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Coco Jones


Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Crash. What? I will. Have you ever tried?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Well, skiing, I feel like there's a lot more going into it with the body. Driving, you're just right here with it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Doesn't it have to do everything? No. You could be in a freaking Tonka truck if that's what you want. What? Babe, you buy the car. There's not a height requirement for the car. What? My question is what happened on the one time? Why didn't you even try driving again?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Hey, Coco. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so happy you're here. I was like so lately bad. It was so not giving. And I was like, I hate being late because I'm like, no. But there's nothing I can do. So I'm just like, hmm, powerless. The concept of having no control right now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, Ella.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Well, how were you singing if we were teaching you how to drive?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's hilarious.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And so it just didn't give what it needed to give. When did you guys start singing?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That is so freaking funny.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


But honestly, I love the pivot and the try, you know?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I feel like that's what it takes to be here in this world. Just trying. Is to try and pivot. Like, whatever. It didn't do what it needed to do. You hated it. You tried it, though.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


the trying that i think is really powerful up in here was there ever something that you tried super hard on you gave it your all you were like this is it for me and you had to pivot who um yes they're definitely they're definitely moments i'm like how can i say it without like saying my own literal stuff um we can bleep it or cut it Let me think, actually, for a second.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Because, I mean, there's so many different areas of it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No. It just wasn't.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


working yeah honestly that's really true I think I will say with songs oh I have a great example okay I just needed to simmer on it for a second okay so one time I wanted to write a song where I felt like I had no limits no restrictions on myself and so I was like you know what let me be tipsy and write this song so me and my friend who was writing it we were like yeah creatively free and so we wrote this song and I sent it to my label that night yeah like this it

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Huge, large mistake. I was so confident. I was like, send. I literally woke up the next day to crickets in that group chat.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


What? It was so bad. It was just like me trying to be this like free and rebellious. Were you hammered? I wasn't even hammered, but I definitely thought I ate that. And it was like, give me that plate back. You didn't. It was so bad. I was really humbled.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Dude, no, seriously. And I'm like, oh, I totally get how artists struggle because they're like, I'm right here in the thick of this and I'm sure. And then you have all of these other people who are skilled at their job and they're like. Right. You know, and you're like, what? You just can't believe it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Hello. Media trained and a little bit emotional trained. You know what? It didn't work out.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Super bad.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


We move on.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, I'm like, my therapist tells me a lot of stuff and I'm not mad about it though. I'm thinking, what were you saying? Okay, therapist about.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It was actually excruciating. I was like, you know what? I'm going to use this time to be with my thoughts. And I'm like, let's see what I learn.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's hilarious. So that's what I was angry about today. Wow. That is actually a really good one. If I could say I'm angry about anything, I think I would say... Probably angry about the traffic. I think I would say that. Honestly, truly. I'm like, okay, so I heard that there was this conspiracy about like the under the earth subways. What? Clock it. There are people under L.A.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


in subways going fast.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's what, that's what they, look at, look at them nodding.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's fashionably late, babe. Get into it. Okay, true. But anyway, yeah, I'm like, okay, so how do I get access to this freaking under the earth subway? I want to go fast in L.A.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I only learned what I want to eat for dinner.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Well, who did they say it was?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Baby, everything that's all due. That this higher group, a higher caliber of people have access. Only them. They have access to this traffic-free, under-the-earth way. through, I don't know. It's another highway. It's not a subway. It's a whole new highway.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's a TikTok conspiracy.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Absolutely. I know there's a way.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Now that I don't know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Don't lie right now. Wait, I'm not lying.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. You know what? I don't know. Maybe it's all a ruse.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Because they're like, wait a minute. Maybe it's a ruse.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Correct. That's something. That's something right there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, absolutely. I'm super excited. So the album's 25th of April, and then the tour will be May 6th.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm going everywhere domestic, and then I'm going to Europe for four or five days.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't know. Last time I went to London. I went to France. France. I wanted to make a rhyme there that rhymed with pants, but I didn't. I went to, what's that other place called?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm not lying. Stop. I love Silver Lake Ramen. But I will have to say, I personally am scared to try other things that are new. Because by the time that I'm allowing myself to have ramen... When I'm not in my regiment, I don't want to guess. I don't want to play about it. I don't want to, you know, risk anything. I want that sure thing.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Nar. S-T. You know what? Let's just stop there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't know. I can't remember right now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Because I just ordered some meatballs. there sicily no no st st i don't know it kind of looked like a gingerbread stockholm it feels like that might be it but that doesn't sound right when you say it are you sure it's not twitterland

