Konstantin Kisin
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But the question is, can there be a sense in America that the American dream is alive, that you do not have to work three gig economy jobs to pay your rent, that you're going to be able to buy a house, that you're going to be able to afford to have children, that you're going to be able to raise a family, perhaps on a single income, something that most people only dream about nowadays.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
That's really what this whole economic conversation is about. And we will see over the next four years if Donald Trump is able to slightly even change the direction of travel towards those things that actually Americans of my generation and older used to take for granted as the promise of the country that they live in.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Well, I'm glad you asked me about Elon Musk because the thing that I love most about the media having this massive meltdown about, oh no, these Americans are interfering in our political. These are the same media commentators who are constantly banging on about American politics and saying, Donald Trump needs to do this. You need to vote for this. Like all of this stuff is ridiculous.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The reality is we download our culture, our politics, our music, almost everything from America. America has become what Britain used to be, which is the center of Western civilization.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And my request and ask and begging of British people is, if we're going to download American culture and politics, let's at least take the good stuff instead of all this terrible woke shit that we downloaded from them, the DEI and all this other nonsense.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
and actually take the entrepreneurial spirit and all these other things that are really great about America, the optimism, the positivity, the willingness to have a go, to take a risk, as Scott was talking about. So I wish we took more of that. And it speaks to your question about are we a failing nation. Look, I think...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's a deliberately inflammatory question, which I don't want to kind of actually accept in that way. But what I think we should acknowledge is, are we trending up or are we trending down? And when you talk about over 10,000 millionaires have left, I hear that through a normal British person's ear.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I worry that there's quite a lot of British people who will hear that and say, oh, good, all of these rich parasites have left. Because that's our attitude in the UK to a very large extent. We see wealthy people not as what they are, which is for the most part, not everybody, but for the most part, people who've created a tremendous amount of value financially.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
for their fellow human beings, and as a result of that have been rewarded. We see them because we have this history of the landed gentry. And so to us, a millionaire is someone who has these ill-gotten gains that they don't deserve, right? That is not really the world we live in. When I talk to wealthy people in this country and pretty much everywhere else,
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
For the most part, especially in the Western world, these are people who've created something that has fundamentally helped other human beings do something better, do something easier, buy products cheaper, whatever it is. That's who the successful people really are. And we just need an attitude shift. That's what we should be downloading from America.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
What we should be saying inside our heads is this person is successful because they've helped other people. Great. How do we get more of those people into our country? And I'm afraid I'm telling you something that you know better than anyone, Stephen. If you don't have entrepreneurs in your country creating businesses and creating jobs, the economy is going to stagnate for the rest of eternity.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We have to get smart, talented, driven people into our country instead of chasing them out.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It was almost like demonizing men for decades has consequences. I mean, this is what's been happening. Men are the root of all evil, the root of all evil, the root of all evil. Every advert is about, you know, the woman is strong and capable, the guy's pathetic. In every movie, the woman's kicking ass and the man is pathetic. This has been going on for decades.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's a cultural thing as well as an economic thing. And many of us have been saying that when you take meaning and opportunity away from men, if you create an education system that punishes boys for being boys, if you create a society in which traditional masculine virtues become vices... then you will create exactly the sort of thing that Scott is talking about.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's a terrible thing that's been done. Having said that, my message is always the same to young men who I hope are listening, which is the answer to your problems is never going to be, as Scott says, porn and this and that. The answer to your problems is going to take responsibility, go out and get a job or create a business and actually make your life better. No one's coming to save you.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
No one's coming to help you. There is no... the sort of programs that we have for women where we sort of go, well, you know, let's give them an opportunity here. None of that's happening for men. It's not going to happen because for evolutionary reasons, we just don't feel sorry for men the way that we do for women. That's a reality.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I know it sucks, but the answer for men is going to be the answer that's always been the answer for men, which is for you to get off the sofa, to get off the couch and go out and actually do and create and build and find your own way through it.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Even if you have to acknowledge that the society you live in has been conditioned for quite a long time to think that you're a piece of shit because you happen to have the genitalia that you do. Now, that I think is the harsh reality of it. And I think Scott is right to point this out as a problem. And I hope that we start to have...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
