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The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Listen, a rap track is a rap track. Sometimes you go in on a rap track.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


What? I want to read it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


We listen and we don't judge. But this is like really bad. Is this facts?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Wow. I mean, at that point, she's just journaling.

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Can I? That's crazy.

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Oh, it's about something in a restaurant.

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Okay, it doesn't matter. The audience doesn't even know what we're talking about here, so it's kind of irrelevant.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Hey, we kind of got off track.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Anyways. I must have read the wrong lines. Can I read it? No, no, no. Let's go back to the story we were talking about where Maverick was holding our Nintendo Switch.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


You girls tell the story.

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Wait, can somebody tell me what we're doing right now?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I was laughing my butt off. No, he was not in the car. He literally got in the car. He goes, I hope you know, that's how we're going to get into a fight.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I'm like, this guy is special. And he thinks he can do things without repercussions. And when repercussions come his way, he gets very mad. He was wrestling me in the street for my controller. Yeah, because he wanted to throw it. Because he threw my water bottle.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I've got stuff in my hands. No, you missed the most important part.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


She missed the point. It's something I said.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I said it about a hundred times. It started off really nice. I'm sure. It actually never got aggressive. It was cash. That's aggressive.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Dude, I mean, this story is everywhere. And then I start to notice what they're talking about. Wait, pause. And they're talking about absolutely nothing. They're purposely trying to make me mad. Alex thinks it's hilarious for some reason.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What? You've never played Wordle? Stop it. Stop playing. Stop playing. Somebody explain it to me.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


All right, Alex, say what happened.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


But he held a grudge the whole way. My guy was literally trying to take my hat as he's driving. Trying to throw it out the window. That's facts. He's like, literally, and then he actually hurt, he stabbed me in the eye and he hurt, and he missed the hat.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


All four of us, me, Alex, Michael, and our friend, Paige, which I knew they were doing. So I proceeded to go, well, if they want to play games, we can play games. So I threw his water bottle out of time. So Matt was down there, Cash, Cash, and we were all like, just keep talking. It's like we're talking about something.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


He really likes his water bottle. You don't understand. He was mad about it, too.

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Yeah, my big jug.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


It was just on the sidewalk. But listen, just to give you all a real quick speed context story. Maverick's downstairs ready to leave our friends' house. I'm upstairs. We're all talking. And he's like, Cash, come on. And we're all like, just keep talking and see how long he'll say my name for. And then he keeps saying my name, keeps saying my name. We're like... And then he keeps saying it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


And everybody has the same thing. So you can be like, flex your friends. Yeah, I got on the second try. Okay, I don't really like this game. It's a fun game.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


And then we hear... And we're like... And we keep talking, and he's like, keep talking. And I was like, all right. That was just me dropping the controllers on accident, by the way. And I was like, all right, it's been going on long enough. I'm going to go down there. I go down there, and he's standing at the bottom of the stairs like this.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


And he's... I'm just walking downstairs kind of grinning. He's like... He's dead serious. He goes... I threw your water bottle outside. And I was like... Okay. Why'd you do that?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Yeah, and I was like... I threw it outside. Why'd you do that? He was like... Because you were ignoring me. And I was like... Okay. Cool, dude, I guess. Not cool, dude, I guess. Don't act like you didn't get mad. You got very mad. No, because it was the weirdest thing ever. We're annoying you on purpose, which is like a funny little prank. It's funny for like five minutes.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


After like 15, it's just annoying. You're like, I threw your water bottle outside. And what's crazy is you got upset about it. No, I didn't. Okay, so you didn't get upset. So you're saying you didn't chase me around the whole street trying to grab the controllers and then get in the car and pretend like you forgot about it. Oh, you left that part out of the story.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No one told us that you ran around in circles. Then he tries to pretend like he forgot about the whole thing. Like, oh, yeah, we're just best friends. And right before we pull in, he's like... Well, yes. He's trying to get the hat off my head so you can throw it out the window. Listen, listen. You threw my water bottle. It's not like it didn't get to you. That's not what I'm saying. Listen.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I don't like spelling. Okay, no, no. Back it up, back it up, back it up, back it up.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


You threw my water bottle outside. I hit you right where it hurt. Obviously, I'm going to be like, why the frick did you throw my stuff? That's disrespectful. I mean, that's a lot. You are notorious for that.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, no. When Maverick is agitated at all. At all. So sorry.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Maverick, I'm telling you. What happened the other day? He's a little... special or something.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, no. When he gets mad, he immediately goes to whoever he's mad at and he's like... Is this yours? I'm going to break it. He has to break something. I'm going to break it now. No, that's not true. The other day, I broke your things. What do you mean that's not true? I haven't seen that side of him.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Yeah, and Cash, you break my stuff, and you chased me around the whole lot trying to smash my controller. You're the same person. Don't say you're not. I'm breaking something because you were trying to break something of mine. What? This week, I farted on him, and in retaliation, he was threatening to smash Kate's candle because I farted. I wasn't going to smash her.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


candle no you picked it up and you were like is this yours yeah i went i went and he goes i'm going to break your candle no i said okay i was like if anything you're gonna need that candle i said kate i you you fix this because lately my threats have been like listen kate I'm going to smash your candle or your face.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


And that's crazy because whenever I ever threaten Kinsey, I don't. I never threaten Kinsey's stuff. You have.

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He does stuff that I ask him not to do. Like fart? And there's nothing I can do to get him to stop.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Thank you. You're right. You're right. He can't. But he can purposely help from putting his butt in your face while you're sitting down and doing it and going. Sometimes my belt is loose. No, it's not. My belt.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I would never smash your candle, by the way. I forgot what happened after that. What happened after that? Oh, you don't know. He's about to be real mad.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No. Give me the phone. This is so boring. Give me this, Timmy, guys. Come on. We're on a podcast right now.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What did he do to me?

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I'm going to fart on your bed. Better yet, Kinsey did it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do except grab something of Kate's. See what I'm talking about, guys? The only thing we can do is use the women as leverage. So, like, right now, my options are I could pour something on Kate, break something of Kate's. There's just nothing around here. See, there's nothing up here that belongs to Kate. What is it?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


He said, you like this guy?

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I bet she was a very participant accomplice.

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I don't know if Kinsey wants me to say. Come on, Kinsey, I won't go back in there. Come on. I won't go back in. Wow. I won't go back in. I already have what I need.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


All right, now tell me what happened. After we tell you what's going to happen, that guy's losing his head. I know. So, unfortunately, I can't tell you. Tell us what happened.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, if he tells you what happened, you're going to kill that guy. I know.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


This man has farted on me for the past five years. I'm done with it. I'm taking action today.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, she was participating in the whole thing. No, I wasn't. She was like, no, you have to rip them. No, I didn't.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Well, keep talking.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


The cards were still usable at this point.

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I mean, probably not, but you could use them.

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Oh, no, no, continue.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


The little burn pieces were all in the trash, yeah. Oh my gosh, that's really so... So if you're looking for your queen of hearts, it's gone. Is it just the queen of hearts? No, it's like half the deck. So you lit my board game on fire.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, no, no. I tooted, so you lit my board game on fire. It was a repeated offense, okay? You did it for too long.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, I burned a card.

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I burned a card, all right? It was just a card. And we have plenty of cards, so many cards. I just thought it'd be funny to watch him look around for it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What are you doing?

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And also, this episode is about to really make him look like how I made him out to look this whole time, which was he likes to destroy things, too.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, your cow? I'm sorry, sweetheart. Your cow's done. It's gone. It's freaked. Yeah, evil laugh.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Well, unfortunately, he's about to be chopped liver. He's about to be a T-bone steak. You know what I'm saying? I don't know what he's doing, but my guess is as good as yours, that cow is... Ground beef. That cow's as good as ground beef.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I hope not. Maybe he'll show mercy. I'm back! Are you going to show mercy? No mercy! Mercy! Life! Life! Life! Anybody seen Gladiator? Oh my gosh.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Why do y'all like stuffed animals so much? Y'all are weird.

