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Garrett Moreland


Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, für 10 Sekunden. Ich habe viele Fragen über meinen Haartransplant. Oh ja. Weil Peyton einige Geschichten veröffentlicht hat.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I didn't see this going this way.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Also 193 Stabben oder 193 Wurzeln?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay, also wenn wir 50% davon nehmen, dann sagen wir 90-er Stabben. Ich meine, Peyton und ich sprechen über das auf dem Podcast oft. Ich versuche, es zu sagen. Ich meine, sie ist offensichtlich wütend und wir sprechen darüber, wie intim... Stabbing ist. Wenn jemand jemanden mit einem Knife töten will, ist es Wut, es sind andere Dinge, die involviert sind. Es ist Rage. Es ist Rage, richtig?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Like swollen shut. It's a process. A lot of people have been asking me, messaging me about it. Basically, right now it's like a shedding phase. So for the next month and a half, my hair just kind of sheds. It doesn't look great. It's called like the ugly duckling phase. And then it'll kind of all come back in and everything will be good.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


That part's kind of wild.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I didn't expect this part.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ist es wichtig, dass es eine Mischung zwischen Selbstverdienung und Angst ist? Ich glaube, das ist für die Gerichtssitzung. Okay, lasst uns hören, was sie sagen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Sorry, we talked about it. I think a couple of weeks ago. Put me on the jury. No, they never will. I'll never be on a jury because of the podcast. I might squeak through.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I think as soon as they look into what we do for a living, they'll be like, nope, not happening. So I will leak out. No, I'm just kidding.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


She didn't call the police?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


But the first like two to three months is kind of just, I keep a hat on and just suck it up for the most part.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Die Psychologie dahinter.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich verstehe es auf eine Art und Weise. Sie beginnt, all diese PTSD zu haben. Und ich sage nicht, dass ich sie nicht glaube.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Sie sitzt hier, panikierend, und sagt, oh, schau, was, wenn er wach ist und sich davon entfernen kann?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Warum nicht einfach die Polizisten anrufen? Sie ist einfach zu Angst.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Wie, ist sie in einem mentalen Ausbruch?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und deiner sieht gut aus.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich denke, weil ich schon viel Haar hatte. Ja. Ich meine, es war wie die Front, die ich getäuscht habe und gestärkt habe. Jedenfalls, das sind meine zehn Sekunden. Wenn ihr noch Fragen habt, fühlt euch gerne an, schreibt mir eine Nachricht. Wiederum, viele Leute haben darüber gesprochen. Und wiederum, ich bin in Salt Lake City gegangen. Ich bin nicht aus dem Land gegangen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And she still hasn't told them that, obviously.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Could you imagine calling and filing a DV complaint, but then being like, my husband's dead because I killed him?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


He had also chewed... This is wild.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So... She's like, you're turning yourself in. Well, no, it's like the first time I've heard someone say, I'm getting an attorney before the cops start questioning me.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I've talked about this with you guys many times. All of you attorneys and lawyers who have sent me DMs.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Das stimmt. Ich glaube, ich hatte etwas anderes zu sagen, als ich sie gefragt habe, ob die Behörden lügen. Oh, der Behörde wird nicht lügen. Nein, nein, nein, aber ich sage, ich glaube, es ist eine andere Situation. Ja. Weil es ist, wer wir denken, ist wahrscheinlich der quote-unquote gute Kerl in dieser Geschichte. Selbst wenn sie jemanden getötet hat, ist sie technisch der gute Kerl.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yeah, that's kind of all I got. Also, we'll tag below where we're recording at. If you're ever in St. George, Utah and need somewhere to record, you can go check it out. But on that note, let's hop into today's podcast.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And naturally... For murder, yes. But, I mean, obviously they're going to claim self-defense.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So it's completely different.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Holy crap, okay. This is wild.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Well, then also now the DA has to be like, where do I go with this?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Like, where do I go with this case?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Was it tied with what they were saying earlier?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


In the bathrobe? Yes. Okay. I mean...

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yeah, just to move the body. That would be my initial thought, 100%.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I don't even know if I want to know. That's weird.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I mean, I guess I could see what they're saying, just because...

