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Peter Stewart


The Planet Reigate Podcast

54: Harlequin latest news and reaction, our RunReigate preview… and more


And our thanks to Ali from the Harlequin Support Group. Now, if you want to know a little bit more about the background to the Harlequin and why it is closed, listen back to episode 48 with our Harlequin Q&A. So all the answers to all of the questions that I'm sure you've been asking yourself.

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And there was a recent council meeting all about the Harlequin, and that was reported in some depth in episode 49 of the Planet Reigate podcast. Now, If you ever want to pass on your thoughts, then you can get in touch with me in various ways. You can drop me an email and you can do that either directly or you can do it via our website.

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And also you can send me a voice message as well, which we may then go on and play on the podcast. This is all the ways you can get in touch.

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Email hello at Find out more at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast

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OK, there's a few other things that I thought you'd like to know, which came out of the Redhill Business Guild meeting, which was on Wednesday night in the town centre, in the light as it happened. So on the way, I've got an update for you on crime and CCTV in Redhill.

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Also going to be telling you a little bit about the latest from the Belfry and about the Reigate and Banstead Borough Council corporate plan. It's OK. That one sounds a bit dry, doesn't it? We're going to keep that really, really short. And also about Flores. Flores is the new cafe which has opened up in Memorial Park, of course.

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I think probably the most interesting piece of information that came out was to do with the Safer Red Hill Partnership. So that's a group of, well, it's the council and its shops and businesses, and it's also the police, as you might expect, in and around Red Hill.

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So a report at the Business Guild in the week talked about more visible policing, which has been stepped up, particularly after school hours in the town centre. And also there's been a range of interventions, what they called interventions, at the railway station as well, which I know can be a bit of a hotspot there.

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Up to July there were 83 more arrests in Redhill Town Centre than there would normally be from the start of the year, the start of previous years if you get my drift, and there were 41 more drug seizures from the start of the year than there would normally be in any other year. Shoplifting in Redhill down 40% in the last 12 months. Now, we've spoken about it before.

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Planet Reigate stars from Red Hill and our 60-second soundscape. Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

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The YMCA bus, which tours around the Redhill area, is now operating four nights a week. They weren't around in the summer because of school holidays and so on for their staffing issues, but they... Take that bus out to meet young people in the Cromwell and Fairfax areas and also Memorial Park. Engage with young people, offer support and so on, that kind of thing.

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They've helped 800 people in the first six months of that bus being out on the road. There's going to be a social media campaign through Safer Redhill later on this month, September, to try and instill, try and suggest more of a sense of pride in the community. There's going to be more visible police patrols this month, again, in the town centre and also at the train station as well.

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The Safer Redhill Partnership is working with the Redhill Boxing Club to offer more self-defence lessons for women, and also they have got some drugs education kind of roadshows, for want of a better term, workshops and so on, at Carrington and East Surrey College, and there's going to be more lights in Memorial Park. So, to me, that sounds all very positive stuff.

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Now, there was also talk about CCTV camera provision. in the town centre. And they said, please don't believe all of local media. Now, I've been onto a couple of local media sites which have been talking about CCTV provision in Redhill over the course of the last week. Let me quote from one very kind of significant media publication. See if you can spot the problem with this, what they say.

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Reigate and Bandstead Council has 65 cameras in key locations including the Priory and Memorial and Lady Neville multi-storey car parks. Hmm, that's a big problem there, isn't there? First of all, okay, Lady Neville is up at Bandstead, so that bit is kind of correct. That is in Rygate and Bandstead. Obviously nothing to do with the Planet Rygate podcast area, we don't go that far.

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But Priory and Memorial multi-storey car parks? Well... Memorial Park doesn't really have a car park, does it? To speak of. Priory Park has a car park, but it's really on the Bell Street car park is actually what it's called, isn't it? But I suppose you could call it the Priory Park car park. But none of them are multi-storey car parks associated with either Priory Memorial or Lady Neville parks.

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So they've got that completely wrong, haven't they? Yeah, very disappointing. Anyway, this is what we heard from the horse's mouth directly from Isabel with the Safer Red Hill Partnership. She said that Red Hill... CCTV cameras are locally recording any incidents that take place.

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The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill.

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Now, as you may have seen, when you pass a CCTV camera poll, in that vicinity, legally, there has to be a sign up saying why they are recording. And it's usually because of the prevention of crime or detection of crime, that kind of thing. So, legally, you can't just have... A public authority or anyone just putting up a CCTV camera for no reason.

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OK, they've got to demonstrate, they've got to show, they've got to have evidence of a specific reason that there has been some crime which has been committed in that particular area over X number of months. So bear that in mind. It is proposed to upgrade nine CCTV cameras in Redhill Town Centre, and these are the ones which are most important. More of that in a moment.

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Some cameras will be, they said, they told us, decommissioned because they're not being used. So legally, as I say, there has to be evidence of a reason to have cameras up. They can't just have cameras up willy-nilly. There's got to be evidence of them being needed. Those cameras are not needed. Why do we say, or why do they say, not me, why do they say they're not needed?

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Because there's been no crime committed in front of those cameras or in the vicinity of those cameras over the last X number of months. Legally, they have to take them down. Now, there will be a possible upgrading of more cameras. For example, the one opposite McDonald's. Now, that is a camera which turns. Now, that is great if you want to follow somebody.

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But of course, while you're following someone that may or may not have committed a disturbance or a crime or an assault or whatever it happens to be, the camera is not pointing. where it used to be, further down the road, the other direction, inevitably.

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So what they're looking at is some additional cameras, probably on the same pole, which will be linked, but are looking in different directions at the same time, which kind of makes sense, doesn't it? So, say, three cameras, one pointing up the road, one pointing straight ahead, and one pointing down the road, for example.

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And they'll be possibly at the centre of the pedestrian crossroads of the town and also at McDonald's as well. And also, while we're on it, quick brief mention, creating safer parking areas for delivery scooters and motorbikes in the McDonald's area as well. OK, that's crime and CCTV in Redhill. Let's move on to a couple of other issues that came up at the Redhill Business Guild.

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Our news and sports sequence on its way. Plus, of course, as I mentioned a few moments ago, the latest on the Harlequin. Oldswood and Redhill Kidical Mass is on Sunday the 6th of October. Now, we've spoken about them before and it's a big family.

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Oh, and don't forget, we're going to be hearing from Dave Kelly from Run Reigate a little bit later on in the show, plus our 60-second soundscape and our good time guide, and also Planet Reigate stars on the way on the Planet Reigate podcast. Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, like all borough councils, have to have a corporate plan which lasts for five years.

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Reigate and Banstead is going to be launched on Monday. There's going to be an eight-week consultation online Four, their plans for what they're going to be delivering across the borough between the 1st of April 2025 and the 31st of March 2030. It feels a long way away, doesn't it, 2030? But heck, it's only five years. What are you going to be doing in five years' time? I'm making plans. So...

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They've got three kind of factors that the corporate plan has been looked into, has been divided into, I should say. Thriving communities, providing support, and a resilient council. Now, on the face of it, that doesn't kind of mean much, does it? So...

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If you want to know a bit more about their plans for the future, for where you live, and obviously this is Rygate and Banstead, Mole Valley, which of course is Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, they will have their own corporate plan going forward as well. So I would urge you to investigate and look at that. Look on social media during the course of this week for both of those councils.

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There will surely be some links to some more information so you can read more about it, see what's going to be happening with the provision of various amenities and facilities.

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at a local council level obviously Surrey County Council is another level and they run things like libraries and roads and things like that in the main there's a bit of crossover so if something that you're expecting to see in a local plan isn't there it's probably because it's either

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a county council issue, it may be a parish council issue, which is below borough council, or it may even be a national issue. It's complicated, isn't it? So look out for details on how you can have your voice heard during the course of the week. Now, let me turn to what Andy Nash was saying, and he was speaking from the Belfry. He's the man in charge there.

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Now, we know already, don't we, about the Marks and Spencers pulling out. Again, just to refresh your memory, they had 117 years remaining on their lease, and it was a profitable store. But several years ago, Marks & Spencer's decided, as their long-term strategy, that they were going to be pulling out of medium-sized stores.

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So the Belfry had to go, along with other ones in neighbouring towns as well. Epsom has been saved, for example, but Crawley has not been saved either. Already reported on the Planet Rygate podcast, how Marks and Spencer's are said to be looking for another store, possibly a larger food store somewhere in the Reigate Redhill area. So have a little think about where that could be.

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kind of bike ride this time they move different places around red hill area red hill earlswood area each time do it a couple of times a year i was involved earlier on this year start and end this time around in october is going to be carrington school

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Well, to my mind, there's a police station site, which is up for grabs at the moment because nothing much is going on there at the moment anyway. That aside, Andy at the Belfry was saying that they are actively seeking new tenants for the two levels of that store.

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As we've reported in the past, particularly they would want to have one business that would go into both units at the same time, because otherwise there's going to be a delay and a huge...

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cost because they'll have to take out the escalators there's wiring there's smoke alarm and sprinkler systems security systems there's access to other parts for example the basement and delivery areas which they'd have to subdivide as well either the belfry would have to do that or it'd have to be done by the new tenant so obviously they're trying to avoid that they have had quite a bit of interest from various organizations parties businesses groups

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who want to go in, but ideally they're after both levels being taken by the same company at the same time. What happens in the meantime? Well, in the meantime, Marks and Spencers are still paying the Belfry for... Those two levels, they've got 117 years remaining on their lease. So arguably, what the Belfry could do is just keep it empty and they'd still get the money.

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But of course, the problem with doing that is they wouldn't get the footfall. Now, Marks and Spencer's, to my mind, are reckoning that... If, as and when, the Belfry has somebody in one or two of those floors and associated basements and delivery areas and so on, then they will be able to surrender their lease. But until that happens, Marks & Spencers still paying.

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It kind of, as a personal opinion, seems a bit of a false economy from Marks & Spencers. Surely you would have kept that going. Because it was a profitable store, and then you would still be making money, but you'd say, okay, you'd make it be known that it was up for grabs, that you'd like to surrender, you'd like to sell that lease on to another company, but still stay in there at the meantime.

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Anyway... In reality, there's not going to be anything in there before Christmas in the Marks & Spencers site. Now, every other shop unit has a contract with the lawyers. In other words, if there are any shop units which are empty, apart from M&S, in the Belfry, they will be...

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Now, I mention this because we got a really nice message from Eco Earlswood and Kidical Mass a little bit earlier on in the week, which I wanted to bring you, which says, for those thinking about joining us on our next ride or not sure what it's about, here is a wonderful podcast on what we're all about, featuring some interviews with kids that took part and our fabulous ride leader.

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Filled up with a shop, a store, something will be going on in every single one of those in the likelihood in the next few weeks, possibly, you know, our lawyers work slowly, expensively towards the end of the year or in the beginning. So everything is in line, is on track. Okay. They've had interest from an NHS community referral centre. They're talking to the Belfry.

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They would have things like mammogram unit, maybe a blood test, CT scans, that kind of thing. That wouldn't happen overnight, but contracts are being discussed. And also, and this is a big one, Where do you reckon, we've spoken about the Harlequin before, where do you reckon the library is going to go? Because it can't stay where it is for much longer.

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The library, as you know, in Red Hill was next door to the Harlequin. They also had rack in that building in the ceiling too. That is more easily sorted. and some work, as I understand, is going on there at the moment.

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But, of course, Surrey County Council, in charge of libraries, between a bit of a rock and a hard place, because even though they could go ahead and make those changes to the library, they're probably still waiting to find out what's going to be happening to the Harlequin next door, because that may have repercussions on the long-term viability of the library as well.

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So, in the meantime, the library has gone around the corner to an old office building. It can't stay there for long. So where's it going to go? It's going to go potentially into the Belfry. So that's interesting as well. Also, there's going to be a burger kitchen opening up in October as well. So that's the latest from Andy at the Belfry.

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One more thing to bring you from the Redhill Business Guild, and then we'll move on to other things. But hopefully you're finding all of this of interest. And that is about Flores. Now, Flores... It's the cafe which opened up in July, Memorial Park in Redhill. 10,000 customers have been through their doors since July, which is absolutely fantastic.

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They served, let's do a bit of number crunching here, 6,000 coffees, 5,000 scoops of ice cream. They've sold 2,000 toasties. Toasties, they say, are their best seller. And it's not surprising because the bread comes from the Chalk Hills Bakery, who also provide their cakes as well. And word to the wise, Flory's also has a really good deal going on with kids' lunchboxes.

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And also, at time of recording, they've got a coffee and pastry deal for a fiver, which is fantastic news. So we wish the guys down there all the very, very best. It was good to hear what they had to say and that things are going great, Guns. I know they've got great plans for the future.

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So if you want a space either just to have a bit of coffee or a cake, or also if you want a space to have a little meeting with some people, it could be a business meeting, it could be a kind of knitting group or a toddler group or something like that, or if you want a platter of ready-made-up sandwiches for a business lunch somewhere in Redhill,

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then knock on the door of Flory's, go and make yourself known, and tell them you heard about them on the Planet Rygate podcast, and they, I am sure, will do their very, very best to help you out. Okay, let's move on and tell you briefly about a few other items that you might be interested in. Last Sunday, staff and customers celebrated 50 years of Holborns. Yeah, the, well, what are they?

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Yes, and Kidical Mass RH1 on TwitterX.

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A kind of convenience store, I suppose, at the... But they're a bit more than that, aren't they? Because they're... They're really integrated in the local community. It's a family-run business and so on, so they really support people who are round and about, who are living in neighbouring roads and so on.

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Glasses of Bubbles, along with tastings from Chalk Hills Bakery, Robert and Edward's Butchers in Rygate, Brewdog, AF Blakemore and Face Painting as well. Sounds quite a party, doesn't it? So congratulations to all of them. Again, congratulations. Happy birthday, 50 years of Holborns. Over in Earlswood, of course, Merstham is our next venue for Merstham Neighbours.

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They offer practical help for people of that area and they need some more volunteers. So could you spare an hour or so occasionally? No regular commitment is needed. If you want to learn more about them, then you can ring 07733 55 5316 and they'll sort you out and hook you up. An update on a story we told you about a few weeks ago from Nutfield Dairy.

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kindly referring to episode 42 in which we spoke about critical mass and we went down there and help started all off and as i say spoke to various people taking part and others have got in touch recently as well nick says just listen to the podcast well done for producing such an interesting podcast christine says thanks so much for mentioning our singing workshop recently much appreciated i'm really enjoying the show and asking friends and family to sign up as well

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I told you how their vision was to convert an old electric milk float into a mobile shop so they can return to selling milk directly to customers. And the float will house a specially designed milk dispenser which will contain whole and semi-skimmed milk and also gives the means to make milkshakes as well. That sounds good, doesn't it? They would then park in a few locations during the week and

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you'd be able to go along and refill a glass bottle well the update is they say thank you so much to everyone who donated shared and supported our crowdfunding campaign and they've now raised over 10 000 pounds towards the project which is incredible they're really really grateful and they've sorted the rest of the finance required they're excited for that conversion work to begin and you can hear more about the nutfield dairy in episode 17 of the planet reigate podcast

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From a dairy to a cafe with a difference, Sarah wrote to me about her new business. It's called the Curiosity Cafe. It's a stay and play, a little different from the usual offering. It has exploring sessions specifically designed to encourage children to grow and learn through their natural curiosity alongside parents and carers, of course.

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Taking inspiration from Montessori's approach to learning, So as I understand it, you won't find the usual toys you see in other places. They've actually chosen a range of authentic resources, loose parts, recycled materials, alongside a text-rich environment to inspire your children.

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Those sessions take place Monday, Friday, Saturdays at the Learning Hub at Earlswood Infant and Nursery School on Ifold Road there. And if you want some more information, Sarah, with an H on the end, at, not, but just .uk. Let me say that again. S-A-R-A-H at And Sarah says, thanks so much, Peter.

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I'll pass on the links to the podcast to my followers and local friends and families too. Such a great idea. Well, back at you, because yours is as well. I think we're... There's another round of applause there for you, I think, isn't there? Some travel news for you. West Street in Reigate is going to be closed for a month. Yeah, you pricked your ears up at that, didn't you? Let me explain why.

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Major resurfacing and changing the existing advisory cycle lanes to wider and lightly segregated mandatory cycle lanes. They're also going to be upgrading some of the zebra crossings there.

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If you want to know our breakdown of road improvements and changes, including changes to traffic islands, road markings and layouts, new speed limits and speed cameras, the length of the A25, well, across our neck of the woods anyway, between the Blackhorse Rye Gate and the Cockerell Roundabout in Dorking, all sorts of changes. Listen back to episode 50...

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I've been along to each of those points and explained exactly what's going to be happening at each of those. So, back to West Street, Reigate. Closed 23rd September to the 19th October, 8pm to 6am.

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So it's going to be overnight, but if you're out and about, if you're coming back from dorking for whatever reason, if you're picking up the kids from an event, if you're going out for a party or an evening meeting or something like that, you may be caught out. 8pm to 6am, excluding weekends. Okay, so that's the situation there.

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And also, while I've got your ears, some news about the M25 Junction 10 project. We've spoken about that several times. Of course, that's been going on for decades. Gosh, it must be a couple of years now. Some changes at that junction you need to be aware of.

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Slip roads on and off the junction are going to be closed on the weekends of the 4th to the 7th of October, 18th to the 21st of October and the 1st to the 4th of November from 9pm on the Friday until 6am on the Monday of each weekend. And turning to sport now, this is really interesting from Rygate Squash Club.

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They say as the Surrey Cup Squash Vets winter season gets underway, they've sent me their next three home matches. And the Vets' fourth team versus Surrey Sports Park on the 21st. Vets' third team versus David Lloyd Clubs in Purley on the 28th. And Saturday the 5th of October, the Vets' fifth team at Okshot or versus Okshot Village Sports Club. So all of those are home for Rygate Squash Club.

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Yeah, please ask friends. Do you know, here's a question for you, do you know someone else that lives in Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham? I think there's a slim chance that maybe you do. Well, why don't you, in conversation or maybe on social media, mention the Planet Reigate podcast? I'd be really, really grateful because it's bums on seats. Can I mention that word?

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All matches start at 3.30 and spectators are welcome to cheer everybody on. But what's really interesting about that is that they've got five vets teams. And in fact, they've let me know that this season, those five vets teams, there's the most vets teams from any squash club in Surrey. How about that? Now, turning to Run, Rygate, which, of course, is this weekend at time of recording.

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It really is one of the most notable events in, I was going to say, the Rygate calendar. It's the kind of regional calendar, really, isn't it, with Dave Kelly and his series of, well, Run series. That's what the group is called, isn't it? All sorts of different events going on across the area, across the year. Run Gatwick is another big one, I know. And last year...

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Dave Kelly was our very first guest on our very first show. Talking about Runrygate 2023, somebody thought, well, all those reasons together, anniversary, and also such a big event. Let's catch up with him and find out about Runrygate 2024. So I did just that in Priory Park this week. Well, it is Thursday afternoon, just before the big weekend of Run Rygate.

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With me is, well, he phoned me about 20 minutes ago to say I'm going to be a few minutes late for this interview. And he called himself Mr Run Rygate. Well, if he's calling himself that, well, I'm not going to disagree with him. It's Dave Kelly and we're standing here in Priory Park. How are you doing? Good afternoon. How are you?

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I mean, you've got your friends just over the road at Andrews who are really kind of supporting it, but also other people as well supporting. And the runners are supporting themselves, other charities across the area.

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Yeah, I think I can mention the word seats. That actually makes the podcast continue. Some people think I get paid for doing this. I don't. It's a labour of love. But obviously, you know, as you know, and I certainly do, love given is even better when it's reciprocated. Good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead still to come.

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There is something which is hanging over us... ...which is potentially a bit of a storm cloud... what should people be aware of... ...if the weather is really bad... is predicted... I say Thursday afternoon... ...that's the possibility.

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And also, keep thinking to yourself about you don't want to let down those charities. You know, if you are thinking of coming along and you're thinking, oh, it's a bit of drizzle or it's raining, come along, support your runners, because by supporting them, you're going to be supporting the charities. They've got sponsorship forms. You'll be buying stuff at the gazebos and stuff like that.

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We spoke about this, I think, briefly last year. You're not originally from around here, but what makes, I can tell by your accent, and also you're telling me that you spent several years in Australia as well, but what makes Reigate and Redhill so special for you that you want to do this year after year and support these local groups?

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We mentioned the medal and that is going to be featuring, as we've mentioned a couple of times, the Priory.

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And don't forget, you'll find the time that each of the features are on in our show notes. So you can scooch straight through to that point if you're after something particular that you want to listen to that I've already mentioned.

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Yeah, they're involved with the community. Correct. So they are unlike other estate agents.

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Final message for Sunday for people coming along, either taking part or supporting or going to be under a gazebo or marshalling at the car parks, which we didn't mention, but I have now. What's your final message for Run Rygate Sunday?

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And great to catch up with Dave again.

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Now, if you're taking part in Run Reigate on Sunday from 9am, it may very well be that as you cross that finishing line, I'll come up to you and ask you to say a few words because I'm going to be doing some short little interviews, find out what you enjoyed about it, what the worst bit was, maybe why you're running, who you're running for, that kind of thing, how long you've been in training.

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Not all of those questions, but one or two of those questions. And we'll put together a little sequence of answers in next week's show. So listen out for that. Watch out for me. I'll probably be wearing a Planet Reige hat or something. Certainly introduce myself. So just watch out. Obviously, if you don't want to, that's absolutely fine as well. But it's kind of a bit of a heads up.

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This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Plus, our guest this week, Dave Kelly, joins me on the Run Rygate course with Look ahead to this weekend's events. Quite a fixture in the local calendar, of course. Also, we've got an update on what the local police and council are doing about crime in the borough. And we explain those CCTV stats that other media seem to have got wrong and explain where more could be going up.

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So if you see someone walking around with a microphone, that might very well be me. Because we like to be a strong local media presence at all of these big main events. This is...

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The Planet Reigate Podcast. Great stories from Reigate. The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate Podcast.

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Now, news broke this week about some movement on what is going to be happening at the Harlequin Theatre, which was closed down a year ago because of that crumbly concrete rack. Yeah, we've got some dates and we've got some information on the way. And also we've got comment and reaction from Ali from the Harlequin Support Group. But first of all, let's go back in time.

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Well, I mentioned episode one a few moments ago, didn't I, when we interviewed Dave Kelly for the very first time in our very first show. Don't forget you can hear all of our shows on our main page,

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But also on that page, there are direct links, what we call hot links, which will take you through to all of our guests, all of the main features that we've had over the course of the first 12 months. So you don't have to listen to a whole show to find us. What you want, you can scroll down that list and then you can just click through and just listen to the bit you want from whatever show.

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So again, that's at It's there on the first page. Let's turn our attention now to the good time guide. Di dropped me a line and she said, calling amateur wind, brass and percussion musicians in Surrey, looking for a local concert band to play with, open rehearsal with a band of the Surrey Yeomanry.

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in Redhill on the 21st between 11 and 4 it's very friendly they've got a wide range of ability of players you do need to be able to read music though that's one of the prerequisites they play all sorts of music by the way film scores musicals marches classical pieces They perform several times a year. And yeah, so if you're interested in that, it's going to be at St. John the Evangelist Church.

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And for more details, well, actually, they've sent me a QR code, which is going to be a little bit awkward. But as I always say, well, I could read out the QR code. It's space, black dot, space, black dot, black dot, black dot. But no, it's not going to work, is it? Get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

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Brockham Green Horticultural Society, so that's for Betchworth, Brockham and Buckland, our three major villages across the Planet Reigate area, have their autumn show 2024, Saturday 21st, 2.30am to 4pm. Brockham Village Hall, free entry. More information, bghsociety at

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Don't forget that once you've been to run Rygate, you can go up the road to Redhill because Food Rocks, who run the Redhill Market, are organising what they're describing as a fantastic day of global street food, drink and live music in the centre of Redhill on Sunday. The event's been billed as a fun day for everyone.

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A number of music bands set to perform, lots of market produce, pop-up bars, serving refreshments and so on. So that's in the centre of Red Hill. Yeah, and don't forget, if you are going to run Reigate, there's going to be several road closures in the morning, especially in and around Priory Park, but also including the A217.

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Special cheer points at the Beehive Pub, Woodhatch, Westvale Roundabout and Sandcross School as well. Let's move our attention now to the Archway Theatre in Hawley. And yeah, don't forget that the Planet Reigate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, or phone 0333 666 3366.

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And if you would like to be media partner with us for your event, then get in touch with me. Hello at So why am I telling you about it this time round? well they are presenting Wild written by Mike Bartlett and directed by Eddie Redfern nine performances 7.45 between the 24th of September and the 5th of October and a matinee on Saturday the 28th at 2 and yeah

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about the play Wild, premiered at Hampstead Theatre London back in 2016. And it's all about Andrew, who last week was that guy lunching with his girl in KFC, discussing apartments, making plans for the future. Today, he's in Moscow, in an undisclosed hotel room, on the run and at risk of assassination. How did he get from there...

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I'm up the top of the steps at the Harlequin because I don't know whether you spotted on social media this week there has been a bit of an announcement and a letter has gone in from Richard Biggs, who's leader of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, to the Harlequin support group and essentially saying, well let's quota a little bit of it, and that says that I'm pleased to be able to advise that Reigate and Banstead Borough Council has now agreed with Aviva

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to hear well find out about this darkly comic play that explores the unexpected bewildering and life-changing consequences of challenging the status quo at a global level again archway reigate musical theater choir is starting up singing technique harmony and show tunes It's going to be Tuesdays, 7.45 to 9.15 at St Mary's Church Hall. They say, bringing the West End to Reigate.

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Open to all adults, no auditions necessary, all levels welcome. Monica at If you like singing, then why don't you go along to the Afternoon Tea Singers, Wednesdays, 1.10 to 2.40, starting the 25th of September. and they sing a wide variety of beautiful songs from a diverse selection of cultures, eras, and traditions, so rounds and harmonies.

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Sessions are led by Joe Peace, who's a member of the Natural Voice Network. First session free, Room 5, Rygate Park Church, £10 a pop, joe.peacechoirs at 07981 086963. OK, let's move on to Thursday. The Art Society, Reigate, bring people together through a shared curiosity in the arts. Meetings begin at 2 o'clock, Reigate Park Church, Park Lane East.

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And this coming Thursday, hearing about Jochan Sorola, one of the most extraordinary Spanish painters from Valencia. He's become better known more recently. He lived from 1863 to 1923 and created a world full of light and colour which... Delights the senses. If you want more about that, then contact the Art Society Reigate on social media.

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Reigate Business Guild Golf Day, Thursday 26th September at Betchworth Park Golf Club. Join us for a fun day and evening helping raise money for Reigate's Christmas lights. It's going to be a midday registration and bacon rolls, then the golf and then the evening dinner, prizes and raffle. So if you want some more information, then get in touch with the Reigate Business Guild on all social media.

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Friday the 27th of September, I may see you at BBC Radio 4's Any Questions. It's coming to Salford. It's going to be produced locally and it's going to be a live event, as you're probably aware. That goes out live on BBC Radio 4. We don't know who's going to be the guest at this stage, at least I don't know. I haven't been involved with that. Hosted by BBC political correspondent Alex Forsyth.

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But they're usually maybe a couple of MPs, a couple of notable names, maybe from...

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politics or maybe a think tank or a a group to do with uh awareness campaign issues could be health could be green issues something like that and usually somebody else may be a novelist or a celebrity something like that uh you will have had to have bought your tickets sorry have got your tickets they are free but if you're not going along you can listen uh straight after the 8 p.m news bulletin on bbc radio 4 and then repeated saturday lunch times as well

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You may hear somebody that you know asking a question. Not me, I'm not suggesting anything, but maybe somebody else. OK, an evening of magic with Bertie Pearce, member of the Inner Magic Circle. Friday the 27th, Betchworth War Memorial. Arrive at 6.30, supper at 7.00. Tickets £28. Pillars, Betchworth. at It's all to raise money for St. Michael's Church in Betworth.

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For more information on that, Have a comedy night. And this is at South Nutfield Village Hall with Mike Gunn, Ash Frith, Michael Fabry and Nick Ellery, they've performed at various places, both on BBC Radio 4, but also on stage shows elsewhere around the country. Celebrity Deal or No Deal, Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow, Harry Hill's TV Burp and so on.

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to jointly commission the RAC survey and the work will commence during the week of the 23rd of September. That's this coming Monday, of course. The survey work will include intrusive inspections with various trades on hand to support the opening up and making good process.

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It's all in aid of age concern. There's a cash bar. Comedy starts at eight, but food and drinks before that. If you want some more information, go to slash comedy night 2024. Our good friends at Active Prospects have got an event.

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It's called Rygate Unplugged, 28th of September, 6 to 11, featuring live acoustic set from Happy Jack's Duo, plus others, Monte Forte Pizza, Sip on Pilgrim Brewery's Finest, and as I say, proceeds for that event supporting Active Prospects, a local charity,

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dedicated to empowering individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people, helping them lead fulfilling and independent lives as well. Moving on to something which is happening in Lye. Yeah, let me tell you about the Lye Food Festival and Apple Press Day. Saturday 28th, 11 till 3 at the Plough Inn in Lye. So there's going to be apple pressing.

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Bring your apples along to have them pressed and bottled. No windfalls, they say. Local food and community stalls, food and drink, entertainment, children's activities. Again, 11 till 3, Saturday 28th at the Plough Pub in Lye.

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Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

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Well, this week, unusually, the Planet Reigate Star Award comes from me. And let me tell you the story. I was in Reigate last week with the intention of going to several of those heritage open events. But when I got back to my car after the first one at the Holmesdale Natural History Club Museum, since you ask, I had a flat battery. Now, not for the first time recently. I've

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simply don't drive enough miles and what i do drive kind of very short distances anyway called the aa who got it going and recommended a new one and because he didn't have one he recommended palfords in red hill and the staff were really helpful when i got there

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But they're not who's getting the award this week because, listen to this, I was standing back looking on the shelves for the battery that I needed and there was a group of teenagers talking nearby and I kind of noticed them over to one side. You might even call them youths. One came over to me. I could see out of the corner of my eye, he was standing quite close to me,

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hovering away from his mates, and I was starting to feel a little bit kind of self-conscious. I glanced over to him, a teenage lad in Halford, standing quite close, and he said, "'Sorry, sir, I didn't want to walk in front of you while you were looking.'" And I said, that's OK. It's not a problem. Go ahead. And he passed between me and the shelves.

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The first phase of the survey will determine the extent of the opening up required and will confirm the indicative programme for the completion and issue of the final report. And it's anticipated that will run into November. There's another paragraph as well, which I'll bring to you in a few moments' time. And that's essentially kind of hot off the press.

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So whoever you were, that young lad, his parents as well, those mates, thank you so much for your consideration and politeness. You're all getting Planet Reigate Star Awards.

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The 60 Second Soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. The Castle Grounds in Reigate this week, with Wren, Blackbird, Chiff Chaff, Song Thrush, Missile Thrush and Robin.

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The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Ali is with me from the Harlequin Support Group, who you may know because she wears another hat as well. Ali, you help run youth drama groups as well, don't you, in the area?

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So that means that you and your colleagues and people you work with will have performed the other side of these doors over the years?

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Well, as I say, we're at the top of the steps and, well, obviously the doors are closed. We've got some warning signs, warning construction site, keep out, caution works in progress, authorised entry only and all sorts of things.

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OK, well, let's hope it does, because it's been a while coming. What's your thoughts about what Richard Biggs has been saying in that letter to you?

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And to be fair, that's what Richard Biggs on behalf of the council has been saying. It's just taken so long, hasn't it? And you must be pleased that you've kept up this polite but rather insistent pressure which has been stepped up over recent months with the forming of your group.

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And the latest from the Belfry. OK, M&S may have gone, but we've got the latest on those units and the state of health for the rest of the centre as well. Plus, how to have your say in big changes in Rygate and Bamstead Borough that are set for the next five years. Happy birthday to a local shop. Do you live in Merstham? We tell you how you could be a good neighbour to others living there as well.

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And also, it's not just the scale of the rack, is it? Because looking back at the letter, he says, given the age of the building, it's prudent at this moment to commission a full building condition survey. This building condition survey will be undertaken in October after the on-site rack survey work.

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But before we get the rack survey findings, I hope you're following this at home, once the final rack and building condition reports have been issued, which we expect by the 15th of November, will have an indicative understanding of likely costs of any remediation.

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Lots of long words there, but essentially what he's saying is, well, we've got the scaffolding up, let's have a poke around, let's just check everything else is as we would expect it to be because of the age of the building. That's good because you don't want the rack to be solved and then for them to find something else in five years' time, do you?

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Although I suppose it's been empty for a while. There could have been water ingress or something like that, couldn't there?

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OK, so it's going to be a while until that happens. But we've also got this meeting coming up, the public meeting, where people are going to get together to put forward their views and perhaps their frustration at the delay and so on, but also their hopes for the future.

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Yeah, we seem to have Saturday 5th October. We don't know where, but we know when.

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later coming out that's right yeah so what you're saying is if i understand you and thinking back to that letter we're going to have a public consultation we're going to invite people to put forward their views before the council actually knows the state of the building how much it's going to cost whether or not they need to i don't know i suppose on one extreme could tear it down and another extreme it could be up and running in a fortnight it seems a little open-ended doesn't it to have a public meeting about it

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to this week's episode of the Planet Rygate podcast, episode 54. Hope you are well. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, there's been movements on the Harlequin here at the very latest on what's going to happen and when, and we have comment and reaction from Ali from the Harlequin Support Group.

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Well, I suppose Richard Biggs, leader of Ruggett and Banster Borough Council, might say, and I've not spoken to him about this specifically, although I have spoken to him about the Harlequin several times in the past, that he promised there would be a public meeting in October, and so there will be a public meeting in October. Maybe there should be two.

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An update from Nutfield Dairy on a story we brought you a few weeks ago. Some fun stats from the nearly newly opened Flores Cafe in Redhills Memorial Park. And a different kind of cafe has opened up in Redhill. I'll tell you why it's so different. Thank you very much. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead.

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Maybe there should be one to get the sense of feeling and opinion on the 5th of October, as we know. And then another one, perhaps towards the end of the year, you're getting towards Christmas. That may be a little tricky and so on. People have got other things on. But maybe towards the beginning of 2025, when we actually know the lie of the land and the possible timeline and cost.

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Now we're very lucky in this neck of the woods aren't we because Surrey being Surrey we've got a lot of expertise and professionals. And presumably some of those are in your ranks. They've approached you. You know them anyway. And they're suggesting that they can help out on this.

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Between now and whenever these doors open up properly again, where do you think the arts provision should be in the borough? I mean, there's going to be the arts takeover, which we're going to be talking about next week on the programme. That's going to be across Redhill in October. But after that's happened, where do you think other shows, performances and events should be held?

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Because they had problems with their ceiling as well, didn't they? I don't think it was rack, but other things.

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But then you're losing, aren't you? You're losing your bedrock of support from people in this area who are going along because it's easy to drive ten minutes up the road to the Harlequin or whatever. And I guess also you may be losing some of your members who can't perform anymore and the excitement kind of goes out of it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


What is in your repertoire tonight, Keith? Is it you that chooses?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, gentlemen, thank you ever so much for your time. You can get back to your beers before... That's kind of sustenance, isn't it? It's going to be thirsty work in the next few minutes. And we're going to record what it is that you're doing and some of your music, and we'll play that a little bit later on at the end of the show in our 60-second soundscape here on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Really good evening down there a few weeks ago at the Plough Inn light. Now, if you want to get involved, if you want to know more about the East Surrey Morrismen, if you're thinking to yourself, it would be a great shame, wouldn't it, to see all those traditions being lost. ESMM for or bagman at on email. or 07951759647.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


It's the traditions, it's the culture and so on. And also think what that kind of group could bring to your pub. It's a bit of an attraction. Also to your village green, your fair, your fate, whatever it happens to be. Just think about how sad it would be to lose them on events like Midsummer's Day and events such as that. Can we join together? Can we help them make it to at least 100 years?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


OK, let's turn our attention now to our new sequence and a big night on Thursday night for the Harlequin at what was called an extraordinary council meeting. Now, essentially, the council has decided to defer detailed plans for the future of the theatre complex and indeed a whole arts provision in our borough, likely until January next year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


They say that's because a structural survey on rack concrete in the building says Thank you very much. That was agreed to, but there'll be more detailed discussions on the way forward, as I say, early next year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Plus, we have the good time guide, of course, of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Rygate stars from Red Hill and our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. Again, from Lye.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now, essentially, the aerated concrete rack was found in the building a year ago, which closed it, and that's put pay to anything happening there, either council-run or community groups and schools and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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There have been a few pop-up events at the Belfry and also the Castle Grounds in Reigate and the Panto in Memorial Park, but certainly for the pantomime, not another one of those this Christmas. Now... Coming up now, some of what was said in that council meeting on Thursday night, including some answers to these questions like, why don't we know more about the problem yet?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Why is there no insurance? And if there is, why don't we know more about what's being paid, by who and when? Why can't there be a new theatre as fast as a temporary one was built in Dartford? Why wasn't the Harlequins rack problem sorted as fast as the one next door at the library? and more. Here's our special report, exclusive to the Planet Reigate podcast.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, first, Councillor Victor Levansky, the Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Finance and Assets, brought us up to date with the progress of examination of the building.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And on other possible buildings which are being looked at to house the theatre or arts provision in the area.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Conservative councillor Rich Michalowski said that the town should stay at the heart of culture in the borough.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Council leader Richard Bigg said that local people will be invited to take part in the decision-making process over the next several months, including an event in October, the date and location of which is yet to be decided.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And you'll find the time that each of those features are on the show in our show notes so you can scooch straight through to that point and also put out social media posts during the week with links that take you straight to specific parts of the show so you can follow us on Twitter, X and Facebook. and Insta to get those.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And as part of that process to involve local people, he urged residents to write to Westminster.

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And the council leader was heckled as he continued to explain what the situation was.

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And Richard Biggs said now was a good time to think about the long-term future needs of any theatre or performing arts space in the borough.

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Now, there has been suggestions of following what Dartford Council did in a similar situation when Rack was found in the Orchard Theatre there, and they set up a temporary theatre to replace the main building. Council leader Richard Bigg saying that situation is rather different from the one they face here in Redhill.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And don't forget to follow the show in your favourite podcast app so you don't miss an episode. Got a message this week which said, just re-emailing you about your coverage of the Red Hill test route. Yeah, we've been talking about this for a couple of weeks. Local driving instructor Martin brought our attention to the state of some of the roads.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, as you would expect, other councillors were given an opportunity to speak as well. Here's Andrew Proudfoot of the Greens.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Overgrown hedgerows, missing signs, signs which are... kind of fallen over and actually in the hedgerows, one of which, which was posted on social media by Martin, shows one of the signs showing the speed limit upside down, which is obviously a bit bizarre. He said the speed limit is too fast, the road markings need to be repainted as well.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Jonathan Essex, also of the Green Party. So, if the pop-up in the Belfry does stop, could there be a longer-term plan for the theatre in the shopping centre?

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Mark Smith is a Labour councillor. He asked everyone to remember the staff who may lose their jobs.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Conservative councillor Sam Walsh also said that now is an opportunity to have a refreshed offer for the arts for the whole area.

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So what is the situation with the building? What do we know? Michael Blacker is from the Conservatives. He was answered by the council leader.

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So we've been following that, and he has had a meeting with Surrey County Council recently and actually driven with them through the roads that he wants to be...

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


kind of cut back and and and reworked repainted and the re-signed and so on so we've got a bit of success in that neck of the woods and uh david mentioned just emailing you on your coverage of that red hill test route to the lack of signs roads and lack of information generally What a great and very important subject. Been living around here for many years. It doesn't seem to get any better.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Green councillor Victoria Chester next. She cut to the chase with a series of questions.

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Green councillor Joel Gabriel also had some pertinent questions.

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It was said that issues regarding ownership of the building, discussion with landlords, liabilities of different parties and insurance, all subject to some intricate and private discussions, and that the council lawyers are involved. Jonathan Essex again now. He wanted reassurance that the decisions won't be deferred again come the new year.

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Well done to the driving instructor for reaching out. Let's hope to see some changes very soon. David, yeah, absolutely. Thank you for listening and thank you for taking the time and trouble to get in touch with us at hello at

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So, again, the council has decided to defer detailed plans for the future of the theatre complex and arts and culture provision in Reigate and Banstead Borough, likely until January next year. I heard this from Richard Biggs, council leader, through to the Planet Reigate podcast late Thursday. It was a difficult decision, but sometimes that's what we have to do.

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I will continue to reiterate our long-term ambitions as well as our short-term measures to ensure we do everything we can for arts and live theatre. So, again, that appraisal there, courtesy of the Planet Reigate podcast. OK, let's continue with other stories in the news. Well, talking about rack, that's caused the closure of Reigate's police station as well.

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As you know, it's partway there between Reigate and Red Hill. But it's not just a police station. It's also a divisional HQ for Surrey Police for Tangeridge, Reigate and Banstead, Mole Valley, Epsom and Ewell boroughs. A custody suite, cells in other words, were transferred to a separate larger unit in Salford several years ago.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And after Rack was discovered at the Reigate base nearly a year ago, staff were moved to Causden and then to the fire base at Ray Park Inn. in April of this year. Now, okay, put that on hold for one moment and I'll tell you another thread and then I'll join both of these threads together. So, Surrey Police HQ is at Guildford.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


It's in an old manor house over there and it's been added to and developed in a bit of a ramshackle way without buildings. Really, really poor parking there.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


mount brown now in 2018 it was announced that surrey police hq would move from gilford to leatherhead and they bought a building there's just kind of around the back of the of the railway station there but then they cancelled that decision in 2021 and decided to develop the gilford base after all and try to sell the leatherhead building but until now they haven't been able to

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Marie's got in touch to say, I think it's a great addition to the area, the Planet Reigate podcast, and for the information and promotion of local businesses and events. And Dave says it's a lot of fun and really looking forward to hearing more of the podcast. Guys, thanks very much indeed for getting in touch. Again, hello at

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So, and here those two threads come together. Guess where the new East Surrey Divisional HQ is going to be? Well, Surrey Police say they did look at redeveloping Reigate Police Station and also a possible Eastern Divisional HQ, possibly in Redhill.

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But instead, they're going to keep part of the Leatherhead building for the four boroughs instead for the divisional HQ with about 400 members of staff, although they still have to get planning permission from Mole Valley Council. And they've called that location the heart of East Surrey. There have been a couple of mentions on Facebook groups over the course of the past week or so about how

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Leatherhead can possibly be the heart of East Surrey, but let's put that to one side. But they do say, Surrey Police, they will, quote, Lisa Townsend is Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. She's quoted as saying, So, where does that leave Reigate and Redhill and Merston as far as day-to-day policing goes? Well, the statement says...

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As part of the force's commitment to having a physical policing presence in every borough and district, safer neighbourhood teams will operate out of new sites to be identified in Epsom and Ewell, Reigate and Banstead and Tandridge.

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also Mole Valley as well, because obviously we cover Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham, which are in Mole Valley, but of course they are that bit closer to Leatherhead, although, yeah, not a huge amount closer. Quote, there will be a minimum of one front counter facility per division, enabling members of the public to access police services.

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While locations will be reviewed, there will be no fewer than we currently provide, and therefore no reduction in service. It's not immediately obvious what that means. Will there be a front counter for police officers somewhere in Reigate, Redhill, Merstham? It gives the impression there will be. Where is that likely to be?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, it doesn't sound as though it's going to be the current Reigate base, so where could it be instead? Some police are already, as I mentioned earlier, at Ray Park, but that's not really easy for people to get to. But then why do you need... to go and visit a police station. It's very, very rare, isn't it? What would you need to do?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Show a driving license or report for some misdemeanor or maybe hand in some lost property? But then it's always reassuring to know there is actually a base that you can drive past and you can see

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It's that kind of visible policing. And it's good to see police coming in and out in cars or on foot or whatever to patrol the local area. So where is that likely to be is the first question that I would raise. And the second question I would raise is what then is going to happen to police? The Reigate Police Station building and that whole site is going to be redeveloped. Who owns it?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, presumably Surrey Police. Presumably they don't rent it. So what's going to happen to that? Is it going to be houses? Is it going to be flats? Is it going to be something else? A couple of people have posted on Facebook over the course of the last week, well, maybe it could be the site of a new school, because there is a certain school in Reigate that's looking for a new base, potentially.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So could it be there? Maybe, possibly, perhaps. And also, as we've been mentioning on the Planet Reigate podcast over the course of the last several weeks, Marks & Spencer's, which is closing in Red Hills, Belfry this weekend, is also looking for a new base, they have said already, for a larger food hall only, somewhere in the Rye Gate, Red Hill area. Could it be there?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


If it's not Marks & Spencer's, could it be a supermarket? Or is it more likely, as I mentioned earlier, to be flats? We don't know. There were some suggestions on social that that building is listed. I've checked and it's not. So what is going to happen to Reigate Police Station, both the site and also their front desk facilities?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


We'll keep an eye over this developing story and keep you updated on the Planet Reigate podcast. Well, as I mentioned there, bear a thought for those at Marks & Spencer's in Redhill, where the last day of trading is Saturday. The store has been at the Belfry since it opened, but a decision was made by M&S head office to close down all medium-sized stores.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


That's despite the store in Redhill having increased footfall, as the overall Belfry does as well. And that bucks the national trend. The nearby store in Crawley has also closed. As I mentioned, it is understood, however, that M&S, which has that small food hall in Reigate, is looking for a site for a larger food hall somewhere in the Redhill-Reigate area.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And you have two bites of the cherry to find out. Things to do and places to go because we have, first of all, the Good Time Guide for this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and then a little bit later on in the show, Monday to Friday, and also next Saturday as well, so you can plan.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And again, our thoughts with the Redhill team, whose last day of trading is this coming weekend. Local dog walkers will be limited to four dogs only. That in Rygate and Bandstead, down from six. It's after a survey by local people. New play areas in Westvale Park in Hawley will be dog exclusion areas, so no dogs at all there.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


The area of Earlswood Lakes, where dogs will need to be kept on a lead, is going to be extended to include the grassed area to the west of the lower lake, up to the footpath leading from the car park. Yeah, if you can picture that, that kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Dog PSPO's give the police and council powers to issue fixed penalty notices to anyone responsible for a dog that they reasonably believe is in breach of the PSPO. So be aware of that. Local dog walkers limited from six down to four in Reigate and Banstead Borough. And also, let's talk about another open space, Somerset Road. Meadvale Play Area is due to be refurbished from September 24th.

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They're looking to change the surfacing to a seamless rubber granule surface, a surface which provides better cushioning and helps reduce injuries from falls. So look out for that being closed in September. Do you have grape vines growing in your garden? Do you want to turn them into delicious English wine?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, if you've got grapes potentially rotting in your garden each year and you want to turn them into quaffable vineyard-quality wine, then you can get in touch with the Secret Walled Vineyard. They say after last year's success at making a white and rosé wine from grapes donated from local gardens, we plan to do it all over again. So if you haven't got in touch with them already...

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


then please do. Next summer you could be drinking vineyard-quality wine made from your very own grapes. For more details, And they're based in the South Nutfield, Redhill area. Mention this at the start of the show. Merstham Library is looking for Rhyme Time volunteers. If you like helping children learn new things and enjoy singing for fun.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And available on Fridays, 10.15 to 11.15 in the morning. They say they've got the volunteering role just for you. You can go to slash libraries slash volunteering for more information on that one.

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a week in advance and of course if you want a mention for your charity or non-profit event always look particularly favourably on those let us know about it fill out the form you'll find on and if you want more mentions and early mentions to get those early ticket sales then talk to us about one of our Planet Rygate supporters packages email me for more information hello at

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Still to come in this week's edition of the Planet Rygate podcast, we celebrate local heroes with our weekly Planet Rygate Star Award. And before we go, at the end of the show, a natural sound from a place you know. And we scooch back to the plough pub in Lye. where, of course, we hear from the East Surrey Morris men in one of their last ever performances. But first, here's this week's sport.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And Old Rygation Rugby Club are playing host this weekend to the Surrey Walking Rugby Festival. Yeah, they're hosting it this Sunday. It's a festival celebrating rugby and friendship, young and old, ladies and gentlemen, playing together with spirit, skill and sportsmanship, or sportswoman sportsmanship. There'll be live music, food stalls and a local brewery. They say, see you there.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Details, All the details there for the Surrey Walking Rugby Festival in Reigate this Sunday.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Email hello at Find out more at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetrigatepodcast. Planet Reigate stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And thank you so much for listening to this week's edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. Our archive shows are at this week to Red Hill. And Nicola writes, two amazing girls stopped to help a man who was having a medical emergency in Red Hill Town Centre.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Not many people would have cared enough, nor be prepared to mess up their evening plans to stay and make sure he was properly cared for. We need more people like you in this world, so if that was you, then congratulations. And thank you. You're the recipient of this week's Planet Rygate Star Award.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Have you ever thought about having a podcast for your charity or cause or business or interest? Well, my audio production and presentation experience may be able to help you. So get in touch if you'd like to talk to me about podcast production. Hello at OK, let's move swiftly to The Good Time Guide Part 2.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Things to do and places to go over the next six days, Monday through to next Saturday as well. So we'll start off on Monday the 19th of August. And Merstham Football Club have their summer holiday course for boys and girls aged 4 to 14. It starts on the 19th, goes through to the 23rd, and then week two is the 27th of August through to the 30th at Merstham Football Club on Weldon Way.

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Nine in the morning till three in the afternoon. More information, info at On Tuesday, there's another summer holiday event happening, organised by the Stage Studio in Reigate. First of all, they've got a TikTok street dance workshop, which sounds a whole load of fun. I don't think it's my age group, to be fair. In fact, the age group is 10 plus. Oh, I am over 10, to be fair.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


It starts on Tuesday the 20th, 11.30 to 2.30. Yeah, TikTok street dance workshop. I know a lot of young people will be interested in that. 20 pound a person. Get ready to groove and learn the latest TikTok dance moves in this energetic workshop. Perfect for budding dancers and TikTok enthusiasts. Well, as you know, I am in a bit of a health kick at the moment.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Starting off with Saturday the 17th. Come along to our community jumble sale. Clothes, toys, books, puzzles, crafts. Bring a blanket for your knick-knacks. Cash, I don't understand that. Bring a blanket for your knick-knacks. I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. Anyway, also, they would like to know a little bit more about your ideas on a mural design for the wall in the garden.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So, you know, mentally, physically, emotionally, all the rest of it. You know, my new slimline frame. I could. No. OK. All right. There's also got a Pokemon workshop on the 21st between 11.30 and 2.30 for 5 to 12-year-olds. Join us for a Pokemon adventure filled with games, crafts, and exciting activities. A must-attend for all Pokemon fans.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And also on the 22nd, let's give you all of these together, yeah, 11.30 to 2.30, 5 to 12-year-old, £20 person, dive into the world of Descendants. with a workshop full of dancing, acting and creative crafts. A fantastic experience for all Disney enthusiasts. It's all happening at Focus House, Bell Street in Reigate. More details,

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And my guests, I met at a pub in Lye, and the evening involved drinks and sticks and some music. Hmm. Well, they're three members of a local group that's been going for nearly 100 years, but is set to fold before they reach their centenary, losing decades of tradition and social history. Hear from some of the East Surrey Morris men later on in the show.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Also, I should tell you about what's happening at the Archway Theatre in Hawley. Our friends down there are presenting their new production, Rhythm of Life, will take the audience on a journey through existence, showcasing the universal human experience through various musical theatre songs, including hits from the best of Broadway and the West End as well. This sounds different, doesn't it?

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Our talented cast, made up of children and adults, will be singing their hearts out as they navigate the audience through the trials and tribulations of life, from childhood, self-discovery and love to heartbreak. Oh, heartbreak. Self-doubt and loss.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


This relatable family show will have you tapping your feet, smiling and clapping, possibly wiping a tear, but most of all, it'll leave you feeling nostalgic, happy and uplifted. And I should say... The Planet Reigate podcast is pleased and proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. And if you would like to be official media partners with us and us with you, then get in touch. Hello at You get more exposure and also you get exposure which happens earlier than just the usual five or seven days ahead of the event as well.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And also you get the little jingle as well. Let's move on to Thursday, August the 22nd. The Art Society Reigate says they bring people together through a shared curiosity in the arts. Meetings begin at two o'clock on Thursday, August the 22nd. Reigate Park Church, Park Lane East. And this coming week, the life and works of Marina Abramovich. She's become a hotly debated artist.

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Many only know a little of this incredible woman. And so the lecture this week is an amazing opportunity to learn more about Marina Abramovich. In 2023, the Royal Academy hosted her first ever UK exhibition. So find out a bit more about the woman and her work at that event organised by the Art Society in Reigate at Park Church on Thursday from two o'clock in the afternoon.

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Next Saturday, East Surrey Walkers Group have got an event. Meet at Marjorie Wood National Trust Car Park. Charge of £4 is payable by phone, unless you're a National Trust member. You walk across Banstead Heath to Walton-on-the-Hill, back through Mogador. No styles, but liable to be very muddy in places, particularly if we've had heavy rain.

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


circular walk starting time at 10 estimated finish time 12 30 we rarely cross over the m25 but marjorie wood is just a hop skip and a jump away isn't it from our core planet reigate area robert is going to be leading it all if you've got any questions or concerns you can ask him about them 07 967 002 126

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49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So join us and enjoy some light refreshments. They say this is at Observatory Walk Communal Garden. Saturday the 17th, 2 till 4pm, all residents welcome. Yeah, don't forget that blanket. Don't forget your knick-knacks. Take those along as well. Dream Cars Redhill have got a cruise night from 7 o'clock on Saturday. Quote, it's the ultimate step back in time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And don't forget, if you run a local group or a charity or you've got an event which is upcoming, then tell me all about it and I'll tell the rest of the Planet Reigate area. And if you ever need a host for an event, an award ceremony or even a carol concert, yes, I know that time of year is coming up, get in touch and I'll be happy to meet and discuss how I can help as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Come early and rest overnight at one of the many local hotels, the perfect staycation. Well, actually, we don't need to because we live locally, but this is what's happening. It's going to be a signposted route, and it's from 7 o'clock till late, and it's going to be a leisure drive route all around the kind of holey area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And if you want some more information about the classics, the hot rods, the lead sleds, the wagons, the cruisers, the flat rods, the corvettes, the Mustangs, and the pickup trucks, it sounds really interesting, doesn't it? Then you can phone 07973 400 245. Their motto is keep it low and keep it slow. Yeah, it's all happening in and around the Redhill area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Head for RH1 1QA if you want to either take part or see what's going on there. Join us for a night of nostalgia, delicious food and dancing till the early hours at the Noughties Night. This is happening at Reigate Manor on Saturday. And more details from Reigate Manor, of course, for a night of nostalgia, delicious food and dancing till the early hours, they say.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And again, if you would like some more information on any of those, then get in touch with the people I've mentioned or their phone numbers or you can get in contact with me. Hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


It's a Monday evening. We're standing outside the Plough pub in Lye and... some people who are joining me who are wearing some rather unusual clothes. I'm joined by the East Surrey Morris Men and this is actually one of their last ever dances.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


It's likely to be their very final summer and I've got three gentlemen with me who are first of all going to explain about the Morris Men and what they do and what they're about to perform here outside the plough and

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


and also tell me a little bit more about their history and the story, and about why they may not be here for next summer, and why that is a terrific shame, because they've got a big anniversary coming up. Phil is the bag man. That means that you're the secretary. You're kind of doing a lot of the admin and so on. That's right, yes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


So, Phil, first of all, tell me about... Thank you very much indeed for inviting me down. Tell me a little bit more about the East Surrey Morris men.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


In the news this week, yeah, audio clips of the councillors at that big Harlequin meeting in the Town Hall. I'll bring you up to date with the fate of that theatre and cinema building. Reigate and Redhill looting the status of Divisional Police HQ. I'll tell you why some staff are moving from Reigate Police Station to Leatherhead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


OK, well, let's move on to Robin. You're a relative newcomer, then, by the sound of it, aren't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


I'm going to whisper this, and forgive me for saying it, but you know there's a few people out there that kind of look on Morris Dancers as a little bit unusual, a little bit odd.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And Phil, you were explaining to me a little bit earlier on about how intricate the dances are with the different beats and things like that. Together with perhaps some of the dances I think have some words or some chants and there's music and there's sticks and there's bells and all sorts of things going on. It's not just kind of dancing or swaying to a disco beat, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


All of this intricate footwork and so on is good for the brain. It's good for the cognition and so on, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


We bid farewell to the Belfry's oldest and most significant store, which closes its doors for the final time this weekend. New rules about dog walking locally are set to come to force. I'll explain what they are. The local group offering to turn grapes in your garden into authentic English wine.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Hello and this is Peter Stewart, episode 49 of the aforementioned podcast across the hills, the high streets and the heats of Reigate, Redhill and Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham and also the other satellite villages across what we call the Planet Reigate area. And this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


But I suppose with the music, that could be written down in a way that the dances couldn't be written down.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


But also I suppose that it's almost part of the charm of the whole Morris tradition, is it, that... Different villages would have different variations of dances and would adapt and change.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


That's the main thing. We love it. But unfortunately, Robin, not enough people love it. I mean, Phil hinted at this earlier on in his, I think, very first answer when he said, when the Surrey Morris men started up, that actually you're nearing 100 years, but you may not quite get there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Why is it that people don't want to join Morris groups anymore?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Yeah, and years ago when shops weren't open on a Sunday, people were looking for something else to do and this would have fitted in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And yet you would have thought that people like history and provenance of food and getting back to nature and the green thing. Morris dancing would kind of fit in with that, wouldn't you think?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


And if you have a bit of time and you like things that rhyme or singing just for fun, then you could be the one to give your time for free as a Rhyme Time Helper at a local library. Details on the way. And in sport, hear about the Surrey Walking Rugby Festival that's in the area this weekend. I can't believe I did that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

49: Our report on the big Harlequin meeting and the Morris Men’s group which may not dance to see 100 years… and more


Well, I do notice that yours is a male side. I mean, East Surrey Morris men kind of gives that away. So if you invited women, would that help you get over that finishing post for 100 years?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Slip roads on and off the junction are closed this weekend. So the 18th to the 21st of October. Oh, and also the 1st to the 4th of November. Both occasions, 9pm Friday till 6am on the Monday of each weekend. So that's the details there that you need to know about. So that's the travel together with the weather on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


sport on the way as well and don't forget if you've lived in the area for 20 30 40 years then a little bit of nostalgia allow me to indulge myself towards the end of the show but you know what the story i tell you may make you go oh yes and put a little smile on your face The weather comes from our very own Professor Weather, Andy Herod, and you can follow Andy on TwitterX and Insta as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Some local weather stats. Chilly start, he says, in Reigate, Friday morning the 11th. A temperature of 0.2 degrees Celsius recorded at 7am. And Andy says that's the lowest temperature recorded this early in autumn and October. And the ninth lowest October temperature we've ever recorded. So it was pretty cold, but also it was pretty wet.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Autumn 2024, Professor Weather says, started with 28 days of rain. So 68% of the days had rain in, the highest we've recorded here in Rye Katie says. And that period we recorded 205 millimetres of rain compared to the average of 94%. So it's been cold and it's been wet. And here's some more weather stats from Andy. Because he said that last Wednesday the 16th, Reigate reached 22.1 Celsius.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


The first time we've exceeded 20 degrees this month. He says the average is 2.4 days over 20 degrees Celsius in October. And it continues, four years we have not had any days reaching 20 degrees Celsius and the most was 10 days back in 2018.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


A report from Hawley in Bloom still to come before the end of the show, plus we're going to be hearing a little bit more, a bit of a retrospective about that fantastic arts display which was on in the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill as part of the Arts Takeover. But first of all, here comes our sports news this week. Rye Gate Squash Club, this weekend, the club's got its graded tournament.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


In sport, a big event this weekend at Rygate Squash Club. Another chance to learn pickleball in Priory Park. I've got the details for this weekend. Congratulations to players at Rygate Heath Golf Club. I'll tell you why. A birthday at Rygate Rugby Club. And a new local sports academy is starting up. We've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


It's an unusual event which draws players from Surrey and further afield from various skill levels. So, as I understand it, this is how it works. The tournament's in different grades, A to E, so players then compete against each other of comparable skill. And then come the quarterfinals on Saturday, from about four o'clock, 10,000. Me neither. But I understood that's pretty darn good.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And they say our graded tournament is more than just a competition. It's a celebration of squash that strengthens ties. Whether players are seasoned vets, team players or recent newcomers to the sport, the tournament provides valuable playing experience and fosters a love for the game. All down there on Manor Road, of course. And I hope to be down there to join them in the next few weeks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And then you'll hear my report tomorrow.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


from the reigate squash club in the next few weeks on the planet reigate podcast pickleball in priory park this weekend and if you're thinking hold on didn't you mention that a couple of weekends ago i did and they say they has had such a great response they're thrilled to be back for another pickleball session this coming saturday at 12 30 they say whether you've joined us before or

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


You're just curious to try. We'd love to see you on your courts. And the first session is free, so why not give it a go? So Priory Park, all skills levels welcome. No equipment needed. They provide everything. Kids Pickleball, Sunday at 12.30. And again, everything is all provided. And for adults, it's Saturday at 12.30.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Reigate Heath Golf Club congratulations to Emma and Claire there for defending their Surrey Foursomes title last weekend it was a great weekend for Reigate Heath Golf Club so well done ladies there as well and celebrating 90 years of Reigate Rugby Club really well attended day with entertainment and games including walking rugby lacrosse

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And a main match against a team from the Royal Navy there as well. Congratulations to them. And the aforementioned Spots and Stripes in Redhill have announced the launch of a brand new Spots 8 Ball Academy. Yes, starting Saturday the 26th of October and every Saturday morning from 10am, the Academy Sports Juniors... will come together to learn and develop their eight-ball pool skills.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So this is for players between the ages of 6 and 18, all abilities. They join the academy, get really good coaching, one-to-one advice, and help develop the game for those young people. Saturday sessions run for two hours. They cost £8 per junior for online advance enrolment or £10 if you just don't rock up on the day.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


It includes all the table time, the equipment and the coaching professionals as well. More details, book in advance,, So all that is going on. And you heard about it courtesy of the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Planet Reigate stars from Reigate. Local weather stats too. And our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. Natural sounds from a place you know this week from Earlswood Lakes. And don't forget the nostalgia if you're a long time local resident.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


