Jake Shane
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I drove around a parking lot. I'm just like, but honestly, I just went skiing for the first time. I thought I could never do that and I could do it. Okay, that's hard. But I found myself getting distracted and falling. Oh, okay. So like if I find myself getting distracted and crashing, it's a little different.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Right here. I know, but like I get scared about like, I don't know, I feel like I would need like a mini clown car.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
So before this podcast, we were going to do like people teaching me how to drive. So like it would have been us right now, but you would have been teaching me how to drive instead. Wow. And we shot one episode of it. And I watched it back, and I was like, this is literally just carpool karaoke.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Were y'all singing, or were you screaming? I was singing. Okay, that's good. And I was like, this is taken. I see. I must do something different.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Exactly. You were too distracted. See, that's why. The thing is, they would tell me one thing, how to drive, and then it would just be silence. And we'd be like, so what should we talk about? L. Oh, L. That literally sounds like driver's ed. They would be like, turn left. And I'd be like, okay. It was like my friends in the car. And then Julia, my friend, was like, so.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And we set up this whole shoot day. Do you remember this? That's hilarious.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Like, we would play the music. Oh. And we would just start singing. And then at the end, it was like. It was so awkward. Yeah, we had nothing to talk about. We were like, should we answer questions from who? A ghost? Like, we have no questions to answer.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Like, I had something last week. And, like, the thing about me is, like, I go all fucking in. I'm like, this is my life. This is what is going to be my life for the next year. Right. And I had this thing, and I was like, this is my life. I literally woke up the next day, and I was like, cancel the whole thing. We can't do this.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Really? Like sometimes in the moment, you're like, this is bad.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
It's so humbling. You just have to go back to the drawing board. You pivot. You pivot. Just like Disney taught you.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
But is there anything, and it just like, I just, I'm feeling it today. Is there anything you're therapist about? Therapist about? Explain what that means. Like angry. Is there anything you're pissed about?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Like, let me, like, what am I angry about today? I'm angry about, I hate how I get bloated after a workout. It just feels counteractive. Like, that's what I'm actually angry about. Like, immediately after? Immediately. Because I'm fucking starving, shaking hungry. Like, I was up at 4 a.m. today because I'm so fucking jet lagged. And then I worked out.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And then by the end of it, I was, like, shriveled hungry. And then I ate. And I was, like, I feel worse than I felt before the workout.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, there's no way Beyonce wouldn't have been late to the Grammys if that's the case. Because she would have access.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Where's this conspiracy from? TikTok. Can someone explain this conspiracy to me?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
There's an underground Starbucks, too. Oh, come on. Yes. What did the TikTok say?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
From where? Silver Lake Ramen. I love Silver Lake Ramen.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
They're making life easier over there. Okay. This just, I don't buy it. You don't believe it could be possible? Because then why are they shutting down the roads when the president comes into town?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Everything gets shut down. We can't walk into anything. Everything gets shut down.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Wow. OK, so what did you learn from the last one that you put into this album?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Oh, I love it. Okay, so where was this album born? How long has it been in fruition for?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Oh, that's incredible. You sound so excited about this album.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I feel like people I mean, I know people are so fucking excited for it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Do you have a favorite song on the album or song you're most excited for people to hear?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yes, but Silver Lake has crispy rice, right? Don't they? They do. Yeah, see, no, I'm telling you. I'm not lying. I love Silver Lake ramen.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I'm so excited. Tell me about the music video for Taste.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
That sounds like something that would happen in Survivor.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I'm pumped. Thank you. I feel like I've said I'm pumped four times, but I am. You are. And I love that for you. Thank you. Thank you. So when you were making this album, what were you listening to? Like outside of your own stuff, what were you listening to?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I love Jinya ramen. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I mean, you knew that. Are you going to see the Cowboy Carter tour?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I'm pumped. Did you see Renaissance? What city did you go to?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I wanted a dog so bad. The other day, I called Luis, and I was like, I really want a dog. I'm going to get a dog. And everyone was like, that dog will die. Oh, my God.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, no, no, no, no. See, it's not my sketch. It's who I am. Oh, gosh. You know what I mean? So it's you. It's me. It's like I can't. So I can't even imagine like, you know, Beyonce. You wouldn't feed it? You would forget? I would forget. I know I would forget. I know I would forget. The dog sitting right there in front of you scratching. No, I would just like, I don't know what I would do.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, I need you to find yourself and figure it out. No, literally. I'm like, how are you dogs 50 years old and still need help?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Dude, there's nothing like a dog on its deathbed. My fucking dog.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Go ahead. Like, my old dog, rest in peace, Katie, was.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I remember at the end of it, we would all look at her. Like, me and my friends would be like, why? Like, why is she still alive? You know what I mean? And I would look at my mom like, it's time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Like, we are feeding her 10 pills a day. Oh, my God. Please.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, because... And then I, like, booked a trip to New York. I was really feeling myself. Like, I was like, let's go to New York this weekend. And then my parents were like, by the way, that weekend you're in New York, she's going forever.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And I was like, are you kidding? So I had to say goodbye to her. I was like, bye, Katie. I went to New York.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I was like, bye, Katie. I love you. I was like, I love her, but I'm on like meds that don't let me cry. And I was like, four or six years. I can't My dad was like No Katie was not well Like Katie was Like I don't know how She was still alive My mom strolled her around In a stroller Jeez Louise I ate some cheese I Oh Katie Oh my god Katie Did you have fun in New York? The best time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
A wicked fucking way. It's like, are you going to scratch me?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
What are you going to do? And it's like, you're related to a tiger. Hello? Like, do you know what I mean?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