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Weird kid. Always been a weird kid.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I don't know. She's kind of like the talking picture in Shrek. That's what she looks like.

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And princess number four, Fiona. No. I do, but unfortunately, I also know my brother, and there's nothing I can do. The cow is done.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What can I do? The only thing I can do is grab something of yours, Kate.

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Cash, put it down. Everybody, pay attention because this is what happens to cows.

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This is where your McDonald's burger comes from.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What can I do? He has a knife. I mean, come on, guys. If you tell him not to, you know he won't. I don't negotiate with terrorists. Okay. If you take one step closer, the cow gets it, Kinsey.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


One step. Ow. Kinsey. Relax, sweetheart.

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See, that's how you negotiate with terrorists.

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That's good.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I'm going to drop them when I'm ready. Because you're going to need Gerald as soon as I come around. No, I don't care about Gerald. Next you are. I'll step this way.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I really hope I didn't break it. You did.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Okay, I'm going to go get Gerald in.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Okay, can you have her put the knife away? Yeah, give me the knife, Kinsey. Yeah. Okay, well, I tried. What do you want me to do? You want me to, like, jump her? Like, what?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Just put my cow on the couch.

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It's cooked for sure. I mean, you just chunked that thing at the wall.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I don't know. It just seemed like he should stay there.

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No, it's okay. Ah!

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I am remorseful.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


If he doesn't listen, tase him. She's got a strong grip on the cow!

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Looks like he's going to get a neural link transplant.

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There's nothing I can do.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I threw his water ball. It didn't do anything.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What does that even mean, Kate? His head is cooked.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


His head blown out. I'm out of breath. You're a good opponent, Kinsey. Oh, okay, no handshake. She's not happy with you.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, you're fine.

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Let me see it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Your hair looks great, sweetheart.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Sweetheart. You're worried about your hair right now? In a time like this, we've got to mourn the death of the cow.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Kate, what do you mean you can stir up some drama?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


She's mad at you for the cow. I didn't do nothing. I know it's the cow's ear fault somehow.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What do you know, Kate? Why are you standing like that, Kate?

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That's an old woman thing to say. My hip!

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I wish you'd just tell us what it is. Yeah, can you just tell us what the thing was?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Wait, wait, wait. I can't say anything. Okay, what was the drama?

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Is there really?

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It must be done.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


And he said, it's a sacrificial lamb.

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Yeah, sorry.

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Yeah, I said, do I cut the head off the cow? He goes, no, I did not. Hey, do you remember the day we got this cow?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


He was like, no. Oh, yeah. That's so mean. He literally looked at me and said, yeah, definitely cut the head off that cow. That's so selfish, Matt.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


The way I'm being framed right now is crazy. Like, that didn't all just happen instantaneously. Cash run in there, look for something to kill, finds a cow, comes out, and now suddenly I told him to go get the cow and kill it?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Were you excited when I got the cow? No. At all. I'm not an accomplice. Just smile! No, I'm not. Y'all trying to make me an accomplice? Actually, you're trying to make me the main murderer when I never even touched a weapon. Hey, that's my chain.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


That's what I'm saying. Yeah, we could use a Roku sponsor because we'd be breaking a lot of TVs.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No one is LOLing. Look at you.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


I mean, you're brave for wearing that.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Yeah, it's a pretty brave thing to wear.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, my goodness.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Anybody know how to get this thing back on our logo?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


The end of the life of the cow.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What? Wrestling cash?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Kenzie low-key fights back pretty hard, huh? Cash? What? I said Kenzie low-key fights back pretty hard. Dude, I'm not going to lie. She had a grip on that cow and the taser. Especially the cow. That thing was not going nowhere in one piece. One time I tried to take her phone and I regretted that. Let me tell you.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Hey, put this back on our logo, Kate. I don't know how to do that. What?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


That's what I asked. I said, why do you have it here that no one can see? That seems pretty wrong of you.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What? She said, it's just gym photos of before I worked out. I was like, oh, I want to see you fat. Let me see the photos.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Well, I wanted to see the fat photos.

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You got to see it at their lowest and at their biggest. You know what I'm saying?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


That won't work. Oh, I know a fun segment we can start off on. Harper's Diary? Kate's Diary. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why? Why? Why? No, let's save that for another episode. What?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Well, I'll never know. She wouldn't tell me what was in there, really. She was being very ambiguous about the thing.

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In a sports bra?

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Okay. In underwear. Like pants? Nike pros?

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Okay. Well, you know what Kenzie told me this morning?

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Are you doing your cow's hair? Yo, that cow kind of looks like you when you're skydiving. It does, man. When I was skydiving, my hair was like... I'm not even kidding. I can't even do it.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Okay. Why are you shining flashlight at her feet? Is that my phone?

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Wait, are you actually quitting? Like, quitting quitting?

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It's okay. Wait, what happened?

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No, my mom likes me to say that I... My mom likes me to say... That I didn't drop out, but I did. I stopped doing school after, like, the eighth grade. Well, don't encourage dropouts. Well, no, he didn't really drop out. He tortured his teachers until they quit. I mean, I turned out... Sorry. Enough about me. Harper.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


What are you looking at me for?

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Not yet, Kate. Oh.

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Oh, that's the wrong remote.

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Okay, I don't know. Does anybody know how to get this thing on? Alex does. Here, Alex. Is it this remote?

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That needs a lot of background context that we just don't even have time to go into.

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Here, let me see that one.

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But it's like, but it's like a whole nother, it's like the railroad tracks of where you were headed are kind of ending. Dude, what? And you're taking another path now. That's crazy. That's like Beast Games when they got to figure out which side of the railroad track they want the thing to go on. Yeah, you're pulling the lever and you're crushing high school.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, I know. Go down to all entertainment on the right. Take your Roku remote. Go to the right. Is it this remote?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


but no like there's just so much of high school that you are gonna be missing out on still yeah yeah yeah that's pretty i mean i but you're getting so other so many other experiences yeah i will say like like no high school no normal i feel like it's such a similar promise i'm normal

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Forget about that. Go over to the right.

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Me? Uh... Honestly, yeah. I mean, I was zoned. Sorry. I'm here now, though.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Well, for me. Well, you know, we didn't tell you to. I don't need your life while you're donating it to me.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


We tried to get Harper to film videos.

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Every episode, you try to say it. Every episode, Matt's like... And it's very annoying to listen to. No, it's not. It is annoying. Do you listen to it?

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That's called detention, isn't it?

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She's capping.

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They give you another detention.

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Why wouldn't you just go to any hour?

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Save the hours up.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Okay, listen. I get my own personal camera because I'm spaced out between you guys. You two are close to each other. And you two are close to each other. And if I don't have my own personal camera, then my face is all blurry and fuzzy and it doesn't work. No, because... When it was one camera, when it was one camera with all three of you on that side, it would zoom into Kinsey. Great quality.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Are you banned again? Yes. Still? Kate gets banned all the time too. What is it with you guys?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


It's literally right on my hand. Not to be that guy, but have you thought about... You keep talking about this tour and all that, but this tour is not even real yet. It's just kind of an idea. No, this tour is happening, guys. Stay tuned. Maybe. It's happening. Stay tuned. Here's the thing.

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I don't understand. Why would we not? No, seriously, we're cutting this part because you're so annoying. No, it's cutting this part. You're being annoying, Mav. Last episode, what did we say?

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the podcast views drop. Dude, y'all put this much thought into quitting school? I just quit. Let's say all of this thing, everything goes downhill. Why are you saying this right now? And then you quit school.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, I'm just curious if we thought worst case scenario right now. Worst case scenario. What happens if your life fails?

