Liz Feldman
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It means so much to me. I am a, you know, obviously longtime fan of the show that you're on. It's called Saturday Night Live. And, you know, I've been watching it since I was a young child, but you are such... a fucking bright light on that show and truly listen to her. And I just, you're fucking brilliant. Thank you.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But when you get behind that weekend update desk, like I just, I like lean forward.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I get the proverbial popcorn out. I know it's going to be fucking great.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But that is, I mean, it's true. Nothing's perfect.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, but you never fail because you're you.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I did. I did. Well, I thought there was a very handsome guy on the red carpet. I thought there was just a real fucking star on the red carpet. By the way, his audition, just to go back to that for a second, I want you to know where that audition came from because we were, I had written the part, we were casting the show, couldn't find the guy at first.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We were looking in, I don't know where the hell we were looking, but couldn't find him. And in the middle of the night, I shit you not. I was like, cause this is, I'm a weird, like I wake up with ideas kind of person. It was like three o'clock in the morning and I shot up out of bed and I was like, it's Matt Rogers.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
The spirit moved me. It was like somebody whispered in my ear and then I couldn't shake it. And then of course you nailed the audition and.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, Clay on the Mound, I'm interested in.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Well, it is. Well, if I'm just a person person, I like... People. I like to sit in here. I mean, I love the fact that we're doing this in person and not on Zoom. And so, yeah, I really do miss the interpersonal stuff that you get. Also, I used to be an actor.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I know what it's like to go in that room and, you know, be nervous or unsure of the choice you're making. And then the people are there looking at you. It's so vulnerable.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I at least want to be there for the people to be like, hey, I got you. It's fine. We'll work on it. We'll do it. So thank you for doing that from your bathroom on Zoom.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, that was, you know, all the talk. First of all, you were incredible in the show and what a great improviser. So many of his best lines were from your head to your mouth, not from my little typey typey.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
When you have Matt Rogers, you're going to let him do his thing.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I would say you wrote probably half your lines, if not more.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But like it just...
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, you get to see Matt Rogers with Lisa Kudrow, Ray Romano. I mean, it's pretty amazing.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Well, that was every single famous person in the entire universe was there.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Stop. Wow.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, that's, she puts the pop in pop culture.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She is the New York woman. Do you know what I mean? Absolutely.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, I asked you, I'm like asking for that. I'm sucking the names out of it really. But you with Kudrow and with- I mean, listen, it's almost like, it's not even that I get, sometimes I get starstruck. Most of the time I know I'm going to see the person. Like if it's a surprise, if it's like I'm running into them at a party and they're like, I listened to your podcast. Like that's different.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's like, you know, like sending a, like a sweet shiv down my spine, you know? But- Like with Lisa Kudrow, I had been watching Friends every night and her name came up in casting. And I was like, but I watch her on my TV. I was very excited to meet her. But then I know that I have to present myself as a leader. And thank you so much for what you said. That's very, very kind to say.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But I know I have to like, you know, I have to be confident when I meet her and not treat her like she's this thing that is unattainable to me because then why would she want to work with?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I'll tell you, this is a true story this morning. I'm getting ready. Cause I, one of my, the great parts about my job, especially when I'm in development on like a new thing is that I get to sit and meet actors and they just like, you know, like they just go, do you want to meet so-and-so? And I go, yeah, it's like going on like a lunch date with the most random, wonderful people.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So this morning I'm getting ready to have breakfast with Pamela Anderson.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She's, and I don't use this word often, a queen.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I'm looking at myself in the mirror and I don't have makeup on. And I'm like, you know what? She's not going to wear makeup. I know that that's her thing. So I'm like, you know, do I show up at breakfast with Pamela Anderson with no makeup on? And I take one look at myself in the mirror and I go, you know what? I'm not working from the same baseline as Pamela Anderson.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I was like, spackle it on, spackle it on.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She doesn't, but I wanted to feel like I was presentable. So I did put some makeup on and I was still like a 14th as gorgeous as she is.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I wasn't trying to be like, let's collaborate on something maybe, you know, but like I do sit in awe is what I'll say. Like I'm not maybe struck, but I sit in like complete respect and awe of people who, especially like her, people who have been through the fucking ringer because of pop culture, because of our thirst for,