We're so lucky here, aren't we, in the best bit of Britain, with so many green open spaces, our parklands, our lakes, our nature reserves, just in the shadow of the North Downs. Go up to the top of Reigate Hill and you can look for miles and miles around. There's Gatton Park, there's the wetlands area. and our fantastic local villages.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


But also, don't forget our hanging baskets, our town centres, and also the magnificent front gardens that we have across Rygate, Redhill and Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. And you may remember back in 2023, Episode 3, we highlighted the work of... Dev, who won the best front garden in Earlswood competition.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Go back and listen to episode three to find out what made his front garden so special. And if you go back and listen to episode 24, you'll hear the actor and comedian Caroline Quentin and her love of gardening explained. And she started that love when she lived locally in Redhill. So perhaps go back and listen to that episode.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


This week, we're hearing from some of the winners and the organisers of this year's Hawley in Bloom event. Planet Reigate reporter David King was at the ceremony.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Still to come before the end of the show too. This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And hello, welcome to the show. I'm Peter Stewart. Cromwell Community Group in Redhill got in touch. They said, hello, I've just come across the Planet Rygate podcast and our park makeover got a mention. And they've been advising other people to have a listen as well. And they say he even mentioned my words. He is me.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Thank you, CCG Management, the Cromwell Community Group in Redhill, for all you've done for your local community and giving your park a name.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Thank you to the organisers. Congratulations to the winners of this year's Hawley in Bloom competition and our thanks also to Planet Reigate reporter David King. 20, 30, 40 years... and the significant time is 40 years, then you may be interested in a bit of a retrospective from my own personal history about what happened 40 years ago this weekend. That's still to come.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Before we go, on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And if you want to mention for your charity or non-profit event, let us know about it. Fill out the form you'll find, And you know what? You're more likely to be included if you give us a couple of weeks' notice because there's only so many Halloween, fireworks and Christmas events we can mention today. before we get overwhelmed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


makeover there it's really really appreciated and also hello to my friends my new friends who I met on Monday at the high days event now high days is a group for things for the over 50s might be for the over 55s and so I went down there on on Monday and they'd invited me down I didn't just barge in and And I was invited down to give a talk on the Planet Reigate podcast and everything about it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So get in early and get a mention seven days before the event or get more mentions and early mentions to get those early ticket sales with one of our Planet Reigate supporters packages. Ask me for more information. Hello at and I'm Peter Stewart, so you can say... Hello, Peter, at the top of that email as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Here we go with places to go and things to do over the next seven days. Saturday, the 19th of October at St. Nicholas Church in Charlwood, raise the roof an evening with the locals. Organising a fundraising evening of music performed by local musicians from seven o'clock. And soft drinks and nibbles will be provided. Bring your own alcoholic drinks, but glasses will be provided.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Free entry, donations welcomed. Also, they can raise some money to raise the roof there at St. Nicholas Church in Charlwood. The Redhill Gin and Rum evening is happening at St Matthew's Church Hall in Redhill on the 19th. Come and taste some of the best gins and rums from our hand-picked selection of local distilleries and suppliers. Live music and food.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Tickets £10.50 each, including a free drink. This Saturday, Redhill Brick and Model Show. Between 10 and 4 at the Davis Scout Centre, Ladbroke Road in Redhill. Displays, activity tables, trading posts and refreshments. Adults £5, children £2. For more information, go to slash redhillbrickmodelshow.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And you can hear more about the show when we spoke to the organisers last year in episode four of the Planet Reigate podcast. Let's turn our attention to Monday between 10.30 and 12 o'clock in the church centre at Holy Trinity Church, Carlton Road in Redhill. There's a drop-in cafe, a designated warm hub where you can go along and chat, have bottomless coffee, tea and pastries cake.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Gosh, that sounds good, doesn't it? Not just this coming Monday, but every Monday, 10.30 to 12 noon. And you can go along there and keep warm. It's secular, so it doesn't matter whether you're Christian or any other religion or no other religion at all. They will welcome you at the Holy Trinity Church, Carlton Road in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So that's just by the kind of mini multi-storey there just opposite Sainsbury's. If you love to sing and fancy experiencing the magic of four-part harmony, then why not join a Christmas choir? Women's a cappella chorus, vocal dimension chorus are running a free festive singing experience. Over six weeks, you'll learn some Christmas songs and then perform with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


at their Christmas concert in Reigate. So, rehearsals start Tuesday, Manorfield School, Sanger's Drive in Hawley, 7.30pm to 9pm, Tuesday 22nd October to Tuesday 3rd December, and then the concert is going to be at St Mary's in Reigate on Thursday 5th December between 6.30pm and 9.30pm. More details at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


The Arts Society Reigate says they bring people together through a shared curiosity in the arts. And on Thursday, the 24th of October, they have got... Well, this is really stretching the idea of the arts, but I love it. Were you ever a fan of the Carry On films? Meeting is at 2 o'clock at Reigate Park Church on Park Lane East on Thursday next.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


and they're going to be telling the remarkable untold story of carry-on actor Peter Butterworth and his wife, Britain's first female TV impressionist, Janet Brown. I don't think I realised they were husband and wife. Of course, she was best known on the Mike Yarwood shows, wasn't she, for her impression of Margaret Thatcher.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So the speaker is going to be using classic film and TV clips, personal mementos and rare photographs and letters from his family's unseen collection. So Tyler Butterworth will be revealing the private story behind his parents' public lives. I'd love to go to that. But unfortunately, I'm tied up. But that does sound interesting for me, certainly. Those details again.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Two o'clock Thursday, Reigate Park Church on Park Lane East. Friday the 25th of October, Cultivate Life. Yes, it's a session for art, for well-being. Why not paint your own masterpiece? Canvas and acrylic paints and light refreshments included. Friday the 25th, 7 to 8.30 at the Watercolour Appropriate Community Space, Thornton Side at Quarf House.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And we had a good old chat with Jean and her friends down there. So thank you very much indeed for making me so welcome at the Holy Trinity Church, Carlton Road in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


just behind Tesco's isn't it just round there price £32 queries well I'm going to have to spell this out because the person that's organised this has got a fantastically exotic name Y-U-K-I-S-O-L-L-E at what do you say Yuki Sole at Y-U-K-I-S-O-L-L-E at ...and fancy dress...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Moving all the way through to next Saturday the 26th, another Halloween event, this time at Red Hill FC. Pumpkin competition hunt, prizes for best Halloween fancy dress adults as well, free Halloween gift for all of those under 16 in fancy dress.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


There's a free entry for all under-16s, a drink and a snack free for all under-16s, a free glass of mulled wine for over-18s, a free ticket to a future game for all parents accompanying an under-16, doors open at 12.30, activities start at 1 o'clock, and that, of course, is the Red Hill FC Halloween event at Kilnbrow.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Well, did you manage to get along to any of the Redhill Arts Takeover events, which happened, well, just over a week ago now? They were fantastic, weren't they? And even though we miss, obviously, the Harlequin being open, let's not go down that rabbit hole just at the moment, it was fantastic. I thought that there were so many different events at so many different venues right around the town.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


and after that I actually went round to Spots and Stripes and spoke to John there who is organising the event which I spoke about last week which is happening in a few weeks time which is a kind of business kind of get together and playing some pool and so on and I'll tell you a bit more about that next week as well in the show. And also then I went into Belfry. I needed a new winter coat.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I wonder how many you got to go and see and perhaps take part in as well and maybe learn a new skill and meet some new friends. There were so many different events that you could take part in or even just go along and look at. Like, for example, the artistic display in the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Cara Flowers is the Managing and Artistic Director for Daisy Fest, which coordinates disability arts in Surrey. She was the woman who put on that terrific display last week as part of the town's Arts Takeover.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


This is fantastic, isn't it? I was here about an hour ago and it was silent apart from these pictures on the walls which looked fantastic but now so many people, there must be 100 people here looking, not just walking past but stopping to read and appreciate all the different kind of artworks that's on display here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Well, let's take a look at some of them. There's one over here which has obviously been inspired by Andy Warhol. There's another one over here which, as you say, has got different layers and different textures and so on. Some parts of the collage actually coming out of the frame as well. different fabrics and so on a little bit further up. They're really intriguing and very, very creative.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And there's lots of labels underneath them as well, which obviously explain who the artist is and perhaps their thought behind it as well. This one caught my eye over here because I think this kind of sums it up, the few words here. Lorna says, I called it Amazing Star because I am amazing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And that really kind of jumped out at me when I read that because that's really the whole point of this kind of art, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What kind of disabilities are we talking about?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


do to help these people with disabilities to express themselves through art? I mean, perhaps we've all heard of art therapy, but what does that actually mean?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I put on my old winter coat and the cuffs had all literally fallen apart. And I put my hands in the pockets and they tore at the seams. I look like some kind of rag and bone man. This is the Planet Reigate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Thank you so much indeed for the loan of your ears. Got so much coming up in our new sequence, which starts right here, right now. So let's get going.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


It was great to see the exhibition and also great to see so many people there, as you could probably tell from the hubbub during the course of that recording. It was really very busy. And unfortunately, if you want to see the art itself, well, that display's been taken down, which is a bit of a shame.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


However, you can still see my video, which I took while the display was up, and you can check out that on my social media, the Planet Reigate podcast. We're on TwitterX and and also insta as well and just a reminder if you used to live in the area 20 or 30 years ago i've got a special surprise coming up for you at the end of the show so

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And you can boost coverage and attendance of your events via our media partnership package. Get in touch with me and we'll talk things through. Hello at So let's hot-foot it to Reigate for this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. Quote, I've only lived in Reigate for a few weeks now, but... Tonight I experienced a true act of kindness.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I'd blown a tyre on my car and had to pull over on Rygate Road. I stood waiting for the breakdown company to arrive when a car pulled over, two gentlemen sprung into action and put my spare tyre on for me. They then followed me down the road to ensure I arrived home safely.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I honestly can't thank them enough for their help and for making me feel safe and at ease in an area I'm not yet familiar with. That just speaks volumes, doesn't it, of the people that live in the Planet Reigate area, and particularly to those two gentlemen and their basic mechanics on our new residence car. Thank you to them. And they get a sprinkle of Stardust.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


It's our Planet Reigate Star Award.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And I'm Peter Stewart. Well, I've said a few times, haven't I, during the course of the show today, that if you've lived in the area for, say, 20, 30, 40 years, to stay listening, because I've got some nostalgia to bring you right at the end of the show. And it is that time. As you may know, I run the Planet Reigate podcast in my spare time. I love the area and enjoy radio and audio production.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


My first flat was in Red Hill and I've worked at various radio stations across the southeast my entire career. And that includes Radio Mercury, which was the commercial radio station for, as its licence said, Crawley and Reigate. It was based near where the K2 is now in Crawley. And I remember reporting across the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


In the early days of my career, and specifically in this neck of the woods, an election count at Donnings interviewing Joanna Lumley at the opening of the Belfry, for example. It was really great to be on the radio station for where I lived. Now, I wasn't actually employed at Radio Mercury when it started. I was still at school.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


But I always had an interest in journalism and radio, and my work experience was on the local newspaper. And I managed to persuade the editor that the opening of the new radio station was something that I should go along and cover. So it was that... Forty years ago this weekend, on October the 20th, 1984, my mum drove me down to the studios at Broadfield House. I was too young to drive myself.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And I'd been invited there to be part of the opening celebrations of Radio Mercury.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Good morning. It's 8 o'clock. for the very first time is Radio Mercury. And I'm Ed Stewart, welcoming you to the very first transmission of the 48th station in the independent local radio network where we're broadcasting on 103.6 FM stereo and 197 metres medium wave, that's 1521 kHz. From now on, every day, music, news, entertainment and information.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And a Reigate school where a parent believes it's only a matter of time before there's a fatality. We're talking about Sandcross Primary School in Reigate. Apparently, road safety improvements are needed outside. You may know that particular stretch of road. You may think to yourself... Actually, yeah, it can get quite dangerous at times. I've got some specifics coming up in a few moments' time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And if you're wondering, yes, they did later on change their frequency to 102.7 And isn't it strange how Ed said stereo? Anyway, you can imagine my thrill when, a few years later, I got to go back and actually work at the radio station, alongside some names that you may recall if you listened in all those years ago. Tony Myatt, John Scragg, Andrew Marshall, Peter Young...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And to flowers of another kind, Cara Flowers is the Managing and Artistic Director for Daisy Fest. which coordinates disability arts in Surrey. And she's the woman who put on that terrific display in the Belfry last week as part of the Arts Takeover. We'll be hearing a little bit from her a little bit later on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Russell Pocket, unusual name, Jeff Aspel, yes, Michael's brother, Linda Bond, who had been working previously at Bristow's, the aerodrome, and a very young Pat Sharp, who went to Capital and Hart stations. Chris Oxlade was a presenter at Radio Mercury. He's now a West Sussex County Councillor for Crawley. Ironically, I read my first live radio bulletin into the show of Ed Stupot-Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


No relation. I met some of my best friends at that radio station, presenter Martin Blunt, for example, and Judith Falcon, who, like me, read the news and presented the evening news show, The South Tonight. And Judith is the person who does the announcements for this podcast. Here she was back then.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And here she is today. This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Another presenter, Danny Pike, met the producer of my afternoon show, Jane, at Radio Mercury. And I'm a hugely proud godfather to their two wonderful daughters. Now, back in the 1980s, there weren't many radio stations. Yeah, there were the national networks, Capital from London. And, of course, there wasn't DAB and internet stations. And Radio Mercury was a much-loved sound across the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


As we used to say, not from London, not from the coast, but from the heart of the South. And that's probably why, back in the day, around 40% of people in the Reigate and Crawley area would listen to Radio Mercury. Maybe you did.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


In fact, soon after I started the Planet Reigate podcast last year, I spoke at two business events in a week to explain what the show was all about and a little bit about me. And as soon as I mentioned that I'd been on Radio Mercury, there was at each event a murmur, of recognition, of remembrance.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


At one event, the Redhill Business Guild, someone totally unprompted sang the tune to the Mercury Jingle, The Heart of the South. So, forgive my indulgence, Radio Mercury played a huge part in my life, and it started 40 years ago this weekend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


You may have listened, you may have got a dedication, you may have won a competition, perhaps you went along to an OB, danced to a guest DJ spot at Da Vinci's or Millionaire's, or helped raise money for their Operation Santa Claus Christmas Appeal. The station rebranded as Hearts in 2010, and like all stations, had lost its original jingles years before that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


In fact, Surrey County Council's Road Safety Outside Schools team have agreed they reviewed arrangements outside the school back in 2022. And if you check your diary, you'll find that it's 2024 and Not much seems to have happened thus far because it was decided to wait to see what would happen with the proposed nearby housing development.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


But as there seems to be a memory of Mercury locally, I wanted to mark its 40th anniversary. And that person who sang the Mercury jingle at that meeting a year ago inspired me. Now, as you may know, on the radio and on podcasts, you have to pay for all the music you play. It's the copyright rules.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So, I got in touch with David Arnold, who composed the Radio Mercury jingles, and I asked, under the circumstances, whether he would waive his fee if I played a jingle on the Planet Reigate podcast. And his response? Was it really 40 years ago? he wrote. And yes, please feel free to use it. It'll be great to give it an airing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Now, Louise Cleland is one of the parents of children at the school. In fact, Louise tells me she also went to the school herself as a child. And she said that there have already been multiple near misses and knocks over in the last few years. And she says... She's the one that says it's only a matter of time before there's a fatality. So she set up a petition and nearly 140 people have signed it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week, Canada geese at Earlswood Lakes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And that calls for immediate road safety measures. I understand that vehicles regularly and dangerously mount the kerb on the already very narrow footpath. And added that cars can speed down the road, Louise tells me, which has what she says is an unsuitable 30 mile an hour limit. So the county council went in 2022 and it's now 2024. Why has nothing been done?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Well, OK, there's another element to this. There's a local house builder that wants to build around 300 homes, including 65 units of assisted living accommodation, three traveller pitches, a replacement scout hut and a country park on the land next to and surrounding the school. And that application went in in June last year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So we've got something happening in 2022, something else happening in 2023. So why don't we yet know about this proposed development and what's that got to do with safety measures outside the school? Well, Surrey County Council said the road needed improvements, but a decision on that planning application is decided by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and they've yet to make a decision.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So there are often deals between councils and developers. It's through the community infrastructure levy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


and that means that if they say yes to a new estate for example then the builders have to usually have to put in other infrastructure as well in this case it might be something to do with the road safety but it seems the problem now is they're waiting for that application and then the build to come And even when the homes are built, even more pupils may come to the school.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


But if the estate isn't built, and we don't know the decision on that yet, then road safety measures may have been put in without the additional number of kids. And the County Council says that would be about £100,000, £200,000 more. which would be, inverted commas, wasted.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Oh, and by the way, if you've lived in the area for, say, 20, 30, 40 years, stay listening. I've got a surprise, a little bit of nostalgia to bring you. near the end of the show this week. In the news, when is a road outside a Reigate school dangerous enough to put in safety measures?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So we seem to be, as I said at the top of the show, in a bit of an impasse between the county council, the borough council, and the developers. Everyone's waiting for another part of that jigsaw to make their move. I think I'm kind of mixing up my metaphors there a little bit, but you get the idea. But I'm just wondering whether... Maybe reducing speed limits. That can't cost too much, can it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Putting up some signs with a 20 on it. More yellow lines. What's that? A couple of people with a couple of tins of yellow paint fixing and improving signage to say slow down. That's surely not going to cost £100,000 to £200,000, is it? It must be cheaper to do something basic and in the short term.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So anyway, if somebody puts a petition under your nose and it's got Sandcross Primary School Reigate written at the top, then you're a bit more updated in what it's all about. More on this story from Now, talking about schools, quick reminder that there's not long left until the deadline for secondary school admissions.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So if you haven't already, you've got until the 31st of October to apply and you can learn more about the admissions process and find guidance on how to apply on the Surrey County Council website. Well, we all know about the fantastic work which is done by Renewed Hope, don't we? So they care for those people who don't have a permanent place to live now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


We interviewed the guys down at Renewed Hope back in episode 14. So if you want to know more about the work they do, episode 14 is the one you need to scroll to. Go to the front page of the and go down to near the bottom, about half, two thirds of the way down. And there's a link there to all of our archived episodes. And then you need to scroll to episode 14.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And not only will you hear about Renewed Hope in episode 14, but also Reigate Ladies Joggers as well. We spoke to them in that same episode. Well, Renewed Hope tell me that their night shelter gives 10 people a hot meal, bed and breakfast every night in winter through to early March. And it's held in church halls across Reigate, Redhill, Hawley and Merston.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And last year, the night shelter provided a safe and welcoming space for 30 people who could otherwise have been sleeping rough in some of the worst of the winter weather. Now, they're after some volunteers and training's going to be held on the following dates. Sunday, the 17th of November, 4 till 6 at the Shrewsbury Chapel on Shrewsbury Road. Some people say Shrewsbury, don't they?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I don't know which is right or it probably doesn't even matter. So you know where that is, just beyond Shaw's Corner, just going into Red Hill. And Tuesday, the 19th of November, 7.30 to 9.30 at Hawley Baptist Church, Hawley RH6. So if you're interested in helping out with Renewed Hope this year, then put those dates in the diary and get yourself down there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Probably best to contact Renewed Hope between now and then just to say, yes, I am interested there. New volunteers and people who were last involved before the pandemic and refresher training for new volunteers as well. Talking about the winter weather, the Children's Trust in Redhill have got a pop-up shop at the Belfry, as you probably know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


A petition has been started because of an impasse between the Borough Council, the County Council and local housing developers. Training sessions are set up for volunteers at Renewed Hope's winter night shelters. Yeah, that time of year already. And a call out for warm clothes for another local charity. Local people report a successful community litter pick.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And, well, it's been quite mild this week, hasn't it, on many days. We've got our weather stats a little bit later on in the show. But the Children's Trust say... Yeah, winter weather not too far away. We need your pre-loved fashion and accessories to meet demand and support children with brain injury. They say they open 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday and 10.30 to 4.30 on Sundays.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


I think they're probably after winter coats and hats and gloves and scarves, that kind of thing. but probably anything else that you can take down there. And of course, we always like to support the Children's Trust, whether it be in Redhill or their other shop in Rygate as well, because as you know...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


They're just based over the hill at Tadworth and they are media partners with the Planet Reigate podcast. Congratulations to one of our fantastic local community groups. Fiona wrote to me to tell me how East Redhill Residents Association organised a community litter pick event. of Noak Drive, Cavendish Road and Redstone Hill last Sunday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Yeah, about 30 people armed with bags, gloves and litter pickers turned up. Thanks for what they did to help our local community be nice and spic and span and to spruce it up going into the Christmas and New Year period. Not far away, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Cullenders Parkside say, following our short blip of a flooded kitchen, we're finally back open with our evening services on Friday and Saturday and usual daytime hours as well. They say we've really missing all our regulars and we're really pleased to be back. So more information if you want to book any of their help, info at Congratulations to them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And this is episode 58. Hello, welcome to our family. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week with me, Peter Stewart. Well, my guest this week, we speak with some of the winners and the organisers of this year's Hawley in Bloom event. Planet Rygate reporter David King was at the ceremony and we have his report coming up.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


They made it through the floods. Visitors to Merstam Rec will see that significant progress has been made on the reefer project over the last few weeks. Yeah, the pavilion walls are going up and work on the footpaths and play area is progressing well. Some of the play equipment like the swing and trampoline frame now in place as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Now work to rebuild the tennis court and the multi-use games area is going on apace. And then over the next month or so, work on various other things will continue. Planting beds will be prepared. And drainage ditches are going to be seeded as well. And there's also going to be putting in a habitat creation for amphibians and reptiles. So it's all looking good there at Merstham Rec.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Okay, let's move on and tell you about a few other things that have been happening over the area. Heard from Holly from Merstam. She said, Peter, I've just set up a new business to try and make parents lives easier around the time of Halloween. It sounds a great idea. She says, you know what? There's so much rubbish in the shops for kids and it's also individually expensive.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So I've researched and curated the best items grouped by age bracket. So mums and dads, parents and guardians and grandparents and so on. can buy ready-to-go, good-value Halloween bags to keep their kids entertained with fun crafts, books, and other items, with your fun jumper thrown in as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And I've seen some of the things that Holly has put together, and it looks all pretty good stuff and some unusual things in there as well. Their page on Facebook is called Bags of Fun. And she said if you could give it a shout out, given it's all geared to Halloween, it would be really appreciated. We're a tiny local business based near Reigate Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


And we'd love the kids of the area to enjoy our boo bags and boo baskets. So Facebook Bags Fun Surrey is what you want to be aware of there. Now, this is a bit unusual. Paul at Belfry Barbers has a new Pay It Forward initiative there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


We'll tell you which part of the Planet Reigate area is now spic and span. A local cafe has reopened after a flood. We've got an update on Merstham Wreck and its refurb project. Local businesses start up to help parents over Halloween. A cutting-edge idea to help local armed forces veterans is being run out of Redhill. And the sad passing of a local former headmaster.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


Well, as you know, we're coming up to Remembrance and Armistice, and Paul says you can now sponsor a veteran's haircut to give a retired service member a free haircut with him, with Paul, over there at Belfry Barbers. Now, I've not heard that before, but that's really good, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


So for someone who's served their country and we're celebrating them with poppy drops and a minute's silence and so on, Actually, you know what? A free haircut, courtesy of you, is probably something a little bit more worthwhile.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


If you think that you would like to do something a little bit more, then go down to Paul at Belfry Barbers and say, yeah, I'd like to take part in your Pay It Forward initiative. Finally, a bit of sad news. This from Reigate Grammar School. John Hamlin, who was the RGS headmaster between 1982 and 1996, sadly passed away on Wednesday 9th October at the age of 88.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

58: Horley in Bloom, art at The Belfry, an unusual happy 40th… and more


A post on social media this week brought our attention to this. And RGS say our thoughts go out to Marion and the rest of the Hamlin family. So maybe you or your children passed through the school. when John Hamlin was the headmaster between 1982 and 1996. Travel news. Let's give this one a mention again. M25 Junction 10 project. Some changes there that you need to be aware of.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


You're helping them emotionally to come to terms with their diagnosis but also practically I guess as well with things they might need, paperwork and tying up affairs for want of a better term.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And I guess there's also a lot of people who don't have family. They didn't perhaps marry or their partner has died. Perhaps they didn't have children or they're abroad.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


You may not have known him, but you will surely know of his work. I'll tell you some of what John Shinner achieved in his long and fruitful life later on in the show. And in sport, we feature judo and football, run Reigate and the Reigate Triathlon. We have the Good Time Guide of events across the area across the week ahead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


It sounds very important, it sounds very serious, but I guess you also have to have a few laughs as well, don't you? It can't just be all very emotional and serious.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


What kind of honey? Because there's honey and there's honey, isn't there? You're not going to say one of these manuka honeys that's £20 a pot?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


That's part of the experience, isn't it? Knowing when you taste something, it needs a little bit more of this or less of that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So what is it that you want to go on and do? You say you want to be a chef. What kind of place, what kind of restaurant or hotel or abroad? What's your goal?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


It's a hard life. I've seen Gordon Ramsay. There's a lot of shouting goes on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Planet Reigate Stars features a lost toy bus and our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. This week, from a train track in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Okay, shouting is probably an example of someone kind of not being able to manage a situation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So I'm guessing if it runs properly, there should be no shouting. Busy, a bit stressful, but no shouting.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And what have the young people told you when they've been on your course? What kind of feedback have you had?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So you may be having some more chefs chasing your tail and coming up a few years behind you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, congratulations. You must be really pleased and proud to have got the award tonight.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now, I've been told, as well as cakes, that your sausage rolls are a thing to behold. Now, tell me the story about the sausage rolls that you provide.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now, we should say that after the presentation of awards tonight, people have had drinks. And also, if we turn round, there's sandwiches. In fact, you've got some here on your plate. And kind of chicken nuggets and cocktail sausages and bits of Rocky Road. I can see some sausage rolls there. Now... They don't look much, do they? They're from a local supermarket in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


First of all, talking about a few kind of catch-ups and some communications over the last week or so. Now, we've recently been talking, haven't we, about why Paul House in Bancroft Road in Rygate is called Paul House. And I suggested that there used to be a swimming pool there, but it was odd because there was another one just around the corner. opposite the Town Hall in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


They look a little sad. I don't think they've got... They haven't got cranberries in, have they? No. Yes, let's put it this way. I'm guessing the council's money is being well spent, isn't it, by going to a supermarket?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Absolutely. Now, I've publicised quite a few things on the podcast with Age Concern. MRR, which is Merstham, Redhill, Reigate. That seems to be quite a thriving organisation, quite a thriving group.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And someone said to me recently that the thing is that people forget that old people didn't arrive as old people. They've got a background, they've got a life, they had youth, they had families, they had careers and they did exciting and fantastic things.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And how they've perhaps lived in the area. Obviously, they may have moved into the area more recently, but perhaps they've seen so many changes in the borough.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


We've had a flurry of stories come in over the last few weeks, but nothing concrete. Now, this week I was sent a link to a social media page. Now, forgive me, I try and be across email and three social media accounts, Facebook and Twitter X and Instagram as well, but... I'm so sorry, I've actually lost who it was that sent me the link to this mention on a group called Memories of Redhill Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, it was fantastic, wasn't it? Their whole breadth of experience and volunteering and dedication and giving time and expertise and differences of ages as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So it must give you, even though it's perhaps difficult to get volunteers for your group, it must be nice to look around at an event like this and know there's a lot of volunteering and good stuff that goes on in the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, congratulations. I'll let you taste one of those sausage rolls.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


I told you there were going to be a few recipe tips there. And what is fantastic, what really got me is, and I suppose you would expect this from volunteers, and you probably know some volunteers in your area. You probably are a volunteer yourself because I know so many people are. But weren't they all absolutely lovely? Weren't they superb people?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


I was going to say young people, not all of them were young. I won't be mentioning that. And so wonderful about each other, as we've just heard, the young people and how other people do volunteering. I don't mind doing my volunteering. My volunteering is much easier than their volunteering over there. Those are the people I really respect. It was heartwarming. It really was.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


I hope you got something out of that. I know I certainly did, being there on the evening, well, about 10, 14 days ago now. You can follow all of our features because we split them up and we give links to those so you can hear them individually. If you follow us on social media, we're on Facebook, we're on TwitterX and Instagram as well, so you may want to hear us there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And what I mean is that if you follow our posts during the course of the week and we put out links, then you can tap on the link and press play and you just hear that particular feature rather than the whole show, because I know we're all kind of tight for time, aren't we?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Alternatively, in our show notes for the actual podcast, got all the timings there so you can scooch through particularly or specifically, I should say, to the feature that you want to hear that particular week. We've got our Planet Rygate stars featuring a bus. We've got our 60-second soundscape featuring a train. But now we've got our news and sports sequence on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, first this week, our thoughts go out to the family and friends of the person who died after an incident on Reigate Hill Tuesday afternoon around one o'clock. It's understood involved a pedestrian in his 60s and a car. Three men were arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving and failing to stop at the scene of a collision. Police are appealing for witnesses.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Four teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder in Salford. Officers were called to an address on Brighton Road early hours of last Thursday morning, the 8th. The victim, a 17-year-old boy taken to hospital with stab wounds. Four people, a 15-year-old boy, a 16-year-old boy, a 15-year-old girl and a 16-year-old girl, have all been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Police now looking to speak to anyone who might have been in the area at the time. So they ask, were you driving through Salfords in the area around Brighton Road between 1am and 1.15am? So again, we're talking about Thursday morning, the 8th. Do you have CCTV, dash cam, helmet cam footage that could help them?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Particularly looking to speak to a taxi driver who police reckon might have witnessed all or part of an incident. If that's you or you know who it might be, please get in touch. Obviously, a lot of taxi drivers in this neck of the woods because obviously not far from Gatwick and also London as well. If you've got any information, please get in touch with police. Okay, let's move on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So they said back in 2021 with a picture, this is the pool at Pool House. Babs says, I swam there in the late 1940s, but it was never very popular because there wasn't much sun and the leaves from the trees used to fall in the water. That doesn't sound much fun, does it? I don't know when it was built, but it must have been after Bancroft Road was built in the mid-1930s.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


To some other stories and the latest on the Harlequin. Your questions answered now. Almost all staff are likely to be laid off at the Harlequin. No Christmas pantomime. And the council says, quote, we do not expect to be able to reopen the theatre in the foreseeable future. Of course, all that after that rack crumbly concrete was found almost a year ago now. Why am I telling you this now?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, a report which is going to be discussed by the council this coming week, what's called an extraordinary meeting, shows the impact the closure has had in cultural and financial terms and also sets out the council's plans for the future. So here at the Planet Rygate podcast, I've read the proposals and here's what you need to know. The questions have been voiced by artificial intelligence.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, on the 27th of September 2023, following the discovery of RAC, the crumbly concrete, in the Harlequin Theatre's auditorium ceiling and other places as well, the Council immediately closed the building. There was a non-intrusive visual inspection of the site in October 2023.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Instructed by the managing agents of Warwick Quadrant on behalf of the leaseholder of the entire site, the Council's insurers agreed the building should close on health and safety grounds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


That's because other buildings around the country, such as hospitals, schools and police stations, have had priority on the limited expertise available for these kinds of issues. However, a meeting was scheduled on 7 August this year, so just a few days ago, with the leaseholder and the managing agent of the Warwick Quadrant, and with surveyors to plan more detailed survey work.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


That will inform decisions regarding the future of the theatre, and we'll hear more about what they discussed at a public meeting this coming week. But it should be noted that a more detailed survey has not actually been done yet.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, seven options are contained in this report that's going to be discussed at that meeting, but it seems likely that there will be, quote, a substantial reduction in the Harlequin staff team. That's partly because, put simply, money is running out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The closure has meant there's been none of the regular income from hires of space at the Harlequin, and without that, its council budget that should last until April next year is actually going to run out in early October this year. So for the past six months, some of the staff have been redeployed in other parts of the council, but they've been providing extra help rather than filling vacancies.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And the report says, quote, it is considered unreasonable to continue to maintain a full workforce while being unable to provide the full community benefit. And so there could be a cut of the Harlequin team to two or maybe three staff.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, currently there are 17 members of contracted staff, although not all of them are full-time. There are about 25 what they call casual staff and six vacancies. Now, cuts in this kind of situation are usually calculated after considering total number of hours worked rather than actual posts. Staff and unions are already being consulted and retraining and other support will be offered.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Our thoughts, obviously. go out to those affected at this difficult time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, yes, and not only those costs, but also the costs of stopping contracts with companies the Harlequin has been working with. But those unexpected costs are all being factored in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, they'll be focusing on delivering a business case for a medium-term cultural offer for Redhill for 25-26.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


There'll be no big Christmas event this year, similar to the big top panto in Memorial Park last year. The report says that that event, quote, did require the council to incur substantial unbudgeted costs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now, the council report says, quote, it's not feasible to deliver a pantomime show in 2024 due to the costs and logistical challenges of delivery without a theatre venue, along with the risk of low ticket sales, making the show financially unviable.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


I don't think it lasted after the 1950s. So Babs, who posted that back in 2021, thanks for that. And whoever it was that pointed that post to me...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Apparently, the possibility of a smaller-scale Christmas show has been explored, but it would, they say, quote, present significant operational challenges and an additional budget requirement. So it seems unlikely.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


But of course, since the closure, the Harlequin team has had a space in the Belfry for some live performances and meetings, but the council's short-term agreement for that space is expected to end within the next few months.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, not enough cash has been brought in from those, it seems. The report says, quote, it provides a positive cultural offering, but alone is not a sufficient harlequin offering in terms of cultural variety or financial viability.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, no, not necessarily. The report just says it's looking at a business case for a medium-term cultural offering for the borough, quote, based in Redhill if possible, unquote, and that it will be, quote, no longer be based in Warwick Quadrant.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Over the next several months, staff will be looking to find what they call, quote, a venue for a cabaret-style performance space or possibly a partnership with a local school.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, undoubtedly, there will be a reduction in culture and arts offered locally. But it should be remembered that legally, under the Local Government Act of 2000, the Council has a duty to promote the social, economic and environmental well-being of its area, and that includes some cultural activities.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And the council says, quote, in the longer term, the ambition will be to have a cultural offering which is at least cost neutral or indeed surplus generating, as originally planned for the Harlequin. Councillor Nadine Moses, executive member for sustainability and leisure, is quoted as saying, quote,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


week or so ago thank you my apologies for misplacing your name i do apologize now i have uncovered some additional information on the pool in bancroft road it was called should i tell you what it was called yeah okay the majestic pool hmm the majestic pool is that ringing a few bells are you tying up a few other things about majestic in in reigate

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Our commitment to providing an arts and cultural offer in the medium and long term remains strong. However, while the theatre is closed, we need to rationalise our costs and focus our efforts on delivering future options. The council says it cannot at this time commit to retaining the Harlequin as a cultural centre for the arts in the heart of the borough,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


mainly because it doesn't have the full information on the extent of that rack or the feasibility, timescale or costs of any repair. That meeting we've mentioned already that has already happened on the 7th of August should make things clearer, but again it was only to discuss plans for more detailed survey work somewhere down the line. We'll hear more next week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, the council has said, we propose to engage with local stakeholders, including existing and potential users of art and cultural spaces, residents, customers and others in developing the offer. Now, an action group of concerned residents has also been set up and East Surrey Performing Arts have also been very keen to have their voice heard on the plans.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


More discussions will be had and decisions will be made at a council meeting at 6.30pm Thursday 15th August at the Town Hall. You can be there in person or watch online. Now the public gallery was full last time, the Harlequin was discussed, so you may want to watch online instead. And you can watch the webcast via the link which you will find on the council website.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Or you can contact me at hello at for that link. And if you want to read the report in full, again, contact me if you can't find that on the Rygot and Banstead Borough Council website. Well, I hope that was of use and of interest ahead of the council decision this coming week, so you know the background to that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And certainly people on social media have said that it was useful to see it kind of broken down in that way. If you want to read that, check out the post that I put up on Wednesday afternoon on my page, the Planet Reigate podcast on Facebook. Outline planning permission for a new 120-home development at the edge of Hawley has been granted by the local council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The 12.5-hectare site next to Smallfield, north of Plough Road and east of Meadow View, is currently deemed agricultural land. So give you some idea of where that is. Heading out of Redhill, down to Salford's, left on Honeycrock Lane, under the motorway, turn right down to Smallfield. And the land we're talking about is just opposite Smallfield Football Club.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The decision comes a year and a half after an application was first received and despite more than 100 letters of objection. Now, there's been a number of conditions that have been applied to the content, which must be met at a later stage. It includes reference to the site's appearance, scale, layout, drainage and other ecological safeguarding considerations.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And chief among concerns raised by local residents and those connected to the area were issues related to school, doctor, dentist and nursery places, as well as the loss of green space and the risk of flooding as well. You can read more about that on Get Surrey. A local water expert has warned people to stay out of the River Mole after recording high levels of pollution.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Dr Jess Newman is an expert in flooding and hydrology at the University of Reading. She's done water readings and said the levels of phosphates are, quote, off the scale and, quote, it's really not a very good place to be hanging around or swimming in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Thames Water say although all storm discharges were unacceptable, the sewage system was historically designed to work in this way to prevent sewage backing up into people's homes. But Dr. Jess Newman says also high levels of coliforms That's bacteria which can include E. coli. She is warning people to avoid getting in the water, certainly avoid getting water in their mouths to clean any wounds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Thames Water says, quote, we have clear and deliverable plans to upgrade 250 of our sites across the region to increase treatment capacity and reduce the number of storm discharges. And it also goes on to say in a statement, farming industry, road runoff, wildlife and increasingly extreme weather also plays a role in river health.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


If only there was a group, an organisation that kind of had an overview of water. There is. It's called the Environment Agency. It said regulation of the water industry to protect the environment is one of its top priorities and explained that it's recruiting more staff and using data driven analytics.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


No, I don't mean the wine warehouse up Bell Street. When I was doing a bit of research, that kept coming up. But it's really interesting. I just need to tie up a few loose ends before I bring you more on that, hopefully in the next few episodes. So listen out for that. It's intriguing. It's fascinating. And I just love relatable local history where you can go... Oh, that's the reason.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


to map discharges so it can quickly direct specialist officers and water company inspections will be increased as well. OK, spotted on social this week, waste being dumped in a field called Crosswinds. It's on the border of Reigate and Banstead between Horse Hill and Colandine Lane. And the claim of, quote,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


systematic illegal dumping of rubbish heavy duty machines and endless loaded lorries according to that site on social media i should also say that the person who posted that on social media anonymously has also contacted me here at the podcast independently um

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The location just up the road from that controversial oil site in Horse Hill and that poster saying residents have repeatedly reported it over a period of a month. So I got in touch with Rygate and Badstead Borough Council and they told me, quote, the Borough Council is aware of the situation at this site and we're liaising with relevant partners.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The matter comes under Surrey County Council's jurisdiction as it's a waste transfer activity. And the County Council served enforcement notices on this land back in 2021 and has been notified of this additional activity. Quote, we understand the Environment Agency and Surrey Police have also been made aware.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Parents of children admitted to East Surrey Hospital are going to be given access to hot, nutritious meals. Yeah, but up until now, if you take your child into hospital and they are given a meal, you've got to sit there going hungry or nip up to the cafe or the stall there and get yourself some sandwiches.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


But now, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust, which runs the hospital in Redhill, is one of 15 hospitals to roll out a programme by NHS England and the Sophie's Legacy charity. That pilot project has been made possible through a £5,000 grant from the charity.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Tina Hetherington is chief nurse at the trust and said the initiative would improve the overall hospital experience for families during what can be a challenging time. And a new summer house has been opened in the garden of East Surrey Hospital, Macmillan Cancer Centre, funded by donations to the SASH Cancer Fund. SASH is Surrey and Sussex Healthcare, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So for East Surrey and also some other health provisions which go into Sussex as well. It's a quiet space to sit for people who need to stay out of direct sunlight. Yeah, good point. We just need a quiet, sheltered way to enjoy the Cancer Centre garden. It was a real team effort, apparently, from Cancer Centre users, businesses and individuals who raised or donated the money.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Let's hear from Nikki Vanner. She's lead cancer nurse at the hospital, chatting to the head of the SASH charity, Andrew Bickerdike.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Because when you live in an area, it's right, isn't it, that you just take it as that's what happens. That's how Reigate is. That's how Redhill is. That's why that road is called Battlebridge Lane, for example. But you don't necessarily think...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Andrew, thank you very much indeed and congratulations to everyone who's been involved with that new summer house at East Surrey Hospital. Nearly £2 million is going to be spent this year on improving road markings across the county. Surrey County Council at Woodhatch saying over 100 roads will be improved to help prevent potholes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And the programme of work will see white and yellow road markings refreshed on roads across the county with busy roads and those most in need of refreshing being prioritised. So which ones are local to us? Well, it's going to include the major motorway junctions, Junction 8 at Rye Gate, Junction 9 at Leatherhead and Junction 6 at Godstone as well.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Let's continue talking about roads and update from episode 44 and last week as well. Member Martin Pitchley is a local driving instructor saying that the roads near the test centre at the aerodrome were too fast. Verges were too overgrown, signs were missing or obscured, poor road markings and he just felt it was unsafe and certainly unfair on drivers being examined.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now as I say, an update, Martin wrote to me saying that he went around with a council worker last Friday and has got back to me in the past week saying... My meeting went very well, and most of the issues were agreed with the council, apart from a few, but I'm going to persist in chasing those.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And he went on, although it is up to the council to be notified by people to make them aware of problems, a lot of these problems have existed for over six months. And the other matter I would just like the speed reduced on that sharp dangerous bend in that area but he says one step at a time but progress is good.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


of the reasons behind it but but i have got some fascinating i thought they were fascinating and i hope that you will join me in thinking they were fascinating as well partly because i know that looking at the stats when we do local history they are some of the most listened to features on the show so more on the pool

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And Martin went on to say I'm still very grateful to you in covering such an important issue on your show all these matters are so important to keep them in the limelight. Your show is a great one. I heard about it from some of my students and I passed it on to everyone. And some didn't know either. So, Martin, thank you very much indeed. Thanks for spreading the word.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And I wondered why there was a particular spike recently in my listening numbers. So, Martin, really appreciate for spreading the word and for doing what you're doing to help keep our roads safer. The installation of a new junior football pitch at Battlebridge Rec in Merstham is now complete. The disused bowling green has been converted and extended to create a pitch for the under 9s and 10s.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Grass has been reseeded and the establishment will continue over the summer. in readiness to be enjoyed next football season. Yeah, I was there a few weeks ago and I thought, what's going on here? And then I put two and two together. Yeah, Peter, you have actually been mentioning this on the show. So it's really good to see that coming to fruition.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And there's been good progress on the project to upgrade Merstam Rec as well. Over the last few weeks, if you've been down there, you'll have seen the pavilion foundations being excavated and the concrete being poured for its base. the installation of curbs to the new play area and paths as well, and more excavation works to create drainage ditches.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And over the next few weeks, the contractors will put in the pavilion floor, the surface entrances and drainage, start building the pavilion walls, continue with the footpath and the construction of those drainage ditches. I think they're called swales, aren't they? Something I only learned recently. And you You can kind of watch the progress as all that takes shape over the next few weeks.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So that's what's happening at Battlebridge Lane and Merstham as well. To Hawley. Hawley Town Council saying the majority of the playground refurb works have been completed at Michael Crescent Playground. The new playground was made possible by a grant from Reichen and Banstead Council. They say we're going to be having an official opening in a couple of weeks' time.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


But for now, the park is open for everyone to enjoy yourselves over the summer. OK, mentioned the Belfry, didn't we, a few minutes ago with the closure of the Marks and Spencers. Reigate Photographic Society have got a new exhibition of the Belfry. It's their side entrance. It's been changed. It's going to be up there for the next six months. So feel free to take a look next time you're there.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


They say we also meet at the community center in Reigate every Monday night at eight o'clock from September to May. All photographers old and new are always welcome. if you want to learn more. And if you want to hear more about the Society, you can do that by going all the way back to episode 9 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Yes, so if you, it's on the ground floor, go right to the very end and then hang a left and it's up there. It's up the, is there a bit of a slope? There are certainly some steps, aren't there? You go up the side entrance. Well worth looking at.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Maybe you're waiting for somebody to finish their shopping, or maybe you've got a cup of coffee or a sandwich or something, or maybe you've got a bit of time to kill in a lunch break. Well worth taking a look at that. Now, talking of which, sales going on at the Belfry at the moment. I've had a little look. You may be able to save yourself some money. New look. Have a sale. Up to 60% off.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


in Bancroft Road and about Bancroft Road itself because that's quite new isn't it Bancroft Road you know relatively speaking in the next few episodes plus I've uncovered so we've talked about the pool haven't we opposite the town hall we've spoken back in the day

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Benson's for beds. have up to 50% off event. Tappy Carpets, 50% off carpets there. H&M have got a summer sale. And Trespass have got 60% off all stock there as well. Now, you know about BBC Radio 4 Any Questions? It's coming to Salford's. Yeah, Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council are going to be hosting. It's going to be at Salford's Village Hall on Honeycrock Lane.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The panel's going to be discussing current affairs and hot topics. So that's going to be interesting. If you're thinking, well, hold on, weren't they there recently? Peter, I remember you telling me about this. A couple of three months ago. Yeah, it was put on hold, wasn't it? Because of the general election.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


But if you want to be part of broadcasting history, the first broadcast of any questions goes back to 1948. They visit different parts of the country each week. They've got a panel of four speakers. There's usually someone local, isn't there?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And then a couple of people, national politicians, and then someone perhaps from a university or a commentator, in some way a policymaker or a writer, something like that. And it's broadcast live on BBC Radio 4. You can bring along a question, you submit it to the panel on the night. So the doors open from 6.30 and it goes live at 8 o'clock, Friday the 27th of September.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Yeah, they give up their free time to help others in our local communities and are all winners of the Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Recognition Certificates. And as well as hearing about what they do and why, surprisingly, there are a few recipe tips in there as well. Intrigued? Stay tuned.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So what's that, about six or seven weeks away now. The event is free, but you do need a ticket. You can't just rock up there on the night. You've got to pre-book a ticket. They're going to be available. Well, now, frankly, on a first-come, first-served basis. So you can apply for those. If you want to apply, you can contact Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


If you can't get through to them, get in touch with me, and I'll put you in touch with them. OK, finally, I wanted to tell you about the news of the passing of John Shinner. Now, who was John? John was the guy behind Priory Farm. He's died earlier this summer, we're hearing this week, at the age of 94.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now, John, along with his wife, Wendy, bought Priory Farm back in 1957 and was instrumental in its development over the past decade.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


67 years they say his vision dedication and tireless efforts have shaped Priory Farm into the thriving business it is today John was more than just our founder they say he was a visionary a leader and a mentor to many his tireless efforts and passion have been the cornerstone of Priory Farm's success His spirit and values will continue to inspire us in all the years to come.

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several episodes ago about donnings and why donnings is called donning so you know right here we're not leaving you out when we're talking about swimming pools but there was another swimming pool that i alluded to i think it was last week we've got more on another swimming pool locally uh coming soon as well now last week also mentioned about a consultation by reichert and banstead borough council about parks and open spaces in the area and what you want

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Yeah, you can explore more about John's remarkable legacy, his work, and explore the first 50 years of Priory Farm by going to the history pages on their website, Some great pictures and stories there. I was looking a little bit earlier on today. You know what? They were one of the first farms in the UK to diversify back in the 1960s.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


In the 1970s, they were selling pick-your-own strawberries for 10p a pound. Then, of course, the gradual decline of pick-your-own, and then the rise instead of the farm shop and the cafe there. You can see the picture of the marriage of Pumpkin Man and Pumpkin Lady on site. And at one stage, apparently, they were growing 25 different crops.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And also, you can learn about the start of the Farm Shop Food Festival there. Yeah, Them and us paying tribute to the life and the career of John Shinner, who sadly died early this summer at the grand old age of 94. This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And this week from Reigate, incidentally, if you would like to talk to me about voiceovers or emceeing or hosting, maybe to be a facilitator or a judge, then get in touch. Hello at So Natalie wrote on socials, Hello, we lost a small metal bus, around 20 centimetres long, in Priory Park playground. If anyone finds it, can you let me know please?

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Little one currently obsessed with his new bus, many thanks. And we spotted that Lily replied, Ah, we saw it. We left it on the little slope behind the xylophone. And Natalie replied again, thank you. I went back this afternoon and I have found it. I now have a very happy little person at home. So Lily, you're the recipient of this week's Planet Reigate Sprinkle of Stardust.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And in sports this week, the Magira Tani Judo Club says, has watching the 2024 Paris Olympic Games so far inspired you or someone you know to try out an Olympic sport? Have a go and try judo. Yeah, to book a free trial with that club, which is governed by the British Judo Association, you can go to slash trial. Let me spell that for you. M-O-G-E-R-A-T-A-N-I and then J-U-D-O.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now, their sessions are held on Wednesdays at Live Village Hall. Run series has some kids races, yet they say we encourage our young runners to complete a cumulative half marathon, so 13.1 miles in total. It means they can complete 12 miles in advance of the event day. In their own time, broken down as much as they like, they can finish on the event day with the final 1.1 miles completed.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Well, Sarah said, talking to a friend this weekend about Memorial Park and how much more could happen there. A community fete, a family festival or the ice skating rink that Reigate didn't want. Yeah, back in the day. A few years ago now, Kerry said there was a really lovely festival. at Memorial Park back in 2019, but nothing since, unfortunately.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


completing their own cumulative half marathon and claiming a well-earned medal. So you can sign up and you can download and print out a tracker to add up those miles before. The big day of Run Reigate, 22nd of September, and then search for Run Reigate. As they say, 13.1 miles or 1.1 miles, do it your own way.

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The Rygate Triathlon is Sunday the 8th of September over at Buckland Park. So if you've signed up for the try, or maybe you're thinking of doing so, why not join, they say, our swim training sessions. They'll take place in the lagoon and the big lake and utilise the swim route, giving you first-hand experience ahead of the event.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So they'll cover things like getting into the water, how you do that. For me, that would be slowly. And the start of the race, buoy turns, which strokes to use, how to transition between them, and tips on dealing with nerves as well. Now, the sessions are led by various coaches and organisers who will be able to answer your questions. Limited places available for the sessions, 7pm to 8pm.

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Let's look at some of these dates for you. Monday 12th August, Wednesday 28th and Wednesday 4th September. More details at And congratulations to Merston Football Club, who were playing Wick Football Club last weekend. And they actually won 7-0, ladies and gentlemen. 7-0, which is absolutely fantastic.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Let's hope that that is going to be replicated over the course of the rest of the season.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Just before we get into the Good Time Guide, let me remind you that in last week's episode, we heard from Henry down at Mercer's Lake and Aqua Sports there. Just to let you know, some of their regular sessions that they run in the water down at Mercer's Lake, they have the fantastically named Ladies Who Launch. which, as you might expect, is dinghy sailing.

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Tuesdays, Thursdays, 12 till 2 for happy hour prices. They also have open water swim sessions there. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Various timings for that one. A kids club, Saturday mornings between 9.30 and 11.30 for 8 to 13-year-olds who have at least a Level 1 qualification in sailing, windsurfing or paddling. Also, own equipment launch.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


For sail sports and paddle sports, daily bookings for anyone level one and equivalent to go down and launch your own equipment. Everyone is welcome to take part in that, obviously considering those stipulations. Henry last week said it was a fantastic place, his office overlooking the lake, to see a sunset. Well, there's a sunrise, sup and paddle sports event.

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Tuesdays to Saturdays, 7.30pm to 9pm. And Sundays, a little bit later, a bit of a lie-in on a Sunday, 8pm to 9.30pm. Sunset happy hours, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 6pm to 8pm. Hire or launch your own craft.

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at happy hour prices, and open tasters, two hour, two sport open tasters, perfect for individuals, couples, friends, and families, and suitable for anyone aged eight plus, so if you've got a family, if you've got some friends, if you're part of a couple, Or maybe you're an individual. Yeah, maybe you're an individual. You can go along there and have those open taster sessions.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And then she went on, there used to also be a Red Hill Beer Festival held in the park, but I think that's the one that now takes place in a hall in Merstham. Michelle said, I believe a lot of these issues are to do with the expense involved in fronting the cost of additional police and licensing that is required to host an event in a public place. And Natty said...

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Two hours, two sports, open taster sessions at Aqua Sports Company down at Mercer's Lake.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


You can get a mention seven days before the event or you can get more mentions and early mentions to get those early ticket sales with one of our Planet Reigate supporters packages. Ask me for more information. Hello at Join the fun at the SCTA Theatre Academy's Musical Theatre Summer Holiday Camp.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And it's the 12th to the 16th of August at St John's Primary Schools for four to 13-year-olds. Singing, dancing, acting and making new friends. Daily workshops, fun games and activities, arts and crafts sessions and all materials are provided. Bit of an awkward one to get details. It's and then a whole load of numbers and letters attached.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


But I tell you what, for more information, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. Or you can go to info at Tuesday the 13th, Art Sparks Summer Holiday Art Club with a Treasure Island theme. Thursday, 14th and 15th of August, 21st and 22nd of August as well. A watercolour community space, £35 a day, 9 till 3. Kim Venter at

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K-I-M-V-E-N-T-E-R at for more information on that. Camp Marshall X have a kids' multi-sport summer camp going on for ages 4 to 14. Basketball, dodgeball, football... Arts and crafts, cricket, martial arts, archery, tennis, rounders and so much more as well. Office at

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


It's happening at Reigate Priory Junior School on Bell Street if you're interested in taking part with that. Also on Tuesday, 10.15 to 11.15 at the Posadero Lounge in Redhill opposite the Belfry. Go along and meet new people, have a chat, teas and coffees available, CDs, jigsaw puzzle swap, book swap as well. You go along and you take away. It's all been organised by the U3A.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


It's to get people along to meet other people, learn, laugh and have fun. and learn more about their activities as well. U3A is the University of the Third Age. And for more information on that, go to Rygate, Redhill. university3h, yeah, Would it be controversial to suggest that it's not Reigate Redhill for RR, it's Redhill Reigate? I don't know, just a thought.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Friday the 16th of August. There's a day, Friday the 16th of August. It's one I always remember. The Surrey Hills National Landscape and Surrey Wildlife Trust have got a free event for local horse owners. Pasture management principles for large or small horses. And it's all sorts of things about maintaining good ground cover, reducing erosion.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


There used to be a free music festival in the summer. It was a long time ago, but great fun. So great to read all your thoughts and memories about Memorial Park. Now, that does kind of hint, doesn't it, on what other things go on in Red Hill. And we've got a special report a little bit later on. I posted this on Wednesday, in fact, on my Facebook page and a couple of We Love social sites.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


reducing the worm parasite burden of horses, controlling weeds, all sorts of things as well. And a light lunch will be provided too. The East Surrey workshop is the 16th of August, 9.30 to 3.30. They call it East Surrey, it actually happens. Hold on, hold on. It actually happens at Box Hill Village.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


So horses you're going to talk about, dragons you're going to dodge, and it's at Box Hill Village Hall... 16th of August, 9.30 to 3.30, FIPL at if you've got any questions on that one. OK, let's move forward to next Saturday, Saturday the 17th. Join us for a night of nostalgia, delicious food and dancing till the early hours. It's a naughty night.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Yeah, it's been 24 years since Brittany did it again. The real Slim Shady was asked to stand up and Craig David shared what he got up to over the last seven days. Love that. So dust off that velour tracksuit and that unnecessarily large belt and grab your naughtiest night tickets at for details on that one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes our Good Time Guide on the Planet Reigate podcast for this week. One more thing to do before we go at the end. Well, hold on. I've got to play the jingle first.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Before we go at the end of the show, let me take you back to Tuesday night on a bridge over a railway track in Reigate.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


I'm waiting for the 7,000 Britannia to come through the area, hauling the Sunset Steam Express. So it left Victoria at 1816 and then steamed through the London suburbs of West Brompton, Shepherd's Bush, Brentford, Feltham, and then beginning a steep climb through the Surrey Hills as the sun set. Chertsey around half seven, Woking 8.15.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Now it's on its way from Gomshall, due in Redhill, round about nine o'clock, before onward travel to Purley, East Croydon, Streatham Common, Clapham Junction, and reaching London, Victoria again at ten tonight. So I'm I'm on that kind of pedestrian bridge. It's actually a bit of a road bridge just here. And half a dozen other people here waiting as well, waiting for the scene.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


This is apparently a good place to come. A couple of other bridges either side. And of course, the main Reigate station footbridge as well. I'm also thinking that maybe Betchworth station might be a good place as well. to watch this train come through.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


The website blurb for the journey says, "...often described as one of England's finest landscapes, the Surrey Hills stretch across the chalk north downs. The grandeur and beauty of these hills embrace an amazing variety of countryside, from rolling chalk downs and flower-rich grasslands to acid heaths and woodlands. Bask in the sun-kissed beauty of these glorious surroundings."

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


while indulging in a harmonious blend of the finest champagne and fine dining, or indulge in drinks and snacks from our cocktail bar or buffet car. So that's what's happening on the train at the moment as it heads towards us here. The 7000 Britannia is a British Railways Standard Class 7 engine.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


about the harlequin now a couple of weeks ago there was a meeting at the town hall about the harlequin a big decision is going to be made this coming week about the harlequin and i've read through the report and i've come up with kind of everything you need to know about the harlequin and its future and the future of arts and provision of creativity and so on across the borough i'll bring you that bit later on in the program this week

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


alternatively known as the Britannia Class, and the first of 55 to be built by British Railways in Crewe back in 1951. Built mainly as an express passenger service between London and Norwich, it can reach speeds up to 100 miles an hour. And for many years, this is something you need to look out for if you see the train come through the area again, either this summer or or in subsequent years.

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The cab roof is painted white, and it's to commemorate her pulling the funeral train of King George VI from Sandringham to London back in 1952. And then after 15 years of service, in May 1966, Britannia was retired and spent some time at preserved railways, then returned to the national network between 1991-1997. and then the locomotive was withdrawn for a complete overhaul.

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And then in 2010, Britannia was steamed once more, and 2011 marked the locomotive's return to the main line after a 14-year absence. In one of her most important roles, Britannia hauled the Royal Train from Preston to Wakefield in January 2012.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


One of the people here waiting on the bridge got an app which shows whereabouts the Britannia is at the moment, just past Dorking Deep Dean apparently, so it won't be long. I hope he gives us a whistle, let's see.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


However, yeah, what have I been up to this past week? I was beside the train tracks as a steam locomotive came through the area on Tuesday night. I've been on Rygate Heath recording some more about the history of the Heath. And that feature is upcoming. I've stored that. I'm looking at my big board, the big board of scheduling notes and about when different items are going.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And I can see, yeah, that's probably going to be in September and another piece in October. why might I be doing something about Reigate Heath in October, November time? Okay, piece those two ideas together.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And also, on Friday night, after this is actually recorded, because it goes live on Friday morning, but on Friday night, or Friday afternoon, round about 4, half past 4, I'm going to be at Priory Park for the second annual cyclocross event that we featured in episode 46.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Plus, in our new sequence this week, police investigates an attempted murder in Salfords and a death in a crash on Rygate Hill. We answer your questions about the future of the Harlequin ahead of an extraordinary meeting of the council this coming week. 120 homes are now likely to be built near Hawley. I'll tell you where.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Hearing the stories from some of the area's great volunteers in a few moments' time after part one of The Good Time Guide, don't forget to subscribe to the show on your favourite podcast app. You may have to look for the word follow, and then what that will mean is that every episode is automatically downloaded to your device.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And of course, if you want to mention for your events, get in touch with me. Hello at or you can fill out the form you'll find on Give me a couple of weeks notice if you could. OK, so Saturday, the Hawley Lions Bookstall is going to be out on the high street from 9am to 1pm.

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48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


As well as books, they're also going to have some free children's toys to give away as well. So why don't you pop down there and see them? Summer of Sport Open Days activities on Saturday and this is happening at the Hawley Leisure Centre. So they've got some taster fitness classes, spin, body conditioning, Zumba, Pilates, mindfulness, dance, fitness and power pumping as well.

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and also some taster swimming lessons as well. So it's on Saturday, and all the details you can find at slash Hawley. Better is the group, is the company, is the organisation that runs some of our local leisure centres. So slash Hawley. Reigate Caves has another open day on Saturday. You can go to to book and also for prices and times as well.

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The Archway Theatre in Hawley presents Alive or Living, two one-act plays written and directed by Abigail Field and also by Jenna Simmons-Wood. Each piece provides a window into the effects of depression on both the person directly affected and also the people surrounding them as well. Performances at 7.45 on the 10th, plus a matinee on Saturday at 2 o'clock, so 2 and 7.45.

