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Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)

Wed, 05 Mar 2025


Happy birthday to Matt and happy DAY to all of us because Liz Feldman, creator of Netflix's No Good Deed and Dead To Me, is here on Las Cultch! The multitalented sunbeam of a human joins our hosts to discuss making friends in mid-life, getting her start at the Groundlings in LA, and the cultural shift that came with The L Word. Also, casting No Good Deed, still getting starstruck after years in the biz, and creating what you want to watch. All this, the fascinating story of how Liz came out to her parents, how getting a Cameo is stressful, season 3 of The White Lotus and its new theme song, and the fact that there are too many goddamn coffee places within a specific vicinity in Los Angeles. Liz's new Headgum podcast with friend of the show Jessi Klein is called Here To Make Friends and it launches on March 14th! Check it out, as well as everything Liz has done and will do! Waka waka waka!See for privacy information.


Chapter 1: Who are the hosts and guest of this episode?

987.576 - 989.718 Liz Feldman

So now we know what Bowen really thinks of himself.


989.938 - 994.442 Bowen Yang

No, I'm just like, you know, I'm from East Coast. No, that kind of thing.


994.462 - 998.866 Liz Feldman

But Bowen, if I may take this moment to say what a fan I am of yours.


999.266 - 1000.967 Bowen Yang

Likewise, Liz, that means so much.


1001.028 - 1019.003 Liz Feldman

It means so much to me. I am a, you know, obviously longtime fan of the show that you're on. It's called Saturday Night Live. And, you know, I've been watching it since I was a young child, but you are such... a fucking bright light on that show and truly listen to her. And I just, you're fucking brilliant. Thank you.

1019.183 - 1021.946 Bowen Yang

Oh my God. It's his birthday.

1022.066 - 1026.63 Liz Feldman

But when you get behind that weekend update desk, like I just, I like lean forward.

1026.93 - 1027.17 Bowen Yang


1027.37 - 1030.053 Liz Feldman

I get the proverbial popcorn out. I know it's going to be fucking great.

Chapter 2: How did Matt Rogers and Liz Feldman meet?

2609.585 - 2609.785 Bowen Yang



2609.945 - 2629.171 Matt

I think it was around, you know, it was definitely 2006, 2012-ish around there when SNL was like really hitting in that era because of like, I think like the way it was, you know, corresponding with politics, et cetera. It was just... It was in the air that like to succeed in comedy, you had to be at UCB and be around it. It felt like in New York.


2629.271 - 2632.813 Liz Feldman

Oh yeah. We flew to New York from LA with our show just to perform at UCB.


2632.853 - 2634.153 Matt

Wow. Did you do Del Close?


2634.634 - 2635.934 Liz Feldman

I did do Del Close.

2635.974 - 2637.035 Matt

Yes. The 24 hour. Yes.

2639.256 - 2642.997 Liz Feldman

We went on at some hilarious hour, like four o'clock in the morning or something.

2643.017 - 2644.338 Bowen Yang

The bitch shows were the best part.

2644.378 - 2645.438 Matt

Four in the morning, three in the morning.

Chapter 3: What makes making friends in mid-life challenging?

5151.796 - 5155.578 Matt

It does. This has been so much fun. I agree.


5155.598 - 5168.006 Liz Feldman

What an honor. I feel, honestly, like when I was asked to come on, I really thought I was like dreaming or something. This is like truly, truly a dream. Super honored. I'm a big fan of you both. I think you're both incredible humans and also just hilarious and a gift.


5168.266 - 5190.092 Bowen Yang

Liz, you're a true culture maker and you literally, I'm so glad we got to talk about the arc of the L word now for you, which is... truly speaking to your impact and the way you put really important things into the world. And I feel like I, this, this is going to kill me for saying this, but I, I go on your Instagram and I'm like, Oh, thank God. We've got like, you're still on it.


5190.132 - 5197.257 Bowen Yang

You're still like out there, like saying the thing. You do be saying the stuff and it's important.


5197.297 - 5198.418 Liz Feldman

You say the stuff and I love that.

5198.498 - 5203.322 Bowen Yang

I need to say the stuff more. Both of you are motivating me to say the stuff more.

5208.624 - 5208.944 Emily Tish Sussman


5209.745 - 5243.681 Matt

I mean, and with that, here to make friends, March 14th, which is a... Friday! Which is the best day outside of today. It's been a lovely day. And you can stream these Netflix series, Dead to Me and No Good Deed, because Liz is the best. And we end every episode with a song. Can't wait. Da-da-da-da. Is that a key change? I never thought about that before. It's a key change.

5244.302 - 5248.605 Matt

The sex in the city theme has a key change. That's actually rule of culture number four.


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