gefragt, mit wem Adrian gesprochen hat, und Adrian sagte, es war ein 18-jähriger Junge, erinnere dich, Adrian ist ein Junge, namens David Graham, der auf Adrians Cross-Country-Team war.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Linda wollte Adrian den Telefon anrufen, dass es über ihr Bett war, aber Adrian hatte einen interessanten Blick auf ihre Gesichter, und sie schrie ihrer Mutter, er ist überrascht über etwas. So Linda let her keep chatting, thinking, okay, she's just being a good friend. But sometime during that conversation, Linda heard Adrian switch callers.

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258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


She was now talking to her new boyfriend, a 19-year-old boy named Tracy Smith. But when Tracy, her boyfriend, asked her who she was just speaking to on the phone before him, Adrienne doesn't say David Graham, the 18-year-old, like she had told her mom. She said she was on the line with a third boy. So she either lied to her mom or actually did talk to all three boys.

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It was a kid named Brian McMillan, who had dropped out of her high school after suffering from depression, but he still had a big crush on her. So if she did lie, why? Well, some of her friends think it's because Tracy knew Brian and didn't feel threatened by him.

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But if she said she had been speaking with someone else, a senior on her track team, then Tracy, her new boyfriend, might have felt jealous. So they think that she's lying to her boyfriend, is what the consensus is. Still, it's not Tracy that Linda, the mother, is worried about.

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Es ist dieser Name David, der eigentlich mit ihr verbunden ist, weil sie nie wirklich gehört hat, dass Adrian diesen Mann vorher erwähnt hat. Und dann lügt Adrian zu ihrem Freund darüber. Also checkt sie mit dem Track Coach. Sagt, was weißt du über David? Und der Track Coach ist wie David Graham. I didn't even know your daughter and David were friends.