both in terms of economic policy, but in terms of also just the cultural conversations and the way we talk about these issues.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We come back to something that human beings have known through the entire history of our species, which is men and women are both good and need to work together in order to thrive and succeed together, in order to have families, in order to have children, and in order for us to have healthy communities and healthy societies. You need healthy femininity and
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
and you need healthy masculinity, and they need to come together and work together. That's what we're supposed to do. And these stupid gender wars and this idea that men as a group are this and women as a group are that, all of that just needs to end.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
That's exactly right. That's exactly right, Stephen.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I think if we take a step back and look at why DEI has become such a big part of the conversation, it's precisely because instead of addressing the reality of people's lives, which is some people are disadvantaged and some people are advantaged, actually what we've mainly done, and Scott alluded to at the very beginning of our discussion, is we've given a leg up to very...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
wealthy, ethnic minority people from successful families. And they now, their children now get into prestigious universities, which they probably would have done anyway, some of them, because they come from very advanced backgrounds. And the kids that are growing up in poverty, black and white, have no shot whatsoever.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But the reason that it's become such a big issue around the Western world, actually, I don't think it's the nuances that we've delved into here, but actually something else, which is we have created... the most ethnically diverse societies in history.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And what I mean by that is not that we've created societies in which there are large groups of people who are different from each other, but for the first time, probably in human history, we've created societies in which there is a lot of ethnic diversity and there is no overt discrimination against some groups of people in the sense of
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
You know, the imperial societies in the past would have had one dominant ethnic group, which is, you know, the Russians in the Soviet Union or the Turks in the Ottoman Empire or the Brits in the British Empire, whatever. That was the ethnic group that was like the dominant one. And everybody else was a kind of second class citizen and everybody knew it. Right. We don't have that anymore.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We have highly diverse societies where people of every single background exist. in which we have this idea that we're all supposed to be equal. When we have programs that explicitly discriminate against people, there were times when the discrimination was explicit against black people.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Well, we've gone full circle now where the discrimination was going the other way in university admissions, in hiring, in corporate America, in government, in all sorts of things. In this country, the BBC has internships that aren't available to white people. etc.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
When you get to that point, as Scott said earlier on, everyone just goes, look, I know I'm not supposed to say this, but the reality is this is racism. This is a form of racism. And I thought we were trying to get away from the racism.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So to the extent that the elimination of DEI is about creating a merit-based society in which people are given an opportunity because they're skilled and talented and they have the potential to actually achieve things, and create wealth. You know, we all know this. We all employ people, right? How many of us are thinking about the races of the people we hire?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I don't think we think about that at all. What we're thinking about is I run a business. I need the very best person to very best possible person for this job at the price I'm willing to pay. I don't care if they are purple, green, blue, white, whatever. It doesn't matter. What matters is are we getting the best person for the job? And my concern about identity politics has always been
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
that if we do not adopt that worldview, then what we will do is create a worldview in which we have different racial groups competing with each other on the basis of race. And that is a very, very dangerous mix for a multi-ethnic society like ours, which is why I've been begging people to let go of this stupid idea
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
of identity politics and to say, first and foremost, we are all Brits or we are all Americans. We have this umbrella identity under which we all operate and our personal ethnicity or sex or whatever is secondary to that. And actually for the purposes of employment, for the purposes of college admission, et cetera, is irrelevant.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Yes, if there is disadvantage, if we grew up in a single parent home with a low income, we may need some extra support there. If we had terrible schooling or our education was not good, we may need extra support. If there's certain things that make it easier for us because of the disadvantages we've had to fulfill our talent and potential, I'm all for that.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But what we've created so far, and that's why I'm delighted it's being eliminated, is an anti-meritocratic system which says, we don't care what you bring to the workplace. We don't care whether you deserve this place or not. We don't care about the potential you have. Actually, we just needed an insert category tick box to fill this slot. And you filled it.