But it's like, you can't like cuddle. And people are like, no, you can cuddle with cats. I'm like, but what if it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And they'll like scratch you. And it just like bugs me out.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Okay, I know. I used to think it was pho. It's pho. Yeah. It, Do you get like bad hangovers? Yes. The ultimate hangover cure. What? I've never experienced. It's like a mix of like some, somehow it's refreshing and really, because when you're hangover, your body, when you're hangover, when you're hungover, you're missing, you're missing salt and it's so salty and it just like cures you. It's like.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
So ever since then, I'm not, I'm not a cat. Do you have a pet now?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Exactly. And that's enough for me. Exactly. I fostered a dog for two days in college.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
That's the name of it? Kimchi and Honey. They were twins.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
one the ones i just recently seen on tiktok like one girl yes do you know what she's talking about and that one had the blue scarf i was like oh girl you're sickening play that tune play that tune actually my best friend at the time had one and i definitely stole hers because she had like three and i'm like you don't you don't you don't value this hey you guys we have a new sponsor for the podcast everyone say welcome to cozy earth
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Hi, Cozy Earth. You guys know the number one most important thing to me is being cold and like having my temperature regulated. And I was introduced to Cozy Earth because I have it for my bedding and it was really, really soft and it's just like cool and like. I really, really, really, really loved the bedding so much that I was, like, going on their website to actually buy more bedding.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Well, when I was on the website, I discovered that they also make clothes. And not only do they make clothes, but it's, like, elevated loungewear. So it's, like, temperature-controlled T-shirts and pants and sweats. And it's so comfortable, you guys. I'm not even kidding. They have this pant called the Everywhere Pant. And...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I'm like a sucker for a pant that you can wear to like dinner, but like also to a movie or just chilling at home. And like, that's what you can do with the everywhere pant. I kept hearing so many people talk about Cozy Earth. It was my friend's bedding for like all of college. And so I was just like, okay, I'm just so happy I discovered it because I really wear it every single day.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
It's so comfortable. I can't even like. Express to you how comfortable it is and like just to like reinforce the fact that like you can literally wear it everywhere. You guys, we have the biggest discount I've ever offered on the podcast. 40% off your first purchase at Cozy Earth. CozyEarth.com slash Jake. If you don't have it, you need to have it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And if you do have it, please message me and tell me what you think of it. It's so comfortable. It'll give you the best sleep of your life. It's just you have to have it. Upgrade your wardrobe and upgrade your comfort with Cozy Earth. Thanks again, Cozy Earth, for sponsoring this episode. This episode of Therapist is brought to you by Booking.com. Booking. Yeah!
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Okay, you guys, I leave for tour today. So while I'm on tour, me and my team are going to be using Booking.com to be finding hotels all over the country for us to stay in. Because Booking.com is the easiest and most affordable way to book travel. They have a huge variety of options and I know I can find exactly what I'm looking for.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Also, like my number one anxiety is going somewhere and not having a place to stay. So with Booking.com, it's so easy to like organize a trip that like you can do it far in advance. So I'm like such a fan of the website already. Because I'm going to so many cities and also because I don't drive, I want to be sure I'm staying in like walkable and like centrally located places.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, you're, but like you're super dehydrated in terms of like sodium too.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
places and booking.com is like very very helpful with like figuring out where the best place to stay is based on your needs also if you're using booking.com to book a vacation and you're booking a hotel room you can choose if there's like a pool a balcony like whatever you need in your hotel room or your hotel like
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
that you can like customize your search to find a hotel that has that or a place to stay that has that. And not only can you book a stay on booking.com, the reason it's called booking.com is because you can book a car rental service, a flight, literally anything you need for your trip, you can book. Thank you Booking.com for sponsoring this episode again.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
What a perfect time as I literally leave for tour today. And I am so excited. Find exactly what you're booking for on Booking.com. Booking. Yeah. So tell me what's wrong. The pussy is right in. And they tell us what's wrong. Okay. And we give them advice. Okay. Okay. And then we'll prescribe them something. Prescribe them something? A drug? Like. Well, it could be, but it's like, I hate this guy.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Okay. And he's with this new girl, and I don't know what to do. Oh, my God. So funny you say that. I prescribe you Tummy Hurts remix featuring Coco Jones.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
The music medicine. Yes. I like that. Or TV medicine. Ooh. Wait, I've never even asked you, what do you watch?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I love... Have you ever seen Girls? Girls? With Lena Dunham?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Because Broad City and Girls gives me a little... Broad City is a little goofier, but now that you're in your 20s, Girls hits different.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, I think you'd like it. It's great. It's one of my favorite shows of all time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah. I love those. It's like dry. Not as dry as Broad City because Broad City is like ultimate dry.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Who wrote that? They're amazing. They're so funny. They're amazing. I love Broad City. My roommate is in love with me.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
He told my other roommate that he wanted to confess his feelings to me, but I do not feel the same. And now I'm dreading the uncomfortableness.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Hey there, Mr. Mr. Okay, radio. Stereo. The way you move ain't fair, you know.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I don't know, but I love it. Yeah, me too. Thank you. Wait, so you just announced your new album.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I always feel the need to say sorry. Oh. I'm really OCD, so I'll be like, Sorry, sorry. Like I need to squash everything and make sure like we're good. There's no bad blood. You're feeling fine. I'm feeling fine. Like we're good.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Not nice. Or something. Is it something fucking nice?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
When I'm drunk, I always cry. But not like a pretty cry, like ugly sobbing crying. It's so embarrassing, and I don't want to stop drinking when I go out, but I don't want literally every person I go out with to have to take care of this big baby.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Just switch your alcohol. Sounds like you're drinking tequila or vodka, and one of them is not resonating with you.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
But the last time I cried, it was like... The forced one for Katie.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Was it that one? I was like... But, like, the thing is, I felt it for her. Yeah. I felt it. I just can't come out.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
It's horrible. And it's funny you mention that, because I actually was talking to my therapist today, and I think I tapered down on my meds. So I think I'm gonna do that.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, my dad is like, hey, it's Big Pharma. He's like, you need to taper down on these beds.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, right? Your eyes get soggy? Like, I'll feel it right here.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
