Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark
Dismantling The Health Insurance Ponzi Scheme | Brigham Buhler
Tue, 25 Feb 2025
We talk about Big Food and Big Pharma…now it’s time for Big Insurance. Two time Joe Rogan guest Brigham Buhler is here to blow the lid off America’s broken healthcare system. He’s on a mission to dismantle the insurance Ponzi scheme and deliver bold solutions for health, longevity, and patient empowerment. Get ready for an eye-opening, red pill kind of conversation.Thank you to our sponsors! 😊Taylor Dukes Wellness | Use code "ALEXCLARK" for 10% OFF Zebra | Use code "ALEX for 10% OFFMush More Co. | Use code "ALEX" for 20% OFFA’del Natural Cosmetics | Use code "ALEX" for 25% OFFGarnuu | Use code “ALEX” for 15% OFFOur Guest:⭐️ Brigham BuhlerInstagram | @brigham.buhlerX | @ferrisbuhler81TikTok | @brighambuhler➡️ Ways2WellInstagram | @ways2wellYouTube | @ways2wellWebsite | ways2well.com➡️ ReviveRXInstagram | / revive_rx_pharmacy ➡️ BioreachInstagram | / bioreach Website | https://www.bioreach.com🎀Follow Alex🎀Instagram |@realalexclarkInstagram |@cultureapothecaryFacebook |@realalexclarkX |@yoalexrapzYouTube |@RealAlexClarkSpotify |Culture Apothecary with Alex Clark Apple Podcast |Culture Apothecary with Alex ClarkNew 'Culture Apothecary' Merch OUT NOW! Glass tumblers, weekly wellness planners, hats, crewnecks and more. Use code "Alex Clark" for 10% OFF attpusamerch.comJoin the Cuteservatives Facebook group to connect with likeminded friends who love America and all things health and wellness!Join the CUTEservative Facebook Group!Subscribe to ‘Culture Apothecary’ onApple Podcasts and Spotify. New episodes drop 6pm PST/ 9pm EST every Monday and Thursday.This show is made possible with generous donations from listeners who believe in our mission to heal a sick culture.You can support our show by leaving a tax deductible donation HERE or by subscribing to@RealAlexClark YouTube for FREE!#cultureapothecary #alexclark #podcast #health #wellness #medical #insurance #healthcare
Chapter 1: How are insurance companies profiting from the opioid crisis?
Never once have you heard an insurance company brought up in all of the opioid crisis. 30% of the profits generated during the opioid crisis went to the insurance companies.
Now, why is this legal?
It shouldn't be. That's the point. They're getting money on every drug that you're prescribed. Imagine the amount of revenue being generated by these insurance companies by screwing me and you and families on these medications.
We've all heard the usual suspects when it comes to talking about the problems in health care. Big pharma, the food industry, all the chemicals we're exposed to. But there's one major player that often slips under the radar in these conversations. Health insurance. We're pulling back the curtain on an industry that profits off of illness and make sure you stay sick for as long as possible.
It's time to talk about the insurance Ponzi scheme and we have the perfect guest to help us expose it all. Brigham Bueller is my friend and also a healthcare entrepreneur who is on a mission. to completely dismantle and rebuild America's broken healthcare system. From his beginnings as a pharma drug rep, Brigham saw firsthand the devastating effects of a system that puts profits above people.
This drove him to become the founder of Ways to Well, ReviveRx Pharmacy, and BioReach. You may have already heard Brigham as a two-time guest on Joe Rogan, where he laid out his vision for a healthier, more transparent healthcare system. He's also someone that I had the privilege of testifying with at the United States Senate last September. alongside RFK Jr., calling for urgent reform.
Today, we're diving deep into the issues with our current healthcare system, and Brigham's going to help us understand the corruption we're up against and how we can begin to fix it. Watch this interview on the Culture Apothecary Spotify or Real Alex Clark on YouTube. If you have ever heard something on this show that taught you something new, please leave a five-star review.
We'd also love if you consider becoming a financial donor of the show. You can leave a tax-deductible donation with the link in the show notes to help us heal a sick culture physically, mentally, and spiritually.
If you wish that you had more like-minded friends who are into these topics, join the Cuteservatives Facebook group, follow me on Instagram at RealAlexClark, and the show at Culture Apothecary. Please welcome the founder of Ways Too Well, Brigham Bueller, to Culture Apothecary. Is it fair to point out that the more people seem to go to the doctor in the United States, the sicker they seem to get?
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Chapter 2: Who is Brigham Buhler and what is his mission?
I was a 21-year-old kid. I had a company car. I got paid $100,000 a year plus bonuses and commissions. I got president's council trips where they flew me to like, well, I'm here in Arizona with you. They, I literally was stated, uh, the Phoenician resort. Yeah. And like, this is like 20 years ago though. So it was like the bomb back then we stayed there and Britney Spears was at the pool.
