LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
That was my first thought. Yes, because so many Americans have $250 rolling around for one bill for the most valuable president. I think if I'm not mistaken, you called it when they were introducing that they wanted to put Donald Trump on Mount Rushmore. I think it was around that time. Yeah.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
So something that is just absolutely appalling and not unexpected at all in an administration where sexual abuse and misogyny is at the highest level. But the despicable Tate brothers who have been held in Romania, who have been alleged to be rapist and human traffickers. And I've seen some of the videos that Andrew has posted on the Internet, and it is chilling. And they fled Romania to America.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
Every day I wake up and I think, today's the day MAGA is not going to be dumber than the day before. But that was not today. Because we have now introduced the idea of a bill with Trump's face on it at $250. a $250 bill.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
Now, let me just take you back to Alina Haba being on a podcast with Andrew Tate in the last 30 days saying how great he was and how she was a big fan. And he was a victim of prosecution, just like Donald Trump. And so this administration, according to reports, had been putting pressure on Romania to release them back to the United States. And it is despicable.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
And you know who else is not happy about it? Kitten heels. Governor Kitten heels is madder than a hornet because they went to Florida. Let's hear what he has to say.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
promote he and donald trump so who's the beneficiary of this that is my question entirely why was trump pressuring the trump administration pressuring romania why is alina haba on their podcast fluffing him up not their podcast but a podcast with them so that's the question what's the connection what's the uh transactional nature is it money i don't understand what it is but i like you want to tell
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
Governor DeSantis, if you're waiting on Pam Bondi and Kristi Noem to fix this, good fucking luck.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
100% it is, and this is sterling proof, but it will be interesting in the next few weeks when it comes out why. Why is Trump so integrally involved with the Tate brothers?
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
And Representative Joe Wilson says, I am grateful to announce that I am drafting legislation to direct the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to design a $250 bill featuring Donald J. Trump. Bidenflation has destroyed the economy, forcing American families to carry more cash. Most valuable bill for the most valuable president. Are you kidding me?
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
100%. One thing that I found extremely interesting was the, let me get this name right, the Ohio Capital Journal, which is the hometown paper of JD Vance, came out with an absolute excreting article about what a lapdog vice president he has been, how he has embarrassed Ohio. And this is just a quote.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
The lapdog vice president, with evidently a lot of time on his hands, has managed to be firmly rebuked by the pope Pope Francis, denounced by outraged NATO allies and widely ridiculed for his bizarre masculinity rant at a weekend MAGA Fest just a month into his tenure. She wrote, way to create a buzz, acute embarrassment back home. I hope they're embarrassed, but I'm not sure.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
I mean, I would hope they're embarrassed. I'm embarrassed. I know you're embarrassed. I think some of these people like it.
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
so that's just a little uplifting database i do somewhat want to talk about coming up we have all of this information coming out about uh
LOL...DeSantis is Pissed at Daddy Trump
measles the smallpox the bird flu and just keep an eye on the fact that the united states is no longer part of the world health organization as all these different infections are coming that's something we all need to keep our eye out on i want i just want to point out for the viewer that there are more children with measles in the united states of america than there are trans athletes in the ncaa very astute point all right we'll see you all later
Serialously with Annie Elise
230: TikTok’s Ashley Trevino, GF Found Decapitated, Lively vs Baldoni, Stabbed Over a Sandwich & New Orleans Attack
so i'm about to be a newly single mom um and i am in the middle of divorce um my husband is being incredible though like really and truly like we are we're working together everything's great we're splitting everything down the middle like you know everything is good it is a very simple divorce with our our daughter in mind and i really appreciate that however you know i'm gonna be a mom single income right now
Serialously with Annie Elise
230: TikTok’s Ashley Trevino, GF Found Decapitated, Lively vs Baldoni, Stabbed Over a Sandwich & New Orleans Attack
He will be helping with her. He will be supporting her, you know, so essentially like I'm really thankful that for that and that I will not have to worry so much about supporting her. However, I will be on a very limited income. with buying a new house and you know, paying a mortgage and all that stuff. So, um, I've never done this before. I've never been on my own before.
Serialously with Annie Elise
230: TikTok’s Ashley Trevino, GF Found Decapitated, Lively vs Baldoni, Stabbed Over a Sandwich & New Orleans Attack
So if you have any tips, saving money and making money, um, anything like that, like I would really appreciate it. Like, you know,
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Hi. I'm calling because the question's mostly related to my house, as I look like I'm going to need to be selling it because I got myself into a bit of a jam. For context, I got divorced this year after last year I discovered my
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
husband was, um, engaging with women online for most of our 15 year marriage and spending thousands and thousands every month and, um, had later gotten into like, um, GameStop kind of things like with the stock market and gambling. And it was a huge shock to everyone, especially me. Um, so we did end up getting divorced in October and over the past year, um, I'm disabled anyways.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
I was on disability SSDI for a long time. I started working during COVID and was able to get back to a really good job that I loved. But over the past year, I've had to exhaust my leave time and ended up leaving completely because I had gotten sick so frequently. So right now I'm without a job and have three little kids. And I do have this house, which I got the divorce.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
But I'm kind of looking for next steps and what I should do because I didn't accumulate a lot because of my situation and it's just, yeah, a tricky spot to be in.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So shortly after I got married, I got a really bad virus and I never really recovered from it. Okay. I didn't walk for a couple of years, um, kind of slowly went back. It's energy limiting. So it was kind of like long COVID before long COVID, uh, any CFS. Okay.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Oh, absolutely. It was like a complete betrayal. And like, how could I not know?
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Oh, absolutely. I got, not only did it exacerbate my chronic conditions, but I got shingles, I got COVID twice, I got food poisoning all the time. Like, you mean, like I just, my immune system's just BS.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
No. And my doctor, you know, It was hard because even when I was working from home, every week was a win.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
I think he took advantage of that because every week was a win. Like, I did it. I wanted to have that self-identity because I felt like my career was stolen.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So I worked really hard every week just to survive. And at the expense of, honestly, spending time with my kids and living more of a life because I wanted that career.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
That's a hard thing because my doctor kind of disagrees. He's like, he needs to take care of you. You do, but y'all need groceries.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So no alimony, but child support. And then he did owe me a promissory note from what he had spent. He had agreed to sign for that, some of what he had spent. but I haven't really seen consistent payment on that, and I don't know if I will.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So because I had gotten that before, I'd been on the phone, but actually this week I was on the phone with Social Security for like three hours on hold in that process.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Yeah. So my parents, because there was also construction happening, we had a flood in the house and had to leave. So there was construction happening at the house and that went over budget and
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
um you know my ex was supposed to pay half of that but he didn't so my parents had to loan me money for that so i really do need to sell so i can pay them back because they're older and i don't want to have to have that burden on me as well well there there is that but i'm talking more long term because if you sell your house just to pay off a debt that's fine but where are you and you're with three or four kids where y'all gonna live
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
I'm hoping in a house where I don't have a mortgage.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Right now, other than child support, correct.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
I do got, I'm grasping the gravity. I just, um, That's why I'm calling.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Thank you. Yeah, it's very stressful, and I know it's like a vicious cycle there, so I'm just... Yeah. Yeah, there's just not a lot of options. There's not a lot of options.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Getting the truck listed and putting that up for sale.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
It's not what I want to do, but it's not always what I want to do.