Murder With My Husband
258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones
Mon, 03 Mar 2025
In this episode, Payton and Garrett dive into the chilling case of Adrienne Jones, a teenager who vanished after sneaking out —only to meet a tragic fate. Links- NEW MERCH: https://mwmhshop.com Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/themwmh Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murderwithmyhusband/ Discount Codes: https://mailchi.mp/c6f48670aeac/oh-no-media-discount-codes Watch on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@murderwithmyhusband Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/into-the-dark/id1662304327 Listen on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/36SDVKB2MEWpFGVs9kRgQ7?si=f5224c9fd99542a7 Case Sources- Oxygen.com - https://www.oxygen.com/prosecuting-evil-with-kelly-siegler/crime-news/diane-zamora-david-graham-murdered-adrianne-jones DailyMail.co.uk - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5987673/Woman-fatal-Texas-teen-love-triangle-loses-court-appeal.html DenverPost.com - https://www.denverpost.com/2008/02/10/former-air-force-cadet-expresses-remorse-for-1995-slaying-of-teen/ Murderpedia.org - https://murderpedia.org/female.Z/z/zamora-diane.htm NBCNews.com - https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna17965475 Sportskeeda.com - https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/who-killed-adrianne-jones-details-explored-ahead-people-magazine-investigates-id People.com - https://people.com/crime/diane-zamora-speaks-adrianne-jones-murder/ InvestigationDiscovery.com - https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/murder/the-texas-cadet-killers-revisiting-the-adrianne-jones-murder TexasMonthly.com - https://www.texasmonthly.com/true-crime/the-killer-cadets/ DallasObserver.com - https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/love-is-a-killer-6403303 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: Who are the hosts of Murder With My Husband?
You're listening to an Ono Media Podcast. Hey everyone, welcome back to the podcast. This is Murder With My Husband. I'm Peyton Moreland.
And I'm Garrett Moreland.
And he's the husband.
And I'm the husband. For those that were interested, our Ghost Sweaters are back in stock. So you can go check those out. We had a lot of demand for those, so we ordered a few more. They're back in stock.
And I know we did have a lot of requests for another Strangie Danger Drop. So that will be coming in the future. So just get ready for that. We heard you. It is coming again. All right, Garrett, do you have our, your 10 seconds?
Our, dang, you're trying to take my 10 seconds away? Your 10 seconds. Ihr werdet mich wahrscheinlich immer so traurig machen, immer die gleichen Dinge für 10 Sekunden zu sagen, aber ich gehe gerade zum Gym, spiele Pickleball ein paar Mal pro Woche. Was habe ich noch, Baby?
Gym, Pickleball. Gerrit hat seinen Futter geworfen.
Yeah, I am currently, I have some goals that I want to hit before summer. So I'm currently weighing my food, counting all my calories. I just will say it's horrible. Like if you want happiness in your life, don't do it. Do not do it. Don't do it. But I will say it does work. But I will also say it's absolutely horrible. But it works. It 100% works. That's about it.
Oh, I have a stye on my eye currently. I don't know why I have a stye. I'm not trying to rhyme. I sound like Dr. Seuss. I don't know why I have a stye.
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Chapter 2: What is the background story of Adrienne Jessica Jones?
I won't do that. There's a couple of things. I'm just kidding. I do need to do that. I need to clean off our porch. That's kind of all I got for you guys. So I hope everyone has a great week and don't weigh your food.
All right. Our sources for this episode are oxygen.com, dailymail.co.uk, denverpost.com, murderpedia.org, nbcnews.com, sportskita.com, people.com, investigationdiscovery.com, texasmonthly.com and dallasobserver.com. Honor, courage, commitment. Those are the core values, essentially the motto for the United States Navy.
So when you think about the people that are willing to dedicate their lives to service, you might imagine people who intrinsically have these values and are able to uphold them with no problem. People who are stand-up citizens willing to go above and beyond for their communities and do whatever it takes to protect the American people. 1400 Meilen, wow.
But as it turns out, not everyone is who they represent themselves to be. And sometimes those who hide behind the banner of honor, courage and commitment are really masking their shame, cowardness and cold-blooded nature.
Also, if you're watching on YouTube currently, Peyton's looking pretty hot. So if you're not watching on YouTube, you can go check her out.
And subscribe while you're there. So let's head back in time to 1995 as we travel to Mansfield, Texas. A farming community with an old indoor rodeo and a cute little main street lined with antique stores. Mansfield was a little slice of that all American life in Texas. And that's why Bill Jones and his wife Linda chose to raise their three children there.
And while they settled into a modest little neighborhood, a bubble of safety and comfort, Bill always went the extra mile to protect his kids, especially when they became teenagers. There were curfews, rules, checks and balances to keep them safe, even though they were in a safe area. If they went somewhere, they would have to prove it later on with a ticket stub or a receipt. V.a.
ihre Teenager-Töchter Adrienne, oder wie ihre Freunde sie als AJ genannt haben, die seit Längerem mit ihrer rebellierten Teenager-Seite experimentiert hat. Sieh, Adrienne war die Textbuch-Definition der populären Mädchen. Sie war ein Junge an der Mansfield High School. Sie war eine Trackstar mit einer schönen Gesichter, die definitiv die Augen der meisten Jungs getroffen hat.
Sie hatte eine Menge Schulspirit, war praktisch ein Angeklagter ohne das Uniform und Pompons, aber sie hat auch auf ihren Akademiken gestanden und hat exzellente Grades bekommen, auch in ihren Honours-Kursen. Even her manager at her part time job at a fried chicken restaurant said Adrian was an exemplary employee. And on top of it all, she was nice.