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
for her fame and her gorgeousness and the way in which society has objectified her over and over again and truly turned her into an object. And let me tell you, she's fucking brilliant. She's so smart. She's way better read than I am. She's making references and I'm nodding like I know what she's talking about. No idea what she's talking about.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Knows every fucking- She was naming movies. She was talking about Jenna Rowland's movies.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean like, she's, she's just such an impressive human being.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And given everything that she's gone through, like, you know, to have your story be, to be, to have your story be stolen is, is I think kind of a, almost among the worst things that can happen to a person, you know, like that's her story to tell. And, you know, I get that it seems like it's part of the universe and it's, you know, up for grabs, but that's really rough. Right.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I know we get paid to serve you guys, but be respectful. We're made out of the same things. Bone, body, blood.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's brilliant. Absolutely.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You did, you did. But it's true. And, but, but here's, no, I was about to say, here's where I go down on you. Here's where we 69 is you showed up and I swear to God, he stole every fucking scene. He stole every scene. He was in Matt Rogers and Ray Romano turned into this like comedy team. I mean, you look out. I mean, it could be Ray sitting there in that matching sweater.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But for some reason, I mean, like you would never think like Ray Romano, like salt to the earth from, you know, although you're not from too far apart from each other.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And what a great fucking guy he is too.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It was like a set of menches.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And to be honest, that was like the whole goal that I had is now that I get to be a person who, you know, picks actors and hires crew and stuff. I'm like, I want to go to work and be surrounded by people I really enjoy being around.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Nice, kind, talented, but people who inspire me, people who are like, you know, if I'm going to go leave my two-year-old daughter at home and my wonderful wife, who I actually really like, you know, I want to show up to people who I feel like are my family. And it is, it is, it was so nice because we really did create that on No Good Deed.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Kelly Hutchinson is one of my best friends of 30 years. We were we were college roommates. Oh.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We went to Boston University.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We lived on Commonwealth Avenue. And we were roommates. She was an acting student. I was a TV student. And we used to smoke cigarettes in our apartment with the windows closed.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Because that's what you did.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yes, we did have a dark inner life. And we just got like, you know, really stoned on really bad weed and horrible wine and have the greatest time. But she she was an actress on Broadway for many, many, many years and was like, you know what? I think I want to try my hand at writing. Sent me her script and said to me was her first show. And we've been working together ever since.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I mean, she's truly one of my best friends in, I mean, 30 years of friendship. So I have her and then Silver Tree, who's my producing director is an incredible director, but like we're good friends. And so I'm just in it for that. Like I'm in this whole business for friends.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's all it is for me is connections. It's, it's human connection with people. You know, I want to create that with people at home that I maybe never get to meet, but I also want to create it with the people that I get to see every day. Hmm.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
What were those days? Crystal Wiig is what I like to call it. Crystal and I were, we were in the Sunday Company and the Groundlings together. But even before that, we were in an all-female improv group, which was obviously called The Last Women on Earth. And yeah, I mean, like we go way back. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding, her first wedding. Wow. That's wild. Yeah, that's my girl.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, gosh, yes.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, we were children. I mean, I think I met her, I was 22 years old.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
In LA, we met at the Groundlings. We met on like a wow improv class at the Groundlings, which was just like a drop-in class. And I think we saw each other and we were like, oh, that's, we, oh, you're funny.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We were connected, definitely.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It's how I've made so many of my dearest friends, truly. It's why I went to BU. I was visiting a friend, my friend, Dan Fogler, not to name drop, but a wonderful actor. And he was at BU. He was my best friend from high school. I was coming off a TV show called All That, which- It was my first show.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I, you know, I've been doing this a long, long time. And I was like, fuck, I just want to go hang out with my friend in college. He's like, well, I'm auditioning for the improv group. You should just come with me. I'm like, I don't go to school here. I went anyway, got in and they were like, well, if you went to school here, you could be in this group. And I was like, okay.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I didn't transfer. I wasn't even going to school. I went into the admissions office. Oh, okay. filled out an application, did an interview, and I got in, and that's why I went to BU.