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Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, yeah, that's respectable. Hey, Cash's backup plan was a sleeping career.

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Can you hit a bar for us? You know, here's one thing I've learned about life. You always want The past.

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So you say you want to be a famous singer. You mean like the good old days? No, trust me. I was always like, man.

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The grass is darker on the other side. But you always look back on things and you're like... I wish I could be doing that again. You're right. Like, like I was always like, oh man, I just, I want to do music. And then I did music and I'm like, I really want to make just like YouTube videos. And then I make YouTube videos. I'm like, I really want to do music. And you go on tour.

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That was what I really liked doing.

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They did the first time. They didn't come back the second time. I didn't sing very well.

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Probably 10,000 tickets, first tour. Okay, first tour, yes.

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No, no, no. The whole tour. Our biggest venue was like 1,200. Or 1,000, something like that.

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No, people always look back on their photos and they're like, I wish I could just do that again.

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Or they just think about the future. It's one or the other. Or they just think about the future and just like, oh, I can't wait until we can be there or do this. Or once this happens, we'll be great. But no one cares to live in the present, man.

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Everyone dreams about the past and they dream about the future. In the present, everybody's like, I mean, yeah, right now is fine. But just once I have this or once I do this, once this.

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Harper’s Quitting School!


No, this wasn't targeted at you. Then why are you changing it? This is just a life lesson.

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What the... Should I open a YouTube channel? I think I should make a YouTube channel called Cash's Life Lessons.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Kenzie, please get him out of that mood. He's in a very bad mood right now. Spit on you. You need to go take a five-minute break, Mav. No, Cash, you need to go to a therapist. Go take time out in the corner over there. I'm going to call your mommy. Mav, I'm going to call your mommy, and she's going to say, Mav, please get out of the moods that you're in and be a normal human being.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


What? Okay, let's go ASMR the last two minutes. Please, no. That episode flopped.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Let me have. Ew.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


The podcast is boring as heck. Yeah, I'm going to end this episode. I'm so bored. We'll see you guys next time. Make sure to subscribe.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


No, my mom's going to say, what did Cash do? Mav, you're being moody right now. I know. He's not the smartest. Just take three deep breaths in, Mav. Take him with me, folks. You've got to keep looking after him. He's your little brother, and you'll be calm. Just take care of him. You'll be calm. Just take three breaths. Ready? You can do it. Just put up with him.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Even though he's annoying and he doesn't understand reality, it's okay. You're not doing the breathing exercises. You're not doing the breathing exercises, Mav. And you're really taking one for the team, Mav. That's what mom's going to say. We should really be quiet now.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I just tried to start off with reading the journal. Which we're not going to do.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


We're not doing either of those things. We're reading Kate's diary. No, we're not. Why? Listen, why?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


My ears are open.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


In case y'all are wondering and confused in the audience, we just shot an episode about an hour ago. Oh, no, duh. Called... We, I don't know, something of reading Kate's diary. And I brought Kate's diary in on the podcast. And then in that episode, we're like, hey, guys, we're going to finish reading Kate's diary in the next episode. No, we didn't say that. No, this is the next episode.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Look at all this.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Then let us read them.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Then you're making it up. You're filtering.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I'll filter them. Let somebody else read it if we're going to read it. You can't read your own dirt.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I just don't get why we shouldn't read a funny book of Kate's diary when she was 11 years old.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Everyone's going to love reading Kate's diary. I don't want to be here anymore. That's the truth. I didn't want to be here today. Yeah, maybe we should just go through the hole and leave. Yeah, maybe I should. Girls pod. I'd like you to.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


You think we planned something like that. But we did not. I just don't understand. When every once in a while, every like 10 episodes, I talk and say something and everyone gets mad at me. I don't understand.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


What? Well, see, that was a very high detail. Cut that! But we really have to take that out now. We can't even put that in. No, we can't. Just bleep it. No, we can't. No, Matt, just bleep the segment. Dude, me and Matt are going to fight by the end of this episode. I can feel it. Dude, what do you mean we have to bleep that?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


It'd zoom into Kate. Great quality. Are you airplanes? No, I am not. What are you? I am so sorry.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


See, he's touching his mic again. See? You know why we almost got in a fight? Because he has control issues, first of all. I don't have control issues, Matt. I have issues of it being around idiots. And when... People control issues when they're idiots and they need to be controlled.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Today's episode is sponsored by Acorns. Last year, Save More Money was the most popular New Year's resolution in America.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Yep, me too. He'd say, that guy's got to go if you want this podcast to keep going. He'd say, this is unfortunate.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


He's unhelpful. I was trying to get my feelings out with reading the diaries, but everybody's like, no. Reading my diaries? The diary doesn't even have your feelings.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I was trying to get somebody's feelings out.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Why you? Why me? Why does everybody yell at me every episode when I try to talk?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Please. Okay. So listen, the other day we actually almost got in a fight because we were literally trying to leave. It's like midnight. That's my least favorite word. I'm like, we got to go. We got to go. Literally. Literally. So we're trying to leave and literally this guy goes upstairs and I'm like, okay. Surely he's almost done. Wait, is Mav telling a story? I'm holding.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Hold on. Do you know what story I'm telling?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I'd like to know what story because I don't know what story we're talking about here.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, basically me at the bottom of the stairs holding a bunch of stuff. You coming, Cash? Cash, are you coming? Hey, Cash, I really, the car's locked. Can you please hurry? For like 10 minutes. Okay, great. Now let me show you what Maverick was actually holding.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


This. Nope. This is what Mav was holding. Way more than that. Like this. Alex, I am about to- This is what Mav was holding like this. He was like, Cash, my arms are too weak.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I believe Mav. Oh my gosh. This is why I have control issues, Mav.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Maverick just moved that camera angle. Maverick just moved that camera angle and doesn't even care. That's why I have control issues where I gotta go fix the camera. Because you break the camera and I gotta fix the camera. It's not broken. You're not even the one fixing it. You're not fixing it. You would have never noticed. You would have never noticed if I wasn't like, you moved the camera.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


What? Continue. I'm sorry. Talk about his pale skin.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


You're skinny and you got a fat... It's not bullying. We're spitting facts.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Walking down the street like a... Like a weird guy with duck lips.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Wait, wait. This is a verbal bully. I actually wrote one.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


You wrote it on your phone?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Can somebody explain to me what wordle is? Because I have no idea what we're talking about. You're right, you're right.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Let me read your rap. Let me read your rap.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Oh, okay. I bet it. Okay. Well... All right. Hey. Oh, that's her name.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Hey, Samantha.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


You're a little off.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


What is a wordle?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Stop, stop.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


I'm sorry, we have to go. All right, you gotta bleep that part. Wait, what part?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s Quitting School!


Wait, what got bleeped? I didn't even hear it.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


Who's giving you the license? Who's giving these licenses?

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


All right, let's see.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


Oh, yeah.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


The amount of ease.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


No, no, do it, do it. Give me half your ear for once. Now sit. You just can't do anything. Put your butt on the ground, hon. Oh!

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


What's that smell?

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


What if you get lonely at night and you want to cuddle? Listen! This is a serious thing. Y'all can't be joking about this. It's serious.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


But like, oh, things just got good. I'm here for the drama.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


So I know this one. David. Me.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!



The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


Very slow. Slowly but slowly. Keep going. That's a crazy stretch. It's insane.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


I'm ganging on you. This is going around the world.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


Stop. Ew.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


You just ruined her shirt.

The LOL Podcast

Our House Was Robbed!