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And interestingly, both Abigail and Jenna were until recently members of the Archway's Young Adults Workshop. So they were performing, and Abigail, I know, has already started her undergraduate drama course at university there. and Jenna has been involved in the stage management of several shows as well., and tickets there are £12.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And the Planet Rygate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. Now, just mentioning this as it's for Surrey's Air Ambulance, which, of course, is based in the Planet Reigate area at Redhill Aerodrome. There's a Heli Fun Day Surrey on Saturday at Lowsley Park.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


That's near Guildford between 11 and 3. You can meet the crew. You can see the helicopter up close as well. Various demonstrations, games and prizes and food stalls as well. Let's move on to Sunday the 11th. Charlotte says we're hosting an open day at our new coaching and healing centre in Reigate, C-O-R Equine Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


A warning about pollution in the River Mole and rubbish being dumped near Horse Hill. Extra help being given to parents of sick children at the hospital. And also there, a new summer house has been opened for cancer patients. News or more, white lines and yellow lines. Thank you very much. And news of the passing of a local farmer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Charlotte says we're two sisters passionate about bringing the healing power of horses and the outdoors to others. If you're interested in booking a coaching session or a professional passionate about the health and wellbeing of others, She says we'd be really interested in collaborating or simply finding out more about what we do. Then please join us for a free open day. It's between 10 and 2.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


That's at Petridge Wood Farm Stables. Now, that's just off Wood Hatch Road, if you can picture it. Yeah. So just beyond the lakes. And if you're going from the lakes over to like the hospital direction, it's up there on the right hand side. But RH150. JJ is what you need to know. Petridge Wood Farm Stables, RH1 5JJ. It's a free open day on Sunday between 10 and 2.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And when you go along, tell them you heard it all about it on the Planet Rygate podcast. We're so lucky, aren't we, in the area because we've got so many people doing great things for other people. I mean, I mention people like this every single week in our Planet Rygate Star feature. Local people who've done something really good.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Hello Planeteers, this is Peter Stewart with the show exclusively, uniquely and proudly about the hills, the high streets and the heaths of the Planet Reigate area and it's episode 48 for Saturday the 10th of August 2024 and this week this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. Well, this week we'll hear from four wonderful winners of volunteer awards locally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


It's usually just a one-off, but there are some people who dedicate hours of their time every week, over months, over years, sometimes over decades, helping other people. They're running groups, they're giving support, they're Lending their expertise, certainly their time and their experience and their goodwill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


And a few weeks ago, there was a special presentation at Reigate Town Hall for long service volunteers. And we featured those a couple of weeks ago. And more recently, there was another ceremony for people who've been volunteering, but not quite as long as some of those other guys for 40, 50 years, some of them. And this week, we're featuring those other recipients of volunteer awards.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


They get a special certificate, they get a badge as well. These are all sorts of people who've given up their free time to help others in our local communities. And we applaud them, quite literally actually, for what they've done to help the Planet Reigate area be an even better place to live.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


Fantastic. I haven't heard of you before, to my shame. How's it all going? When was it set up?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

48: Our ‘Harlequin’ Q&A, more great stories from local volunteers, the sound of steam on local train tracks… and more


breakfast how we do praying how we do this it was interesting for them and it was interesting for us that they don't know about what we're doing and it was really amazing because there's a lot of i guess misinformation through media through social media and so on about about muslims and christians as well it kind of misunderstanding isn't it so getting together and sharing knowledge while you share food or share activities is a great way forward

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Sounds good? As we hear, it's after one of Phaedra's own dogs left another group.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


I thought it looked like a bowling green. It's sunk down a couple of feet, isn't it? And it's rather unkempt, so it's been a while ago since people were bowling here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And I'm looking around. The number of dogs here, you must have, I don't know, about 30, is that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Because I guess usually dogs don't see other dogs, apart from perhaps passing them in the street or in the park for two minutes, sniffing each other and that kind of thing. To actually get to know other dogs and other breeds and other temperaments as well is really useful for them, as it is for us.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Plus, I give you the local roadworks heads up so you can avoid the holdups. And I've also got Planet Rygate stars from, well... liverpool actually find out the link with the planet reigate area later on in the show and our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week from brockham this is the planet reigate podcast with peter stewart Yeah, that's me.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So it's socialising rather than throwing balls for them or games or activities like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So it's a really good kind of community for passing on those hints and tips as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


OK, so whereabouts is it? When is it? How do people get in touch?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And my visit to see Phaedra and the other members of the Face Bark group a few weekends ago gave me the inspiration to start a brand new feature on the Planet Rygate podcast that you're going to hear now and again starting next week in next week's show of the Planet Rygate podcast. So if you've got a dog or you're an animal lover, make sure you listen out for that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


That'll be next week in the Planet Rygate podcast. More on the way in this week's edition. Stay tuned for more details. Episode 38. I'm Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Well, I don't know about you, but my mouth is watering after that. OK, let's move on to our news sequence. And a meeting in Redhill has given a perspective on business in the town. The Redhill Business Guild heard that in April, the Belfry had 70,000 visitors. That's more than in April last year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And Anthony Nash, the centre manager at the Belfry, commenting on the possible loss of M&S, pointing out that the retailer has a 100-year lease on the two-floor unit in Redhill and the store is running in the black and it gets 50,000 visitors a week. So 70,000 visitors a week to the Belfry and 50,000 people online. Of that 70,000, presumably, looking at the face of it, going into Marks and Sparks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And don't forget to subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast app and tell your friends all about it as well. Really appreciate it. First of all, let's go to our Planet Reigate postbag or mailbox, really, isn't it? Because these are emails and social media posts that have come in during the course of the week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And M&S has been enjoying double-digit percentage increases on sales in the months running up to the announced consultation because, as you've probably heard, there is a proposal to possibly close that store. There are several national names already inquiring about the M&S space, should it become available.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So visitor numbers up 17% on the year to date, and the Belfry currently has 49 occupied units. There's only two vacant at the moment, and both of which have inquiries from new tenants which are progressing. So congratulations and great stuff there from Andy Nash at the Belfry.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


However, if Marks & Spencer's does move out and that unit becomes available, it's kind of two units, isn't it, because it's on two floors, If another business does want to move in, but only to one of those, it does mean that those two floors are going to have to undergo quite a bit of change.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Because, well, if they don't want that food area in Marks and Spencer's, they're going to have to take out all of those chilled units and so on. If they only want one floor, they're going to have to take out the escalator. If they take out the escalator, they've got to reinstall that floor between the two floors.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And once they've put in the new floor, then they've got to put in the new lighting and the new sprinkler system and all such like as well. So there's quite a bit of work that would have to be done if, as and when Marks and Sparks pulls out. We're still keeping our fingers crossed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And looking at those numbers there, M&S still got a 100-year lease in the Belfry and the store's running in the black and it gets 50,000 visitors a week. on the face of it, doesn't quite add up, does it? New training facilities in Reigate will help to attract the right people to the fire service, that's according to a senior officer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Yeah, Surrey County Council recently approved the largest single training investment in Surrey Fire and Rescue HQ history. They're based, of course, in Reigate, as I say. And the Assistant Chief Fire Officer, Sally Wilson, saying replacing the dated buildings there in Ray Park will lead to a modern service for the future.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The new buildings will allow training involving working at height, live fire behaviour, use of breathing apparatus and operations in confined spaces. The current building is over 40 years old. It's coming to the end of its life because they do set live fires there. And as I say, live fire behaviour.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So I'm presuming what that means is that they're setting fire to different things, different materials in different situations. And that's the whole of the... the training process for those new firefighters.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And also, and this is of particular interest if you live near Surrey Fire and Rescue HQ at Ray Park, new technology will help them address contaminants on local residents caused by that live fire training. If the plans are approved, Surrey Fire and Rescue say building work will start in autumn 2025 and is estimated to last a year and a half.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Mentioned Redhill's parachuting priest last week and got a message back from Cliff at St Matthew's Church in Redhill saying, who says, just a note to say a huge thanks for including Reverend Anna in the podcast. Really fantastic. Many congratulations, too, on a great podcast. It's a superb local news and features show. Warm wishes as ever.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


From fire to ambulance and the first of three fully electric vehicles being trialled by South East Coast Ambulance Service are taking to the roads over the next few days. They're single responder vehicles. They're going to be initially based out of three South East Coast Ambulance Service sites. Our nearest one is going to be Gatwick.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The Mercedes-Benz eVitos are being trialled as part of an NHS England zero emission project. Music Are you involved in a local business? Well, if so, you can go along to the Business Surrey Roadshow, which is a whole series of events which could help your business grow and prosper. Now, there are several across Surrey. We've got one happening in Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


I'll give you the details in a few moments' time. But essentially, it's free, accessible support to businesses in the county. Surrey Chambers of Commerce is partnering with Surrey County Council to... We'll be right back. Get future success for your business. And why is Surrey County Council and Surrey Chambers of Commerce involved?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Well, of course, success for your business means success for the wider community and the wider economy right across the best bit of Britain. Now, places are free, but they've got to be booked in advance.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The date for your diary, 13th of June, so just a few weeks away, 8 in the morning till 10.30, so it's not going to take up the whole of your day, it's just a couple of hours essentially, 8 till half past 10, and it's happening at Langshot Manor in Hawley RH6. If you want some more details on that, Have a little bit of a nose around that site.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


If you can't find the details, get in touch with me and I'll happily pass them on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


A new business is coming to Red Hill High Street. Yeah, there's been talk for quite some weeks, hasn't there, about creams. Well, I can tell you that creams is now opening on Thursday. Yeah, Thursday the 6th. They've got over 100 stores across the U.K., They sell, well, desserts, which are rather nice, and ice creams and gelatos and waffles and things like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


However, I had a little nose on their website, and there seems to be a little bit of confusion about where exactly they will be. Is it going to be Redhill High Street or not? Because their website lists the nearest train station to their new store on Redhill's High Street as being, er, Reading. Ha ha! It includes a whole spiel about how fantastic Reading is on the page for Red Hill. Oops.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Approbably enough, they seem to have cream pie on their face, don't they? If you go along, hopefully you enjoy it and have an ice cream on us. When I say have it on us, I don't mean I'm going to pay. Just mention that for legal reasons. Okay.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Cliff, Cliff, never met, but hopefully we will sometime in the future. And also hopefully catching up with Reverend Anna as well, hearing about her jumping out of a plane to raise awareness and funds for St. Matthew's Church. Or St Matt's, as I understand they call it. And very, very soon to find out a little bit more about what they do.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Salford and Sidlow Parish Council, I was saying last week in the episode how they'd announced that BBC Radio 4's Any Questions is going to be coming to the area. Well, not anymore, because since our programme went out, the Prime Minister announced the general election, of course.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And that means that, unfortunately, the BBC have had to change the date of their Radio 4 Any Questions appearance, which had been planned for Friday the 14th of June locally. It's been rescheduled for Friday the 27th of September. Now, if you've already got a free ticket to Any Questions for the June appearance, you'll need to reapply for the September events.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And free tickets will be available from the 10th of June onwards. If you got one of the original tickets, you'll know which way to go. And if not, then contact Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council for more details on that. Got an email during the course of the week. Good morning, Peter.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


I work for the UK's leading end-of-life charity called Marie Curie, where we're launching a new volunteer-led pilot right here in East Surrey. Well, that's great, isn't it? Because I know that they do some fantastic work right around the country. And it's great they're going to be piloting something in our neck of the woods.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So they are on the lookout for volunteers to act as companions for local care home residents. Janine at Age Concern recommended the Planet Reigate podcast to Sue Zabian, who wrote to me. And they say, is there any way you could possibly mention this new service on your podcast, please? We're happy to do so.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So you would become a companion volunteer, providing emotional and practical support for people at the end of life and those close to them. We're looking for volunteers, say Marie Curie. Aged 18 or over, we need people with good listening skills and some knowledge of IT as well. Full training will be given. More information, slash volunteering or

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


at YMCA East Surrey have written to me. They say we'd love to promote our subsidised and free health services at YMCA in Earlswood. They say we run a 10-week healthy eating weight management course. It includes weekly weigh-in. Education, support and guided exercise sessions to help reduce the risk of developing health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Every Wednesday, 11.30 to 1 and 6.30 to 8 cost £59, but that does include membership of the YMCA gym and exercise classes for 10 weeks. More information, healthy measures, at They say we also offer free NHS health checks at the YMCA. It's a free check where results go to your GP. It includes fingerprint cholesterol check, blood pressure check.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Also have a look at your BMI, ask you some lifestyle questions and give healthy lifestyle advice. So if you're aged between 40 and 74 years old... you're not suffering or diagnosed with stroke, heart disease, angina, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, kidney disease, dementia, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So if you don't have those and if you are not currently taking statins or medication for high blood pressure, then you can go along. So that's YMCA East Surrey. So get in touch with them. Healthy measures at for some more information. And of course, we don't have the Harlequin Main Theatre in Red Hill at the moment.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And also you may recall that last week I mentioned an email that I'd had in from Donna. Yeah, she said, quote, I wondered if you'd put a shout out for the Ramblers Wellbeing Walks East Surrey. I know you frequently mention other walks happening in the area. I thought these might be of interest to your listeners as well. They're organised in association with our local YMCA in Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


But also, as I mentioned a few episodes back, another theatre is likely to be closing its doors as well. Well, certainly it is. We are talking about... I'm sorry, I'm hesitating to mention the word, but I'm doing it. It's a public service that I mention the word. Dorking, yeah, the Dorking Halls will be closed for refurbishment from Monday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


From the 3rd of June to Wednesday the 9th of October, improvement works will begin to the Grand Hall, so they are going to be closed for several weeks while that work goes on. This is the Planet Rygate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Still to come before the end of the show, hearing what Pippa loves about Redhill, but what change, quite significant change as well, she would like to make.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Listen to what she has to say to me a little bit later on and also find out whether you agree with her idea, with her proposal. Also, we celebrate local heroes in a few moments' time with our weekly Planet Rygate Stars Award this week from Liverpool, how does that fit in with the Planet Reigate area? I'll tell you in a few moments' time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And before we go, at the end of the show, a natural sound from a place you know, our 60-second soundscape, another recording from last month's Dawn Chorus morning when our microphone was in Brockham. And there's much more in our archive shows as well. For episode 28, we heard from Woodsy, who went from a local school to national exposure on a tour in the United States.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


He's what's called a performance poet. I spoke to him ahead of the launch of his new book. So here from Woodsy on episode 28 on our page on your favourite podcast app. I've been teasing you with this during the course of the show so far, haven't I? About why is a Planet Reigate star this week actually from Liverpool? Well, let me tell you why.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Quote, our cat went missing almost a year ago from Liverpool. We thought he was stolen and had been sold on. But a few days ago we had a call he was found walking the streets in Surrey. RH2. To be honest, the vets found him and took him in and scanned his chip. He was well looked after and it doesn't seem as though he'd been living on the streets.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So we've now collected him and brought him home to Liverpool. But... The family wanted to thank whoever was looking after him and to say he's now back with them up north. So don't get worried if he doesn't come home to you anymore because he's back with the original family. So that's the story behind this week's Planet Rygate Stars.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


So if you're the local family in maybe RH2 who have been looking after the mystery cat forever, for quite a while and you're thinking, well, where's he gone now? We can't see him for love. Well, the reason is he's gone back to his original family in Liverpool, but that original family wants to thank the new Ur family for looking after him in the meantime.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


planet reigate star award goes to you now last week our guests well the first ever reigate summer festival is just what kind of couple of three weeks away now isn't it father's day weekend last week we learned a little bit more about what's planned with uh with tim one of the organizers and you know what because we are official media partners of the reigate summer festival then we're going to be hearing a little bit more about what's planned next week in the show as well

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Well, as I said, I mentioned that last week and this week heard back from Donna, who also wrote, P.S., I only got involved in the Wellbeing Walks thanks to the Planet Reigate podcast. You promoted the YMCA Open Evening on one of your first podcasts. Yeah, I remember that, Donna, yeah. And I wanted to connect with my local community, so I registered and went along on a bit of a whim, really.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Yeah, where pills and potions may not help you, acupuncture may just do the trick. So last week, Nicky told us what she does and how you can get a cut price treatment in Mercer. They have kind of a community clinic going on there. As I said last week, what have you got to lose apart from a few quid and maybe an ache or a pain that's been niggling away you for quite some months?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And the days are getting longer, the strawberry season just around the corner, Wimbledon just around the corner as well, just a few weeks away now. And last week I heard from some of the members of Rygate Priory Lawn Tennis Club. And as I mentioned a few moments ago, Rygate Summer Festival hear more about their plans in next week's show because we are media partners with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And you can tell it's summer because all sorts of other local outdoor events are going on, including Rayfest, which is Saturday the 6th of July. They've got live music, DJs and entertainment, a family fun zone, the food village, maker's market, a feel-good arena, petting zoo, inflatables and loads more as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And we're going to be hearing more about that next week in the programme as well because we are also media partners with Rayfest 2024 as well. So all that's next week in the show. But now, in this week's edition, here's part two of our events listing to help you plan your week ahead in the Planet Reigate area. We call it the Good Time Guide.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And the Planet Rygate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. And they've got a brand new production starting Tuesday.

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38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Wednesday, the 5th of June at the Red Lion and Cellar Room in Betchworth. Just on that corner, kind of set back there up the side. Yeah, OK. Proud to support Santa Paws Bulgarian Rescue. It's a charity curry and quiz night on Wednesday, as I say. Starts at 7.30, £12 a person. And all the money raised goes to the charity, any team size, cash prizes with an auction as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


It was there I met Julie. I liked the idea of merging my love of hiking with volunteering and so started my journey to becoming a well-being walks leader as well. And that is absolutely fantastic to hear when things happen like that, isn't it? Because that's what it's all about. It's not just...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


To book your team, simply call 01737 843336. That's Santa Paws Bulgarian Rescue. So more details on that, as I say, on the number previously given 01737 843336. Please join us for our next sound bath at Hookwood Memorial Hall on the 5th of June. Allow the healing vibrations of gongs and singing bowls to relax you and help you feel restored.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Please bring a mat, a pillow, a blanket and water to drink to book. You can phone Penelope 07729 762955. On Friday the 7th, Red Hill Waterstones are launching a Young Adults Monthly Book Club. The event is free. Just turn up on the night and have fun discussing the book of the month and decide together what the next book will be. So this is Waterstones in the Belfry in Redhill. There'll be snacks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Oh, snacks. Hello. Like minded book lovers and the chance to buy the next book with a 10 percent discount as well. So it's going to be a Friday, six till seven o'clock. Make sure you pick up a copy of Five Service by Holly Jackson in store. So that is going to be their book of the week, which is going to be discussed at the Belfry Waterstones this coming Friday between six and seven.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Lunchtime Song Bites starting Friday. It's a weekly lunchtime choir designed to get you in a good mood for the weekend. Join us to discover the benefits that singing offers to both physical and mental health. It's going to be at the Harlequin Pop-Up in the Belfry in Redhill. And yes, you can just rock up to that and have a little sing-song in your lunch hour.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And I'm looking here to see the information I've got doesn't actually say what they actually consider to be the lunch hour. to be quite honest with you, so best you contact the Harlequin Theatre on social media to find out more details on that. Sorry about that, just coming across that small pinch point there as I'm reading this out. OK, the YMCA East Surrey Wellbeing Walks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now, I mentioned this right at the beginning of the show, didn't I, that Donna had got in touch. And she particularly wants to draw our attention to the Fell and Copson Viewpoint Trail.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So twice a month, the walkers meet at Earlswood Lakes Car Park and set off on one or two very different routes where they enjoy the open air, exercise, sociable company and observe the passage of the seasons together. in various weather conditions. And the group benefits from two friendly walk leaders, Dave and Debbie.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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going along to things but it's also perhaps joining up to things and making it a bit of a change in what you're doing finding a new aspect to a hobby or something that you didn't know that you liked meeting new friends and also something that somebody said a few weeks ago that struck with me and that was that they said to me

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Dave uses his local knowledge, provides an opportunity to see and identify seasonal wildflowers, butterflies, local birds and waterfowl, plus a wonderful view of the various routes they're on, following which you can reward yourself with refreshments back at the Lakeside Cafe, of course, which sounds good, doesn't it? Go along and meet Dave or Debbie and the group soon. The details...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now, there are a whole series of other walks. I won't go into all of the details, but I will mention them on and off over the forthcoming weeks as they come up. There's a walk on the Nutfield Marsh, 1st and 3rd Mondays. Langshot Lanes, 2nd and 4th Mondays. Around Watercolour Lakes on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Merston Moors and Marshes on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Bletchingly Way West, the first Wednesday of the month. Bletchingly Way East on the third Wednesday of the month. Outwood Common, fourth Wednesday of the month. Earlswood Common and Lakes, Thursdays. Birchwood Acres, the fourth Thursday. Reigate Priory Park on Fridays. Salford Stroll. in Salford.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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This week, my guests will hear from Phaedra and her local Saturday morning dog group that helps our four-legged furballs find new friends, and hear from Pippa with all that's great about Redhill, but what, in her suggestion, could make it better still? In the news this week, the latest stats on people visiting Redhill, the Belfry and Marks and Spencers.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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First Friday of the month, Feland Cops or Viewpoint, previously mentioned, and the Macmillan Walk for those affected by cancer, including carers, family and friends. The second and fourth Fridays of the month, meeting outside the Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at East Surrey. Now, most of these start at 10 or 10.30. There's a scattering of them that start maybe 11 or 1 or 2.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So you really need to get in touch with the aforementioned Julie and Kate to find out more information. Julie.Haslett, H-A-S-L-E-T-T at or Kate.Holler, H-O-L-L-A-H at for more details. We always look ahead to what's happening on the following Saturday as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you want to know how to boost your gut health, you can go along and talk about and listen in and learn more about a lunch rich in gut healthy goodness. Your lunch will include a summary welcome drink on arrival, a five course healthy gut tasting menu, herb infused waters and fruity iced teas. And over lunch, you'll learn about the best foods for improving your gut health,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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How to eat probiotics and prebiotics every day. Yeah, there is a difference. Which foods harm your gut and which ones to avoid. The best and worst diets for your gut. And tips for healthier guts that you can easily do. It's at 12 o'clock, Saturday the 8th of June at St John Community Centre in Redhill. And to book your spot, you can head on over to for more information.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Peter, I love... It was while I was over, in fact, at Rygate Squash Club. What, about a month, six weeks ago? And somebody there said to me, Peter, I love hearing the Good Time Guide, which is coming up in a few minutes' time, of course, as you know. And I said, have you been along to any of the events? And they said, no. But I love to hear of all the events that are going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Reigate Caves has another open day on Saturday week, June 8th. Go to to book them for prizes. And there's a family quiz night on June 8th between 6.30 and 10.30. The Year 7 Plus group at St John's Red Hill will be hosting that quiz night as a fundraising event to support their chosen charity, Wellcare, who support and strengthen local families.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


It'll be a fun event for all the family. Food and drink is included with each ticket. So that is at St John's Community Centre, Church Road in Redhill, Saturday week, June the 8th. And Merstham Horticultural Society has its 120th anniversary event next Saturday, so congratulations to them. And you can hear more about the Merstham Horticultural Society in episode 34 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, a few weeks ago I was at the Earlswood Carnival. The Hawley Carnival is in a few weeks' time, plus there's Pub in the Park and the Reigate Summer Festival and Rayfest, and probably something that you're going to be organising or going to as well, somewhere across Reigate, Redhill or Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth or Brockham.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Now, if we look back on our local history, Reigate pageants were all the rage back in the early 1900s, particularly between 1913 all the way through to 1963. Now, the first in 1913 was the Pilgrims pageant, actually staged on Collie Hill, and that had a whole procession of costumed characters reflecting the days when the Pilgrims toiled along the way.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The second one was held not on Collie Hill, but at the old bus garage on the corner of Bell Street and Lesborne Road. Do you remember that? Do you remember the old bus garage is what I'm asking you to remember, not the actual pageant. It was to celebrate the coronation of King George VI in 1937, with Reigate Grammar School providing one of the ensembles there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The last five pageants were performed in Reigate Priory Park on a huge scale, and they were actually directed by someone called Cecile Hummel, who taught history to schoolchildren at Merstham Grange. A pageant of Reigate in 1951 was devised to celebrate the Festival of Britain and included the scenes from Reigate's past, including rather curiously, according to my research...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


George Frederick Handel conducting his water music beside Priory Lake. And I don't think that ever happened. I don't think Handel ever came to Reigate. I could be wrong in that regard. The Heritage of the Crown happened in 1953, celebrated, what do you reckon, in 1953? Yeah, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. It was all about kings and queens and chivalry. Reigate Grammar School participated.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


They did a version of the Battle of Agincourt, apparently. The Surrey Cavalcade was in 1956, included different historical scenes from across Surrey, not just the planet Reigate area, including King John signing Magna Carta at Runnymede, highwaymen and smugglers on Bagshot Heath. Heck, we've had a few highwaymen, haven't we, on Reigate Heath as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


and ended in Edwardian Reigate with a horse-drawn bus, a veteran car, and Sherlock Holmes solving the case of the Reigate Squires. Yes, if you didn't realise, one of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries was based in and around Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


In 1959, there was a Priory Panorama, which told the story of Reigate Priory down the ages, from the time it was a medieval monastery, through all the families, the Howards and the Summers, all the way up to the present day. Well, the present day, as of 1959.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also my research shows that in 1959 for the Priory Panorama there was an air raid which was reconstructed and also Priory Park school children got onto the fields there and actually formed the outline of the school badge. That would be something rather spectacular today with the use of drones, wouldn't it? I'm not sure they got the full effect there back in 1959.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I love to be able to picture the buildings and the locations where those events are happening. And I love to know how vibrant our local community is, where people are doing all sorts of things with each other and for each other. And that's why I love listening to the Planet Reigate podcast. So, Donna, thanks very much indeed for sending me that message as well about how...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


There was another pageant in 1963 called The Unsheathed Sword, which celebrated the centenary of Reigate becoming a borough. And depicted in the first episode, a guy called Thomas Dan arriving at Reigate in a handsome carriage to become its first mayor. And the whole theme of that pageant back in 63 was the rise of democracy. It included scenes of rebellion and riot.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And the pageant included the first train to pass through Red Hill. And the engine was actually built on the back of a Land Rover. And the carriages were mounted on car chassis, which were moved through the park. a spectacular and colourful reminder of the past across the planet Reigate area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you are taking part in any event, whether it be a carnival, a procession, a pageant, or it's going to be one of our carnivals, or maybe it's a school or church fete or something of that nature,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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anywhere in the planet reigate area over the course of the summer then i hope it goes brilliantly i hope the sun shines on you the attendance is magnificent and the money's raised is terrific i wish you the very best of luck

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And this is Peter Stewart. Now, are you running a local event? Maybe you want an extra boost to your attendance. If so, well, talk to us here at the Planet Reigate podcast about our media partner package. Now, as you know, all of the mentions in the Good Time Guide, which we've just had, and all of the interviews are free.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you want to mention in that way or shape, you don't pay anything to be on. But as a media partner of the Planet Reigate podcast, your event gets... what we call showcased. And what that means is we'll arrange a short interview about the event. We'll work closely with you to provide additional mentions in the weeks leading up to it. So not just the previous seven or eight days.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We mention it more often so people can buy tickets, have the date in their diary, put the time aside. Maybe you want us to mention some prizes that you're after. as well as attendance, things like that. And we also highlight your website or email or ticket page on the show as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And of course, all of that, as everything else, is heard by listeners in our hyper-local area of Reigate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. I'm Peter Stewart. Welcome to this week's edition of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now what changes would you like to see in Redhill? Pippa has been giving me a tour and she's got a really interesting plan to make it easier to get from the railway station into the centre of town and bypass that awful and dangerous junction by the bus station there. And of course, once you're in town, you can go and support some of the independent shops, the cafes, the restaurants.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And also you can pop into our friends at the Belfry and you can buy things there. And also you can pop up Station Road and go into Woodlands Letting Agency. They're also great supporters of the show, of course. So hear what Pippa has in mind and whether you agree. This is what happened when we had our conversation, which started off just by the bus station.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Well, that's the sound of the 424 bus just leaving the bus station here in Redhill. I was looking around and there are an awful lot of roads kind of going into the bus station and out of the bus station and round the roundabout as well. Pippa Martin is with me from the Reigate and Redhill Society. And this is one of your issues, isn't it, Pippa? You want to see a bit of a change here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Planet Reigate podcast kind of influenced your journey to pick up a new hobby and to make new friends. It's great to hear, makes it all worthwhile. Thanks so much indeed for letting me know. Also, last week, I mentioned the Hawley Business Guild, and they posted on social media, yeah, last week's podcast, the Planet Rygate podcast, giving us a mention.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Because it is a very busy road, a very busy junction. You probably know it. Sainsbury's up to one side. I was going to say millionaires over there, but of course it's not anymore, is it? It's the picture house. It's the flats there, which kind of fit in to where the old cinema was.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What do you reckon is the view of people when they come to Redhill and they get off the train station and they're trying to find the Belfry? Do they know where to go and how to get there?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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OK, well, we'll talk more about that in a few moments' time. Where do you see that bridge kind of going from and to?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


We can tell that it's noisy here. Let's pick up our bag. Let's walk into Red Hill itself. And this isn't a madcap idea, is it? Because you've actually spoken to various architects and you've looked at various designs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And talk to me about the Belfry. Interesting fact, I was here on the day the Belfry opened and interviewed Joanna Lumley, who cut the ribbon. And how's the Belfry performing? That must be a bit of a draw for the town.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The podcast highlights local businesses, events, and good news stories weekly. Yeah, that's what we try to do. Absolutely. I think it's James over there who probably posted that. Thanks very much indeed, James. Absolutely. We like to do the good news stuff because there's so much really vibrant and heartwarming about where we live in RH1, 2, and 3. and RH6 as well, to mention Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Then we've got the entrance to the light, which I've only heard good things about. I've been in there a few times as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I can tell you're really passionate about Red Hill and you want to fly the flag for Red Hill because I think it can be a little bit undersold by people, can't it, in the area? And I'm feeling you kind of take that a bit personally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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If other people share your passion for Redhill or want to see a change for the better and the development that they want to have in the town and the changes that they want, how do they get in touch? Because you're involved with the Reigate and Redhill Society, aren't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I wonder what you think about Pippa's ideas. And you know what? It's really great to hear someone talk up Redhill rather than talk down Redhill, because it's got so much to offer the Planet Reigate area. Pippa, thank you so much indeed for contacting me, as she did, out of the blue one morning.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And it was great to hear that you wanted to come on the Planet Reigate podcast and to meet up with you a few weeks ago now and hear your ideas, your thoughts, your passion for Redhill. And if you would like to get in touch with me, hello at Remember to subscribe via your favourite podcast app. And also you can listen to us on Smart Speaker.

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38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


You can listen to us on Spotify. You can also listen to us on YouTube. And an increasing number of people are. You may think it a little bit odd that people listen on YouTube because there are no additional pictures. There's no video or anything. But some people just prefer to listen on YouTube, which is absolutely fantastic. That's why we're up there as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


and we're on every podcast app too, so you can listen to us wherever you are, and whatever you're doing across the planet, Rygate area, whether you're doing housework, commuting, walking the dog, taking the kids to school, whatever it happens to be, don't forget to listen and subscribe. Now, perhaps you need an independent facilitator for a work event or maybe a roundtable discussion.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Maybe that you're after a host for a Q&A with your top team or with local politicians or councillors about something that you've got going on in the area. Perhaps you want someone who can do an on-stage interview at your launch event or host a quiz night or a charity draw. Get in touch with me. Again, the details, hello, at Now, news of the area's roadworks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We give you the heads up so you can avoid the holdups. New this week, Silverlea Gardens in Hawley. They've got pavement reconstruction works through until the 26th of July. Norwood Hill Road in Charlwood. Surface dressing preparation works goes on for another couple of days. In fact, through till the 12th of June. Reigate Road. Yeah, Reigate Road in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And the post goes on, if you live local or have your own business in Reigate and surrounding areas, we would recommend giving the Planet Reigate podcast a listen. Mentioned the Reigate Squash Club a few moments ago, and they've popped up on social media as well in the week. Thank you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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They've got drainage improvements to alleviate constant flooding issues. That's at Shag Brook, just outside the Pheasant Pub, so be aware of that. And also we can tell you that Norbury Road in Reigate as well, through until June the 11th, they've got some traffic lights and that is because of some electricity work which is going on there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Reigate, Dovers Green Road, Cockshot Hill, Prices Lane, on and off through until October. Earlsbrook Road in Red Hill through until December. Salford's West Avenue until October. And Chulwood, Russ Hill Road is closed for essential gas repairs until June 28th. An advance notice mentioned this last week as well, that there's going to be quite a few road closures and lane closures on the M23.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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That's between junctions 8 and 10 overnight. When I say overnight, it's usually 9pm till 4am, sometimes through till 5am. It's for essential resurfacing works. So essentially M23 junctions 9 to 10, including various slips, 4am. 3rd of June for three nights, 10th of June for five nights, 17th of June for three nights.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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At junction 10, 20th of June for two nights, 24th of June for four nights, and the 1st and the 9th of July as well. Junction 9, northbound entry slip for the night of the 8th of July. Between 8 and 9, the junctions there, lane closures the 6th of June for a couple of nights, and the M23 junctions 9 to 8, lane closures 12th of July for one night, and the 15th of July for five nights.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I feel as though I should be having a bingo card after saying that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Thank you so much indeed for the loan of your ears on this week's edition of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Yeah, the Planet Reigate podcast is proud media partners with the Reigate Summer Festival. You may have heard us mention that before. BELL RINGS And it's in a couple of weeks' time. Hear more about their plans for the free music and arts event taking over the town on Father's Day weekend in next week's episode. And we're also partnering with the Rayfest on the 6th of July at Ray Common.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Live music, a food village, DJs, a... petting zoo inflatables and much much more hear exactly what is on in next week's show as well plus a whole host of other features and stories from places you love and from people you know right here on the planet reigate podcast the 60 second soundscape local natural sounds uninterrupted

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Everyone in Reigate and the surrounding areas should listen to the Planet Reigate podcast, especially, they said, at 104.41. where our shout-out was last week. Absolutely, guys. I mean, hopefully, you'll listen to that bit and then think, gosh, this is good. I've got to go back to the beginning and start all over again.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also, last week, we heard from Brit and other members of Rygate Priory Lawn Tennis Club last week, and they said on social media, did you hear about our special offer for the Planet Rygate podcast listeners? Listen to our feature in episode 37 and email us at info at to redeem the offer for... Thank you to the Planet Rygate podcast for letting us be on this fantastic show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I appreciate sometimes this little bit of the Planet Rygate podcast can turn a little bit into kind of the old Steve Wright show. Do you remember that? Love the show, Steve. But, you know, what I'm trying to show and illustrate is the value that people get from listening to this free podcast. So hopefully you'll be able to support the podcast, but also...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


the different clubs, societies, businesses, ventures, events and so on that happen across our fantastic area. Yeah, Britt said to me, I'm over the moon with how the interview turned out. Thank you so much. And I wondered if we could permanently post the podcast on our website. Well, absolutely, Britt. That's a great idea, because an interview on the podcast is not just a one-off thing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You use it as part of your marketing to go forward. It's a really easy way for people to understand what it is you do, whether it's a charity or a business or a club. And when people inquire, it's a kind of audio explanation of your background, your ethos, what you do, and explained in your own voice, not pages of text on a website.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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New training facilities at Surrey Fire and Rescue HQ at Ray Park. The local ambulance service is trialling fully electric vehicles. Free support for businesses locally. There's a day-long meeting that you can go to to get lots of help and advice. We've got an opening date for a new restaurant cafe in Redhill, but there's some confusion about where it actually is.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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People can actually hear how lovely you are, how friendly you are. They can hear the passion for whatever it is that you do in your voice. And people can consume that little clip, that feature, that interview in which you feature. They can listen to it while they're doing other things like exercising or commuting and whatever it happens to be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you would like an interview or a mention for your event, then do get in touch with us, won't you? The address is the usual address. Mention it so often. Here's Judith.

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We'd like to wish a very warm welcome to... the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill, Woodlands Lettings, also in Redhill, and Lucy's Ladle in Earlswood as well. And you'll hear messages from them later on in the show, and I hope you'll give them your support in a similar way to that shown by them to the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you'd like to become a supporter of the show and have your message available to the thousands of people within the Planet Reigate area, then you can drop me a line.

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So it may be a shop or a business or you may be an independent trader or you may want to drum up a bit more support for your event, whether it happens to be a large event or a small event. It could be a massive talk or exhibition or display or concert where you're expecting a few hundred people or it may be a school fete or a church bazaar.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Even though we mention 40 to 50 events a week for free, if you want added exposure, more mentions and cross-platform support and coverage in the several weeks leading up to the show, talk, exhibition, fair, sale, holiday, club, whatever it is, then we can talk with you about that as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and i like to support the local area as well this week i had saturday brunch at one of our local garden centers and recorded interviews at reigate ray common mercers and earlswood so keep an ear out for those over the coming weeks coming your way soon on the planet reigate podcast

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And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. You can do that via your favourite podcast app. Just find our page, so search for the Planet Reigate podcast, and then there'll be a button or a drop-down, something that you can tap which will say subscribe. It might say favourite, something like that.

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and then automatically every show will be downloaded just as soon as it's released. It's quite magical, actually. When I do post it, when an episode goes live, and I watch the stats kind of under the bonnet, because obviously I can see how it all works back here at Planet Reigate HQ, and I see within minutes those downloads automatically starting right across RH1, RH2 and RH3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you would like a mention for your charity or non-profit event, let us know about it. So these events happening on Saturday the 1st of June. First of all, mums, are you looking for something to do with your daughter? Why not go along and try the Mother and Daughter class at Mercer's Lake? Yes, it's a family fit class with Claire. Guaranteed fun and friendly atmosphere.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'm Peter Stewart and welcome to this week's edition of the Planet Reigate Podcast, episode 38. Earlswood, Charlewood and Outwood, Buckland, Betchworth and Prockham, Reigate, Redhill and Merston. Welcome to your podcast just for you. The show exclusively, uniquely and proudly about RH1, 2 and 3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Mother and Daughter class is Saturdays at 9.10 to 10am. You can contact Claire on 07534 984 347 and tell her that you heard about it on the Planet Rygate podcast. Well, the Missing People's Choir is 10 years old this year. And on Saturday, the choir and friends are taking to the streets of London. I know, London, bear with.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Walking and singing together to raise awareness of the wonderful Missing People charity and to raise money for the vital services they provide. And amongst the people who are going to be singing along and taking part in that are our good friends, Nina and co, over at the Unison Choir.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


The BBC has cancelled an appearance in Salford. The new pilot scheme from a national charity is starting locally. I'll give you the details. Free health services come to Earlswood, including a healthy eating and weight management course and free NHS health checks. And the closure is announced of another local theatre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Yeah, they're going to be singing some of the city's most wonderful spaces, Leicester Square, Covent Garden and Trafalgar Square as well. So if you would like to take part and actually sing along with the Missing People's Choir and also the Unison Choir as well, then you can do that by contacting Nina, Nina.Bromham at That's Nina, N-I-N-A dot B-R-O-M for Mother H-A-M at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more

776.522 And if you'd like to know a little bit more about the Unison Choir, then you can listen back to our interview with Nina in episode 20 of the Planet Rygate podcast. Also in that episode, how Carrington School got its name as well. So if you're intrigued, why is it called Carrington? When it moved from Warwick to Carrington, why did they choose that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


You'll find out that in episode 20 of the Planet Rygate podcast. East Surrey Walkers Group are putting their feet in their boots and putting their boots in the mud across Bletchingly on Saturday the 1st of June. They're meeting in Bletchingly Village Car Park up the side of Lawrence's, the auctioneers, and they're walking to Redhill, going back by bus.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


On Sunday, there's summer at Gatton. There's a picnic in the park. Yes, celebrate the start of summer with a picnic on the parterre or take your own hamper to the lakeside or the Japanese garden. Traditional children's games include croquet, hoops, giant jenga and skipping. All equipment provided and the Gatton Hall tea room is open for the sale of refreshments and cakes as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Online booking, £6 for adults as a guide price, 12 to 5pm. And that is the Good Time Guide for this coming weekend. And the Good Time Guide comes in two parts, as you know. So we'll continue with our Good Time Guide for the coming week from Monday, a little bit later on in this week's edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Welcome to the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Loads more still to come in this week's episode 38. We've got so much more in our archive shows as well. For example, we heard from staff and students at East Surrey College about a scroll that's fit for the King in episode 26. Yeah, they created an exquisite parchment scroll for the new King on behalf of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, complete with intricate crests and calligraphy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


It was really interesting to see it and really interesting to hear about the story and the amount of work and expertise that has gone into it. And we heard from all the winners of this year's Reigate and Banstead Sports Awards, which were presented at a special ceremony at Donnings back in episode 27. So episode 26, episode 27, you'll find those on our page in your favourite podcast app.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


And later on in the show, we hear from Pippa, who simply loves Red Hill. And later on, she'll tell us why. But you know what? When you love someone, you sometimes might feel you have to respectfully suggest how with a little bit of change on their behalf, you'd love them even more, don't you? Pippa tells us exactly that later on in the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


Also in this week's show, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area over the next seven days and a special look back at bygone days of the Reigate pageants. Apparently they were quite a thing back in the 1900s. I give you a quick recap, a little bit of a history lesson, if you like. We'll go back in time to tell you what the pageants were all about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

38: The Reigate dog group and ideas for a Redhill town centre bridge… and more


But first, Phaedra co-runs a group for dogs and their owners that meets in Reigate each weekend. And they coordinate things on social media, so it's kind of understandable. The group is called Face Bark. Love it. And the idea of the group is so dogs, which of course usually spend more time with humans rather than other dogs, can socialise and make new friends and so become more rounded canines.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And David also spoke with Chris, the owner of a Mountain Lauren 57 Cadillac Series 62.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And our thanks to David Keane for going down there and battling the noise that was there in the background. Got right into your soul, didn't it? That noise almost made your bones shake down at the recent cruise event down in Red Hill. And, of course, they've got another one hopefully next year. There was a little bit of talk that maybe it's getting a little bit too big.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


First of all, though, we'll take a look at the correspondence which has come in over the past several days. Martin has been giving us an update on the roads around the Aerodrome Driving Test Centre. Now, if you haven't heard, Martin's a driving instructor who complained to the council about overgrown verges, obscured signs, worn-out road markings...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Some officials getting a little bit jittery about it. But so far, so good. And we'll keep our fingers crossed. that everything goes well for the next year. And David, thank you very much indeed for that, for helping us out on the Planet Rygate podcast. We've got our new sequence in a few moments' time, another hit with the Good Time Guide of events across the area over the week ahead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Planet Rygate Stars, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, is from Woodhatch and our 60-second soundscape from Buckland. Yeah, we're right across the area on the Planet Rygate podcast. Let's start off our new sequence with talk about the Harlequin Support Group.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Yeah, this is a group of individuals, but also groups as well, who are kind of joining forces to keep an eye on what is happening with the theatre and cinema complex in Red Hill. You'll be able to hear our report on the big Harlequin meeting in episode 49. And our Harlequin Q&A was in episode 48, if you want some more background information.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


as to the reasons why the Harlequin Theatre has been closed. Now, there have been several public meetings thus far, as I've just suggested. Rygate and Banstead Borough Council's next council meeting, Tuesday 24th September at 7.30pm at the Town Hall in Rygate. And the support group says they're going to be attending the meeting to show their support for the Harlequin Theatre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


and make their voices heard. They say it's critical they'll fill the public gallery and demonstrate to the councillors how much they care. The meeting will last about an hour. Your presence is vital. Now, you can also listen online as well, and you can watch the proceedings online.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Now, with the day job, I have been able to watch several council meetings across the area, and it does have to be said that it's a really simple, straightforward way to watch Reigate and Bandstead's borough councils work.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


council meetings you get the video they cut in between the different councillors who are speaking you hear them really good quality and so on and also there's a list in the panel as well so you can remind yourself who is speaking and that is constantly updated so if you can't get along there then you can watch online and you can check for the link by going to

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


If you've got any problems finding that, as I always say, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them so you can watch online. If you do go along, then obviously there's a certain amount of decorum that has to happen in the council chamber, as you might imagine. But obviously beforehand and afterhand, you can have, you know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Talks with people or you can hold placards or you can raise voices or whatever. But obviously, actually, in the meeting itself, it is there to meet after all. And the point of the meeting this time round is to discuss, hopefully, the result of the, I was going to say, initial RAC investigation. I've had the initial one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


It's going to be, as I understand it, the second one to find out, hopefully, as we will know at this stage... how much work has got to be done, how long it might take and how much it might cost and who might pay for it. And then the council says when they know those kind of parameters, that kind of detail, those kind of factors and issues, then they will be able to get some of the staff involved.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


saying it was dangerous and unfair for the drivers to be tested on such stretches of roads. And we reported on his complaints and how we then got a response from the county council, who then met him on site to see the issues. And now I say we've got an update. And he says, again, a massive big thanks to you and the fantastic Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


that haven't been laid off from the Harlequin staff to actually work on some medium-term plans about other arts provision in the area instead of it being at the Harlequin. Okay, so that's the detail on that. Incidentally, more arts events are coming to the Redhill area. and I'll tell you about that in a few moments' time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


First of all, the play areas at Fairfax Avenue, Red Hill, and Somerset Road, Mead Vale, are going to be getting a revamp this autumn as part of Rygate of Manstead Borough Council's Play Replacement Programme.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


The updated play areas will have new equipment, including climbing frames, swings and roundabouts, and a zip wire, alongside some existing play features and improvements to landscaping, so children of all ages and abilities can learn and play together,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


inclusive features will include low level and wide access points for the equipment as well as sensory play elements and they say use of recycled materials and play panels with a renewable energy theme have also been incorporated into the design of the new play areas which are at yeah the Fairfax Avenue play area so that's off the A25 between Donnings and the Belfry new inclusive equipment includes a jumbo springy ballpoint

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


buddy board and roundabout alongside a new climbing frame zip wire and adventure trail work there due to start in the next couple of days commencing 2nd of september also somerset road play area just north of earlswood common their play panels about renewable energy will be installed alongside new swings around about a four seater seesaw and much more uh

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


For obvious reasons, I haven't been on the seesaw for many a decade. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed a good seesaw. A start date to be confirmed on that one. And the upgrades for each play area are expected to take between four and six weeks. You have to be careful. You didn't kind of come down with a bit of a crunch. And then you met the seesaw coming up as you were still kind of going down.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Could be a little bit painful, but yeah, moving on. Merstham Community Facility say they just want to update everyone what's happening with the cafe in terms of the current arrangements with the MCF, the Merstham Community Facility. They say we can confirm that MCF have been advised that the temporary cafe contract we have with Surrey County Council finishes at the end of August.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


So again, any day now or not be renewing. MCF will step away at the close of play today, Friday the 30th. We'd like to thank the residents that have used the cafe and supported this initiative over the last nine months. Quote, in particular, we'd also like to thank all of our wonderful volunteers for their dedication and hard work. alongside key staff members who embrace the project.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Without them, it wouldn't have been possible for us to step in and fill the void left by the mix. We know all the efforts have been really appreciated, not just by MCF, but by the wider Merstam community as well.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Quote, I truly believe you have assisted me in achieving... my set-out mission. Verges and bushes have now been cut back so signs can be seen, and some new chevron signs have replaced the old ones that were bent or faded. I'd like to thank the Planet Rygate podcast for their continued support in this very important safety issue. I'm so pleased that I contacted you about this story.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And they go on to say, to conclude, by the time we end our time in the cafe, we will have served our community over 9,000 free drinks, which is a phenomenal achievement and one we're rightly proud of. And we're excited to see what comes next in the cafe's journey from the MCF team. Congratulations to them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


We wish them all the very best of luck and thank them for all the work they've been doing over the last several months. Yeah, absolutely. Let's move on and tell you about a few other things which have been happening, which are going to happen across the area. A bit of advance notice. As I mentioned last week, this time of the summer, not a huge amount of things going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


So let's take this opportunity to highlight a few big events that are happening a little bit later on in the year. Betchworth Apple Market. Fair is going to be going on Saturday the 5th of October, 1 till 4 at Betchworth Village Hall. Apple pressing, juice sales, kids activities, freshly pressed juice and savouries and cakes and puds. Apple cake and apple pudding. That sounds good, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And they also say bring your apples along to have them pressed and bottled. No windfall, please. They don't want a bit of extra...

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


meat in there if you don't a bit of extra protein is not necessary we can supply new bottles so you can save both money and waste by washing and sterilizing your own one liter plastic milk or juice bottles make sure you keep the caps because sizes vary slightly and if you're planning to make cider this year then bring larger containers and pay even less per liter last pressings at 3 30

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


juice sales no apple trees they say come anyway and buy the freshest possible juice pressed in front of your very eyes from apples donated by others children's activities and also they're going to have a gardening tool and knife sharpening service and surrey county council's greener futures team are going to be there as well

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


and yeah all sorts of things going on including an inaugural baking competition more details oh also chutneys jams and jellies come and browse they say there'll be a huge selection of delicious local produce on sale in the hall as well and savories and cakes like baked apple cake or maybe an apple pudding as well. For more details on that, that sounds great, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Going to try and get down to there., that's for more details on that one. Mentioned this a little bit earlier on, and there is going to be an Arts Takeover week returning to Red Hill this autumn. Remember going to the one last year?

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Just as the Planet Reigate podcast started up, I remember going along and speaking to Kay, who was organising it all, and sitting in the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill. Little did we know what was happening above our heads at that time, because it was a couple of days later, it was all closed down, and Kay was pulling her hair out, thinking, where am I now going to have...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


a ukulele event and dance events and singing events and poetry readings and conversations about writing crime and all the other wonderful events that she and the council put on. Where am I going to hold all these? But she pulled it off. Congratulations to her. And for obvious reasons, it's going to be happening again, but not at the Harlequin.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


It's going to be between the 5th and the 12th of October, running Arts Week in Redhill to celebrate the power of culture, creativity and connection here so keep listening to the Planet Reigate podcast for more details on what is going to be going on and where. But essentially, an art exhibition cheerleading choirs, ballet, Bollywood, art for relaxation, crafts, messy art for kids...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And Martin goes on, I'd also like to thank the council for listening and carrying out the works that I've highlighted. and acted on the information I provided so quickly. And again, very special thanks to you, Peter, the main man. Martin, thank you so much. I'm still monitoring the progress, he says, and I'm just waiting for all the hedges and overgrown vegetation to be cut back.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


storytelling workshop, free concerts, African drumming workshop, an open mic music event, photography walk, crochet, DJ taster sessions, painting class and dance as well. So all sorts of things going on there. Date for your diary, Saturday the 5th to Saturday the 12th of October.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And I can also tell you that our friend Jamie, who was featured in one of our early episodes of the Planet Reigate podcast. Yeah, Jamie, good guy, who is somebody that is a local musician, local producer, does that kind of stuff, but also helps out. by mentoring at local schools, particularly at the Carrington School.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


So he goes along there and he helps people just kind of maybe have kind of lost their way a little bit or they want a little bit of kind of adult help, a little bit of adult direction, someone to bounce some ideas off, someone who can just listen to them. So Jamie, all-round good guy. And I mentioned this at the start of the summer. It was something that he did recently.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


a few weeks ago and he tells me that he's going to be doing it again in 2025 and he said you couldn't give people a bit of advance notice could you because it is something that was a great sellout a few a few weeks ago and i'd love it if more people knew about it next time as well absolutely jamie it's a songwriting camp a Bower Hill farm in Surrey, songwriting camp.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And it's going to be July the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, August 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. Personalized writing groups, just you, a couple of other people. Jamie is the guy to know, help you, inspire you, guide you, and mentor you. Professional recording studio access as well. Beautiful surroundings as well. round about £45 a day. if you want a little bit more on that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And episode 32 if you want to hear a little bit more about Jamie. Now, do you know someone that lives in Reigate? Do you know someone that lives in Red Hill? Do you know someone that lives in Merstham or Buckland or Betchworth or Brockham or anywhere in the planet Reigate area? Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do. If so, please tell them about the Planet Reigate podcast.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


It's exclusively for RH1, 2 and 3. It's news and it's guests and it's interviews and it's all great positive stuff about where we live and where we love. Thank you in advance, just ahead of our first anniversary for spreading the word.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Well, a new exhibition at Adams Gallery in Reigate in September celebrates the work of Samuel Palmer and William Blake and commemorates their first meeting exactly 200 years ago. But who was Samuel Palmer and what were his links with the planet Reigate area? Now we start our mini-series on Sam's story, the local artist who became world famous, but only really after his death.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Thank you, thank you, thank you from Martin. Martin, thank you very much indeed for keeping us updated on the situation there and also for letting us know in the first place about the problems that you'd experienced. And you know what?

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


This week, his dubious love affair, his disreputable father and his debtor of a brother. Samuel Palmer was a landscape painter, etcher and printmaker, and also a prolific writer. His link with Surrey, forgive me, started when he was born in, yeah, Surrey Square, off the old Kent Road in London in 1805. It's OK, we'll have a better local link a little bit later on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And today his paintings are displayed around the world. He had little formal training and little formal schooling, painting churches from around the age of 12, and he first exhibited at the Royal Academy at just 14. But his mother died when he was 13, an event that affected him for the rest of his life. He wrote later, It was like a sharp sword sent through the length of me.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


From the age of 20, he produced many paintings around the area of Shoreham near Sevenoaks, where he lived in a run-down cottage from 1826 to 1835. Those paintings showed the area as mysterious, often shown in sepia shades under moon and starlight, but Palmer only showed these early pictures to selected friends.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Samuel Palmer's dad was also called Samuel, and was described at the time as somewhat disreputable. And he also moved to the Shoreham area with other members of the family, and then Samuel himself moved in to his dad's home. And it was there that he met and fell in love with the daughter of fellow artist John Linnell, Hannah Linnell.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Just ahead of our first anniversary here on the Planet Rygate podcast, it's really good to kind of highlight what you have done and your correspondence with us and us being able to highlight some local issues, which is kind of illustrative of the point of COVID.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


who was just 14 at the time and who he later married when she was 19 and he was 32, her parents paying for a honeymoon in Italy that lasted two years. And when the happy couple returned, they settled in London, and Samuel started painting more conventional scenes which he could sell, like watercolours of Devon and Wales, as well as doing some tutoring. He was working hard.

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He had to, not only to pay for their home in Marylebone, but also because when he had got back from his honeymoon, he discovered that his brother William had pawned all of his early paintings, and Palmer had to pay to get them back.

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In 1861, the Palmer family moved out of London to a small cottage in Reigate, and we'll hear more about what he did here, including his most famous picture of a view you know today, in next week's show.

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Would love it if you followed us on social and followed us on your favourite podcast app as well. The name is always the same. Just search for The Planet Reigate Podcast. OK, to this week's Planet Reigate Star Awards and to Woodhatch this week, Stephen says, to the lady who bought my daughter's lunch this morning at the co-op, I would just like to thank you for saving me from a meltdown because...

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


I forgot to leave her lunch money out. I'm a strong believer in karma and hope something good comes your way. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. So if you are that lady who gave the young girl some money for her lunch, thank you. And you are this week's worthy recipient of a Planet Rygate sprinkle of stardusts.

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Now next week is our special birthday edition. Yeah, would you believe it? One year since the Planet Reigate podcast started. So we're not going to make a big deal of it, but we will give it a mention. And if you would like a mention yourself, if you've been enjoying the episodes over the past 12 months, then get in touch with me.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Hello at and we'll give you a mention as well. This is Peter Stewart, Planet Reigate podcast and the Good Time Guide part two. And of course, Monday sees the start of a new school term. OK, well, there may be inset days and so on, but essentially this coming week, the kids go back to school and we kind of say goodbye, don't we, to summer and... Hello to autumn.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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kind of local media and in this case the planet reigate podcast so martin thank you very much indeed robin says so lovely to hear how popular your show is becoming i really wish you loads of luck with it it's such a great idea i listened to the planet reigate podcast this morning such a great way to hear what's happening in the reigate area and max says have you heard the

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However, there are a few other things to tell you about. Not just the start of school, although this one fits in. It is the and their Rygate Breakfast Club. Toast and spreads, bagels, crumpets, brioche, croissant, to name just a few. Do you like that? Croissant. A selection of cereals, yoghurt and fresh fruit. They're open from 7am at St Mark's Church Hall in Alma Road.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Holmesdale and Priory children there. And open from 7am, £11. Info.breakfast at if you want some more information on that. Mondays from 6.30 at Buckland Park, Beginner's Kundalini Yoga Course. Now, I wasn't aware of Kundalini, but apparently what happens is they break down the breath work, the actions, the meditation process and relaxation.

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51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


And the scientific technology of Kundalini works on all of the body's systems to return balance to the body, mind and soul. It's a type of yoga very different from the rest. Kundalini works into the nervous system, deliberately switching between stress and relaxation. And the practice awakens sleepy energy in the spine, known as Kundalini.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Obviously, whenever we have Pilates or yoga or dance, obviously you need to check with a health professional before you take part in any of these, just to check regularly. that it is right for you, your body, your way of life, and so on. Yogashala on Insta is what you need to check out there. Wednesday the 4th, East Surrey Walkers Group have a walk at Outwood in Surrey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, we claim that as part of the Planet Reigate area. Meet at the National Trust car park on Outwood Common. Mostly level walk through fields and woodland to the Bransland Wood and Bagg. Well-behaved dogs on short leads at all times. It's a circular walk, the ones we like. Start time at 10. Estimated finish, well, don't dawdle. 12.45 is when you'll be finishing.

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If you want some more information on that, Vivian is the person to get in contact with on 07505 494 706. Derek got in contact and said, Hi everyone, just want to share what an absolute cracking time the Gatwick Gamers had the other night. Tons of games played, like Quirkle, Coup, Whitechapel, Faraway, Quacks, a game about dinosaurs and surfboards... Which sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

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To name but a few. Good time had by all. They meet every Wednesday. If you want to get involved, you can feel free to join the Facebook group they've gone up. For more information, Gatwick Gaming on Facebook. Buckland and Betchworth Choral Society, they say your local choir is right here and has been for 100 years. 100 years? Fantastic. It's time for you to join us.

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Drop in and hear a rehearsal for yourself. They meet at 7.45, Betchworth Village Hall, RH3, every Wednesday from the 4th of September, BBC.

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the Planet Reigate podcast. This is on social media. It's a really interesting local podcast focusing on all that's good about Reigate and the surrounding area. A really interesting listen while you're driving or pottering at home. Max, thank you very much indeed for that as well. Yeah, not just the Reigate town centre and so on.

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s i was thrown initially because of bbc i wasn't expecting that to come up bbc s it's supported by betchworth parish council and it is the butchworth excuse me the butchworth that's quite good isn't it's a bit like um it's a bit like redgate isn't it buckland and betchworth choral society for more information on that one

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If you're aged between 11 and 18, you're invited to the Chosen Youth Cafe from September 4th to the 13th, Monday to Friday, 3 to 5, at Mercedham Baptist Church on Weldon Way there. Various drinks and snacks are available. For more information, paul at For more information on that, it's all been organised by Mercedham Baptist Church and their friends there.

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Well, we've been down to the Red Hill Cruise of classic cars and spoken to the organiser and some of those taking part in a colourful and quite a noisy display. Hear more about that a little bit later on. Plus, we start our mini-series on the life of Samuel Palmer. Now, Sam was a local artist who became world famous, but essentially only after his death.

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Thursday the 5th, Catherine says her letter writing group has been set up again for the charity From Me To You. It's a friendly bunch who meet the first Thursday of the month to write letters to cancer patients, and then they're distributed by the charity From Me To You. Nothing to do with the Chuckle Brothers, as you may imagine.

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The group is allocated a table at the Posadero Lounge in Redhill, and the next event is, as I say, Thursday the 5th, 10.30 to 12. In fact, it's

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always the first thursday of the month so we're always pleased to uh to publicize that now all sorts of things are supplied for free the writing resources the cards the paper the postcards and so on you just need to come along uh with uh with an idea of what to say with what to write but buy a drink at the lounge treat yourself to a coffee tea

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push the boat out even even a cake uh want some more information cath with a c underscore wh cath c-a-t-h underscore wh and uh then she'll be able to tell you a bit more about what happens there at the posadero lounge thursdays the first thursday of the month 10 30 till 12 and also a bit more about the charity from me to you as well

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Friday the 6th of September, 12.30 to 2 at the Home Cottage there on Redstone Hill. Come and practice your German conversation skills over a coffee or a drink or a sandwich in the pub and relax and support everyone else that's...

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talking German essentially it's a meetup event for anyone with at least a basic conversational level of German maybe you did some German at school perhaps you've been learning German by self-study or like to go to German-speaking countries for holidays and want to get further confidence in a supportive conversation group if so that event is for you or maybe you're a German native speaker

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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who'd like to practice your English, yeah, the other which way around, and want to socialise in your native language. So that could be for you as well. And in which case, if you're a native German speaker, you get in free of charge. Everybody else, it's £5 contribution. What German do I know? Um... Not an awful lot, apart from Ja and Nein.

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As we always say, Reigate, Redhill, Mercedon, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham and other towns and villages in this satellite, if you like. of Reigate, RH1, 2 and 3, taking a little bit of Hawley and out of Charlewood and so on, Lye, Outwood and associated villages across the area. RH1, 2 and 3 is the Planet Reigate podcast. Now, this week I had drinks at the Black Horse pub at Hookwood.

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Aschenbecker, I seem to remember, from my school German days, which I think is an ashtray. And also, I had one of those trivia books as a youngster, which claimed the world's longest swear word was in German. Um... I don't think I can say it, can I? Because I don't know what it means. But it was, as German words tend to be, a very, very long word.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I did have it checked out with a German speaker more recently, and they said, well, that's not a swear word at all. It's just...

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it's just a bit cheeky it's just a bit bit naughty you know but but it's not shall i say it no if you want to know what it is then you have to stop me when when you when you see me and i'll i'll pass it on to you starts off him or her got cruise um i can't remember the rest of it isn't it funny what you can remember from your school days ask me what i ate for supper last night i couldn't tell you

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And also, just before we tell you about the Heritage Open weekend, let me also tell you about Saturday the 7th of September, 10 till 4, celebrating the grand opening of a brand new shop in the Belfry in Red Hill. Yeah, our friends over there have let out another unit.

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It's for Cosmic Comics, and characters including Thor, the Penguin, Black Cat, Rogue from the X-Men, and many more characters will be there as well. Something a bit special that I wanted to tell you about which is happening next weekend and in fact for the whole week between the 6th and the 15th of September.

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Various events, various times, various dates all happening in fact across the country because every September thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate our fantastic history and culture and of course we've got a wealth of it locally here haven't we. It's your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences, all of which are free to explore.

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We're talking about the Heritage Open Days. Now, you can find out some more information at But I wanted to draw your attention, kind of whet your appetite a little bit about some of the events that are happening locally. Now, some of these are already sold out. I'll let you know if I know already if they're already fully booked. But here's a few to whet your appetite.

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First of all, I want to bring a special mention to the event which has been organised by Anne, who wrote to me. She said, Hi Peter, I'm one of the staff team at St Matthew's Church in Redhill. We're opening up the building as part of the National Heritage Open Day scheme on Saturday 7th September 10-4pm.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It will be a chance to explore our Victorian church and the connection between church, town and railway. Anne says we got a number of connections to the railway and the growth of Redhill itself with the coming of the trains.

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Yeah, we mentioned this very briefly in episode one of our pre-launch episodes, T-3, that you'll be able to hear on your favourite podcast app or go to and scroll down there and you'll be able to see a link to that.

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and says also there'll be a chance to take a self-guided tour around our stained glass windows, children's activities, plans for a modern railway installation and refreshments as well. And the local history society will also be bringing along a display of some of the pictures and information they've got regarding the connection between Redhill and the railways.

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So you can tease yourself by listening to episode T-3 of the Planet Reigate podcast. And also you can learn a bit more by going along to St. Matthew's Church in Redhill, their open day on 7th of September. So Saturday week, obviously depending on when you're listening to this podcast, between 10 and 4. Now that's one event which is happening locally.

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I can't remember the last time I was there. It's changed. I was speaking to a friend who grew up in the area and said that I was there. And she said, gosh, I haven't been there in like 40 years. So I was explaining what it was all like. Quite an Indian food reference there on the menu and so on, which was nice to see. A little bit different.