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Also die Chancen, ich sage nicht, dass das nicht passiert, aber er wird sie staben und dann bekommt sie den Knopf von ihm. Weißt du, was ich meine? Er klingt, als wäre er.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich weiß, aber er ist hoch auf Kokain.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es ist einfach... Unwahrscheinlich in deiner Meinung? In meiner Meinung unwahrscheinlich.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ja, ich würde anfangen, einige Reflexe zu erheben.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


First degree premeditated murder.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


It would be so hard to be on the jury because this is where the reasonable doubt starts inching away at your mind, right?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Yeah, I would say that majority people don't ever see the DV actually happening in relationships, so I take that with a grain of salt.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I take it with a grain of salt because the amount of DV cases where people are actually filing police reports, it's a very small percentage.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I mean, they both got good points, man.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich denke, dass, ich meine, du wirst wahrscheinlich nicht deine Meinung ausdrücken, aber ich werde meine ausdrücken, weil das ist, was die Zuhörer wollen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Du hättest sie niemals serviert.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es ist schwer. Ich bin ziemlich drastisch. Hier sind meine Gedanken. Wenn du jemanden verabschieden würdest, was würdest du erwarten, Mann?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Du solltest keinen verabschieden.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es ist der gleiche Grund, dass du nicht stehlen solltest. Du solltest keinen verabschieden. Es gibt Dinge, die wir in der Welt nicht tun. Und schau dir das an.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Okay, also du sagst, du hast das ausgenommen. Hat er es verdient? I don't know if you're hitting girls when you're hitting your wife.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And they get killed. What do you expect?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es ist eigentlich lustig, weil ich mich am letzten Tag gefragt habe, warum es manchmal einen Juden gibt und manchmal einen Jury.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Und ich habe gesagt, dass ich 100%ig einen Jury wählen würde.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Besonders jemanden, der eine prominentere Figur ist, wie einen Gericht, richtig?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And I'm Garrett Moreland.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And I'm the husband.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Die Plattform, die wir vor Shopify verwendet haben, hat regelmäßig Updates gebraucht, die teilweise dazu geführt haben, dass der Shop nicht funktioniert hat.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Welches Jahr sind wir wieder?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich war einfach nicht sicher, ob das die Onlyfans-Route oder die Dancer-Route ist.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So she was just doing it to save up money, stock cash away and try to, okay.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


No, I'm sure you're good.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And he's 29? And he's 29.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I don't know. It doesn't bother me.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


We've had stories where it's like 19 and like 50, so I'm saying. I know, I know, I know. We're gonna compare.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


And she doesn't really have any family she can go to, like escape, correct?

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Das ist alles, was wir hier haben. Wir sind nicht zuhause, wie ihr seht. Wir haben mit Daisy schwimmen gegangen. Sie lebt das die letzten paar Tage. Best day of her life. Sie hat 24-7 geschlafen, weil sie nur 24-7 schwimmen will. Sie ist wirklich, sobald sie aufwacht, zu der Tür. Es kommt aus der Hand. Ich weiß nicht, was wir tun werden. Wir haben ein Monster in unseren Händen. Aber

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Wir sprechen viel über DV. Ich finde, dass viele unserer Fälle mit DV betroffen sind. Ich meine, wir sagen es immer. Es ist so schwer, es auszulösen. Ja. Du willst natürlich der Person sagen, was sie auslöst. Und sie wissen es. Sie wissen es. Aber es ist nur ein Trauma und die Manipulation. Und einfach alles, was es betrifft, ist wild.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Ich würde sagen, wahrscheinlich bevor wir diesen Podcast begonnen haben, würde ich einfach schauen, ich meine, meistens, ich meine, Männer auch, aber meistens ist es eine Frau in der DV-Situation. Ich würde einfach schauen und sagen, Was machen die? Geh einfach weg. Geh einfach irgendwo. Geh einfach raus. Und ja, ich meine, es ist offensichtlich leicht, das zu sagen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


Es gibt nur Läufer dazu. Es gibt viel dazu. P.S. Wenn du auf YouTube schaust und mich in den Kopf schlägst, ist es eine sehr gewöhnliche Erkennung in den letzten Wochen.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


I said, I don't even care.

Murder With My Husband

257. The Blue Eyed Butcher - The Murder of Jeff Wright


So, cops? What happens?