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I was quite literally, I didn't even know like what I was going to study. I didn't even care about any of it. I just wanted to be in the improv group.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I made like one of my best friends for life in that group. I'm still friends with so many of the people from the group, you know, and then out here in LA, all my original friends were from the Groundlings. I did that for five and a half years.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It is. It is. And I mean, like when I was in the Sunday company at the Groundlings, Caitlin Olsen, Dax Shepard, you know, and by the way, all three of us were cut.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. Sorry. I have to fix my bra strap. I guess I'm getting skinny.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, listen, it happens. But it is actually in a weird way the best thing that ever happened to me.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, Jenny's brilliant.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I'm friends with several other gals.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It was. And I have to say as a person watching it at home, I'll... six and a half hours of it or however long it was very long, but I was, I could, I could have kept watching my, my, my wife and I were so excited to watch it. And you know, like, I mean, that's SNL is, is sort of like a family reunion for the audience too, you know, because so many of us like grew up watching it.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
My brother used to show my brother seven years older than me. He used to show me episodes that I in no way should have been watching, you know, at like five years old, you know? So, so these are all people that we've all grown up with.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh yeah.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I remember the Pit.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh my God. That's hilarious.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Now I'm embarrassed I hadn't heard of Sluck, which is okay.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
He wants us.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You know what we should do? I'm going to say it right here on air to put the pressure on you. We should get a super group of queer improvisers together and do a charity show for trans youth.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Because there's some really brilliant improvisers here in LA too. Oh, yeah. And I've had the great pleasure of like Drew Droege. Oh, legend. Yep. I mean, the greatest.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Sam Pancake.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Sam Pancake. Yeah. I mean, there's some, we should do that. We should absolutely do that. Do you know Brandon Scott Jones? Yes.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. He was like- I think I did an improv show with him.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh yeah. We flew to New York from LA with our show just to perform at UCB.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I did do Del Close.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We went on at some hilarious hour, like four o'clock in the morning or something.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That was an incredible experience. That was awesome.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, I mean, you know, it's interesting that you say that because The Groundlings is a proscenium. It's a very, it's a much more sort of presentational theater theater. And the characters tend to be bigger.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
By the way, Jimmy Fallon should also be in our. He's our favorite person ever.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I love him. He's wonderful. And, you know, I have known him since he was, you know, a wee improviser. I love him and I'm so proud of everything he's becoming. Yeah. And so much more to come. Wait, what were we just talking about before that?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Lisa Kudrow was a groundling.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And then a teacher? And then a teacher. And she said, recently we were talking, she said she was a terrible teacher.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I couldn't either. Nope.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
No, no. I think I just mean pressure, like, you know, external pressure. Like, here's a multi-million dollar budget on your shoulders. Like, don't fuck it up. Do you like show running? I do.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I do. It's like a sickness, but I do like it. It's so hard. It's very hard. It's very hard, but it is 11 jobs in one. I like eight of them. You know what I mean?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, I actually don't mind that part. I don't mind the managerial stuff and I don't mind the interpersonal stuff. I don't love the tech stuff. I don't love that. And I don't love like props meetings. You know, like just going over, like, here's the proper, I mean, like I'm not a detail person, which I'm much more of a macro gal. And my wife is micro, I'm macro.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And so we make a good pair, you know? And, but I do really like it because I love coming up with something from nothing. It's like this part that I'm in right now where I get to just sort of dream up a new world. It's so fun. I get to people my world. I get to create a writer's room of people I want to spend time with. And then think of actors I want to work with.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It was more of a gesture.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I would work with you again in a heartbeat and I would work with you for the first time in a heartbeat. I would be lucky too.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Almost every reviewer thing that was written that I read, because I don't read them all, but like... Underlined. They highlighted Matt Rogers, who, by the way, is in a cast of very, very, very large cast of characters. I mean, there's nine series regulars and people are talking about Matt Rogers. That's very kind. Who's in many episodes. But, you know, like...