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It doesn't really matter that you're not doing your job very well because now we can say, you know, we're a diverse company. I don't care about that. And we shouldn't care about that as a society. And thank God that's now gone.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I think it's incredibly unwise to make bold predictions about what's going to happen over the next six to seven months. I do think what America had at the election and what the election of Donald Trump represents is something that we in the UK don't have, which is choice.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Net, yes. But I think what people hear when you say that is there's no problems with this system compared to the ones we had before. There are definitely disadvantages to a free platform like X now. And one of them is... inevitably, when you remove censorship, one of the things the censorship was doing was keeping all the deeply unpleasant people away from being able to shove things in your face.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And that happens quite a lot on X. So I don't enjoy that aspect of it. But I've always said that would be the price that we would pay for freedom. Freedom always has a price, and that's what we're seeing. As for Zuckerberg, His miraculous transformation into a free speech warrior is just wonderful. And I'm delighted to welcome him.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I'm sure it's entirely genuine and not anything to do with the election results we've just seen in any way whatsoever. And the fact that the culture shifted and those of us who were being censored by people like him for years actually winning the argument. Well, what it shows you is we've won the argument on free speech. when it comes to the big tech platforms. And it's going to be messy.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
They had a very clear choice between two very different perspectives on the world, between two very different approaches, between two very different candidates. And ultimately, criticisms of President Trump are necessary and legitimate. Of course, they are.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I always said it was going to be messy because inevitably when you create these large platforms that are algorithmically driven, where the truth and the moderate reasonable take is not what usually gets attention, you're going to see a lot of unpleasantness. I value the ability to hear and communicate truthful ideas and facts over my own subjective feelings.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Oh, someone said a thing I don't like or someone was racist or someone was misogynistic. I don't enjoy the fact that that happens, but I would rather that happened and also we were not being censored from saying, you know, COVID probably came from a lab in China, which we were. You know, the... The Hunter Biden laptop story isn't Russian disinformation.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Actually, it's an important piece of information that American voters need to hear when they're making their decision about the election. And all of these other things that were being suppressed and censored across social media for years.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
they're not anymore and i think that's a good thing and i think that's helpful and if you look at you know to bring it back to the uk for a moment stephen uh as you know on trigonometry we've tried to cover the grooming gangs uh scandal and is as an outrage what happened in this country over decades we've we've been covering that for years since about 2019 2020 to very little purchase
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And one of the reasons is it was just something that the media sort of covered and then moved on when it actually should have been something we talked about on a daily basis until serious action was taken. And we saw real, real change, real change in policing, real change in social work, real change in government, real change in the way that these racially aggravated hate crimes were treated.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Well, none of that was really being talked about seriously until Elon kicked up a fuss amplified the voices of survivors, amplified the voices of campaigners on X, which he bought, and now the British government is forced to do whatever it can to actually address those issues to the extent that it will. A lot of people will say it still doesn't go far enough.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Well, if it doesn't go far enough, we now have a platform from which we can continue to have that conversation until there is the sort of inquiry and the sort of outcomes that people want to actually deliver real change. So is that a positive? God, yes. God, yes. We needed that.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But at the end of the day, I believe, having spent quite a lot of time in America around election time and also just generally and traveling around real America, not just in D.C. and L.A. and New York, The reason that he was elected was that the American people are not prepared to accept what Europeans have decided they're prepared to accept, which is managed decline.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Those women who were raped on a mass scale needed their voices to be amplified by someone like Elon Musk on a platform like X, which is now free. to the point where Keir Starmer is forced into defensive action. I wish that was around 30 years ago, because a hell of a lot of young girls and women wouldn't have suffered the way they did if we had the opportunity to get that message out.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So, God, yes, it's a net positive.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I think there are several reasons. One of the reasons that it's happening now is actually most Americans were completely unaware of this issue until recently. I remember a year ago speaking at a private event in New York and somebody said to me, well, you know, what is the consequence of political correctness? Why are you so against it? Why are you so against censorship?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I talked about the grooming gangs and people were horrified. They hadn't even, and these are well-informed, educated people who are media savvy and whatever. So one of the reasons is I think to a lot of Americans, this issue is only coming to the fore now in front of their mind.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The second issue, I think, is that Elon Musk understands what I said earlier, which is we have a global Western culture now. And so what happens in Britain matters just as much as what happens in America because we are symbiotic with each other now.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