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm not sure.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, guys, everyone let it go. Why are we all trying to figure it out?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's hilarious. But no, I love, love, love, love touring. I think it's one of my favorite parts because the crowds give you new energy everywhere. And also, I just think it's just so refreshing and it just feels so, you know, rewarding to see people like your songs, you know? That is just like, that's my biggest thing as an artist. I'm like, ooh, I like this, but am I the only one?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You know what I'm saying? It's just me right here in the room. Does everyone get it? You know, I just don't want to be the only one. So I just love to see them and see which parts are their favorites. And I'm like, wow. And then it teaches me things that I put in my next album.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I learned that colors are really important to me and I can't just let people pick my album color theme and the world for me. And I did not know that with my EP. I'm like, whatever. I just want to put my songs out. Right. But I did a whole tour and I'm like, oh, OK, see, now I have to do this aesthetic because that's what I did with this. And I didn't think about that at the time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And also, too, I think I wanted more high-energy songs so that I can make a more rollercoaster ride of a show.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Some of the songs are super old. One of the songs is like four years old.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It'll be on the Deluxe, but it's just one of those ones that I felt like was too soon for the EP. I needed to introduce myself and get that solidified. But now I can kind of like venture out into these other worlds that I also am authentically. So it's been like a year and some change of recording. And what I'm really excited about is I feel like R&B to me is so flexible.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It can be in so many different spaces and tempos and subject manners. And I want this album to be like. a representation of all that I feel R&B is to me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


So I know there's so many places, but I'm like, I'm too scared to try.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Because yes, I am definitely an R&B artist and I can sing super traditional songs, but I also did a whole world of different exposure. The Disney Channel world.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Being signed at 14. I mean, I wanted, I saw Hannah Montana and I saw the Cheetah Girls and Ravens, her debut album. And so there's so much other pop culture that I was so into that wasn't just traditional R&B. So for me,

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm like, why not lean into all of the things that influenced me now that I've solidified this base and people know that, of course, I love my roots and my culture and everything that I come from. I'm that as well as I've been at this since I was nine. I sang a whole different range of songs before I even discovered what R&B sounds like to me as an adult.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


So it's kind of honoring all those sides of me and just leaning into the authenticity of who I am right now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Of course I've had Tatsu.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I am. I'm excited and I'm like freaking scared. Because you can only do a first thing once.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


First album. And sometimes I feel like, Maybe I just won't put out an album and I'll be the first girl that got all these awards with no album. But like, come on, girl. I think it's the time, the right time to put my put my stamp on me and this era of me. And I'm excited and scared.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


More than Silver Lake?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm so excited for it. Thank you so much.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Whoa, I don't know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I mean, of course, taste, because I feel like that is going to just surprise people a lot.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Right. Right. Right. You just wouldn't expect it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Exactly. So I'm really excited for that. And I think I've kind of been warming people up to that. Like, you know, I had most beautiful design with me and future in London and. And I did like other different sonics, like Sweep It Up, and it was more uptempo and fun and playful. And so I've been warming people up to like new things from me. I'm excited for that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm excited for another song called Nobody Exist. It's really like this sweet love type of song that I just, I don't know, it just feels really sweet and gentle. And, um, I just love that. I just love that song. I'm excited for the songs where I'm really talking my shit. I have one song called keep it quiet. And it's basically like, if you're going to play, don't play. Cause I have an ego too.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Like I'm a big deal too. Don't embarrass me. And I love that. Um, I love the different moods of me. Cause I'm not just one note. I'm not very like, you know, I'm a character versions of me. So I'm excited to, um, to get to display those more.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah, you did this clock there. See, they're on that menu. They do. They do have that crispy rice. That rice is crispy. I don't know. It like depends. I used to be so big into Tatsu when I first even got into ramen. My homegirl was like, have you ever tried Tatsu? And I was on that Jinya ramen. I was like, okay, bro.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thanks, brain.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh my gosh. Okay. So I definitely challenged myself with this music video for taste because I wanted to have a very choreo focused video. I feel like, of course people know me for my voice and I'm like, but I can also dance. I also had to learn that as a young age. So why can't I do that? Um, so that was really my goal with this one is to push myself and to get out of my comfort zone.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Of course in, in the video, it's like definitely more sexy and it's, more um stunty honestly i ain't even gonna hold you there there is some acrobatics going on in the room and what was that like Honestly, it was hard, but not more hard than I expected it to be. Because I expect things to be way harder. Just so once it's not, I'm like, nice.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