Like it was wild. And it was always these crazy extravagant trips. If you were a top producer, but candidly, like, You don't see the dark side until you see the dark. Does that make sense?
Right, so how did you do that?
So I came out and I was selling Cialis and I'm like, this is amazing. All these guys love it. My doctors love me. They're my friends. And I was a top rep in the country going on all these trips, selling a drug that I believed in, a product that people candidly loved and I was getting minimal negative feedback on. And I did so well that they relocated me to Houston, Texas.
where they put me in the Texas Medical Center and they moved me to antipsychotics and antidepressants. And I only did that for about eight months. And the day I started, I'm like, I can't do this.
Because it's products I don't believe in. It's them trying to grow a niche and expand the use of antidepressants and SSRIs. And I'm just looking at the efficacy rate and I'm like, it's trash. Like diet and exercise has way more efficacy for treating depression than any of the SSRIs.
I was just talking to somebody a couple weeks ago on the show, and that was – the whole episode was on SSRIs. And she and I both discussed how this talking point of like let's destigmatize mental health and all of that, that that was actually just a pharma message put out there to kind of change – culture into being more accepting of people being on antidepressants. Would you agree with that?
A hundred percent. Yeah, no, a hundred percent. And I know people are looking for an answer, but that's where you've covered this a lot is the food system. I mean, front to back, like my main message in front of the Senate and I, and I stand behind this is we talk about Eisenhower speech and the corporate capture of of our institutions.
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Chapter 3: Why is the US healthcare system failing?
It's a cascade effect.
So that's why it's important.
And that's where I say it is crucial to get proactive and predictive. And I would go out and educate clinicians and OBs and primary cares on the importance of comprehensive blood work. The reason I want to tell you this is then all my doctors in Texas said, I believe you. I think you're right. I think we need to pull comprehensive blood panels. So many people go, well, I have a doctor.
They pull a blood panel. They don't. They are pulling a minimal lipid panel. Why? Because as soon as my clinician started pulling comprehensive panels, guess who got letters? The insurance companies literally will send threatening letters to your clinician, your OB, your primary care, and they will tell them, I don't like that you're pulling comprehensive blood work on Alex. Why?
We don't think you should be doing this. We don't think you have medical necessity. If you continue to pull comprehensive blood work, we will consider revoking your contract. This happened to thousands of doctors in Texas. They had to call me and go, hey, Brigham, I believe in what we're doing, but I'm not going to do this.
I can't risk my license in losing an insurance contract like UnitedHealthcare. It'll put me out of business.
Why would insurance companies not want doctors to pull full blood panels on patients?
Well, and that's where we go to deny and delay. Like the kid Luigi, you know, he made the comment, delay, deny, depose. And I explained this on Jillian, like, what do you mean by delay? Insurance companies are incentivized to delay and obstruct your ability to care. Now they're profiteering off of prescription medicines.
So they're okay with you going on a prescription drug because they're getting kickbacks on prescription drugs. But a surgical procedure costs them money. Something preventative is getting proactive and predictive to them. That's a budgetary issue.
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Chapter 4: How do pharmaceutical companies manipulate drug markets?
You're like catastrophically low testosterone. What symptoms was that showing you?
I had restlessness, irritability, low energy. I would be tired all the time. I would have a hard time keeping lean muscle mass. I had a hard time losing body fat. I thought I was okay because as a guy, you still have sex drive, but what's crazy is the urologist broke down. He's like, think about it from a nature standpoint, the very last thing to go for a man is typically sex drive.
And so, so many men that are obese or overweight or struggling, they don't think they have low T because they have a sex drive. But in nature, if you can procreate and keep the species alive, that's like the last, last, last thing to go.
With testosterone levels figured out then, how has your life changed?
Oh, totally. Literally in a six-month time frame, I went from 25% to 6% body fat at the time. I had like... a six pack, got shredded up, energy through the roof, put on lean muscle mass. My drive, my motivation was back. And then it leads to a cascade effect. Now I'm getting results from my workout. So now I work out every day.
I wonder how many women are like, I don't know, I'm like struggling with attraction to my husband. And like their husband's testosterone is like, tragically low. And if they got that dialed in, I, cause that would affect, you know, all of those things changing in a man, I think would make women even more attracted to them and everything, you know?
Well, I can a hundred percent because when, even though I thought my sex drive was normal, when your testosterone is optimized, it's, You're like chasing your significant other around the house, which to her is flattering and like fun for her again, you know, because she got to be pursued all the time. And I'm like in that stage all the time because my levels are normal again.
And it's like being a 20 year old guy again.
Well, one of my most popular old episodes I did was with Dr. Patrick Flynn. And it's funny that you say that because the title of that episode was if your man isn't chasing you down for sex, he's sick.
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