When there's a restriction of speech in the UK, when we have laws about what people are and aren't allowed to say, that has an impact across the world. When you see the European Union trying to pass legislation about online censorship, that has an impact because if something...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
exists in the UK and in many European countries, it's only a matter of time before people in America are going to say, well, look, they've got this in Europe. Why don't we bring it over here? And vice versa. So what happens in America affects us in Europe and in the UK. And what happens in Europe and the UK affects America. So what Elon, I think, is trying to do
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
is to say we care about our civilization. Elon doesn't really talk that much about the United States. He talks about our civilization as I do, because I believe that we are now one thing to a very significant extent.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Now, from our civilizational point of view, is it a good thing that mass rape gangs in the UK are being insufficiently investigated and treated improperly by the police and the government? No, it's not. It's a very bad thing. So how do we address that? Well, we address that by putting pressure on the government of the day. Now, I don't see the grooming gangs as a party political issue.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The Tories didn't really do anything about it properly either, although there were individual members of the cabinet that tried to do something like Suela Braverman. But he's putting pressure on the government of the day. You can see him going after Nigel Farage, of all people, and saying Nigel Farage is not the right leader for reform.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So he's attempting to shape British politics in the direction that he feels is the right way. What does he want?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Look, I don't know what Elon Musk wants. I don't know him personally. I haven't even yet had a chance to interview him, which I really look forward to doing because I think he's one of the great visionaries of our time. Whether you like him or not, I think that's undeniably true. But my sense is he's trying to talk about all the things that we've been discussing, freedom of expression,
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The American people do not want their country to become weaker. They do not want it to become poorer. They do not want to impoverish their fellow citizens through net zero. What they want is their country to be great, their country to be powerful, their country to be influential. The economic realities for most Americans are not really reflected in the figures that we are told.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
the end of identity politics and the pursuit of meritocracy, a pioneering, inspiring vision of the future, which is why he's talking about Mars and a vision for our civilization that goes beyond the narrow squabbling that we do here on Earth. and the understanding that human beings are meant... We left the cave.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We're not supposed to stay in a place with the walls closing in on us and feel like we're in decline. We're not supposed to be a civilisation that has 1.5 children per woman and that is simply just leaving the planet Earth because we can't reproduce. We're supposed to look at the future with hope and optimism. We're supposed to say, I want things to be better.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I want things to be better for my children. I want to have children. I want the vision of our society being one of positivity and optimism and a sense of a pioneering vision and inspiration. That's what I think he wants. And...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
i don't really see any of that in the current government in the uk and i think he's right to go after them and say you are destroying your country's economy you're destroying its culture you're destroying its sense of cohesiveness by allowing illegal immigration you are destroying that sense of optimism and vision and you're not saying to people let's build something better you're saying let's stay small let's play small let's not rise above our station and i think
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We need people like that, imperfect as they may be in all sorts of different ways, to drive our civilization forward, to say to us there is an inspiring vision to which we're all moving as opposed to just sitting there and waiting to die, which is what we've been doing for far too long.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So when people talk about inflation, the reality of people's lives on the ground is that their cost of living has gone up very, very significantly over the last few years. And that's not always reflected directly in the overall inflation figure that we're shown because certain things are much more influential in people's lives than others.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And so whether the decision to elect President Trump ends up being this positive thing for which there should be lots of optimism is a matter of the next four years? Are we going to see a presidency that really does everything it promises? And by the way, you know, if you look at the things that Donald Trump is promising,
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
They thought that before the internet. I remember watching all the 9-11 truth of movies and all of that. But your point overall is right. I totally agree. And by the way, Elon agrees with you. When he bought X, he talked about the bot problem. He talked about the amplification of outrage.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