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I saw you and I love that for you. And I'm like, who is this guy?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I agree. I agree.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Well, it was an unfortunate timing thing. You guys were a victim of a regime change, which is like- Tons of regimes changing. Yes, yes.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I'm going to say the culture that made me say culture was for me was the original L word.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Well. Here's the true story, which is that, you know, there was nothing for lesbian culture in terms of, you know, really being in the mainstream other than when Ellen came out, you know, but that was a, she really died on the cross for us on that one. But it wasn't necessarily about, you know, affecting sort of pop culture. That was about society to me.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You know, her coming out was about changing the temperature of how we feel as a society about gay women.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But the L word was different because it was a fantasy. But it was a fantasy that was set in a reality that did sort of exist. It just didn't exist for me.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I do think the L word is cultural. I mean, societal, I think, then as a result. But cultural in that. And listen, I'm going to say a few things that may be offensive to other queer women out there. But like, you know, I'm a gay woman who grew up in the 80s and 90s. You know, we had no role models. no direct role models. You know, we were grasping at straws.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We were grasping at an MTV VJ Duff, you know, grasping at like the girl from just one of the guys, which was an eighties movies literally before you were born. But you know, there was nothing for us that we were grasping at, at a Mary Stewart Masterson and some kind of wonderful who was a straight person. It seems sort of gay.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Like, thank you, Katie Lang, we appreciate your work. But when the L word came out, I remember watching it with my one lesbian friend that I had in Los Angeles at the time and just thinking, oh my God, it's possible. It's possible. Where are these women? They must exist. They must exist.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And we were so enamored of this culture and this sort of group of friends that were created on the show that I kind of think we manifested it because we eventually met them.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I was a standup at the time and I was writing and stuff. And I was doing standup at Dinah Shore Weekend, which for the dear readers, that is the lesbian sort of like Coachella, if you will. Yes. And I was doing standup and the L word gals were doing a, a like, you know, meet and greet kind of thing while the show is still on. And somebody took them to come see my standup.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I had been doing the silliest vlogs. Yeah. I said vlog.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I had been doing these very silly vlogs with some other lesbians where we essentially like recapped the L word. We made fun of the L word and recapped it. And they had been watching it unbeknownst to me. The cast had been watching these vlogs. Kate Menning came up to me and said, I'm a huge fan. And I almost fainted.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
A hundred percent.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I was like, well, I'm a fan of yours. And we... Have been friends ever since. Oh, my God. Dear friends. She's one of my dearest friends.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, it's like, you know, it's... Who else could be that person?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You have to think about your audience a little bit.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I think that's the most important thing to do when you are in the very lucky position to create shows is create something you want to watch because the odds are other people want to watch it too.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
No, because it's really not a thing.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Insofar as you guys being brunettes shouldn't be a thing and being Asian shouldn't be a thing. Like you're a talented artist with something to say. That should be the thing.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But that is one of the things that I love about the entertainment business and about being storytellers is that we do sort of help society grow.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
tip you know and i think we were so close to a tipping point with the trans community and with the perception of trans people and unfortunately the forces of um they scapegoated them they scapegoated them yeah and they they pulled them you know in this tug of war to the other side and turned people against them just totally based out of fear and bad statistics
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, you know, The L Word came back And I think it was the next gen, Gen Z. You know, that was less for me because I, you know, was more of an OG fan. But it was also just, I mean, just even fashion wise and, you know, just the way in which that we present ourselves.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Like, you know, when I was growing up in the nineties, you know, it was very like flannel shirt, unfortunate haircut times, you know. What was the haircut? I mean, I had a mullet. I did have a mullet. Yeah, more of a late 80s mullet. More of a late 80s mullet. Like more of a junior high kind of vibe. Got it. Or like even middle school. My style icon at the time was Alex P. Keaton from Family Ties.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
