Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
It's not like I ghosted you. We've been texting back and forth.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah, it seems a little weird. I don't usually get radio stations calling me in the morning.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Do you even know anything about it? I mean, I figure it's your call. I mean, can somebody wants to reach out?
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I mean, I'm kind of interested, but at the moment, I'm not kind of interested.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
No, I'm single. I'm single.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah. I mean, I like her. I just made a big mistake.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Okay, I'll just tell you, but you can't tell her. We won't.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Deal? So I don't know if she told you, but we bought each other plants on our date.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Okay, right, right. Yeah, we named them.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
But when we were leaving the mall, I didn't realize I left Gertrude on the roof of my car. Oh. So I drove away. No. I heard about... Yeah, I heard a bump. I didn't know what it was, so I backed up and I ran over Gertrude.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Cassie, I really didn't know you were on the phone. I didn't know you heard any of that.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I like plants just as much as everybody else, but you guys are acting like it's a human being.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I was going to go ahead and get a new plant to try and fake it.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
Yeah, so I went back the next day to see if they had the same plan, and they didn't.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
See, I'm a good guy. I don't murder plants all the time. I buy them.
Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update
Second Date Update: Plant Me A Kiss
I try and keep them alive. He tries to keep them alive. I've never run over one before. This was the first?
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Hey, George and Dr. John, thanks for having me on the show. Sure. I appreciate it. Yeah, what's your question? So, getting right to it. So, basically, I used to have life insurance through work. It was group term life insurance. But since I started following the baby steps that Dave lays out, I... wanted to get, um, term life insurance independent of my work. Smart.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Um, so I went through Xander as my broker and I, I got approved for a policy. Uh, actually I already signed for it, but I'm still within the grace period. I can still get back. Um, but the question is, um, So my life insurance policy to work was the premium was 10 50 a month, $10 and 50 cents. Um, my premium, uh, for the policy that I got through Xander, um, is, uh, $120 a month.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
Um, and that's just due to my, uh, Technically, my BMI qualifies me as underweight, even though my PCP isn't concerned about it like it's a normal weight for me. So my question was, due to the increase in premium, is the change from my life insurance through work to the other policy really worth it?
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So the $1050,000 was a $210,000 buy-up, but my employer actually covered an additional $271,000. So what's that? $481,000 total? Yes, sir.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So it's a 20-year term, $1.25 million policy with the child rider.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
So my income, my wife is staying at home with her daughter. So my income from my primary job is... 90, right in the ballpark of 93,000 annually. Perfect. And then I have a side gig that boosts me up to like maybe 110 annually.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
That's very true. My only hesitation was so... So when I first applied for the policy, I chose the preferred plus health class just because my cholesterol, my blood pressure, everything was in line with that health class. Then in that premium was like 20 bucks a month, which was kind of in line with what I was used to paying.
The Ramsey Show
Your Life Is More Than Just a Set of Numbers
But then the underwriters took a look at my BMI and they bumped me down to standard plus and that's what got you a little higher.