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Zach Cherry


The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E7: Chikhai Bardo (with Dichen Lachman and Jessica Lee Gagné)


Let's hear how spot on Zach Cherry is.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E7: Chikhai Bardo (with Dichen Lachman and Jessica Lee Gagné)


wow another exciting episode of severance now of course i'm ready for my predictions but i do just want to say i noticed last week adam that you called this my favorite segment this is not my favorite segment this is sort of the fans favorite segment the people you know the nation's favorite segment my favorite segment is the end of the podcast when i get to go home to my loving family now i'll go ahead and get on with my predictions for the week

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E7: Chikhai Bardo (with Dichen Lachman and Jessica Lee Gagné)


Next time on Severance. I can't believe we spent some time at the dentist. The dentist is my favorite part of being alive. So I predict that in the next episode of Severance, we go back to the dentist and see each character we've ever met on the show get their annual dental cleaning. Wow. Dental hygiene. It's so important. Call in and let Ben and Adam know how important dental hygiene is to you.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E6: Attila (with Christopher Walken and Sarah Bock)


Hello again, it's Zach here. That was an intense episode of Severance. And I'm here to tell you, things are only gonna get more intense. Won't that be fun? Next time on Severance. I have a feeling that Mark's reintegration is gonna go a little funky. Und tatsächlich wird es eine wirkliche Freaky-Friday-Situation sein, in der er seine Körper mit Rigabi wechselt.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E6: Attila (with Christopher Walken and Sarah Bock)


Adam, Scott wanted me to ask you about...

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E6: Attila (with Christopher Walken and Sarah Bock)


Und jetzt ist er Arzt am Krankenhaus. Er hat keine Fähigkeiten. Hijinks werden stattfinden. Es wird ein wirklich starker Pivot für die Show sein, aber ich denke, die Fans werden ziemlich gespannt sein, was passiert.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E5: Trojan's Horse (with Michael Chernus)


Good morning, Heliar.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E5: Trojan's Horse (with Michael Chernus)


Oh, yeah. Let's see. Hi, y'all. Zach Cherry here again. And it's time for that part of the episode where I make a prediction about what's going to happen next. Next time on Severance. You know, I think that Dylan is going to be inspired by watching Miss Wong play theremin, and he's going to take up an instrument of his own called the voice. That's right.

The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott

S2E5: Trojan's Horse (with Michael Chernus)


Dylan's going to start taking voice lessons, and it will sound a little something like this. La la la la la. That's just his first lesson. And he is going to submit himself to be on a music competition reality show. What's your favorite music competition reality show? Write in to Ben and Adam and let them know what your favorite music competition reality show is.