He was the outlier of his family and I loved that show unknowingly because I was the outlier of my family. So even though he was playing this conservative Republican kid, I related to that character because it was almost as if he was the gay kid in his family.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But but then the L word, like the fashion was like on point. They were hot. They had cool haircuts. They did cool things. They went out. They forged this whole community and life, you know, that I just wanted so badly. And the irony is that just a few years later, I got to have it with those people. actresses who played those parts. And like, I just, you know, manifestation is real, baby.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. Also, it's going to make it a better write for you.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
If you want to, you know, if that's the kind of thing you're going to be interested in watching, you'll be more interested in writing it too. And it won't make it as painful of a process, though it's always painful.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, I was, I was pretty far. I mean, I was like 26 or 27. So I mean, that's how long of a dearth I was operating in. And I mean, I was, I kissed my first girl at 16. Totally seduced by a girl who had gone to boarding school and she knew things I didn't. And thank you so much.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I didn't really know exactly what I was because I had actually weirdly been boy crazy before I had kissed a girl then became girl crazy.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And so, you know, this was long before fluidity or even bisexuality was like a really accepted thing. And so I wasn't really, I was like still sort of trying to figure myself out. And my mother at 17 years old, so I'm a senior in high school gave me a letter and she said, you're going to read this in the car and I'm going to, I'm going to drive and you're going to read it in front of me.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And she was driving me to my SAT tutor at the time. And I opened it up and it was two poems. One poem was a daughter talking to the mother. It rhymed. And it was something like, I don't know what to say when a girl walks by my way, I think I might be gay. And I'm reading this and I'm in no way, shape or form ready to like come out. And
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Then the second letter is actually a poem from the mother to the daughter, also rhyming. And it says something like, you know, have no doubt, we'll figure it out. Like that kind of thing. And I was stunned. So my mother outed me at 17. I'm going to guess a full five years before I would have probably done so myself. And so that really started my journey.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. It was a shock. I would call it a shock because I wasn't ready.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I appreciate that she saw me, but she almost like saw me too well. It's like, you know, she saw the x-ray version of me where, you know, like it was bones and everything. And I wasn't really ready for that. And I was mostly not ready to tell my father who at the time was quite homophobic. And so I was like, please don't tell dad. I mean, it's 1994. Yeah. 1994. So please don't tell dad.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And then, of course, that night, my father, who's like very Brooklyn, comes home and he's like, your mother said you might have something that you might want to talk about. You having some questions. And I'm like, let me tell you who I don't want to ask these questions to.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I said, I just I have to say I really admire myself at that age because I was very self-centered. I don't know. I felt I was self-possessed and I said, yeah, you know, I have been having questions, but it's okay. You know, and, uh, you know, I think I like girls, but I also like boys and blah, blah, blah. And he kind of started to cry, which was very shocking because he's a really tough guy.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And then he said he wanted me to go get my head checked by a psychiatrist. And I said, I'll only go if you come with me.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
First of all, let's not pretend that's the first time you've ever done that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I was like, it was just such a weird time.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So we went and I was 17. All I really cared about was driving. Like I wasn't ready to like profess anything about who I would be or end up being with or anything like that. So we go all together. She gives me a psychological evaluation. We all meet separately with her. Then we all meet together as a family with her.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She said I was the most mentally stable teenager she had ever had in her office and that I didn't need therapy, but she recommended that my parents stay on. Wow.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I swear to God, we walk out of her office. My father gave me the keys to the car. It's the first time they let me drive the car home.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I've written a version of it. I did a short film with my sister, Rebecca Feldman, who's a very talented writer and director in her own right. We did a short film called My First Time Driving. But I should say it's worth a revisit. It's worth a revisit.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It was, it really was. And my parents had marital problems and I realized too, it was my mother who had sort of whispered in my ear saying, tell your father that you won't go to therapy without him.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And it was because she really wanted to go to therapy with him.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And she was sort of trying to save her relationship. And, you know, spoiler alert, they're divorced. And but, you know, that was the beginning, certainly, of seeing them as fallible, you know, vulnerable people for sure.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, exactly.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yes. And I think it's because my mom ultimately is a very liberal and very accepting person. I think she knew who I was for long before I did. And I think she knew that I had a father that would be oppositional to that. And I think she was also trying to sort of, you know, embolden me and protect me. and also literally change him.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh my gosh, I'm thrilled to be here.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And it took a minute, but he is a totally evolved person in that way. He's 88 years old. He was- Midlife? Yeah, midlife. God willing, I hope so. But like, you know, he like gave a beautiful toast at my wedding. And, you know, I mean, like he has really come around.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