Bottoms up.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We're actually in a neighborhood, I don't know if you know that or not, but this is where kids play. Why are you accelerating so hard? I don't really want to be in the car right now. Don't leave us here! Alright guys, Maverick really wants to show you guys his mullet photo. We were just talking about it. He's been looking for it for the past five minutes and he still can't find it.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


She doesn't say anything. That was crazy. I'm imagining Kinsey just waking up. Pretty much. She doesn't say anything, but she jumps like that. I do.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, what the hell? Why do you run like a cyclops? Yeah, why are you moving like a robot? No, I'm laying in bed. I'm happily asleep right now, having great dreams. And then all of a sudden, I wake up and she's freaking out. So it's like, oh no, what's going on?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Grab Stella. Takes off running to the restroom and just chunks Stella into the bathtub. And I just hear...

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What? Big boy. I listen back to the episodes and it's just random singing and I'm just like...

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Please, please, please. At this point, I'm like sitting up. I'm like, what is happening again? Why is this happening again? And so the dog's thrown up in the bathtub. And I'm like, what? Why? Why? And so I come back. I'm like, what did she eat?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What do you mean? It sounds like we had the exact same morning this morning. Our dogs are being menacing, and it's our fault. What do you mean? That is your dog, your situation.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What do you mean?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You're the opposite gender.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Cody Johnson? Really?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I relate to that. When I was hanging out with girls, when I was like 14, 15, and I was hanging out with girls, I literally felt like I was being evil. Dude, I'm just their friend. It's like you're around them, and it's just like you feel guilty. You're like, I'm not supposed to talk to these people. I'm not supposed to like you.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What if y'all try to color? Color? Like, coloring books or something? I don't know. What are they going to do?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What? Dude, sometimes Mav's jokes make me want to punch him, man. What? I mean, like, that was, that was just. Well, there's a second half to the joke.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Imagine as a kid, you have monkey bars on your ceiling in your hallway.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, I think monkey bars all over the house.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


All over the upstairs. I would love that as a kid. Dude, your kid would be shredded low-key. By the time he's like seven, he'd just be jacked from doing monkey bars. Hey, Kate, can we hear your high school song now?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, why don't you guys do it? Oh, Geyer.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


She's in the shower saying that? First of all, those are not the lyrics at all. What Kate is trying to say is I was singing different words to the song, whatever song she says I was singing. Can y'all do that? I was singing the melody of that song, but making up my own words. And it made her mad, man. Let me tell you.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, they're just that look kind of weird Come on

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I think most schools have a hand signal. That's kind of like a gang sign for your school.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What does that mean?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!



The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


How is this raiders?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Dude, high school just made me so mad. It's so crazy. It's like a whole different life. High school and college. It's crazy.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


College makes me mad too. I'm sorry. Being a full grown adult and having a curfew. Not all colleges have curfews.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


A curfew for your dorm, so you're not allowed to leave after a certain time. You catch me being 24 years old and being like, gotta be back by 10pm.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Once being cast at 18, we were gone. Just nothing makes me more mad in life. If I had to go through high school, I'd just be so mad. Nothing makes me more mad. He's very allergic to authority. He's a sort of authority figure. Then an adult, just some 76-year-old lady telling me what to do. Teachers are not typically 60 and 70.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'm happy to sit there and be like, Can I use the bathroom? Yeah, that's literally... I mean, what is it, a prison? Because prisons in high school look a lot alike.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hey, one of my friend's high schools was designed by the same guy that designed the prison. Does that make sense? Exactly. You want to know something?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, what? Wait. Only one person can be in your restroom?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


So they can go there and talk.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Ain't no way to. When I was in freaking elementary school and they were like, you gotta be quiet at lunchtime. Oh, I'm sorry.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, no trouble. They just didn't like if everyone talked. You just can't be loud at lunchtime. All right, since everybody's being loud, no talking at lunch.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'm taking a shower. She walks in the bathroom. She goes, why are you doing that? I'm like... What? She's like, those aren't the words. I was like, okay, I'm just vibing in the shower. I'm not kidding. Five minutes before this podcast, I'm in my room just changing shirts and I'm just singing and Kenzie walks in and she goes, why are you screaming? Why are you screaming right now?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And we'd be sitting there and everyone's just at lunch. So the only time you could like talk in the entire like eight hour day was like your 30 minute recess.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


See, I could just smack whoever put that meter up. That's a good thing because it keeps kids from School should be a ball abolished I do mean it should be abolished Quiet for eight hours a day and then putting a sound you're on it for eight hours a day kids just don't shouldn't go to school Yeah, they should go to school for like Two to three hours.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


They should go to school for like two to three hours, learn what they need to learn, and then let them go. Listen, listen, listen. I'm sorry, my podcast hosts are crazy, guys.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, I got to defend the teachers. Hold on. No, it's not.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I think after like a while for strong, a big believer in abolish high school after eighth grade, you don't need to go to school. Yeah. It's useless. Um, I do think you should apply yourself up until the eighth grade, because if I would have done that, I think I would learn how to read and spell better. But, um, after the eighth grade, it's completely useless.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


If you applied yourself to update, it's just not true.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, you don't get common sense from school. Okay, kind of. You get, like, the opposite.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'm sorry. At 14, you should be, like... 15, you should be working full-time.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


15, 16, you should have your... 16 especially. 16, you should be working full-time. I want to work somewhere. Here's the problem with everything that you're saying right now. Oh, please, enlighten me. There is a bunch of 13, 14-year-old kids watching this.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I was not screaming for Kate. When Kate is in like a nagging mood, I go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And they're literally like, you know what? I'm ditching school tomorrow. I'm dropping out. Jake Paul inspired me to do it and it worked out. Shout out Jake Paul.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I want it to be today's society. Now 10-year-olds, they play Fortnite all day. And watch us.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We a bunch of brain routers.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No common sense? Like, social cues? Yeah, what do you want to say? Act like a monkey? Like, we don't know words?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You'd probably try to kill them. That's what most people do when they, like, like.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Uh. Well, haven't you seen the uncontacted tribes that get contacted? Yeah, they literally just shoot them with bows and arrows.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


North Sentinel Island.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, they're pretty accurate to Anytime a helicopter or a drone or a boat or anything tries to come close.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I saw that. I saw that, too.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Extremely shot him? They did. Like, 20 arrows to the chest.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, unfortunately, that's just not smart. Because he wanted to, like, minister to them. But nobody knows their language. And his own diseases will probably kill them because they're not used to any of the germs that we have.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


So like all the stuff that we just have immunities built up to, you're going to carry it over there. Isn't it crazy they speak a language that no one else in the world knows?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's one of the only left uncontacted tribes. There's not many. All they've seen in the outside world is like plane boats. We did just find another one in the Amazon. Really? And they're all like this tall. I'm not kidding. Heck yeah. They're all this tall.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Speaking of people that are only that tall, remember the dwarf that wrestled you at the show? I do. Pop up a thing of that, man. That was cool. It's Super Bowl Sunday, and I was thinking for fun, we should have him and one of his buddies come over, and they should wrestle in Chiefs and Eagles costumes, and then whoever wins, then... That will be our prediction for the Super Bowl.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, he lives in New York.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You've never seen those? That's a thing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's a big thing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That's funny.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I would love to see Scott and our dad wrestle.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!