But yeah, definitely my freaking hands were so sore. So basically it was a hoop. And I had an airless come in and teach me some stuff to do on the hoop. Yes, bro. And it ended up, I'm so freaking tall. It ended up being too short on the day. So I couldn't do one of my biggest things that was the hardest to learn, which was hanging on the hoop by my freaking legs.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I definitely felt like them kids on the monkey bars. And I was like, oh, y'all felt different. But it was really, really rewarding, you know, to like do all of those days of rehearsals and to like be so sore. But to really just get to see that good payoff. I did some amazing choreography. I had like my male partner. You know, we did some five, six, seven and eight.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And I feel like we really did eight. So it was really, really, really dope. I can't wait for people to like, you know, get their opinions. Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's a great question. I think what I love to listen to is kind of all over the place. I won't even hold you. I was really into Sabrina Carpenter, of course. SZA, I think, is amazing. I was listening to Kehlani's new project.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


So freaking dope. And I love how she spun R&B to make it her way. And that was really inspiring to see. Dochi has been killing it. And I've been really into her as well. I just like to watch... Women do their thing and it's not be comparable to anything else because it's just so their thing. And I just love that. That's really inspiring to me. I love that. And of course, Beyonce. Of course.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


What? Giddy up. Absolutely.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Houston, baby. Oh, how was it? Oh my God. It was so, it was so life changing and just inspiring to see. I mean, because first of all, that is a whole black woman bringing the world to her. Right. I just think that's so, so powerful. And yeah, She was coming down the little walkway thing, and she winked at me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Please. Okay, well, respectfully, respectfully, Jinya was like my intro into ramen and I was like, hmm, she's cute, per. But then my homegirl was like, you ain't tried tatsu. I'm like, what's tatsu? I put on the tatsu and I was like, uh-uh, Jinya, it was nice meeting you. Nice meeting you. And then I found Silver Lake because of Terrell. Terrell was like, you don't know Silver Lake?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yes! Yes. It was just so, so well done, and I loved the world. I loved wearing silver, and I loved seeing that aesthetic, and I loved the dedication to changing your outfit every show.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That is dedication, because I know she's tired.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, my God. I can't even imagine. I can barely keep up with my own self to have another life on top of this. Like, my homegirls and their dogs, I'm like, you guys and your pets.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


How do you do that? Because I swear my animal wouldn't see the light of day.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, is it that bad? You're sketched. But you work from home. It could be right here.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's hilarious. Are you like a real animal person? Okay. Yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Now, occasionally I'll see a dog and I'm like, you kind of ate that. Yes, yes, like exactly that. Yes, but then I think about like the maintenance of a dog and I'm like, uh-uh, you're just too reliable. Like, I need you to find yourself.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, my gosh.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm like, what's Silver Lake? Goodbye, tatsu. I don't know. Once I find something that just hits the spot, I'm just not, I'm not going anywhere else.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I mean, that was an honor of Katie. No, that's what I'm saying. You better go up. I blacked out all weekend. Oh, there he is. I was like, it's time. No, I seriously can't. I feel so like, I don't know, emotionless because every time a dog started to get old, I was like, somebody take this dog. Literally, as a kid, I'm like, I got work to do.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I've never had that and I didn't even know that's how you say it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Really? Okay, I don't like cats either. I feel like they have a wicked way about them.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's what I'm saying. I'm like, I don't trust you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, would never. Would never do that. Gorgeous, but like, not too much.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't want to cuddle them. They're all slimy and they have no spot.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, like, you know what? Literally, my cousins had this cat named Fancy. That girl. Okay. So literally every time I would go to their house, I feel like that cat was out to get me. Yes. She would revel in my presence. She'd be like, ah, yes, I need some entertainment. And I would literally like try to be asleep and I'd be like, and I'd hear something.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'd be like, and all I would see was fancy's green eyes. I was like, no, I could not with fancy. I swear I, me and her had beef.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't. Right. I love my dog that I did give away. I do, but I had to give away. I gave away to my best friend.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Exactly. I'm like, girl, I'm your auntie that you don't see.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, it was two of them.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah. It just wasn't your truth. So why would you want another dog now?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Resounding, it's giving now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's not your truth. But I do like them little... You seen those little robots that look like they little pets? Not the ones from literally 2004. The ones with the ears and... I love those! The ones that play music?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You're missing salt when you're hungover? I thought you were missing water.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Well, if that's the problem, then the way I eat salt, I shouldn't have bad hangovers because I love salt.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, okay, purr. You know what I mean?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Okay, so actually right now I'm throwing it all the way back to Bridgerton season one. Never seen Bridgerton. Did you ever watch Baby Reindeer?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Of course. That one was a gag. And my go-to comfort is two things. The Office and Broad City.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's what I said. Okay, you know what? We're here with it. I feel like we're really walking in and we're seeing things in a way, in a very similar way. So interesting. And how did we get there?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yes, but it... I can't remember it. I can't remember if I watched the whole episode or if I watched the trailer. I can't remember. But Broad City is my girl. Why do you say that?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I would have to get into that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Is it like dry comedy? I love those.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah. No, seriously. It'd be like, what? Who wrote that?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Dreading the uncomfortableness. You know what? Honestly, truly, babe. Sometimes you got to be a little uncomfortable to have the necessary conversations. And I feel like tell him up front, hey, not me. Hey, soul sister.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