He hasn't done as much as I hoped he would have done so far, but I hope that they do address that because that isn't an Elon or an X problem. It's a technology problem of the modern world.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The reality is that the more we live our lives online, the more you're going to have the problem of the ability of foreign governments, of individual people to create fake accounts, bot farms, et cetera, to influence the way we look at all of these things. And we are going to have to come to terms with that reality because...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's a technological issue that we're going to have to solve for, and we haven't yet.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I think whether you're left or right, you have to acknowledge that they are things that are worth doing. Having a secure border so that people don't come into your country illegally is a basic duty of government. Economic prosperity is a basic duty of government. Withdrawing America from a kind of
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
No, no. I think we're living through an era of the fragmentation of our reality. And it comes, you know, Scott's point about people behaving better in person is true. Although I would say there is the windscreen effect or the windshield effect, which is if you someone cuts you up in traffic and you feel that there's some kind of physical separation between the two of you.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
most people behave slightly differently in that context than they would if they were sitting next to somebody face to face in a bar.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So it's, it's, there's something about being physically present with other people that changes it, which is one of the reasons, you know, I know you have pretty much all your interviews face to face and we do as well, because I generally speaking is very difficult to connect authentically with people.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Obviously we've managed to do it in the course of this conversation, but beyond that, it's difficult. Um, And so we're going to have to work on that. But the point I'm trying to make is this isn't a political issue. It's not an X issue. It's not an Elon Musk issue. It's a technological issue. We're living through, probably already have lived through most of the digital revolution.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I used to, as a kid, love Isaac Asimov's science fiction books. And one of the reasons I did enjoy reading them so much is it was a world in which there was an exploration of, What does the creation of robots, which is what we're living through,
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
mean for morality what does it mean for philosophy what does it mean for humanity what does it mean for uh what how do we build rules in a world in which you have these machines that take every rule literally and suddenly you find that uh you know the desire to protect humanity results in the end of humanity how do you how do you navigate all of this and that is what we're living through we are also living through a period when our realities are being fragmented and so
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
simultaneously aggressive but weak posture around the world where America sort of says, yeah, yeah, we're going to get involved in these foreign conflicts, but we're not actually going to then practically help Ukraine win that war is a kind of stupid position on both whichever side you're on. So on all of these things, and of course, you know, Scott mentioned wokeness.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
we believe a very small set of things that other people like us somewhere in a very different part of the world, as Daniel was saying earlier, also believe. And we now live in this, we don't live in England or in Scotland or in America. We live almost like in a world of people who think like us in the West, right?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And then other people live right next door to us who live in a whole different world because they consume a whole different set of information. That is the reality. We can complain about it. That is not going to change. And the only thing I really want to raise where I disagree with Scott about this idea that Facebook and X, et cetera, they are... and not platforms.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I don't think you can apply the same media organisation section to them. I don't think it's appropriate. They are platforms in which people publish information. The artificial amplification is a fair point. We need to deal with that. We need to deal with the bot problem. That's a very difficult one because...
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
One of the challenges is the only way to really deal that I can see with the bot problem is to get people to verify their identity online. That obviously has a lot of questions around that because once you start forcing people to give their identity over to some anonymous blob online, who's collecting that data? What are they doing with it?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And, you know, if you don't like Elon Musk or if you don't like the previous Twitter regime, as I didn't, then the question for you is, well, you know, let's say right now I look at Twitter and I'm like, yeah, I'm happy to verify my identity. I'm happy to confirm who I am. Well, what if, you know, George Soros buys X off Elon at some point? Are you still happy that that information is being held?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Are you still happy that the anonymous account you've now made You know, what happens to the anonymous activists speaking about the Ayatollah's regime in Iran? What happens to them when they've had to verify their identity and the wrong person buys our platform or someone hacks it, et cetera?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
So it's a conversation that's not – if there were easier solutions on these issues, they would have been solved by now. This is a very difficult thing for humanity to navigate, and we're going to have to find a way to do it, and incrementally so.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I think he's absolutely right that there is a massive backlash happening around the world because lots and lots of people who were completely apolitical until the last three or four years or maybe until 2016 just feel like the world has gone crazy and suddenly they're supposed to pretend that men can change sex and become women and now they're entitled to be in female prisons and