A, I wish I knew it was your birthday. So that I would have come with some sort of gift and or a matching sweater.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You really do. You really do. And I have to credit the fact that my father married a woman 30 years younger than him. after my parents got divorced. And so she has really helped him modernize. But can I just say that question you asked earlier of when you were asking, what's the age that you wish that you could be? My answer is 35.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Because I got married at 35 and that was such a lifelong goal of mine that I thought would never be possible to be married.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Kelly green?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. Yeah, it's true. I mean, like, so. So, yeah, this sort of pointed to have have said that. But I, you know, when I was growing up for most of my adulthood, gay marriage was not legal.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I took it so personally because why is that a dream I'm not allowed to have? And so when I finally met my wife, I was 31 and we didn't get married till I was 35 because it literally was illegal because of Prop 8. And at a certain point I got so mad that I was waiting for like a lot of change to do a thing that I felt very inherently, you know, was it my right?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She's giving Kermit.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Was my God given human right to be able to express my love for another person in front of my family and friends. And so we actually went to New York where it had become legal. We got married legally in New York, then came back, had our like wedding wedding in LA and six weeks later, Prop 8 overturned.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We didn't wait for the man.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. We did it the way we wanted to do it.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. But that was a wonderful time in my life, 35, and just, you know, being able to fulfill this dream with this wonderful person, my wife, Rachel. And so I would say 35.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Wow. Fuck. Fozzie Bear. Yeah.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It's the age you're going to be next, right?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, okay.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Of course you're Pisces.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Do you know that Pisces are like my people?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
No, I'm a Gemini.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
We get along really well. I mean, like Scorpio, we have our thing.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Well, Pisces, for some reason, I gravitate, especially professionally, towards Pisces. Silver tree, a Pisces. I think we might have the same birthday actually. Kelly Hutchinson, a Pisces. Yeah. Yes. I mean, Cara DePaulo, another wonderful writer on the show, a Pisces.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Maddie Dollywall, another writer on the show, a Pisces.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, how interesting.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
He's sweet. And also for some reason, my daughter loves Fozzie Bear and says Waka Waka among the house.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It is. I feel like you guys have a very similar.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, you guys have a lot of empathy for each other. And I think that's what I what I'm talking about when I see like there's that warmth between you.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I get them still.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
They're mixing, but I'm liking them.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh my God, I'd buy that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She has the comedy bug. She does. Can I tell you that yesterday in the car, I picked her up from school, gave her a snack. Wasn't enough. She was still hungry. And I said, what are you hungry for? She said, hungry for boogers. Oh, and she knew she was making a joke. I laughed so hard that I've only, you know, validated that, you know, boogers are funny.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It's like the cross section between vulnerability and inauthenticity. Correct. Because like it is vulnerable. Cause you're like, they need $35. You know what I mean?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Exactly. You know what I mean? Don't totally get that, but yes.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And they're like saying things about you and it feels a little patronizing. And also, but like, because you're an empathic person, you feel a little bit like embarrassed for them.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I was going to say, he's been on.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's true.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
If you had to get a cameo from somebody who would have been-
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I can't believe I have to follow the two of you. Oh my God.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She said, I'm hungry for boogers, which I think is really a strong, strong statement.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And also the fact that people are even talking about the theme song, it all shows you how powerful the show is.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Because when do you ever talk about theme songs?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I dare you to even hum another one. Like there's, it's very hard to make one that breaks the tune. That's a 20 year old theme song.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yes, we love you.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, I mean, we're only one deep, though.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She's a very versatile and very effective actress.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And she pierces.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
