REAL AF with Andy Frisella
850. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump's Congressional Address, Democrat Mayor Protecting Migrants & Sen. Bernie Moreno Introduces Bill to Ban Foreign Flag On Capitol Grounds
Fri, 07 Mar 2025
On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Trump's Congressional address detailing his plan to enact the renewal of the American Dream, Democrat Attorney General saying, "there is no America" without migrants, and Senator Bernie Moreno introducing a bill to ban foreign flags on capitol grounds.
Chapter 1: Who are the hosts of the podcast?
What is up, guys? It's Andy Purcell, and this is the show for the realists. Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome...
motherfucking reality guys i'm gonna get right into it don't forget to share the show we don't run ads on the show we ask very simply that you help us grow the show and i know a lot of you guys do this but there's a lot of you that don't too don't take advantage don't be a shit bag don't be a whore don't be a hoe share the show yeah there you go i picked it up but you put down yeah i see that yeah it's because i did this
What's up, dude? What's going on, man? Nothing, man. Yeah. A great day in America.
It is. It's always a great day in America. It is. Speaking of America, I think Syed will be happy about it. I made chicken shawarma the other night. Chicken shawarma, bro? Is that American? My house smelled like India. That sounds like an Indian.
Chicken shawarma is not an Indian dish.
It's Middle Eastern. It is? Yeah. It's all the same. It smelled like over there. Yeah.
Anything outside of America is the same. That's right.
It all smells the same.
I didn't say that. That's fucking, hey, that's fucking racist. I'm sorry.
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Chapter 2: What are Andy and DJ discussing about chicken shawarma?
Well, let's get into our cruise. We've got a lot of shit to cover, catch up on, deliberate on, talk about. Remember, if you want to see any of these pictures, articles, links, or videos, go to andyfrasella.com. I would also say, too, if you're listening on audio, come over to the tube. If you're listening on audio, it is a fact that DJ is a black man.
I am actually black, and so, therefore, I cannot be racist. That's, you know. That's a fact. People who annoy you.
That's one of the greatest clips ever, dude. Bro, South Park has done so much for culture. Yeah. You know who else used to do a lot for culture, man, but they kind of fucking slowed it down? Who? Dave Chappelle. Dave Chappelle, yeah. Chappelle back when he was doing the Chappelle show. Yeah.
know his he made fun of everybody he made fun of white people he made fun of black people and bro that brings people together bro like all these people who you know can't laugh and can't you know joke around about our differences and all bro you're missing out on a really cool part of life no it's just a sad human it is sad it's sad it's sad because there's a lot of jokes to be told
You'll be happier. They make you laugh.
Bro, the Chappelle episode where he did the house swap, you know? I don't remember that one. Oh, bro. It is... I would say outside of Clayton Bigsby. Clayton Bigsby is the best.
It's right there. It's right there. I got the DVD set. What's that? What's the DVD? I know. Fuck off. Hey, so let's do the show. Guys, let's get into the show, man. Go ahead. I'm just admiring this. This shit's good. It is good, man. It makes me happy. I love when I'm shocked by our own products. You know what I'm saying? Like when I try it and I'm like, fuck. It's a good feeling. Yeah.
Well, yeah, dude, it's just it does feel good.
Yep Let's get into it man guys. We got a lot to cover like I said, so let's let's get into these headlines Hello number one, let's get right into it. I want to let's go to the the congressional address That happened. We'll start there. A lot of people were calling this the State of the Union. It wasn't a State of the Union.
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Chapter 3: What is DJ's new job?
It's not effective or right or true, and they're taking advantage of those communities, and it really drives me fucking insane, dude. It's disgusting. It's disgusting.
Other things that was going on during this address in this joint session, Trump did call Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas.
Yeah, and then they called him racist for it. So what's more racist? Lying? Calling him Pocahontas or pretending to be an American Indian? To benefit you on applications. There you go. What's more racist?
i mean dude well first of all pocahontas wasn't even a real fucking person i don't know if she was or wasn't she wasn't how do you know she didn't fucking exist how do you know i mean like was there maybe a lady name yeah sure maybe but like this actual story it's a fucking fictional story a cartoon isn't it no bro pocahontas helped lead fucking lewis and clark through the fucking audition
Yeah, through the mountains of the West exploring. She was a Native American who helped Lewis. She's a fucking actual person. Oh. Yeah. See, this is my point. This is my point. This is what you don't get in your public schools. I didn't get this. Yeah, that's what I said.
Yeah, I thought it was Disney, bro. Yeah. See? Wait, so you said Lewis and Clark? Yes. Oh. Oh, she was in Missouri.
She was a Missourian. I don't know where she came from, but she was a Native American. Well, she ain't fucking Elizabeth Warren. That's no shit. And she's the racist for pretending to be that so she could get ahead in her own life. Bro, these people screaming the loudest about USAID are the ones stealing the most. Why do you think they're screaming? They're stealing it.
And Elizabeth Warren has screamed the most. She's worth almost $70 million. You know what I'm saying? Like, I mean, she's completely benefiting off it. I just, I mean, I like that he called it out. Let's check the clip.
Do you want to keep it going for another five years? Yeah. Yeah. You, you would say Pocahontas says yes. Which like even that though, right?
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