In the tear ducts below the eye surface? Like, I'll feel it, like, right here.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
You don't watch Housewives, do you? I don't. Oh, my God. Okay, so on Salt Lake City... There was this very beautiful moment with Mary and her son, and I got very emotional during that.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Powerful. That takes some courage to do that on national television.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
It was such a moment. It was one of the realest moments in Housewives ever. Like I'm a big Housewives fan and you just felt how real it was. Wow. And it was just like so, oh God. And Mary... Mary used to be, like, people used to really struggle with her, and she just had this, like, crazy redemption these past two seasons. Yes, like, crazy redemption.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
So she was like, you don't like me for being myself? Okay, I'm going to come back on the show and still do exactly what I did.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Because everyone, she left and then everyone was like, wait, we miss Mary.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah. She marries the best. I love Mary. Wow. I can't make this up. I was in the gym on the Stairmaster when I felt the need to poo. But before I could even hit the stop button, I had shit my pants in a packed gym. It smelt and I had to run while holding my butt. So everyone basically knew it was me. I don't know how to help you.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
We need to start researching these things. That's what I'm thinking, too. My dad knew. Oh, my God. God bless him. He's alive. Sorry.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I took an ancestry DNA test just for fun and to see where I'm from, but I ended up finding out that my dad isn't actually my biological father. What the fuck do I do?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I don't. How is that right? I don't know. Also, you're not supposed to give your DNA to those sites. It's very sus.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I prescribe an uncomfortable conversation. I prescribe some research. Just like that friend you used to have.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And I'd be like, just bringing this to you. Yeah. Give me the real.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Just be like, hey. And if she lies, be like, well...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yes. Oh, I loved Pretty Little Liars, though. Oh, I wanted that to be my life so bad.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
That show. Grabbed me by my neck. Yeah. I didn't let go. In a great way. It was the best show I've ever seen in my life. So the reboot. The reboot.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, no, no. It was like. Did you say 30 years? Yeah. Look, it was a completely new cast with a few same people. I thought you said three. No, 30. Oh, my God. Did you ever watch Degrassi? I did. That was my shit.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
But for those asking, you know, I, right before this, I was like, I think I'm going to stop sharing some of my personal life on here. But then I was like, whatever. So I did actually kind of go on the date. Like, I don't really know how to describe it. Like, it was like a speed date. Like, we met up at the club for like 20 minutes or the festival for like 20 minutes. But it went great.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Oh, I was like up there. I knew Drake from Degrassi. Wow. And then he wanted to, there was a whole storyline on the show. He wanted to become a rapper.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I swear, if I'm remembering this correctly, he wanted to become a rapper. He had this girlfriend with really short hair. She really believed in him, but he was in a wheelchair. And then all of a sudden he left the show and was Drake.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, I think he like left to pursue his dreams on the show. If I remember correctly. But like, did you ever watch it with him on it?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yes, I was like, hold on, Drake. Because I was like, on the show, I was like, oh, like, okay, like, Jimmy's gone now. Because there was always characters in and out of the show. And then I used to watch VH, a lot of people did MTV. I was a big VH1 kid. So every morning I would watch the music videos on VH1. And then I remembered seeing Best I Ever Had. And I was like, what? No way. Swear.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
So at first you were like, huh. I was like, that's Jimmy. Wow. And then I was like, oh, cool. And then he kept coming and coming and coming. And then he was raped.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Wow. Yeah. And how soon is the deluxe coming? Or I mean, I don't know if you can say that yet.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
So many people came from the USA, including the girl on 90210.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
No, it is the best show I've ever seen in my entire life.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I can't believe that. I used to watch it and play video games at the same time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I cannot for the life of me find roommates I really like. Like everyone is either a little too messy, a little too needy, or just straight up wild.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
If you are constantly finding yourself hating someone, inward. Hello? Or maybe just live alone. It's not that serious.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah. I've always wanted to be an actor slash influencer, but I'm too worried people I know will judge me. How did you get over the fear of people judging you when you post online? Okay, so it's very different for you. You started when you were nine. Did you ever have that worry?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Thank you. It really is. I just wasn't expecting when I heard it. Yeah. The Britney sample.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Mine was it really, I will always credit my friends for it. It's the people you surround yourself with and you will always remember the people that didn't support you and made fun of you behind your back. First of all, you always know. And second of all, you will always, always remember the people that supported you. I'm so lucky that my friends never made me feel weird about it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
That's the guy. The Britney. Oh, I just spit on you. I'm going to kill myself.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
They were just like, we'll look back on it and be like, oh, that was so stupid. But in the moment, they were cheering me on. It's just about who you surround yourself with. If you want to do it and the people you're around are like, That's weird. Maybe reevaluate who you're spending time with.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, still. Oh, that's awesome. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
They were, like, really my number one supporters. Yes. I mean, even Louise, like, has been with me since day one. And, like, I mean, like, looking back at it, I'm like, God, I was so delusional. But, like.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah. I love that, actually. Yeah. That's so dope. You need to be delusional. Yes. And you need people that are delusional with you. Yes. What's the fun?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah. I heard you guys talking shit about me on that podcast.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I learned that I haven't had this much fun with someone in so long, Coco. Oh, my God. Like, really and truly, I haven't laughed this long in so long. You are so fucking awesome.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
You going to be there at a show? Yes, I will be at a show.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Period. Thank you so much. Thank you. Want to give a little bye, pussies?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I just wasn't expecting it. Taste is like you really reinvented the sample. It's just so cool.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
You know what you said? That was so funny as you were like, was I worried that people were going to forget about me, but you, Work so much. You do. You're in Bel Air as well. It's like people would never forget about you because you're always working.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