But, you know, be honest. Because I think that, although it's uncomfortable, will lead to getting everything out.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


squashing it moving on and maybe y'all might have to find somewhere new to live are you good at having uncomfortable conversations i do think i am good at them i'm horrible really yes i used to be very avoidant of stuff like that but i used to have this one friend who was just so confrontational about everything she'd be like hey so the way you said that it really bothered me and i'm like wow i'm so sorry but then i'm also like good for you are you still friends with them no

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. Too many problems, baby. Well, come on now, okay? No, but it did teach me a lot about just saying how you feel.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Saying how you feel because worst case scenario, you get it out and you don't have a good reaction. But you know, at least you get it out.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You need to read. Can we prescribe them a book? Yes. Okay. The book we can prescribe them is called something about not nice. Not nice. I think that's what it's called. About stop people pleasing. Don't worry about that man, that roommate. Tell him what you think. He's a grown person who will handle his emotions. I don't know if it's a you, but you know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yes, I did. Purr. Super excited. It's called Why Not More. I'm so excited. I saw the cover. Yes. What did you think of the cover? Cunt. Cunt. Thank you. But no, I'm super, super excited. I feel like, you know, originally I was like, dang, it's been a long time since I put out anything as a project. But I couldn't rush because I felt like, am I going to please the consumer or myself? Yourself.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, baby.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Girl, L-O-L-O-L.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's a good solution. I was going to say maybe a little less drinks.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Because what are you crying about? Right? You know, after one drink, you're not crying.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


After two, are you welling up? After three, you're bawling? Hold on.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Okay, I'm different than that. That is powerful.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, yes, of course, of course.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It was, yes.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Holy crap. Woo, that man is powerful.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Is the good outweighing the bad? Because not being able to cry is, I'm like, I would hate to not be able to cry. It feels good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah, I think you should be able to cry.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


LOL. I mean, yeah, I think you should be able to shed one tear at least.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, my God. The nerves are telling you to build water product today.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wait a dang minute. Was that the one, and he had the drug issue? Yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't watch, but I seen that clip and was bawling.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And also, I just think she did a great job as a mom. Yeah. She was so welcoming and nonjudgmental, and it honestly reminded me of my mom. And having that safe space... God, I was literally bawling. That's crazy that you mentioned that because I know exactly what you mean there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. Just what happened? She was just herself. Oh, class.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Mm-hmm. Poor Mary.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. That's really dope. It was kind of dope.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


medical that one's medical I think that's the ER the song would be ICU no I'm just kidding I love that song thank you I don't know what happened maybe they had some bad pre-workout or something do you drink pre-workout I try to not because I know I want to have coffee when I'm done with my workout. And I'm like, I don't want to have a coffee drink and then a coffee.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah, that's not my truth.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No, honestly, truly, we're getting up there in age.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wait, and then what? Okay, but respectfully, do we believe the ancestry things?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And so .com. So I felt like I had to let go of that inner... it has to be this way and dah, dah, dah, dah. And it's been this many months. And, and so I was so grateful that I pushed past that, um, that fear of like, what if they forget about me? You know?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Okay, okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


See, I'm like, I don't know. I don't know. That could be a hacker telling you he want to be your dad.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Right. Right. I don't know about that one. I don't know about that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