The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I was that little boy in the shower that put a towel or his foot over the drain hole, poured a bunch of soap down there and let it fill up and then you could play in it. And I still do that to this day. I did it last week.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Don't give it away. Don't give it away. Giving away the future chairs man Find out you got to subscribe make sure to subscribe to our podcast because we're trying to hit 3 million subscribers Why aren't we there?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We're at like 2.4 2.5 Okay, so we need you guys to subscribe to help us reach 3 million subscribers.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Maybe. Close, but we should see who can... Wait, we should do a thing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Let's do Cash and Math. We have a bigger head start there. I feel more comfortable in that competition.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, let's see what accounts have the closest subscribers. How many do you have? Y'all tell us in the comments if you care, actually, that Cash changes his chair every episode. Oh my gosh, Maverick, you can shut your pothole and go back to school for all I care. It's just a really, really big inconvenience to change it every time. He thinks I should just keep this chair forever.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I think it's aesthetically pleasing. I like the cookie. Dude, the whole point is to switch my chair every time. Well, maybe we can keep the cookie on set. All right, y'all have 2.5, I have 2.4.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I don't know if it's that flat, but you can try it.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I know what we should do. We should do a thing of what channel can hit 5 million first.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


5 million. Here we go. So, we got Fluffy the Unicorn, Kai and Ty. I don't know why those guys are connected to our channels. Harper Zillmer, Kate Marie, Malvin Kinsey, Cash and Kate, LOL Clips, LOL Reacts, LOL Music, LOL Club, LOL Podcast, Kinsey, and Cash and Malvin.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


well that's a lot of channels a lot of channels for a lot of girls um i'll tell you right now cash and math is hitting five million in probably a month cash and math is gonna hit 10 million subscribers by the end of the year you think we just dropped a video that got like 60 000 subscribers no close it's like 40 but it's a lot i built a taylor swift in my house oh that has a lot of taylor swift yeah that has a lot of content okay you know what i'm gonna prove all of y'all wrong

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, you put a foot over it and you watch the shower fill up until it's about to overflow and then you let it all go.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'd love to see that.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Okay, first one to zero. I don't think she understands. Don't please. I was joking. No, no, no. Don't subscribe to us. We'd be jobless and homeless and we'd have to go back to school.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And Cash will kill himself because he cannot go back to school. For one episode, can we all get red wigs and become Harper?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That'd be so funny.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You dyed it red without asking her?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And how old were you?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You watch it make a whirlpool.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


look at me wow yeah the red hair hey i dyed my hair blue once when i was like nine and then all my skillet concert all my friends just called me blueberry yeah that's a horrible name you dyed your whole head not just like streaks like a blueberry that had been through like the washing machine it was like washed out but did you do it with actual hair dye

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Y'all don't do that?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh yeah, bleached my hair and everything.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, I wouldn't imagine it would. No, but I always wanted... I'm going to dye my hair red. I'll be like the Kool-Aid man.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, what was Arthur? Were they bears?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, what are y'all talking about?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, I am feeling FOMO right now. I have no clue what Arthur even is. Are you kidding me? I don't know what he is.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


This guy. Yeah, I've seen this show. He's my favorite show ever.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Who would have known he was an anteater?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, he's an aardvark.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What's an aardvark? Don't say aardvark like you know what that is. I do know what that is. What the fuck is an aardvark? Aardvark? Remember Aardvark? He's an anteater that lives in Australia.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Also, I would like to give a PSA. Don't drop out of school, kids.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Unless you're super cool and you're too cool for school.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


He doesn't look anything. Where's like his long nose?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Grew up with that? What do you mean? A foot? A shower?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And then they were like, that's not a feeling. They changed it?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Did you guys see, you guys would kill, have y'all seen this, the version of Shrek, the first one that they put out? See, that's an odd phrase you used. What? You guys would kill if you've seen the first version of Shrek. Like you would kill to see. Like if I saw the first version of Shrek, I'd just be out there killing people.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Frick yeah, man, just... I saw Shrek. I'm very hungry. Hey, you didn't see someone murdering someone?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


This is the test animation for Shrek in 1996. Look at this. Wait. What are we watching here? This is like the trailer. Oh, my God.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What are you saying?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That's rude. That is crazy looking.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That was a crazy version of Shrek. I'll send it to Alex. I mean, that is like... To see that is like a nightmare. If I was a kid, I'd be like, no, Nashorak! Oh, that's terrifying. Yeah, that is very scary looking. I thought Shrek was kind of gross ogre-y before.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, you're saying your shower is a bathtub? Yeah. Well, we turned ours to a bathtub with our foot in it. That's why I did it. If I would have had a bathtub, I wouldn't have had to clog it with my foot.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Now that is an ogre.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, that's like scary.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I love Shrek. You guys think I could grab this chair and just throw it through the hole behind me?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, without looking? Like hike it like a football?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And in three.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, no preload. I'm so scared.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Okay. I know what the problem was. There was no height. No height. Yeah, you need to try that again. Is it really? I'm gonna have to look for this one.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I mean, what in the world was that? That was horrible. I was trying to really push it through. It did not. I don't think it fits. I'll be honest.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Cash? What? Does it even fit? Yeah, Kate, can you help me here? Well, I think we should have tried that first, you know? What? To see if it actually even fits.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Also, Kate wakes up this morning, and speaking of it, nagging about me singing in the shower, which I have no clue why that even involved her.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, it doesn't. Let's see. How stupid are we?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Unless you throw it really hard.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Harper, what are you doing?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I mean, this is the definition of a freshman. Wait, what's it called? I didn't go to school.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What's the year when you get your car? Sophomore. This is the definition of a sophomore.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hey, Harper, what else do you got there? Okay, well, that's annoying.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Are you wondering what this is? Yeah. Yeah, what's that that you have in your hand? It's not a ring. It's... Read it. Oh, it says... It says Bravo. Oh, it's a Bravo. Bravo.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


There you go.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


The key?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What are you doing?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Let me see this. Let me see this.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It is a funny looking... Try to throw that through the hole without looking. Oh, no!

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Because you would just... This morning. And she wakes up. Why does she sound like a chainsaw? She wakes up. And all you guys know, even all the audience, everyone knows I do not want dogs. I don't like to take care of dogs. Oh, you love honey. That's why I don't want one. No, that is not a lie.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No! Did it go through? No.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I saw you flip them around. I was like, no, that's not keys. Do you know what they're for? At first, I was like, what is that? Is that, like, a sponge? I thought it was, like, a peppermint. I didn't know. I thought it was a remote for, like, the TV.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


A Bravo. A key. I mean.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Maybe a storage unit.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


A locker. I'd love to see what it's for. Does it go to an RC car? No. A little tiny Harper size car? Follow me.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Follow you where? What is this, follow the leader?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, we're not following anyone right now. Well, I want to follow. She's going somewhere. I'll follow. No.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


All right, guys, we're officially mobile. We got the camera off the tripod. We're heading downstairs right now. Hey, he took my shoes. Ow, he hit my toes. No, hey, someone moved my shoes. What? I don't really know man, but I mean you move I didn't I haven't moved my shoes a couple days ago to get under my skin You know what?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Blaming the dog is crazy, actually.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's not raining.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Ow. Oh, sorry. No.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, whoa, Harper got a new car. I did not know this information.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We're actually in a neighborhood. I don't know if you know that or not, but this is where kids play. Hey, let's just pull over.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, yeah.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, yeah.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hey, hey.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hit the gas! Oh! It gets it, baby! Okay, stop! Okay, what do you mean, see if there's any kids? Are you looking for a child to hit? No.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


She's trying to not hit children. Let's see how fast it goes 0 to 60.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


0 to 60. That's what matters.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Turn right? We're getting demonetized for this. Why are we going right?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, wait. Hold on. Don't move. I need to set the camera down. And I need to buckle up. Wait, don't move. The camera will fall. Okay.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Your car is already broken. Safety first. Hey, what's that book down there? What did I just say? She did not listen to what I said.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah. No, but he likes dogs. He walks in, he's like, honey, honey, wait, honey. Oh, I like dogs. Like, when I'm at Harper's House and sell Estes, I'm like, oh, come here, Estes. I mean, that dog is like a rat dog. It's like, ah! But it doesn't really let you touch it. Yes, it does. No, I try to touch Estes, and it's like...