He was lovely and awesome. So it was a speed date. Okay. It was a speed date and it went great. What else? Coco's new album, Why Not More, is out April 25th, and the lead single, Taste, with the accompanying music video is out now. I'm so traumatized from saying words wrong ever since subsequent. I, like, literally just panicked saying accompanying name. Am I having a stroke? Okay, cool. Okay.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Right. She does definitely get it. Yes. And also like, I feel like people like that. I mean, I don't know. Cause that's like such a level of celebrity that I don't know, but like, do they like appreciate that? Like quick sense of normalcy, like your mom being like, man, like, When's the last time someone's called Beyonce, like, ma'am or miss? You know what I mean? Please.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Like, it's always, like, Beyonce. Like, you know what I mean? Hello?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Nope. You don't think, like, she's any, like, Mrs. Knowles?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
My mom texted me, your friend chapel. I said, friend, mom. I was like, mom.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
I was about to say, yeah. What was that Disney media training like?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Yeah, I mean, I can imagine. How old were you when you started Disney?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
okay pussies enjoy the episode love you guys hi pussies welcome back to therapist today we have actress singer extraordinaire i adore her and i know you all do too welcome to therapist coco jones
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Do you feel more fulfilled by acting or singing or is it different?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
Hi pussies and welcome back to Therapus. Today we have actress and singer Coco Jones on the podcast and it was honestly one of the most, most fun? It was the most, it was some of the most fun I've ever had while recording. Sorry, I just couldn't figure out my grammar. I'm a little bit brain dead because I was just in Aspen this weekend with Celsius. It was really, really, really fun.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 59: Coco Jones
And how do you, what is like, I'm so fascinated by songwriting, but like, how do you, what, like, what is your ideal situation for writing a song today? Like, do you like to be in the studio? Are you home? Like, what do you, what's your ideal environment for that?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Hi, pussies, and welcome back to Therapus. Today, we have a dear friend on again, my first guest ever, Tate McRae. Her third studio album, So Close to What, comes out...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Did you see that? Did you wake up to that this morning?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's pretty crazy. Like, I'm not going to lie. You're like, 40 to 22, eagles. Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, you know that, like, writing stuff down is actually a method of manifesting.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like, I used to, when I wanted to hook up with this guy named Bleep It, I would write on repeat. Like, I think I have it in my diary 30 times over. I actually did see him one more time, and never again after that.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, I saw, I kept texting him, like, please, I want to see you. Please, I want to hang out. Jake! And he was, like, literally... lose my number.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
He has a new boyfriend that he brought all around Europe, so.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, what's your family's reaction to Nostalgia when you played it for them? Were you nervous to play it for them?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, I thought it was a really beautiful ender to the album.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because it's like... It's kind of beautiful. Well, it is beautiful, but it's kind of beautiful in the sense that, like, the whole album is about, like, the whole theme is, like, so close to what. So you're, like, constantly thinking about, like, this, that, this, like, what am I reaching towards? What am I going towards? And then at the end of it, you have this nostalgia.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You kind of, like, forget everything along the way.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Do you know what I mean? Yeah. I think it's such a beautiful way to end the album. Thank you. And, like, finish the train of thought you created.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Cheers to So Close to What and the Miss Possessive World Tour.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I do. I really, it's Tate. Like I cannot, I know I'm like jumping all over the place, but it's because I really just spent this entire weekend with this album on repeat. I'm like, it, it seriously is.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Super Bowl weekend. It seriously is. I listened to it on the way to my work, the workout today. Like it seriously is like, it's so cohesive. It's so like realized. It's so smart. It's so like cunty. Like, all, like, the references are there. Like, it's just such a beautiful body of work. And I'm so proud of you.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I really am. Like, it is so awesome. And I kept thinking I'm so fucking excited to see this live.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Is it going to be, like, similar to Think Later Tour? Or, like, what, like, is it going to be, like, different? I mean, you're doing way bigger venues.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Is there a song you're like most excited to perform?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Wait, but, like, I think it's, like, a funny bit if it happens.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, that's, hey, I need everyone to whisper. Okay.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
whisper i'm gonna be mortified on stage you're just gonna be like wait you're literally gonna be like sweet stop guys i'm like restart um so but i think that one will be fun oh i'm so excited is there there was a song i was listening to and i was like oh the dance break oh miss possessive the dance break for that is gonna eat yeah miss possessive will be fun which other ones blood on my hands will be fun
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I just, like, you and, like, Flo Millie, like, trade verses really well. Thank you. Like, it's, like, really, like, it really works. Thank you. It feels like, I don't know, I just, I really, really like it. It's just, like, so, such a hit. Like, it's such a, like, Blood on My Hands to me is such, like, a certified, like, undeniable hit.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Hi, pussies. Welcome back to Therapus. Today, we have one of my best friends, which I never get tired of saying. She is one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now. Her third studio album, So Close to What, is out tomorrow, so the 21st, at midnight. Tate McRae.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Sometimes the worst things that can happen lead to like the best pieces of art.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It is. I'm dead ass serious. Everything happens for a reason.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because, like, it's just, it's, like, what was, like, I didn't even, we haven't even spoken about, like, what was it like, like, working, like, did you, were you in the, you were in the studio together, no?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
over the phone right like you'll send in a verse and like yeah they've never been like real get in the studio so that was at least I was like comfortable with him yeah so it wasn't that scary but it was definitely a first for me that song is so fucking catchy it's really catchy it's really good thank you Peyton was also addicted to that one really addicted we were addicted to the whole album but there were two songs that Peyton kept going back to and it was Miss Possessive and I Know Love really yeah interesting
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah, but the reason I know this album is so fucking good is because it really does change on the day. Right. Like, well, I guess you renamed it to, what was it? It was Means I Care.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