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Let's take a look at some of the other events which are happening across the Planet Reigate area as well. There's going to be an historic vehicle display tunnel road in Reigate on the 14th. No booking required. Yeah, this is a display of historic vehicles by the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society. And we spoke to them in episode five of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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So maybe listen to that and then go along and see some of those vehicles up close yourself. Heath Church in Reigate, that's on Flanchford Road. They're going to be open on the 7th of September. It's the daughter church of St Mary Magdalene Church in Reigate, put up in 1907. So as I say, they've got an open day on the 7th. The Cranston Library.

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Well, the aforementioned St Mary's on Chart Lane is where that is. No booking required. They're going to be open on the 7th. Discover a tiny, exquisite parish library founded in the early 18th century. And it's thought to be the oldest slash first public library in the entire world. A forerunner, if you like, of today's public libraries.

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Find out about the history and the story of its remarkable founder today. Andrew Cranston. So that's the Cranston Library at St Mary's on the 7th. On the 8th, the medieval Undercroft, 16 West Street in Reigate. You've probably passed it. Did you know it was there?

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Well, it's an amazing opportunity to discover this medieval Undercroft between West Street and Slip Shoe Street in Reigate, the 8th of September. No pre-booking required. Also, Buckland Windmill. Visit the only surviving wind-powered sawmill in the UK. It's a tiny windmill designed to support the on-site sawmill and woodyard. It's at Dungate's Lane at Betchworth on the 14th of September.

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Also, I would tell you a bit more about the Betchworth Castle Guided Walk, but that is fully booked, so you've missed out on that, as indeed have I. On the 8th of September, there was going to be a... Well, there still is a guided tour of the castle with a museum guide, including access to the castle enclosure, but other people have got there before you.

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On the 14th of September, appropriately enough, on 14 Croydon Road, it's the Holmesdale Natural History Club Museum, which has got an open day. Founded in 1857, it's opening its private museum of natural history, local history, local archaeology and geology. And that is still open for you. No pre-booking required for that one. St Michael's Church in Betworth and our friends down there.

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It's a beautiful church in the picturesque village between Dorking and Reigate. And of course you may recognise it as the first church in the 90s film Four Weddings and a Funeral. Now we talked about the links between Four Weddings and a Funeral and also the church in episode 35 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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And also we spoke to the village archivist about some of the people buried in the churchyard and their remarkable tales in episode 30 of the Planet Rygate podcast. So maybe listen to those episodes and then go along and see the church and walk around the churchyard yourself.

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I had coffee and eats at Priory Farm on Bank Holiday Monday. Funny because what actually happened was on Bank Holiday Monday morning, I was browsing through my phone. and came across on the BBC website a recipe for, I wasn't looking for it, it just came up, a recipe for Turkish eggs. And I thought, I'd never heard of Turkish eggs before. What are Turkish eggs? So I had a little look.

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So Michael's Church in Betchworth is going to be open various days across the week from the 6th all the way through to the 15th. And also a couple more to tell you about, St John the Evangelist Church. Yeah, thank you for that, St John the Evangelist Church. The Victorian Gothic landmark is how they mention that.

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Multiple dates, so click on the website to see what's happening when. But as you know, it's up there on the hill. It's outstanding, literally. And also it's an outstanding example of the Victorian Gothic revival by John Loughborough Pearson. featuring the original Victorian stained glass, a gilded triptych and a fine organ built by Henry Willis.

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And you can see all of that and more on the various open events at St John the Evangelist Church in Red Hill over the course of the 6th to the 15th. Gatton Park is going to be open on the 7th of September. Now, you do need to pre-book for this.

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You can enjoy a guided tour of Gatton Park's capability brown design landscape and Edwardian gardens, including the Japanese garden, which we've spoken about on the show before, which is celebrating 25 years since its restoration. Now, it does usually cost you to go into Gatton Park, so you can get to do it for free. but pre-booking is required.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You can do that via the Heritage Open Days website,, and that is happening on the 7th of September. And a bit of an unusual one, this one, but Reigate Beaumont...

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care home that's on collie lane you've passed it loads of times i'm sure you have and they've got an open day multiple dates and a pre-booking is required so again get onto that website and you can have a tour of their beautiful grounds and the history surrounding the home as well yeah because it's a fine old building isn't it

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Rygate Beaumont being opened up by Barchester Healthcare various days now if you want some more information on any of all of these is where you need to go to and I'm a bit gutted I'm kind of pleased but sad at the same time I'm pleased because I'm going to be away I'm going to be sunning myself in foreign climes over the course of those various open days so I'm going to be missing them

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However, there will be an opportunity for you to go along. So it's kind of good for me that I'm going to be away, but sad I'm going to be missing those. But there will be still an episode for the next several weeks because, you know, I'm organised, I'm planned. You're not going to miss out on our special episode next week of the Planet Rygate podcast in our anniversary edition.

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But again, if you want some more on any or all of those.

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I could make Turkish eggs. That sounds interesting. That sounds good.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and then i went down to uh to priory farm and on the menu turkish eggs isn't that funny how it sometimes works that that sometimes you you you know nothing of something and then you see it twice in a row so i had i had to have them didn't i and very fine they were as well and also i did some recording in brockham and betchworth as well for the planet reigate podcast where now we present the good time guide

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I know you're now researching what Turkish eggs are, aren't you? It's kind of yoghurt with a bit of... Well, look it up. It was Nigella's recipe I was looking at originally, by the way. Please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. And you can do that via your favourite podcast app. Sometimes it's called favourite rather than subscribe, but look out for that.

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And of course, if you want to mention for your charity or non-profit event, particularly kindly on you, you can fill out the form you'll find on the Planet Rygade podcast and get in touch with us. And we'll mention it's up to seven days before the event itself, if you want to. Some longer term publicity, then drop me a line and we'll sort out one of our Planet Rygate supporters packages for you.

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Hello at So Saturday, still a few days to catch at the Archway Theatre in Hawley. Rhythm of Life by Hannah Redfern and Laura Day. It'll take the audience on a journey through existence, showcasing the universal human experience through various musical theatre songs from the best at Broadway and the West End as well.

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Talented cast, as you know and expect down there at the Archway.

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children and adults singing their hearts out as they navigate the audience through the trials and tribulations of life childhood self-discovery love heartbreak self-doubt and loss and the relatable family show or you tapping your feet smiling and clapping possibly wiping a tear but most of all it'll leave you feeling nostalgic happy and uplifted as well Thank you. Thank you.

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Saturday 31st, Sunday 1st of September at Sandcross School, 9.30 till 3. Musical theatre, lyrical, jazz and creative classes with qualified dance teachers from the Footsteps dance team. For more information, at for some more information. 2024 event is returning to the iconic Ray Park fire station in Reigate.

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This week, his dubious love affair, his disreputable father, and his debtor of a brother. Yeah, Sam's story on the way, ahead of a display of his work at Adams Gallery in Reigate from September the 19th. In the news, we have the dates for the next council meeting about the Harlequin, the local play areas, which are next up for a refurb.

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It's been there for the last few years, hasn't it, on Saturday. Croydon Road in Reigate. That's for the open day for Surrey Fire and Rescue Service. More specifically, our local people who are involved with the fire and rescue service for the Planet Reigate area. So why don't you go down there? It's always good, isn't it? Especially for the kids to see the engines up close.

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come along to our cromwell walk gardening together session saturday two till four in addition to improving the cromwell walk garden area they're going to be awarding prizes to winners and runners up of their cromwell in color competition refreshments and all gardening equipment is provided please wear appropriate clothing and Bring your own picnic as well, is what they say.

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Captain Noah and his floating zoo is on August 31st, 2.30 to 10 o'clock. This is all being run by our friends over at the Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society. Yeah, Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society, the BODs, as they are known as. They're going to have another come and sing afternoon of Captain Noah and his floating zoo at Betchworth Village Hall,

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and be led by Alison Cooper, Ian Stone, and Vicky Hodges. Reserve your place. Alison is the person to contact. Cooper.Alison, digit 8. Cooper.Alison, 8. Normal spelling of Alison, A-L-I-S-O-N, at for more on that.

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returning for another year matthew bourne's new adventures are bringing doorstep duets to communities across the southeast and they're coming here as well as part of their 2024 tour they'll be visiting reigate library on saturday 31st two performances one at 10 one at 11. now doorstep duets offers a free opportunity for communities to enjoy a world-class performance in their local neighborhood

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making the joy and wonder of dance more accessible to everybody. Bring your friends and family. It's going to be free, celebrating the small acts of kindness that have the power to bring people together. Sounds a bit like our Planet Rygate star feature, doesn't it? Which will be on the show a little bit later on. No need to book, just pop in.

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And again, that's at Rygate Library, 10 and 11, Saturday the 31st. Fake It Easy are performing at the Cage in Reigate on Saturday night. Fake It Easy. Yeah, well, you can kind of gather from that the kind of music that they're going to be performing. I say they. It's my friend Keith, his guitarist and vocalist with this covers band. Again, Fake It Easy, live music outdoors at the Cage in Reigate.

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That's square there in Reigate this coming Saturday evening. Merstam Movies is showing The Greatest Showman on Saturday night. Adult tickets £4, children £2. Doors open at 6 in the Oak Room of Merstam Hub. You can book your tickets 01737 333 461, film rated PG. Also, Sunday the 31st. Let's move on to the open day, the Summer Storytime at Gatton.

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Favourite children's stories read by our Trails and Tales staff, they say. In beautiful locations around Gatton Park, stories are suitable for two to eight-year-olds. Why not come dressed as your favourite book character? Picnics welcome. If you just fancy a stroll, the gardens and parks will be fully open to explore and the Gatton Hall Tea Room open for the sale of refreshments and cakes.

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A cafe in Merstham is closing down, I'll tell you why, plus advance notice on a local Apple fair. an arts takeover week coming to Redhill and a professional songwriting workshop as well. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area over the week ahead. Planet Rygate Stars comes from Woodhatch and our 60-second soundscape before we go.

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And that's going to be going on between 12 and 5. £6 for adults, children free. On the day, £7.50 for adults. Now this is a little bit unusual. There's going to be a blessing of the backpacks service at St Nicholas Church in Charlewood on Sunday the 1st at 9.30 in the morning. They say everyone's welcome to this special blessing service as we look at starting a new school term and a new season.

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Children are invited to bring their school bags. Adults can bring laptop bags, knitting bags, book bags or any other project they're working on. Yes, it's that you kind of get the idea. It's to bless... Your work as you go forward to the start of a new term or a project that you've got going on at the moment.

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It's blessing the work that you're doing, your knowledge, your understanding of it, meeting the deadlines, not getting too stressed. It's just kind of giving you that kind of Zen experience, I guess. All in the auspices of St. Nicholas's Childwood, the blessing of the backpack service. That sounds really interesting, doesn't it? Sunday, September 1st at 9.30 in the morning.

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A little bit later on, they've got a Gatwick Ponds litter pick tidy. Sunday 1st, 1.30 to 3.30. Litter pickers and rubbish bags are provided and all welcome. So they say, please come along, even if it's for just half an hour. If you'd like to help, meet Sam and Rod in the car park off Riverside Garden Park at 1.30. They'll be there rain or shine, but it may be a little bit muddy, they say.

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Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Thank you so much indeed for joining me for this week's episode of the Planet Reigate Podcast. It is episode 51 for Saturday the 31st of August. So this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week.

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the Royal Alfred Seafarer's Society, organising their annual summer party on the 1st. They say all the money raised will go towards the amenity fund, which provides extra trips and entertainment for our residents.

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And if you're able to go along, if you want any more details about that summer fair, Royal Alfred Seafarer's Society, you can contact them at admin at or their website, I guess, will just be 01737 01737 360-106. And that is the first part of the Good Time Guide.

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I'm back a little bit later on with the Good Time Guide Part 2 with places to go and things to do for the coming week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Planet Reige podcast, I'm Peter Stewart. We've been down to the Red Hill Cruise of classic cars and that happened a couple of weeks ago, didn't it? And we've been speaking to the organiser and some of those taking part in a colourful and noisy display. Yeah, our reporter David King spoke with some of those taking part, showing off their wheels.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


Now, obviously it was a very noisy event, but that kind of adds to the whole atmosphere of it, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

51: Redhill’s classic car cruise, the local artist who became world-famous… and more


At the end of the show, this week, Buckland, St Mary's Churchyard there and the sound of Blackbird, Robin, Blue Tits and Missile Thrush.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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But first, if you don't know, Kidical Mass is a global movement that campaigns for better and safer cycling infrastructure where we live. And of course, where we live...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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is Rygate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, and specifically, Earlswood, where there's been, last weekend, a fun, organised bicycle ride for local people to celebrate cycling and promote safer cycling for children on our local roads. It's inclusive and accessible for all abilities. And you know what? You don't have to be a kid to take part either.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And I was honoured to be asked to start the event last Sunday morning at Memorial Park in Redhill before it's... wound its way through the town to Earlswood Infant School.

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And I spoke with Rachel, who is Eco Earlswood on socials, as I'm sure you know, and Rich, one of the organisers, and a whole host of local people who took part by sitting on saddles, pushing on their pedals and ringing their bells.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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In sport, we feature Reigate Squash Club, local softball cricket festival, Merstham Ladies Football Club and South Park Reigate FC as well. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Reigate stars for a whole team of people at a store in Red Hill. Julie is here with another bargain from Hidden Treasure.

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Hello Redhill! Hello Kittical Mass! Really good to be here. We need to have a big cheer together with any horns, bells, whistles you've got going here to show that you're ready. Well, I reckon we need a big, critical mass Redhill countdown from five, and then I shall declare the ride starting. So, all together. Five, four, three, two, one. Let's go. Have a great ride. Stay safe.

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Enjoy yourselves, and I'll see you at the other end.

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And that's partly to do, isn't it, because of the kind of area it is. We've got some old kind of Victorian houses, we've got narrow streets, we've got cars parked on the streets because, of course, there aren't driveways and so on. It's difficult to cycle around the roads very easily, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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300, that's good. So that's one of your biggest sets of numbers, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And Rich, you're one of the organisers as well. Great atmosphere out there. You were leading the pack, weren't you?

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What's been the reaction from people when you've actually finished here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and from our local charity, the Children's Trust, and our 60-second soundscape. Before we go at the end of the show this week, our microphones capturing a surprise in one of our local high streets. All that and more as the Planet Reigate podcast continues.

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And Rachel, let's come back to you because that's part of the thing, isn't it? That you want to encourage people to get on their bikes and perhaps to start off their lifetime of love of cycling. And yeah, cars have their place, but not necessarily to take people to school or just to go to the shops.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Oh, hello. Hi, Adam. I'm Peter. How do you do? How do you do? Hello, George. How do you do?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Oh, that's fast, isn't it? Yeah, wow, wow, wow. Did you have your helmet on?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And you'll find the time that each of those features are on on the show notes, so you can scooch straight through to that point if you want to listen to a particular feature. And don't forget to subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast app. Tell your friends as well. It's really great to speak to so many people, a critical mass. Starting off at Memorial Park in Redhill on Sunday morning.

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Perhaps I'll see you another time, maybe next year, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Excellent, and have you got loads of friends there at each of those?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And was it nice actually being in a whole group of people rather than just with, say, your family?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And what do you think of how it all felt for you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Absolutely, it was loads of fun and thank you to everybody who spoke to me. And weren't those kids absolutely fantastic, so eloquent. And hi to David and Veronica who wasn't actually there. Hello to both of you anyway, among several people who I spoke with who came up and said hello.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you are a new listener since Kittical Mass at Redhill Earlswood on Sunday, then a special hello to you from us here at the Planet Rygate podcast. Hopefully you're going to make this a regular occurrence to listen to find out what is going on in RH1, 2 and 3. And also a special thanks again to... to the sponsorship from SUIS, the Earlswood Recycling Centre, who also got involved.

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We've got sport on the way, we've got some job opportunities on the way as well, we've got a bit of local travel too, and we've got hidden treasure from Julie Beams at the Children's Trust, Bell Street in Reigate, but also we've got our news sequence, all sorts of things which have been happening over the last few days, and some other things which are happening over the forthcoming weeks.

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So we'll start off with news of two assaults in Outwoods on the 21st of June. That was last Friday night, happened near the Castle Inn on Millers Lane around half past nine at night. Police were called to the area after one man was hit by a vehicle. Two men were taken to hospital with serious injuries and they had treatment there.

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Two men in their 50s have since been arrested on suspicion of violent disorder. Police reckon it was an isolated incident. If you saw what happened, get in touch with them. Also, we can tell you about some more happier news. Okay, let's go back to Red Hill because Food Rocks Red Hill is on the way.

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It's going to be Red Hill High Street, Sunday the 22nd of September, so it's a bit in advance at the moment. It's a day of street food, market produce, pop-up bars, live music as well. It's going to be happening between 11 and 4 on Red Hill High Street. And also, this is a shout-out for Redhill Market, which is there in Redhill Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

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Thank you so much to everyone who was there, first of all. And if I spoke to you, you were so willing to share your experiences of that great event. We'll hear from you a little bit later on in the show. And several people who came up to me and said, I listen, I listen to the show. Someone who said, I think it was David, David, who mentioned that his wife, Veronica, listens as well.

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It may be something, if you're new to the area, you're not aware of. Maybe it's something you used to go to and haven't been for a while. Perhaps you didn't realise that it was on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You've just seen it one day you've gone into town, but you didn't realise it happened those other days as well. And it really helps enhance Redhill Town Centre, I always think.

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And a reminder for me to mention this was posted on social media this week by Yvonne, who said, My personal favourite stalls there, the Crystal Stall, Crystal Manifestations, which is usually there on Saturdays, the Honey Stall, Bee Hero Honey, she says, which is usually there on Thursdays, and the Women's Clothing and Africa-themed accessory stall, Tings, that come all the way up from Brighton.

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Well, they know a good market, don't they? If they're coming up all the way from Brighton. Andy wrote, the market is a real positive for the town and it's really good to see small businesses such as these doing really well there. Ian added, I travel from Crawley to get bread and cakes from the market. Green Grocer has lovely fresh veg and there are plenty of genuine offers to be had.

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And Kate said, we love Dylan on the fruit and veg stall and the flour man as well. So if you haven't been to Redhill Market before, maybe you haven't been for a while, maybe this is by way of a reintroduction to go back and pay them a visit Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I've been there several times and bought things from the market as well.

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And it's always good to see some of the fresh food there, the fruit and veg and also the street food stalls as well. So hopefully they will be involved in that event. Food rocks in Redhill. on Sunday the 22nd of September. Always want to give a shout out to Redhill.

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Redhill was where I first lived when I moved to the borough all of those years ago and also I should say that Redhill is featured in our 60 Second Soundscape which is right at the end of the show as well and it's a really unusual one because something happened while I was recording and I wasn't expecting and I caught it on mic. So listen to find out what that was.

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Maybe you were linked in with that. Maybe you listen to it and go, that's me. I didn't realize. So listen to that at the end of the show. And we're going to be staying with Red Hill now because does your club or community group want to do a promo day in the Belfry Center this summer? Well, they've got availability in the Belfry Square.

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That's what they've called the lower level of the shopping centre from mid-August to the 3rd of September. So only a couple of three weeks there. It's when the schools return and they're offering up that space there for local displays, demos, workshops, fundraisers. Have you got something that you would like to show off there? I'm just riffing here a little bit. What could it be?

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It could be an art display. It could be dancing. It could be singing. It could be arts and crafts that you want people to get involved with, all sorts of things. If you would like that free space, I mean, what an opportunity there.

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And he listens. And he said, I recognise your voice. I had to come over and say hello. Thank you, everyone who was there. And also to Leafy Learners, who messaged in the week on social media. Last Saturday, we supported the Hawley Carnival. You heard about their event, the Holy Carnival event, in last week's episode of the Planet Rugger podcast. And they say, and to watch from the streets.

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being offered by Andy Nash and his team at the Belfry, contact reception at with details of your organisation, what you'd like to promote, and what kind of dates you are interested in, and you can sort it all out there with them. And there's an exciting announcement from our friends over at Nutfield Dairy.

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Now, I say our friends because we spoke to the guys there from the dairy in episode 17 of the Planet Rygate podcast. And they say they've got an exciting announcement. Can you help us return to selling our wonderful milk in reusable glass bottles? Well, this is intriguing, isn't it? So they go on to say this is a plan we've been quietly working on for some time now.

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Many of you know we were hoping to have a shop on the farm, but sadly, because of access issues, it's not possible at the moment. But we have come up with an exciting alternative. Quote, our plan is to convert our old milk float into a mobile shop with milk dispensers. I'm loving this.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So you can come down to wherever we're parked up, different locations through the week and refill your glass milk bottles. There would also be a yogurt dispenser as well as other produce on offer. and the float would be fully electric, partly powered by solar as well. Sustainable marketing to match our sustainable farming.

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We haven't come across any other milk floats converted in this way, so it would be really unique. And as you can imagine, it does come at quite an expense, which is where we need your help. In return for your generosity, we're offering different rewards, including one whole year of discounts. So essentially what they've done is they've set up a crowdfunding page called

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for more information on what they're trying to do and also the rewards on offer. And they say, thank you very much indeed for your support. Well, as I say, it was Matt who I spoke with back in episode 17 of the show. If this is something that you would like to get involved with, maybe you support the Nutfield Dairy anyway.

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Maybe you love the idea of this electric milk float going around and actually... being able to have some fresh milk straight into your container rather than go, it sounds a really great idea. Maybe you're into sustainability. Maybe you'd like to support a local business. You'd like to get in touch with them and find out some more details of how you can help. This is how you can do just that.

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Email hello at

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Well, it's Armed Forces Day on Saturday the 29th of June, and the local council says we're going to be commemorating the event, not actually in Reigate Redhill Merstam, but at Banstead War Memorial. Now, I know we don't usually mention Banstead, but I'm mentioning this so you don't think, well, hold on, why wasn't it happening at Shaw's Corner, for example?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, the reason is because they've gone to another part of the borough. It's actually at Banstead War Memorial. You may want to take that trip. over the hill to go and take part in that. The Mayor and Mayoress will be attending a service and there's going to be a minute's silence at exactly 11am.

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They say hopefully you'll be able to go along and salute members of our Armed Forces past and present. And back in our neck of the woods in the Planet Reigate area, the Armed Forces Day flag will be flying at the Town Hall in Reigate for a week from Monday the 24th And it'll remain up until the 1st of July.

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If you want any more information on their decisions or where else they're going to be, or where else they're going to be commemorating things in the borough of Reigate and Banstead, you can go to mayor at And again, I should say that other parts of the planet Reigate area actually come into the boroughs of Tandridge and also into the borough of... Mole Valley as well.

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So that's the reason behind that, that we're mentioning Reigate and Banstead. But as I say, other boroughs are also available. Reigate Christmas Fair Organising Committee have had a meeting, yes, in June, in the summer, to finalise pitch allocations, and they say they've got a couple of gaps to fill for retails. So, are you interested in having a stall at Reigate Christmas Market?

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They say, alert, we do not need candles, diffusers, women's jewellery, homemade chutney, jams or sauces. They have got plenty of that, but what they are looking for, so maybe you can help them out with this list, craft rum. It's niche, isn't it? But maybe you are involved in craft rum or vodka or tequila or whiskey or local champagne produce. can see where they're going with this.

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These would be to sell as gifts, not for consumption on site. There are obviously planning and licensing rules and all sorts of things to do with that. But if you're involved with any of those and you would like to have a stall at Reigate Christmas Market, details in a few moments time. Also men's gifts. So anything for men, clothing, accessories, scent, cigars, leather goods, women's fashion.

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accessories, things like that, and children's themed sellers, so face painting, hair braiding, toys, all sorts of things to do with that as well. They say, please feel free to message them on Instagram.

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What a great sense of community it was. Do you support what's happening in your local area? Well, check out our Facebook posts for local activities in Redhill and Reigate, says Leafy Learners, and be sure to follow Eco Earlswood and the Planet Reigate podcast for more ideas as well. Thank you so much indeed to Leafy Learners, who I caught up with on Sunday as well.

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So if you want to follow them on Instagram, it's Rygate Christmas Fair with a Y in the middle, F-A-Y-R-E, Rygate Christmas Fair on Instagram, or get in touch with me and I'll send you the link through to you.

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Email hello at

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Central car park in Hawley has reopened following the improvement works. So the painting of pedestrian areas will actually happen. If it hasn't happened now by the time you hear this, then it's happening in the next few days along with some other what they call finishing touches.

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Electric vehicle charging points will follow in July and the trees and shrubs will be planted in the new landscaped areas in November. Why November? because that's planting season. It'd be silly to do it and then see them die, wouldn't it? So that's the reason behind that.

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Well, we always like to hear from local schools and an open invitation to send us information about the successes in your classrooms. This from RGS. They say we are thrilled to announce our debut on the prestigious HSBC Huron Education Global High School's 2024 list. placing RGS amongst the top 30 co-educational day schools in the world.

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They say this achievement also places RGS in the top three co-educational senior day schools in the whole of the United Kingdom. Now, rankings recognise schools based on leavers, university destinations, co-curricular activities and overall reputation.

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Well, I know there's an awful lot of talk around private schools or independent schools, call them what you will, at the moment, isn't there, generally. However, it does have to be said, it's fantastic to celebrate some local success here.

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And if we got a local school amongst the top 30 in the whole of the world and the top three in the whole of the UK, well, that's something to be applauded, isn't it? So congratulations to them.

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And speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings. Connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat. Or call 01737 372797.

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In our sports news this week, Rygate Squash Club have a club night. They say come and have a go. It's every Tuesday from 6 o'clock. If you're a beginner, a returning player, a team player, or just want to try squash or racquetball for the very first time, drop us a line. And they say we've got dedicated volunteers ready to welcome you. RygateSquash at And you know what?

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I've been over there a few times. And they are really super friendly over at Rygate Squash Club. And we'll be doing an interview with them a little bit later on in a few months' time. It's scheduled, and it's going to be something which is happening, rest assured. So if you want to know a little bit more about Rygate Squash Club, you can listen to that.

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Or you can beat me talking to them on the podcast by going along. And they have their open nights every single Tuesday night. As I say, if you're a beginner, a returning player, or a team player... or just want to try not only squash but also racquetball as well for the very first time, reigatesquash at

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July 3rd, between 6 and 9 in the evening, Softball Cricket Festival is going on for women and girls aged 13+. They say come along to Hawley Cricket Club for an evening of fun. Free to play, team up with friends or come by yourself. Tea, coffee and cake for sale all evening. No experience or equipment is needed.

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And also thank you to you, if you are the mystery person, you didn't leave your name, but thank you anyway, who bought me a coffee last week. When I say bought me a coffee, it was a virtual coffee, which is still very much appreciated. It really is. And the message left was, it is the podcast filling the hole in my life left by the Surrey Mirror. Love it. Yeah.

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They say with quick and fun matches in teams of six, you can bring a whole team or come as an individual. It's going to be a great evening, a perfect opportunity to meet some new people, try a new sport. All experience levels are welcome. Gates will be open at five if you want to arrive early to practice. See you there. And it's at Hawley Cricket Club on Hawley Row, RH68BG.

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07884 364 527. Charlotte, I hope it goes well. Merstham Ladies FC are looking for girls to join their teams ranging from under 9s all the way through to under 16s. There's even an active Wildcats group for younger girls on a Saturday morning. So if your daughter fancies giving it a go, then get in touch with them.

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So again, players are needed for Merstham Football Club and they're looking specifically for girls to join the teams next season. You can email mersthamyouth at South Park Rygate FC are growing. They say year on year we're welcoming more teams and a lot more people to our facilities.

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And they say now is a really great time to invest in one of our sponsorship packages and have your company seen by thousands. So they've got various things that you can have your company name on. whether it's warm-up tops or shorts or the stadium or back of a shirt or on the stands.

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They're also looking for people to sponsor the floodlights, pitch sideboards, programmes or have an advert in the programme or sponsor a player as well. So if you want more details on that, then get in touch with South Park Rygate FC. They're all over social media, so you'll be able to find them there.

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And I should also say that if you would like to support the Planet Rygate podcast in any which way, then you can do that as well. Really appreciate you getting in touch. As you know, we are running a few adverts now and again.

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If you'd like to sponsor a feature, sponsor the whole show, get involved with one of our adverts, or maybe buy us a coffee, a virtual coffee, which I mentioned a little bit earlier on. Or maybe you'd like to have your item, your event, your organised talk or walk or social or sport publicised for free on the podcast. These are all the ways you can get in touch.

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Email hello at Find out more. at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favourite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetrigatepodcast

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In our travel news, part of the M25 is due to close next month for a full weekend to allow for further work. So it's going to be between junctions 10 and 11, closed from 9pm Friday 12th July to 6am Monday 15th July. It's all because of the construction and installation of a bridge on the roundabout at junction 10. So this is the third of five full weekend closures on the M25.

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to happen there's another two still to come before the year is out so obviously this is going to affect you if you're going uh clockwise around the m25 maybe you're going to a sport event maybe you're going to heathrow airport something like that here's the diversion just so you can have it in your mind's eye junction 10 to junction 11 you come off the m25 at junction 10 and you go north bound on the a3 to paines hill and then you go towards woking and by fleet the six crossroads roundabout

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local media obviously they have to make a profit they employ loads of people and and and they even though they they had advertising on their pages and on their website pages and so on still a really big undertaking and unfortunately some of our local newspapers are struggling to survive as you may have noticed and perhaps there is less local news where you used to go for your local news wherever that might be i'm

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And then you go down the A320, continuing to the M25, Junction 11, where the diversion will end.

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Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

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the message this week I just want to give a shout out to the extremely helpful Sainsbury's staff who were suffering with electricity issues the other day but still delivered fantastic customer service and they too were frustrated great work from a wonderful team of people so this week's Planet Reigate Star Awards and our sprinkle of Stardust goes to everyone the whole team the whole crew all the staff at Sainsbury's in Redhill

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On the way, our 60-second soundscape again from Redhill. Also, we're going to hear more about the Tom Kerridge Pub in the Park weekend. It's more than a weekend. It's three days, isn't it? Which is this year, which is next month. Hear about that from Priory Park, where it's all going to be set up. That's still to come in this week's show. Hidden treasure from Juliet, the Children's Trust.

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Bell Street in Reigate is with us in a few moments' time. First of all, let's tell you about a really interesting job I spotted during the course of the week as a social media and marketing assistant. Now, I know a lot of people listening to this are really into their social media and their Instagrams and so on. You know, MySpace, Snapchat. No, not those last two.

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OK, Surrey Hills National Landscape. I know a lot of people are really interested in the Surrey Hills, in the flora and fauna, the natural landscape and so on. So if you had a Venn diagram of social media... and interested in the Surrey Hills, is that you?

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Now, it's a part-time opportunity for six months, 21 hours a week, £12 an hour plus expenses, and it's mostly remote working because you'll be travelling across the Surrey Hills area. You'll be looking after their various Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter... Oh, Twitter... and LinkedIn. It's going the way of MySpace, isn't it, frankly?

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Support and implement a social media strategy for various accounts to increase following and engagement, and create and curate compelling content. Gosh, that's a bit of a tongue twister. Including posts, stories, videos, and graphics that align with various visions and objectives. Now, you do have to do a together with putting in your CV and a covering letter.

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And it has to be in by Sunday, the 30th of June. So listen up. You don't have much time to put this together. But I did think it was really worth telling you about because I know a lot of people who would be interested in this, who are listening to the Planet Ruggate podcast. info at Now, there is a little bit of work, as I say. It's social media related.

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So get in touch with them and they'll be able to give you the details or search for and go to their jobs page there if you want to suss out and find out what it is that you've got to put together, together with your CV and cover letter. And fingers crossed and good luck for that.

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Hidden Treasure on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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careful what I say for obvious reasons as you may know but wherever it is I tell you what make sure that you listen to this podcast which is here every single week to tell you what is going on in the area and to support local good causes local events talk to interesting people and so on so forth and such like and you may actually notice a bit of a change over the next couple of weeks because I'm going to be away but I'm making sure that

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The Good Time Guide, things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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I love that, zhuzhing up. Thanks, Julie. Okay, here is part two of the Planet Reigate podcast and our Good Time Guide. And again, if you want to mention for your charity or your non-profit event, we always look particularly kindly on those. as well as any local businesses as well, do get in touch with us. Let us know about it.

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Give us a couple of weeks' notice as well, and we'll be glad to pop it in. Now, we've not heard of anything for Monday or Tuesday next week, so let's go straight on to Wednesday. And Salad Days, they have an open audition for a new production of that particular event on the 3rd of July. It's July, July, July. 7.30 at Rygate Methodist Church.

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So, Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society looking for a large cast for this, what they call a magical musical, rehearsals Tuesdays and Wednesdays. For more information, you can contact info at B-O-D-S, Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society, Now, the performances are not going to be happening until November. Dates of the diary, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th. November.

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We've already mentioned Christmas already this week, haven't we? Info at if you'd like to go along to open auditions on the 3rd of July. So that, by my reckoning, is going to be Wednesday at Reigate Methodist Church at 7.30. Well, have you got a young person going to secondary school in September? Well, there's a special workshop for you if you are a parent of said child.

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It's a free two-hour workshop and you're going to work with a tutor and other people and parents and carers to improve your understanding of secondary education in England. to learn how you can support your child who's about to start or maybe who has just started in secondary education. So it's kind of really for people who've got English as a second language.

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OK, so maybe if that's not you, it may be somebody else down your street, somebody else at school, another parent and so on, or maybe somebody you work with or in another group with.

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So it sets out the differences between primary and secondary education, tips on how you as a parent can help your child settle in, potential concerns around the transition from primary to secondary school and how to deal with them. So it's for parents and carers. No children will be involved in this free two-hour workshop. It's at the

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in Hawley, so not the Red Hill one, but the one in Hawley, at the old fire station on Albert Road there, Wednesday the 3rd of July between 12.30 and 2.30, and you can book your place at family.learning at So maybe you don't have English as a second language, but you're still interested, I'd give them a call as well and find out whether you can still go along.

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0300 200 1044 is the number for that. One here for Thursday now. Catherine tells me about the letter writing group at the Posadero Lounge in Redhill. Now, this is a friendly bunch of people who write letters for cancer patients via the charity From Me To You. And stationery, writing materials are all provided free of charge.

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If anyone listening to this and is undergoing cancer treatment at the moment and you'd like to get a letter, then contact the charity via their website or indeed contact Catherine for more information. Her details in a few moments' time. But here are the details if you'd like to go along. Meet Catherine and put pen to paper.

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live here as well because there's so much happening and this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week my guests while the huge fun free family-friendly critical mass cycle ride through red hill and earlswood last sunday here from the organizers and some of the what about 300 people who took parts if i spoke to you then you may be on a little bit later.

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that local events are still covered on the podcast for the next couple of weeks. But there may be one or two changes because we all need a bit of a break, don't we? Now, about that virtual coffee that the mystery person bought me, what that is, is you can go to a certain website and you can donate...

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So it's Thursday the 4th, 10.30 till noon at the Posadero Lounge in Redhill. They've allocated a large table and obviously you're encouraged to buy a drink and... and help support the business as well. So for more information, yeah, it's Catherine with a C. So it's C-A-T-H underscore W-H, which is the first part of her surname. So it's Cath underscore W-H at

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And that sounds a mighty fine thing to me for people to do. I don't think you necessarily talk about their diagnosis and so on, but you talk about yourself and the weather and things in the news. I say things in the news. It's actually happening on election day. Probably best to avoid that topic. And also, let's look ahead to Saturday, the 6th of July. Yeah, we've got scant details for next week.

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And Rayfest, Saturday, the 6th of July. And of course, as you know, we are proud to be media partners with Rayfest, which is happening at Ray Commons School, Saturday, the 6th of July. They've got various things happening on the main stage, the Feel Good Arena, a maker's market and a food village and a family fun zone as well. Let's just have a look at these.

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Taekwondo, there's a choir, a DJ, there's the cheer squad as well, musical theatre, there's a petting zoo, Punch and Judy, they've got football fun, they've got arts and crafts, they've got Bats Hill Gin. They've got Joe's Diner, they've got a kitchen there, they've got a cookie pod, they've got coffee and ice cream and candy floss as well.

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Inflatables, face painting, splatter rat, finding Nemo, bean bag toss and a teddy tombola and meet the goalie as well and loads more as well. And it's all happening on Saturday at Ray Common School. They're calling it Ray Fest, which is absolutely fantastic. And you can go along there and all money raised will be going to Ray Common School.

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For more inquiries or for more details, contact friends at Also next Saturday, friends of Firstfield are holding their annual summer fate. Saturday, 6th of July, 11 to 1.30, Games Tombola's Splat the Teacher. OK, well, Rayfest have got Splatterat. I can't help thinking that Firstfield have got one better with Splatter Teacher.

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DJ Prizes and Refreshments at Firstfield Primary School in Mercedham. and they're hoping the Splatter Teacher's Stall, they say, will be a really big draw. They've also got the Raven Smoothie Bike, Exotic Animals, and various other games and stalls as well.

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The Royal Alexandra and Albert School present an eight-hour football match, so that's 30 players, two managers, two refs, plus a variety of volunteers taking part in what's called Matchu 2024. Now, it's to raise money in memory of Matthew van Noord Pendleton, who sadly died in late 2023. And I won't go into details about what happened.

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the price of a cup of coffee to me to say thank you very much indeed for doing the podcast peter it's really easy and if you go to the website which i'll mention in a moment on your phone if you've got one of those payment systems already set up on your phone apple pay or something like that it's really really easy to to leave a message and then just press a button and three pounds

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If you're aware, then you have our sympathies and our understanding. They say Matthew was a marvellous person with an eye for detail, as well as a brilliant sense of humour and a tremendous ability to work hard, all while maintaining a love for his family and friends.

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And they say Matthew had such a curiosity for life and never stopped himself from learning something new and supporting others to the best of his ability. They say he was a funny, kind, empathetic and supportive person. And it was a real support to everyone around him. We miss him so, so much.

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And this is an eight-hour football match, kick-off at 9am, six aside, 30-minute player rotation, final whistle at five. I've not heard of this kind of thing before. They're supporting Mind, one of the UK's leading mental health charities, who support so many people across the county and across the country. And we wish them good luck for that.

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If you'd like to go along to the school, the Royal Alexandra and Albert School. And as I say, that's Saturday week, 9 a.m. Another message here. We're starting a charity. Come and join us for an evening of live music performance and support us in providing opportunities for young people to perform and get them some professional coaching to succeed, which they normally couldn't afford.

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Support us in inspiring a young generation to perform and grow in confidence. So it's called Inspire Through Music. It's July the 6th at 7 o'clock. The location is Merston Village Hall. Book tickets only £20. And if you want some more details on that, email charityinspirefm at Meadvale Village Fate is going on Saturday the 6th between 12 and 4 over there at Somerset Road in Meadvale.

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Stalls, games, live music, inflatables, food and bar, ice cream van and a classic car display. Have you noticed each one of these various fairs and fates have got something slightly different, haven't they? They've got the old favourites that they know is going to bring in a crowd and also they've got a USP, a unique sales proposition as well. And this time it's...

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In aid of the local scout group there, Meadvale Village Fate, they've got a classic car display. So congratulations to them. Hope it all goes well there. And you heard about it on the Good Time Guide. Well, it is back after a great first year last year. The people behind the Tom Kerridge-backed Food and Music Festival.

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The pub in the park decided that instead of just two days, this year is going to be extended to three. And the pub in the park returns to Rygate's Priory Park between the 12th and 14th of July. And some big names slicing and dicing. And some more big names singing and playing on the centre stage. Michelin chefs and top-named singers, including a host of local names and local groups as well.

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And I'm pleased and proud to say that the Planet Reigate podcast is... An official media partner of the pub in the park, Priory Park Rygate, between the 12th and the 14th of July. For more information and tickets, go to slash Rygate.

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Well, I've been down to Priory Park where I caught up with David, one of the team behind it all, to find out how the last few days of planning are going and what we can all look forward to.

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Yeah, the price of a coffee. That's quite cheap coffee, actually, isn't it, locally? £3 will go through to my page, if you like, on that particular website. And I really appreciate if you would like to do that.

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Yeah, so you've been working with Tim from the New Music Nights. I tell you what, it was dull, wasn't it, when we started this interview? Now the sun's come out, we're just going to move back under the shade. Yes, you've been working with Tim from New Music Nights, I know, and he's one of the guys that put on the Rygate Summer Festival a couple of three weeks ago.

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So it's really excellent that you've been working with him to get some local acts to support some of these big-name stars.

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Last year was the first time you were here in Reigate. It was quite small, wasn't it? And this year is extending over three days. That's one change I know.

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Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast. The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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OK, it's that time in the afternoon when we're recording this, round about half past four. So, yes, you know, it's getting towards suppertime. Now, last year, I think there were 10 different pub in the parks around the country. This year, it's only a handful. Rye Gate has been chosen to be one of those, which is obviously brilliant. What makes Rye Gate such a standout location?

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Why did you decide to come here and jettison some of those others? Like, Brighton and Tunbridge Wells and so on.

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This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Absolutely. And not a large residential area immediately beside, which could cause problems for access or for noise and things like that as well, I'm guessing. You mentioned the high street. Some people may say, oh, we're a little bit worried because we run a restaurant in the high street and you're going to be taking our trade away for a couple of days.

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But I'm guessing you're hoping that actually with more people coming in anyway... perhaps to and from the train station. It's going to perhaps showcase Reigate, but also they're going to stop off for a snack, for something to drink, or think to themselves, this is pretty good, I like Reigate High Street, I'm going to come back in a few weeks.

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And please follow us on your favourite podcast app so you don't miss an episode. And coming up, as we always do just ahead of the summer holidays, over the next couple of weeks you will be able to hear a whole load of events of holiday clubs for your tiny cherubs for things for them to do over the course of the back end of July and throughout August as well. So listen out for that.

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And what's been the response locally, the people you've been working with? Because I can imagine that perhaps sometimes councils aren't particularly helpful or they don't particularly want you to be there or, you know, sometimes you get people who are a little bit officious or so on. But hopefully you've been welcomed here, both from the officials and also the residents and ticket sales. Yes.

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OK, we can't do the smells here, can we, on a podcast, unfortunately. So it's going to be year two for Pub in the Park in Rygates Priory Park. Tickets, I'm guessing, are still available. Give a quick plug for those.

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Year two. What does Reigate and Redhill and Mercedham and Buckland and Betchworth and Brockham and people come to Priory Park in a couple of three weeks time? What do they have to do to help you to bring it back for year three?

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OK, that is it for this week. I hope you've enjoyed the show. Next week, ooh la la.

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The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

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coming up in a few episodes or over the next few episodes. And if you would like a mention on the Planet Reigate podcast and the Good Time Guide, then make sure you tell us about it. It is You can fill out the form you'll find there. Give us a couple of weeks' notice just so we can get our ducks in a row, so we can get it all sorted and...

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The Planet Rygate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

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You know, obviously, if you've supported the show in the past, then I really want to support you going forward in the future as well. Give us, as I say, 7 to 14 days notice, as much notice as you can give to make sure that it's on. That having been said, this is what we're mentioning this week. On the Good Time Guide, starting for Saturday the 29th of June, Rygate Baptist Church.

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Summer fun, bouncy castles, tea and cake, five-a-side football, inflatable assault course. That sounds nice, doesn't it? Toddlers' play area, face painting, crafting games, slip and slide. Bring spare clothes, they say. And you know what? It's all for free at Reigate Baptist Church. That's Saturday the 29th, 2.30 to 4.30. And it's all followed by a family barbecue, games and live music.

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They say bring a picnic basket. And that part of the day goes from 4.30 to 6.00. That sounds really good, doesn't it? It's at Reigate Baptist Church, Sicklemore Walk behind Reigate School. Now, you'll hear a bit later on about critical mass, which finished at one of the schools in Earlswood on Sunday morning. And when I was there, the PTA, is it still called the PTA?

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Yeah, the friends of the school. And the parents there were telling me, Don't forget to mention on the podcast about our Summer Fair. I said it's already covered. I've mentioned it this week and I'll mention it next week as well. So here it is. Here are the details. I'm true to my word. Friends of Earlswood Summer Fair, Saturday the 29th, 12 till 3 on the Junior School Field.

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Join us for lots of fun. Inflatables, donkey rides, ice cream, barbecue food, bar, fire engine. That's a new attraction, isn't it? Tractor, stalls, music and live performance, games, tombola, raffle and much, much more as well. £1 for adults, 50p for children. Under threes go free. And they've got a few different things going on there.

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I reckon the kids are going to love the donkey rides, the fire engine and the tractor as well. I think they are the big attractions. And I was speaking to one of the mums, and I'm sorry I've forgotten your name, and they were saying it's really difficult to find something different.

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different that we are doing for our school fair that other schools aren't doing but she said we reckon we've got it with the donkey rides this year so support them if you can it's in the centre of Earlswood and our friends down there the friends of Earlswood their summer fair Saturday 29th of June 12 till 3 on the junior school field

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Stay tuned. And it's just a few weeks away from Pub in the Park at Reigate. Three days long this year, of course. I've been to the park as the organisers staked out their plans. Here are what will be where and who local is going to be involved on stage and off. In the news this week, investigations in Outwood. Two people have been arrested. A big shout-out for the Redhill Market.

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Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council celebrating its 50th year, Saturday the 29th at Salford Social Club. 12 to 5, there's a disco from 6 and live music from something like that. There's a cash barbecue, ice creams and craft stall. It's a community group involvement and fun and enjoyment for all the family. And also they have got a scarecrow competition going on there as well.

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Also Saturday the 29th, 12 till 3, there's another summer fair to celebrate 60 years of Yattleton School. It's open to all the community. It's on Oakwood Road in Hawley. Bring a picnic, family and friends, barbecue van, live band, trampolines, pony rides, a beer and prosecco, cold drinks and games, face painting, cake competition, inflatables, bottle tombola and a gift school as well.

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And I was told about that from the Friends of Yattentons. I hope that one goes brilliantly as well, guys. Bats Hill Surrey Distillers and Rygate Ladies Joggers have got together. Invite you to enjoy a trail run or power walk and gin tasting. Saturday 29th, 9.30 in the morning. And that's Brightly Farm on Millers Lane at Outwood. Also, I can tell you about the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

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We are media partners with them, and it's their final weekend of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and they've got together to perform that. Not locally in Hawley, it's slightly outside the area, so obviously beware of the dragons when you go to this particular event. It's at the Royal Botanical Gardens queue, but not a queue, it's at Wakehurst.

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It's a good collaboration that the Archway Theatre have got with them. Three weekends of open-air theatre, matinees only in the beautiful gardens down there. So maybe you've been there over the last couple of weekends. As I say, it's their final weekend that they are performing a Midsummer Night's Dream.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So we're really pleased to give them all of our support that we possibly can here on the Planet Reigate podcast. We are pleased and proud to be official media partners with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


And if you would like us to be a media partner with you and for you to be a media partner with us, it means you get added exposure on the Planet Reigate podcast. And it's kind of reciprocal arrangement. No money changes hands. But you give us a little bit of publicity in what you're doing. And we give you extra publicity on what we're doing as well. It's a win-win situation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


So if you reckon that you could benefit from that and you'd like to get in touch, drop me a line.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


Email hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


Part one of the Good Time Guide continues with Sunday the 30th of June and the Earlswood Farmers Market is back because it's the last Sunday of the month. It's a small market that supports local growers, makers and producers of food. It's ten till two at the Marquess of Granby pub in Earlswood. The Little Summer Outwood Fair is going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


They say join us for a family day out with lots of yummy food and your chance to support local Surrey businesses. Shop unique, sustainable and handmade gifts and home air and fashion at Lloyd Hall in Outwood on the 30th of June from 10.30 to 3. And there's going to be children's activities and lots of fun as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


And another one here, after the success of our Rygate Market, we are back with a bigger venue. From maternity up to five years old, discover amazing bargains on newly new clothes, toys and accessories. Shop sustainably and affordably with Little Pickles Markets. I love that. Sunday, 10 till 11.30 at Merston Park School, RH1 3PU, £1.50 entry for adults only. Little Pickles, go free.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


How you can get free space to promote your club community group in Redhill. Exciting plans for a local dairy. Yeah. Details on Armed Forces Day, how you could get a stall at Reigate Christmas Fair. OK, I'm sorry, I'm mentioning the C word. An update to the changes at Central Car Park in Hawley. International success for RGS School.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


Book your ticket online or pay cash on the door. And the events are cash only. Please bring cash. They say you pay individual sellers for the items directly. And if you want some more details on that, well, you can go to, you can check out LPM. That's Little Pickles Market underscore East Surrey. So look for them on various social media outlets.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


Well, a few weekends ago, we mentioned, didn't we, about the Lowfield Heath Windmill at Charlwood. That was episode 36 of the Planet Reigate podcast. And I'm pleased to say that they have got another of their famous open days. It's on Sunday between 2 and 5, Lowfield Heath Windmill. And it is really fun because you can actually go inside the windmill. It was actually moved outside.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


various places around the Charlewood Hawley area over the years. They took it down, they stripped it back, they rebuilt it in another location, they refurbed it as well. You can go inside, you can see how it all works, you can get a little kind of guided tour.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


You can't kind of go, there are no stairs to go up inside, but you can certainly be outside and also, and this is one of the really big attractions of the Lowfield Heath windmill at Charlewood, They've got some fantastic grounds and you can sit there in the shadow of the windmill. You can have your own picnic tea there or a picnic lunch or whatever it happens to be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


It's superb to take photographs of and you can lay back in the long grass and you can watch the planes taking off from Gatwick just a mile or so away as well. You've got the old and you've got the new.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


all together there opening time so it's sunday it's between two and five and if you're thinking yeah i'd like to know a little bit more about it before i go check out episode 36 of the planet reigate podcast to do just that and you can be appraised and when you go along you can speak to peter who's going to be there i'm sure and you can say i heard all about you on the planet reigate podcast and that's why i'm here

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


The Planet Reigate podcast. Great stories from Ellswood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

42: Earlswood’s mass cycle ride and Reigate’s Pub In the Park plans… and more


Later on in the show, one of the top team behind this year's three day long pub in the park in Reigate. Other locations for the event have been cancelled this year. We get to hear why they decided that Reigate was going to be the jewel in the crown for chef Tom Kerridge and his band of chefs and band of, well, bands. That's later on in the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


We've got our local weather stats from Professor Weather in a few moments time. First of all, let me tell you about some news about the M25 Junction 10 project. Some changes at the junction there that you need to be aware of.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Slip roads on and off the junction will be closed on the weekend of the 4th to the 7th of October, the 18th to the 21st of October and the 1st to the 4th of November from 9pm on the Friday until 6am on the Monday of each weekend. So you should be advised about that. Hear about more about the arts takeover in Redhill still to come.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


What's the council set to do over the next five years? Their plans are out and you can make your comments on them as well. A man who threatened to rob staff at a jewellery shop in Reigate has been jailed. Pilgrim Brewery has taken over another pub. Another local pub is set to be bulldozed to be replaced by a supermarket. I'll tell you where.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And also, we've got a whole clutch of people, couple of dozen people who were taking part in Run Reigate last weekend. And they spoke to me, some of them out of breath, but no one declined my request for a quick interview and some terrific stories coming up. Some will make you almost gasp. Some will make you smile and laugh.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


All sorts of personal stories about the hills, about their fundraising, about what they're wearing as well. It's a terrific example, as I said earlier, of how the community really gets together. And it's a fantastic testament to the work of Dave Kelly, the man behind Run Reigate, who we heard from in last week's episode.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Now here comes the weather from Professor Weather, Andy Herrod, who you can follow on TwitterX and Insta. And with 46.6 millimetres of rain last Sunday and overnight into Monday, September 2024 is now the wettest September we have ever recorded here in Reigate. The 127 millimetres is 120% above average. And the month... Isn't over yet, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Well, it was really not so much run Rygate, but rain Rygate, wasn't it? I say that, but there was rain either side. But mainly the event itself, those several different races and those thousands of runners actually escaped the worst of the weather.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Maybe a little drizzle, a couple of showers, but actually the torrential downpours seem to be in the setting up and also the setting down before and after the big main event. I was there with my microphone and spoke to some of those who took part just as they crossed the finish line.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Hear about the doctor running for the hospital, the woman in a wheelchair which broke on her way round, the mum and daughter who ran together, the husband and wife, the semi-pros and the young lad who wants to be a pro, the charity runners and why they're raising money for those courses, the runner in a tutu, the one in a gorilla costume.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


From young to old, newbies and experienced, we have got one of the greatest examples of community in the borough in your ears right now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Red Hill footballer Millie Bright has become the first woman to hold an honorary title in Reigate and Banstead Borough. In travel news, a reminder of roadworks on West Street Reigate and also the M25 Junction 10. We have the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Reigate stars from Red Hill and our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Well, here's someone who we spoke to last year when I was here at Run Rygate. Paul, why are you running in a gorilla suit? Remind us. I lost a bet, basically.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


natural sounds from a place you know this week from buckland this is the planet reigate podcast with peter stewart so again if i met up with you at run reigate like oh kind of rain reigate wasn't it really last weekend hello welcome to you and active prospects have messaged me in the week to say it's an incredible podcast thanks very much indeed for doing it

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


What is the music you're running to? It's not running up that hill, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


So did you know the course you were expecting that hill? It wasn't a surprise?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And tell me about your medal. Have you seen what's on the other side?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'm proud of you as well. We've only just met. Congratulations. And you're running for?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Running does actually help mental health, doesn't it? Getting outside.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So how did that help then, running together, being a couple? Were you able to kind of help each other on?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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With me is Nicola from Stripey Stork. How important is an event like this for brand awareness?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Rachel sent me a voicemail message saying, thanks for all the massive work you do on the Planet Rygate podcast. Oh my goodness, my mum and people in Betchworth will say, oh, put it on the Planet Rygate podcast. I wondered why I had a sudden surge of various what's on events from that neck of the woods. It's brilliant. I just want everyone to know who you are. It's awesome. Love the podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Tell me practically what £10,000 does, how far does that go?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


I can guess, because you've all got the same surname, you're all from the same family.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Where did it hit you? Was it the lungs? Was it the legs? Was it the arms? Where was it? I think it was pretty much everything.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Johnny. Now, I just saw you just come over the finish line. You've got your goodies and your medal and so on. You just tipped a cup of water over your head.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Because even though it's not raining at the moment, it is very muggy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Good I got a new PB so I'm quite happy Oh congratulations Okay so are you local? Do you know the race?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


You're pretty much the equivalent of the local newspaper. Thank you so much indeed, Rachel. It's so kind of you to say so, really kind. Really appreciate it. We featured the Curiosity Cafe last week as well, and they said excited to be in this episode. Do download. Such a great podcast for local news, etc. It's such a fab listen.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


So that's going to cause a problem for weight distribution, isn't it, for your run?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And you say you're from the hospital, you're wearing your SASH charity t-shirt as well, which is the Surrey and Sussex healthcare charity.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


People were determined from that that you're perhaps slightly older than most people who are here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


If you haven't already, this podcast is just great for local news and information. So thanks very much indeed. You can always get in touch with me. Hello at Good Time Guide on the way. Also hearing from round about 40 runners from Run Rygate last weekend. We're hearing more about the Arts Takeover in a week or so's time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


myself fantastic well that makes it even better actually you should almost be pleased that broke because you've overcome another obstacle yeah and then towards the end of the finish line as you're going onto the grass i almost fell out my wheelchair as well but i still got to the finish line so was that because it's a little bit muddy a little bit slippery

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Were you taking part for yourself or for somebody else? What was your motivation?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And now with me is Spencer, who's the man behind the Reigate Business Guild. What have you just run, Spencer?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


It's a great community event, isn't it? And also, talking about the businesses, with that medal you got round, Jeanette, you can go into a whole load of local businesses and get money off or freebies.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And that helps you kind of put a spring in your step, does it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And I mentioned the Good Time Guide and Planet Rygate stars. And also, before we go, at the end of the show, our 60-second soundscape. But first of all, let's take a look at some of the news items today. over the past week or so. Now, as I said last week, Reigate and Banster Borough Council say they've now agreed with Aviva to jointly commission the RAC survey at the Harlequin Theatre Complex.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Absolutely, and that's why I do the Planet Ridegate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Peter Littlemore. I did the 5k. Sam Roddison. I did the half marathon. So it was my first one. I set out for a pace that I thought I could do just to see how it was. And yeah, as the race went on, I felt pretty comfortable. So I picked up a bit at the end, so I'm really happy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And Sam, was the hill pretty bad for you as well? Oh, yeah, awful, but you've got to commit to it. Sprinting up the hill was really tough, but it was all right in the end. And then you've got that descent downhill, which you kind of pick up your pace again, and that took me to the finish, so that was... Good. What do you say to yourself when you're at the bottom of the hill? Well, nothing really.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


I'm not really thinking anything. I'm just running. Keep the legs sticking out. I was also so tired after that hill, I sort of was questioning how I was actually going to get to the bottom without stacking it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


You've got a tutu on and your face is a bit multicoloured as well. You've got a bit of face painting going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Because the include colours are the rainbow colours, really, aren't they? Yeah, so multicoloured, so people can see you coming. How was the race for you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


I'm happy it is dry today. I know you run a business locally, so you're really involved with local community events and so on. What was it like out there with people on the streets?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


But, of course, you know the course, so it shouldn't have been a surprise, those hills.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Laura, let's turn to you. And you obviously live and work in the area as well, so you know the route.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Work started this past week. Their final report is expected in November. Now, last week in the show, you heard from Ali from the Harlequin Support Group. So if you want to hear what Ali had to say and her reaction to that timescale, then listen back to last week's episode.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Oh, gosh, what's better, running around Reigate or running around Valencia?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Hope you enjoyed that. 40 interviews in 20 minutes. I really think that is how you reflect a community and their love of the event, their personal stories, battles, fundraising reasons and humour as well. And you heard about it on the Planet Reigate podcast. Nowhere else. It's what we do. And we also do this.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Planet Reigate stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter X, Instagram, and also your favourite podcast app. Search for Planet Reigate. our Planet Reigate Star Award this week. Natasha says, Thank you to the two wonderful ladies in Red Hill who stopped to ask if I needed help with my youngest when my eldest was having a sensory meltdown in the middle of the high street.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


You chased her and guided her back to me so that she didn't get lost, the little toad. And I'm so grateful for your offers of help in a situation where everyone else was just staring. So, are you one of those wonderful ladies in Redhill? There are so many wonderful ladies in Redhill, but in this situation particularly? If so, thank you so much.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


You're the winners of this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. MUSIC

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55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And news this past week that the council is holding five drop-in engagement events to better understand the immediate and future needs of both individuals and communities and clubs, groups, societies and so on relating to arts and cultural spaces and activities.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Now, do you want a host? Do you want a facilitator? Do you want someone to do a presentation for you or maybe a roundtable discussion or a fireside chat on the stage? Do you want somebody to, I don't know, read something at your carol concert, whatever it happens to be? Get in touch with me. Hello at Oh, podcast. Yeah, maybe you'd like somebody to do a podcast for you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Get in touch with me, Peter, and hello at and we'll sort something out. This is the Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go over the next seven days. Let's start off with the Archway Theatre in Hawley, who, as you know, we are official media partners with, the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


For more information and booking details go to or phone 0333 666 3366. And why would you want to do that? Well, they're located in Hawley and they have got some performances going on through until the 5th of October plus a matinee. on Saturday the 28th at 2 o'clock, of their latest production, Wild. What is Wild all about?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Well, it premiered at the Hampstead Theatre in London in 2016, and it's about Andrew, who last week was the guy launching, sorry, lunching with his girl in KFC, discussing apartments, making plans for the future, and now, all of a sudden, blink and you miss it, he's in Moscow, in an undisclosed hotel room, on the run, and at risk of assassination. What got him from there to here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


As one of the other characters says to him, let me tell you, now you're in the club, that it's important to keep a sense of humour because things are going to get, now and for the rest of your life, extremely difficult. It's a darkly comic play that explores the unexpected, bewildering and life-changing consequences of challenging the status quo at a global level. So that's at the...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Archway Theatre in Hawley. Check out the details Elaine has written to me. Fancy learning a new sport this winter in the warm and dry? Well, that sounds good already, doesn't it? Then indoor bowling may be for you at Donnings Indoor Bowling Club. Pop in during their open day and see what you think. The coaches will be on hand to get you started. They'll have all the equipment you need.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


So you drive into Linkfield Lane past the leisure centre up the hill. They're a separate building with their own large car park. 01737 780 303 if you want some more details on that. Saturday the 28th between 10 and 4. Let's move on and tell you about a quiz night which is happening Saturday. Doors open at 7, quiz at 7.30, Providence Chapel, Chapel Road in Charlewood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


They say, we'd welcome the thoughts of everyone who lives in, works in, or visits the borough, and sessions are going to be drop-in, informal, and provide the opportunity to share your views. So, do you have a vested interest in not just the Harlequin, but other arts and entertainments across the whole of the borough?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And you can register your team 07732 190706 for that one. The Out of Bounds Comedy Club is happening, South Nutfield Village Hall, Saturday night. And more details on this, slash comedy night 2024. It's for over 18s only. We talked about this last week. Various acts who've appeared on Michael McIntyre, Deal or No Deal, the celebrity version of that, Harry Hill's TV burp,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Also, yeah, various comics, as I say. One of them says here, The Scotsman. Exceptionally funny, extremely sharp and hugely enjoyable. As I say, it is for adults only. So if you want some more information on that, go to slash comedy night 2024. Our friends at Active Prospects have been in touch.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


They'd love me to mention to you, so I am, that Rygate Unplugged is happening at Rygate Priory Cricket Club, Saturday 28th between 6 and 11, and grab a delicious Monteforti pizza and sip on Pilgrim's Brewery's Finest.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Proceeds from the event will support Active Prospects, a local charity dedicated to empowering individuals with learning disabilities and autistic people, helping them lead fulfilling and independent lives.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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let's move on and tell you about the lie food festival and apple press day it's at the plow it's the pub obviously in lie saturday 28th 11 till 3 there's going to be local food and community stalls food and drink apple pressing children's activities and entertainment as well and it's going to be free entry Sunday the 29th goes like this for one day only. The Earlswood Jumble Trail.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Yeah, if you took part in the great Run Rygate event last weekend and I spoke with you as you crossed the finish line, you will be on the show later. Or if you know someone who ran, keep listening to hear if they are on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


Trash, treasure, makes and bakes. Sunday between 11 and 3. Collect your Jumble Trail map from the Earlswood Farmers Market. And if you want some more information on that... Oh, by the way, the Farmers Market is at the Marquess of Granby pub on Hooley Lane. EcoEarlswood at for more on that. We'll be right back.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So again, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham comes under Mole Valley, but it may very well be that if you live in those three villages, or maybe you're listening further afield, but you come into Rygate and Bandstead, You may use the Harlequin or you may be interested in other arts and cultural facilities and activities in that particular borough.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and then letters will eventually be sent to cancer patients in their homes or hospital. No previous letter-writing experience is required, so if you want to get in touch with somebody in that unfortunate position, then go along to the Posadero Lounge Thursday, 10.30 till 12.00. Once you're there, just ask for Catherine or indeed the letter-writing group.

