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The Mel Robbins Podcast

Harvard Psychologist Shares 6 Words That Will Change Your Family

Mon, 16 Dec 2024


This episode will change the way you think about every relationship in your life. Today, Harvard’s Dr. Stuart Ablon is distilling 30 years of behavior change research into one hour. Dr. Ablon is the Founder and Director of Think: Kids at Massachusetts General Hospital, which focuses on Collaborative Problem Solving. An award-winning psychologist, Dr. Ablon is also a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.After listening, you will have a completely new approach to dealing with difficult people, challenging kids, and family members.In this candid and relatable conversation, Mel and Dr. Ablon bust through the most common parenting myths and offers a simple 3 step approach for transforming even the most frustrating dynamics. This episode isn’t just about solving conflicts; it’s about creating a deeper understanding of others and fostering lasting change. Whether you're a parent, partner, or simply navigating life’s challenges, this conversation is for you.For more resources, including links to the studies mentioned in the episode, click here for the podcast episode page.If you liked this episode, and want to create a peaceful connection with family, listen to to this episode next: The Simple Tool That Will Transform Your Family DynamicConnect with Mel: Get Mel’s new book, The Let Them TheoryWatch the episodes on YouTubeFollow Mel on Instagram The Mel Robbins Podcast InstagramMel's TikTok Sign up for Mel’s personal letter Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes Disclaimer


Full Episode

0.129 - 33.603 Mel Robbins

Hey, it's your friend Mel, and welcome to the Mel Robbins Podcast. I'm just sitting here trying to find the words to explain the conversation that I just had that you're about to listen to. I'm blown away. You're about to meet somebody who just changed my life, and there is no doubt in my mind that everything that you're about to learn will forever change you as a person.


34.903 - 57.298 Mel Robbins

It will change how you think about relationships, how you think about yourself. It'll change how you parent, how you show up at work. I mean, this is one of those conversations that sticks with you for a lifetime. Dr. Stuart Ablon, who has been a clinical psychologist for over 30 years practicing at Mass General Hospital here in Boston,


58.476 - 84.775 Mel Robbins

just came in here and taught me some of the most important things that I have ever learned in my life. I cannot wait for you to hear this. I cannot wait for you to share this with the people that you love. And it is my absolute honor to share it with you. If you're kind of in one of those modes where you're just like tired of your day-to-day life, it's like the same old, same old.


84.995 - 102.143 Mel Robbins

What if I told you that's a good thing? Because it means you're ready to make a change. And in a special bonus segment at the very end of the episode, I'm going to show you some research-backed ways to break out of a rut. And I want to thank our sponsor, Celebrity Cruises, for bringing me the opportunity to be able to talk to you about this.


102.443 - 148.181 Mel Robbins

You can learn more about Celebrity Cruises at Visit for details, ships registry, Malta, and Ecuador. Thank you so much for having me. if you're a brand new listener. And I suspect there's gonna be a lot of brand new listeners around the world that come in through this particular episode because I know you're gonna share this.

148.821 - 170.028 Mel Robbins

That's how incredible what you're about to learn is going to be. And so welcome, welcome to the Mel Robbins Podcast family. You have picked a winner to jump into the Mel Robbins Podcast. And you know what it tells me? It tells me that you're the type of person who values your time. and that you're also interested in learning about ways that you can improve your life and your relationships.

170.628 - 192.714 Mel Robbins

And today, you're gonna leave a changed person. I know I am. I have been following the work of the extraordinary Dr. Stuart Ablon for years, and I am so thrilled that we finally have him here today so that you and I can learn from him, we can grow, we can become better people, and we can use his research-backed approach to help us deal with the challenging people in our life.

193.314 - 215.228 Mel Robbins

Now, Dr. Stuart Ablon is an award-winning psychologist. He has over 30 years of experience, and he is an expert on challenging behavior. He's also the founder and director of Think Kids, which is a program in the Department of Psychiatry at Mass General Hospital. He's a professor at Harvard Medical School, and he started all of his work and research

215.788 - 235.156 Mel Robbins

with children, but has found that everything that he's learned about dealing with somebody who's exhibiting challenging behavior, you know, they're frustrating you or you're deeply worried about them, that everything that you're about to learn applies to any relationship. It applies to adults. It applies to coworkers. It applies to your marriage. You're going to love this.


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