That one is like, was my favorite today. Like it really like. Interesting. Yes. It just really like like what was your like overall like aesthetic that you were going for with the album?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I fucking love that album. But yeah. Is there any, like, what's your favorite? I was so excited to ask you this. What's your favorite lyric on the album? If you have one.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I love the one where you say, like, did my dance on your lap make you nervous? Because when you think about it in relation to the media, and you're, like, dancing on their lap metaphorically, so cool.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Right. I think that's, what's so beautiful about that song is that it can be interpreted. And just like the whole album is all, they can be interpreted in so many different ways. Are you excited to see how everyone takes each song?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I can't believe the speed at which you make music. Same. Whenever somebody asks me about you, I'm like... The only thing besides that you're like the sweetest and the funniest and the best friend is that you work harder than anyone I know.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah, but isn't that, like, so fucking cool that, like, everybody got to grow up with you, like, through your music?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I'm so excited for everyone to hear it. Is there any song that you were nervous to put on?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Oh, yeah, the pony look. Your hair was very straight.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I just thought you were talking about the horse.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And then when you said that the hair was blown out, I was like, wait, that doesn't make sense because the hair was straight with the horse.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Oh, my God. Are you... Is there any song you're like... Like, do you have all the choreography down for every one of the songs of tour yet or now? When does tour start?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So, okay. Like we have so much to get into.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I honestly feel like people underestimate how quickly, oopsie just spilled everywhere. I feel like people underestimate how quickly you learn a dance.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like I remember, uh, uh, standing at MSG and Tanya was like, I'm like so excited for it's okay. I'm okay. They just learned the choreo yesterday. And I was like, what?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, no one was going to let that happen though.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, I was scared that you weren't going to be able to see me and I was also scared. Like, I don't know what I was, I was just scared about it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Where did that come from? Because I remember when you came up with it. Yeah. But where, like, where did that come from? And like, what else was like in competition for title? Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
We nailed it. And we also like, I remember running to your dressing room right before the show started and I was like, Okay, so what are we going to do? And you're like, okay, this, that, and the third. I was like, okay, bye.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And it's so based in synchronization as well. Like, for all of you.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It was so visual in the sense that, like, you're all doing the same thing, like, kind of in, like, a line. You're all... Like, you know what I mean?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It was so sick. And I was so excited to see the headset moment realized. I know.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You know what you did that show that was the sickest recovery I've ever seen in my entire life? When the mic was slipped out.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And it somehow you ran up, picked it up, came back, had a moment to like pose.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And then like got back into the choreography. And I just remember everyone was so impressed. Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because that's how well it worked. It, like, slipped out. You ran down, picked it up, had a second to pose, and then what? It was, like, so sick.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You were nervous. I've never seen you get nervous for a single show ever. You were nervous for MSG.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It was also just such a big deal that you sold out MSG and, like, we're doing MSG. Like, it was such a big deal. It was so cool.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like, that's intense. I hung out with the fam the whole night.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You were like, he's seen so many of my shows, but he really liked that one.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Oh, and that's like hard for grandparents, I feel like.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
When you work with someone and it's like that it's like oh I see why you're so successful.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You know what I mean. It's like I see what I see why this works.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I do. You know everything. And it's funny because last time we did this, I actually didn't know everything. No.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
We were really close, but I would say we got a lot closer in the past year. A hundred percent. I was with you every single day for a certain period of time, so I was really knowing what was good.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, there's a song that I made Tate make once, and she'll never release it, but it's amazing, so... Oh, One Track Mind?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I guess tomorrow at midnight now and we talk a lot about that personally it's my favorite work that she's ever done I think it's so cohesive and amazing and just god I just I'm so excited for everyone to hear how amazing it is so incredible um But yeah, in terms of me, we just announced the dates that Connor will be joining us for on Live with Jake Shane. You can see them on my Instagram.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
The best song ever. There was a situation one day, and Tate was so angry about it, and I was like, girl, put that shit in the music.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You made this amazing song, and I don't know if it'll ever see the light of day, but it's called One Track Mind, and if you see it, know that it's my favorite song.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You were furious, and you were like, oh, I just can't. I feel bad. And I was like, it's fine.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I was like, you... You need to just go to the studio and you need to let it out and be a bad bitch and you need to not feel bad about it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because you are so caring and you're so empathetic and you're always like feeling bad about like, and you're like, you're always like taking care of everyone else's feelings. I'm like, no, no, no. You have to take care of your feelings right now. And if that means making a song that everybody in the world is going to hear, then that's what that means.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Should we get into the tell me what's wrongs?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Go pee. Tinder is back and it's easier than ever to put yourself out there. Whether you're looking for a one-time hookup or a long-term relationship, Tinder is there for you. Real connections happen every day on Tinder and a new relationship starts every three seconds. Long story short, Tinder is...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
where it's at right now it all starts with a swipe and you won't know if you don't try and I know a lot of you are single just like me and I really feel like tinder is the perfect place to find love it's cuffing season it's it's time we need you know dating apps are the new meeting people in bars it's just we're in a digital generation it's a digital age and I think if you're not
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