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


I don't know why it happens. I feel like I always see people making jokes about people that are on ROTC in high school and college. I don't know why, but it's just what I see on social media. So I'm saying that because I guess we are in a different... We're in the 90s. In the 90s, but you said he's the cool guy because of it, but maybe that's just changed.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Mine didn't have one either, but our college did. Both of our college, or we went to the same college, but our college did. Aber ich weiß nicht viel darüber.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Peyton war smart. Peyton hat sehr gut auf ihr ECT gemacht.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Ja, das ist ziemlich klug.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Yeah, I am currently, I have some goals that I want to hit before summer. So I'm currently weighing my food, counting all my calories. I just will say it's horrible. Like if you want happiness in your life, don't do it. Do not do it. Don't do it. But I will say it does work. But I will also say it's absolutely horrible. But it works. It 100% works. That's about it.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Oh Gott. Ich versuche nur herauszufinden, was der Motiv ist, weil wir einige von diesen Verbrechern sagen, aber ich meine, ich glaube, es gibt nicht immer einen guten Motiv. Ich meine, es gibt nie einen guten Motiv, jemanden zu töten, aber ich fühle mich auch so, als würde sie sich gelten, wie was. Was ist der Motiv für ihn? Das ist verrückt.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Oh, I have a stye on my eye currently. I don't know why I have a stye. I'm not trying to rhyme. I sound like Dr. Seuss. I don't know why I have a stye.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Das ist so jung, nur um jemanden zu töten. Wild.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Oh, she's weird. Get her out of here.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Also ich habe eine Steine. Es ist nicht zu schlecht. Es sollte in ein paar Tagen weggehen. Das ist kinderlich alles, was ich für euch habe. Ich werde sagen, dass ich seitdem ich viel konsistenter bin im Gym und mit Pickleball und mit meinem Essen, meine Energielevel sind durch den Ruf gegangen. Was willst du, dass ich es tue? Nenn es. Nenn es und ich tue es.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


That's why in movies, a lot of you that are listening or watching, Like when someone has an affair and someone else finds out about it that's in the military, you're supposed to report it. Any bad behavior, any wrongdoing. You're supposed to report it.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


I guess you know the answer. It's gonna be crazy if they both did it together. That's so sad.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Ich habe immer gesagt... Glückwunsch.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


I won't do that. There's a couple of things. I'm just kidding. I do need to do that. I need to clean off our porch. That's kind of all I got for you guys. So I hope everyone has a great week and don't weigh your food.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Ja. Sie sind beide, sie sind beide, sie sind beide verrückt.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Sie sind beide schrecklich. Ja.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


That's what I'm talking about.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Sorry, those people should not be in our society.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


So they were, oh, were they both adults at that point?

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Yeah. Yes. Okay, that makes sense.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Das ist so schrecklich, das ist schrecklich. Ich meine, was noch verrückter ist, ist, dass sie wirklich nichts gemacht hat. Ich meine, sie hat nichts gemacht. Sie war komplett nur ein Bürger. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich es sagen kann.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Also, if you're watching on YouTube currently, Peyton's looking pretty hot. So if you're not watching on YouTube, you can go check her out.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Dude, I'm scared to raise a teenager, I'm gonna be honest.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


No, I know. You just think the world is so fun. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't raise a teenager, I'm sorry.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


You know, everything I've ever done that How do I say this? Anything that I've ever done that didn't make sense when I was a teenager was definitely because of a girl. You know what I'm saying? Like, where randomly you'd be like, oh, I'm gonna do this. And your parents are like, what? And you're like, oh yeah, I just feel like it. No. It was always because of a girl or something going on.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


And I'm Garrett Moreland.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


And I'm the husband. For those that were interested, our Ghost Sweaters are back in stock. So you can go check those out. We had a lot of demand for those, so we ordered a few more. They're back in stock.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Kids are weird. Kids are just funny, you know what I'm saying?

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


It was probably the adults too.

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


How scary is that? Another high school kid killing another high school kid? And then going to school being like someone in here kills somebody?

Murder With My Husband

258. The Killer Cadets - The Murder of Adrienne Jessica Jones


Our, dang, you're trying to take my 10 seconds away? Your 10 seconds. Ihr werdet mich wahrscheinlich immer so traurig machen, immer die gleichen Dinge für 10 Sekunden zu sagen, aber ich gehe gerade zum Gym, spiele Pickleball ein paar Mal pro Woche. Was habe ich noch, Baby?