No higher praise. If I could be so lucky.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Okay, Posey's gonna Posey. And let me tell you, what a delight. She just opens her mouth and I'm like, I'm like smiling immediately. There's something that she can just fucking eat the scenery. I love it.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, or rewatch Waiting for Guffman.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
If you fucking got.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, I love that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But I bow down to Mike White. He's so good at what he does. And evidently he does it all by himself, which is so impressive because I need a room full of writers to lift me up and to help me see everything through.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I can't believe there are two of these sweaters in existence.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh my gosh.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Huge fan of hers.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yes. I love her.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I feel, okay. I hope. Okay.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It's a big moment.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I don't know if I'm ready.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I don't think so, honey. The Pete's coffee shop moving in across the street from the fancy Starbucks, which is next to the blue bottle, which is literally also across the street from a coffee bean in my neighborhood. Yes, there is an empty, beautiful piece of retail real estate that could be literally anything, but it's going to be a Pete's coffee.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Look, I have nothing against Pete's and I will probably even go there first as like just as an experience to explore.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But then probably also just every day because it's on my side of the street. But Jesus fucking Christ, how many coffee shops can one square block hold before a fucking sinkhole forms and we all get sucked into the abyss of corporate caffeine-driven capitalism?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
The empire is falling, honey. No one needs that many options for where to get a peppermint gingerbread caramel chocomoccalate.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Okay, it could be literally anything. Five seconds. It could be a Planned Parenthood. It could be a France Healthcare Clinic or a Xanax store.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But I won't because of RFK.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
A fourth coffee shop. I wish I was exaggerating. A fourth coffee shop in one square block.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I'm going to be honest. I walk past all four. However, like go to a local coffee shop.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
It is a coffee bean in a parking lot. It's in a parking lot of an Albertsons.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
She's a big girl.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I have nothing wrong with corporate entities and I shop at places that are very corporate.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, no, no. I love you. I heart, I heart.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I heart, I heart. But, but I mean, but truly like if you're, if you're going to peel back your efforts to like help people and employ people and protect people, then I'm going to peel back my dollars.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's silly. Like when that space opened, we were so excited by the infinite possibilities. A bagel store, Mayhaps?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Was this what he was dreaming up that you would be matching?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
A mouse persnaps? Persnaps. Persnaps. Persnaps is Kelly. Kelly took mayhaps and fucking- Maypersnaps. And put it on its little side for persnaps. But yeah.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
cool queer sibling yeah definitely you queer words yeah and i appreciate that as someone who also does this yes we i feel like we are very simpatico i like i love wordplay sorry i said it um but i do i love to i love i'm a lady of letters and i like to i like to mix it around and make them sound fun there was one improv i did that there was like a tiny little meeting about whether it was too much of a swing and they left it you know what i'm talking about
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Let me tell you what made it into the show. And let me tell you what made me laugh every single fucking time in editing. We hit a little Snuggorny Weaver.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Also an ad lib when he's with Ray and they're, well, I don't want to give anything away for people, but he's with Ray and there's maybe a room that like maybe has a little bit of a stench and Ray's trying to say, oh, it's rat piss. And he's like, that's human piss. I know what human piss smells like. I was single once.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I was single once as him.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
What an honor. I feel, honestly, like when I was asked to come on, I really thought I was like dreaming or something. This is like truly, truly a dream. Super honored. I'm a big fan of you both. I think you're both incredible humans and also just hilarious and a gift.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You say the stuff and I love that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
What is that?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