To the person you saw on the internet as your dad? Well, I would maybe bring it to my mom.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Or like, yeah. You know what? I was about to do something so non-transparent. I was going to be like, I just met this guy the other day. And do you know who this is? And just see their reaction. But you're right. It should be the more honest way. No, the mom.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


cross that bridge when you get right right right right maybe she'll be honest yes maybe she'll be honest i prescribe maybe switched at birth do you remember that show yes i do was that abc family yes yes wait but you know the one that had me so bad pretty little liars girl no make it or break it no see your life of american teenager thank you yes i was like oh y'all carrying a lot of stress somebody needs to talk to somebody i'm like where are all the adults in the room

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm so unpopular opinion, I've never got into it. Ever? I don't know what happened.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I didn't even try. I think it's because Gossip Girl, go piss girl. I think it's because Gossip Girl had me in such a choke. I was like, I think I'm settled on this whole world. I'm on that off that whole world.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You know, like Twilight had me so fulfilled that I was like, oh, you want to get into none of these other things.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm good.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I did not.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. How far apart is the reboot from the original?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, okay. So they were still young and hot.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I did get into it, but I feel like it was a little bit above my age.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


By the time I got into it, I was like, hmm, this seems to have a lot of history, this show, but I don't know the history.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Um, because it led to some of the best stuff, the best work that I'm super, super proud of. It's 14 songs. And then there's six more on the deluxe. So 20 total.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


No way.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


So he just abruptly left.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I didn't watch it with him on it. I only watched like the clips that have him on it. But no, I didn't get into it to that degree.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. So wait, when Drake's music came out, what did you think of it?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Were you like, stop it, Jimmy.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Right, right, right. Honestly, I think I commend the pivot. Here it is again. But like being able to rebrand yourself. What the?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's like so hard. Like imagine McDonald's trying to sell us spaghetti. We'd be like, cut it out. Like, you know what I'm saying? And I feel like that is like one of the biggest challenges that you can do. And I study that so much. Like, of course, like somebody like Drake or Christina Aguilera, like Justin Timberlake that came from Disney, Miley Cyrus. Right. How?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Like, it's just such a challenge, you know? Sabrina Carpenter.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's such a, it's a skill.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Me. Me too. Thank God.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. And 30 Years Apart is iconic. I got to look into this.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I cannot believe that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. Okay.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You and this one, I cannot. I've never heard that be the way that something is described.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Honestly, I don't even know myself. I can't even lie. Because I'm like, they've got their strategies for all that. And I'm like, okay, just let me know. Let me know. But yeah, I'm really excited. And the single taste. It's amazing.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah. Like what happened to it eats? It just completely skipped the meal.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Okay, purr.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you so much.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Is that Taylor Swift right there on that magazine? Looking sexy like that?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You know what, girl? You might need a little self-reflection because honestly, truly, I feel like everybody's going to have something you don't like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah, definitely consider that one for sure.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah. But also, I think it's a good lesson. It's a good lesson to be around people because relationships help you grow. And I do feel like at least for me, I hold everyone to the standard of myself. I'm like, but I do it like this. So why wouldn't you?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And I'm like, that's not fair, babe.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's not fair. Completely different experiences and upbringing. Relax.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Um, last year and, and a couple of years, maybe like a year before that, but I've been in therapy for five years, four or five years. And, um, I think now as I'm getting older, I'm kind of asking myself like which relationships are meant to like really stay. And also as I'm getting into a different field of relevancy, which relationships can stay. Some don't, some can't, some fade away, you know?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Right. Yeah. I don't know what we can prescribe her all alone again. Or, um, uh,

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I definitely got, I would say, for sure, embarrassed when it went from, like, woo to woo, you know? But I was still, like, I still have to post. I still want to do covers, and I still want to make music, and I still want to do these things that are important to me, but it's just, like, nobody cares right now. So I definitely feel like I had this time where I was like, dang, um...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


maybe I should just stop, you know, like maybe I should just like wait until people care again. Like I would sometimes say like, I'll just wait till I get like my next big thing, whatever that is. And that's when I'll start working and posting and being creative and you know what I'm saying? And being inspired and putting it out into the world. But that's just not going to work.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