actively trying to find love, you can't expect love to always find you. Last week was Valentine's Day, and once again, I spent it alone. So I know I will be on Tinder, swiping left and right to make sure I find the one. Tinder gives you the freedom to meet people your way, whatever that looks like. So if you're waiting for a sign, this is it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Explore all the possibilities for yourself on Tinder today. It all starts with a swipe. Download Tinder today.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, first, we have to do what you're a therapist about today.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Do you want me to go first with what I'm angry about? Yeah, go. Do you have what you're angry about?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Okay, what am I angry about? I'm angry about... I hate the feeling of being gaslit and having it work. Like, I hate when someone tells me I'm wrong when I know I'm right. Okay. But I convince myself then. Then I'm like, oh, I'm wrong. Okay. It's the most defeating feeling in the entire world when you come at something with such strength and such, like, I'm upset about this.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like, I'm really angry. And they come back at you with, like, actually, that's incorrect. Your anger is wrong. That is... Yeah. And then I'm also angry about... Not much. I'm really happy you're here. You don't get angry about much.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's always bubbling under, but you're always really able to brush it aside.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, your mom driving your car and not unlocking your door.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I need to listen to your album with you in your car.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because I will crash. And like, I mean, back in the day, I would have told you no because I liked extracurricular activities a little too much. And I was like, I was always...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
smoking yes okay but I actually quit weed I know I'm so proud of you thank you so much yeah I mean like there was a point where I was literally like bitch do I just show up high to the workout and she was like no yeah so that's when I knew I had a problem and I quit but um I yeah I just like I don't know can you would you get in the car with me I don't know yeah would you get in a car with me would you get in a car with me I don't know
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I'm also really short, and I feel like that's... Yes, that's what I'm more scared of. That's what I said, and someone tried to tell me... Someone tried to tell me the other day that being short wasn't a problem with driving, and I'm like, I feel like it is.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's like I need to drive, like, a Mini Cooper. And, like, I don't want to drive a Mini Cooper, goddammit. You would drive a minicoot. Yeah, I would. Like a little pod car.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And I would just float around Los Angeles in my little pod car.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It won't even fit my luggage because it's so small.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You know, before Therapus, do you remember this? I said I was going to do a show where it was like different people teaching me how to drive.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Okay. That makes sense because it didn't really live to see the light of day.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
But we did one episode with Nebra and Julian and it ended up just being carpool karaoke.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So we were like, oh, we have to scrap this. This isn't working. Right. This isn't working.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I learned how to drive around a parking lot and I was like, this is really scary. Like, I'm scared.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Wait, you're a good driver, though. Why were you failing it six times?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I understand that. You're, like, imagining the worst case scenario.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Before we get into the tell me what's wrongs, since we've like done these almost like a year apart.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
What do you think has changed the most in the past year?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because like when we just left the room, Louise was like seeing how you guys like handle yourselves on camera in the past. Like, right. And the difference in the past year is night and day.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Right, like we're still doing the same thing.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Right. And I think you are, I think you're like, like a lot more confident in your craft.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like you're always confident in your craft, but like you're, you're more unapologetic with it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I don't, you're more like, like, okay. Like a year ago you were like, Yes, no, do I, do I, do I, do I. And now you're like, I'm doing.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You were. And now you're like more like, this is what I'm doing. Like tag along or get lost.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And then you've now, like, I mean, you're doing Radio City this year. Thank you. That means a lot. Because do you remember all those conversations we'd have in the sauna where I was, like, tweaking as fuck?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
fuck about certain business things yeah of course and now I'm I also think like I'm a little more you're way more sure of yourself I'm way more sure of my decisions yeah and now like I'm like I'm gonna do it but it's crazy how necessary like those kind of changes are in order to take a bigger step forward you inspired me in a lot of really yes wow you actually I think about you all the time thank you I'm not kidding you guys because you make decisions that are good for you like like
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
When it comes to your art, you've changed a lot in the sense that like you're way less apprehensive, but you've never been apprehensive about like the decisions you make for your business and what you do.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You've always been like, this is what I'm going to do because this is good for me and my business.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I have to do eyes every time where it's bad luck. I'd say bad sex, but I don't do that, so.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Here we go. This one night stand I had has turned into a dead ass one week stand. Must be nice. This guy has basically lived with me for the past five days. We really clicked and I might be developing some feelings. But should I kick him out? Because that's a little strange. No help. I am confused.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
She wants to. She doesn't know how she feels. And I actually know exactly what to prescribe.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yes, that's what she's saying. Jake. No, that's what she's saying. That's what, because you're saying in the song, you're like, if I spend six nights with you, it's because it's convenient.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Right. And she's saying like, I'm scared. That's like actually so perfect, Nolan. Wow. She's saying like, she's saying like, I'm scared. I'm developing feelings like.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I remember you, can I say, Greenlight was supposed to be the first single. Yes. It was, I remember that was the first song I heard from the entire project. Yes. Was Greenlight, and that was supposed to be the first single, and then it was It's Okay, I'm Okay.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Oh, well, yes. He's been staying with you for a week, so maybe it's time to, like, hug him.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
you gotta ask him how he feels though what if he likes her back if he's there for five nights straight he probably doesn't just like think of her as a one night hook up I'm so excited for that to eventually happen to me one day where it's like I spend one night with someone and I live with them for a week after I think it will happen I think this year yeah you know I'm going on a date when I go to Aspen I'm going on a date a ski date whoa are you guys like what does that entail
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I don't know. He was like, here, do you want me to read you the messages?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Where's my phone? You're going to gag at the messages.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