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
I agree. Well, that's what I'm saying. I think some of the ideas that you're putting forward, right or wrong, I don't know, but these are the conversations we should be having. How do we make sure? I mean, my son is two and a half years old, and my wife has become a complete screen Nazi, so he's probably not going to get a phone until he's about 40.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But I think your point about people shouldn't be on social media.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
People shouldn't be on social media until they're 16. Absolutely correct. What that's doing to the minds of, well, everybody, but particularly young people who are really susceptible to it. You're completely right. The verification dimension is difficult, as I say. We're going to have to hash this all out as humanity. We're just going to have to work this all out.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
How do we live in this new world that we now live in? It's going to take some time, and I hope it's not as bad as the last time the information space was revolutionized, which was the printing press. That caused about two centuries of religious war. Hopefully we can avoid that. And part of the way to do that is to create environments which are uncensored, where people can express different ideas.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We can have these battles and eventually come to some sort of mutual understanding. I hope that happens.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
you know, if your teenager says that they are the opposite sex, you're supposed to chop their breasts off, and all of this other stuff that ordinary people just look at and go, this is crazy. Like, I am liberal, but this isn't liberal. This is some kind of weird thing that's going on.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
In the UK and in most of Europe, it's an issue that Daniel raised earlier, which is in the UK, our energy prices are four times what they are in the United States. That is an ideological decision. It's done because we're saving the planet. That's what we're being told. The reality is our contribution to global carbon emissions is we're responsible for 2% of global carbon emissions in the world.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I see the backlash against all of that all over the Western world, and I think Donald Trump signifies that people are fed up of that. And I have been warning for a very long time that if the woke left continues to exercise this level of influence on our public debate, the reaction will be the rise of the right.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Making British pensioners freeze to death every winter because they can't afford fuel bills is not the solution to climate change. And if you amplify that further, driving businesses out of business, making our economy uncompetitive, making Britain unable to generate wealth for itself and for its future is not the moral position. Net zero.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
which is the impoverishment of our society for ideological reasons, has been positioned as the moral cause where we're saving the planet, we're ending climate change. We're not doing any of that. All we're doing is virtue signalling and making our fellow citizens suffer. So what we should be talking about is how do we make energy cheap again so that we can have a prosperous economy?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And guess what? When people are prosperous, that's when they actually start being responsible about pollution, about throwing away things they don't need. And also, when you have money, that's when you can invest money in scientific research, which allows you to find cleaner, better forms of energy. That's what we should be doing.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We should be making sure that we generate as much wealth for our fellow citizens as possible because a lot of people are struggling.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And I think it's deeply, deeply immoral to impoverish already poor pensioners in this country and to prevent businesses from hiring people and giving them jobs and opportunities, including the young men that Scott is talking about, because we are saving the planet and we're trying to keep little Greta happy. We're not doing any of that. We're not successful in that.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We should stop pretending and we should do what Donald Trump said he plans to do, which is drill, baby, drill. We should be exploring and exploiting all the energy reserves we have in this country in order to create clean energy and better forms of energy for the future, as well as to improve the well-being of our fellow citizens.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
That's what we should be talking about a hell of a lot more than we are.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And in the UK too. And Stephen, let me just, before you wrap up, fill the stats out a little bit more. Obviously, everyone understands that geopolitically we're in a pretty tense time and there's conflicts happening. Britain is in a position now where we would struggle. You've got to remember British history. Britain is... Britannia rules the waves, right?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
The way that Britain has become a great nation throughout history is by having a powerful fleet. We would struggle to build warships now because we've closed down all our steelworks because we're green. Right. It's insanity. And on every other issue to do with energy and industry, we have basically deliberately moved our production facilities to other countries. OK, great idea.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And Donald Trump is one of the most diplomatic and pleasant versions of what you're likely to get if the left keeps going crazy. We will see. what challenges the world throws at him over the next four years, and whether he's capable of responding to them.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Globalisation, make things cheaper, ship things. Wonderful. OK. What happened during COVID? What happened when suddenly the entire chains of production weren't quite operating the way that they normally do? Oh, China's suddenly hoarding all the masks. Interesting. So what do you think is going to happen when there's a war?