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Empty road. Take me home. But there might be needles. That's a cul-de-sac.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


This is actually my first time ever being in the car with Harper driving. Yeah. And it is scary. Man, what's really scary is seeing how far forward her seat is. Her legs are so tiny. She's like right up on the freaking wheel. Her knees are hitting the front so she can reach the pedals. Look at how close her knees are. Do you want me to turn?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Guys, look at my knees in this thing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Boom. Wait, wait, wait. We got a wide open road ahead of us. Except for that car. Except for this guy right here. We got Harper behind the wheel. Two inches from the front. Hey, you guys are literally getting. Y'all got a lot of room back there. Y'all are literally watching our first time riding with Harper, and you're basically getting to be here. Hey, I don't know how to work a camera.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


How does focus work? Do you want me to film while I drive? No, we don't. Are you sure? All right, guys, I hope I'm filming everything good. Three, two, one. Go. Oh, my gosh.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That noise is kind of hype after driving a Tesla. I never hear that. Yeah, I drive a Tesla.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Well, I own a Tesla. You want to park right here and we can get a little walk around?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Show us the whip. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Let's do a walk around. Also, who the heck was sitting in this chair? Like, seriously. There's no room here. I feel like I'm in a drawer car. I'll take this. I got it.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'm better with a camera.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, everything's going to be out of focus. Let me just hold on. Yeah, see, everything's going to be messed up. Hurry. Hold on, guys. I'm learning how to work a camera. It's cold in my hair. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. All right, let me give you a quick run around. Wait, no, we aren't. Time for a quick run around. I gotta learn how to work this. Hold on. Can you just give it to me?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Uh, Maverick, nobody can see you right now. You're out of focus and wide out.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


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The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, I was not standing in the mud on purpose, Kate. That's just called dirt. That's the outside world.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hey, we got to hurry. OK, now that it's fixed, can I see you back?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Car is kind of talking. I have an issue. What, Kate?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That's a nice trunk. Can you fit cash in it? Hey, if your trunk can fit me in it, then that means your junk got a lot in its trunk.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I've never seen that, actually. We're going to do a see how much of a car people you guys are. Does anybody know what this is?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What is it? Cash doesn't know. That's why he's asking you. No, I know exactly what this is, and we'll see if anybody's answers are correct. Do you know what it is, Kinsey?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I know exactly what it is. What do you think it is? Oh, no, I know exactly what it is.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Bingo! That's what I was going to say. It's for when you have to urinate in the car.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Now, where does it go? Out the window! You just hold it out the window and you pee.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Okay, yeah. We'll need to sanitize this once it's used. Hey, there's your jack. You could change your tire for the first time.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No. What is this? Alright, we're gonna see how well you guys know cars. What is this? A bag.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I don't really know what this is.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I'm really cold. I'm really cold.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, no. She almost broke her window. She literally just almost shattered her window. She had it right here. Can you close that? He was about to shatter it. Dude, you were about to freaking obliterate this thing. I'm sorry.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, no, no. I want to see the headlights.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Is this the car from the show?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, nice car. Let's get back to it. Thanks.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Too cold. Hey, pop the hood. Let me check the engine. I'll make sure we're good to go. OK.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


OK, well, yeah. I'm just going to check the engine, make sure we're good to go up in here. All right. All right, pop it. Oh, gosh. OK. No, pop the hood.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, they're leaving us. You know what's crazy? I know people psych people out by trying to hit them with a car, but I do not trust Harper at all. No, me neither. OK, get out of the way. Hey, it's really cold outside. Hey, don't leave us here. That's pretty messed up. I'm not walking home. That isn't for walking. It's cold. All right, let's get walking.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We're going to have to start fending for ourselves. I'll be honest, I don't think I'm coming back. Look, Mav. See, trees.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


This isn't Minecraft. You can't throw that in a crafting table. Yes, you can. I know exactly how to make a shelter. We're going to need to get a lot of brush and put it over this brush, and then there will be a cave inside there. Look. There's plenty of room in here.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's a lot warmer inside the brush. No, I'll see you later, I'm walking home.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


okay you have fun in your shelter we kind of cut the camera for a little bit because we got cold and we had a fin for our survival and the girls never came back it's really really cold out here and they never came back and we don't have our phones so i really did think they were just gonna leave us for a minute but they they didn't i thought they were gonna turn around and it's freezing out here so we're in a construction zone yeah and so there's no one around yeah and it's like slightly raining like misting but we're fine

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We're really fine. We'll keep traveling on, young companions. Yeah, something. Young companions. No, that's not them. Oh no, it's them! It's them! I see them on the horizon! Cash, that's just a bird. We gotta keep walking. Alright guys, well, hey, make sure to subscribe. Subscribe.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


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The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Unfortunately good with a mullet. I know I have to get a haircut since Harper messed up my hair. We're trying to get him to cut it.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Literally backs up like so fast away from you. He does like Scooby-Doo backwards. It's because she doesn't like- Yeah, it moonwalks backwards while you're looking at it. Maybe it's you. She just like looked at you and was like, ah. But anyways, I like dogs like that. Like, oh, going to someone's house. Oh, there's a little doggy. Okay, now I'm done.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, but I don't like owning a dog. And I made it very clear to Kate before I bought her a dog. I don't want one. I do not want to take care of a dog. I do not want it at all. Kate was like, if you get me a dog, you will never have to do anything. I will clean up after it, feed it, everything, walk it. You don't got to do anything. Nothing, nothing, nothing. So I got her dog this morning.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


She lets the dog out. We wake up to. And I'm like, what's going on? And Honey's just, like, tapping her cage, wanting out. And Kate's like, oh, she wants to use the bathroom. So Kate gets up to let her outside to use the bathroom. And Kate's like, Honey, no! No, Honey, no!

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


She screams it so loud, too. Kate gets so dramatic. We're so dramatic. Like, Stella is about to eat Honey's food or something. Like, you would swear Stella's about to eat Kate's pizza on the counter or something. Like, it's... We're all just sitting there like like on our phones or something then all the sudden you hear What happened and it's like she was licking the floor and What?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


The direction he's going is mullety.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, but wait. I gotta get back to my story because Kate's yelling at Honey, right? And then she has to go clean up her pee because Honey couldn't hold it from her cage to the door. So she peed all over the floor. And then Kate's yelling, daughter like mother.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And I'm still in bed and I just hear all this yelling going on at Honey and I'm just like, doesn't bother me because Kate told me I will never have to clean up. And then Kate comes in there, and she's like all mad, and I was like, that's why I don't like dogs. That just made her more mad. I was like, that's why I don't like dogs. And she goes, well, it's your fault. I was like, what?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Do you think you're full of talent? And she goes, yeah, because you should have helped me clean it up. What the? And then. Do you want to apologize, Kate?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And she hasn't let that go all morning. I just thought I'd air out our drama because even in the shower, she was still mad at me because I didn't help her clean up Honey's pee when I wasn't even out there.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Is that why she was mad when she sat down? Probably.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, let me see.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Did you feel anger from her? I felt it in the aura, for sure.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Your aura was just very anger.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, we just said we're not singing. No, no, no, no. We're not singing. It's a fun game. It's a fun game.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You told us to do this once.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yes, you did.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, that's short hair. That's crazy. Yeah. He like, I saved it. I'm going to relax. Hey, calm down, buddy. Relax. Calm down. Look at it.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Did you say that's not the national anthem?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You know, I can do sign language to the national anthem. Wait, what's that other song? I don't know. You stand up and you're like...

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, yeah, that one.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What's that other song? There's two of them. I always forget that.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That's not a poem. That's a song. It's a pledge, actually. I pledge allegiance to the flag. Actually, it might not be a song. That isn't really a vibe.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That's pretty culty of us. Just, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's just like a kindergarten thing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Did you say it again? Did you say it wrong? No.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I know why you kept me pledging to my school. I know.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You guys had high school songs? Oh, yes.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


What is yours? Sad?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That is much more boring. That sounds like a hymn in like an old, old 100 year ago church.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's like screaming it. It's a great song.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It just sounded like, crush their skulls!

