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Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones

Thu, 27 Feb 2025


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Chapter 1: How did Coco Jones get started in the entertainment industry?

107.334 - 124.992 Coco Jones

Hey, Coco. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so happy you're here. I was like so lately bad. It was so not giving. And I was like, I hate being late because I'm like, no. But there's nothing I can do. So I'm just like, hmm, powerless. The concept of having no control right now.


125.192 - 127.735 Jake Shane

No, LA traffic, especially at this time.


128.735 - 129.315 Coco Jones

Super bad.


129.415 - 130.996 Jake Shane

How gnarly was the traffic on the way here?


131.156 - 136.497 Coco Jones

It was actually excruciating. I was like, you know what? I'm going to use this time to be with my thoughts. And I'm like, let's see what I learn.

137.017 - 137.477 Jake Shane

What did you learn?

137.497 - 138.898 Coco Jones

I only learned what I want to eat for dinner.

139.138 - 139.698 Jake Shane

What do you want to eat?

139.878 - 140.178 Coco Jones


Chapter 2: What is Coco Jones' new album about?

373.563 - 377.284 Coco Jones

Yeah. I mean.


377.304 - 384.366 Jake Shane

I just wasn't expecting it. Taste is like you really reinvented the sample. It's just so cool.


384.446 - 405.641 Coco Jones

Thank you so much. Honestly, I really wasn't planning to do that, but I'm really never planning to and I tend to. have a couple of songs on my projects that are samples in a way like that. Even on my first EP, I had Double Back, which sampled SWV. And one of my recent singles, I sampled Lenny Williams, Here We Go. You know, how it happens is really organic.


405.681 - 418.412 Coco Jones

It's not like I'm like, hmm, let's go through the sample book and see what I can copy and paste, you know? It's kind of like, dang, that is familiar and fire. Now let me flip it. Like, I don't even want to think about what anyone else said or did. Now it's my turn, you know what I'm saying? Put my...


418.852 - 444.303 Coco Jones

my take on it and so it really happened organically honestly I can't even fully remember who said what about the Britney sample but I do remember playing um one of my producers Jasper that I love working with Jasper and Stargate did that one he played the sample and I was like just cut a little piece of it and copy and paste it copy and paste it and then let me go in and just do stuff around it and so that really is what led to the song and the format of it is I I was like

444.793 - 453.979 Coco Jones

I don't know about the whole thing, but let me see what happens when you just put one piece in it. And then, of course, we ended up needing it because it was like the icing on the cake. It was like the full payoff. But yeah.

454.279 - 456.02 Jake Shane

Oh, you're really technical about your shit.

456.32 - 460.863 Coco Jones

Dude, what? And honestly, truly, it's tiring.

461.104 - 461.344 Jake Shane


Chapter 3: How does Coco Jones approach songwriting?

1280.591 - 1280.931 Coco Jones

We move on.


1281.513 - 1289.898 Jake Shane

But is there anything, and it just like, I just, I'm feeling it today. Is there anything you're therapist about? Therapist about? Explain what that means. Like angry. Is there anything you're pissed about?


1290.659 - 1297.603 Coco Jones

Oh, I'm like, my therapist tells me a lot of stuff and I'm not mad about it though. I'm thinking, what were you saying? Okay, therapist about.


1297.623 - 1298.523 Additional Unknown Speaker



1298.903 - 1319.958 Jake Shane

Like, let me, like, what am I angry about today? I'm angry about, I hate how I get bloated after a workout. It just feels counteractive. Like, that's what I'm actually angry about. Like, immediately after? Immediately. Because I'm fucking starving, shaking hungry. Like, I was up at 4 a.m. today because I'm so fucking jet lagged. And then I worked out.

1319.978 - 1326.804 Jake Shane

And then by the end of it, I was, like, shriveled hungry. And then I ate. And I was, like, I feel worse than I felt before the workout.

1326.844 - 1355.218 Coco Jones

That's hilarious. So that's what I was angry about today. Wow. That is actually a really good one. If I could say I'm angry about anything, I think I would say... Probably angry about the traffic. I think I would say that. Honestly, truly. I'm like, okay, so I heard that there was this conspiracy about like the under the earth subways. What? Clock it. There are people under L.A.

1355.358 - 1356.739 Coco Jones

in subways going fast.

1357.039 - 1357.759 Jake Shane

No way.

Chapter 4: What are Coco Jones' thoughts on balancing work and personal life?

3401.747 - 3403.048 Coco Jones

And I'm like, that's not fair, babe.


3403.469 - 3403.649 Jake Shane



3403.749 - 3407.291 Coco Jones

That's not fair. Completely different experiences and upbringing. Relax.


3407.431 - 3409.432 Jake Shane

So true. How old were you when you realized that?


3410.093 - 3437.236 Coco Jones

Um, last year and, and a couple of years, maybe like a year before that, but I've been in therapy for five years, four or five years. And, um, I think now as I'm getting older, I'm kind of asking myself like which relationships are meant to like really stay. And also as I'm getting into a different field of relevancy, which relationships can stay. Some don't, some can't, some fade away, you know?

3437.596 - 3442.478 Coco Jones

Right. Yeah. I don't know what we can prescribe her all alone again. Or, um, uh,

3446.792 - 3447.513 Additional Unknown Speaker


3447.533 - 3462.804 Jake Shane

Yeah. I've always wanted to be an actor slash influencer, but I'm too worried people I know will judge me. How did you get over the fear of people judging you when you post online? Okay, so it's very different for you. You started when you were nine. Did you ever have that worry?

3463.479 - 3483.744 Coco Jones

I definitely got, I would say, for sure, embarrassed when it went from, like, woo to woo, you know? But I was still, like, I still have to post. I still want to do covers, and I still want to make music, and I still want to do these things that are important to me, but it's just, like, nobody cares right now. So I definitely feel like I had this time where I was like, dang, um...


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