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70: Devil Sticks with Are You Garbage? | Soder Podcast | EP 68

Tue, 25 Feb 2025


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Chapter 1: Where is Dan Soder touring in 2025?

1.032 - 21.927 Unknown

California. Balboa Theater, February 28th. Then March 2nd, I'm going to be at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco. March 8th, I'm going to be in Grand Rapids, Michigan for Gilda's Fest. I'm going to be headlining one show there, so check it out. March 8th in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Chapter 2: What do comedians discuss about their relationships?

28.187 - 29.928 H. Foley

Jody, will you post up in here and watch a game?


29.948 - 46.012 Unknown

You ever lounge in here? This is cozy. I got the PS5 in here. She's watching Suits. You're in here doing your own thing. You know what's so funny is Big Jay, my favorite joker, he's like, you're in the only relationship I know where she'll leave what you're watching to go watch baseball. That's funny. Because she'll be like, I got to watch this guy.


46.032 - 47.873 Kevin Ryan

Real Housewives of Gainesville.


47.893 - 55.838 Unknown

She goes, oh, look, wrestling's on. You Darvish is throwing a shutout right now. Yeah, it's... Wait, when does the special come out? February 25th.


55.858 - 56.759 Kevin Ryan

All right.

57.66 - 57.84 Unknown

Route 66?

58.281 - 62.946 H. Foley

Route 66. Just walked out of our last editing session. Oh, are you guys happy with it? Nope.

Chapter 3: How do comedians feel about editing their specials?

63.206 - 66.37 Kevin Ryan

No, yeah. At this point, who the fuck are you watching so many times?


66.39 - 74.658 H. Foley

Dude, you watch it so many times. We figured out the intro. We weren't happy with the intro. Because we did, like, a voiceover, like, you know, guys, welcome to the Route 66 tour.


74.678 - 95.515 Kevin Ryan

And it was just, like, everybody was like, dude, this is so gay. Did you guys cut it or keep it? Cut it. Cut it. All right. It's a little different in the sense of you're like, you have to convey that we're going Chicago to LA on a bus straight through fucking nine cities, all these shows. Like, we're trying to show that. But, like, you go, hey, guys, we're good. And you're like, this sucks.


95.635 - 108.562 Unknown

We just start recording because that's what I like, because I think that's the best way to do promo, is to talk about something honestly. Sure. We were like, dude, when I was, we edited my YouTube special in here, and you're just like, I hate everything.


108.582 - 108.923 Kevin Ryan

Oh, dude.

109.103 - 114.386 Unknown

The way my stupid hand moves during this joke. I'm not attractive on camera.

114.726 - 117.007 Kevin Ryan

Big man's teeth don't really read on screen.

117.027 - 119.829 H. Foley

Can you fucking, can you sex me up? I need some chomper.

120.72 - 121.401 Unknown

No, don't do it.

Chapter 4: What are the challenges of getting hair transplants?

Chapter 5: What do comedians think about NFL players' personal finances?

139.124 - 159.411 Unknown

got a little got a weapon x thing going on also i love how you gotta save up for fucking for 20 years venture or veneers yeah it's like you make a healthy living it is a good amount of money a lot you also the most important part no one talks about you need to learn how to talk with them really yeah because if you ever hear start whistling on s's and stuff tom brady


160.352 - 168.525 Unknown

His whole – Katie pointed it out the first game, and I couldn't unhear it. The rest of the NFL season, he's like, that's a first down.


168.725 - 181.223 H. Foley

It's funny, the beginning of the game, I was like – But then by the end, I'm like, all right. He grew on me, man. He's not bad. Lose the watch. Come on. We know you're right. The watch. I mean, it's crazy. He wants to flex.


181.263 - 190.131 Unknown

Can't get a nice Rolex. Do you think Tom Burkhart gets mad about it? Where he's like, all right, Tom. No, it's KB. It's Kevin Burkhart. So he's like, what are you doing?


190.191 - 193.194 H. Foley

But she grew on me, too. In the beginning, I'm like, these two fucking bozos.

193.234 - 201.922 Unknown

The person I feel the worst for in this entire NFL season is Greg Olson. Because Greg Olson was an unbelievable guy in the booth.

202.102 - 207.247 H. Foley

He said he's not going to play second fiddle to Brady. But doesn't Brady have a piece of the Raiders now?

207.447 - 208.608 Unknown

Yeah, he's like a part owner.

208.708 - 212.071 H. Foley

So can he still announce? I don't think so.

Chapter 6: Why do comedians talk about their dream cars?