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Treat yourself to a drink or a cake at the Posadero Lounge. Everything is provided for you. The Rewind Wind Band, who are featured, they were our guests on the Planet Rygate podcast, episode 7. Well, Janet says they're holding, excuse me, Jane says they're holding an open rehearsal.

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So if you play or used to play woodwind, brass, percussion, guitar, keyboard, or fancy playing along with them, go along. Thursday the 3rd, 8 till 9.30 at the Salford Scout Hut, Southern Avenue in Salford. And you can get in touch with them if you want some more details. Rewindwindband at Getting my lips and tongue around that name.

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It's time for a Macmillan Coffee Morning and you're invited Friday the 4th, Salford's Village Hall at 11am. A cake stall, an opportunity for you to choose and pre-order a cake at the warm welcome coffee morning. All proceeds go to Macmillan Cancer Support. On that, we always look forward to the following Saturday and from one Apple Fair to another one, Betchworth Apple Fest.

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As on Saturday, October 5th, 1 till 4 at the Betchworth Village Hall, apple pressing, juice sales, kids activities as well. And the refreshments include apple cake, apple pudding, speciality apple biscuits. So that sounds pretty good, doesn't it? You can take your apples along and have them pressed and bottled along with other people's as well.

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And no apple tree will go along anyway, and you can buy the freshest possible juice pressed in front of your very own eyes from apples donated by other people. There's also a garden tool and knife sharpening service as well. Also, chutneys, jams and jellies, all with an apple theme. More information, you can go to rebetchworth at for that one.

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Also, Saturday the 5th at Salford's Village Hall, 7 for a 7.30 start in the evening at Christ the King. Johnny Weaver's Quiz Nights are like nights like no other. General knowledge helps, but also an eagle eye, a logical brain, a creative imagination... may help you win the evening. £7.50 a ticket. Come as a team of six or on your own.

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There's going to be a raffle with proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support on that one. So there you go. That is the Good Time Guide. And also we should mention, shouldn't we, that Saturday the 5th of October is the start of the Arts Takeover Week in Redhill to celebrate the power of of culture, creativity and connection.

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Keep your eyes peeled for news of events, of how you can get involved on all of the social media. And if you want a bit of a taster, then we've been getting the lowdown from Kay, who is the Arts and Development Officer for Reigate and Banstead Borough Council. So it was about a year ago, this very week, that I was sitting with my next guest in the auditorium at the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill.

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So if you are interested, as I say, either in the Harlequin specifically or elsewhere for the provision, then why don't you have a word with the people that are going to be at these places representing the council? And I'm sure they'll have displays and leaflets and clipboards and pieces of paper for you to write your thoughts and messages on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Can't do it this year, but my guest is the same, and we're actually sitting on another seat, actually. Well, you may be able to hear. Can you determine where we are? It's Hanoi in the background. You may be able to hear. We've got some chink of China cups.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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occasionally as well we're in the belfry shopping center k is with me she's the arts development officer for reigate and banstead borough council this time last year we were talking about the arts takeover which was about to happen and one of the venues was going to be the harlequin a couple of days later it all went a little bit wrong we know why but that hasn't dented your enthusiasm or indeed the enthusiasm of the council for arts takeover part two

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What's great about the Belfry, and I know, full disclosure, obviously they sponsor the Planet Reigate podcast, but it's so fantastic that the Belfry is really part of the community. It's not just a shopping centre. It does seem to be such a kind of community hub. And also, you mentioned this performance space. It's right by the lifts. And when you had some performances this time last year...

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People looking over the balconies and so on. And it's quite a good space, actually, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And that's the great thing about art and the arts takeover, isn't it? That you are going out to take art to people who perhaps wouldn't have maybe gone through the doors at the Harlequin or to go to a performance and buy tickets and that kind of thing. Because you're also going to other spaces, church halls, pubs, places like that.

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Red Hill, Saturday the 5th of October, 12.30 to 2.30 at Christ Central. In Reigate, Monday the 7th between 12.30 and 2.30 at the Town Hall. Red Hill, back there the day after, Tuesday the 8th, 6.30 to 8.30 at Christ Central. Hawley, down to the south of the borough, Wednesday the 9th in the morning between 9.30 and 11.30 at the Community Centre. And then Banstead on Thursday the 10th.

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That's really interesting what you say. I hadn't thought about that. The same kind of people would go to a theatre, perhaps. But actually, if you've got something in a shopping centre, something in a pub, something in a church hall, something in a library, you're getting kind of different groups of people, aren't you? Which is really interesting.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And hopefully people who aren't going to be put off by the word arts, because arts is not all Shakespeare and ballet, is it?

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Well, you mentioned the programme. What else is on the programme? You've mentioned some dancing, you've mentioned some photography and art. There must be a bit of music as well?

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That's really loud, isn't it? It gets into your soul, into your body.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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When you say adult storytelling, it's not adult stories. What did you explain?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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That was brilliant. And all, ladies and gentlemen, without notes, because Kay's obviously been working on this for several months. It's all up there. But if people want to actually see it written down so they can work out their schedule, where they need to be on different nights or afternoons, because it's evenings, isn't it, as well as daytime, where do they go to?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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between 9.30 and 11 again, at the Banstead Community Centre towards the north of the borough. So right across the borough, Redhill, Reigate, another one in Redhill for obvious reasons, and Hawley and Banstead too. So just over, what, three or four days there and various times. So hopefully you'll be able to get along to one or more of those.

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So your final message to people, come along, have a little go, what wonder past, involve yourself, and you never know what you might find of interest.

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The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

55: Stories from Run Reigate runners as they crossed the finish line, the big Redhill Arts Takeover week… and more


And you can hear more about the reasons for the Harlequin closure in episode 48, audio highlights of the most recent council meeting decisions on the Harlequin,

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episode 49 and as I say reaction from the Harlequin support group Ali spoke to us in last week's show which was of course episode 53 but it's not just about the Harlequin they're taking the opportunity to look at the whole arts and culture provision right across the borough so if you've got that maybe you just go to the theater occasionally or you used to maybe you used to go there to the Harlequin because you you

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Hear about the doctor running for the hospital, the woman in a wheelchair which broke on her way round, the mum and daughter who ran together, the husband and wife, the semi-pros and the young lad who wants to be a pro. the charity runners and why they're raising money for those causes, and the runner in a tutu, the one in a gorilla costume.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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used to hire out one of their rooms for meetings, or a knitter-natter group, or crocheting, or maybe it was theatre, excuse me, maybe it was dance practice, or choir practice, or something like that, and now you don't know where else to go, and you want to know a little bit more about the timescale, maybe you think that there should be more arts and culture provision in Hawley, or Bandstead, maybe you think that Reigate is being left out.

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Go along, make decisions, your views known right across the area, right across the borough. So as I say, you've got all the details there and hopefully you'll be able to take part in that particular initiative. If you want to know the timescale of when the RAC investigation work is going to be done,

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When they report back to the council, and when the council is going to be having another look at the whole provision, then make sure you listen back to last week's episode, because that timescale, the logistics, are all gathered there.

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Now, also, as I mentioned last week, Rygate and Bannister Borough Council has now launched an eight-week consultation on a draft plan that sets out its priorities for 2025 to 2030. The council says, quote, it's a vision for healthy, sustainable borough, and resilient council that enables its communities to thrive and provide support for those in need.

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Now, you're encouraged to give your views, including, again, about arts and culture. The Harlequin is mentioned, actually, on page 14 of the PDF, all about the future, the next five years of the council, but also things like bins and parks and homelessness and so on. So the full draft, Reigate and Banstead 2030 plan continues.

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It can be viewed on the council's website,, and search for it there. Comments can be submitted via an online survey. Now, I should warn you that there's nothing much concrete there, so don't expect anything like, I don't know, a new development or something that's going to be closed down or something else that's going to be opened up or anything like that.

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There's lots of vision. There's sentences like... We will engage proactively with stakeholders to facilitate networking and encourage collaborative efforts to drive local and regional economic development. Or we will develop our organizational capacity and culture in using data and integrate data and evidence into strategy and decision making.

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yeah so there's lots of kind of things like that but if you don't read it and you don't take part and give your feedback then your views can't be taken into account for how the borough is going to be developing over the next five years now if you don't have internet access paper copies of the plan are available from the town hall one would presume they haven't let me know comments can also be made in writing or via email as well and that consultation runs until 5 p.m on the 20th of november

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A man who threatened to rob staff at a jewellery shop in Reigate has been jailed. His Fabio De Jesus, who's 46, of no fixed address, he was arrested after the attempted robbery on the high street on the 6th of May 2023. Now, just as staff were beginning to close up, he went into the store and then pulled out a black imitation handgun, shouting, go back, I'll shoot you.

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From young to old, newbies and experienced, stay tuned for one of the greatest examples of community in the borough. Plus, we hear more from Kay Highmass about the big arts takeover event in Redhill in a week's time. Yeah, the Hollywood may be shut, but the shows will go on at various other venues across town, affordable and accessible.

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One of the staff shouted back at him and he ran from the shop empty-handed. Police found a coat and a kitchen knife that had been discarded over a wall near the castle grounds, but they couldn't actually find him. And it wasn't until several months later that one of the victims then saw him again in Morrison's car park. He's been given three years and nine months in prison.

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Now, police not actually telling us what jewellers it was. And I've done a bit of research. I can't specifically say that I know, so I won't. But Reigate is quite often targeted for its jewellery shops. July 2020, Philip Lloyd jewellers, a woman entered the store and made off with diamonds and jewellery estimated to be worth around £22,000 after distracting the shop assistant.

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March 2015, police were called to the Clive Allen jewellers on the high street around 4am. After an alarm was activated, a substantial amount of jewellery was taken during that break-in, officers connecting that incident to an attempted burglary at the same store, which occurred during the early hours just a few days earlier. And in October 2012, the Philip Lloyd jewellers targeted again.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Hello, Planeteers. This is Peter Stewart. Welcome to our listener-funded podcast for Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham and other towns and villages in RH 1, 2, 3 and 6 as well. Welcome to our family. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. My guests this week... You!

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Two men entered the store mid-morning, dressed as a postman. A member of staff was attacked, but again, the raiders fled empty-handed. Pilgrim Brewery has taken over another pub. Of course, they've already run the hatch, of course. And now they've taken the cage under their wing. They say they're not looking to make any massive changes. Hawley is getting a new Lidl.

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It's going to be at the Air Balloon pub, which would replace the existing store in the town centre. So it's going to be slightly out of the town. just there, as I say, at the Air Balloon pub on that kind of crossroads.

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Tesco had tried to argue that the council hadn't given sufficient reasons for the approval, given the harm to the demolition of the locally listed Air Balloon pub building and the setting of the listed war memorial, which is just about opposite. But it has been decided that the socio-economic benefits of...

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of having a supermarket there, losing the one in town, outweighs the demolition of the building and the nearness to the war memorial there as well. Red Hill footballer Millie Bright is the first woman to hold an honorary title in Reigate and Banstead Borough Council's 50-year history. So congratulations to her. We mentioned this a few months ago when it was first announced.

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The Lioness has this week actually been officially made an honorary free woman for services to sport. She was, of course, England captain at the 2023 Women's World Cup, currently plays as a defender for Chelsea. She said in a statement, I'm really grateful to be awarded with this great accolade. I'm proud of this community and how the people take care of one another.

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Now, only people of distinction and who have, quote, rendered eminent services to the borough are awarded the title. And Millie was actually nominated by Councillor Rich Michalowski. as, quote, an excellent role model, a serial winner, and someone who, without a doubt, has encouraged many young people in our borough to take up the sport.

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So it's an honorary title, but I wonder what she should be allowed to do, you know, because Freeman of the City of London, I think I'm right in saying, can they drive a flock of sheep over London Bridge, something like that. So I wonder, what do you reckon Millie should be allowed to do in the borough? I mean, I don't know.

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An art exhibition, cheerleading and choirs, ballet and Bollywood, African drumming, open mic music, photography, crochet, crafts, DJing and painting, all sorts of stuff going on. In the news details on how you can have your say on the future of the Harlequin Theatre and arts provision across the area. We have the dates and locations of five drop-in events.

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Park for more than two hours in Morrison's car park or something like that. I don't know. Got any ideas? Drop me a line. Hello at or send me a voice note 07917 874 572.

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advance notice for you, boy oh boy, certainly advance notice, because this is something happening on Saturday the 26th of April, because I was asked to give this a particular push, it's a fundraising event in aid of SANS, that's the Stillbirth and Near Natal Death Society, and they've got a fundraising event, hoping to re-establish the Surrey branch of SANS,

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It's going to be at the Nutfield Centre in Redhill, Saturday the 26th of April, as I say, next year, between 2 and 6. They've got a music night and a quiz night, children's entertainment, auction raffle and things like that going on. And they would like your help. I know lots of groups specifically want your help and support and so on.

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But they're after events, sponsorship, raffle prizes, items for auction and IT support as well. So if you can help with any of those kinds of facilities...

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and initiatives then do get in touch with the people there it may be that you have been particularly touched by a similar situation in your family and this may be something which is close to your heart Tess Shepherd would like to hear from you and if you would like to get in touch with her get in touch with me and I'll pass on the details via the Planet Rygate podcast

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Mentioned this last week, but well worth mentioning it again. West Street in Reigate closed until the 19th of October, major resurfacing and changing the existing advisory cycle lanes to wider and lightly segregated mandatory cycle lanes. They're also going to be taking the opportunity to upgrade roads. Some of the zebra crossings in that neck of the woods as well.

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then you should be advised, you should be aware, 8pm to 6am West Street, Reigate is going to be closed, not weekends.

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If you want to know our breakdown of road improvements and changes, including changes to traffic islands, road markings and layouts, and new speed limits and speed cameras, all the way on that length of the A25 between the Blackhorse in Reigate and the Cockrell roundabout in Dorking, listen back to episode 50. It's been really wet, hasn't it, this past week, 10 days.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Council Leader Richard Biggs there. Now, later on, Councillor Andrew Proudfoot moved a motion on the same topic. It asked for the council to be committed to retain the Harlequin as a cultural centre to ensure a cultural and arts programme to continue until the Harlequin is reopened.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


and to produce a report that sets out an indicative timescale for the Harlequin to be brought back into use and includes opportunities to improve on the existing facilities of the Harlequin Theatre as and when it is reopened. Here's some more of what he said.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Now, as the motion is actually what a forthcoming report is going on to answer, it was deemed unnecessary to debate it actually on the night because obviously the report isn't out yet. And that's actually going to be published in time for the meeting on the 15th of August. Council Leader Richard Biggs then ending the meeting with this commitment. You heard it here.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And Red Hill's Hangar 9 Cafe. How you could be the area's official poet laureate. And I thought you may want to know what pupils at Donata have been tasked with doing over the summer holidays. In sport, we feature rounders Pickleball and Badminton. Of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Reigate stars are several strangers in Charlewood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So there obviously has been a reaction on socials. David said the public gallery was rammed tonight, all very encouraging. Yvonne replied, and all the seats in the overflow room were taken too. I was there for a while, but Laura said it's really disappointing. I feel more pessimistic after going to the meeting, to be honest.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


One of the councillors advised me to email my MP, which I've done, but I don't hold out much hope. And Deborah wrote, as long as the outdoor theatre is not going to be in Memorial Park, the Pantomime was a nightmare with the noise for people that live around the park. We don't want it again.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


We already have to put up with the fare, which is fine when it's on during the day, but the noise from the generator all night and the people working until 3am on the night they arrived and went is a joke. Please think of the residents around the park before you decide to put any theatres in Memorial Park.

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So again, the 15th of August is the next council meeting that you can attend or you can listen online. Of course, I'll have a report from that meeting as well in that edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. And from Redhill to Reigate, because Pilgrim Brewery on West Street has been given permission to develop.

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Yeah, it's going to cause the demolition of their existing space to build a new, larger one. So 666 square metres, as opposed to the existing building floor space of 404, together with alterations to the...

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


other store buildings there they say it is great news they say we've had our planning application for the redevelopment at its current site approved we'd like to say thank you to ws planning and architecture for their help it's the second time in two weeks that spencer and his colleagues have been given recognition for their help with what was a difficult process to our friends who supported the application and the councillors for agreeing unanimously

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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the Pilgrim Brewery can continue to be part of this town's thriving community. However, they do say that after that, which has been a bit of a struggle because it had to go back at least once, now comes, they say, the really hard part.

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Quote, we'll need to raise substantial funds to turn the current brewery site into an efficient state-of-the-art brewing facility with a larger indoor space and a dedicated community and event space. We aim to launch a rewards-based crowdfunder shortly. to help fund some of the new equipment, but we'll need to raise a great deal more as well.

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If you've got any ideas, they say please contact us directly at Yes, so as I say, the new building is going to incorporate new brewing facilities, a larger bar area on the ground floor. A new function room with offices on the first floor. Outdoor seating still going to stay. Sales is going to continue from part of the store building as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week from Cormungers Lane.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Because what they've got there is a little bit out of date. They say it's going to be more efficient in the future and give space to grow the business as well. And also, if you live nearby, they also say they're putting in some more sound insulation walls. The hours will stay through to 11 o'clock at night on Monday to Saturday till 10 o'clock on a Sunday.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Some restrictions to the frequency and hours outside. A consultation's been republished regarding land at Woodhatch Place, the home of Surrey County Council, of course, and the site of the proposed new school.

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Indeed, the application states that it is additional information regarding, quote, the erection of a Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 storey building to provide a five-form entry junior school with two all-weather sports pitches,

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This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


a mugger pitch, a hard play area with a netball court and provision of car parking spaces and provision of a new internal access road with a new egress point onto Cockshot Hill with associated hard and soft landscaping and off-site highways works. While the update was seemingly published on the Surrey County Council website on the 18th of July, the consultation closes...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


in uh on the 12th of august just a couple of weeks away and of course there is also work ongoing in parallel to that to explore school reorganization possibilities across the reigate area for more information get in touch with me i'll put you in touch uh with that particular report or a planning document if you want to see it and it got me thinking there's been that temporary fence across the front of reigate priory for months now hasn't there

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


What's going on? I mean, I thought it's a listed building, right? So it should be repaired as quickly as possible if there's something wrong with it. So I don't know what's going on there. Well, driving through the area has been a really big concern this week. Bancroft Road in Reigate, that's the one past the cinema, has been closed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Yeah, starting off with the postbag and the correspondence that I've had in during the course of the week. This from the Kids' Club's family holiday scheme that I mentioned over the last couple of weeks, in fact. Have a listen, they said. It's a great way to keep up to date with what's going on across our area. Well, I hope your various events go well across the school summer holidays.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Likely to be closed probably for just one more week now, we understand. They had suggested it might be four weeks in total, but that has been scaled down. They've been able to get on with the work fast. faster than they originally thought so maybe could finish at the end of this coming week.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Access has been okay and you could still get into the multi-storey but it has meant that the road usually one way has been made two way as workers are at the Bell Street end of the road so Bancroft Road here it's usually one way of course be made two way so if you actually work down there you could go in

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


From the north and then turn around, do your work and then come back out the same way that you went in. So you get to Morrison's via Bell Street at the moment, but not Bancroft. Or as one person suggested this week, quote, you can drive through the high street, go left to the butchers on Park Lane, go through the park in behind Morrison's to access their car park that way.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Someone else suggested to get to Woodhatch from Rygate train station. Follow me on this one. Drive to Shaw's Corner, Blackborough Road, down a Lesborne Road, then turn left on Bell Street. They said that's the way I've been going before 8 a.m. and it's been absolutely fine. Plus this week, as I mentioned last week, Woodhatch Road has been closed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And on Wednesday, the Bell Street car park was closed for the day as well. So it has been, well, someone saying on social media, Armageddon, someone else corrected that to Carmageddon, which I thought was quite clever. Now, this coming week, there's going to be roadworks with two-way traffic lights on the A23 Brighton Road by the junction with Woodroyd Avenue.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


between Monday through till Friday, the 23rd of August. That's for Southern Gas Networks to carry out works. And that's going to impact users of local bus services. Also drivers from Hawley heading towards Hookwood, Crawley and Dorking. And for more information, you can go to

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And also, I'm going to put it in here as well, as I mentioned last week, the Hawley Subway Works start on Monday through until Friday the 30th of August. Yeah, that's a pedestrian subway. They're going to close it all off because they're installing a new pumping system, drains and water catch pits. including at the entrance to the High Street car park to help take water away more quickly.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So the subway is going to be closed for five weeks. There's going to be a side pedestrian diversion route in place to help you during that time. Let's move on. We've been talking about quite a bit of development work, haven't we? What with the state of the Harlequin and also Pilgrim Brewery as well. Now, parents of Sandcross School...

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


have started a petition requesting the County Council review and improve road safety for all road users around Sandcross. It says many pupils at Sandcross School walk or wheel to school. We've started this petition to ask the Council to review and improve the safety of the current road and parking arrangements in the area. And that petition closes on August the 31st.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So possibly, maybe, perhaps, if those parents get their way, there could be changes maybe to the road layout or the road furniture, maybe some speed bumps or chicanes or whatever else. Maybe just some signs up or a restricted speed limit there. Have you got an interest in policing? Are you looking for a new way to make a difference in your community?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Well, Surrey Police are looking for people from all backgrounds and walks of life to volunteer, giving you the opportunity to learn new skills and get involved with many aspects of policing. Volunteering roles can include special constables, police support volunteers and cadet leaders, whatever your skills they say. There's a role for you. More information,

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Also mentioned last week, a plug for Redhill Bowling Club. They had a Surrey County Bowls final there, didn't they, last Sunday? And they said, thanks so much for the plug. We welcome new players and visitors to come along. Open to all ages, not just for the retired. Wink emoji. Plenty of free parking and great facilities. and hope to see some new faces very soon.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


You're looking for the volunteering link. Mentioned this last week because it was happening last week, it's happening this weekend as well. Work to install new doors at the main entrance and east entrance of East Surrey Hospital taking place. Yeah, so from 6am Saturday to 8pm Sunday coming, the east entrance at the hospital going to be closed.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Parents and visitors, excuse me, patients and visitors will be redirected. Do you run a group, a charity?

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


well surrey county council want to give away some cash yeah community projects can now apply for funding through surrey's your councillor community fund this is where a local councillor identifies a need directly within their community and have the authority to give that particular group or charity maybe a couple hundred pounds for something small that would really help really make a difference

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So it's things like buying sports equipment for local clubs, maybe helping with the creation of a website, because then, of course, they've got better outreach to reach more people. Transport costs for community outings, maybe environmental testing of local rivers. There's an idea. And skills training for vulnerable groups. If you're interested in applying for the YCCF,

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


That is for the Your Councillor Community Fund. Go to YCCF at Are you recently retired? Have you got some time on your hands? Would you like to do something positive in your community, something worthwhile? that they're after Monday drivers down at Age Concern. So Mondays it would be 9.30 to 10.45 in the morning and 2.10 to 3.10 in the afternoon or thereabouts.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Well, that sounds reasonably manageable, doesn't it? They say we provide a service for older members of the community to come to our centre. reducing their isolation and loneliness. We cover Merstham, Redhill and Reigate areas. Janine would love to hear from you at That's for Merstham, Redhill, Reigate. Janine at

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And Marie Curie South East say they're the UK's leading end-of-life charity and they're looking for volunteers in Reigate and Merstham areas. to become companions to care or nursing home residents in their last year of life. They say it's a great opportunity to provide people in your community with practical and emotional support and have those kind of what's important to you conversations.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


You'll need good listening skills, some knowledge of IT, full training's going to be given. 18s or over, Surrey Companion at Calling all green thumbs and nature lovers if you've ever fancied spending your days in a beautiful historic garden of Gatton Park. But you can join their friendly volunteer team and make a real difference and have loads of fun as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just want to get your hands dirty, they want to hear back from you. It could be cutting down brambles, clearing overgrown areas, sowing seeds, planting something for everyone. Maybe you live in a flat and you just don't have access to a garden anymore. And on Tuesdays afternoons, they run a plant propagation group to look after greenhouses and plant nurseries.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Be part of a super friendly team. You can go to Gatton Trust events for free. and enjoy the great outdoors. It doesn't matter if you're not particularly green-fingered because they can always give you a fork or a pair of secateurs or something. So if you want some more details on that, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. Belfry Shopping Centre.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


It's up behind, I said last week, didn't I? It's up behind the sorting office in Redhill, just the other side of the railway. I say just the other side of the railway, I'm talking from my perspective of where I am, but of course you may be already, you get what I'm trying to say. Catherine bought me a coffee. She said, thank you so much indeed for supporting the letter writing group.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Andy and the team over there say experience the thrill of the 2024 Paris Olympics there. Visit the centre between Friday 26th and Sunday the 11th to support Team GB athletes and watch them compete on the big screen. Can you help the critical care team at East Surrey Hospital? They're hoping to raise £1,500 to help the team provide memory boxes for children and adults who lose a loved one.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So these boxes help children and family members. You'll help the team gather handprints, locks of hair, a library of books and resources to support children with bereavement, provide soft toys... These soft toys, now I've heard about these before, they have a little pouch. So if you're particularly younger or maybe a little bit older, you can put something valuable in that pouch in the toy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So it could be a lock of hair, it could be a little photo, it could be a pebble from a beach or something. You can hold that toy close to you because it's got that keepsake actually in it, if that makes sense, rather than just holding a picture close to you, which may not have the kind of same effect.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So if you're interested in the SASH charity, that's Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust charity, it's a bit of a mouthful. I reckon they should change their name, don't you? It's a bit of a mouthful. SASH charity is a bit odd. But anyway, that's who they are and that's who they're trying to help.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Patients and staff at East Surrey Hospital, get in touch with me and I'll get you in touch with them or you can contact them via Facebook. Fancy a cup of tea? Do you love the Rose Room on Church Street in Reigate? I've got some sad news. It's closed down. But I've got some good news. It's okay. They've only moved to a better business location. They're now up the High Street. 57 High Street.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


57 has the numbers start, don't they, at the clock tower end. So 57, you're trying to work it out. It is... Just beyond Marks and Spencer's. It's next to Nando's. It's where the collective pop-up shop used to be. That's going to be the Roseroom Tea Rooms. So now you know. So you can go in there. They're going to be open in the next few days. Do you know Joshua Tree Pub and Indian Restaurant?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Usually they're on Common Road in Earlswood. It was originally the Railway Inn, don't you know, back in the 19th century, and the name comes from the start of the building of the London to Brighton Railway line. However, they're opening their street food hub in Redhill Town Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 9am to 5pm, they say please come and enjoy the nostalgic vibe of Indian street food. So if you like the Indian food when you sit down in the restaurant area,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


on Common Road in Earlswood, and he'd love to take it away with you, then you can go along to their street food hub at the market at Redhill Town Centre, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 9 to 5, and you can buy it in a plastic pot, and you can take it home and have it at your leisure.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Also, I can tell you about the Hangar 9 Cafe, which we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, has opened up at Redhill Aerodrome. They say, we apologise for not offering breakfast at the moment. We have informed many customers who visited that the cafe is not fully open yet. I think I mentioned this, didn't I, a couple of three weeks ago.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


For the time being, we offer paninis, sandwiches, pastries, cakes, hot drinks and cold drinks. But rest assured, they say, as soon as the cafe is fully open, and they reckon this side of October... We will expand our menu and improve many aspects, but please show understanding. It's a slow opening, isn't it? It's a soft opening, a soft launch. That's what they usually say.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Well, I'm always pleased to do that, Catherine. And thank you very much indeed for supporting the Planet Reigate podcast. If you want to do that as well, you can do that via your mobile phone and you just go to the following email. Excuse me. You just go to the following website address.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So go along, find out where it is, support them in the meantime, and then you can go along come October and you can fill up with a fry-up, can't you? It's not a bad line, is it? Fill up with a fry-up. I could be a copywriter, couldn't I? I could write adverts. Fill up with a fry-up. I like that. Here we go. Calling all wordsmiths.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Rygate and Banstead Borough Council, 50 years old, to celebrate the milestone birthday. They're running a competition to find a poet laureate. Yeah, this sounds interesting. The winner will be announced on the 5th of September at our Poetry in the Castle event, they say, which is an animated alliteration and witty wordplay. evening featuring Paul Lyles and our good friend Woodsy.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Entrants have got to be 16 years or over. Poems must have a title, be no longer than 28 lines. They can't have been published, self-published, made public on any social media or featured in any other competition. And the winning poem will go on display around the borough with the successful Bard earning the right to promote themselves as the Reigate and Bandstead Borough Bard.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


That sounds good, doesn't it? Submit your poem by 31st of August to arts at OK, let me tell you about what has been happening at Donata School. If you've got a child that goes there, you will already know this.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


But if you don't, you may want to take part just kind of in your own time or just kind of mull over what those kids at Donata have been given for their summer holidays. It is...

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a summer holiday philosophy competition slaps forehead what okay it's to encourage their creativity and showcase their talent for critical thinking that sounds interesting actually doesn't it it's all to do with their hashtag warrior learning which is a different approach to learning that has been hugely successful down there i've spoken to them about that sounds really really interesting

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So the task is that the kids have to, if they want to, choose from one of these four topics. And they've either got to write an article or a short essay or maybe produce a short film, which is interesting, or draw a mind map. And then the winner gets some book tokens. And this is just for the kids that go there. But I thought you might be interested.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And if you do it on your mobile phone, where you've probably got payment facilities already set up, you just tap a couple of buttons and you kind of buy me a virtual coffee, which is really fantastic.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Is it important to always win? Or number four, how do you know if you're dreaming or if you're awake? They're good talking topics around tonight's dinner table, aren't they? Bear those in mind. Yeah, if you're going on a long holiday road trip, maybe throw those out to the kids in the back. No, they won't thank you for it. What's that? Yeah, TikTok. OK, I appreciate that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


But I thought you'd like to know that anyway. There's some interesting things going on there at Donata. And don't forget, if you've got something which is happening across the Planet Reigate area, then get in touch with me. Tell me all about it.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


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The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Sean is going to be with us a little bit later on in our sports sequence to tell us all about the cyclocross event, which is coming to Priory Park in a couple of weeks' time. Plus, we've got the second part of the Good Time Guide, taking us from Monday through to next Saturday, Planet Rygade Stars and our 60-second soundscape too.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


But first, did you know that this coming week is Heath Week across the country? Yeah, Monday 29th July through until Sunday. So here's the first in our occasional mini-series taking a look at Reigate Heath. 120 acres of it. It's a site of special scientific interest. It's owned by the council. It's got a really rich history and a wealth of wildlife. And it's a very sacred place.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


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The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I don't know whether you know this, but in the Bronze Age, which is 2,500 years BC, there were nine burial mounds placed around here. They're classed as ancient monuments. It's what's called a bowl-barrow cemetery. And those burial mounds are called tumuli. I don't know whether you've seen them, but they are still visible today, if you know where to look.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


They're topped by large pine trees, which were actually put in place by the Victorians, as it happens. And finds from this time, from the Bronze Age, they found various remnants of Bronze Age man and woman living in these parts. Worked flints, hunting weapons, even two Neolithic axes were found on the heath in recent years.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Mentioned last week, didn't I, about the swimming pool that I thought was opposite the town hall in Reigate, because we were talking about Bancroft Road and Pool House there, and I was saying... It's funny that there were two swimming pools, to my knowledge, in Reigate, just a couple of hundred yards away from each other. No more information has come in about Paul House.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And there's much evidence that the area was settled here in the medieval period as well. The entry in the Doomsday Book shows that Edward the Confessor held an estate here. It was part of Queen Edith's dowry and eventually passed to William the Conqueror.

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And then William, or maybe his son William Rufus, granted the manor, along with many others to a name you'll know, William de Warren, on his elevation when he became the Earl of Surrey. We've spoken about William de Warren, of course, before. And there are various references to William de Warren around the Reigate area, as you know. I mean, he built the castle, didn't he? He established the town.

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He built a hospital, which later became Reigate Priory. And in those days, Reigate Heath would have formed part of the wastes of the manor of Reigate. And the area was probably used by commoners to graze their cattle and other livestock.

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Cattle, horses, pigs, geese, goats, all sorts of stock would have been driven across the heaths and through the lanes and the roads which ran out, fan out from Reigate Heath, resulting in the layout of the heath and its surroundings that we still see today. Heath pigs used to be kept in the woods near here.

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Locally, a little bit further down Flangeford Road and over to the left-hand side if you're going south, that area of woodland was actually known as Wickens Wood after the family who kept them there. And if you go exploring in that neck of the woods, quite literally, you may be able to find some remnants of some of the old pig pens.

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And all that grazing by various livestock resulted in the really sandy soil, which obviously is low fertility, could only support non-aggressive plants like heather, gorse and other typically heathland vegetation. And in the early 20th century, changing farming methods and urban development meant a loss of 85% of heathland in Surrey since the late 18th century.

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Various races with several hundred riders on trails up through the woods there at the back of Priory Park. I've been to walk the course with event director Sean Lamberth. Hear our conversation a little bit later on. And this coming week is Heath Week. Hear my report from Reigate Heath, the flora and fauna and archaeological finds. How it got to be a heath in the first place.

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And of the heathland that remains in Surrey... 25% has been lost to scrub. And that means that the heathland in Surrey is increasingly rare, very valuable habitat. And Reigate Heath itself is the largest example in East Surrey. It's a SSSI site, Site of Special Scientific Interest. And it's been that since 1955 because of its heathland habitats. and also the rarity of many plants.

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And several different kinds of habitats can be found here. You think of it all as one large mass of heathland, but actually lowland heath, dry acid grassland, and recent secondary woodland, all of which support their own special characteristics and species as well.

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If you know where to look, wildflowers that you could find in the Heathland area of Reigate Heath, harebells, and also the pretty rare dwarf gorse as well. And the wooded areas have typical species that you already know, bluebells, wood anemones, in the springtime of course. and various fungi later on in the year as well.

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Three native species of heather can be found on the heath today, the common heather, the bell heather, and the cross-leaved heather as well. And until recently, the areas that those species cover were becoming increasingly small because of a growing pressure on them from...

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And yet I was expecting Spencer from WS Architecture and Planning to let me know a little bit about that. Because he actually works there in Paul House on Bancroft Road. To be quite honest, if he's working on Bancroft Road, he's probably had other issues to deal with this week regarding all the problems there with the road closure. But anyway, Stuart got in touch with me. He said,

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overgrazing back in the past and also that meant that the number of trees and scrubland on the heath increased and that meant that the heather couldn't compete because there was less light coming through to them lower to the ground of course so to protect the heather closer to the ground and some of those other

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grasses and so on I had to cut back all of this stuff which is it smells nice and it looks quite nice but all this kind of bracken has to be cut back and some of the invasive tree species as well have to be cut down controlled cut back to stop the heath reverting to scrub and thick woodland

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That's all done by Reigate Area Conservation volunteers and also staff and volunteers with the golf club as well. Clearing the scrub, clearing the bracken to increase the amount of heather at ground level. Another part of the heath is the alder woodland. And near the eastern side, there are some marshy meadows as well.

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They're the only examples of marshy meadows in Surrey that haven't been destroyed by modern agriculture. And those marshy areas support Yorkshire fog grass and sharp-flowered rush grass and meadow-sweet grass and wild angelica and marsh marigold. They've got some fantastic names, haven't they? There's also a large colony of southern marsh orchid on Reigate Heath, which I understand is pretty rare.

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And there's also a stream. Do you know the stream that runs along the eastern side of Reigate Heath? Rare breeding ground and feeding ground for birds. Kingfisher, heron, you can see over there as well. Over recent years, the water table has fallen significantly. in the Rygate Heath area.

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And most affected by that drop are the areas of Alder Carr that I just mentioned, that Alder woodland, because Alder is a tree that really loves wet conditions. The Alder trees are still here. The dry conditions mean that many other species have gone though. You can see how the

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conditions have altered over the years because as the soil dries out it shrinks and that means that the alders are now kind of raised up on their own little kind of islands. I'm walking across Reigate Heath from the car park on Flangeford Road and you probably know if you park there the three pine trees grown together in a group. Some people call them the three graces. Have you heard that?

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Do you use that term for those three pine trees? And the heath is also home to a rare blue atlas cedar tree. I've not found it, but I understand that it's a native tree to Morocco. Working my way through one of the lesser used paths. Bracken and Bramble's either side of me, Holly, and a helicopter overhead, as you can hear. It's a warm afternoon. Animal species which I haven't seen.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I'm looking out for common lizards, slow worms, maybe even the occasional grass snake as well. And also I'm told, I've never seen them, despite the number of times that I've walked here, sparrowhawk can sometimes be seen circling overhead. And then during the winter months, bright red and green crossbills can be seen. They particularly like the coniferous woodlands.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also, if you come here at a certain time of day, you'll be able to see, fingers crossed, if you know where to look and the kind of place to stand, our smallest and largest species of bat. Yeah, the pipistrelle is the smallest and commonest bat in the whole of the UK. The ceratine bat is rarer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It's found mainly in the south of England, but you can see both of them here on Reigate Heath, which is rather nice, isn't it? So hopefully that's given you a bit of background to Reigate Heath, some of the flora and fauna, a little bit of the history as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Keep listening to the Planet Reigate podcast over the next several weeks, because I'm going to be bringing you a bit more about the Heath, the sports that are played here, the

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


businesses that have been run here yeah and the two significant churches that are here on the heath as well two of them yeah two of them the worldwide celebrity that used to live here the story of the highwayman and also the story about the 300 foot deep well that used to be here on the heath and also why the skim is called the skim

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


From Reigate and Red Hill, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, great stories from places you love and people you know. This is the Planet Reigate podcast. See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


He said, I learned to swim there in the 1970s before it was knocked down and replaced by Donnings. I remember it being freezing. An office block now stands where it was. Yeah, absolutely. I can picture that. Not the original, of course. It's a little bit before my time. Not much, but a little bit. And, of course, we look back at why Donnings was called Donnings.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Register as a team, a group of friends, or just come along by yourself. Find out more online or email them at info at Well, also in our sports news this week, we've got a pickleball for mental well-being. It's every Monday, 2 till 3 in the afternoon over at Donnings. Fun, casual drop-in pickleball session for people experiencing mental health problems.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


All abilities welcome and all the equipment is provided as well. So, yeah, this group is provided free by the mental health charity Sport In Mind for the benefit of local people. And you can get some more information, info at So that's Pickleball for Mental Wellbeing at Donnings. And that is happening on Mondays, two till three in the afternoon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also the same group running

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


for mental well-being as well mondays one till two also at donnings also provided by the same people and also the same details if you want to get some more information info at sport in now last week i said that the new paddle courts have been opened in reigate at the tennis club to clarify they're at the reigate lawn tennis club not at the reigate priory lawn tennis club

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


They're at the tennis club there on Manor Road. Now it's the second annual Rygate Cyclocross event coming to Priory Park in a couple of weeks. Various races, several hundred riders on trails up through the woods there at the back. I've been to walk the course with event director Sean Lambeth.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Well, it's a glorious July afternoon and you find me walking through the woods at Reigate's Priory Park, which is something I guess not a lot of people do in as much as usually stick to the main open green area with kids and dogs and kites and footballs and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


rather than walking through the woods and I'm a little bit out of out of breath because I've just been going up one of the big hills why have I been going up one of the big hills well Sean Lambeth is with me he is the race director of the cyclocross event which is happening here in Priory Park on the 9th of August we've just been walking some of the route haven't we Sean yeah we've just been up one of the steeper hills which uh

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


split up there's a tree that came between us then so sean tell me about the course first of all so people can get in their mind's eye where these cyclists are going to be going

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


in a previous episode of the Planet Rygate podcast. So search for that in your favourite podcast app. And if you can't find it and you're intrigued to know why Donnings is called Donnings, drop me a line and I'll let you know the details of what episode that was in. And a couple of weeks ago, episode 44, in fact, I spoke about the campaign to keep open the station pub in Nutfield.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I can imagine that actually you're going to get bracken. I mean, it's difficult to walk through, but you're going to get caught in your spokes and so on, isn't it? Right, okay.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


We're going down here, aren't we? And also you've got to check for things like broken glass and stuff, haven't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I remember going down to Guildford. They do a big cycle event in Guildford, don't they, actually, on the sets, or the cobbles, whatever you want to call them. And I was down there a few years ago, and it was wet weather. And there was really one dangerous corner. And they were just going over like ninepins.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So you're coming between the different trees.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I'm going over some tree trunks, which are almost embedded in the ground, to be fair. But it's a good foot-down step, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Well, that prompted a lot of memories from people across the area. Julie said, fond memories of this place as a child and adult. I lived in Nutfield and spent many a night in there. Roy said, shame, enjoyed a few beers and some nice meals there over the decades. Ted, does anyone remember Jerry Gowling, who kept a pig in the garden of the station pub in Nutfield? And Jason replied, pig?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, yeah, some of the guys are on two wheels.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Oh, it's that plan, isn't it? Over in Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I was going to say, because you do that with Run Rygate and so on, you've got the cowbells, but also that's a cycling thing, really, isn't it? Yeah, it's a massive cycling thing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Or if not, just your vocal chords, just a shout and a cheer and a holler. Or just shout, yeah. Yeah, yeah, excellent.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


It was a Gloucester old spot called Bertie. after an inspector at Reigate that Gerry had a run-in with. Which sounds interesting. I don't know a bit more about what happened there. Karen said, I met Phil Collins in the station pub. Sue said, yeah, I remember the night Phil Collins was in there, and he broke the big bottle of coins for charity. He was very friendly and chatty with us locals.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And how long does the whole event kind of last for? If people are thinking to themselves, I'm going to come down, I'm going to get myself a bit of this action out of the sights.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And where can people get more information, Sean?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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you know you could race that i wouldn't recommend it but i'd give it a go i think but maybe that would be the limit i don't think i don't think a penny farthing would make it no i don't think it would great to meet up with sean and i'm really looking forward to that so that's at the 9th of august yeah starts in the afternoon late afternoon so you can perhaps go along there with the kids something to do during the summer holidays or even take part maybe see you down there

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Yeah, the Good Time Guide comes in two parts. Earlier we heard places to go and things to do this weekend. Now our Good Time Guide for the coming week from Monday. Lots of kids events, so let's rattle through these first of all, starting on Monday. Now these essentially will start this coming Monday, but I may give other dates for the future because they're over several weeks very often.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Monday 29th July at Merstham Library, How to Make a Detective Story, 11 to 12. On the 8th August there at Merstham Library, At the Beach Happy Hour, an hour of fun based on the theme At the Beach, so a quiz, a search, colouring in, reading a story. Junk Modelling on Monday 12th August, 2 till 3. Painting with Nature on the 20th, 10 to 11. And Friday the 30th, Make a Shaker, 2 till 3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


These are usually kind of looking at them various ages up to the age of 10. So be aware of that. And also they say don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge. Read six or more books over the summer. Earn rewards for every book you read. And get a medal and a certificate when you complete the challenge. More information. You can get in touch with them. Let's see the best way.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Probably Facebook. Merstam Library. That's quite straightforward, isn't it? There's a summer swim crash course, Monday the 29th through to Thursday the 1st of August, 9 to 11. And that's all happening at Donata School. And to email to book helloflipperclub, love it, at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Also, Summer Kids Club Extravaganza, 9 till 3.30 on 29th July through to 1st August, 5th to 8th August and 12th to 15th as well. It's all happening at Sandcross Primary School. Lunch included, 5 to 11 years old. They say travel with us around the world this summer. More information, you can get that from slash globefitkidsclubs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Alan said, Paul Heaton played an early gig there with his band, Tools Down. Paul Heaton. Beautiful South, I'm thinking. And John said, I was a regular there before I was even old enough to drink beer. The dartboard was always in play. John, tusk, tusk, but we all did it, didn't we? My place where I kind of broke the law, should I be saying there? Yeah, I reckon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


The Minds in Motion Holiday Camp, £35 a day, happening at Rygate Priory Junior School, 29th to 2nd August, 5th August to the 9th. More information there, Our friends at Rygate Roses Netball have summer camp dates. Netball training for years 2 to 13, so that's ages 6 to 18. 29th of July, 10 to 2.30, and 28th of August, 10 to 2.30.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Those camps taking place at the Hawthorne School. More information, reigaterosesnetball at The Inspire Academy of Dance has some dance camps for Redhill, 29th July to 21st August, suitable for children three years plus. Dancing, singing, games and crafts, and the themes include Wonka, Trolls, Wish, Minions and Summer Fun. Tuesday the 30th of August.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Re-Betchworth Forest School on the Tuesday the 30th. Two till four. And they say all sessions run by a qualified teacher and forest school leader open to children from Betchworth and surrounding villages. Children between five and ten years old. Find out more. Claire Caxton at That's C-L-A-C-T-O-N.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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a i r caxton c a x t o n or here we go website r e hyphen betchworth dot org and all that is supported by betchworth parish council thursday the first of august into a new month on thursday catherine whitehouse has written in she says the letter writing group writing letters for the charity from me to you meets on the first thursday of each month so it's Thank you very much.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Now, it's all happening at the Posadero Lounge in Redhill, half ten to twelve. Writing material is provided for free. Just buy a drink while you're there, which kind of makes sense, doesn't it? More information, cath underscore wh, that's c-a-t-h underscore wh at The Reigate Comedy Night at the Market Stores in Reigate happening on Thursday. And yeah, these are the details.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


12.50 in advance at the Market Stores. Doors open at 7.30. Did you know that the Market Stores was voted the South East's best comedy provider club for 23-24? Oh, that sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Didn't realise that. Comedy Beats presents Reigate Comedy Night at the market stores on Thursday from 7.30. And we always look ahead to the following Saturday as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Boogie Monsters back this summer at the Reigate Castle grounds. Bring your family and enjoy this fun and interactive pop and rock band for kids. Saturday the 3rd. 12 o'clock and 2.30 shows. So they've got two different shows there. I guess what you'll have to do is look up for the Harlequin Theatre website. You can probably book via there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


If not, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. Intermediates Crochet Workshop on Saturday the 3rd, 10.30 to 12.30. And that is happening at the Plough Inn in Earlswood. You can learn to crochet in the round and make an elephant. What? Hey, what? Excuse me.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


You may leave the class able to make magic rings and make stitches into them and the knowledge to complete your elephant in confidence. All yarn included, along with hook, stitch marker and stuffing. And you can go on to make a whole zoo of animals and with a little imagination, use beads to weigh them and make doorstops as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Quick one this week from Charles Wood. Robert says thanks to the person who's left a note on my car saying, did you know you've got a flat tyre? I am actually aware. But it's really nice to know that other people care.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


was up at Walton-on-the-Hill, so not a million miles away, and the Checkers pub, and I want to say... I want to say the George... In Walton-on-the-Hill? Is that right, the George? But certainly the Chequers, yeah. So I was a little bit younger than my friends, who were also in the same year group, because I was born in August. The 16th. I know. It's just a couple of weeks away. I know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


The 60 Second Soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. And this week, Cormunkers Lane and the Wren, the Robin, the Blackbirds and the Lambs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


OK, enough about me. Let's tell you what other people are going to be doing across the area, across the weekend, in our Planet Reigate Good Time Guide. Here we go.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Email... Hello at The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Some of the more unusual trees, birds and animals you may be able to spot there as well. In the news this week, a discussion about the future of the Harlequin happened at a council meeting. If you couldn't go this week, we have some of what was said on the webcast later on in the show and your reaction to it as well. Pilgrim Brewery have been given the thumbs up for big changes at their Rygade HQ.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. It might be called favourite in your podcast player of choice. And if you want to mention for your charity, your non-profit event, always look kindly on those. Let us know about it. You can fill out the form you'll find at Give us a couple of weeks notice and we'll get it sorted out for you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Pop it in the script. Saturday, 27th July, a free Camelot-themed jam-packed weekend at Reigate Castle Grounds. And there's going to be walkabout characters, pop-up performances, unexpected surprises, your chance to explore the castle grounds in a new way, King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere. are celebrating their wedding anniversary and festivities in Camelot have begun.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Yeah, there's going to be some royal throne bearers, wandering druids, Merlin and his apprentices, some knight training and a hobby horse jousting tournament, which in itself sounds great fun. There's a tabletop sale for the lifeboats on Saturday between 12 and 5. Free entry, ample free parking, as there would be because it's just there, the Reigate Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Sea cadets on Hooley Lane just at the end there. So, yeah, they've got plenty of space there, haven't they? Craft tables, jewellery boards, tombola and raffle, hand-turned wooden desirables, they say, refreshments, home-baked cakes, and also you can meet the RNLI's Stormy Stan as well. This is a little bit different. It's Gatwick Aviation Museum.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


We'll claim Gatwick just as a one-off because it is rather unusual. And there's plenty of free parking here as well at the museum. Hot and cold refreshments available, tickets available on the day, no need to pre-book, adults £18. What's it all about? I haven't told you. Engine Run Day on Saturday. Gates open at 10.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Experience the incredible sight and sound as they fire up not one, but two iconic aircraft. So the English Electric Lightning and also the Avro Shackleton as well. Ticket prices include admission to the museum. Stay for the day and enjoy loads more. If you want more information,

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There's a charity fun day between 11 and 3, Weldon Way in Redhill, for Age Concern Mercedham Redhill Ryegate. Come along to our charity day, shop our stalls, participate in the Tombola, check out the children's games, grab a bite at the Sausage Sizzle.

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Rygate first aid for babies classes Saturday 10 till 12 so if you're expecting a baby recently had one or about to wean your baby maybe you've got an adventurous toddler they're always difficult to keep an eye on aren't they or maybe you're a grandparent helping out with children and you're interested in doing a first aid class you can learn CPR recovery positions choking techniques and

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46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


And all about meningitis, anaphylaxis, minor and major head injuries, febrile seizures, broken bones and lots more in the two-hour class. Not scary, they say. Classes are perfect for pregnancy. Just £25 a person. It's all happening at the Coleman Redland Centre. For more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


A brand new KidZone is launching this weekend at Belfry Square. Children can challenge each other to a game of tic-tac-toe. Is that what we usually call noughts and crosses? It is. I wonder why they've called it tic-tac-toe. It's rather American, isn't it? Go beak with our giant Connect Four or jump, skip and hop through our hopscotch grid.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Hello, Planeteers. This is Peter Stewart with this week's edition of the all-new, all-local Planet Reigate podcast. And this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, the second annual Reigate cyclocross event comes to Priory Park in a couple of weeks with

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Our kid zone is in a safe enclosed area in Belfry Square, in the Belfry, allowing parents to relax and watch the Olympics while their children play. Got some live music going on. Princess and the Peas, indie rock covers band. Yeah, so they're playing the music of things like Blondie, The Jam. Well, you got me already. The Cult, Joan Jett, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. What was that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I'll tell you what's going to happen. Additional information regarding a potential new school, a wood hatch place. I'll outline what that is all about. Reaction to the various road closures in Reigate this week and some of the circuitous routes drivers were taking. Parents of children at Sandcross School have started a petition. I'll tell you what all that is about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


I Love Rock and Roll. Put another dime in the jukebox, baby. Yeah, Buzzcocks, Radiohead, Suzy Quatro, Devilgate Drive. Texas, Billy Joel, Primitives, ELO, Cranberries, Roxette, Transvision Vamp and many, many more. I'm loving that. It's all happening at the Cage Wine Bar. Well, you know where that is. And it's happening from 9 o'clock on Saturday night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


So we don't have anything being sent to us for Sunday. So if you've got something that you're organising for Saturday and you haven't let us know about it, Well, you've kind of missed out there, haven't you? Because you've missed out on me telling everyone else across the Planet Reigate area what it is you're doing. So in future, if you want to drop me a line, hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Our guest this week is Sean Lamberth who's from the Priory Park Cyclocross which is happening on the 9th of August. We'll hear from him as you might expect in our sports sequence a little bit later on. Plus I'm going to be telling you a little bit more about Reigate Heath because it's the start of Heath Week this coming week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


But first of all let's tell you about some other stories which are happening in the news at the moment. And the future of the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill. Now, it was closed in September, wasn't it, last year, when that crumbly concrete rack was found. And that meant that the pantomime, the theatre's biggest draw of the year, was moved to a big top in Memorial Park.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


But its closure has meant a lot of other productions haven't been able to go ahead. Of course, there's the pop-up at the Belfry in one of the shop units, but... It doesn't really compensate completely for the theatre with several hundred seats and the other rooms there and so on for one-off shows and gigs, school performances, award ceremonies, lectures and so on. So what is happening?

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It was all brought up at a council meeting on Tuesday night. Chris Waite from the newly formed Harlequin Support Group and president of the East Surrey Performing Arts Group, the biggest private user of the Harlequin, asked an initial question.

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Lots of people there. Now, the reply came from the council leader, Richard Biggs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

46: The second annual CycloCross Reigate, the history of our local heathland … and more


Work at the hospital may mean that if you visit this weekend... You could be slightly delayed. How your community group can get their hands on free money. Gatton Park is after volunteer gardeners. Details on the way. What is a memory box? I'll tell you. And how you can help create one for a local charity. Updates on Rygate's Rose Room Tea Shop. Earlswood's Joshua Tree Restaurant.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


This Halloween episode features spooky sounds, sudden surprises, and of course, content about death. Some listeners may find it unsettling.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


You were probably the youngest person there in the council chamber. Yes, by several decades, I should imagine.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So you weren't daunted at all by coming into the town hall?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And what did you make of it? It went on for nearly three hours, didn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And you're pleased with the final decision, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


It was. Members of the public and protesters, many of them with the East Redhill Residents Association, at that town hall planning meeting on Wednesday night. Now, that meeting was a little delayed in starting because of the broken level crossing gates at the bottom building.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


of Reigate Hill so the left-hand gate towards the town centre developed a fault at around 5.30 on Wednesday afternoon which stopped it going up and that meant that all the gates had to be lowered for safety reasons. Tailbacks went all the way back to the top of Reigate Hill up to the M25 junction

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


where another vehicle had broken down at the top of Ray Lane causing even more problems and of course Pebble Hill has been closed as well. Vehicles as you can understand were using back roads to make their way across town and that included lorries. As we stood outside the town hall waiting for that planning meeting to start, an HGV came towards us the wrong way on that one-way system.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So past Eshaw on the corner and then towards us on Castlefield Road. Several members of the protest group, several residents there rushed to stop the traffic that was going the correct way. and then helped guide the driver of that Arctic who took several minutes driving into the Town Hall car park and then reversing back to face the right way to continue its journey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


We can only surmise that that lorry must have come from the Red Hill direction and then have taken the right-hand lane at those traffic lights past that corner of East Surrey College and then towards us, as I say, past East Shore and then up that slight slope and then down towards the town hall. Fortunately, it was stopped before there was a collision. So back to the gates.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


It took engineers there five hours to find the fault and then get a new part. Those gates were all repaired in the early hours of Thursday morning. So it saved a knock-on effect for Thursday morning rush hour commuters.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


The former Knights Department Store on Bell Street in Reigate is a listed building and it's been a landmark in the town for more than a hundred years and has had its own share of ghost hunters. The building used to be a hotel of ill repute. In 2008, a medium and members of the Sussex Paranormal Society held a seance where a little boy called Tommy was said to have made an appearance.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Tommy was allegedly murdered there. The son of one of the prostitutes and killed by the man in charge. Also during the seance, a former employee of the store, Ernest Bagnall, apparently dropped in on the group in a spooky visitation. And we'll carry on with our new sequence with news about this worrying development of what's happened in Priory Park.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Someone's deliberately set a series of blue fishing line traps on paths in the woods there. So they were set at different levels. One man tripped over a knee level one and then fell forward onto a chest level one, which then resulted in him hurting his neck. Visible marks that drew blood, apparently. and on his elbow and his leg. His dog also ran into one, which made her fall as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


A post on social media says how he spent 20 minutes gathering 20 metre by 2 metre kind of criss-cross web and another approximately 10 metres by 3 metres web. It was called a very proficient job with staking and knots well laid. So no apparent accident. So I contacted Surrey Police and that prompted them to release this statement. They said an investigation is underway.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Our Safer Neighbourhood team will also be conducting patrols at Priory Park over the coming days. Rygate and Banstead Borough Council have also been made aware and their Green Spaces team will monitor the area for more traps and The incident has the potential to cause serious injuries, say Surrey Police, and we'd like to identify those involved as soon as possible.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So if you've got any information that could help the police investigation, could be photographs of that or indeed any other traps found in Priory Park or elsewhere, please DM Surrey Police, quoting, well, it's a big long number, but I will read it out under the circs, PR slash 452-401-20564.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


sorry police say if you do come across a trap yourself please don't touch it I guess there could be evidence on that about how it's been constructed and so on but immediately report it to the police and or the council and they say we can then advise you on what steps to take next certainly it's very worrying if you were running down there and it caught you at chest level or tripped you over it could be really nasty couldn't it what if you were cycling what if there was a little kiddie on a bike and it got them maybe oh

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


heavens I mean you know chest level or maybe even slightly higher and threw them off a bike it is almost unimaginable isn't it horrific anyway you have been advised you have been made aware just keep your eyes and ears open in that neck of the woods quite literally

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


The new cycle lanes have gone in at West Street and Reigate, and if the new zebra crossings aren't there by the time you hear this, because obviously it takes time for me to prepare it and record it and publish it and for you to hear it, if they're not there now, they will be soon. So there's going to be a zebra crossing near Evesham Road and the other near the Black Horse.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Work that has been done includes wider cycle lanes with upright wands and resurfacing as well. Now, as we've said before, the West Street scheme is itself part of a wider A25 improvement project. The Road Safety Foundation says that that road from Reigate to Dorking is one of the worst A routes measured by deaths and injuries per vehicle kilometre travelled in the whole of the country.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So you can hear more about that. The changes, which include new speed limits and cameras, reworked junctions, more road chevrons and lane markings, new pedestrian islands, curbs and railings, all the way from the Blackhorse Rygate to the Cockrell roundabout, and then left up Deep Dean Avenue, up the hill there, and right down the A24 to Ashcombe.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


You can hear all of that in a mile-by-mile run-through in episode 50 of the Planet Rygate podcast. Women only self-defense course has been set up. Yeah, you can take charge of your own safety, empower yourself and boost your self-confidence. It's every Saturday from the 2nd of November through until the 7th of December at the Red Hill Amateur Boxing Club.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


1.30 to 2.30, Saturday lunchtimes, £35 or £5 a session. That's really good value, isn't it? More details, 07918 929398. Also in Redhill, Papa John's is back open. You remember we reported that it closed earlier on in the year. Now it's back, same place, High Street, Redhill. It's just there if you're coming under the railway bridge from Earlswood, common direction, down the hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Thank you for the loan of your ears this week. Yes, so plenty still to come, including, as I mentioned at the top of the show, that big decision. If you haven't heard it yet, we got reaction to that big decision about the high-rise flats and that planning application at Redhill Station. That's been rumbling on for months and months and months, hasn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Halford's on the right and so on, under the bridge. If you went straight on at that roundabout, it's just up there on the right-hand side. Looks like a really good repair to the footpath between the two lakes at Watercolour. I've been there several times over the last few years. And I was there with my partner, what, last winter. And it was so wet.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


It was going over our boots and we just got too far that we just thought it's going to get better. And it didn't. It was very awkward. It was very wet. My walking boots have never properly recovered. The excess water now apparently flows under the path instead of...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


washing it away that is progress hopefully keep our fingers crossed as i said earlier for this winter that path down to core mongers lane still badly flooded but i understand a fix there is on the way as well congratulations if you have been helping out the lucy rainer foundation recently particularly at their havana nights gala dinner 2024 which sounds a whole heap of fun they had some amazing sponsors as well the headline sponsor was independent growth finance red hill

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Heads and Tails sponsor, Chemex Kitchen Appliances, also the Private Office Real Estate, Reveries, all sorts of other companies as well. PSS International Removal, Santander Consumer Finance, Red Hill, Silvermere Golf Club, Kingswood Golf Club and Advance Online. So I've mentioned all of those because...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Thank you. You get nothing for a pair, not in this game. This amount will allow them to continue offering our vital services for the rest of the year and into 2025. They say thank you so much to everyone who joined us for this year's gala. We hope you had a great evening. Didn't they do well, though?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Oldswood School say we'd love donations of real-life items like shirts, hats, waistcoats and jackets. No costumes, they just want everyday clothing to inspire imaginative play. And they say thank you in advance for your support. So get in touch with Earlswood Schools. I've got the link if you don't know how to contact them. And they would love to take some old clothes off your hands.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


I'm thinking maybe some brollies, maybe some hats and different things like that. Maybe some really flowery or loud jackets or dresses or waistcoats or something like that. That would be fantastic, wouldn't it? Kind of dressing up and pretending games, those kinds of things. John Hughes got in touch with me in the week. This is an unusual one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


John says after seven years in print, my novel Follow My Leader will be going out of print soon. So I'm letting everyone know via the Planet Rygate podcast in case they would like to snap up a copy before they do. The book is a black comedy set in and around Reigate in the early 1950s.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And a lot of people, understandably, quite concerned about what it might mean for the roads in the area and the facilities, and also trying to get from one side of Redhill... one side of the railway, to the other side of the railway station, and of course Carrington School and so on. So, as I say, more on that on the way, and of course a few spooky surprises as well. On Reigate High Street.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And it's the story of an elderly German refugee who comes to live in the town and starts making some extraordinary claims as to his true identity. Long story short, he says he's Adolf Hitler. So is he or isn't he? That's the whole kind of basis of the plot, which includes murder and mayhem.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


in reigate it's available on amazon as a paperback and kindle as well it's called follow my leader so check it out there and thanks very much indeed to john for getting in touch holy trinity church carlton road red hill bit of advance notice for them saturday the 9th of november at three o'clock in the church there's going to be a memorial service for all those who died whether recently or in the past so a chance to maybe say goodbye which maybe you couldn't do properly during covid