What should I do? Also, P.S., please tell Tate McRae that I cannot wait for So Close to What, and that album is going to win a Grammy.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Should I focus on a girlfriend or on school? I regret not focusing on my love life and only focusing on school.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
As Nicki Minaj would say, stay in school, Barbz.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I will say I do regret, like, not focusing on my love life at all in school. I didn't focus on it at all. And the first guy... Okay, the first guy I ever spoke to on Grindr when I was 18... 18 years old, I saw him last weekend. I literally looked and I said, that's him.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, he was with his boyfriend. And I said, oh my God, that's him.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You've been working on this album for so long.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I actually, sometimes, like, okay, so sometimes I, like, feel it in the moment, like, when I'm, like, really shaking and, like, this, that, and the third. But, like, it's different with, like, cardio because you're, like, you feel yourself, like, really getting snatched while doing the cardio.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Sometimes during Pilates you don't feel yourself getting snatched, but then, like, a day later you're, like, I'm kind of snatched.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, it's not. It's just, like. Sometimes, like, I try to keep up with, like, you or, like, someone I'm with. And, like, that's hard. Because, like, I'm not as flexible. But, like, I would say it's, like, so... At the end of the day, it's also, like, I feel, like, very peaceful.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I think it's great for you. And I would suggest starting it. And don't be ashamed if you start and are shaking. Because I still shake and I'm two years in.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I agree. And sometimes I avoid Pilates because it's hard.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's just like because I'm like, I've gotten so into like weightlifting.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I love it. You remember you walked into the gym the other day and I was like.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Dude, this album? Okay, so I spent the entire weekend with this album, and Tate, I cannot emphasize how good it is.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I keep having dreams of my ex trying to get back together with me. I can confidently say my subconscious doesn't still like him because I genuinely would rather never kiss someone again than be with him ever again. What does this mean and what do I do?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I feel like it's your brain just ruminating on, like, a what-if situation.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I would prescribe, have you ever seen the movie, what is it, Sliding Doors? You would love this movie. I think it's with Gwyneth Paltrow. It's like Julia's favorite movie. And it's like basically, have you seen that movie? You would love it, Tate.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's like, so basically it's about like. So there's this train and Gwyneth Paltrow either gets on the train or she doesn't get on the train. And the entire movie is if she gets on the train or if she doesn't get on the train.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So the entire movie is like a what if, but it ends. Sorry, spoiler alert. Both. I actually can't. You haven't even seen it. I can't spoil it. Watch the movie.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah. And I think that'll tell this person a lot about what they need to know. But I think it's also important to remember that just because you're thinking about it doesn't make it true. As someone with OCD and who's constantly has like the craziest intrusive thoughts, like just because it's in your mind doesn't mean it's true.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And like sometimes I saw this the other day that was like emotions are like, like people on the street, like, you can acknowledge them and let them pass without having to, like, attach to each one of them.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Front to back, like on repeat all day, every day. Like it seriously, like it was just so like sexy and it was so much. It was like, so like all your work is always confident and sexy, but it was like so much more confident and sexy than anything you've ever done. And like, it was so good. It's so good. And it's so like new. Everything you're doing is so much newer than anything you've ever done.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I know. It didn't change my life because I don't listen, but, like, it's... But you did see it. I did see it. My mom is dating one of my teachers and I'm so scared the kids at my school are going to find out because that's so embarrassing. No, it's not. Also, they kissed in front of the school when she came to pick me up and my friend saw them.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So now she knows and I'm scared she's going to tell everyone. Well, first of all, if you ask your friend not to tell people and they do, that's not your friend.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Second of all, it's not embarrassing that your mom is dating one of your teachers. And I know that this happened in a show that I watched and I cannot remember for the life of me what show it was.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I think it's awesome. Yeah. Oh, maybe it was. Have you ever seen 90210? No. You would. I'm not. I'm seriously not even kidding. Have you ever seen 90210? No. Yep, that is exactly what I'm thinking of. It is the best. Tate, I'm serious. When you go home, if you have free time, watch 90210.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And I remember the show you were telling me to watch.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because Tate and I were, we were walking down the street the other day and I was like, what show were you telling me to watch the other day? And Tate was like,
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Okay. You will be down bad for 90210. Okay. My roommate threw away my pet hamster because she didn't like the sound of his wheel. Oh, my God. She fully admitted to my other roommates that she did this, but is telling me he just ran away. What the fuck do I do about this?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Honest to God, I feel like that's not legal.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like, if you're down, like, get animal control and law enforcement involved.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
That is, oh my God, if my friend threw away my hamster.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I'd be like, wait, you actually are like a psychopath. You need help.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I would be like, you're a psychopath. So I'm in a friend group that loves to go out, but I don't because I have so much anxiety and IDKY. But I feel like I'm missing out on a fun college experience. Should I just suck it up?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Maybe this person is like around the maybe I feel like these the people that this person is around wants to go out like all the time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And maybe a part of them is like anxious that they are like I can't commit to being like a full partier but like I will have like my nights here and there. Yeah. And maybe it's just like the people that they're around.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I will also say that like there was a period of my life where I wasn't going out at all because I was so anxious. And then all it takes is like one time where you go out and you like bite the bullet and you like – and at the end of the day, you can always go home.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You can always go home. You can always leave. Yeah. And you never know if you don't try. Like if you're in college and you're – You're always going to be wondering, like, what if? Just try. And if you hate it, then be like, I was right and I hated it. But who knows? You might love it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And I have a friend that experienced that, and it's not a fun feeling.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And if you're telling yourself you're only going out because you're scared... Like, just go out. Try something new that... I used to have this painting in my room and it was...