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, what did you say, seriously?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


That is not a... That sounded nothing like it. No, we're not loving.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, no, no. Crush your skulls. We hold our L's up and we say, school we love!

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


He's hyper-focused on one thing and he can't know anything else around him. Just like today. I love my mullet. Look, I will start the timer. Boom. But maybe you should put it up. Since I have to do Maverick's job for him.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


You don't know? You don't know your school song? Instead of being the Henrietta Knight, we were the Henrietta Hintz.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


We had to change it because everywhere we went, we just got egged.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


They changed it to the Henrietta Knight because they kept getting egged. Ours were Marcus Marauders.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


It's like a mercenary.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


The other type of kidnapper. Marauders are on the ocean, aren't they? No. Mine is so deep down. You're like, that person, they think they're a... Why is mine so long?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


A martyr. A martyr. No, I didn't say that. What's a martyr? A martyr is someone that dies for their faith.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


A marauder?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Kate had to look up their school song.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


And you forgot all of it?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


I don't really know the melody of the song.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Everybody just relax, please. No, this is just going to be one of those days that we all get mad at each other. I can just feel it in my toes.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Please let the audio be in the background. I don't really know the melody, so I don't really know how to sing it. But he goes, oh, when those fighting nights all fall in line, we're going to win this game another time. We're going to cheer our team and yell and yell.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


For the dear of HHS. We'll yell and yell and yell. And then we fight, we fight, we fight, we fight for every score. The black and gold on high forevermore. And then those nights we'll win. This game for sure.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


For dear old HHS.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Wait, I remember that. That's like the fight song for every school. Why do I remember that song? Wait, is that every school? Wait, why does that sound like, oh, when the saints come marching?

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Yeah, I said, I literally said, oh, there's a fight in 19. He goes...

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Hey, guess what? Guess what Stella ate last night? Wait, we still got to hear Kate sing.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


No, stop singing. I always tell you guys this. No one's singing. I think people enjoy listening back to the episodes.

The LOL Podcast

I Bought My Dream Car!


Oh, she ate Kimmy's underwear again, didn't she? Listen, so we're laying in bed. That's what my dog does. We're laying in bed and I'll... Kinsey's got some secret talent. She doesn't wake up to anything. Anything. But Stella just goes like... And Kinsey instantly jumps up out of bed. She's like, I resurrect from the death.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


My arm is literally bruised.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


It was because you guys were yelling at me. I was trying to answer you and then I stepped on the freaking ceiling. Well, did you get the present?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I couldn't find it. Someone moved it.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


He didn't mean to do that. Yeah. And it's like a perfect square just like Cassius' square body. Yeah, apparently I'm built like a Minecraft character.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I think the best part was just...

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I need to grab the wood this time.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


No, we're not going again.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Come on, Matt. Go. Don't hurt his spine.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Is it moving? You open it.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I'm scared to grab you.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


What do we do now?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Oh, no. I'm going to fall. I'm losing grip. The average human can only hang for 60 seconds. Just stand up. Oh, you're actually kind of sturdy. I can't get through the hole.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


There we go. Push me.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


What is that? What is that noise?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Just don't let it get out. He's playing you. He's playing you.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I mean, it was pretty crazy. What was up with that?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


This is a funny episode. This is a funny episode. Please stop kicking my name. All right.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Where are you going? You want me to look in it? Where are you going? There's nothing bad in there. Okay, you're okay. You have to open it.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Hey, Kinsey, you take up more room in the bridge. No, she doesn't.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I was self-deflecting.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Oh my goodness, she's so excited. I got her a gift. Look at her.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Yeah, there's no way we're cutting. Oh yeah, we have to cut that. I think we should live stream this. Oh my gosh.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I don't know. Keep my wife's name out of your mouth.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Kate, you'll be fine. How are we five minutes in and she's crying? All right, Kate. All right, Kenzie, you open it. I'm not opening it. Are you crazy? It's like... Guys.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


A jumping spider? I was like, what an idiot. It's okay. What?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Whatever it is, it's making noises.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


I don't know what you want me to do. What are you going to do?

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Why was nobody going to tell me my hair looked like this? Your hair looked like. I mean.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


Why was nobody going to tell me my hair looked like this? It always looks like that. No, I don't. I'm going to get a hat. I'm very insecure right now.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


That's right. Uh-oh.

The LOL Podcast

Kate Raged and Slapped Kenzie!


That terrified me.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Me and Jason, we met in kindergarten.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, but we're dating.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Wow, I'm sorry, what?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I met her on the playground. She's really small and pretty.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, no. So, yeah, we went to the same elementary school. Can you not eat? Bro, can everyone just give me a break? So we went to the same elementary school middle school and high school. Oh, is that rare in a big town? Yeah. No.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Oh Yeah, it's pretty rare honestly, but I mean low-key but um, yeah you you just lead it off with that and then we Class and we just became friends Really because like the first time I saw you you were like trying to get a video at Harper Wait, that wasn't the first time y'all met.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


It's at kindergarten, not pre-K. And remember, he was his age and he met me on the playground.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


So, yeah, and did you know I'm actually older than him?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Well, apparently, Harper lived really close. Yeah, we can take you back.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What do you mean by that? Her mom will be in the car.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Okay, well, ask my boyfriend questions.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You're literally 24, I'm pretty sure.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I don't have any attitude. It's your problem. I don't know why you're always asking like I have a problem because I don't. TPH? I literally use you for clout.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Here's Mike All right, so the very next day like can you hear moving it?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, what's the whole story? Are you kidding?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I know where we are dating Talk about yourself I'm not self-centered the way I

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Sorry, I'm getting fights easily.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, I was nervous the first time I came on. Really?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I was nervous, too, but... Oh, my gosh, there's five cameras. He's supposed to, like, man up, because he's, like, my... Your boyfriend.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I can do a good YouTube voice.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Do you do your water like this?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I think I took my thing off. So it's yours. Sorry my bad.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You don't have to be scared around your girlfriend. I'm not scary. She's just a little scary. I'm not scary. Yeah, no, don't. That's crazy.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Oh, that would be my bedroom. Another wall. But, yeah, guys. We built a wall in front of the wall. Do y'all not have, like, questions? Like, this is y'all's first time meeting him. Uh, yeah.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Stop fiddling with your hands and tell the definition simple word are we too much happening at once I would be stressed Hey Siri No, no, what's your stop it a little tea?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, you already failed. The definition of loyalty is not to, like, hurt me.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Not to hurt me. Like, come on now.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


And then, like, what's the definition of not cheating? Like, my last guy. wait i have the next question uh me so what what well can you please tell us how you guys started dating uh over you know like the span of a couple of uh seconds we decided that it was

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


It was the best thing to do. We've known each other for a while, so it was honestly perfect. Y'all have known each other longer than me and Matt have known each other. Yeah, and we're not even married. Yeah, that's crazy.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


That's good. And people call him like 30, so I don't want like, oh. Dude, I'm 15.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


How does the hate comments feel for you? There's hate comments?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, there's no hate comments. Don't worry. There is no hate comments. But, yeah, what are y'all's questions? Wait, I have a question.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


In track. Skip track practice just for this. Oh, wow.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Are you shorter than my ex? No, you're taller than him.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What does it matter? I think you're just trying to pick a fight.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I'm not picking a fight. I'm so sorry about the fight. Sorry, did you just say that I have a problem with things?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I'm sorry, I do not have a problem with things. Can you stop stress drinking your water? Would you like a Sprite? No, I don't want a Sprite. I don't know why you're... Your hair is turning red. Calm down.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I get it. Okay, yes. Like, over the past, like, few years of us dating. Years? A couple days? We've just announced it on, like, social media.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, I'm not acting nervous. I'm not nervous.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What's loyalty? It's... I already said my definition. Why are you always, like, questioning me? Like, I don't understand. He's always questioning me. I don't know.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