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Saturday 9th November at 3pm in the church. The church, the Holy Trinity. Carlton Road in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And don't forget, if you'd like to boost coverage and attendance at your event, whether it be a club, society, could be an art show, could be a music event, could be something for charity, something for your business, then talk to us about our Media Partnership Package. Now to this week's Planet Rygate Star Award.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Elisa says, Thank you to the lady jogging in Holmesdale Road this morning who stopped and told me, My dress was lovely and I looked fab in it. Women boosting women is such a joy. You made my day. You're a queen. Were you that mystery jogger? How fantastic. We're going to give you a Planet Rygate Star Award.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Or more specifically, your Planet Reigate Podcast. Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to episode 59. And this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, our special Halloween edition of the show. Stand by for a few spooky surprises, some supernatural interruptions, plus a full listing of our haul of Halloween events and a few fireworks too.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Another tale of the unexpected is the story that marching troops slowly pass through the area of Thunderfield Castle and Haraldsley Drive in Hawley. A phantom bell is said to begin to toll as the sun sets, slowly growing louder until midnight comes and the small army of men pass through the area. The castle is said to have been a resting place for King Harold's men as they marched to Hastings.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And in sports on the Planet Rygate podcast this week, we're pleased to announce the dates for the 2025 Cyclocross Rygate event. So it's going to be apparently bigger and better than ever. If you didn't catch it this last August, please go back to episode 46 of the show and you'll be able to hear more about it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


It was fantastic weather and I was so pleased to have been able to speak to Sean Lambert today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


and the guys down there who put it all on an awful lot of work and effort had gone into it hundreds of cyclists including i would say probably the youngest was probably about 10 barely double figures and the oldest probably into their 60s 70s as well men and women boys and girls some of them were first timers some of them were really experienced bikers up

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


there through the woods at Priory Park several laps some really steep bits some tight bends some slippery bits maybe on some of the some of the fallen leaves some almost kind of log jumps and so on some bits were really really steep So if you are interested to hear more about that, episode 56, excuse me, episode 46 of the Planet Rygo. Go back and listen to episode 56 as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


But 46 is where you'll find all about the cyclocross event for this year. Next year, the date has been set for Saturday, the 9th of August. which is going to be great. More races and more partying, says Sean on a social media post this past week. Also in our sports news bulletin, I can tell you this week, we're going to be talking briefly about some cricket because...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


You may remember when Nando's was Tony Tobin's dining room restaurant. That closed down in 2017, but when it was open, a waiter noticed something strange about the bar area. Tony invited TV psychic Sally Morgan to take part in a seance with fellow psychic Debbie Davis.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Merstham Cricket Club have been in touch. Two of their sections started winter training this week. Ever-growing Magics section of children and adults with disabilities train on Wednesday evenings 6.15 to 7.15 at Lime Tree School. They say no experience is needed. They say...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


disabilities but quote we like to think of them as various abilities which is really good we've also got our newest section only in the second year of walking cricket they say is for adults over the age of 50 they start at the donnings leisure centre thursdays 12 to 1 so you can go along there and give it a try as well it's open to men and women more information you can contact rich

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


on chairman at And if you want to hear more about Merstam Cricket Club, I had a really good evening down there for about an hour or more than an hour because I said to Rich, I'll come down. I said, can you organise a couple of people who I can talk with down there? I turned up, there were seven, which was absolutely fantastic.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And what I got was, and as you will be able to hear in episode 33 of the podcast, is is a great array of different voices, male, female, young, older, all sorts of different people, various aspects of the club. Their outreach projects, the different teams and groups they have, more experienced players, youngsters who come up, the family atmosphere of it all, all sorts of things going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So I would encourage you to go back and listen to episode 33 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


All sorts of events to get involved with over the next seven days across the Planet Reigate area of Reigate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. And a lot of these are Halloween related events and also fireworks as well. We've got a few more too. Of course, don't forget, half-term events are likely to be mentioned too.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So, prick up your ears, here we go with Saturday the 26th of October and there's a fixed bike fun bike at Timperley on Saturday, 2 till 4 in the playground on Greenway. You can get a free bike MOT, check the saddle height and get advice about helmets as well. Mentioned this last week, and it's the Halloween extravaganza at Red Hill FC.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Pumpkin competition hunt, prizes for the best Halloween fancy dress. Adults as well, they say. Free Halloween gift for those under 16 in fancy dress. Free entry, a drink and a snack free for all under 16s. And a free glass of mulled wine for the over 18s. Doors open 12.30. Activities start at 1 o'clock. To Sunday at Gatton, they've got a Halloween Wicked Witches and the Wizard of Oz event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


They say, dare to join us for Halloween activities and a spooky trail around the grounds. Ideal for younger children. This year, follow the yellow brick road for Wizard of Oz inspired fun. And don't forget the bone to pick trick or treat spinometer at the end of the trail. Adult £6, £3 for children if you book online. Reigate Manor has a kids Halloween disco Sunday 3 till 6.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Fancy dress contests, prizes, wicked tunes, spooky games and activities. Halloween treats and sweets. I'm loving this. This is what their buffet is. Vampire steaks and oozing dips. Which is actually vegetable sticks and dips. Boiling blood and bubbling pus slices. Fantastic.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


it's pizza crusted blood bites cauldron dunks with a murky pool dip witches brew and zombies lair for the walking dead which is tea coffee and biscuits for the adults the bar is open as well uh reichate manor 01737 24125 15 pound a child five pounds for adults if you want to get involved with that Car boot sale Sunday, Westvale Park Primary Academy, 10 till 12. Sellers arrive from 9 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


£6 a pitch. Monday, the 28th of October, we're into half-term and the holiday clubs. Dover's Green School in Reigate, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. It's going to be a combination of circus skills and spooky fun. Harry Potter, Quidditch, wand-making and potions. Camp...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


fire crafts and pumpkin catapults trick or treat day and nerf events as well so you can book there and as i say it's all going to be happening organized by the outdoors project so you can go to the and it's happening at dover's green school in reigate so much kind of halloween stuff which is happening

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


During the visit, which was broadcast live on Facebook, the pair claimed they spoke to the spirits of a woman called Nora and a mysterious man. Electromagnetic field meters apparently indicated a possible spirit being, and the team saw orbs of light flying around the room. along with a shadow in the corner that they believe to be Billy, the spirit of a boy from the Reigate workhouse.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


At Bechworth Castle, legend has it that a prisoner held captive in the fortified manor house escaped, and the castle owner, Lord Hope, gave chase. Spying a running figure in the shadows, the Lord ran him through with his sword. But tragically, it was somebody else. The victim? Lord Hope's own son. The ghost prowling around is not the slain son, but Lord Hope wringing his hands in despair.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Half term Halloween fun for ghouls, ghosts and goblins. October the 28th to October the 31st. It's happening all day at Reigate Parish Church Primary School. More information at Ray Common School have got Camp Glide there with a holiday club. October half-term, Monday through till Friday. 7.30 in the morning till 6 at night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Pumpkin fun, dance, team building, parachute archery, swimming arts and crafts, sport drama, bouncy castle as well. More details, for more information on that one. More Halloween stuff, courtesy of Step In Time Theatre School. Zombies go to Monster High. They're going to be performing that 28th of October to the 1st of November. The rehearsals 8am till 3pm and ages 4 to 12.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Now all schools are available to go along to this particular event. And it's all happening at Lime Tree Primary School in Merstham. Halloween Slime, Talent Show, Arts and Crafts, Trick or Treat Hunt and Halloween Rice Krispie Cakes. And then finally a show day as well. More information 07403 564 536.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Tuesday at the Archway Theatre in Hawley, they've got a new production underway, October 29th through to November 2nd, and then November 6th to the 9th, and it's a dramatisation of Captain Scott's expedition to the South Pole, 1911 to 1912. It's all drawn from the journals and letters found on Scott's frozen body. So the action moves backwards and forwards in time between Antarctica and England.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It shows not only the extraordinary courage and fortitude of the team battling against the conditions... but also the very human emotions and motivations which drove them forward. So we're really pleased to say that the Planet Reigate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. It's the time of year to have a phone number that has... 666 in it, isn't it? Art Sparks have a half-term art club, Flying Dreams, 29th October, 9.30 to 2.30, for ages 6 to 11's, Watercolour Community Place, Thorntonside, £35. Contact Kim to book kimventer, V-E-N-T-E-R, at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


There's a Reigate menopause cafe Tuesday, 7.30 till 9.30 at 124 Carlton Road in Reigate. Guest speaker, Joanne Lovbarka, who is a registered nutritional therapist for an inspiring talk on the transformative power of nutrition, how simple dietary changes can boost energy, lift brain fog and improve digestion. For more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Wednesday the 30th of October and this is really interesting from Rachel who runs Eco Earlswood and it's the launch of the Bell Street Vintage Market in Reigate. Furniture, plants, vintage decor and jewellery as well. Free entry with a free glass of fizz at their very first market and that is Wednesday 30th October between 6pm at night and 8.30pm.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Also going to be open Thursday 28th November and Thursday 19th December. So 29 Bell Street, it's that furniture shop opposite Oliver Bonas, isn't it? 6 till 9. So congratulations to Rachel. Another initiative. How does she find the time? Bell Street Vintage Market. It's all going on. And as I say, Wednesday, the 30th of October between 6 and 8.30.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


More information, for more on that one. The Messy Makers Club have a spooktacular Halloween messy play event. Eight activities, music, decorations and a gift to take home. Wednesday the 30th, 10am to 11am. Book via, well, it's another of those really awkward links, but essentially slash Messy Makers Club. Actually, it's not too difficult at all, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Art Sparks have a half-term painting workshop Wednesday, ages 11 to 16, and The Times, 11 to 2 p.m. Watercolour Community Place, Thornton Side. Contact Kim to book on that one. We've mentioned Kim before, didn't we? Let's give her phone number this time, 07590 210 178. Got some more Halloween fun to tell you about. And it's happening at the Halloween at Priory Farm event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So they say enjoying enchanting Halloween trails, magical pumpkin picking, terrifying tractor rides and lots more for a family adventure that will create memories to last a lifetime. That happens on Thursday the 31st.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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the market stores doesn't want to miss out either they've got a halloween night party with live performances from billy fox and the band 31st of october yes it is the day of days isn't it actually this coming thursday from 8 p.m till the close at sea at the market stores on the high street in reigate of course aqua sports get your ghoul on at their halloween paddle and swim

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


On October the 31st, they've got a swim session, 4.30 to 5.30, and a paddle session, 5.30 to 7.30. All that is going on on the 31st. Merstham Village Hall, Station Road North in Merstham. They have got a Redhill Beer Festival. Yeah, the Redhill Beer Festival is back. A showcase event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And highlight of the branch's calendar, the festival runs for three days at the end of October, early November, every year at Merston Village Hall. They aim to have around 65 real ales and 10 ciders on offer, along with hot food. So this is the dealio. Thursday and Friday, 12 till, that's lunchtime, 12 till half past 10, £4. No advance booking required, just pay on the door.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Cash and cards accepted. Saturday, midday, 3 till 6. Or they say, while stocks last, and it's going to be free. Friday the 1st of November, there's a volunteer morning. Everyone is welcome. A Battlebridge spinny for snowberry removal. So you meet outside the Lime Tree School, a Battlebridge spinny. Did I know it was called Battlebridge spinny?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And Louise has been saying that congratulations, your podcast this week was great. Thank you so much for the coverage. I listened to it with my mum in the car. She's downloading Spotify to listen to more. Thanks again, Peter. Louise, thanks very much indeed for that. Also got another message in. Planet Reigate podcast has got a mention in this month's Sandcross School newsletter to parents.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


I'm not sure I did, but you know where the Lime Tree School is. So... This is what's happening there. They've been clearing snowberry, which I must admit I've never heard of before, from that spinny for some years. They're about 80% there now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Snowberry apparently can form a really dense thicket, and the problem with that is that it stops the other native species actually coming through, and it grows like wildfire, apparently. And the problem is that snowberry berries, it's got a lovely name, hasn't it? Snowberry. Doesn't it sound nice? But the berries are in fact poisonous to humans.

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It can cause dizziness and vomiting and even slight sedation in children. So they're going to be clearing all that from the undergrowth while they're there. Obviously, they're going to be clearing the woods of litter as well. Free refreshments at halftime, they say. even if you can only come down for half an hour or an hour, please do. So this is Friday coming from 10 till 1.

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Meet outside the Lime Tree School, 07913 148821 for more information on that. Halloween Disco, ages 3 to 11. I'd love to see a 3-year-old at a Halloween Disco. That sounds cute, doesn't it? Price £14, includes a disco, a DJ workshop, mocktails, snacks and hot dogs, fancy dress welcome, face painting available on the night. You've got a pre-book. slash communitycentres.

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Adult supervision is required. And did I say the times? It's 4.30 till 6.30 at the Woodhatch Centre. So we go from Halloween to fireworks, don't we? Because let me tell you about what's happening Friday the 1st of November and a big fireworks event which is happening locally because... Choir music drifting from a church may not seem like a very unusual occurrence.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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But if the church is empty and locked this unexplained phenomenon is enough to send a chill down your spine. And yet that is what has been reported at St Mary's Church in Reigate. It's also common there to see a little girl dressed in a 19th century pinafore skipping up the path through the graveyard before disappearing into thin air

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In 1975, a woman was walking along Chart Lane, next to the church, when she saw someone making their way along the path towards the building. As the pedestrian drew nearer, she could see the figure was that of a woman wearing a white dress. But as she got to within a few feet of the figure, it too faded away. On Friday the 1st of November, there's a fireworks display.

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Gates open at 6, fireworks at 7.30, food, drinks, music and rides. Tickets, family £20, adults £7.50, children £5 and parking £5 on the gate for charity. They say when we're full, we are full.

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where's it all happening for more information on that one family fireworks show at the red lion betchworth on friday the first gates open at six fireworks show at eight live entertainment throughout hot food served throughout as well tickets 12 pounds and six pounds includes the show and the hot food as well that's the family fireworks show at the red lion at betchworth

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And there are 627 pupils, so it's reached a lot of people. So if you're one of the new listeners... then thank you very much indeed, particularly if you came via the Sandcross Scroll newsletter. Russell got in touch with me after I mentioned last week.

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We always mention the next Saturday as well, which takes us through to Saturday the 2nd of November. It's Diwali and the big event happening at the Belfry as it did certainly last year, I think previous years as well. Saturday the 2nd of November, noon to three o'clock, free entry as you might expect.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and there's going to be lights and Bollywood music, dance performances, Indian handicrafts, Indian food stalls, henna painting, face painting, lots of fun activities. So if you're interested in that, you want to learn a bit more about Diwali, I'll be down there as well, doing a few interviews and learning a bit more.

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So if maybe you've got a bit of Indian heritage in you, or you're interested in the Indian culture... Or you're just going to go along and do some shopping and have a little nose and see what else is on. That's at the Belfry, Saturday the 2nd between noon and 3 o'clock. Hawley Lions have their bonfire and fireworks fundraising spectacular.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Saturday the 2nd of November at the Hawley Rec, 5.30 till 9 o'clock. £6.95 for adults. St Nicholas Church in Charlwood have a churchyard clear-up. At 9.30 in the morning, in readiness for Remembrance Sunday, they say, help spruce up the churchyard and the war memorial area of the many leaves that would have fallen by then. Come along armed with brooms, shovels and wheelbarrows.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Brooms, like a witch's broom, I suppose. Got another bonfire display to tell... The picturesque Shag Brook at Buckland. Local legend states it's home to a monster called the Buckland Shag. The creature is said to be four-footed and covered in a shaggy coat, and it would drag travellers from the nearby coaching road and devour them on the shag stone, a large boulder found in the brook.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


In fact, we did quite a big kind of personal piece on it on the 40th anniversary of the launch of Radio Mercury, which was where I started my career. And Russell said it's such a lovely and surprisingly moving tribute from Planet Reigate. And then he came back to me and said, I live in West Sussex, but your show keeps me updated on the area where most of my close relatives are from.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


According to legend, in 1757, Reverend Willoughby Bertie, the rector of Buckland, had the shag stone removed from the brook and taken to the West Country before it was thrown from a cliff in Devon. And since when, no one locally has experienced the Buckland Shag. Grand bonfire and firework display which is happening at the Bell in Outwood on Saturday.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Gates open at 5.30, bonfire 6.30, fireworks at 7.30. Cash only entry is going to be music and dancing, outside bars, burgers and bangers and raffles and all sorts of other things going on as well. So that is happening, as I say, at the Bell in Outwood on Saturday the 2nd. Also, if fireworks at Halloween aren't your thing, what about a charity quiz night Saturday 2nd, 7pm at Lloyd Hall at Outwood?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And you can join them for a fun night ahead of their epic... 400-kilometre cycle ride through Vietnam and Cambodia, raising funds for Breast Cancer Now. That sounds terrific, doesn't it? All profits from the evening go directly to the amazing charity Breast Cancer Now. Tickets £20. So they're after teams of six to eight or individual couples are welcome as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


That sounds pretty good fun, doesn't it? Ladies, Debbie, Lynn, Sally and Sharon. Congratulations and best wishes for all you are doing as you cycle 400k through Vietnam and Cambodia. There's a tabletop sale at Lloyd Hall on Saturday the 2nd. It's all going on down there, isn't it? 10.30 to 2.30 on Saturday.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Baby equipment, toys and games, Christmas decks, pictures, plants, seeds and bulbs, collectibles, households. You get the idea, don't you? Christmas cards and gifts, perhaps, I should mention too. Any inquiries, contact jombarber, or, as J-O-M for mother, barber as in haircut, 07-967-157-402. It's a community event led by the Royal British Legion.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Also, join us for the 68th running of Priory Relays on Saturday, 1.30 lunchtime, Rygate Priory Park. It's a batonless relay race over two and a half mile cross-country course in the park. Teams of four men, three women or any combination up to four. £30 a team and more details.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more

3333.462 if you want to take part in that, if not just rock up on the day and shout and blow whistles and bang saucepans, that kind of thing. Got advance notice. Now, these are some good time guide events which aren't linked to any particular day. These are things which are just kind of starting up and getting going. Let me first of all tell you about the KSM Music Centre, Rygate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Music lessons for... Piano, singing, guitar, drums, violin, cello, clarinet, flute, saxophone, oboe and more. My goddaughter is a violinist professionally in the West End, which is absolutely fantastic. I'm so proud of her. Very often go along to various events, various shows and musicals and spectaculars in the West End. It's great fun.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Anyway, includes group lessons for choir and orchestra, KSM Music Centre in Reigate. More information, 01737 830 774. And your first group session is free. If you love to sing, come and learn some Christmas songs with us and experience the magic of four part harmony for free.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


So, Russell, hello to you. And if you are one of Russell's relatives as well. Russell, I hope you've persuaded some of your relatives or all of your relatives in the Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham area. to tune in to the Planet Reigate podcast. Jack said, you're such a star. We are immensely grateful for the support you've given to our pickleball events.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Whether you're a seasoned singer or just love to sing in the shower, we welcome you to join us for this festive experience. You know, everyone, I'm now just imagining you in the shower singing. Yeah, we've never even met. Bring your voice, your enthusiasm and the joy of acapella music this Christmas. It's all happening at Manorfield School in Hawley. What do you mean? You're imagining me naked?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


No, please don't do that. Well, it's one way to slim, I suppose. St Mary's Church in Reigate. Six weekly evening rehearsals starting Tuesday the 22nd of October. So it's already underway, but you've only missed it by a week. At 7.30, sing with them at their Christmas concert. Do you want some more information on that? for that one. Hip, hop, toddle, pop.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Where little feet discover big moves. That sounds great, doesn't it? Ages 2 to 4 at Hocus Pocus House. I'm sorry, Focus House. It's the whole Halloween thing. It's going to my head. Bell Street in Reigate, Wednesdays, 10.45 to 11.15, £6 class. Join our fun and energetic toddler dance class designed... just for your little ones.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


They'll learn basic dance steps and rhythm as they dance and have some music and playing time as well in a lively, supportive environment. And also, I guess they're learning things like balance and motor skills and coordination and beats and things like that. Bring your child for a complimentary session to see if they love it. Sounds as though they will.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Reserve your spot today via And Rygate on Ice is returning to Priory Park, 29th November to 1st January. It's going to be a huge ice rink, festive rides, food stalls and bar, live music and a free firework display on 30th November as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And also, I can tell you, advance notice of the YMCA Santa Run, which is happening for, obviously, the YMCA, Sunday 15th December at Priory Park. £12.50 includes a free Santa suit and a medal. I reckon I've got to go down there and do a bit of social media videoing, don't you? Three ghosts cohabit Ray Farm. A man wearing riding boots. An older woman who sits by the fire.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Been mentioning those a couple of times recently. I've given the episode in your account a shout out on our Instagram. Jack, we really appreciate that. We also mentioned last week, bags of fun. which is a local business which has been set up with all sorts of slightly unusual Halloween treats and gifts and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


And they say, we at Bags of Fun were delighted to be featured in this week's Planet Reigate podcast. Thank you for the shout out about how we're here to help parents with our offer of educational craft-led and mainly sugar-free Halloween activity bags today. for kids to enjoy. Thanks to the Planet Rygate podcast for all you do in connecting our wonderful community.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


A, it is a wonderful community, and B, it's even more wonderful with you as part of it, whether you're a listener or whether you're a local business or a charity or a group or a school or whatever it happens to be. And if you want to get in touch with Bags of Fun, you'll find Bags of Fun on Facebook.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Planet Reigate podcast for Reigate and Redhill and Merstham and Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham and down to Hawley and Lye and Outwood as well. RH123 and a little bit of RH62. I'm Peter Stewart. So it turns out that a high-rise building development in Redhill Town Centre will not go ahead, at least not for now.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


In the news, the result of decisions on whether to build a high-rise building or two in Redhill Town Centre. We got full reaction after Wednesday night's council meeting. Nylon line traps have been found on paths at Priory Park. I'll give you the full story and what the police told me when I approached them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Solum Regeneration was stopped from building two 255-home tower blocks on the car park next to the train station yesterday. at a council meeting on Wednesday evening. So, the application received around 2,000 letters of objection, with the residents' group calling the development a monstrosity. Solon Regeneration said the plans would make Redhill Railway Station more accessible with...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


new shops and passenger areas while also providing homes. So one of the blocks would have ranged from 10 to 15 stories and the other between 7 and 14 stories. Nearly half of the planned homes would have been one-bedroom apartments with a further 18 studio apartments. But the developer said it wasn't viable to provide any affordable housing.

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Campaigners said the towers were too high, they would increase traffic, especially going onto the bridge to a new drop-off point up Redstone Hill.

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So imagine all of those people underneath the railway arch, some people going to the school, some people going then up round that corner, couple of sets of traffic lights, just past the Toby and then right, drop people off and then back down and back underneath that railway bridge again.

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Reigate and Banstead Borough Council's planning committee agreed and turned down the application Wednesday night. And afterwards, I spoke with East Redhill Residents Association's Fiona Scott and Jan Sharman.

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You say that you were speaking to the developers over the course of several months, presumably.

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I should say that I've spoken to them tonight and I asked them, to record an interview but they've declined that. They're going to send me a statement instead. How welcoming were the developers in talking to you and perhaps coming to some kind of compromise over the months?

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


A lot of talk was made tonight about the character of Redhill, and you mentioned the height of those potential developments, which have now been turned down, at least for the moment. Of course, they could come back with some more alterations and so on. What is the character of Redhill?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


West Street Rygate works there have all but finished, but there are more to come on the A25 all the way through to Dorking. I'll tell you about a women's only self-defence course locally, which is being set up. A local pizza place, which closed earlier on this year, has now reopened. Repairs to a local footpath that seemed to be flooded all year round will keep our fingers crossed for this winter.

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And that was part of the problem, wasn't it, Fiona, that actually being on a station development, it kind of made it obvious that that was a place where homes could be built for easy access to the station. But it also caused a problem, that train line going through the town.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


But it is a brownfield site, and surely it makes sense, doesn't it, to build on an area like that, which is already concreted over and has tarmac and so on, rather than some of those green fields and hills that we heard about earlier?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


There's always going to be that problem, isn't there, Jan, with getting traffic from one side of that railway line to the other side, and that didn't kind of seem sensible to drive all that traffic under the railway bridge where you've already got a school. You've already got a couple of sets of traffic lights.

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59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


You've already got a very difficult bend up the hill around the corner, up Redstone Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So it seems to be the height, it seems to be that problem with the development of both the sides of the railway line, but also the affordable housing as well. That was really something which a lot of the speakers tonight mentioned as well.

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What happens now, do you reckon, Jan?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And was that shown with the turnout tonight and the support you were getting?

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What were your feelings tonight, finally, just to sum up?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Huge success for a local charity and their fundraising campaign. I'll give you the fantastic details. Why a local school wants your old clothes. Did Hitler ever live in Reigate?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

59: Redhill’s tower block plans denied, spooky local Halloween stories… and more


Well, Solon Regeneration had previously said they had used feedback from residents to redesign the scheme. And in a statement to the Planet Reigate podcast on Thursday said, quote, we are obviously disappointed with the decision made by the planning committee.

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The proposals would have transformed the station and surrounding landscape, including making it more accessible and providing new shops and passenger areas. The scheme provides a level of investment in the station that has not been seen for over 40 years, alongside creating much-needed homes on this sustainable brownfield site.

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And they continued, in the coming weeks, we will be reviewing the decision and considering our next steps. This is what some more residents of the meeting told me on Wednesday night.

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details on a novel which suggests what could have happened if he had in sport we've got the date for the 2025 priory park cyclocross event winter training starts for a local cricket club i'll give you details plus we have the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead planet reigate stars from reigate and our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show natural sounds from a place you know this week from reigate heath

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50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


This is the Planet Rygate podcast with Peter Stewart.

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50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


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Planet Reigate stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


The Good Time Guide, things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Support us at slash theplanetrygatepodcast.

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50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


The 60 Second Soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

50: Our mile-by-mile 'A25-changes' explainer, making your own garden ornaments… and more


From Reigate and Red Hill, Buckland, Betchwith and Brockham, great stories from places you love and people you know. This is the Planet Reigate podcast. .

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Still to come in sport, we feature RGS cricket and Reigate Roses netball, our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. And have you ever wondered about the building that Donata's school is in? Well, the history of that school building, who it was built for, and what they actually did in the town is all explained in episode 31 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


OK, let's move on to our new sequence this week. And the Supreme Court ruled this week that Surrey County Council should have considered the full climate impact of burning oil from new wells before they gave permission for drilling at a Horse Hill oil well. So where is Horse Hill?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Well, if you're coming from Tesco Hookwood towards Reigate, you've got the Black Horse pub on the right hand side here. And opposite that, there's a road just veers off to the left. Up there is Horse Hill. Now, there's plenty about this story across the national news, but just to highlight that it is said to be a landmark decision which could put future UK oil and gas projects in question.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Now, under planning law, the assumption has always been that only the impacts from constructing the wells... and not the use of the final oil products should be considered. The case was brought against Surrey County Council by Sarah Finch on behalf of campaigners, and it could threaten new UK fossil fuels projects.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Surrey County Council, based at Woodhatch of course, said it believed at the time it had followed planning law. And UK Oil and Gas PLC, that's the company behind the Horse Hill project, say the court's ruling is perplexing. Well, the site at Horse Hill was given planning permission to expand its operations in 2019. There are six wells there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They're expected to produce 3.3 million tonnes of crude oil over the next 20 years. Those drills go to a total depth of 8,770 feet deep. And there are similar sites at Brockham and Holmwood as well. A Redhill couple have been awarded MBEs for helping raise more than £2 million to support children with cancer. That is fantastic news, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


For Vicky and James Woodall, who've been recognised in the 2024 King's Birthday Honours list for their giant pledge to help beat childhood cancer campaign. They actually launched it, I don't know whether you know this, after their son, who was four at the time, was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive tumour back in 2017. George is now 11, he's cancer-free, cancer-free!

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And underwent 14 drawling rounds of chemotherapy, 30 rounds of proton therapy, and a part of his spine and three muscles from his back removed. And he's getting ready to start secondary school with his brother, Alex. They're fundraising the supported projects at the Royal Marsden Hospital, including trials, studies and specialist staff as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And the Giant Pledge families, because they've got other families and groups involved as well, have now raised more than £2.2 million. So congratulations to Vicky and James Woodall, who've both been awarded MBEs for helping raise that money to support children with cancer. Got some more on that on the BBC website if you want to read more.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And also locally, an Order of the British Empire for Lucas Maxwell. Now, he's a school librarian at Glen Thorne High School, which is in Sutton, for services to education. But Lucas actually lives in Betchworth, so congratulations to him. And also Peter Gordon Schofield, who's the Permanent Secretary for the Department of Work and Pensions.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Plus, we've got much more as well. We've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Reigate stars are for a lady in Redhill who let a little girl stroke her dog. hear the story later and of course before we go at the end of the show natural sounds from a place you know our 60 second soundscape this is the planet reigate podcast with peter stewart

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And he's got a Knight's Commander of the Order of the Bath for public service. And Peter actually lives in Redhill. So congratulations to them as well. Now we've got an update on a story from a couple of weeks ago. The sale of Redhill Bay, Sutton and East Surrey water has been given the green light by a watchdog after its concerns were addressed. Penon already owns three UK water companies.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


It bought SES Water as part of a £380 million deal back in January. And in May, the Competition and Markets Authority said the deal could make it more difficult for the water regulator Ofwat to analyse and compare data. But the CMA now says it will accept the sale after Pennant agreed to give separate reporting information for SES from the rest of its water businesses.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Again, more on that on the BBC website. Police are appealing for witnesses after a pedestrian was assaulted in Reigate back on Monday the 27th of May. So a couple of three weeks ago now. The victim was walking along Wood Hatch Road around 8.30 at night when a cyclist approached him, yelled at him to move out of the way and then...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


grabbed the pedestrian from behind, spun him round and punched him and knocked him to the floor. The victim got a broken arm and was treated in the hospital. If you saw what happened there, then get in touch with local police. A critical incident this past week affecting radiology patients at East Surrey Hospital. It actually started at the Royal Surrey in Guildford.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Affecting their radiotherapy department there, which was said to be due to a telecoms issue, but also affected was the radiotherapy unit at East Surrey, which is managed by the Royal Surrey. The incident affected cancer patients and people at both of those hospitals had cancer a number of times. had to cancel a number of planned appointments.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


All patients affected were contacted and they're going to have their appointments rescheduled as soon as possible. Both hospitals apologising for the disruption. Any patients concerned about their treatment should contact the radiotherapy department at whichever hospital they usually go to. So obviously in our neck of the woods that's likely to be the East Surrey. Some sad news out of the belfry.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


The bear making workshop Ariana has closed after just a few months. It was a family run business offering teddy bear making, pottery, painting, sand, arts and birthday parties. A post on Facebook simply saying we are now permanently closed. Thank you to everyone who's visited us. Anyone that had a booking with us has already been contacted and refunded.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


This page will shortly be closed and messages will not be monitored. No word on the reason behind the closure, although a further post saying thank you to everyone that's taken time to write to us here or in private. It is much appreciated. Well, obviously here from the Planet Reigate podcast, we wish the owners of that family run business and all of their staff the very, very best.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Their page has understandably already been removed from the Belfry's website. There's been a few mentions on socials over the last couple of three weeks about the opening, delayed, of Creams, the ice cream and dessert shop in Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Well, I was reminded that as well as that, or maybe instead of that chain, we've got our very own Sunday Scoop shop in South Earlswood, who sell milkshakes and sundaes and... ice cream sandwiches all made with premium locally sourced ice cream so sunday scoop 10 station approach west any flavor now look at this each sunday includes three scoops of locally made ice cream

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


You can have any flavour, three scoops for £7, which I think is pretty reasonable. Unicorn Sparkle is unicorn vanilla flavour ice cream, white chocolate stars, cream, sauce, sprinkles and glitter. You can have Chocolate Heaven, which is chocolate and vanilla ice cream, brownies, cream, sauce and sprinkles.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Caramel Toffee, salted caramel ice cream, Cadbury Crunchy Pieces, fudge pieces, cream, sauce and sprinkles. Biscoff Obsession, Lotus Biscoff Biscuits, Cream Sauce and Sprinkles, Cookie Dream, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, Oreos, Cream Sauce and Sprinkles and Mint Madness. mint ice cream, after eights, cream sauce and sprinkles as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And you can also choose three scoops of ice cream and add brownies or Oreos or millionaire shortbread as well. Sunday Scoop. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Sunday Scoop. Let's give them another mention. 10 Station Approach West. Still with business, Urban Sips is a new canned cocktail company based in the Redhill-Rygate area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They say we base our cocktails on cities around the world instead of your classic espresso martini or old fashions. We've got three different types of cocktail. The London Earl, which is gin-based cocktail with vanilla, lavender and elderflower tonic. the New York Crush vodka-based cocktail with mixes for berries and apple, and the Rio Breeze rum-based cocktail with mango and lime.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And you'll find the time that each of those features are on in our show notes, so you can scooch straight through to that point. And I also put out social media posts during the week with links that take you straight to the specific parts of the show. So you can follow us on TwitterX, Facebook and Insta to get those. Just search for The Planet Reigate Podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They say we also offer personalised cans to make your wedding day that extra special or impress your colleagues at your corporate events. More at Let's move on and talk about a few other events and pieces of information that you may be interested in. Voluntary Action Rygate and Bandstead, commonly known as VARB. They've got some small grants which are available.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So if you are interested in making a difference to your community, perhaps you're part of a local charity or whatever, then you can apply for these grants. They offer financial support of up to £2,000. to help your organisation turn ideas into reality. They're passionate about empowering initiatives that bring positive change to the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So if you are interested in getting up to £2,000 to help your community initiative, you can go to So essentially, Another grand appeal now. Nominations are open for the latest Benefact Group's special draw. Ten charities will receive £5,000 each. But you've got to fill out their short nomination form by midnight tonight, Friday the 21st.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So if you're listening to this, obviously after that time, you can't help either your group or some of our other local groups... who are up to get that £5,000. So quick sticks. The more nominations a group gets, the greater their chances of winning. So spread the word. Up for the vote locally. I know Stripey Stalker in there. They've been posting about it during the course of the week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And also Fifth Reigate Scout Group in Merston. So if you want some money for your group, or if you want to nominate those groups to get money, Stripey Stalk and Fifth Reigate Scouts, you can go to But it's got to be done by, well, 2359 on Friday the 21st. Charlewood Parish Council say they're really sad to have to report there's been an incident of vandalism at the pavilion.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


One of their CCTV cameras was smashed and two of the flower troughs, which were planted up for parishes in bloom competition, were badly damaged. The incident happened just about half past seven on the 10th of June. They say we've got CCTV footage of the culprits, but they can't actually put it on social media because...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


the people responsible seem to be quite young and also due to general data protection regulations as well, I should imagine.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


But if you've got an idea that your kids might be involved, they say, quote, if the parents of the young scoundrels are aware of their misbehaviour and would like to donate funds for the replacement of the CCTV camera, then do get in contact with the clerk in confidence at CLERK, C-L-E-R-K, obviously, CLERK, at

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41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Derek Cox says he's a board game enthusiast and is looking to bring people together to play board games in the Gatwick area. Now, we don't usually mention Gatwick, but it is the Gatwick area. So if you're willing to travel to the Gatwick area to play board games, then you may want to get in touch with Derek. He says the facilities we can use has got free parking on site

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


podcast I'm Peter Stewart got so much more in our archive shows as well for example in episode 31 Wayne and Beth from Reigate Volleyball Club on their love of the sport and why it's growing really fast across Surrey so if you want to hear more about one of our local volleyball clubs then episode 31 is for you from our Planet Rygate postbag this week. Hi, Peter.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


as well as bus stops and train station within easy walking distance as well. And he's looking to see if he can get a group together of any size to go along. Plenty of space, nice big tables. Do let me know if that's of any interest, says Derek. So if you're interested in getting in touch with Derek, Eric's his brother, then give me an email and I'll pass on the details to you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And a bit of advance notice for your diary that Saturday, the 6th of July, it is Rayfest at Ray Common School. And we are official media partners with that great event. All sorts of fantastic things going on there. There's a main stage with a DJ on from 12 o'clock. There's a choir. There's a taekwondo. There's unison choir as well. There's a cheer squad. There's a musical theatre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


There's the Reigate School of Dance and so on. There's a feel-good arena with Manor Farm Petting Zoo, Punch and Judy, the outdoor project, football fun and a craft area, a maker's market featuring Bats Hill Gin. Also, let's have a little look down here. There's a crafting corner.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


There's a food village with cookies and coffee and ice cream and candy floss and a bar and also a family fun zone as well. Inflatables, face paintings, splatter rat, finding knee

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


I wonder what that is bean bag toss teddy tombola beat the goalie sweet jars bottle tombola hooker duck and raffle and loads more as well and of course all the money raised will help to enhance children's learning at Ray Common School so tons of stuff going on there at Ray Common School Ray Fest Saturday the 6th of July and we're really pleased and proud to be associated with that helping publicise events for the local community

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Food Rocks Red Hill. Join us on Red Hill High Street, Sunday the 22nd of September. Yes, it's away in advance, isn't it? But it's a day of sensational street food, market produce, pop-up bars, and live music. So that's Sunday the 22nd of September between 11 and 4. That's what's happening there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So maybe that you want to get involved either as somebody goes along and takes advantage and buys some food and

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


listen to the local bands and groups and so on or maybe you've got a some street food maybe you want you you run one of those street food trucks that we see across the area and you want to be involved as well so if you do want to be involved then look up food rocks red hill it's going to be happening on the high street sunday 22nd of september and you heard about it on the planet reggae podcast

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Still to come before we go at the end of the show, our 60-second soundscape. Also, we've got Hidden Treasure from Julie Beams at the Children's Trust on Bell Street in Reigate. Here are interviews from the Reigate Summer Festival and also the Hawley Carnival as well. And Planet Reigate stars on the way coming soon too. First of all, let's check out the travel news.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


As I've mentioned over the past several weeks, the road outside the Angel pub in Woodhatch is said to be re-tarmacked. Some of that work started this week and continues this coming week. Yes, we've got some details here that between Monday the 24th and the 29th of June, Cockshot Hill will be closed from outside the Angel cottage to the junction with Woodhatch Road.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Woodhatch Road will be closed from the junction with Cockshot Hill for approximately 10 metres. Dovers Green Road will be closed from the junction with Cockshot Hill for approximately 30 metres to just before the BP Garage. And Prices Lane will be closed from the junction with Dovers Green Road to outside of Townsend Pharmacy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Thank you so much for sharing about our meeting. It's very much appreciated. We'll make sure we share it across our socials from your page as well. Thank you. That was from Ellery from NHS Surrey Heartlands. So you can support our supporters as well. Hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


As I say, we've been predicting that for the last several weeks on the programme. Also, I can tell you that part of the M25 is due to close again next month for a full weekend to allow for more works. It's the motorway between junctions 10 and 11, which will be closed from 9pm Friday 12th July to 6am on Monday 15th for the construction and installation of a bridge on the roundabout at junction 10.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And it's the third of five full weekend closures of the M25 to take place with the further two due later on this year. So obviously it's a little bit outside the Planet Reigate area directly, but if you're going over perhaps to the West Country or to West London, or going clockwise around the M25 to go up into the Midlands or further north over to Wales and so on, you know the route.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Obviously, best to be fully advised. Now, there is a diversion route from our direction. Exit the M25 at Junction 10 and then take the third exit to the northbound A3. to the A245 Paines Hill Junction and then go towards Woking and Byfleet and at the six crossroads roundabout take the fifth exit to the A320. Picturing this, continuing to the M25 Junction 11 where the diversion will end.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


In our sports news this week, Boom Tennis and Redhill Lawn Tennis Club have got together. They're putting on a free session on Monday, which will get everyone hitting some balls and having some fun on court, they say. So if you go along, they'll give you a discount code for a further three group lessons. The club's offering 20% off membership and buying the drinks after as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So don't rush off. There's an inducement. I've not heard of that before. They're standing around. Well, at 7 to 8.30 at Redhill Lawn Tennis Club. And that's on Monday. If you want some more details on that, get in touch with me and I'll pass on the details to you. So you can get in touch with them and find out those details, the answers to the questions that you're after.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Well, let's move on to some other sports. Last week, RGS upper sixth former Emily Bee played in the London Cup T20 for Surrey against Middlesex at the Kia Oval. Emily's teammate and captain for the match, RGS's Amy Gordon. who lifted the cup for the victorious Surrey team. And to top it all off, the team was coached by RGS head of girls' cricket, Sophie Pout. So congratulations to all of them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And a reminder, it's an open invitation to any school in the Planet Reigate area to send in their news for a mention. So hello at

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41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Rygate Rosebuds is one of our local netball clubs and they've got some fun netball training for years 2 and 3 their autumn term training dates 15th of September 29th of September and so on 2 to 3.30 including the all important snack break as well the training will take place at the Hawthorne School Bletchingly £80 and you can email rygaterosesnetball at to confirm your place

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Metic here, come and give Touch Rugby a try. It's got all the fun and skills of rugby without the tackles. Got a range of sessions for all abilities including women's, mixed and juniors with a friendly group of regular players. That'll make you feel really welcome. For experienced players there's a chance to play alongside local international rep level players as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Summer sessions run Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. And for more information, then you can contact touch at The Planet Rigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And wasn't it a big weekend last weekend? Not only the Hawley Carnival, one of the big dates in their calendar during the course of the year, but also the very first Reigate Summer Festival as well. Now, we've got our reports from the carnival a little bit later on in the show, and also we've got our report from Reigate Summer Festival coming up right now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


But whichever event you went along to and braved the weather, congratulations. I'm sure your attendance was really, really appreciated. So... thanks to everyone who supported either of those events, or maybe another event across the Planet Reigate area over the course of the weekend. The rain did not put so many people off. Now, I was in Reigate on Saturday and Sunday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


It was really good to see such a variety of events. I went to the exhibition upstairs at the Old Town Hall, across to music at Cage Yard, the history show at the library, short films at the Everyman, to each of the three main stages and at the community centre as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So, yeah, it was a celebration, of course, of music and singing, but also dance and photography and filmmaking, writing, ceramics, poetry and art, as I found out when I spoke with Chantelle, Head of Art at Reigate College.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


What are you particularly impressed with in the last couple of years from your students?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Is it fair to ask you what your favourite is or what the most impressive one was or what one took the most amount of work or dedication?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Now let's find out what's going on across the planet Reigate area of Reigate, Redhill and Merstrum, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham over the course of this coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday in part one of our Good Time Guide.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And that's what I thought, because actually what we've got here is showing off the different techniques of light and shade, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And show me something which kind of contrasts with that. Maybe a different use of colours or paint or textures.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


OK, there seems to be a really high quality of your students.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And it must give them a boost to know that people are looking at their work rather than just the lecturers or someone that examines their work and judges it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


That's fantastic and what do students typically go on to do from Reigate College?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


OK, and what it shows is that there's more to the Rygate Summer Festival than music and singing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Ian Rowland is the band which has just come off the Clock Tower stage here at the Reigate Summer Festival on Sunday afternoon. Ian and Dave are with me from that band. Ian, tell me, what kind of music it is that you've been playing?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Yeah, thank you. Now, it's a sunny Sunday afternoon, so you've had the best day, haven't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


comes through you have to start somewhere so you can't have all big it's got to have local grassroots things as well so it's brilliant what they're doing it's fantastic and i know you've played at the new music nights before which happened on the first friday of the month locally here in reigate which was kind of what what has powered the reigate summer festival new in the title new music nights

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. And if you want to mention for your event, charity, non-profit, whatever it happens to be, fill out the form you'll find on or write to hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And there is a lot happening in the world at the moment. How can you reflect the politics, the environmental concerns, the aggression and so on? How can you reflect that in music?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


I love that. I love that. Tell us a little bit more, finally, about the band. How can people find out more about you, websites and so on?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Finally, Dave, how important has it been for you to appear here, to appear locally, to appear in front of people where you can see the whites of their eyes?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Tim is with me, one of the organisers of the Reigate Summer Festival, also one of the guys behind the new Music Nights, which has kind of powered this through. Sunday afternoon, how's it been going?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And get a mention seven days before the event or get more mentions and early mentions to get those early ticket sales with one of our Planet Reigate supporters packages. Ask me for more information. Hello at OK, so this is what's happening Saturday 22nd of June.

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41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And just looking around us now on Sunday afternoon, it's kind of what you wanted, isn't it? One band has just finished on the clock tower stage here. Another one is going to be coming on in about 20 minutes. But people sitting around, they've got their coffees, they've got their burgers, they've got their pastries. They're just enjoying. It is a sunny afternoon. It's great.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And the attention to detail as well. Someone just pointed out to me, and I had noticed it myself before, But the flags up and down the high street as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


I made a comment to you just before I pressed record and you said, oh, well, think about that for next year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


When it's kind of an arts event, it would be a little embarrassing, wouldn't it, if your social media, if your video, if the graphics weren't up to speed. LAUGHTER

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Reigate Wanderers FC said, Hi, we're running a charity football match to raise money for Shooting Stars Children's Hospices. We managed to raise just under £1,000 last year and we're keen to raise more. We're wondering whether you'd be able to give us a shout out or something. Of course, that's what we're here for. So that event on Saturday, location Reigate School, kick off at 3 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Well, I really appreciate that and thank you for putting it on for the town because I know that no one's getting paid for all of this. It is stuff that people are doing out of the goodness of their heart because they love where we live, which is all fantastic. What do you want to say finally to the people that have come down and supported you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And thanks to Tim and his loyal band of sponsors and supporters and volunteers and to you if you went along as well. We're looking forward to next year now, aren't you? I think so.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


We've got our report from the Hawley Carnival in a few moments' time. Also, Planet Reigate stars, our hidden treasure and our 60-second soundscape still to come before we go at the end of the show. But first of all, here's some things which are happening across the area across the coming week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And I've been along to their celebrations and to reflect on the first 12 months of... Bowling, eating, viewing, golfing, axe throwing, all sorts of things going on there. Hear me talk with our business manager in the next 10 minutes or so. Plus, we look back at a big and busy weekend last weekend, wasn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Tuesday, June the 25th, first of all, Tamsin Kerslake wrote to me and said, when the Harlequin Theatre was sadly closed at the end of last year, East Surrey Performing Arts, a company that had been performing for over 100 years, lost their home and our shows were put on hiatus.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Finally, after a major mission and contacting almost every venue in the local area, we're finally proud to announce that the show will go on, which is absolutely fantastic. Jason Robert Brown's Tony Award winning show Parade is going to be performed June 25th to the 29th. And where are they going to be performing?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Well, bear with me and also bear with the East Surrey Performing Arts because they are going to be performing outside the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


duck and dodge those dragons because they're actually going to be over at the Nomad Theatre in East Horsley kind of rather fitting name isn't it the Nomad Theatre for a group which used to be at the the Harlequin and they've had to trudge with some knapsacks on their back to go all the way over to East Horsley but give them all of the support that you possibly can because I know they're

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They're really going to need it. And Tamsin says the cast and creative team are exceptionally talented. She says alumni of ESPA, so that'll be East Surrey Performing Arts, and YESPA, I'm guessing that's the youth of East Surrey Performing Arts, have trodden the boards of the West End And Britain's Got Talent, so it's no surprise this will be a moving and polished performance.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So those details again. East Surrey Performing Arts presents Tony Award-winning musical Parade at the Nomad Theatre in East Horsley from the 25th to the 29th of June. It's a musical exploring the power of hope in the face of adversity in the backdrop of America's powerful history. Tickets £19, available at Wednesday the 26th, and Rygate Business Guild.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They've got their next meeting on the 26th, so on Wednesday at 6.30 at Priory Llamas. Registration is available on their website, and they say they look forward to seeing you on the evening. These things are always really well worth going along to. It's going to be difficult for me to get along to that one. But I'm supportive of a couple of the other business groups in the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They're being sponsored by Pilgrim Brewery, British Land and Madison's Barbers. And the match is composed of players who've played for Reigate Wanderers or the local leisure league, Sixer Side League, and employees of Pilgrims as well. And they're raising money for the charity Shooting Stars Hospices, who work as a children's hospice for children around Surrey and London.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And you get to know what is going on in the area. You get to have a little chat with other people, find out if you can help them and possibly if they can help you as well. You swap help, you swap ideas and so on. So it's really good to be part of those local business groups. There's another one in Redhill and also our friends over there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


at RH Networking as well, which has a slightly wider catchment area too. Talking of which, on Thursday, members of RH Networking meet between 7 and 9 at the Red Lion and Cellar Rooms there. It's Donna Matthews is going to be speaking. Donna, hello. Yeah, Donna. Yeah, friend of the show. Honeybee Mortgage Solutions is what Donna is going to be talking about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And also Rachel Thornhill from the eponymous. Is that the right word? That just sprung into my mind. It's eponymous, isn't it? When something is named after you. That's right. Rachel Thornhill from Rachel Thornhill Photography. It's the group for face-to-face and online networking for business owners, directors, managers, and anyone who wants to meet other professional people.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Go along to Also, I can tell you about this happening on Thursday, and that is the Art Society at Reigate says they bring people together through a shared curiosity in the arts. Meetings begin at 2pm promptly at Reigate Park Church on Park Lane East. They've got some superb facilities there, haven't they?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.

3326.115, and this month they're going to be talking about limewood sculpture. Yeah, too often the sculpture of Central Europe is ignored, and yet some of the most important pieces of Renaissance sculpture was produced in northern cities and towns, often small parish churches off the beaten track, as well as the large cathedrals.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So that's what they're going to be talking about this month's topic. Friday the 28th, Marta wrote to me. She said we're a local PTA charity, Friends of Sandcross, and we're hosting the amazing summer events on the 28th of June. Would it be possible for you to advertise it? Yes, of course it would be, Marta. Free entry to the summer fair from 1 till 3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


The highlights include stalls run by pupils and teachers. Please do support them. It's all part of their enterprise learning experience. Bouncy Castle, food stalls, ice cream and many, many more as well. Plus, they've got an outdoor cinema experience between five and nine. So they still have the stalls and the food and the bar as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


But also, as I say, they've got that outdoor movie experience and it's going to be the greatest showman. Well, that's going to be good, isn't it? Outdoor. So take along a rug or a seat to sit on. Don't worry about the food and refreshments because they're going to be selling those for you. Also, there's going to be a bouncy castle and face painting as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Don't know what the kids are going to be doing. Friday the 28th of June, doors open at 5. The show starts at 6.30 and it's a community event, but it is to raise money for Sandcross School. Sandcross Lane in Reigate, of course, as you know, RH28HH. So a couple of things going on there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


They kind of got the fair bit between 1 and 3 and then they got the cinema bit with doors opening at 5 and the show starting at 6.30. We always look ahead to the following Saturday as well. Friends of Earlswood Summer Fair, Saturday the 29th between 12 and 3 at the Junior School Field. They say join us for lots of fun. Inflatable donkey rides. Sorry, there should have been a comma in there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So that's the place to go. It's the Reigate School from three o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Let's turn our attention to the Archway Theatre in Hawley. And, of course, we are media partners with the Archway Theatre in Hawley, the Planet Rygate podcast. Pleased and proud to be that. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


That was totally my fault. Inflatables. donkey right not inflatable donkeys though of course you could have that and that could be quite fun ice cream barbecue food but i'm watching myself now i'm intonation because it could have been ice cream barbecue couldn't it don't think that's going to work although baked alaska works doesn't it

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Fire engine, tractor, stalls, music and live performance, games, tombola, raffle and more. £1 for adults, 50p for children, under threes go free. And that's Friends of Earlswood Summer Fair on the junior school field. Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council are celebrating 50 years, so congratulations to them. It's at Salford Social Club, 12 till 5. They've got a disco from 6 as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Live music from Something Like That. Sounds like it's going to be a Take That tribute band, doesn't it? Cash BBQ.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


cash barbecue no it's a cash barbecue now i'm doing it the other way ice creams and craft stalls community group involvement fun and enjoyment for all of the family there's also going to be a scarecrow competition going on as well midday through till five parish council will be judging the best scarecrows and giving some prizes as well i say that we're really looking forward to seeing what our younger generations can create

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Got another message here from Thua. Mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. She says, I was listening to your podcast. I've been binge listening. That's what we like to hear. I'm going to give you a round of applause for that. She says, I was wondering if you could mention our summer fate. It's Saturday the 29th of June between 12... and three o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


This year is extra special because it's the school's 60th anniversary. We've organised a really big event, barbecue, live band, pony rides and also we've got a 60th anniversary themed cake competition and that cake's going to be sold towards the fundraiser as well. She says we've so far raised enough funds for Chromebooks, playground markings, new bike sheds so far this year. We've also spent

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


£2,500 to restock the school library with copies of books, which are featured in our 100 Books to Read Before Leaving Yattenden School Challenge. And the books have been carefully curated and the challenge set up to encourage reading among the students. Some publicity would be great because the community is welcome to attend, particularly past and future students as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So that's Thua mentioning that, and that's the Friends of Yattenden. So Yattenden School, if you can go along there, Saturday week, the 29th, between 12pm And three. Also, Bats Hill Surrey Distillers and Reigate Ladies Joggers have got together. That sounds like a match made in heaven, doesn't it? Ladies, jogging and a bit of gin. I love that. As I'm sure they will as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Invite you to enjoy a trail run or power walk and gin tasting. on Saturday the 29th at 9.30 in the morning at Brightleaf Farm, Millers Lane outward, RH1 5PY. So if you want some more information on that, check out Bats Hill Distillers. I must get down there and have a chat with them about their distillery.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And also Reigate Ladies Joggers as well, joining forces for a bit of gin tasting at Bas 9 on a Saturday morning. MUSIC

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41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So, a big weekend last weekend, not just the Rygate Summer Festival across both days, but also on Saturday, the Hawley Carnival, both events supported by us here at the Planet Rygate podcast, of course. Despite a medieval theme, the procession had a rather more traditional carnival vibe. Here's Brazilian percussion band Bloco do Sol.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So what am I telling you about this week? Well, it's a Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. And it's happening June 22nd and 23rd. So this weekend and also next weekend as well, June 29th and 30th. And it's not based locally or it's not happening locally at the Archway Theatre in Hawley itself. But stage the beautiful gardens of the Royal Botanic Gardens queue at Wakehurst.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Planet Reigate reporter David King spoke with Councillor Eddie Humphries, the Mayor of Reigate and Banstead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Now, obviously, last weekend didn't give us the conditions that we'd hoped for. Hawley Town Mayor Martin Saunders and his deputy, Tom Turner.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Yeah, they've started an exciting new collaboration with them. Three weekends of open-air theatre, matinees only, in the beautiful gardens. So they say bring a picnic, wallow in the beauty of nature and the sparkling humour of the classic play, which goes by the name A Midsummer Night's Dream.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Future Gymnastics are holding a summer party at their Merston venue and they're welcoming everyone who wants to go along to see their fantastic schools, excuse me, stalls. Face painting, hair braiding, penalty shootout, bouncy castle, raffles, small business stalls, glitter tattoos, face painting, food and drink and much, much more as well. It's Saturday 22nd between 2 and 5 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And our thanks to Planet Reigate reporter David King, who braved the weather conditions at the Hawley Carnival 2024. And thank you to everyone who spoke with David. Gave us a bit of a flavour of what went on there last weekend. And thanks to you. If you turned up, hopefully you had a good time and contributed to the local causes who were there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


We'll finish off with some more traditional medieval music. Here's the Panache Steel Band. MUSIC PLAYS

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And don't forget, you can skip to your favourite part of the show. Just go to our show notes and you'll be able to find the timeline of where your favourite bit is and you can skip directly to it. Hello, this is Peter Stewart, Planet Reigate Podcast. And our really successful and popular Planet Reigate Star Award this week goes to... An amazing lady called Laura and her dog.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


She was an absolute hero today. She immediately recognised that my autistic daughter was distressed and invited her to stroke her gorgeous little dog called Rocket. I've no doubt that this kindness and understanding saved an almighty meltdown. Sitting on the ground with us in the rain for such a long time. Well, that was totally above and beyond. So Laura and Rocket...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


You get this week's sprinkle of stardust from the Planet Rygate podcast, Planet Rygate Star Awards.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


All sorts of things going on there. And if you want to know some more information, then you can get that via Annabelle, A-N-N-A-B-E-L-L-E. There are several different ways of spelling Annabelle, aren't there, I think. That's why I've spelled that one out. At Merston Park School between 2 and 5 Saturday. Also, there is a dance-off house, funky house, garage and bass line.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And our thanks, as always, to Julie there at the Children's Trust, Belt Street and Reigate. Did you know that actually there are so many Children's Trust shops right across the southeast, across Surrey, into Kent, into Sussex as well? And what Julie does, she's kind of a regional manager, and she's got her staff to identify the very best restaurants.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


or unusual, or items which can perhaps get a little bit more money, and brings them to the Reigate store specifically so she can talk about them on the Planet Reigate podcast. So you really do get the pick of the bunch here by listening to the podcast. One more thing which has literally caught my eye in the last few moments as I was listening to Julie and doing a bit of scouting around and so on,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


and catching up on on a few bits and pieces and that is something which has been posted by debbie on one of the local social media sites and she says this beautiful lime tree is in full flower at the moment and the scent is absolutely amazing it's well worth crossing the road for a sniff So this is the lime tree, which is just inside the Bell Street car park for Priory Park, in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


It's right in the corner. It's opposite the bike shop, and it's just alongside the wall, and it's just behind one of the big blue kind of notice boards there. So if you're up Bell Street, or if you've been shopping at Morrison's or something like that, and you think to yourself, OK, I've got two minutes...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


and it's within a couple of days of Peter mentioning this on the podcast, I'm going to nip up there and have a whiff of, quote, the beautiful lime tree, which is in full flower at the moment. If you've got something which is worth telling other people about, yeah, post it on social media, on the various We Love sites and so on, and others by similar names.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Contact me directly as well, because I'd love to mention it so other people can hear about it. Not everyone is necessarily on your socials. Some people aren't too keen on them, but we'll get another audience. It could be an event, or it could be just something you've spotted and you'd like other people to know about. Hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


DJs Corky, Dan Rock, Russell Kay, Precinct and Regan Bowes as well. That's happening Saturday. Oh, there's also a silent auction and great food all day at the Marquess at Red Hill. Doors open 2 p.m., goes through to 11 p.m., Free entry all night, but donations for the charity greatly appreciated. And children welcome until 6pm. That charity, the Lucy Rayner Foundation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


First of all, at the Reigate Summer Festival, and also our reporter was at the Hawley Carnival as well. Hear a whole series of interviews from both of those events a little bit later on in the show. In the news, local recipients mentioned in the King's Birthday Honours the latest on the sale of Redhill-based Sutton and East Surrey Water.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Indian dance classes are being held every Saturday at 10am at the Harlequin Pop-Up in the upper level of the Belfry. Classes are open to everyone who's got an interest in Indian art and culture. There'll be five plus. More details, 07531 567 390. Do you fancy a bit of jazz? Well, Buckland and Betchworth Choral Society have got some for you. Cool music, tea and fizz in the afternoon, they say.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


It's happening at St Michael's Church in Betchworth on Saturday at 4 o'clock. Tickets £10, under-16s are free. Moving on to Sunday, and this is something I'm going to be involved with. Earlswood and Redhill Kittical Mass is back. They meet at Memorial Park, 10am on Sunday, and I'm going to be starting off the ride. I've got my green flag to start that off.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And then they're going to be cycling as a massive group around the streets of Earlswood and Redhill, ending at Earlswood Infant School, where the Friends of Earlswood team will be on hand today. to serve nibbles and refreshments. So save the date, tell a friend, share the love. There are over 500 people joined in the two Earlswood and Redhill Mass family cycle rides last year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So obviously they want plenty of people to go along this year as well. So what is Kittical Mass? It's a global movement that campaigns for better cycling infrastructure. where you live. For example, National Cycle Route 21, it actually runs down Earlsbrook Road, but it doesn't actually have a cycle lane, which is a little bit odd.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Or maybe you think to yourself, it would be really good to cycle to school with my child. It doesn't matter what age you are at all, but they want a massive group to promote safer cycling for children and families in the community. How much does it cost? Absolutely nothing. It's all free of charge and it's open to you. Even if you don't have a family, you can go along.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And there will be adults acting as ride safety marshals as well. Now, all children have got to be accompanied by an adult, also on a bike.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


running alongside you can't be doing that and obviously you've got to be responsible for the child who you're supposed to be responsible for it's all organized by eco earlswood and the team it's supported by the friends of earlswood here at the planet reigate podcast as well and also earlswood recycling center as well so let me give you those details again all of them

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


But the bare bones, Earlswood and Redhill, critical mass. Go along with your bike. Memorial Park in Redhill, 10 o'clock Sunday morning. And then you start the ride. You cycle around the streets of Earlswood and Redhill. And then you finish up with nibbles and refreshments as well. Hope to see you there. Really looking forward to that. Really pleased I've been asked to go along.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Hawley & Bloom competition including residential front and back gardens, flats, allotment plots, local schools, community organisations, wildflower planting, business premises, pubs and restaurants in and around Hawley. And the closing date is Sunday. So that's why I'm telling you about this. Hawleyandbloom at if you want to enter. As I say, the closing date is this Sunday the 23rd.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


A shop in the Belfry has closed after just a few months trading. We have a well-deserved boost for a local ice cream shop. Probably not the one you may think of, though. Hear about a new cocktail company going national but based locally. I'll give you details of how you could get free money from two grant organisations. Caught on camera. Vandalism in Charlewood. Do you like playing board games?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


There's a charity bake sale, East Surrey Twins Club fundraiser and a social at Brockham Teas on the Green. It's Sunday between 2.30 and 5 at Christchurch at Brockham Green. Bring along your family and friends for a freshly baked cake and a cup of tea as well and free entry. There's loads of parking nearby as you will know if you're familiar with Brockham.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And this is Peter Stewart. Hello, welcome to this week's episode, episode 41 for Saturday the 22nd of June. Hope you're well. And what's in this episode? Well, this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. My guests, well, I've been to the Light Entertainment Complex in Redhill. It's one year old.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


So there are a whole load of events going on for Saturday and Sunday, courtesy of the Good Time Guide on the Planet Rygate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Loads more to come. In a few moments' time, we're going to be hearing about the first anniversary of...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


the light in red hill which is i have not heard a bad word about the light in red hill and i know it's increased the footfall to the to the town center as well and loads of shops and the belfry really pleased about the number of people who are going and really brightening up the economy across the weekend to the nighttime economy as well let's hear more about it right now the planet reigate podcast great stories from red hill

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


You know what? I haven't heard a bad word said about it, apart from one person who was about 80. And it's a story I've said a few times. And she said, oh, I don't think it's for me. I haven't been in there. And I said, do you watch films? And she said, yes. And I said, do you eat? And she said, yes. And I said, do you know shuffleboard? And she said, yes. I said, well, it's for you then.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And what's been the response from people who are coming here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Otherwise they're going to, what, Croydon or Crawley, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Much more local as well, which is good, because then it means that the rest of the town gets a bit of a boost as well, doesn't it, with other eateries and other shops and so on too?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And it was great to be part of the first anniversary celebrations of The Light in Redhill. Now, to celebrate their first birthday, they've got a whole load of events and giveaways lined up. This weekend, Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd of June, so if you're watching a film with them, you could be in with a chance of winning one of their golden tickets.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


very Willy Wonka, are giving you the opportunity to win cinema tickets, leisure sessions, food and drink, including free popcorn and ice blasts. The team's going to be surprising guests across the weekend, so if you're thinking of going to the light, you may be surprised and get something for free while you are there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


A local enthusiast is setting up a new group and booking ahead for a big food festival in Redhill. In travel news, long-awaited roadworks outside the Angel Pub. I have the details. Plus, did you hear the latest dates for the M25 being closed? If you haven't, you will if you stay listening. In sports, RGS are represented in the London Cup T20. Reigate Rose's netball club appealing for new members.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


Other things to keep the kids entertained as well face painters balloon modelers and kids crafting as well and they've also got the rock choir joining them on Saturday from four in the afternoon and on Friday and Saturday evenings they've got a live DJ booked from eight till eleven at night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

41: The Light’s first birthday, a look back at Reigate’s Summer Festival and Horley carnival… and more.