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
a pool lap and everyone was swimming towards the finish line but there was one person that swam outside of the lap yeah and it was like supposed to inspire me to like step out of my comfort zone yeah and be the person who takes a risk yeah and like swims out of the lap yeah but like I think you should try to go out one night you don't have to drink you don't have to do anything yeah see if you like it and if you don't then you were right and yeah just try just try you're only young once you're you are only young once
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I have a clinical obsession with biting my toenails and it's getting weird, I think. But my partner just found me doing it the other night and is more weird.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I think I wrote this. You wrote this? Well, like, that's how I speak. I'm like, I think that's weird. But my partner just found me doing it the other night and is more weirded out than he should be.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Can I say it also felt different to me, too? Interesting. It felt, like, full steam ahead.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, it's toenails. You're right. That's fucking weird. If I saw someone biting their toenails, I'd be like, you need help.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Fingernails is one thing. Toenails is actually disgusting.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah, and like, maybe get a pacifier. That's just also not
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No. I once saw something that said biting your fingernails is equivalent to licking a toilet seat.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
No, we've given amazing advice, and we've given real advice.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So my best friend is turning too boy crazy where all she does is talk about boys. I can be like, oh, I want ice cream. And she'll bring up a guy she's talking to loving ice cream. Ew.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
This is my best friend ever. Like, future maid of honor, but sometimes I just want to be like, quit the boy talk 24-7. So if this is your best friend, you can say that.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And if you can't say that, then this isn't your best friend.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I said, she's like, my best friend won't shut the fuck up about boys. And like, this is my best friend, future maid of honor, like everything, this, that, and third. But I'm scared to tell her that she needs to shut the fuck up.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You're not beating around the bush at all. Like, it's like, oh, like. You're saying it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
She prescribes an episode of Sex and the City.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Should we go through them and see if we can prescribe any of them?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, Means I Care was the best prescription I came up with the entire episode. That was good.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I want my eyebrow pierced, but I'm worried my mom will disown me. Should I do it anyway? Oh, your cushion is off. I was like, something feels wrong.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like, were you nervous when you got like a, like when you were like, when I, were you, were you ever nervous to get like a piercing or like your tooth jam? Were you nervous that Tanya was going to be like, what the fuck?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I loved, I just like, the opener is so strong, Miss Possessive.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I still haven't gotten a tattoo. Have you gotten a tattoo?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
As Kim Kardashian once said, you don't put bumper stickers on a Bentley.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I think that this person should get an eyebrow piercing and worry about the mom later just because a piercing isn't permanent.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah, keep it in for a little, figure it out.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Get that piercing. Yeah. Nothing's wrong, but I just saw this question on Brett's Instagram. Plus, I need your take. If you had to play one song to turn a non-Swifty into a Taylor fan, what would you play them?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I saw a tweet the other day that was like, Style is the greatest pop song literally I've heard ever.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Yeah. Like, play them Style if they haven't heard it. I would play them. My favorite is The Archer.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's my favorite. I always play, I always, play them the song that you feel most passionate about because I think what people, what really turns people on to Taylor Swift, but just like an artist in general is passion.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
She's like, that's my favorite. Really? Yes. I was like, I love this. She was like, kept repeating it again and again and again and again and again because I love the, can you keep it, keep up, keep it, keep up.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So like if you feel passionate about something and you can talk about it, that will be attractive to someone else.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
But it's also about like... You're so poetic, Jake.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Once again, we're perfect and we're awesome.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
That's what I was going to say. We grew a lot, like emotionally.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I learned a lot about the album that I thought I knew, but I didn't know.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I didn't know that Purple Lace Bra was about the media.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Or I didn't know that it could be perceived as such.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, it's about a bunch of different things. Yeah. You know what I learned? I learned that Purple Lace Bra is not as straightforward as I thought.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And a lot of songs on the album are not as straightforward as I thought.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, So Close to What is out February 21st. It's the best album I've ever heard in my life.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And I'm so excited for everyone to hear it. Tate, I can't wait to do this again next year.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Well, that's – and I also loved – Well, can we talk purple lace bra?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Because what it means is something entirely different than what I thought it meant.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I thought it was about a man. I thought it was about a man in your life. And the actual meaning of it, I think, makes it... I mean, besides Signs, it's my favorite song on the album, but... It makes it so much, it has, it makes it have so much more depth, your meaning of it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
So I'm super, super excited to tour with Connor. He's going to live on the bus with us. It's going to be really, really fun. God, what else? I watched the season premiere of White Lotus. I'm watching Paradise on Hulu. I'm obsessed. I actually recently just got into the new Porter Robinson album that he released last year. I really, really like it. I think that's everything that's new with me.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I know how frustrating it is for you. I see it all the time.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
You're also, like, so, like... Like, their 20s is, like, such an age where, like, everyone's opinion seems like it matters.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Do you know what I mean? Totally. At least that's, like, I don't know if that, like, I feel like that, we feel like we both share that feeling where it's, like, everyone's opinion matters at all time. But it's so different for you because you, I always, I've always said this to you, like, as a pop star, like, you are, like, you, it requires you to, like, really bear yourself.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
like metaphorically like like you're like being like sexy and stuff but no i'm serious when you're getting like everyone's opinions and you're like sexy and stuff and like everyone's commenting on the video and this that the third you're like oh my god shut the fuck up yeah yeah it is yeah am i wrong like what is so funny no you are right it is like it doesn't back feel like that jake Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Not me as much as like you, like you bear so much of your life, so much of your life.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And like music that you have to perform every single night to a bunch of different people.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Do you ever feel like one bad comment outweighs a thousand good ones?
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
If I seem a little out of it, it's because I had a protein bar at 11 a.m. It's now 2 p.m., and I thought it would somehow hold me over. It obviously has not, and now I'm like, So hungry, I can't see anything. So I think I'm going to go. You know that Shailene Woodley meme that's like, you should probably eat. That's like how I feel right now. So I'm going to probably go eat. But enjoy the episode.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
I know, but sometimes it's almost like you're like, It's like your anxiety is like telling you it's there and your anxiety isn't going to shut up until you find it.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
sometimes I'm like I don't know anything same you know a lot I feel the same um okay so can you I'm just like I need to go through like every song on this album yeah which we do it's just like we talk every single day so it's like every question I have has been answered you know what I would like to talk about
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
leak when that album got leaked yeah when because you because you put so much of yourself in that for so many months like take me through that night how how it went down how you found out well um i was in new york and i got a dm i was taking a bath and i got i got a dm from one of my fans and they were just like girl the whole album leaked
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
There's nothing. And that's the worst feeling in the entire world when there's nothing you can do. Yeah.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It's amazing. Stream so close to what? Out tomorrow at midnight, the 21st. And make sure to get tickets to see Tate live on the Miss Possessive World Tour. Okay, enjoy the episode. I love you, pussies. We're back. We're back. You know, you're my first guest ever. That's crazy. And I'm pretty sure my green room was a few boxes and a plastic chair.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
it is okay and like everyone did a really good job at like making sure like it went away and I feel like your fans are so good about that too and like yeah they were sweet about it I saw online like a bunch of stuff about like them like I feel like that's so like you that you found out through your fan is such a testament to the community you know and they're and they're like I don't want to listen to it yet and I'm like oh that like
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
And the only thing you can do is come back from it, which you have. And you did sports car that week.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
It was really cheeky of me. It just feels like this album is so much more you than anything you've ever done because you're like being so honest.
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Session 58: Tate McRae Returns
Like on signs, you're like saying like everything I say, you cannot take literally because I mean the literal exact opposite. Yeah.