What about you?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I know, babe.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Do you feel like a lot of your friends from that era of you are still your friends now?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's Britney.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I love that for you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Wow. That's awesome.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That's real. That is so real.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Hey, man.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Honestly, I learned a new term. Oh, it's Fox. Yeah, that one. I learned about Katie and I can't wait to, you know, one day meet her up there in the stars.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Katie was all love. Katie was all love. But no, I learned that I really love spending time with you. Thank you for talking with me.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Stop laughing at me. Don't even think twice about it. Honestly, that's the reaction I want. I want spit all over the room because everyone's screaming and crying and yelling and they're beside themselves, picking themselves up off the ground.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you. And you are, too. Congrats on, honestly, your platform. I really love this for you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I know that's right.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yes, bye, girly girls. Love y'all. Stream my album. Don't play.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yeah. I mean.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Thank you so much. Honestly, I really wasn't planning to do that, but I'm really never planning to and I tend to. have a couple of songs on my projects that are samples in a way like that. Even on my first EP, I had Double Back, which sampled SWV. And one of my recent singles, I sampled Lenny Williams, Here We Go. You know, how it happens is really organic.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It's not like I'm like, hmm, let's go through the sample book and see what I can copy and paste, you know? It's kind of like, dang, that is familiar and fire. Now let me flip it. Like, I don't even want to think about what anyone else said or did. Now it's my turn, you know what I'm saying? Put my...

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


my take on it and so it really happened organically honestly I can't even fully remember who said what about the Britney sample but I do remember playing um one of my producers Jasper that I love working with Jasper and Stargate did that one he played the sample and I was like just cut a little piece of it and copy and paste it copy and paste it and then let me go in and just do stuff around it and so that really is what led to the song and the format of it is I I was like

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't know about the whole thing, but let me see what happens when you just put one piece in it. And then, of course, we ended up needing it because it was like the icing on the cake. It was like the full payoff. But yeah.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Dude, what? And honestly, truly, it's tiring.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I don't want to have to be this way.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I would love for it to just be, thank you. This is exactly how I want to sound and exactly what I want to say. And it's exactly me. Thanks. But it's just not, it doesn't happen like that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You know? So yes, I have found that. That's another reason why things took more time is because I'm not just sitting there writing the song, which already takes a chunk of time. It's also, do I even like this beat? Right. Do I even like the sonics? Like let's start there. Let's scratch it all. And there's nothing. And let's just start with a tempo, you know, how fast or slow do you want the song?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Okay. Now pick a, pick an instrument. Do you like this? Do you like this field? No, it's too dark. It's too bright. Like, yes, it'd be like that.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It'd be like that. It takes a long time.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones



Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


You know what? I feel like in some sense I do really live for it because when things aren't happening, like on Christmas break, I was like, mm-mm. Yeah. Cut it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


got it I'm like thanks mom I gotta go she's like no you don't I was like you're right why don't I have to go but um so I do find that yes in a way after too long of being still I'm like um where's my purpose you know right who am I um but I do feel like this year I'm going to aim to have more balance because I don't want to work so hard and be left with nothing because I didn't get to do anything and also I get a lot of my inspiration for these songs and my ideas from time to sleep and time to eat

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And hanging out with my friends and being with my family and thinking, you know? Right. Sometimes there's no time to think. And I'm like, well, how am I going to get ideas? I can't even think about anything I'm thinking about.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Exactly. Exactly. So it does have to be a balance. But I do love that. I do love that grind.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I be feeling in my Beyonce.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Where? Friend, we have a selfie together. It's on the interwebs. It's all up in the room.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, my God. Listen to this, please. Okay, so.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Of course, whenever the Grammys are like, okay, commercial break. Everyone swarms to everyone, you know? And you're like, whew, jump scare. So, I was like, I don't know. I was feeling ferocious. And I was like, hey, mom. I brought my mom. I was like, let's go see if we can get a picture with Beyonce. She was like, gag.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Gag in a bag. No tag. Like, hello?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


But no, thank you so much. Okay, so yeah, I was like, Mom, let's just like, I was just like, whatever, feeling daring. I was like, let's go see if we can take a picture with Beyonce. Because I was taking selfies with everyone. I felt like the selfie queen. I was enjoying myself. That was so fun. And I was like, now people know me. So I'm not like, hi, I'm Coco Jones.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And I'm, do you happen to watch Disney Channel? It's like, oh, we love you. And I'm like, you love me? I'm having fun here. You know, it becomes more like just a cool event that I want to like stamp in time versus this is work and you must be quiet and you don't know anyone. No, like these are like my peers in a sense. LOL. What? You know what I mean? No, I know exactly what you mean.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