There's a pathology there. But I have to say, I feel like it's really worked out because it's actually sort of stunning on both of you. Can I say it really does work on us both? It works on you both.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But that's who we are. I mean, no, I'm not, I'm not feeling Tweedledee, Tweedledum. I'm feeling Tweedlehot and Tweedlestud. Tweedlehot, Tweedlestud, title of that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh, wow. That is, wow. Tweedle, oh shit.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
That's right. It's called Here to Make Friends.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And it's really about how hard it is to make friends in your midlife.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Which you're not quite there yet, but wait till you see. Wait till you turn 36.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I need you not to be middle age because I'm so much older than 35. No, I feel like middle age is 40. I'm going to be honest.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, somebody said middle age is until you're 60, which I thought was generous.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Have them on their podcast.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, I mean, I think in part because when you're a kid, all you have is your friends.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You're just there to play. You're there to make believe. You're, you know, you don't have judgment or, you know, needs that are clear. Yeah.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Because I'm 34.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. Talk to Matt's trainer. Cause he'll tell you at 37, at 37, that's where you identify your needs.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Truly. But that is true. Like you're allowed to be intimate and vulnerable and yourself when you're a kid. And I think by the time you get into your mid thirties, forties, I'm just being generous by saying that.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
30s i really just mean over 40. but um no but when you get to be an older person like there's a history that you have behind you yeah there's like a present that you're living in where there's so many stories like it's like when you go on a first date with somebody yes and you're like which version of myself like am i gonna give like am i gonna tell them my brother and my sister you know yeah and and so jesse and i were really lucky because we became friends in the writer's room of dead to me yes
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And I knew who she was and she knew who I was. And we were both sort of like, you know.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And then when we started talking in the writer's room, I realized that like everybody was just watching us sort of kibitz and chit chat with each other. And like, we just had so much in common and I was so excited. And I, you know, you feel that sparkle inside with that new friend thing, which, you know, I'm a happily married gay. I've been with my wife for 16 years.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So I don't, you know, I don't get to do the first date thing, but that felt great.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Kind of first date-y and it was really like, it was really sweet. And so we are weirdly kind of like friendship nerds. We love to talk about friendship.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And by the way, you guys are- We're the biggest friendship nerds. But you are such wonderful friends to each other. Like it's such a pleasure to listen to your show, not just for the funny and the pop culture of it all so that I feel relevant and I sort of know what's going on in the world, but also just because like you are kind to each other. You are like the living embodiment of yes and.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
I mean, you guys love each other and it's like it's snark free in such a wonderful, like fresh way.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
No, I would actually call you devoid of snark. I would see, you guys are so like authentic and I would say very kind hearted about your approach to pop culture.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Oh no, we are playing it safe because at first, you know how it is when you're first doing a podcast. You need, well, it's also like, people don't know what your show is. So like, no, we're not going to, Chastain's not coming on yet.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah, I mean, you know, so we do have our white whales, you know, of course, as I've heard you guys talk about.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Of course. Of course, we know we have our white whales, but for now we are mostly having guests on that we know on some level because they trust us enough to come on without having heard an episode because the show doesn't come out until March 14th. But the whole point is that we want to make friends and we feel excited that we got to make friends with each other.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So now we're like, who else could we make friends with? And the excuse of just inviting them on the podcast and then essentially like bum rushing them into friendship.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
And, and cornering them and basically putting pressure on them in front of a microphone to be like, but would you want to have drinks with us? Yes.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
A thousand percent. Like my, my ideal or, or Jesse and I have the ideal that like maybe at the end of the season we would have, you know, like a last supper.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You know?
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
You guys are invited.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
Yeah. Bowen, we wanted to get you, but evidently you're very busy.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
He should have a moment because he's like our son.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
So now we know what Bowen really thinks of himself.
Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang
"Do You Want To Be My Friend?" (w/ Liz Feldman)
But Bowen, if I may take this moment to say what a fan I am of yours.