And they're offering two for £12 on a fantastic range of cocktails all weekend and four for £12 on shots as well. So there's plenty of things going on there, aren't there, at The Light in Redhill. So really pleased to give them our support as they have given support to our great town of Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

67: 2/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 2 - the lido… and more


We wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year from everyone at the Loveworks team. You know what, there are so many fantastic charities across the area, but actually giving people food has got to be one of the most basic needs, doesn't it? We went to Loveworks and we spoke to them, had a bit of a tour. You can hear that in episode 52 of the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We're always pleased and proud to do our little bit to publicise the good works that our local charities are doing. Alongside, yeah, the local businesses and sports clubs and entertainment areas, all sorts of things going on. But we're really pleased, particularly to help the charities like Loveworks.

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Got another message here saying that if action is needed to try and secure the future of the station pub, we will need to make decisions based on what the local community think. Yeah, this is the station pub in South Nutfield. We've mentioned them before about how they potentially could be closing down.

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Kathy says, please take a few minutes to complete a short survey that combines a small number of parish council related questions. with a few questions about the future of this building. Everyone over the age of 18 who lives in the parish of Nutfield is encouraged to take part. We need to canvas your views to understand whether there is a future for a pub in South Nutfield.

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Again, if you would like the link to that, which is always difficult to read out on a podcast, it does have to be said, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. Hello at A new restaurant has opened in Reigate. It's Miyoshi at Reigate High Street. So it's a Japanese fusion and cocktail bar. It's at number 88.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you're wondering where number 88 is, it's where 88 Burger was until a few months ago when it closed down. Special dragon rolls, particularly caught my eye, prawn tempura, avocado, cucumber and spicy mayo. That sounds good, doesn't it? I'm salivating there.

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I always remember a couple of very special meals that I had in Island House restaurant in Reigate on the high street, including a very significant, a very special first date. Let's move on. Happy and fond memories. Jeffrey writes, It teaches people to see their possessions in a new light and appreciate their value.

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And at the moment, Jeffrey says, I'm aiming to recruit volunteers who love repairing things, whether that be electrical, mechanical, general, clothing, textiles, computers, IT, bicycles, tool sharpening, etc., plus a few non-repairing volunteers to act as hosts and hostesses, I guess to welcome people and write things on forms and direct people to certain areas and probably put tickets on things, that kind of thing.

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So the Repair Cafe is going to be opening up in Hawley on the second Saturday each month, starting January the 11th, 11.30 to 2.30 at St Wilfrid's, Hawley Row in Hawley, RH68DE. Potential volunteers or any general inquiries to HawleyRepairCafe at Many thanks.

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where it is and if you're missing the reigate repair cafe another one is being set up locally details on the way i've been asked to publicize a club for the over 50s i'm really pleased to do that the woman behind the unison choir wants your help and support with another project that she's got on the go i'll tell you what nina told me coming up

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you can help them out, if you would like to volunteer your expertise, or maybe you don't have any expertise, but you think it's just a jolly good idea and you'd like to go along there, and help them do a bit of the admin, then you can contact Geoffrey at hawleyrepaircafe at I have a rather nice clock.

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Somebody gave me... I was doing a bit of extra work on the evening when we moved into the year 2000. I was working at a radio station. Got paid a little bit extra that night for working there overnight. And with that money, I bought a rather nice clock. What's happened was battery run that clock and the battery has leaked inside and I can't use the clock anymore. And it's heartbreaking.

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I would really love the inside of that clock cleaned up. I've tried to do my bit, but I really haven't been able to do a very good job because the battery corroded inside. So I wonder if I can take that down to the Hawley Repair Cafe when it opens up on January the 11th. Geoffrey, thanks very much indeed for getting in touch.

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Hopefully other people will get in touch with you after hearing about it on the Planet Reigate podcast. And maybe I will see you there in the not too distant future. Gemma has written to me. I was wondering if you'd be kind enough to spread the message that we exist. We are open to everyone over 50. And she goes on to say we're a friendly group that makes everyone welcome. It's called High Days.

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And if you want to learn a new creative skill or... Want to take part in a variety of activities or meet new people? Then go along to Red Hill Methodist Church, Monday mornings during term times from 10.15 to 1 o'clock. They're small, friendly classes. They do keep fit, cultural interest, creative writing, knitting and nattering, talks and games.

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Monday, the 13th of January till the 24th of March is their new kind of term, if you like. Half term, 17th of Feb, £55 a term. And you can go along to their registration coffee morning on Monday the 6th of January between 10.30 and 12 or enrol anytime in term time. Do you want some more information? 01737 277 067 Gemma will likely be on the end of that.

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Gemma got in touch with me not only for this but also a few weeks ago because I went on and did a little turn for them at High Days. So if you want some more information Gemma 01737 277 067 as well as Gemma. Nina wrote to me this week as well. She leads the Unison Choir, which you may know and heard of because I went down there and I spoke to Nina in episode 20 of the Planet Rygate podcast and

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Anyway, she says, I'm the choir leader also of the Missing People Choir, which is made up of people who have missing loved ones, their friends and family, staff and volunteers of the Missing People charity. And we've just released two Christmas singles, which Nina says, I wrote in my bedroom in Reigate and my husband produced in our loft studio, which lots of local singers have sung on.

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It's all in support of the choir. So there are a couple of completely local grown tunes. And we're hoping to spread the word about Missing People forever.

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350 000 people are reported missing every year in the uk and christmas can be a particularly significant period with a rise in incidents of missing people the charity do invaluable work to help find them and help their families and i have a small favor to ask which shouldn't cost anyone anything if you've got a music streaming app please can you download stream and share our songs wherever you can

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A community-based nutrition club is being set up in the new year. Again, details on the way. And in sport, we feature the 2025 Local Sports Awards. Nominations are being invited for that already. Plus, of course, we've got the Good Time Guide of events across the area, across the weekend. There are many of them, it does have to be said.

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They're called This Christmas Day by Thea Hamilton and I'll Be Your Home by Lapsley. You can find them if you search on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music. Just ask Alexa. They're also on YouTube to watch and you can buy the MP3s for just 79p at or the iTunes app. I have, I'm not going to go into details, but I do have a particular interest in the Missing People's Organisation.

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So I'm certainly going to be doing that this Christmas Day and I'll be your home. Nina says and concludes, I'd really appreciate you helping us spread the word. It'll really help give the songs a push. We'd love to have a punt at the national charts for Christmas. We've got an appearance on a BBC documentary coming out over Christmas, and we're singing on ITV's Breakfast Show as well.

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So we're getting a wee bit of attention, thankfully. Thanks very much, and have yourself a merry little Christmas. Nina, thanks for all you do, not only with the Missing People's Choir, but also the Unison Choir. And I know you're involved with several other choirs and musical activities locally as well. Thank you for all you do in the community.

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And yeah, we, I'm sure, will do our bit to help you help the Missing People's Organisation. Thanks so much indeed. Got another message from Natasha who says, Hey, Peter, exciting news and a bid for help. In January, I'm going to be opening up a community-based nutrition club where I'll be supporting people on a one-to-one basis in a community setting. It'll open 6.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

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most days and will provide consistent support and accountability from like-minded people, for any health-related nutrition goal. Yeah, so if you want to drop body fat, increase energy, improve wellness, fuel your fitness within a friendly and supportive community, come and join us at the Pure NRG, NRG, get that? Nutrition Club. Natasha is the woman behind it. 078555.

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That's 493-687 if you want some more information on that. Incidentally, you should know that while I'm recording this in my studio, I've got my app open from a well-known delivery site and it says they're four stops away. So I'm keeping an eye on, because obviously with headphones and a closed door in a soundproof room, I may not hear them ring at the door. So they're four stops away.

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I'm keeping an eye on that as well. Okay, back to the podcast. The Reigate and Red Hill Festival. They say... Our 2025 syllabus is now live. Now you can hear more about the Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival in episode 21 of the Planet Reigate podcast. Four stops away. They say our 2025 syllabus is now live.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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This year's festival includes all of our usual friendly classes for musicians, singers, actors and reciters. as well as a host of special events to celebrate our centenary. Yeah, the Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival is 100 years old. It's fantastic, isn't it, in 2025? They say have a look on our website and start planning which classes you would like to attend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Festival entries open on January 1st, so the 2025 syllabus is via slash syllabus if you'd like to get involved with that. And that's our news sequence for this week, episode 67 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Planet Reigate stars this week and also our 60-second soundscape. Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know.

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And thank you again to everyone that goes to slash theplanetreigatepodcast. Recently, Rory mentioned him at the top of the show, has donated, and also Rachel has donated as well, and also Catherine have been very, very kind, very supportive, very generous in their...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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kind of tips buy me a coffee you buy me a virtual coffee okay and that that's that's how that works it just pays for you know the various subscriptions and so on i've got so i can carry on and do the podcast it would be particularly welcome at this time of year obviously and it's easy to do so if you do it on your phone then you can press a button it just goes via your your phone banking app as well

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Thanks very much indeed in advance. If you have the means and the wherewithal to do that, it would be much appreciated. Yeah, the Reigate and Banstead Sports Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of sports people and sports clubs right across the borough and the invaluable contributions made by volunteers to maintain the sport and physical activity. that we are so justly famous for.

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We have so many local sports groups and clubs and events, from young people to senior citizens, and it's absolutely brilliant. And I was really pleased to have been invited to the Sports Awards last year, which actually happened at the Donning Sports Centre, which you'll know from last week's episode celebrates 40 years this month.

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And we spoke to so many people who were there and helping grassroots sports activities right across the area. And that was in episode 27 of the Planet Reigate podcast. And would you believe it? Those sports awards have only come round again. Yet 12 award categories and a prestigious ceremony, this time at Reigate Manor. Now, they are looking for sponsorship for the event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also, they're looking for people to nominate sporting heroes. Somebody that's going to be given, potentially... An award. So would you like to nominate your local sporting hero? There are 12 award categories this year, including a new one, which is called Sustainability in Sport Award.

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And you can nominate them if they have been active in local sport between the 1st of January to the 31st of December 2024. And the awards are going to be given out on Friday, the 11th of April 2025. And nominations are now open through until the 31st of January 2022.

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2025 so there's a lot of dates there for you but essentially someone that's been active in the sports community locally over 2024 and you've got until the 31st of january 2025 to nominate them so these are the 12 award categories

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There's Volunteer of the Year, Young Volunteer of the Year, the Changing Lives Award, Sportsperson of the Year, Young Sportsperson of the Year, Coach of the Year, Club of the Year, Team of the Year, Junior Team of the Year, Senior Citizen Award, Inclusive Sport Award, and the Sustainability in Sport Award as well.

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Now, as I mentioned, if you just want to kind of get a feel about those different categories and the kind of people that were nominated for them and went on to win... Then go back and listen to episode 27 of the Planet Reigate podcast and you will hear all of the details there. So nominees have got to live or be part of a club within the borough of Reigate and Banstead.

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Nominations can be in more than one category as long as the nomination actually meets the criteria for that. And the deadline for submitting nominations is Friday the 31st of January 2025. And again, you can find the details via and then about 500 characters after that. You can look for 2025 award categories and criteria.

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Might be a bit tricky, but for more information, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'm here on top of the Bancroft Road car park looking down at Bancroft Road and last week we heard all about the musical double act Harry and Emmy Bancroft who fell in love and married and settled in Reigate after World War I and as theatres were replaced by cinemas they wanted to get in on the act so to speak.

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Emmy running the Hippodrome on Bell Street on the site of Wagamama's restaurant today with Harry running a chain of cinemas in East Anglia. At the end of the last episode, Emmy had just heard of a new cinema that was due to open in Redhill, and she was worried again about their livelihood. And so she and Harry hatched a plan. If you can't beat them, join them, and then go on better.

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And this week, the story continues of Harry and Emmy Bancroft of Bancroft Road fame. Emmy Bancroft was clearly an astute businesswoman, rightly concerned by the potentially damaging competition of a new Art Deco picture house opening in the other half of the borough, in Redhill, and diverting trade from her in Reigate.

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She had an idea, and she got her husband Harry to look both at some back land behind the hippodrome that had formed the gardens belonging to the recently demolished White Hart Hotel in Bell Street, and two shops located immediately to the south of the hippodrome that were due to become empty in 1934.

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Before we crack on with this week's news, I just wanted to bring you this email that came to me in the week from Rory, who says, Hello, Peter. I wanted to share how much I enjoy listening to your podcast. He says, I now live in Charlotte, North Carolina, but I was born and raised in Reigate. I lived on Dudes Park Road for about 25 years before I moved to the U.S.,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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After lengthy discussions with the local and county council, an outline planning agreement was granted to Harry Bancroft to allow him to demolish the shops in Bell Street and build a cinema with his own cafe along with a swimming pool and put in a brand new approach road from Church Street and Bell Street on this dog-leg site. Music Work moved along apace.

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It was agreed that the council would buy a portion of the White Hart Garden, not needed for the cinema development, which could be used as a public car park. It's the site today of the multi-storey. The cinema and swimming pool cost over £60,000 to build. That's over £3 million today, and that's without the cost of the land. We don't know how much that cost at the time.

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Too much, of course, for the Bancrofts alone to fund. They went into partnership with a company that ran a large circuit of cinemas, Shipman and King, to cover the development costs, a partnership that survived for the next 30-odd years. And the pool opened on the 10th of August 1935, more than two months before the majestic cinema's doors opened on the 14th of October.

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The advertisements for the event indicated the incompleteness of the development at that time, quote, "...the pool will be open before the new road is finished, so we trust our patrons will overlook this pending completion." So picture the scene, the open-air pool, on the site of which is now, appropriately, Pool House, just near the library.

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The Majestic Cinema was opposite, and the Hippodrome Cinema was just around the corner in Bell Street. Taken together, you could say they provided Reigate with its first and only leisure centre. The ceremony at the oval-shaped pool on that sunny afternoon nearly 90 years ago was well attended.

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The audience was entertained in the opening programme by Olive Bartle, winner of a bronze swimming medal in the British Empire Games at Wembley in 1934, and fellow members of the Kingston Ladies Swimming Club, who entered the pool in Victorian-style costumes. Rather unusually, this display was followed by a lecture on the history of swimming, given by a Mr Percy Eames from Kingston,

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Delivered from within the water of the pool, he demonstrated the development of strokes and style and entertained onlookers with a verse of a popular song performed underwater with the novelty of an iron bucket on his head. Refreshments for spectators were provided at the poolside.

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After the war, prices rose to one shilling and sixpence, or seven and a halfp for bathers, and ninepence, or fourp in modern money, for non-bathers and without any allowance made for children. Light refreshments were available all day from the pool cafe, or you could save yourself up for the full afternoon tea. from 3 o'clock in the afternoon, served poolside.

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Opening times originally advertised as daily from 7.30 in the morning through till midnight, but they were later modified to a 10am start through until dusk. A year later, in 1936, the pool opened at the end of May and swimmers could luxuriate for the first time in heated water.

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Apart from a report in the Surrey Mirror recording that on Sunday 13th June 1937 the Reigate Town Silver Prize Band played on the lawns of the majestic swimming pool, which may have been a belated celebration of the coronation in May, there's very little more information on the pre-war pool or its operation.

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and I've got really fond memories of Reigate, and your podcast brings back memories of the names of many places and roads. It's also interesting to hear what is happening in the town, as well as to hear the history of Reigate. He says, I'm a keen amateur historian myself, such as the history of Bancroft Road in your recent episode.

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It seems that the majestic swimming pool closed at the beginning of the Second World War and didn't open again until peacetime, maybe as late as 1947. Next week, the story continues on the Planet Reigate podcast as the majestic swimming pool is joined by the opening of the sumptuous and luxurious Majestic Cinema over the road.

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And our thanks to Sean Hawkins for much of the research for this series. Now, you can hear several other stories of local history and the notable and famous people who've lived in what we call the Planet Reigate area. Why is Donnings called Donnings? The story behind the leisure centre's unusual name in episodes 23 and 24. The story of the Reigate Hill plane crash.

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Our expert guest, Tadworth-based military historian Tim Richardson... We spoke with on top of Reigate Hill about the wartime plane crash there. Episodes 25, 26, 27. Talking about Reigate Hill, do you remember the incident that Kevin Keegan had on Reigate Hill back in the day? Well, it was the anniversary of the curious case of what happened and we reported on that. in episode 30.

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In fact, we split that over two different features within that same episode, episode 30. And Karen is the Betchworth Village Archivist, and she brought us a couple of stories of those buried in St Michael's Churchyard in episode 30 as well.

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Just some of the features about local history, some of the local personalities, some of the local events which have happened across what we call the Planet Reigate area in years gone by. Reigate, Redhill, Merstham, Buckland, Bechworth, Brockham, down to Hookwood and Charlwood, and outward as well, it is the Planet Reigate area.

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I'm Peter Stewart. Now, do you run a group or a business? Do you ever need a host for an event, an awards ceremony perhaps, maybe a concert, maybe somebody to interview somebody on stage, something like that? Get in touch if you do. I'll be happy to meet and discuss how I may be able to help. I'm Peter Stewart. Hello at is how you can get in touch with me.

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Well, Rory, that continues this week and the next two weeks after that as well, over the Christmas and New Year period. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know. Rory goes on, We do have a Reigate Road in Charlotte, which I visited, and he sent me a photograph of that. And there are also Reigate Roads in New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio.

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Now, this week's Planet Rygate Star Award concerns toilet paper. Bear with me. Veronica writes, it's a big shout out for Morrison's. I managed to walk off without a pack of loo paper I bought. I went back down for something else and mentioned it to the chap on customer services and the young woman on the self-service. And I went and got another pack and bits and pieces and paid for them.

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And as I left, the young woman called me over to her manager and they reimbursed me for the loo paper. It was very kind and unexpected and has made my day. You know as well as I do that sometimes Morrisons gets a bit of a bad rap. But I hope on this occasion they take pleasure in being the worthy recipient of a Planet Reigate Star Award for reimbursing the cost of some lube over.

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As you can imagine, it's a little bit scant this week. Oh, and don't forget, slight change next year. You will have to write in to hello at to get your event mentioned. Me mentioning that again, of course, in 2025.

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But to this week and Saturday, Saturday the 21st, Santa is going to be around the North Merstam area from 4 o'clock and Tuesday the 24th in the Lesborne Road area from 4 in the afternoon. And you... Keep a lookout for him and make sure you're videoing. There was a story, wasn't there, on social media this week on one of the local sites.

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Someone that said, oh, I was trying to film Santa coming down my road and giving a message to my little boy and my phone stopped recording. Has anyone else got a recording of what he was saying that I can have from you? Oh, how terrible. But I'm sure there'll be other opportunities to meet Santa. over the next few days ahead of the big day itself.

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But good luck if you're going to be seeing him at one of those two locations. Sunday the 22nd of December, Oldswood Christmas Farmers Market may see you there, where Fresh Meats Local, Marquess of Granby Pub, Hooley Lane in Oldswood. Sunday the 22nd, as I say, between 10 and 2.

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So your almost last-minute chance to get yummy stocking fillers, sourcing delicious hamper products or stocking up on nibbles for the festive period, you're all welcome. And the idea is that every stall is packed full of local produce. They won't be packed full by the end of it, come 2 o'clock, because everything will have gone. and local that is based within a 20-mile radius of Earlswood.

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So go along, enjoy some festive cheer, put your hand in your pocket as well, and also don't forget to step into the pub to thaw out in front of their roaring fire as well. Apparently they've got mulled wine and mince pies on the go on Sunday morning.

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Hmm, maybe the topic of another podcast series, Reigate Around the World? There's an idea, certainly. Coincidentally, I'm trying to build a replica. I love this. I love this. I'm trying to build a replica of Rygate Railway Station in my garden at the moment. I used to stand on the platform every day on my way to school and then on the work commute.

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So the Earlswood Farmers Market is powered by our friends over at Eco Earlswood, and you can usually find them at the Marquess of Granby on the last Sunday of every month from February 2025 onwards. Parking is limited. They say if you can walk or cycle or, I don't know, dance your way to the event, then please do that. It would help them, and also it would help the environment as well, of course.

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Now, just around the corner... In fact, it's not really round the corner, it's just up the road, isn't it? The Garibaldi and our friends there, they've got a Christmas raffle. Join in the festive fun at the Christmas party. Raffle tickets on sale at the bar, drawn by Head Elf after the Secret Santa. It's all happening Sunday the 22nd of December at five in the afternoon.

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They've got a kids' Christmas workshop Monday the 23rd, singing, dancing, crafts and more. And that's at Merston Village Hall, RH13ED. So if you need some child-free time just ahead of Christmas, so you can do some rapping or some cooking or whatever it happens to be, Monday 23rd from 9.30 to 2.30, £30 a child. for more information on that.

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Now, there'll be Christmas and New Year 5K park runs in Reigate Priory Park on Wednesday the 25th of December. Yeah, the big day itself. And also the 1st of January. Guys, why do you do this to yourselves? But I'm sure it's going to be great fun and you're going to be dressed up for that. And obviously it only goes ahead if there are...

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the right number of volunteers and obviously weather permitting as well. Snow attracts a lot of sledges to the park and obviously they can't kind of safely coexist with them. But that is going to be happening. The Christmas Reigate Priory Park Run on the 25th and also the 1st of January, so Christmas Day and New Year's Day itself.

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Let's look ahead briefly to New Year's Day or New Year's Eve, certainly. They've got a party going on at the Redline and Cellar Room at Betchworth, a beautiful candlelit pub, house curry and a DJ. Doors open from 7, £10 on the night, includes entry and food. Booking essential, 01737 843336 if you want to get involved with that one.

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And the Garibaldi again, our friends there, you're invited to a New Year's Eve pyjama party, karaoke and disco. 31st of December, free entry, 8 o'clock till late, no entry after 10 for, I guess, kind of security reasons. Wear your favourite PJs, grab a mic and join us for a night of musical fun, laughter and maybe a few dance moves as well.

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So as I say, if you have been involved with the Good Time Guide over 2024, make sure you're involved again over 2025. Hello at and tell us about your band, your charity, your choir club or society, group, team or squad, association, organisation, institution.

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Your launch or your match or your show or your concert, display, exhibition, performance, recital, review, event, fair or festival, hello at the... I think we've got all bases covered there. Hello at

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. And Mercer's Lake Park this week. Here, reed warbler, chiff chaff, blackbird, blue tit, robin and wren.

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I've bought a real-time live departures board for Rygate Station, an exact replica, and have a carpenter building and designing the station sign. And I'd also like to build a replica signal box if I can. Thank you.

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Well, we continue our four-part miniseries on the intriguing and significant history of Bancroft Road in Reigate. Yeah, back in the day, you could have said it was the home to the area's first, well, what perhaps would be called now, leisure park or entertainment complex. And it was the brainchild of a woman. And it's her that the road is named after, not a man, which is refreshing and fantastic.

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from Rory Rory I love that email there's so much about it which I'm really really pleased to hear first of all that you love listening to the Planet Reigate podcast it brings back memories of places that you know and places that you used to go to and maybe the odd person as well that you used to interact maybe you in return are listening to this and you know Rory Rory Purcell so if you know Rory I'm sure he would say hello to you he lived in the area for 25 years after all

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And I love the idea that you are going to be building a replica of Reinge Railway Station in your backyard, which sounds absolutely fantastic. Yeah, he mentions a real-time live departures board. You can buy these online, and they link in in some way, shape, or form with the departure information, which comes direct from the rail services provider. You can get these anywhere.

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It's real-time information. You could have one at home. And you could have it in your office or your kitchen or wherever. By the front door, perhaps, you could see when your train is likely to be arriving or when your other half's train is likely to be coming. So you can, I don't know, sort out dinner for them or whatever it happens to be. You know when to expect that key in the door.

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And it's even more fun that he's going to... Put that all together with the station sign and also a replica of the signal box as well. Good stuff. Rory, I really appreciate you getting in touch. Indeed, I really appreciate everyone who's got in touch over the course of 2024. Now, some people have emailed me directly. Some people have approached me on social media.

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Thanks very much indeed to you if you've been a guest on the podcast over the course of 2024 as well.

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if you've put aside time to be interviewed if you've approached me and said peter i'd love to be on your podcast and you've put yourself up for an interview if you've sent me your your events now going forward into 2025 i'm really going to rely much more on people sending me events to hello at the planet reigate so do please continue to do that

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Thanks also to our sponsors, the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill, Andy Nash there, the Woodlands Lettings Agency in Redhill too, Lucy's Ladle who sponsored the programme for a while too and also our friends at the Redhill Business Guild and RH Networking as well. Also to Rygate and Banstead Borough Council. We have no particular affiliation with Rygate and Banstead Borough Council.

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They don't pay for anything for me but they have been helpful on a number of occasions and I have worked closely with them at So I think on occasion being a little critical of them as well. But it's all, you know, above board and we get on well. So I really appreciate their time and help. Also to David over at, who's mentioned me a few times in that fantastic newsletter.

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Our occasional reporter, David King, who's helped me out by going to various events where I've been unable to do so because... As you may know, the Planet Reigate podcast is done on top of my day job and my family commitments too. And also to the administrators on various social media sites, particularly We Love Reigate and We Love Redhill, who have been absolutely superb as well.

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But our main thanks this week at the end of 2024 to you for listening. which we post on social media. Or maybe you click through to some of the links that I put on social media as well and just listen to a snippet, maybe a five-minute piece or maybe a particular feature or an interview or one particular item. Maybe you don't listen every week, but maybe it's just occasionally. Hopefully in 2025.

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I'll be able to persuade you to listen more often and for longer too. However, that being said, really appreciate you listening to whatever part of the show you have been doing so during 2024. And I wish you and your family well. Happy holidays, and if you celebrate it, a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2025. From everyone, that's me.

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This week we continue with the story of what was built there and why and who by. And later on in the series we'll go behind the scenes in a special bonus episode. So that'll be episode four of these short series to see what is left of their legacy today. In the news, could Reigate and Banstead Borough Council be abolished? I'll tell you why that could happen later on in the show.

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At the Planet Reigate podcast, thank you for your friendship and support. That being said, let's get on with the show and tell you about a few items which you may have missed over the last seven days or so. Could Reigate and Banstead, Tandridge and Mole Valley councils be abolished and replaced with fewer local authorities or even a single one?

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But that's the potential under plans for a major redesign of local government. You may have heard this in a paper published last Monday. So it could mean that, for example, maybe Ryger and Banstead joins with Tandridge and Epsom and Yule to have a single, larger council...

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for that whole area or maybe they could do away with local parish councils that's the tier below Reigate and Banstead or to have Surrey County Council which is based in Reigate as you know take over from all of the Surrey local councils

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completely and do away with all of them so there is a discussion about this going on at the moment now as you know some decisions are currently taken at parish or borough or county level which leads us to the situation where the county council runs for example red hill library in warwick quadrant And yet the Borough Council runs the Harlequin right next door.

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So maybe it will be easier and save money and save time if some of those local council responsibilities are taken away in part or in full and go to another tier. That is being discussed at the moment. And more on this, I'm sure, over the course of 2025. If you want more on this... Go to the BBC website for more information.

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Surrey County Council are consulting on proposals for traffic management on Linkfield Street in Redhill. Yeah, we'd see road closures put in place. And the idea is to stop that road being used as a bit of a rat run. Now, there is a consultation which is happening. They're doing all these consultations over the Christmas New Year period, aren't they?

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Which I'm not sure is a really good idea because people have perhaps got more downtime because they're not at work. Or it's not a good idea at all because people have got less downtime because they're out partying and organising and travelling and so on. But anyway, there is a consultation which runs until the 27th of January. If you want more information, get in touch with me.

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I'll put you in touch with them because it's a long and complicated website address that you need to go to. But if you are concerned or you're happy or you're sad, you're cross, you're overjoyed about the possible closure to traffic of Linkfield Street in Redhill, and get in touch with me, and I'll put you in touch with them.

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Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to your Planet Reigate podcast for Reigate, Redhill and Merstam, Bucklam, Betchworth and Brockham and down to Hookwood and Charlwood and Outwood and Earlswood and all the other woods across the area as well. I'm Peter Stewart and this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this Christmas week.

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Now, there seems to be lots of empty office blocks around our town centres, doesn't there? Sometimes you may have noticed what seems to be some empty office blocks just south of the railway station in Rygate, for example.

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Well, just over the level crossing on the left-hand side on the southern part of the railway crossing, so going into Rygate once you come down the hill, is a building called Foundation House. It's immediately beside the railway line. There are plans to add an extra fourth floor to that building and create 28 flats made up of 18 one-bed and 10 two-bedroom flats.

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I mean, you couldn't get closer to the train station if you tried, could you? And also there's parking on site as well. There's a bus stop there as well. There is a planning application in. More on this story via Susan got in touch with me direct at hello at and said, I live near Raffles Bridge post office and I use it daily.

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And she says, quote, the adjoining shop, which will be opening the spring, had their alcohol license agreed. But that means apart from the red line opposite, she says there will now be three outlets selling alcohol within 100 yards of each other in that small parade.

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Linkfield Street and Red Hill could be closed to all traffic. Is that a good idea? Certainly one that's being discussed at the moment. I'll tell you why. An empty office building in Reigate could be turned into flats. I'll tell you where. Concerns from a listener about one of our local post offices. They've been in touch and several other people have been in touch as well.

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It'll very likely mean we'll lose the post office, which can't function without the additional sales of alcohol to help support that business. She says strong arguments and a petition argued against a shop with no parking space remaining open daily until 11 at night. And she's also worried about the disturbance and the rubbish.

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She says that already happens and she's concerned that that will increase. Quote, the saddest part is if the post office with its older kind owners does close, it'll affect so many people. The temptation of alcohol. so easily accessible at late hours is also very worrying. And the possible closure of the post office, if they can't pay their way, is a real community issue.

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Now, she stresses so far there's no talk of the post office closing, but she's concerned that, quote, it looms greater on the horizon. I wonder what you think of what Sue has told me. If you are intrigued, if you are interested, if you've got a spleen that needs vented, then get in touch with me. Hello at

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We have some congratulations in order, and this is coming from the Lucy Rayner Foundation. They say, we're thrilled to extend our heartfelt thanks to Helen and Graham at Bletchingly Golf Club. They're captains for 2024. For their phenomenal support this year, they've raised an outstanding $1,000. £31,329 for us here at the Lucy Rayner Foundation.

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They say, your incredible generosity enables us to continue our vital work, providing essential mental health support to young people. Together, we're making a lasting difference. Thank you. To Helen and Graham, a bletchingly golf club. And we've also got a lovely message from Loveworks as well. They say, hello, Planet Rygate podcast. Has to be said that I don't think...

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Ever since the podcast set up in September of 2023, we've had so much correspondence come in in one week, which is absolutely fantastic. Hi, the Planet Ryket podcast. 2024 has been another tough year for so many people in our community who are facing food insecurity. The number of individuals and families who without help will be missing meals has sadly not reduced from last year.

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Your support makes such a difference to how we can help people and make sure that no one in our local area goes hungry. Thank you for helping us make a difference. Yeah, you know what? We've been pleased and proud. to mention all the various initiatives that Loveworks have been putting on.

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They say last year, 2024, with the help of our wonderful supporters and volunteers, Loveworks has handed out over 2,900 food parcels, provided food to feed over 6,000 people, including children, given out 170 Christmas food bags to families highlighted by local schools and to those referred to us with the aim of making Christmas that little bit better.

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provided our cooking course to 95 people in addition to our food banks loveworks also run projects that aim to help the community through food our amazing volunteers have produced wonderful fresh food from our two allotments which is available for our beneficiaries at our food banks and we also run bags of taste cooking courses where we help people to make the most of the food that they've got this year 95 people have benefited from those courses the

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Thanks from a local charity to a local golf club. More thanks from another local charity to everyone who supported them over 2024. A local pub could close down later on in the show. I'll tell you how you can have your views known about its future. Now recently I told you about a restaurant in Rygate that was closing. A new one has already taken its place. I'll tell you what it is and

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And they say none of this could have happened without the amazing support that we receive from people like you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the donations that you've made this year, whether it be food, money or time. Please know that you've truly made a difference to those who are finding times pretty tough right now.

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And the very first page on there, I've got the last five episodes. episodes of the show right there you just press play and you can scooch forward and backwards and you can hear all of the last five shows really really easy straightforward And our first guests this week are from the first of two ceremonies for the annual Reigate and Bandstead Volunteer Awards.

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There's another ceremony in a couple of weeks time. Hosted by TV's Nicholas Owen with certificates and medals presented by the mayor. Let's hear now from some of the recipients of the Long Service Awards. who received their recognition at the Town Hall. So many great winners, more than 20.

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Now, I didn't have time to speak with everyone, but hear now the terrific and heartwarming stories from some of those who I did catch up with, who told me what they do in their communities, who they help, and why.

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How long have you been working there?

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What do you get out of it?

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That sounds like you're there most days of the week with all these different groups.

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Seriously? Five days a week you're doing this?

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How important do you think the scouting movement is for young people today?

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Why Memorial Park is one of the best in Britain. And your heart will go out to somebody local after they left an unusual item on a local train this week

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And it's doing things that they wouldn't normally do in school, isn't it? And they're getting out in the fresh air rather than sitting in front of a computer console or something.

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So how do people get involved if they think, oh, maybe scouting's for me, maybe they're a cub or a scout or a brownie or a beaver or a rainbow, have I got all of those? Then how do they get involved?

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you may just be able to help someone whose pet wakes them up too early in sport we feature Redhill Bowls Club which is hosting a county final this weekend a double local link regarding new paddle courts which have just been opened and I'll tell you about a brand new pool hall which is opening locally and has a national claim to fame plus why one man wants to bring a little bit of France to Priory Park

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Now, we haven't had the best spring and summer, have we, weather-wise, so it can't be that much fun standing out in the spring or summer when it's raining, or even the winter, perhaps, when it's freezing cold as well. There must be some times you think to yourself, hold on, I could be at home with a beer in my hand and watching something on Netflix.

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And how long have you been doing that?

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What was it that got you into working with the Samaritans in the first place?

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What do you get out of volunteering?

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And you can specifically see a difference, even if it's perhaps a change of their tone of voice, perhaps at the other end of the phone, even if you don't know who that person is and you don't know what the end of their story is, you feel as though you've made a difference almost immediately.

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What have you made of this evening, Kate?

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You made mention when you went up to collect your certificate and so on that you were one of the longest-serving volunteers here tonight, you think?

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Well, you must have had an awful lot of roles right across the area in 60 years. Can you run through some of those roles for me?

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Ooh la la. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Ridegate stars are from Pub in the Park. Our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week, again from Pub in the Park. You'll love that, what I've put together for you. Plus... Interesting news about some local roadworks and a car park closure this week.

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It's more than going to fairs and fates and football matches, isn't it? You do an awful lot of work together in the community and also with the NHS as well.

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And what do the young people get out of joining something like the St John Ambulance? Why do they do it?

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Well, congratulations this evening. What have you made of it?

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And congratulations to everyone who I spoke to. And if you're one of our new listeners, because obviously I was telling people where I was from. Oh, incidentally, the Planet Reigate podcast, the only local media who were there. which is a bit of a surprise because I would have thought it was quite a significant event, but there you go.

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So you'll only hear about those stories on the Planet Reigate podcast. If you're one of our new listeners, hello, welcome. This is what we do. We celebrate all that's great and fantastic and positive about love of life around here in the Planet Reigate area, Reigate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. RH1, RH2 and RH3. On the way are sport and weather and travel.

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We'll hear from some more winners a little bit later on as well. The second part of our good time guide telling you what is fantastic that you can get involved with across the area over the next seven days. Our Planet Reigate stars and our 60 Second Soundscape both from Pub in the Park in Reigate which happened of course last weekend. But next, our news sequence.

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You'll catch up with what's been happening across the area, across the past week. First of all, the Redhill office block that's costing the County Council more than £375,000 a year to keep empty. What? Yeah, it's Consort House, a former admin office for Surrey County Council, which they left when they moved into Woodhatch Place yesterday.

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in in reigate a few years back and and since then they've tried to sell the block ever since september 2022 in fact but no company has come forward with a decent offer and that's been costing the county council as i say more than 375 000 pounds a year to keep it going i mean they're making some use of it the red hill library has some of that space at the moment now surrey county council think they do have a group willing to let the whole building

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It's news you need to know. All that and more. Yeah, I know more. It's going to be a packed programme, so let's get cracking with it right now.

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It's been linked to the NHS, that company which may be coming in. And of course, that will mean that they get some income. And it'll mean that the County Council can keep the site as an investment to maybe sell in the future. Where is Consort House? It's on Queensway. It's got six floors, including a basement, two lifts, toilet on each floor with showers and a ground floor front reception area.

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63 car parking spaces and 65 spaces available on short occupational lease. About four years remaining. Those other 63, approximately 90 years remaining on the lease. I mean, I'm giving you all this information because you may want to move in there. I don't know. Maybe you'd like to buy it. for £6.5 million.

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So, as and when it does sell, or as and when new occupants go in because they've let it, what happens to Redhill Library then? We've got details in a few moments' time. Incidentally, if you want details on that full cabinet report, drop me a line and I'll pass those details on to you if you want to read that full report that the County Council's been discussing.

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Or if you want to see that building listed and some more attributes that it's got and who's trying to sell it for the County Council, again, drop me a line.

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Surrey County Council say they want to support people to use more sustainable travel options to help reach their target of being net zero by 2050. Now, they've got a couple of schemes which they say will improve travel options between Redhill and Hawley. And those schemes, you can go along and you can see them online, but also there's a few meetings.

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I'll tell you about where those meetings are in a couple of ticks. But the whole consultation closes on the 15th of September. So they want to install new bus lanes down various parts of the A23. And also there are proposed changes to walking and cycle facilities between Redhill Station and East Surrey Hospital. So those... Areas are Station Roundabout and Marketfield Way, number one.

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Number two, Brighton Road and Brook Road. Number three, Hooley Lane and Earlsbrook Road. And number four, Three Arches Roundabout and the Town Path. Now, you're probably visualising those various locations in your mind as I list them off. You may live in those necks of the woods. You may walk around there. Your kids may go to school there.

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And we'll start off with the Planet Rygate postbag. First of all, Phil has bought me a coffee and you can do the same. Details on that in a few moments' time. Phil says, thanks for the conversation yesterday. Really enjoyed it. Me too, Phil. And you'll be able to hear the results of our conversation later.

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They may be on your regular journey, perhaps to visit friends or go to the hospital to commute or pick up friends or whatever it happens to be. Are you interested in what's happening at the Station Roundabout, Marketfield Way, Brighton Road, Brook Road, Hooley Lane, Earlsbrook Road, Three Arches Roundabout and the Town Path? Well, there's too much to talk about here.

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And obviously, you really need to be able to see those maps and diagrams and pictures. If you are interested, drop me a line and I'll send you the link so you can look at all of those plans and what is being suggested. And or you can go to various meetings. Redhill Library, again, Consort House on Queensway, 28th August, 3pm-5pm.

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Also Salford's Rear Village Hall, or Rear of the Village Hall, 5 Honeycrock Lane in Salford's, that's the 21st August, 3pm-6pm. Edmonds Community Hall and Albert Road in Hawley on the 31st July, 3pm-5pm. Again, as I say, more details on those, drop me a line.

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Hello at And someone who got in contact with me is Nikki to say she said, I wondered if it would be possible to talk about the impact of these proposed changes for all sorts of people because it looks as though there'll be no return of the bus to Earlswood through to East Surrey Hospital.

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That means those living in Earlswood need to be able to walk a distance uphill to reach the bus service. It's that local knowledge, isn't it, that sometimes town or county planners don't realise some of the implications of what they've got planned. She says also, although great to see plans to improve cycle and walking, a crucial part of the system has been ignored.

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Prince's Road and it could mean that pedestrians and cyclists will get to there and then be stuck she says it's a golden opportunity to put in cycle walking system throughout yeah again Nikki's got a fantastic overview of how she uses the system about how the works and the roads and the commutes work for her and the people that she knows and she went on look out for the consultation on travel improvements these will have a

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in a few weeks' time here on the Planet Reigate podcast, because Phil is a local author, and Phil sets all of his books, his crime detective novels, in and around Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham, in fact. the planet Reigate area, which is really intriguing because you obviously can really picture where the crime has taken place.

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Nicky, thanks for sending that through and do get in touch with me if you want links to those documents so you can peruse them yourself. And don't forget, if you've got a vested interest in those plans, then you have through until September the 15th to get your thoughts, your feedback in to Surrey County Council.

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Talking of whom, they're consulting on installing a raised zebra crossing on Linkfield Lane outside St Joseph's School. It's after that incident last September where three people were hit by a car. It's something that various people have been campaigning for. So those parking controls will stop vehicles parking or stopping along Linkfield Lane near that proposed zebra crossing site.

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And also keep a clearer sight line for both pedestrians using the zebra crossing and also drivers who are approaching it from whichever direction. And we'll also stop vehicles from parking too close to the crossing to improve the safety for pupils. Because there's a school right there crossing in the area. Now, if you want to give your views on that, then you can write to Lucy Mone, M-O-N-E.

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She works for the County Council at Hazel House, Merrow Lane in Guildford, GU47BQ. She doesn't work at a wood hatch. So that's Lucy Mone, Hazel House, Merrow Lane in Guildford, GU47BQ. You've got to do that by the 25th of July, incidentally. Quite a lot of development and plans being proposed because there's more development work at Merstham Rec, which has been going on for a while.

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And I thought I'd give you a bit of an update. So they've already installed temporary access road for contractor vehicles. They've created a storage area for materials and equipment there. And that work started with stripping the topsoil, various areas, so they could start the work on the new play area, the new pavilion and new footpaths as well.

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Now, some of those new footpaths have been excavated and the edging has been installed. And they've also started installing drainage pipes across the area. And what's happening next? Well, during the next five to six weeks or so, so over the summer holidays,

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They're going to be finishing that drainage system, putting in the foundations for the pavilion, putting in the base for the pavilion, and also putting in some more pipework for that building as well, and also finishing off those footpaths.

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And also, I thought I'd tell you about what's happening at Battlebridge Rec, an update there, because they've been converting and extending the disused bowling green there, and converting it into a small football pitch for the So essentially under nines, under tens, that kind of age group. Slow start earlier on when the contraction started. Contractors started rather than contractions.

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It's nothing happening at the maternity unit at the hospital because of the poor weather. But they are now going along apace. Most of the earthworks have been completed. That included introducing over 400 tonnes of quality new topsoil. And then over the next few weeks, they're going to be putting in more drainage, add around 200 tonnes of sport sand and seed the grass as well.

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And then the works are expected to be completed in the next couple of weeks, really, with the grass establishment continuing over the summer. So that can really get rooted in. Well, I mentioned Consort House earlier on, didn't I, which is being used by the library because of the continuing problem of the crumbly concrete rack at the library building.

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So hear more from Phil a little bit later on. Yeah, Phil bought me, well, actually, thinking about it, Phil bought me two coffees. He bought me one in real life. And also, he bought me one virtually as well. So if you'd like to contribute to the running of the show, then you can do that by going to this website. On your phone, it's really easy.

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It's also, of course, at the Harlequin, which closed in September, also affected the police station as well. Well, there is an update on the Harlequin Theatre coming this coming week. So on Tuesday at 7.30pm,

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There's a council meeting at the Town Hall in Reigate and that's going to include a response to a public question asking for clarification on the current situation, the current state of play and indeed when the council plans to reopen the theatre.

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And we may also find out if there are any plans to have a semi-permanent replacement while the Harlequin is closed and also any commitment from the Borough Council to reopen the theatre in the future. Now, it should be noted that, as I understand it, the building is not actually owned by the council, but obviously a lot of people have vested interests. And it's been a fantastic space, hasn't it?

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It's the only theatre publicly accessible of that size, which is in the borough. Obviously, there is the Archway Theatre down in Hawley, but that's... But that is pretty small. I mean, it's really useful for community events and so on.

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But if you want a big school production or an award ceremony or something like that, where parents can go along to, members of the public can go along to and have it all done in one evening, that has been a bit of a problem. Now, that meeting is open to the public, so you can go along. Again, you can contact me for details.

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If you can't make it but would like to listen to what is said, there is a live webcast so you can join in from home or at least see what's happening from home. Contact me for details. Network Rail are going to be carrying out essential drainage works to help with the flooding of the subway at Hawley. Yeah, that's been going on for a while now, hasn't it? The problems there.

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Now, the works are due to start on the 29th of July, and they're going to be completed by the 30th of August. The footway through the subway and the car park on the High Street, which is next to the subway, are going to be closed for five weeks, that means, while the work takes place. There's going to be signed pedestrian diversions. Oh, and if you do live in the area...

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There will be some work overnight between 10 at night and 6 in the morning. So be aware of that. Save Meadvale Village Hall. Well, you may know that St John's Church are looking to sell Meadvale Village Hall. Well, various groups use that. The 34th Reigate Meadvale Scout Group have been based there. For nearly 90 years, there's a nursery which uses it as well.

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Also various birthday parties, wedding reception has been held there in the past too. Martial arts classes, yoga, brownies and guides and all sorts of other events and activities as well. Would you like to know a little bit more about what is going on there, what the plans are for the future? Maybe you've got a view one way or the other.

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And donating the cost of a cup of coffee to help me with my running costs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you do, the details that you need to know are 07939 609 822. If you'd like some more information on that, 07939 609 822. 2024 marks the 50th year of Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council and it's a time for celebration, also reflection as well, looking back, but also looking forward as well.

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And Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council have got together with Surrey County Council and they would love to know your thoughts, your ideas, your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations regarding this year. the whole community in the area going forward. Would you like to have your say in the future of Salford's and Sidlow?

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Again, if you would, drop me a line and I'll pass on that 500-digit link to you.

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Well, congratulations to our friends over at Include because they have received national lottery funding for their Include choirs. So 139 people with learning disabilities and autism are currently in the Redhill and Epsom choirs, plus supported volunteers as well. And they regularly perform at community events.

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powerfully speaking up, singing out and instigating conversations and change across the community for people who have communication issues and difficulties. So congratulations to everybody at Include. Let's go to Red Hill. Got a few updates there. The old Poundland opposite Busy Beans and the Lloyds Bank is being fitted out. Do you want to know what's going in there? It's peacocks.

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So, Phil, really appreciate that. Lovely to meet you, and thanks for your time. And Phil also interviewed me for his community magazine, for his village magazine. I'll let you know when that goes out. which should be in the next couple of three weeks. NC Yoga say, thanks very much. I really appreciate the mention last week, and I'll most definitely have a listen.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So they do cheap clothes and fashion for men, women and children. They're also after some staff to work there. if you want some more information on that. Rumours on social recently that the post office in Smiths in the Belfry is closing. It is not. We can confirm that. And we're also hearing that Marks and Spencer's. are looking for a new site locally.

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Now, you'll remember that they closed their main store in Red Hills Belfry Shopping Centre next month, all part of their plan to close all medium-sized stores across the country. Again, our thoughts go out to all staff who are working there. Just got a few weeks left.

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And of course, you know there's an M&S food hall in Reigate, but as I say, we understand M&S now looking for a new site locally for another food hall. Yeah, they're looking for another food hall, which is perhaps a little bit surprising. So it would be in the Redhill-Rygate area.

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And the phrase we've heard a couple of times now is they're looking for somewhere between the two towns, which is an interesting idea. No word on what that would mean to the existing food hall in Rygate High Street, but any new one would likely be larger. I'm just thinking, I mean, what's between Redhill and Rygate?

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Well, there's land at the police station which is going up for grabs if they were... Where else? I don't know. I can't really think of anywhere unless they're thinking of something which is a little bit out of town. So, for example, there are quite a few empty office blocks, aren't they, in Reigate? And also we've spoken about consult. Would you go to a food hall?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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That wouldn't make sense, would it? It doesn't need to be that big. They would just stay on one floor of the Belfry. It's interesting, though, isn't it? Have you got any ideas about a new food hall location for Marks and Spencer's? That's interesting. OK, if you're not going to be buying your food there, do you usually buy your food at the Toby Carvery on Redstone Hill? You do?

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It's just by the railway station, is it? Just going up there. Red, it's closing after this weekend. They say they're having a makeover. So, the Toby Carvery there is going to be closed from Monday the 22nd to work on a new look restaurant, but they say they won't be long before they reopen again Wednesday the 14th of August. and you'll be able to go along.

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And if you desperately need a Toby Carvery to go to, the next one is the Toby Carvery, Langley Green, Vancouver Drive in Crawley. It's Vancouver Drive. That's another Canada link, which is interesting, isn't it? Another Canada link. We've got quite a few Canadian links here, haven't we?

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We've got Canada Avenue, Canada Drive, Canada Hall in Redhill, Merstham, the hospitals on Canada Avenue, of course, because the Canadian troops were based here during the war. Now, what do I know about the Toby Carvery? I've never been in there, but if memory serves, it used to be called Lakers, and it was a restaurant. It was also a concert venue, wasn't it?

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Because I remember back in the day, bands like The Cure... uh played at at lakers so i reckon that would be what 70s 80s set late 70s i reckon uh must do something on that building i reckon it must be one of the oldest buildings in in the town uh so if you know any more about about lakers slash um the toby carvery i'd love to know please get in touch hello at the

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And come and join me one week as my guest. Oh, could I do yoga? There are several people who know me listening to this, and they're thinking, yeah, right, Peter, you can't even touch your blimmin' knees. I don't know. I'm getting fitter in the last few months. Yeah, I've had a bit of a life change. I'm getting fitter, slimmer, stronger, eating better. Yeah, that kind of thing.

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from the Toby Carvery to the Red Hill Kebab House. They're going to be closed for their annual staff holidays. They will be reopening on the 4th of September. They say it's much longer than they had originally planned, but they were unable to find experienced replacement staff to cover. But they do wish you a very happy summer holiday.

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Or maybe you don't go to the Red Hill Kebab House, but you do go to Sea Salt in Reigate. That's the fish and chip shop just up there on Lesborne Road. They're taking a summer break. They're going to be closed from Monday the 5th of August. They're going to be back on Monday the 26th of August. So that's a while yet.

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It's a couple of weeks away, but then they're going to be closed for about three weeks in August. Also, let me continue to tell you about what's happening at East Surrey Hospital. They have got work to install new doors at East Surrey Hospital over the next couple of weekends. So it's going to be the 20th and 21st of July. So this weekend and also again on the 27th and 28th of July from 6 a.m.

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This Saturday until 8pm on Sunday, they're going to be working on the main entrance. And then from 6am Saturday the 27th to 8pm on Sunday the 28th of July, the East Entrance at the Surrey Hospital is going to be closed. Obviously, there's going to have various diversions and signs and people helping and that kind of thing for patients and visitors and staff as well.

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But just thought I'd give you the heads up if you are interested. heading there to see somebody, maybe you're running a little bit late, then you may want to build in an extra five minutes or so. 7th Reigate Scouts need your help. Heard about the Scouts a bit earlier on, didn't we, in one of our interviews.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Looking for adults to step up to the plate, being a uniformed leader to keep the sections running. They're based over Timperley Gardens, aren't they, 7th Reigate Scouts? So if you're interested in helping out the Scouts, which are ages 10 and a half to 14, I'm looking down the list of things they do.

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Axe throwing, archery, sandstone rock climbing, pioneering, computer programming, air rifle shooting, bird box construction. They do camps and all sorts of things as well. You don't mind getting your hands a bit dirty, quite literally if you're going camping, and get in touch with them. Or beavers aged six to eight years old, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

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Congratulations to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council because two of our local parks are green flag winners again. Yeah, Priory Park in Reigate, Memorial Park in Redhill, both achieved the coveted green flag status for the eighth year running. The green flag awards are presented by the Keep Britain Tidy Group. They're an international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

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So congratulations to our local green spaces teams. A message on socials this week. Quote, I don't suppose anyone has seen it or handed it in. He's contacted Victoria Station Lost Property, but they haven't seen it. So did you find a suit in a suit bag on the Victoria to Reigate that got into Reigate at 6.26 Tuesday night? Get in touch with me.

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I reckon I could do a bit of yoga. All right. A bit of Pilates, that kind of thing. Royal Earlswood Football Club say thanks for the shout out Planet Rygate podcast. And they say we are still recruiting for our under 15s for the season ahead. So if you're interested, get in touch with Casey 07368 219141 if you're interested. Another one here from WS Planning and Architecture.

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I'll put you in touch with them because they would desperately like to hear from you, as you can imagine. Finally this week, also on Facebook from the Red Hill area, hello, looking to rehome our cockerel. He's become loud quite early in the morning since he lost his partners. Other than that, he behaves pretty well, but I've been let down by a couple of places who said they would take him.

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If you've got space for, what should we call, Corky the Cockerel, that's what we'll call him, then they want to hear from you. Get in touch with me, I'll put you in touch with them.

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In our sports news this week, starting off with bowls. Yeah, John Seddon has written to me from Red Hill Bowls Club. Says, hi Peter, this coming Sunday from 10am, Red Hill Bowls Club are hosting the Surrey Club finale. It's actually between Cheam and Egham. They chose our club because they think we've got the best green in the county. Well, of course it is. It's the best bit of Britain after all.

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They welcome any visitors there and there'll be refreshments on sale. The bar will be open as well, so... If you're looking for something to do Sunday morning, why don't you go down and see the finale, the final of the Surrey Club finale between Cheam and Egham. And that's up St Anne's Drive, Red Hill. So it's kind of under the railway bridge towards Lakers. Get me. The Toby Carvery.

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But sharp turn left after the sorting office. Go up Noak Drive. It's like you're going to Carrington, but then first left instead. So, John, thanks very much indeed for getting in touch and passing those details on to me.

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Don't forget, if you've got anything you want to pass on to me, whether you're a sports club or maybe it's a school or maybe it's a business or a charity or any kind of event, hello at New paddle courts have been opened at Reigate Lawn Tennis Club this week and these are the very first in the borough of Reigate and Banstead. Paddle is an innovative form of tennis.

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It's fun, it's easy to learn, it's really sociable. Played on an enclosed court about a third of the size of a tennis court. Groups of mixed ages and mixed abilities can play together as well. And the layout of these courts, the paperwork and so on as well, all done with WS Planning and Architecture, who are at Paul House in Reigate, on Bancroft Road there, opposite the cinema.

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In the news this week, the Redhill office blocks that's costing the county council nearly £400,000 a year to keep empty. Plans to install new bus lanes down various parts of the A23 and also changes to walking and biking routes between Redhill Station and East Surrey Hospital. We have the details. An update on the Harlequin comes out next week.

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It's where the roadworks have been, and the temporary lights and the pipes have been there for days, haven't they? Now, I'm thinking about Pool House. I think it's called Pool House because it was built... It's not named after someone called Paul. No, no, no. Pool House. It's because it was built on the site of an old swimming pool.

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And I think there was also another swimming pool, Baths, whatever you want to call it, on Castlefield Road. Wasn't there opposite the town hall? Let me know if you know any more about either of those sites. I'd be really interested to hear from you. Talking about pools, and a new pool hall is opening in Redhill. Yeah, another kind of pool. It's claimed to be the UK's largest as well.

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It's going to be on Queensway over the Wetherspoons Sun Pub. You'll be able to enjoy a whole host of Q Sports and entertainment as well. 38 tables, English 8-ball pool tables, American 9-ball pool tables, snooker and billiards tables as well, including darts and Chinese 8-ball as well. I'm not familiar with Chinese 8-ball. And serving food and drinks as well. That opens in September.

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Alistair Reid says, would you like to join me in campaigning for a petanque terrain in Priory Park? Petanque, it's sometimes called boule or boccia, isn't it? It's a social sport. It encourages people to get together and chat. And it's available for people of all ages and all abilities and so on and really easy to learn as well.

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They say thank you for the shout out regarding the Reigate Business Guild litter pick. Great podcast all round. Thank you, guys. Actually, they get another mention a little bit later on in the show as well.

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It requires minimal equipment and the equipment that is required is really cheap to buy. So it's cheaper to set up than a skate park or a tennis court or anything like that. And he says introducing Patong to Reigate would be a cultural enrichment activity. It would provide an opportunity for people to appreciate a sport with deep roots in European culture.

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So he says it's probably a bit late for this summer, but he says, I reckon if we can start working now, we might have one in place for summer 2025, either funded by the council or our own fundraising activities. What would you like to see as far as a petanque court park? I wonder what it's called. How many lanes? Where exactly in Priory Park would it be?

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If you would like to get in touch with Alistair and find out a bit more about Patong and how you could get involved with that, drop me a line and I'll drop you a line as well. Plus, one quick mention here, Rye Gate Business Guild Golf Day is going to be Thursday 26th September at Betchworth Park Golf Club. Travel news then. National Highway saying no more M25 closures this year.

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Yeah, it was closed near Wisley last weekend, wasn't it? Their third full weekend closure this year. And as a result, there's now a brand new bridge and new gantries in place as well. They say there's going to be no more full weekend closures of the M25A3 this year. The two remaining closures will be next spring instead. And they'll give a minimum of four weeks notice of those closures.

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Old Rigation Rugby Club thanks for the shout out about our Honorary Secretary and Colts Manager Kate and the Surrey Rugby Award we're all really really proud for her and grateful for all the volunteers at the club and the work they do and they say if anyone wants more information about the club and getting involved please contact info at and we're sure Kate would be more than happy to point you in the right direction yeah that's the Old Rigation Rugby Club

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and they will avoid busy holiday periods. However, they do say that the M25A3 will still be closed at times over some weekends, and there's going to be some 12-hour night closures on the M25 through the autumn as well. Let's go to Woodhatch Road, Monday the 22nd for six days.

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Monday to Friday, 9.30 to 3, the road's going to be closed from 10 Woodhatch Road to Hawley Road, so they say please don't leave your car parked there. Resurfacing work going on, and even though most of their work will be done in the week, some parts of it will be done in the near future after that. And they say the work there is weather dependent.

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45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And finally, Bell Street car park in Reigate is going to be closed Wednesday for essential relining work. So it's going to reopen on Thursday the 25th. Parking will still be available at Bancroft Road multi-storey car park and Upper West Street car park as well. What do you mean? What do you mean, Morrisons?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


Planet Reigate stars and our 60-second soundscape still to come and also the second part of our Good Time Guide. But now the second part of our interviews with guests from the first of two ceremonies for the annual Reigate and Bandstead Volunteer Awards, which happened recently at the Town Hall. Let's hear more from some of the recipients of the Long Service Awards.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Together, everyone who was represented there... More than 700 years service to various community events, charities and groups and clubs and associations across the fine borough of Reigate and Banstead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And also it's meeting other children, isn't it, who aren't in your class at school. Exactly. It's learning how to socialise.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And what kinds of things are you helping them with on the evening?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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But that kept you up at night, quite literally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now, I'm just looking down my notes here, Jeanette, and it says that you've been volunteering with Guiding in Redhill for nearly, this must be a typo, it says 40 years.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We want more strong, confident young women, don't we, particularly?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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If you're interested in getting some more information about that. Oh, we had another message in from NC Yoga. Who say that they teach classes Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And get in touch if you want any more information on what they do around the beautiful Buckland Lake. Jamie mentioned him last week as well. And he's got some free songwriting courses happening in the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What have you made of this evening?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Stories, experiences and all sorts of tales to tell. Absolutely, yeah.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And it keeps you young at heart as well?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Do they give you the runaround sometimes?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What did you make of this evening? You were called a real gem.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So what have you been doing for the British Art Foundation over the years?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you... are interested in songwriting or someone in your family is interested in doing that, Jamie's a top guy, mentors at local schools and colleges and also, well, he's a singer-songwriter and he's a producer and he's worked with some big names. So if you are interested in that, get in touch with me or search out Jamie Amos. on social media, and you'll be able to go along to one of those.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You've lived in this neck of the woods all your life, have you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I need to do a separate interview with you about the changes you have seen in Reigate and Red Hill over all those decades.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Why the British Heart Foundation rather than any other charity?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I was going to say, so it was a larger shop. That keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What are people coming in for?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, you wouldn't want them second-hand, would you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What do you get out of volunteering?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Oh, you mention the organ as well. So you play the organ for several churches.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And then you're standby.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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What have you made of this evening?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Wow. So you're in demand? Yes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Finally, sir, tell me, because I'm fascinated, your grand old age and you've lived here all of your life and in the same house. What is the best thing that's happened to Redhill and what's the worst thing that's happened to Redhill over your 89 years? So what's the best thing that's happened to Redhill?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I was going to say, the Market Hall, that was a big loss, wasn't it? Because it was such a sight, and also architecturally as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Inner Art Tuition mentioned them last week. In fact, they were our keynote guest interview last week, and Katie Beth there, she said, had real fun recording this with Kirsten Barron as well. Thank you so much, Planet Rygate Podcast, for the insightful, warm, and entertaining chat. And listen to Art GCSE student Emerald talk about her art journey and preparing for her final exam.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, there are many of those, but you need to know what you're doing when there is.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And from that end of the scale to the other end of the scale, more day-to-day work, but still very important, getting people to hospital, ferrying them around, treating broken bones and things like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and hear about our big art studio move closer to nature. Goodbye, Somerset Road. Hello, Horse Hills. If you want to hear more from Katie Beth, Emerald was a star last week as well. Then listen to episode 44 of the Planet Reigate podcast. We've also had a message from Family Fit with Claire. Said, thanks, Peter. I listened in. Was brilliant to hear all about all things local.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You know, so pick me up. If I bought you a box of milk tray or something, it would pick you up, wouldn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Mind you, your husband's here somewhere, isn't he? So I've got to be careful what I say, but... What did you make of this evening?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And as I say, more than 700 years of volunteering amongst those winners at the Town Hall. Congratulations again. Thank you all for doing what you do in our community and also for speaking to me. And hopefully you've enjoyed hearing yourself back or maybe other people who you work alongside on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now, there is going to be another presentation in a few weeks' time for other volunteers who perhaps are just kind of starting off. Maybe they've just done a paltry kind of two or five or 10 or even 15 years, and they've got some way to go to beat some of those long-service volunteers, haven't they?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


But obviously, everything that people do to volunteer in our community is really, really worthwhile, and we thank you for it. And I'm going to be down there at the Town Hall and interviewing some of those people. And you'll be hearing about that in an episode in a few weeks' time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Good Time Guide and the 60 Second Soundscape on the way. And of course, last weekend was Pub in the Park in Reigate. And this week's Planet Reigate Star Award goes to some people who are there. From Kimmy, who says, I took my daughter to Pub in the Park for Saturday evening. And just as McFly started playing, a lovely young couple spotted me. Thank you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You get a Planet Rigade Star Award this week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Now our Good Time Guide for the coming week from Monday through until Saturday. Monday the 22nd of July. Well, step in time. Theatre school have got a creative holiday club for children ages 4 to 12. Three whole fabulous weeks filled with fun and popular themes of the greatest showman, movie mania, Matilda. Eight in the morning till three in the afternoon. Singing, dancing, acting lessons...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


Lessons all taught by industry professionals, they say. Mornings filled with things like performing arts, the afternoons filled with messy activities. slash step hyphen in time theatre school for details on that. Gatton Park say join us for our forest school clearing to make woodland crafts and enjoy a snack around the campfire. Two to seven-year-olds, £10 a child.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Keep up the good work on the Planet Reigate podcast. So those are some of the mentions that have come in to me at Planet Reigate HQ over the course of the week. And I've been out and about as well. I was at Pub in the Park on Sunday afternoon. Lovely to see it was larger. than last year. More people, more to see, more to do, more to buy as well. Great bands too.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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10 till 12 or 1.30 to 3.30. Starts on Monday and several days after that as well, on and off. And summer holiday trails and tales. Listen to a popular story and then go for a walk in the park to bring it to life. And then create artwork linked to the story as well. Two to four years old. And various days, but essentially... These characters and these stories are going to be told.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Graffalo, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, The Singing Mermaid, Room on a Broom and Deer Zoo as well. Details via the Gatton Park website. Kids Critters Limited kick things off on Wednesday at Brockham, 9 till 12. Various dates after that as well. Come along to hang out with the Critters. Tiffany at for more on that.