So I'm like, mom, let's go see. We can check it out. So she's like, OK, let's go. And I'm like, OK, OK. And then we're getting closer and I'm like. I was like, mm-mm.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I've met her multiple times. Oh. But I just don't like to bother.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I know. And everyone's swarming to her. Like, God, it's giving like zoo. And they all are just wanting a pet. Right. And I feel bad.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm also here. I also got my ticket to the petting zoo and I want to pet. So I was like, we're getting closer. I'm getting scared. I'm like, mom, I don't think I can freaking do it, mom. I was like, oh, let's just go. Let's just go. You turn, you turn. So we're turning around and my mom's like, my mom goes to her, ma'am. No. Ma'am. I was like, I'm literally grabbing my mom's arm. I'm like, stop.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


And my Beyonce looks back and she's like, come here. And I was like.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I mean, yeah, you know what? And I honestly, I thought about it too. I'm like, she's there with her daughter and I'm like, she probably still gets it.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I'm sure she gets addressed as miss by her team. You don't think so?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


I could see that. Right. I could see all types of things, Miss Carter. Yes. But, yeah, I just thought that was so freaking funny. I was like, Mom, no, you did not just ma'am her. Like, you knew her freaking name, man. But it was just so fun. And I loved watching everyone. I loved Dochi's performance. I loved Sabrina Carpinter. And I just had a blast. It was so fun.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Oh, my gosh.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


LOL. But no, it was super, super exciting to be there.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Honestly, it was some of the best training grounds I think that I could have ever had.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


to live this life currently you're balancing so much like personal life fitness scripts choreography music songs songwriting and then decisions business like what are you doing with your company right and um i did not know how much i was being prepared to like balance a bunch of things like as a kid you're doing school you're learning choreography you're learning the script you're singing the songs and it's all in the one movie you know what i'm saying so

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


It taught me a lot. It taught me a lot. And of course, the

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Um, me trying to find it in my memories. I feel like it was very like straight to the point, like teaching you how to pivot things if they, if they don't have any relevance to what you're talking about. Yeah. And also if like there was something going on in the world, like how to politely say, I don't feel comfortable talking about that or, you know what I'm saying?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Cause as a kid, you're like, what even does that mean? Right. So I'm very educational and honestly, I feel like a great training ground for who I am now and what I have to do in my real life now.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


My first ever quote unquote job was Next Big Thing, which was like their singing competition. I was so gagged. I was like 11 or 12.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Yes, absolutely. And it's been my passion forever. You know, when I even started acting, I was telling my mom as a kid, I'm like, why am I not working enough? Like, why am I not on enough stages? Why can't I be singing every day? Like, what's going on?

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


She's like, girl, I mean, there's only so many opportunities. I'm like, so what else is there to do? Right. And so that's how I started even acting is that feeling of wanting to keep going and to keep reaching new heights.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


They are different. But singing, I will say, is more fulfilling because it's my story.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Acting is different in a challenging way of making another character come to life and taking yourself out of it. But singing, I feel like it's more fulfilling because it's like, oh, this is my art. Right. You guys are appreciative of, you know.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


LOL. Like so young. I was writing. I was writing with my mom. She was my first co-writer. Girl, she was the team before the team. She would literally fill in whatever gap. She was like my hair and makeup. I used to say like she had me looking like a potato because she didn't know nothing about highlight or contour. And it was the one shade. Shout out to Mac.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Y'all did have me write with that shade. I had no other dimensions in my face. No brows at all either. She didn't know about eyebrow pencils. It was literally foundation and lip gloss. But my mom would help me write songs and she would help me in all areas. But yeah, I was writing about sleepovers, basketball. I played basketball at the time. And like my friend moving away.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


Like things that were relevant in my world at that time. My little precious world.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


That is a great question, actually. And I think right now I'm used to being in the studio, but I do like writing at home. I honestly, it's kind of like a hybrid. What I do actually is sometimes I'll start an idea at my house.

Therapuss with Jake Shane

Session 59: Coco Jones


with maybe nothing or maybe like one beat or like one little sound and then i'll bring it to the studio and then i'll have you know writers come in and we and we build it out right so it's kind of like a hybrid situation that i like to do but ideally if i could have it i'll be at my house it would be at my house you know i'm tired of driving right oh you know i don't drive you don't drive no uber every single day do you have your license babe what's going on i will