He's, like, actually not loyal to me because he's always questioning me on things. Like, what are... Like, do you not trust me?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Why are you guys fighting like an elderly married couple?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, I don't understand. Why are you, like... Do you just want to be like a part of the podcast, like switch roles with me?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Why are you being so annoying right now? It's honestly like PMOing me. Well, sometimes it's hard to work with your spouse.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You know, I'll get your phone, but I'll see who just texted you because I'm... No, you don't know.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Can you please tell me what skivvity means? Who the heck is Ashley? Who the heck is Ashley? I'm so done with you, like, messing around with our relationship.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Let's get started They're not doing that me yeah, okay, so

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Well, like, would you like to smash it? Like, I don't know if you're so angry at me.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You're new here, but nobody sits here. Why are you trying to get away from me?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I literally put on my special perfume just for you. Which one? I didn't put on my... The one that stinks? Yeah, but what do you mean I smell bad when you're the one who's always doing track and all these fun little things with other girls and hanging out with other boys? Should we look through Harper's makeup bag? Oh, no, no. That's... What?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


That's what I did. It might look like that. My eyeliner was dried out.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


so i poked a pencil into it and i poked a pencil into the eyeliner and then it got all um watery i guess and then so i could put it under my waterline so i used the lead okay um how do you explain the teeth marks in this brush oh uh i like to chew on things like is there a problem no no problem she got any gatorade in there eyeliner

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


There's nothing in that bag. Yeah, of course. I just don't smell bad. I just don't understand. Man, that thing has gone through. What do you mean? Got it from Sheen about five years ago.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Nobody's fighting with you.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Okay, why are you trying to clip me? What?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Okay, we're not a new couple. We've been dating longer than you can say.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Hey, I have real questions.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I don't care what they're passionate about. Have we gone on an actual date?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, we're literally number 23.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


He's going to buy you perfume.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Be so honest. Should I check? No, no, no, don't check, please. But, like, do you actually think I smell bad? No, because people at school are going to clip that. Do you actually think I smell bad?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


She keeps saying people are going to clip this from her school. His football team, like, is obsessed with the whole thing.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Oh, everybody cares.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Because I'm about to pick a fight again.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Say you wanna go. By James Arthur?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I don't understand the intro. This is going to be my original YouTube channel voice.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I still never had one. Were you popular in school? Yeah. We're pretty popular.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


We're the power couple. Are you really? Really? Does nobody know who you guys are?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, whatever. Baby Gronk over me? Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, I don't understand.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I don't know if we'll make it that far at this point.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I don't have any attitude. It's your problem. It's your problem. I don't know why you're always acting like I have a problem because I don't.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Harper, why are you rage baiting? Okay, to be honest, TBH, I literally use you for clout.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


That little teenage phase.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Well, anyways, no, I'm going to do my YouTube channel intro that I used to use in fourth grade. In fourth grade? What's up, baguette lovers? Is she okay? Is she all right? Because I want to know. Welcome to another banger episode. If you haven't already, make sure to like this video and smash that big red subscribe button.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Did he just say, is that time of the month?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I asked. You don't want to touch his hands.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You are famous. Kind of.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What is it? I can't say it out loud.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I didn't know, okay? Oh, it's okay. Sorry, I just wanted to break up with him so bad that I had to say that. Like, I don't know.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


And, like, they're back together now already.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Can I copy and paste that? I got you, bro.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I need to be nice. My mom's telling me to be nice, and I'm literally... She literally likes Jason more than me. I'm so confused.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


And while you're there, click on the post notification bell so you can be notified every time I post a new video. Let's get started.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You don't have a journal?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Okay. That's what firefighters do. I like... Like don't know camera stuff like off the podcast like seriously like I don't

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, I know, but I don't have anything nice to say. Yes, you do.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Please don't do that.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I know. I just, I mean, I like his shoes.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


i don't know i mean like there's there's a lot of different things is he funny sure yeah he's funny sure she says she said sure i know i mean sure like off camera right now like i don't like i'm sorry i don't want to date you anymore no yeah i'm up to date with that i'm up to date okay you guys come here live literally why aren't you you guys need to give her another like 20 minutes on the podcast and then you can break up and we don't care what happens but stay together for the sake of the podcast no because honestly that was a good idea okay can y'all stay together for 20 more minutes i'm

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What's up, baguette lovers? Because I would always have a baguette. Mom, remember that?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to be on the podcast with somebody that I don't like, clearly. What is going on?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Why would you invite him to the podcast? I did not invite him to the podcast. You invited him because I did not know he was coming.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Who wants candy? Oh, that fixes everything. I got candy. Somebody want candy.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


See, it takes him forever.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


It's not physical. Oh, my gosh. What do you not get?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Sorry, what did you just say?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


A bread. It would be a bread. And I'd be like, what's up, baguette lovers? And I'd bite it.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


You're supposed to be on a diet, like, recording the mind.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Harper! What do you put him on a diet?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I like that he, um... He is, like, a little taller than my ex. I don't know. Stop talking about your ex. Oh, right.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yes, you are. Much taller than him.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


But he's also a little skinnier. What? Like, you're more masculine. Oh, thank you. Oh, that was a compliment.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What's up, baguette lovers? Is she okay? Is she all right? Because I want to know. We're back with another banger episode and blah, blah, blah, and all that.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, I have I have like, you know have friends at school.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


What I'm saying is people don't really like us at school, right?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Why? Are people mean to you at school?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Can you please get that out of my face? I'm mad with the fact that you're always, like, with other girls asking them questions. Like, I'm just, I'm trying to, like, approach this in, like, a calm way, but, like, why are you always asking questions? I'm not trying to pick a fight. It's just, like, I'm approaching it.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I bet you have one. I don't know if I have them anymore because I deleted all of them. Why would you delete those? Because they were on Clips, this Clips app, and that all deleted.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


All right. Yeah, I have never hung out with a guy for content.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I was forced into that.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


And you're going to keep walking up and leave us in the dust.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I know that you're not trying to hurt me in any way, but like... Dude, please, why? Why are you picking a fight? Why are you being a victim? Because I'm...

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


I mean, like... Do you? What? Have friends?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


We were talking about it.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


She's like, dang it. Okay, well, I have to take a shower. Apparently I smell bad.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, I got work. That's what Maverick tells himself so he doesn't cry at night. Do you do anything other than work?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


That's so sweet. Yeah, it was just like, it was nice. Did she even say you're welcome?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Is that not okay? Like do you not have fun with robots?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Why do you think you get an intro?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Hey guys, welcome to the LOL podcast. It is Harper and Maverick. That was way better. That was way better.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Not my name, quarterback. What?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Cash Goose Baker. Goose Cash Baker. Goose Goose.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Oh, I was just trying to ask a good question.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Harper, why are you always so quick to leave us? I'm wondering how many minutes we're on in the episode.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Yeah, I'm done being your sparring partner. Do the move.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Oh, yeah, you can just... That was insane. Harper, are you surprised? Yes, very. Why did y'all invite Jason on the podcast? Oh, because he's your boyfriend, right?

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


It was nothing personal. I didn't mean it. Well, anyways, me and Jason, we met in kindergarten.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Are you holding hands? No.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


No, but we're dating.

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


that maybe that i said symmetry pretty awkward now it's clearly bringing that up i wouldn't do that yeah yeah we're waiting till marriage anyways we're on a strict like hey can you guys hold hands seriously come on hold hands no hands hold them hold the hands two seconds hold the hands come on

The LOL Podcast

Harper’s BOYFRIEND Comes On The Podcast!


Anyways, do you want to tell them our story? What story? How we met.