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Chapter 3: How did Adrienne's disappearance unfold?
Winter break was fast approaching and Adrian was probably excited about some time off from school and her responsibilities. She just spent her Sunday afternoon working a half day shift at the Golden Fried Chicken Restaurant. She was also a ball of energy. When she got home that day, she asked her mom Linda if she wanted to go down to the 24-hour fitness center with her.
It was just a few miles away. So Linda took her down there, always enjoying that quality time between the two of them, and said she even remembered the conversation that they had at the gym that night. Adrienne was thinking about her new career path. She said she was interested in learning why people act the way they do.
So her mother was like, hey, you might be interested in becoming a behavioral analyst. But she didn't seem to ask why Adrian had this sudden change in interest or if something or someone in particular had sparked it. So after their workout, they returned home to settle in for the night. By then, it was around 10.45 p.m., so after Adrian's curfew.
You know, everything I've ever done that How do I say this? Anything that I've ever done that didn't make sense when I was a teenager was definitely because of a girl. You know what I'm saying? Like, where randomly you'd be like, oh, I'm gonna do this. And your parents are like, what? And you're like, oh yeah, I just feel like it. No. It was always because of a girl or something going on.
It's kind of funny.
It's after her curfew, but the phone rings when they walk in the door. Adrian answers. Adrian took the portable phone to her bedroom. Remember, we're in the 90s. And then walked around the house chatting while puttering around with laundry and a few other things. Eventually, Linda, her mom, told Adrian, hey, go to bed. Before Linda went to bed.
But Adrian wasn't planning to go to sleep anytime soon. Instead, she waited until everything was quiet. And sometime between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m., she slipped past her parents' bedroom and out the front door of the house, completely unnoticed. Around 6 a.m. the following morning, Linda woke up to the sound of Adrian's alarm clock ringing in her room.
After realizing Adrian wasn't doing anything to turn the alarm off, Linda got up groggily and wandered into her daughter's room, only to find that Adrian wasn't there and her bed was neatly made. Now, Linda's first instinct is Adrian just went out for an early morning run, something she would do. But by 8 a.m., when Adrian still wasn't back, Linda started to panic.
She immediately called the Mansfield police, who sent an officer to the house to help them file a missing persons report. Meanwhile... Okay. Okay. Oh mein Gott. Wir wissen, wer das ist. Plus, there were a few telling clues about what might have happened.
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Chapter 4: What were the initial theories about Adrienne's disappearance?
Jemand sagte, dass sie Adrienne gehört haben, dass sie alle Nacht Rave verbracht hat, die etwa eine Stunde von Mansfield entfernt war. Es gab Geräusche, dass Adrienne vielleicht jemanden dort kennengelernt hätte, der sie getötet hätte. Oh. Andere sagten, nein, nein, nein. Adrienne wusste Drogendealers, die turned out to be completely baseless. Dude.
Kids are weird. Kids are just funny, you know what I'm saying?
The problem with in a town like this, it probably wasn't just the kids.
It was probably the adults too.
A few even mentioned a former friend of Adriens who had been angry with her ever since Adrian told the girl's mom that she was drinking at a party like she tattled on her. So there was a ton of speculation, but not much evidence, which only made things even harder for police. But there seemed to be one thing a lot of kids at Mansfield High could agree on. The killer was likely in their halls.
They had a locker beside them probably. They were sitting across from them in the cafeteria. They were sharing a school project with them.
How scary is that? Another high school kid killing another high school kid? And then going to school being like someone in here kills somebody?
Und der Grund, warum das die Theorie ist, ist, weil die Polizei glaubt, dass sie rausgeflogen ist, um mit jemandem zu verabschieden. Und diese Person hat sie getötet. Ja. Sie war wahrscheinlich rausgeflogen, um mit jemandem zu verabschieden, der ihr eigenes Alter ist und aus der Schule kommt. Also sind es 2500 Schüler in ihrer Schule. Also, es wäre nicht einfach, es zu vergrößern.
Wir sind Theresa und Nemo und deshalb sind wir zu Shopify gewechselt.
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Chapter 5: Who was David Graham and why was he significant?
was that he was the battalion commander of the school's junior rotc program now if you don't know rotc stands for the reserve officers training corps it's basically like a college prep program for anyone who wants to go into the us military yeah on top of that people said david was an excellent student always very polite which is interesting because and i might be under the wrong impression i'm just telling you guys what i see on social media
I don't know why it happens. I feel like I always see people making jokes about people that are on ROTC in high school and college. I don't know why, but it's just what I see on social media. So I'm saying that because I guess we are in a different... We're in the 90s. In the 90s, but you said he's the cool guy because of it, but maybe that's just changed.
I don't think my school had an ROTC program.
Mine didn't have one either, but our college did. Both of our college, or we went to the same college, but our college did. Aber ich weiß nicht viel darüber.
Wir hatten andere Programme für andere Career Paths.
Wie Potato Farming?
Ja. Und auch Nursing. Wenn du eine Nurse werden willst, kannst du dir eine Zertifizierung geben, bevor du in die Schule gingst. Das hat dir geholfen. Ich weiß nicht. Ich war nicht smart genug, in der Nursing-Szene zu sein.
Peyton war smart. Peyton hat sehr gut auf ihr ECT gemacht.
Nur, weil ich studierte. Nicht, weil ich wirklich smart war. Ich war nur ein Hardworker.
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