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Oh, they're just going to keep shipping the steel to us to make the battleships and the warplanes that we need to fight them? That's what you think is going to happen? This whole thing, this whole agenda is ideological insanity. And what Ed Miliband is about to do to this country when it comes to this issue needs to talk about way more. And it is about economic prosperity.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It is about housing because one of the reasons we don't build as much housing as we need to is, again, building housing produces emissions and we don't want to be not green. So that's why people in their 30s and 40s are now living in flat shares for four people. Right. We have got to let go of this obsession with net zero. We have got to build. We have got to drill. We have got to produce energy.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
And we have got to stop thinking that the moral thing to do is to make our poor citizens suffer in order that we feel good about saving the planet, which we're not even remotely saving by doing this.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
For me, my son's two and a half, so it's a little bit early for this pep talk. But my message to him when he's old enough to hear it is going to be this. Your grandfather, your great-grandfather, my grandfather, was taken as a slave laborer from Soviet Ukraine to Nazi Germany. Your great-grandmother was born in the Soviet gulag.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Your great-grandmother lived through the German occupation and is now living through Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. You are not living in the worst time ever.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
You're surrounded by pussies if you are a man and if you do your job and if you learn the skills that you need to do and if you pursue the things that you want to do with your life to the best of your ability, if you believe in yourself, if you believe that you're talented, if you actually achieve the things that you set your mind to, there's never been a better time in the history of humanity than now.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
You're surrounded mostly by people who feel sorry for themselves. If you're not one of them, you're going to clean up Young women are looking for a young man like you who's actually going to stand up for himself, who's actually going to go out there and achieve and be confident. Be that, and you're going to clean up when it comes to finding the right partner for yourself.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
You're going to clean up when it comes to making money. You're going to clean up when it comes to your career. You're going to clean up on every front because the bar has never been lower. The bar has never been lower. So just go out and be a man, and life is going to be great.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Well, politics is about marketing, and Trump is the marketer in chief. He's very good at branding and selling ideas, and partly that's what politics is about. But in terms of the economy, I think Scott is entirely right. It's one of the reasons I admire America so much, the sense of dynamism and economic growth and the desire to create things and build things.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's an observation I've had every time I've been there. You know, if you have a successful restaurant in the UK, you go, well, I've got a successful restaurant. In America, if you have a successful restaurant, you open a second one and a third one and you create a chain, right? So their attitude to business more broadly is fantastic and I love it.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
But I think the difference is that I don't think Americans were comparing the American economy under Joe Biden to the European economies. They were comparing the American economy under Joe Biden to the American economy under Donald Trump in his first term and also what they expect him to do for the future.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
When they look at the fact that he's got real business leaders in government now, like Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk talking about government efficiency.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
We have to admit that all Western countries have a massively bloated civil service, what we call civil service in the UK and the administrative state in the US that wastes a huge amount of money that produces very little in terms of output in many cases. And that needs to be slimmed down. And people, I think, are very excited about that. And when I talk to
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
business leaders in America, including ones that were never on the Trump train, so to speak. So many of them went over to his side in this election cycle because they just felt that he was going to continue to accelerate American growth. and continue to deliver prosperity for the American people.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
Now, Scott's point about tariffs and all of these other things, you know, I've listened to Donald Trump enough now to know that you should not necessarily be taking him literally. I think many of the things he says are negotiation tactics and signaling. So when he says, I'm going to build this or do that or do this, you have to sort of read between the lines.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
When he says, you know, this will be the worst thing that you just go, he's saying to people like, you better work with me. Otherwise, this is going to work out badly for you on all of these things. And so it remains to be seen whether he's successful in those tactics of getting what he wants. Look, America is always going to be an unequal society.
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
EMERGENCY DEBATE: What Trump’s Return Really Means for America & The Real Reason Men Voted for Trump! Is the UK About to Collapse?!
It's designed in a way that is going to make it that way. In America, the focus is how do we grow the pie? In Europe, the focus is how do we divide it up so everyone gets their fair little share, right? So Americans are about expanding the pie and then the people who bake the pie get as much of it as they possibly can.