301.369 - 303.211 Unknown

Here's Max Crosby as a bodyguard.


303.251 - 312.099 H. Foley

How much is he in? For the Raiders? I think he's a minor owner. You still get to show up to the games and all that. You get free drinks and all that shit, right? Oh, my God. You own it. The swag.


312.119 - 316.043 Kevin Ryan

You think if Tom Brady didn't own the Raiders, he couldn't get tickets? He goes, oh.


316.283 - 330.087 Unknown

Guys, I can't get a ticket. I also like that Foley has the thought process of an owner like he's King Ralph. Yeah. Where he goes, oh, once you get access, you can just. That's what it's all about. I mean, I would live at the stadium. I'd be a weird owner. I would live there.


330.207 - 335.369 Kevin Ryan

Yeah, you live in the locker room. You're like, that's Dan. He hasn't been out of the stadium in 48 days. You're like Kanye cutting an elephant.

336.229 - 354.516 H. Foley

I got long fingernails and a beard, and I go, guys, lift me. Lift me out of my seat. Whenever anybody, like a comic, would get a writing job, like an SNL or on the Tonight Show, my first question, congratulations, that's awesome. They buy you lunch. Because that's where my head, the spread should be in there every day. That's if you got hired.

Chapter 7: How do comedians view the lifestyle of professional athletes?

354.656 - 357.137 Unknown

You ask, Lauren's like, that's your first question.


357.197 - 368.541 H. Foley

Yeah, we're getting lunch, right? Not where your office is. You're paying for lunch, you're a fucking dickhead. You're buying your own sodas at the stadium, you own 5% of the joints? Yeah. I'll work here, but I want two things, to meet Will Ferrell and free lunches.


368.561 - 392.928 Unknown

Paradigm short Sandler wears. He goes, you know what? That's actually the Chris Farley deal, so I understand that. You know, Dan Snyder, my buddy McDaniel, when he worked for Washington, he was a receivers coach, and he said it publicly that you had to buy – Cups of coffee. Soda money? Fuck that. You had to buy coffee at the stadium.


393.248 - 408.002 Kevin Ryan

I think that's wrong, obviously, but there is the idea of, well, everybody in here is millionaires. But not really. A lot of the guys that are backup linemen. You got to do lunch. I get that, but minimum is also what, like $300,000, $400,000? It used to be $250,000.


408.322 - 416.309 Unknown

I don't know what it is now, but it used to be $250,000. Taxes, you got the lawyers. You're also mowing in women the second you get drafted.

416.569 - 427.696 Kevin Ryan

Boston nuts. I'll give you that, but it's also like you got the $1.50. I'm not saying it's right, but it's not like they're not charging the people at the soup kitchen and be like, this is a nickel. I don't know. Just give it, you know.

427.896 - 453.732 Unknown

I think there's still like if you're a billionaire and you go like, no, $2 for coffee. You go, come on. That's crazy, man. Well, I'm always interested with athletes like Tyreek Hill has like, six kids with six women. Last year, it was like five women. At one point, he had more kids with different women than touchdowns this season. People would bring up that graphic and you're like, oh.

454.212 - 460.436 Unknown

But then he signs a big deal and you go, well, he's not really that rich because he's going to have to take care of... It's a lot of money.

460.616 - 466.86 Kevin Ryan

Dude, I had my cousin married a dude who was on the Texans and he did it right. Got a big contract.

Chapter 8: How do comedians incorporate personal experiences into their comedy?

994.552 - 996.172 H. Foley

I'd scoop one of those.


996.212 - 998.713 Kevin Ryan

No way you're making MVP with a fucking Camry.


998.893 - 1003.996 Unknown

I think he is, though. And then the story's like, he's just a guy. Regular guy.


1004.136 - 1017.668 H. Foley

A hard working. Then I'd have a Hummer. A military one. Before they switched over. The one that Schwarzenegger had. I was just going to say. The one where you pull up with the butt of a cigar lid. Sorry, you already done a lot of work that day.


1017.688 - 1019.43 Unknown

Sorry, traffic's a little heavy.

1019.971 - 1025.657 H. Foley

One of those, a chain townhouse with the boys. Have the boys down there. By patio house.

1028.019 - 1033.742 Kevin Ryan

That's always the townhouse you die in. That's like when you keep a side house. I think you're onto something. That's always where you get found.

1033.802 - 1035.183 H. Foley

You don't die in there. Your turtle does.

1035.543 - 1043.508 Unknown

Your boy dies in there. I think you're onto something because I think I'm getting a nice townhouse in the playing city. Yes. The city I'm playing in.


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