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The Matt Walsh Show

Ep. 1549 - Democrats Put Their Demonic Hatred For America On Full Display Last Night

Wed, 5 Mar 2025


Today on The Matt Walsh Show, if there was any doubt that the central conflict in this country isn't political, but spiritual, then Donald Trump's address to Congress last night settled the issue. America now consists of one party that wants the best for people living in this country, and a Democrat Party that is willing to embrace its profound disdain for America. I will break down the speech from last night and the pathetic display put on by his political opponents. Click here to join the member-exclusive portion of my show: Ep.1549 - - - DailyWire+: We’re leading the charge again and launching a full-scale push for justice. Go to right now and sign the petition. Now is the time to join the fight. Watch the hit movies, documentaries, and series reshaping our culture. Go to today. Get your Matt Walsh flannel here: - - - Socials:  Follow on Twitter: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Subscribe on YouTube:


What was Donald Trump's speech about and how did it impact the political atmosphere?

25.572 - 40.215 Matt Walsh

There won't be a full show today. The show will be back tomorrow. But I want to take a few minutes to react to Donald Trump's speech last night and the incredibly pathetic display put on by his political opponents. I had the honor of attending the speech as a guest of Speaker Mike Johnson, along with Ben Shapiro and Riley Gaines.


40.275 - 65.165 Matt Walsh

And I can tell you that the difference in the energy in the room was very palpable. Republicans were excited. They were energized. They were full of patriotic pride. Democrats, on their hand, were sullen and joyless and glum and resentful and extremely petty. All told, it made one thing clear. If there was any doubt that the central conflict in this country is not political but spiritual,


65.925 - 76.274 Matt Walsh

than Trump's address to Congress last night settled the issue. We are officially well past the point where Republicans and Democrats disagree on, you know, the best way to run the country for the benefit of the citizens they represent.


76.714 - 87.883 Matt Walsh

We're past the point of nuanced political debate, of trying to figure out, you know, the ideal corporate tax rate or the best way to improve the healthcare system or any of the other debates that define previous eras in politics. Instead,


88.624 - 107.652 Matt Walsh

America now consists of one party that wants the best for people living in the country and the Democrat party that is willing in the most public form imaginable to embrace its profound disdain for its country and its people. The Democrats put on display for the world to see their deep hatred for our military as it catches terrorists who

108.112 - 133.305 Matt Walsh

murdered our soldiers, for our space program that aims to ensure the survival of our species, for border patrol agents who get shot at by cartel members, for talented young men who work hard to get admitted to West Point, for women who have suffered brain damage and paralysis at the hands of male athletes, for families that have been torn apart by violent thugs imported from the third world by the Biden administration, for school teachers who are rescued from Russian prisons, and even for children who are suffering from brain cancer.

133.985 - 152.076 Matt Walsh

This is a core distinction between the political parties, a distinction between good governance and demonic influence. That's been obvious for some time now, but it's always operated beneath the surface to some extent. And last night in Washington, the reaction to Trump's address made this distinction just impossible to ignore. Now, from my perspective in the room,

153.197 - 171.93 Matt Walsh

The pettiness and just total absurdity of the Democrat Party was probably even more apparent than it was on television. First of all, Democrats were constantly heckling and interrupting throughout the whole thing. It was basically nonstop. Al Green was escorted out by the sergeant at arms at the beginning, and we all saw that footage, but it did not end there.

171.99 - 193.348 Matt Walsh

They kept going with just these nonstop, petulant outbursts the whole time. It was one of the most pathetic displays I've ever seen. And they occasionally held up these, as you probably saw on TV, these ridiculous looking paddles that said false and Musk steals on them, even though Elon Musk is the richest person in the world, doesn't need to steal anything.


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