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Summer holidays all kicks off on Wednesday the 24th. It's a wild thing. And then, various days and various weeks after that, Forest School and Friends, Carnival Circus Fun, and Made and Baked with Love, hours 8 till 1, 1 till 6, or 8 to 6pm. I can't be right. It must be 6 till 8pm. At various prices, all happening at Reigate Parish Church Primary School. Food included, the kids' clubs...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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for more on that one. Joe Norris Art says... Looking to learn the basics, to experience artists, looking for new direction or techniques or simply inspiration. Thursday the 25th of July, the Art Society Reigate says they bring people together through a shared curiosity in the arts.

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Meetings begin at 2 at Reigate Park Church on Park Lane East, and this coming Thursday, it's a history of the National Gallery in 10 paintings. The Gary Baldy says don't forget we still have our regular events going on. Quiz and music bingo on alternate Thursday nights. And music bingo is this coming Thursday the 25th at 8 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And that means on the 1st of August at 8 it's going to be their quiz. Thursday, the 25th of July, 10.30 to 11.30. An amazing offers an experience that will bring you closer to nature through interaction with many different animals and invertebrates. Yeah, Thursday, it's going to be happening at Hawley Community Centre. And it's all organised by the council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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4934.051 slash Hawley-Community Centre. Friday, the 26th of July, there's a Caribbean Cricket Day, which is at RGS, open to all and no entry fee. So Friday at two o'clock, they've got one match going on and then six o'clock happening in the evening as well. Caribbean theme, food, drink, music and a DJ as well. Harlequin Theatre say they've got a new Harlequin outdoor show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Join them at Rygate Castle Grounds on the 26th for Mrs Armitage on Wheels. The show has it all, featuring live music, puppetry and comedy. We celebrate the power of imagination and the importance of resilience. Tickets available on the Harlequin website, they say. The pheasant of Buckland say Summerfest is back. Join us in our beautiful sun-soaked garden Friday the 26th, Saturday the 27th.

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The Hoosiers, Scatting for Girls, Gabrielle. And also great to see some of the bands on the New Music Night area as well. Some terrific talent there. And I kept going back to that New Music stand because they kept changing the bands and the singers every 20 minutes, half an hour or so. Really, really great bands. Some great talent, as I say.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'll be serving up some delicious beers from our outside bar as well as some tasty tipples and gorgeous gin spritzes as well and live music all weekend as well. Into next weekend, Saturday the 27th, a free Camelot-themed, jam-packed weekend coming to Reigate Castle Grounds, 27th and 28th, with walkabout characters, pop-up performances and unexpected surprises.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


This is your chance to explore the Castle Grounds in a new way. King Arthur and his Queen Guinevere are celebrating their wedding anniversary and festivities in Camelot have begun. for more on that. the Royal Throne Bearers, Wandering Druids, Merlin and his apprentices. There's also going to be the King and Queen Consorts and a hobby horse jousting tournament as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


A tabletop sale on Saturday 27th, 12 noon till 5pm. Free entry, ample free parking. It's all in aid of the lifeboats and it's happening at Redhill Rygate Seacadets to Hooley Lane. Oh yeah, right on the corner there at Redhill. And craft tables, jewellery boards, tombola, raffle, hand-turned wooden desirables, refreshments, homemade cakes, and meet the RNLI's Stormy Stan as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


So if you want to get involved with that, that sounds good, doesn't it? As does this, Gatwick Aviation Museum. I know, I know, I mentioned Gatwick. I think it's the first time in something like 10 months. But yeah, the Aviation Museum, it It's our Cider Gatwick, isn't it? They've got an engine run day. Now, this is different. This sounds interesting. Plenty of free parking.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


Hot and cold refreshments available. Tickets available on the door. Adults £18, children £9, under fives free. Gates open at 10am. Ticket price includes admission to the museum. Stay for the whole day. Experience the incredible sight and sound as we fire up not one, but two iconic aircraft. Our English Electric Lightning Aircraft. and Avro Shackleton as well.

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More information 01293 862294 or visit the website There's a charity fun day Saturday 27th, 11 through till 3 for Age Concern in Mercedham on Weldon Way. So four hours there. Charity fun day. Everything going on. Charity day. Shop our stalls. Participate in the Tombola. Check our children's games. Grab a bite at the sausage sizzle as well. And also, it's all free entry.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And that's the line-up of fantastic events, of places to go and things to do right across the area over the next seven days or so. Thank you so much for the loan of your ears again this week. Got some more. exciting stuff to tell you about next week, including the second year of what hopefully is going to be an annual event happening in Priory Park. A little bit different.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You may not know about it, but all it'll entail you to have is a cowbell and a loud voice. You'll hear more about that in next week's episode. But before we go at the end of the show...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Also recorded an interview in the Castle Grounds that you'll hear in a few weeks' time. And as I say, I was interviewed for a local magazine. I'll let you know when that is out. I was at the Redhill Business Guild meeting at the Belfry on Tuesday, hearing about what's happening in the area. And you'll be pleased to know I got a couple of mentions for the podcast in there to the group as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And I thought you'd like to hear this from Scouting for Girls, a pub in the park in Priory Park, Reigate, last weekend. Have a great week.

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Wednesday, I was doing another interview that you'll hear next.

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next week in some local woods if that intrigues you sounds a bit odd actually doesn't it when I put it like that and also I've been recording on Reigate Heath so you'll hear more about that next week as well because next week is Heath Week in the area so I thought well I've got to go and record something on Reigate Heath so as I say that is next week on the Planet Reigate podcast

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'll tell you how you can be the first to know what's going on. We'll tell you about plans to put in a raised zebra crossing on Linkfield Lane. An update on what's happening at Merstham Rec. A subway at Hawley is going to be closed for four days. I'll tell you when and why. St John's Church are looking to sell Meadvale Village Hall. Now, that has implications.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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This week, we're going to keep things going with The Good Time Guide for this weekend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, just to clarify, when I say next week is Heath Week, it's not this coming week, it's the one after, which is why I'm... Yeah, you get the idea. The Good Time Guide. Please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. You can do that via your favourite platform.

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podcast app and if you want to mention for your event that's happening across the planet reigate area then drop me a line you'll find the form on the planet reigate try and give me a couple of weeks notice so i can get everything sorted out get the script written and so on because then that means that you don't miss out and also if you've if you're

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If you can show that you've listened to the show, you've engaged with the show, you've followed the show and so on in the past, then you kind of move up the pecking order, as you might expect. Okay, this is what's happening. Let's start off with Saturday the 20th of July then. There's a gin tasting experience in aid of Renewed Hope.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And it's going to be happening at the Town Hall on Saturday between two and half five. Christopher Heyman, who's a master distiller of Heyman's of London, is going to be indulging your palate with a handpicked selection of his family gins and lead guests through the history of gin history.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


and their family distillation process, whether you're a seasoned gin lover or exploring the spirits for the very first time. The event promises to be a delicious journey into the world of gin. There's a buffet there as well. Tickets £35, including refreshments and limited tickets available. Raffle and bar on the night, slash merrill-events.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Bletch Fest's Music in the Meadow at Grange Meadow. Yeah, we sometimes do Bletchingly items and stories, and this is certainly a big one. It gets bigger and better each year, doesn't it? And this year's event has three great bands as well. Los Doritos Jungle Brew and something like that. Gates open at 5pm. Music in the Meadow, probably one of the region's best value outdoor music festivals.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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General admission, just £10 for adults, £5 for juniors. There's no other charge. Parking is free as well. And if you want some tickets, slash, well, it goes on as you might expect, but I reckon is going to essentially get you there and search for events and music in the meadows there. Horse Hills Riding for the Disabled group have got a fun dog show at Lye.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


Hello, Planeteers. This is Peter Stewart with episode 45 for Saturday, the 20th of July, 2024. Hope you are well. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, from the first of two ceremonies for the annual Reigate and Banstead Volunteer Awards, hear from some of the winners later in this week's show and their stories of what they do and why.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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In fact, it's all part of the Lye Flower Show, which is happening on Saturday from 2 o'clock. £3 an entry, fun prizes and classes, so all sorts of things going on. Most handsome dog... Best veteran, best trick, best puppy, best rescue and so on. And as I say, it's all part of the flower show and country fair that's happening at Lye Recreation Ground.

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From 12 o'clock, tea tent, bar, food court, craft stalls, jazz band, rock choir, children's entertainment and rides, classic vehicles, demonstrations of chainsaw carving as well. Little Pickles Market is back in Reigate for their nearly new sale for baby and children's clothes, toys and accessories. Saturday 10 till half 11 at Reigate Park Church. £1 entry for adults.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'll tell you what you need to know later in the show. How would you make Salford's and Sidlow better? There's a way to make your voice heard. Details later. Congratulations to a local charity which has got national lottery funding. And I'll give you an update on what's happening to the old Poundland store in Redhill. Squash rumours of the town's post office.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Little Pickles, as you might expect, go free because they're twee. Book for your ticket online or pay cash on the door. Now the whole event is only cash only. So please bring some, I was going to say some coins, but some folding stuff is probably preferable. They've got a few tables left as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Active Prospects and Rework It Boutique have got a summer fair happening Saturday, 10 till 4, at the Courtyard at Brygate Methodist Church on the High Street, you know. It's just near Nando's, isn't it? Local stands, live entertainment. It's easy for me to say. Tombola, Lucky Dip, and much, much more as well. From Saturday, leads on to Sunday, of course, and there's the big Reigate Toy Fair.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It's been all across social media, and it's hosted by Yeti Cave Toys. As I say, it's Sunday. It's at Reigate Priory School in their sports hall, and they're going to have... All sorts of things going on there. Battle Beasts, Street Sharks, Super Naturals. Other sellers include Foley's Retro Toys, Tats and Toys, Empire Toys, Andy's Toys and Models, Out of the Attic, Warrior Prince 3D, and...

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AF Collectibles loads more as well they say it's one not to be missed so if you need to do your toys your collectibles your various models and so on the details there Sunday it's at Rygate Priory School and I'm just looking for a time they say it's not to be missed I don't have a time here but search out that Rygate Toy Fair on socials and all sorts of details will be there for you if you're interested in that one

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We'll continue with our good time guide with things to do, places to go, people to meet and new experiences to be had for Monday through to next Saturday, a little bit later on in the show. Plus, of course, don't forget that we've got our new sequence coming up and all sorts. There's so much news which is going on in the area this week.

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That office block, which is costing £400,000 a year to keep empty. Also, I shall tell you about various things which are happening regarding refurbishment and changes. First of all, to our roads, some of our bus lanes, some of the pedestrianised areas as well. There's a local subway which is going to be closing. I'm not talking about the restaurant, I'm talking about an underpass.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and various other things that you may want to get involved with and hear about. There's changes to Merstham Rec, there's an update on that, there's an update on Harlequin Theatre coming next week too, and I'll tell you how you can be amongst the first to hear about what is going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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But next, we're going to be saying congratulations and thank you to some of our volunteers that help keep the area moving on the Planet Rygate podcast.

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And I don't know whether you know, but you'll find the time that all of our features are on in the show notes. So you can scooch straight through to that point so you can hear the feature or the interview or the news item or whatever it is you want to hear. You go straight to that point.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And also I put out on social media various posts during the course of the week with links that take you straight to specific parts of the show. so you can follow us on TwitterX and Facebook and Insta to get those. You'll see the little headline, and then click on that link and then press play. It'll take you just to that point in the show so you hear exactly what it is that you want to hear.

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45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And where could a new Marks and Spencer's food hall go locally? Yeah, intriguing. A big local pub restaurant is closed this weekend. I'll tell you why. Plus, listen for news about Red Hill Kebab House and Sea Salt in Reigate, if you are usual customers of theirs. Work going on at East Surrey Hospital this weekend, which may cause you a bit of a problem getting in. I'll let you know why.

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45: Awards for 700+ years of local volunteering… and more


And don't forget to subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast app and tell your friends to as well. And one of the easiest ways to hear the show, no sign up, no subscription. You don't have to post your email address. You don't have to pay anything anyway. But one of the easiest ways to actually hear the show is go to

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And if you thought it had been chilly over the past week, you were right. We've got the stats to prove it later on in the show. In sport, Merstham Walking Cricket Club, South Park Rygate FC and Merstham Football Club are going to be mentioned this week as well. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


But now, let's tell you what's been happening over the last seven days and what other things are still to come over the next few weeks across the Planet Reigate area of RH1, 2 and 3. First of all, fire crews say a fire at a barn in Charlwood last Thursday week was complex to deal with. So this is what happened.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


I don't know whether you caught wind of this, perhaps almost literally if you're in that neck of the woods. It broke out at Norwood Hill Road, a commercial storage unit. Composite decking, which was plastic-based and waterproof, went up in flames there. Well, composite decking, plastic-based, waterproof.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It doesn't sound particularly nice, does it, for the kind of fire and the kind of smoke and the kind of things that are going to be in the air. They were called out, Surrey Fire and Rescue, on Thursday. So this is Thursday of not a couple of days ago, but Thursday of the previous week. at around half past midnight and they actually took three or four days.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


They didn't close that incident down until the following Sunday morning. And on Saturday, crew from Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service also went along there to help as well. Everyone was accounted for at the scene as yet the cause has not been identified. People in the area had a drop in water pressure because of those firefighting efforts.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Okay, plans to improve road safety on the A25 West Street in Reigate. Do you know West Street? Do you use it? Well, I'd have thought an awful lot of people who listen to this know exactly where I'm talking about. It's between Flanchford Road and the High Street. So this is what's proposed. The central hatching will be removed to allow space for wider and lightly segregated cycle lanes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Two pedestrian islands are going to be removed... You may be thinking, OK, well, that's going to make it a little bit difficult to cross. But instead, zebra crossings could be put in. Bus stop carriageway markings will also be added to improve access for buses. The county council, they're the people behind it. It's a county council thing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's not a town or, excuse me, it's not a borough council thing. The county council says it's really keen to get the views of local people and the businesses to the idea. Now, there was going to be a meeting about it all, but it's been postponed because of the election situation. But there will be another one arranged after July the 4th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


If you want some more details in the meantime, you can go to And as I always say, if you have trouble finding that address, get in touch with me and I'll send it over to you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


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The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Over 100 Surrey roads are going to be improved as part of a £8.5 million highways maintenance programme this summer to help prevent potholes. 85 miles of Surrey's busiest roads are going to be made safer and more resilient, prolonging their life by 10 years, so says, again, Surrey County Council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So that's the whole of the county, but that list locally includes quite a few, too many perhaps to mention here and now, but let's mention London Road in Redhill, Station Road near Fairfax Avenue in Redhill as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Woodhatch Road, South Earlswood, Dover's Green Road, Sandcross Lane in Woodhatch, West Street in Rygate, Birkhead's Road in Rygate, Bell Street, the junction with Bancroft Road, Church Street, High Street with Bell Street, Tunnel Road as well. If you want to know the full list... I've got a link for you. It's 500 characters long, I jest, but not much.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Planet Reigate stars are for someone who saved a woman from a spider when she found it in her car while driving up the high street. And our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week from Red Hill Common.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you want some more details on that, again, get in touch with me and I'll pass it on to you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Next, is your name Flory? Do you know someone with the name Flory? Well, Memorial Park Pavilion Cafe in Redhill is going to be reopening next month, and that's what it's called. It's going to be called Flory's. It's run by Redhill couple Guy Hassel and Katie Chisnell. Locals may recognize Guy. He's previously managed cafes in Reigate. Kate has a background in marketing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and organising events for shops and leisure companies and so on. And Flory's are going to be offering a range of freshly prepared sandwiches, sourdough toasties and salads, as well as pastries, cakes, ice cream, smoothies and more. Vegetarian and vegan options also available, and their barista-made coffee is going to be using locally roasted coffee beans.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


and they're also going to have dog-friendly treats as well. So if you know someone called Flory, take them down there, take your dog as well, and everyone will be in for a bit of a treat, won't they? Community will be at the heart of their operations, say, Guy and Kate, because they've got plans to run events and workshops in the future as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Flory's going to be moving into the Pavilion Cafe over the next few days, so you'll see a bit of activity around there, and we'll share the opening date once it's been confirmed. but it is thought to be in the early part of July. Hawley Infants and Yattenden School have joined the Greensand Multi-Academy Trust. It's a kind of grouping together of all sorts of schools in the area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The trust says joining means becoming part of a supportive network of schools, each bringing their unique strengths and experiences. So what they do is then they share some of the costs, they share some expertise. It means also that it makes it easier, doesn't it, for staff to move around the

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And geographically, they can move around during the course of a day or a week to go and help other schools in the area because it's not too far to drive. But also, it adds in another level, another possibility of career progression as well. Plus, as I say, they've got more expertise, not necessarily on site, but only the other side of town. The trust is now all of these great local schools.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Dover's Green Infants, Homsdale Community Infants, Milton Mount Primary, Reigate School, St John's Primary, Ray Common Primary, Yaddington School and Hawley Infant School as well. Reigate and Bandstead Business say, there's an opportunity for you to become a more effective business leader.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


You can join them on the 27th of June for an exciting event where you'll learn valuable skills to become a better leader and take control of your own success. With leadership and development expert, Mary Asante. So if you want some more details on that, you can contact Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Business. And they're all sorts of on social media.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


You can contact the town hall or again, you can contact me. It's going to be an Eventbrite ticketed event. If you want some more details, this is how you get in touch.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


E-mail hello at Maternity Voices Partnership at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


That's East Surrey Hospital to you and me. They say, join us for an informative session where we share the latest feedback, updates, and collaborate on improving local maternity services. So this may be of interest to you. If you're involved in that kind of particular area, if you help people with maternity services, maybe you're one of the local doulas. We've...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


We know there are several of those around the area. Maybe you're thinking of starting a family or expanding your family or you're interested in health care generally across the area. The meeting is a great opportunity for parents to be new parents, health care professionals and stakeholders. to come together and shape the future of local maternity care.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


They say don't miss out on this chance to have your voice heard and make a difference in local maternity services. You can be part of the conversation. It's going to be online, so it's going to be on Microsoft Teams, 10am on the 27th of June. Again, a really long link for you. If you want details on that, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So all that and more to come between now and the end of the show. Let's kick it all off with The Good Time Guide.

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The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


OK, we're going to be staying with health. What do you think of your local chemist or pharmacy? Again, Surrey County Council says we'd like to understand your experience of going to a pharmacy so we can best plan for services locally going forward. They say the services we're looking at include local services that you get from pharmacies or chemists and dispensing doctors.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


To do a good job, we need to regularly review what services we have locally, what our local people need and how things might change in the future. And this appeal, this survey, closes on Sunday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you've got a story you want to pass on, if you've got views, you've got thoughts, you've got considerations about how your local pharmacy works, operates, where it is, how often it's open, where you have to go out of hours, all that kind of stuff and more, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Or you can search for it via and you're going to go for the tab Adult social care and public health, and then pharmaceutical needs assessment, public and patient. Yeah, it's a bit complicated, isn't it? Pharmacy, chemists, call them what you will. If you've got a view on the ones locally, it probably is worth your while contributing to the survey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We've got a question for the leader of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council. Well, he's called Richard Biggs, and he's going to be available again for his monthly pre-booked appointments on Tuesday the 18th between 4 and 6, so a couple of hours there. If you've got a question or an idea you want to put to him, it's an opportunity to bring it to his attention.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You've got to be a resident or work in the borough to book an appointment. Appointments can be in person or virtual. To book an appointment, please email leaderssurgery... at Men's Pit Stop. Are you aware of this particular group? They say don't carry the weight of what's keeping you down. Come and have a chat about it at Pit Stop.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's every Wednesday inside Merston Football Club on Weldon Way there. It's between 6.30 and 7.30. Just an hour. You can rock up. You know, potentially no one needs to know who you are, but you can just have an opportunity to, well, just chew the fat with people. Get something off your shoulders. So maybe something at work that's bothering you. It may be something in your home life.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It may be something to do with your marriage or a relationship that you've got going at the moment. Maybe something to do with the kids. Maybe you just want a quiet space where you can just meet some other men of a similar age, perhaps, and perhaps... Work out. Maybe you've got something in common. Maybe it's a hobby. Maybe it's a sport.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And of course, if you want to mention your charity or non-profit event, let us know about it. Always look particularly kindly on those kind of events. But even if yours is a business and you're putting on a show, a talk, a walk, an exhibition, whatever it happens to be, get in touch. You can fill out the form you'll find on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You can just get some time out and meet up with them without necessarily sharing your problem directly. All sorts of opportunities there for you to get involved. Men's Pit Stop. Wednesdays, every Wednesday, Merstham Football Club, 6.30 to 7.30. OK, this is a nice one. You can enter the Thousand Year Tree Book Competition. It's something that's happening locally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


You can help design the inside covers of a children's book celebrating ancient trees in the Surrey Hills. Well, automatically, you've got my attention there. Surrey Hills and ancient trees. What's not to love? It is for children. Details in a moment about the different age groups. But the winner will have their design actually printed here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


In the book, it's all being run by Surrey Hills National Landscape. It's a children's design competition to help create the end papers, that's what they call them, for the Thousand Year Tree Children's Book, which is being created, as I say, to celebrate Surrey's ancient trees. It's got me intrigued. What ancient trees have we got in the planet Reigate area?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


I'd love to know a little bit more about that. I must investigate. So the book's going to be distributed to schools and libraries across Surrey, obviously. Now, there are two age categories for the competition, age 4 to 6 and 7 to 11. You can use, or your child can use any medium, paint, pencils, chalk, That would be appropriate, wouldn't it, in our neck of the woods?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Oils, pastels, and you can even include textures from nature if you want, like bark rubbings or collage. And they'll be looking for designs that are botanical and beautiful, informative, obviously themed around trees and nature, possibly around the passing of time or the seasons.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This is something your child can work on perhaps over the school summer holidays because the deadline is Wednesday the 4th of September. Other prizes include book bundles and bookshop tokens. I didn't know bookshop tokens were still a thing. Do you remember when you used to get those for Christmas presents?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And the overall winner of the competition, as I say, will actually have their design printed in the book, which sounds a fantastic prize, doesn't it? I like that. I'm not artistic, but I like the idea of having my name and having something I've created in or on a book. That sounds really good, doesn't it? And then it'll be available on Amazon and things like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


That'd be really cool, wouldn't it? All your classmates will be able to see that too. That's really unusual. That's a different prize, isn't it? I love that. Love that. Us in a Bus, as you probably know, is a registered charity based at Redhill Aerodrome, which supports people who are often isolated and find communicating with the world and the people in it a massive challenge.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, of course, it is the Reigate Summer Festival for Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we are really pleased and proud to be official media partners. And we've got more information about what is happening across the weekend a little bit later on in the show. Now, if you're in town for that, then why not go and see Surrey Artists Open Studio? It launched last weekend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


I've spoken to them previously, not on the programme, not here on the podcast, but they in other walks of life and, you know, another local group charity which does amazing, outstanding and important work.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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They say the people we support have profound and multiple learning disabilities, complex needs and sensory processing differences requiring specialist assistance to build meaningful engagement with others. And they've got a fundraiser and it's an abseil down the Senate Tower in London in October. They say we desperately need people to sign up to do it and raise funds for us.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So they say, Peter, maybe a little plug on the Planet Reigate podcast would be absolutely great. Of course, more than happy to do that. Details, they say, can be found on our website on the Get Involved page. There are also links on the page to JustGiving in case people want to donate rather than to do the abseil themselves.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Carol, really pleased to meet up with you recently and I'm sure going to be in touch with you again in the not too distant future. Hope that goes brilliantly. There's a new exhibition at Adams Gallery in Reigate. John Piper was the Queen Mother's favourite artist from the 1950s. Over 30 Pipers are on display and for sale in the gallery on Reigate High Street.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


They include several originals, screen prints, etchings and lithographs as well. Now John Piper is considered, Adam tells me, one of England's finest artists, favoured by the Queen Mother who commissioned him during World War II to, and I love this story, to paint a series of watercolours of Windsor Castle just in case the castle was bombed in the war.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And then they got a record of what it looked like. Good thinking. As well as providing work and publicity for contemporary artists as well. Adam says one of our most ambitious shows to date. The exhibition is housed in all three rooms upstairs. So there's plenty to enjoy and browse and stuff for you to buy as well. News from Pub in the Park.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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This year is part of their commitment to make sure that local is at the heart of what they do. They've partnered with our friends down at New Music Nights in Reigate to select opening performers for the main stage acts. So I love this. This is absolutely fantastic. So as you probably know, Sam Ryder's going to be on stage. Melanie See's going to be on stage. McFly's going to be on stage.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Hoosiers and Gabrielle as well. So what they've got is before those acts, they've got kind of support artists who are local, who have been part of Reigate New Music Nights. So let's go through this. You may know some of these local acts. You may have seen them perform locally. Supporting Sam Ryder on the Friday will be Cellar Door.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Mel C will have the incredible Morning Tourist warming the crowd up. McFly will be supported by Fever Rouge. And Sunday we'll see Anna Howie opening the Lazy Sunday session ahead of performances from the Hoosiers and Gabrielle. Tim, who of course we spoke to in episode 31... Thank you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Partnering with Pub in the Park to curate the four opening acts for the main stage has given us that very opportunity. And he says we're really excited to see some truly excellent bands getting this break. To be able to say, you know... We opened for McFly. I was the warm-up for Sam Ryder or Mel C or Gabrielle or whatever. It's really something, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


For your step, your next step on that road to musical success. A real springboard to greatness for them. And of course, Reigate, as this weekend is going to show... has a really thriving new music scene. And it's really fantastic that New Music Nights has given them this opportunity. It really is fantastic. And I'm really pleased that they're here at the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It runs until the 23rd of June. Tracey says lots of artists around the area. We're right in the middle of town. Any publicity will be appreciated because we're not allowed to put up signs locally. However, she says we are open daily except Mondays 11 till 5 and you can find us through the Bell Pub Garden and up the stairs. Yes, I've heard about this. I've never gone there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We're not only media partners with the Rygate Summer Festival, but also... And the Planet Reigate podcast is an official media partner of the Pub in the Park, Priory Park in Reigate, between the 12th and the 14th of July. For more information and tickets, go to slash Reigate. Finally, last Sunday, we recorded the lowest June temperature ever.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


For 12 years in Reigate, it was just 4.6 degrees. Boy, oh boy, didn't we feel it. Professor Weather says the previous low temperature was 4.4 degrees Celsius back on the 13th of June back in 2012. And otherwise, I mean, it's just been so cold, so chilly, hasn't it? Our fingers crossed that we get a better weather tomorrow. throughout the planet Reigate area over the course of the summer months.

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40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Sport on the way, and before we go, at the end of the show, a natural sound from a place you know, our 60-second soundscape, this week from Redhill Common, and we'll hear about Reigate's 10k run, happening in July, coming soon on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings. Connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat. Or call 01737 372797.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


OK, let's turn to sports and Merstam Cricket Club. Do walking cricket. And they say, why not get back into the game you love or try something new? Yeah, come and have fun. Come get social. Come get involved. Everyone is welcome, they say. It happens Thursdays between 11 and 12, so just before lunch. I guess there's probably the occasion they go off to the pub afterwards as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I know that to be the case because they told me beforehand. Merstham Cricket Club down there, Equality Street. For more information, chairman at From cricket to football, and let's stay with Merstham because they've got a summer holiday course for boys and girls aged 4 to 14. It's actually led by Jamie D'Cruz. You know that name, don't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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That's going to be a date for the weekend. It's been a while since I had a date for the weekend, as we said. There are two resident artists, Tracy Jane's Art and Carolyn Daunt Design. We've spoken to Carolyn before on the show, plus a guest glass artist as well. Lots to see and inspire in different mediums and styles of art, jewellery, cards and more. So that's going to be great.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The first team manager of Merstam, along with qualified coaches, including members of Merstam's first team squad. So if your child is big fans of Merstam FC, they can get to... Get taught by some of their stars. Week 1 is the 19th of August to the 23rd. Week 2 is the 27th of August through to the 30th. Obviously, it's at Merstham Football Club there on Weldon Way between 9 and 3. £20 a day.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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There is a sibling discount as well. And if you book a week, you can save some money. slash holiday course for more information or info at From one football club to another, South Park Rygate FC, who were formed back in 1897. We're so fortunate, aren't we, that we've got so many long-term football clubs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I know the cricket club was formed in Merced and around about that time as well. Anyway, South Park Rygate FC, under 10's first team, 24-25 season. Yes, we're saying those numbers now. Players are wanted. Train and play on our state-of-the-art 3G pitches. Trials are ongoing at the moment. If you want to be involved with those, they happen at King George's Field on Whitehall Lane.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So Callum again, 07 860 261 463. So various things that you can get involved with there. Maybe you're a youngster.

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or maybe you're slightly older you're available during the course of the day you can get involved with the walking cricket which is going on there that I mentioned too Planet Reigate stars not too far away but first of all let's continue with Planet Reigate area sport I've been to the Battlebridge Lane track to speak with Murray about next month's 10k being organised by him and his colleagues at Reigate Priory Athletics Club

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They don't necessarily belong to a club.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So if you're in town for the Reigate Summer Festival event, then you can go along and see the Surrey Artists Open Studio as well. It's through the Bell Pub Garden and up the stairs. You probably feel a little bit awkward while you're doing that. Am I supposed to be here? Am I going the right way? But you are, honestly. Also, the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And spectators as well coming along and watching or cheering?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So people listening to this on the Planet Rygate podcast, if you're driving in the area and you're wondering why things are a little bit slow or lots of runners around, take care, ease off, watch out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And of course, yeah, we are official media partners with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, or phone 0333 666 3366. So what can I tell you about what they are up to? Well, a Midsummer Night's Dream is going to be June 15th and 16th, June 22nd to the 23rd, and June 29th and 30th.

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It may be tricky getting out of the driveway.

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So remind us of the date and how people can get involved.

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So come down, have a run, or watch other people running if it's too exhausting for you, and cheer them on. Absolutely. And it's great to go down there to that athletics track down Battle Bridge. And you can probably hear people running around the track in the background as I have my chat with Murray. More details from our good time guide in a few moments time.

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What is going to be happening across the area across the next seven days. We're also going to be telling you a little bit more detail about what's happening on the fringe events for the Reigate Summer Festival over the course of this weekend. We've got our Planet Rygate stars. We've got our 60-second soundscape as well before we go at the end of the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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All that here on the Planet Rygate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Music.

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Planet Reigate Stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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OK, got an interesting one here this week. Can anyone recommend an effective course for people with arachnophobia? Quote, I had an incident on the high streets in my car and a wonderful kind man tried to find a spider for me that I'd spotted while I was driving along and he had to move my car off the road for me. It was all rather embarrassing. I was so upset.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It made me realise I should probably try and do something about it in case I end up having an accident or something. Thanks so much. So were you that man who helped the person in distress on Reigate High Street? They're terrified of spiders. And you were her knight in shining armour to combat the spider. You are this week's Planet Reigate star.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Okay, The Good Time Guide comes in two parts. Earlier we heard places to go and things to do this weekend. Now our Good Time Guide for the coming week. And we're starting off on Tuesday. Yeah, not being told of anything locally that's happening on Monday. So if you are behind something that is happening on Monday... Maybe you should have dropped me a line. Hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So we'll go straight on to Tuesday. And Red Hill, Bangla Social and Sports Club have got football going on. They say football exercises for middle-aged men. What? What? Who are you? Hey? Me? No. Middle-aged? are beneficial for physical health, mental well-being, social interaction and lifestyle improvement. Yeah, joking apart, they're not wrong.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


By promoting an holistic approach to wellness, football can enhance the quality of life and provide a fulfilling and enjoyable way to stay active and engage. It happens at the Redhill Bangla Social and Sports Club and it happens at 5.45pm. on the 18th of June, which is a Tuesday. I'm hesitating here because actually it's written down 17.45am. So I'm presuming that that's actually PM and it's 5.45.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And this isn't actually happening locally, but it's a local group who are going to be performing at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew at Wakehurst. Yeah, this year they say we're beginning an exciting new collaboration with Wakehurst, which is, of course, just over the county border, isn't it? So obviously be careful when you go down there because you're going to have to watch out for the dragons.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It'd be going something, wouldn't it? You know, it's supposed to be promoting sociability. I wouldn't be very sociable at 5.45 in the morning. So, yeah, I reckon it's 1745, which is actually what it says. So that'll be in the evening, of course. Wednesday, the 19th of June. Come and join us and try one of our fun classes for free. Free? Did somebody say free? OK.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


We're talking about low impact classes which can be done seated or standing to improve your balance and confidence, mobility, flexibility, strength and independence, fitness. This is aimed at the over 60s. Hourly classes, some great music, lots of laughter. Come with a friend and double the fun. They're pitching it well, aren't they? 2 till 3 o'clock at Hawley Community Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


No need to book, just pop along. First class free and then four classes for £26. 07 857 003 219. Tracy is behind it. 07 857 003 219 or Tracy with an E dot Dowling at move it or lose it dot co dot UK. She's got a great pitch, hasn't she? There, and also a great name, Afternoon Tea Singers, Wednesdays, 1.30 till 3.30. Excuse me, 1.30 till 3. I've given them an extra half hour.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


That's the three main stages, inside and outdoors as well. More than a dozen other fringe events happening at shops and pubs and the cinema throughout the town. Plus we look ahead to the Priory Athletic Club's 10k event next month. We talk you through the route where the tough bits are and how you can get involved as well. In the news this week, we look back at last week's huge fire in Shulwood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


For the first four sessions, starting on the 19th of June, we'll be singing in the woods. Come and enjoy singing with our friendly new group, they say. So what's behind this? Let's take a look. We sing a wide variety of songs from a diverse selection of cultures, eras and traditions, rounds and harmonies. Sessions are led by Joe Peace, who's a member of the Natural Voice Network.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Yeah, we've come across Joe before. We passionately believe that it is everyone's birthright to sing, regardless of experience. Songs are taught by ear and all levels of singing ability are welcome. So you meet at the first car park on the right, coming from the Black Horse on Flanchford Road at Reigate Heath. I've got you. I can picture it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Please be on time because we'll be walking together and bring something to sit on as well. £10 a session. And if you want to contact Joe, you can do that at melodychoirs at 07981 086 963. It strikes me that you could be walking across Reigate Heath, not involved in this at all.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


and you hear some music, some singing, some chanting, some rounds and harmonies coming from somewhere over there. It could be over by the windmill, it could be over there by the skim, it could be over near the colourful cottages, it could be further down towards Trumpets Hill, all across that area, and you think, what's going on here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


But if you would like to be someone that someone else is talking about, you can get involved. Thursday at the Archway Theatre in Hawley, they have got an event going on. Their latest production is called The Amazing Morris and His Educated Rodents. which is a musical. They call it terrifyingly terrific.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This year we begin an exciting new collaboration with them. weekends of open air theatre matinees only in the beautiful gardens we're going to be presenting Shakespeare's magical comedy A Midsummer Night's Dream always a firm favourite and especially suitable to open air performances as well they say

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This year, for the Youth Workshop's 30th production, we find ourselves in the little town of Bad Blintz. Morris, or Maurice, is a streetwise cat coordinating a scam involving some very clever rats. Two not-so-clever rat catchers are in the control of the very evil Rat King... and nothing is quite what it seems in this battle for supremacy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This terrifyingly terrific musical is based on the Terry Pratchett story. I thought I recognised it. It's full of quirky characters and lots of rats, perfect for our multi-talented workshoppers. It also reminds me of something that I read Years ago as a child. Do you remember Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh? Do you remember that? Read that back in the day? Back in junior school, I think it was.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Anyway, by the by, the amazing Maurice and his educated rodents is happening at the Archway Theatre in Hawley, June the 20th, 21st and 22nd. And... The Planet Reigate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Now, if you're involved with a local group and you would like to be media partners with us here... at the Planet Reigate podcast, which means you get extra exposure, you get extra promotion and so on. Get in touch with me, hello, at and we'll sort things out for you. And if you're thinking, oh, it'll cost a fortune, it doesn't, it doesn't.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's just a bit of a quid pro quo, as they say. Merstam Amateur Dramatic Society. June the 20th. All are welcome to a read-through and casting evening for their next production. It's called Barefoot in the Park. You may remember that title. It's actually by Neil Simon. It's all going to be happening 7.45 in the church room of Merstam. Performances will actually be in October 2020.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So if you want to see a script, go along, get a summary of the characters before read-through, you can get in contact with them, and you can just rock up on the day and have a bit of a read-through if you want to get involved with Merstam Amateur Dramatic Society. They're all mad down there, of course. Merstam Amateur Dramatic Society. You got me? OK.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's all happening, 7.45, Churchroom, June 20th in Merstam, RH1 3BJ. Stripey Quiz Night is at Rygate Manor. Stripes for Stripey Quiz Night. Thursday, put your knowledge to the test and compete in eight quiz rounds with teams of six to ten people. Last year, Fursfield Primary School reigned supreme. Can your team take the crown this time?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Be sure to wear something stripey and help raise vital funds to help our work, supporting families in need across Surrey. The bar opens at 6.30, the quiz starts at 7.30, eight quiz rounds, teams of, as I say, six to ten people, and the ticket price also includes a chicken or vegetable curry served after round four. Tickets on sale now. Get in touch with Stripey Stork if you want some more details.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


If you don't know how to get in touch with them or if you want some other social media contacts, get in touch with me.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Email hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


On Friday, enjoy a morning to yourself immersed in soothing nature, exploring how to work with the energy of the season, connecting and sharing with other friendly, nature-loving, non-judgmental women. Enjoy mindful creativity and scrummy seasonal treats. What is all this about? Well, everyone is welcome. and it happens, as I say, on Friday, 10 till 12 in the morning, £18 per Wild Women.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


You can book at slash woodland spirits, and it goes on. These sessions are always about honouring your own inner seasons and giving yourself just whatever it is that you need that particular day, and this month we'll be welcoming summer again. and you'll have the opportunity to get grounded with meditation and movement.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


You'll be able to enjoy some quiet time in the hammock, read or journal, share in a circle with other women, sip homemade elderflower iced tea, and nibble on honey solstice cookies. I'd go there just for the cookies, to be quite honest with you. Kirsty is the lady behind it, so if you want to get involved with that, slash woodland spirits.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


East Surrey Walkers Group are going on another walk through Bletchingley, which is the far side of the Planet Rygate area, but we like to welcome them. We like to give Bletchingley a hug with our open arms. You meet at Tilburstow Hill at Rabies Heath Road for a mostly undulating circular walk to Tandridge Village. including parts of the Green Sand Way. Well, what's not to like about that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Dog-friendly. Tricia R. is behind it. Start time is at 10, finish at 1. And if you want some more details on that, I'm just looking for the details. Well, I'll tell you what, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. You know what?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Email hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


some marx players present murder a cliff house it's a murder mystery by janet smith friday the 21st saturday the 22nd of june bring along your own drinks and nipples ready for an evening of entertainment where we ask you the audience to solve the mystery yeah you'll have a chance at quizzing the suspects and making a guess at who did it. That sounds fun, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's happening in the hall at St Mark's Church Centre, Alma Road in Reigate. Doors open at 7, performance starts at 8, £12 a person. And for more information on that, slash... Or you know what I'm going to say. Get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. Reigate Wanderers FC have got in touch about something which they are organising on Saturday the 22nd.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


They say, hi, we're running a charity football match to raise money for Shooting Stars Children's Hospices. We managed to raise just under £1,000 last year and we're keen to raise more. We're wondering, would you be able to give us a shout out? Absolutely. So the events are on Saturday the 22nd. The location is Reigate School with a kick-off Saturday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And here is the director, Gary Andrews.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


at 3 p.m and they're being sponsored by our friends over at pilgrim brewery british land and madison's barbers now the match is composed of players who've played for reigate wanderers our local leisure leagues six aside league and employees of pilgrim brewery and they're raising money for shooting stars hospices who work as a children's hospice for children around surrey and london

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


and they say they want to aim to get about £1,500 this year. And they're also going to be running a charity auction at the Pilgrim Brewery taproom after the game. And Alex says, as captain of AFC Reigate Wanderers, and my friend Dylan, who's captain of Pilgrim All-Stars, any hype, shout-outs or attention would really be appreciated. Alex, hope I've done that for you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So once again, it's all happening at Reigate School. Saturday week, the 22nd, 3pm. And you need to get down there and support them with as much support as you can give. Cheering them along, putting money in buckets, buying some things as well, and all going to a very worthy cause. Future gymnastics are holding a summer party at their Merstam venue.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


They say we welcome everyone to come along to see all of the fantastic stalls. Face painting, hair braiding, penalty shootout. There's football again. Bouncy castles, raffles, small business stalls, glitter tattoos, face painting. Two lots of face painting, I note. Food and drink and much, much more. Can't have too much face painting.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


There's always a long queue for that, isn't there, at various events? Saturday 22nd, 2 till 5pm. So if you're interested in that, that is the place you need to be. Yeah, it's a Merston Park School. Annabelle, A-N-N-A-B-E-L-L-E at for more information on that. Also, Saturday the 22nd, Dance Off Depression. There's house, funky house, garage music going on as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


DJ Corky, Dan Rock, Russell Kaye, Precinct and Regan Bowes. It's at the Marquess at Red Hill. Doors open at 2 o'clock. Go through till 11 at night. Free entry all night, but donations for the charity greatly appreciated. Children welcome until 6pm. The charity is the fantastic guys over at the Lucy Rayner Foundation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is your good time guide for the next seven days, courtesy of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


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The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Well, the Reigate Summer Festival, as you know, is across this weekend. And earlier on in the show, we highlighted some of the bands and other performances, including ballet and poetry on the various stages. But there's much more to the weekend than those arts, as we discover now on the fringe trail around town at various pop-up events.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Reigate Summer Festival on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Adam's Gallery is open across the weekend with the chance to go into a prize draw to win one of three limited edition prints from Adam himself. Over the festival weekend, the Reigate and Redhill Society will be holding an exhibition celebrating local arts, performance and talent, both past and present, in the upstairs space at Café Nero.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Saturday from 4.30, join the Salsa Bug team at Corso Lounge for their Salsa Social, following on from their performance outside Reigate Methodist Church a little bit earlier on. They'll be playing some great salsa tunes and you'll be able to join in with the dancing. To tie in with the festival weekend, Dish Ceramics has created a design your own plate competition with the theme We Love Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Between 10 and 11 and 11 and 12 on both days, the Everyman Cinema will be screening a selection of short films that include a variety of genre from sci-fi, documentaries, drama and historical footage of the local area. Jazz is the main theme at the Pilgrim Brewery Saturday from noon with an open mic event Sunday from five.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Red Cross Inn has live music 8 till 11 on Friday and Saturday night and the intriguingly named band Hong Kong 74 from 3 on Sunday. Head to Reigate Community Centre for Arts and Crafts, Reigate College Art Exhibition 2 till 5 and a Beginner's Lino Print Workshop 3 till 4.30, both events on both days.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Children's storytelling for the over threes at the library Friday afternoon from 3.30 and on Saturday various events, an historical photographic display and Holmesdale Natural History Club will be there all day with a textile group workshop for children from 10, storytelling from 10.30 and a textile group workshop for adults from 2.00.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Up the high street to Summers Hall by the lights for Redhill and Reigate U3A Ukulele Group from 2pm on Saturday and their Handbell Group from 3.15pm. More live music at The Cage Friday and Saturday night, both days from 9pm. There's live jukebox at the Ivory Lounge from 7pm on Friday and Saturday. Soul and club classics from 3pm on Sunday at the market stores.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And meet the author events and book signings at Waterstones. On Friday from 3.45, with Surrey-born Mina Ikamoto-Gauche, with her debut novel, a Japanese-inspired young adult fantasy, highly illustrated with stunning manga art. Saturday from 1, local thriller and crime writer Nikki Mackay, who was a guest on the Planet Rygate podcast episode 19, so hear her before you meet her.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And on Sunday from 2, Surrey-based children's illustrator and writer Jonathan Lambert, the author, illustrator and designer of over 150 children's books, including The Wide-Mouthed Frog and Tiger Tiger. And all the details of all those and more across the town, across the weekend,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Reigate Summer Festival on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


It's so fantastic, isn't it, that so many groups, individuals, companies, businesses, shops and so on are getting involved, getting behind this fantastic event. The inaugural event, of course, it's got the support of the Borough Council and also, of course, it's got the support, as you might expect, of the Reigate Business Guild. The chairman is Spencer Copping.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And that's director Gary Andrews behind a Midsummer Night's Dream production by the Archway Theatre Hawley at the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew at Wakehurst, just over the county border, of course. Now, have you ever thought about becoming a beekeeper or just find bees fascinating? Either way, then you may want to get involved with what's happening...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


As indeed are we. And I hope you are as well. And maybe see you in the town sometime over Friday, Saturday or indeed Sunday. And Red Hill, you are not left out because there's going to be another arts event for many more days between the 5th and the 12th of October. It's actually being run and organised by Rygate of Banstead Borough Council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


But there's an awful lot which is happening mainly in Redhill. As I understand it, that's going to be kind of the focal point for the borough in Redhill. So you don't miss out. And we'll be supporting that as well already in talks with Kay over at Rygate of Banstead Borough Council to give lots of support and publicity to that on the Planet Rygate podcast. That's it for this week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The 60 Second Soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


via the Reigate Beekeepers Taster Day, which is happening on the 15th of June, so Saturday, and it's going to be happening actually at their training apiary near Holmwood in Surrey. So it's a local group, again, doing something slightly outside the Planet Reigate area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Planet Rygate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Starts at 9.30, finishes around 4, and our team of experienced beekeepers will give you a great taste of what's involved in being a beekeeper.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


...taking you through the year... ...costs and equipment needed... ...various practical demonstrations... ...honey tasting... ...mead tasting as well... ...and you'll also get a chance... handle the bees... there is a cost for the day...'s £80... ...for more information... at ...Charlewood Community Volunteers... ...have their Skittles Tournament on Saturday...'s at Charlewood Rec... ...and £24 per team of six people...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So if you haven't been involved and haven't signed up yet, there may still be a chance for you to do that. But if not, then why don't you just go down and have a little look and see what is going on. All profits are going to go towards repairs and maintenance projects. of village heritage assets. Also happening on Saturday the 15th between 12 and 5, it's Hawley Carnival.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Medieval Hawley is their theme this year. It's happening at Hawley Rec. And as I say, you can go along and get involved with that. We spoke about that, didn't we, with Mike a few weeks ago on the programme. So if you're going along, have a great time and we'll get a report from our Planet Reigate reporter,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


David, who's going to be down there on my behalf because I'm going to be at the Reigate Summer Festival and you'll hear a report from both of those events next week on the Planet Reigate podcast. Sunday the 16th, just been told of one thing which is happening locally and it's Cancer Research UK's London to Brighton bike ride. Yes, still starting off at Clapham Common in London.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Goes down to Brighton, comes via Redhill, as you know. 54 miles in total. It's been going since 1997. Excuse me, it's been going since 1977. 46 years. If I'd started in 1977, I'd probably still be riding it now. I'll be honest with you. Hundreds of riders of all ages and experience levels have been taking part in the bike ride to raise money for charity.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Plans to change West Street in Reigate. I'll give you a lowdown and I'll bring you the list of some of the roads across the area which will be cured of potholes over the course of the next year, we're told. Reasons to celebrate if your name is Flory. Yeah, some local schools have joined forces. I'll tell you which ones and why. Has your child ever wanted to be in a book?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And as I say, go through the Planet Reigate area, refreshment points and Nutfield Cricket Club and a little bit further on at the Dog and Duck as well. So look out for them and give them a cheer and cheer them on their way. You probably want a bell or something, maybe a klaxon, maybe some kind of horn or your good old human voice will help them along their way.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Big, big weekend locally. Of course, you know, it's the start of summer, isn't it? So we're going to be spending an awful lot of time over the next few weeks, I'm sure, talking about various fairs and fates and carnivals and outdoor events. And so we're keeping our fingers crossed for the weather for our two big local events this weekend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Of course, the Reigate Summer Festival and also the Hawley Carnival as well. More on that in a few moments' time. And, of course, we've got our news, and we've got all sorts of other things still to come as well. Before we go at the end of the show, we've got our 60-second soundscape, and also we've got our Planet Reigate stars, too. All sorts of things going on in this week's episode.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And back in episode 30, Karen, the Betchworth Village Archivist, with a couple of stories of those buried in St Michael's Churchyard there, including the man... with two names and the woman who died when she went to do a good deed so if you want to hear about those rather kind of well actually that second one is a little bit gory it does have to be said but it's

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Yeah, it's a good yarn, it's a good tale. And it's 25 years since the restoration of the Japanese garden at Gatton Park. We had a little bit of its history in episode 30 as well, and also in the same show, in a packed programme tonight, Ronnie. Joke for the kids. The local district commissioner for scouting, Tony Brown. So you'll be able to find episode 30 in your favourite podcast app.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Later on in the show, we hear from Murray. I've been down to the Battlebridge Lane track to speak with him about next month's 10K run. But first of all, the Reigate Summer Festival is a celebration of the town's creativity. A weekend of free entertainment for the local community and beyond.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Now the festival pulls together the town's creative and cultural talent into one unmissable event in and around the town centre. and it's happening this very weekend. We're proud media partners with this inaugural event, so we're really pleased and proud to be involved with it, and you can find our various interviews about it in episodes 31, 37, and last week in episode 39 as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Now, obviously, we can't give out all the acts and all of the times because there are literally dozens and dozens. But let's give you a flavour of what's to come. The Rygate Summer Festival 2024 is centred around three stages and a fringe trail. We'll talk about the fringe trail a little bit later on in the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


But the tunnel stage at the south end of Tunnel Road is the focal point of the festival, with a community stage inside Reigate Methodist Church, that's the one near Marks and Spencer's, and a third smaller stage in the cobbled area outside Cafe Nero at the Old Town Hall.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


So let's take a look at each of those three main sites and what else is going on at the other locations during the course of the show. And here's part one. of our Look Over, the Reigate Summer Festival 2024.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


I'll tell you how they could get just that a little later on in the show. Plus your chance to abseil down a tower in London for one of our big local charities. Work from the Queen Mother's favourite artists is being exhibited locally. Congratulations to local bands who are going to be performing and supporting big-name acts on stage at Pub in the Park this year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The Reigate Summer Festival on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The tunnel stage is the main stage for live music on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, with light shows and film projections adding to the spectacle. And there's no entry charge. Tunnel Road will continue to be open to pedestrians during the festival. So Friday night on the main tunnel stage will be given over to a rock, pop and urban student bands night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And this is also Peter Stewart. Hello with the show exclusively, uniquely and proudly about RH1, 2 and 3. So this week, this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here in episode... Oh gosh, it's... That's the big 4-0. My guests will stand by for our comprehensive round-up of what's on where across the weekend at the Reigate Summer Festival.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The session brings together some outstanding young musicians from Reigate College, other local schools and standout performers from Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival's rock, pop and urban event. On Saturday, the music there starts at 12.15 with various bands in half-hour sets.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


At 5.15, Youth East Surrey Performing Arts will take to the stage with music, dance and drama with a showcase of songs from their summer production School of Rock. And at 6.15, performance poet Woodsy, a guest in a recent episode of the Planet Rygate podcast, takes to the mic, followed by more bands until 10.45 in the evening.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The stage on Sunday has music from 10.15 until just before two in the afternoon. Around the corner at what's called the Clocktower Stage on the cobbles outside the Old Town Hall, smaller groups and individual artists from 6.30 until 9.30 on Friday night. The main day is Saturday with St. Bede School Jazz Band starting things off at 11.15 and then other acts, including the Unison Choir at 1.45.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Hear more about them in episode 20 of the Planet Rygate podcast. their leader Nina going solo at 2.45pm, and guests from Episode 7, the Rewind Wind Band at 3.45pm. The name of the day goes to Lethargic Phoenix, who are on stage just before nine on Saturday night. Then there's more performances across brunch and lunch on Sunday between 10.45pm and 2.15pm.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


The community stage is at Reigate Methodist Church, just up the high street. On Friday evening, Reigate St Mary's Choristers, U3A Choir and acts from Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival perform in turn. Some highlights from one on Saturday, the Reigate School of Ballet. Salsa Bug will be showcasing some sizzling moves.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


together with other members of their dance groups during their salsa demo and have-a-go session. And the cast from Reigate School's summer production of Matilda will be performing its favourite four songs from this epic feel-good musical, rounding off the day. On Sunday, it's sounds from the Include Choir at 1.30 and vocal dimension at 3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


And there's more from the Include Choir in episode 29 of the Planet Reigate podcast. There's all sorts going on there, and if you're going down there and you see me around, I'll be doing a few interviews, maybe asking you what you think of what is going on, then come up, say hello, shake me warmly by the hand, and I'd love to meet you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

40: The Reigate Summer Festival weekend and a look ahead to 10k day... and more


Still to come in this week's episode of the Planet Reigate podcast, we'll tell you what is going on with those fringe events with the Reigate Summer Festival. In sport, we'll feature Merstam Walking Cricket Club, South Park Reigate FC and Merstam Football Club. All three events are going to be mentioned or all three clubs are going to be mentioned during the course of the show as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


It's funny, we still say a phone line, don't we? There's actually no line. It's all wireless. It's like the little icon for saving something on your computer is a floppy disk, isn't it? People of a certain age listening to this thinking, floppy what? Sorry. Did you know anyone aged 20 or under can apply for a link card, which gives 50% off all adult bus fares across Surrey?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Obviously, if you're a student, you're going to get free or cut price travel on buses anyway, as I understand it. But maybe you've started work and you haven't actually got that and you're still under 20. You can get a link card. It'll cut 50% off your adult bus fare. It's valid for three years. You've got to live in Surrey. Journeys should start or end in Surrey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


The card is valid 24-7 all year round. For more information via Surrey County Council, And for more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. OK, all sorts of things to tell you about. Across the planet, Reigate area, our good time guide is up and coming in the not too distant future. Yeah, we haven't forgotten that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


We just moved it to somewhere else in the show. And also sports. Now, it's not too many days until Run Reigate 2024. Now, last week on the programme, we got some special advice, didn't we, from some experts in their field, quite literally, from Reigate Priory Athletics Club.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


with some hints and some tips and some tricks about what to do when you start off, how you're going to finish, and how you're going to cope with the hills on that course. And this week, the story continues, with some more help, courtesy of the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And in the local weather stats, we'll look back at the summer that wasn't and the wet start to September. Plus, we've got our good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Rygate stars from Rygate And our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know, this week from Holmthorpe Lagoon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And we've got our third and final part of that hints and tips series in next week's programme ahead of Run Reigate. On the way, we've got the Good Time Guide. Things to do, places to go, people to meet and things to do across the Planet Reigate area over the next seven days. Also continue our story about Samuel Palmer, local painter, local artist.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And the story about him and what happened to his legacy, an intriguing story that you may just remember if you're of a certain age, even though he died about 200 years ago. Still repercussions back in the 1970s, 1980s that may make you go, oh, yes, that was him. OK. We've got Planet Rygate stars in our 60-second soundscape as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


First of all, let's look back at the weather from Professor Weather. He just sent me through some stats. Yeah, looking back on summer 2024. I say summer, wasn't much of one, was it? Below average rainfall and rainfall days. Fifth lowest on both. Bear with me on that. Below average temperatures, both minimum, maximum and average yesterday. Yeah, it wasn't much sun to talk about, was there?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


In fact, below average sunshine hours. Basically below average then is what the prof is saying. And you're like me and you think to yourself, well, September's here and it's cold and I'm thinking about putting the heating on and I'm putting on an extra jacket when I go out and so on. Hold on, do we have summer? LAUGHTER

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


and with lot it has been really wet hasn't it now what you don't perhaps necessarily realize is that when you were listening to last week's show i actually was was out abroad in spain soaking up the sun and it was then when i was looking on the social media that i read but the back here there were some quite terrific storms and heavy rain and so on and uh last tuesday i 3.8 millimetres of rain.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And together with the rest of the rain so far in September 2024, it's now the wettest start.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


to september that we've ever recorded in reigate according to professor weather stats 68 millimeters of rain so far compared to the average of 17.28 millimeters keep our fingers crossed for uh maybe maybe an indian summer that might be nice mightn't it the belfry shopping center red hill ditch the click for hassle-free local shopping in a welcoming environment

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


The Good Time Guide and the third and final instalment of Sam's Story still to come, plus Planet Reigate stars in our 60-second soundscape. But first, my main guest this week. When Phil Hall found himself without work after an horrific accident, he took a creative writing course. Fast forward and he's now got three crime novels on his shelf and up on Amazon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And they are uniquely set in and around Reigate and Redhill. Mentioning a bit like us, local places that you know and love. Yeah, you can read the crimes and the detection that goes on to solve them. And you know the places that are being talked about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And welcome, as I say, to episode 53, which means last week was episode 52, nothing escapes me, and it was our anniversary edition. Thanks for all of your messages of support on social media and through to us here in the studio, saying happy birthday, really appreciated.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So you've changed bits? I've changed little bits of it. But they say, don't they, write about things that you know, and it's easier to adapt a personality of a person that you're already familiar with than it is to come up with someone from scratch. Oh, absolutely. Couldn't agree more.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And also to be basing a story around an area you know, because then you've got the geography, you've got the buildings, you can describe things much more easily.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


A giant earth-moving truck, overloaded with brown clods of earth, stopped in the centre of Reigate Town. DS Fran Itzkiewicz looked up and turned to DS Ron McTierney, who was walking alongside her. When out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a man grab a handbag from a middle-aged lady 50 yards further down the high street outside the M&S store.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And also to those who've taken the opportunity to take part in our survey, asking you what you like about the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


A figure in a grey hoodie looked up and then dashed down the alleyway that led from the high street towards Priory Park. McTierney set off in pursuit, sprinting the first stretch. He was not as fit as perhaps he should have been. He visited the pub more often than he visited the gym. He reached the corner and began panting. The bag snatcher had reached the bottom of the slope.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


The wind buffeted McTierney's face as he reached the end of the alleyway. On one side, the air vents at the back of M&S thundered in his ears. On his left, the brick buildings gave way and opened out to reveal a concrete wasteland stretching 200 yards across to the entrance of Morrison's supermarket.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


A narrow road quickly split into two, one leading back around the store, the other skirted along the edge of Priory Park and provided a shortcut through to the western side of town. McTierney scanned the park horizon. No sign of the snatcher. And then, suddenly, a dark shape dashed across the road 150 yards ahead of him. McTierney began to run.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


the features and so on and any changes you'd like to see and of course we've taken those on board so you may notice a bit of a refresh to the show from this week onwards thank you to loveworks featured them in our anniversary edition and they were kind enough to say have a listen to the loveworks interview on the planet reigate podcast you'll get an insight into what we do and how you could help happy anniversary to the podcast

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


He reached a corner, stopped, and his eyes swept across the horizon. He wasn't even sure what gender the snatcher was. Black hair, shortish, probably male, probably a middle-distance runner. McTierney arrived at the front of the supermarket. The snatcher had turned the corner and was heading south up Cockshot Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


McTierney ran across the car park entrance and swung across the traffic lights on the junction.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So it is easier for you and it's faster, but also it's more authentic for the people who are reading it if they know the area. And if they don't, it doesn't matter anyway.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And also you've got a problem, haven't you, that it makes things a bit more tricky if it's a murder mystery and you want to build something in that actually doesn't exist. then you can't actually put it in. If you've got a mythical town, you can suddenly invent a railway bridge, for example. But you can't in Rygate if that bridge doesn't exist where you want it to be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So you described a few moments ago about that chase that starts off at Marks and Spencer's, goes down to their delivery area, doesn't it? As though going down to the park. But we're not on the High Street now, are we? We're actually up at the Castle Grounds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Now, you and I first met, although we didn't realise it at the time, at the Rygate Priory Lawn Tennis Club, didn't we? Is that featured?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And thanks for having us on. Thanks very much indeed for making us so welcome when we went down. Featured Cyclocross Reigate a few weeks ago. And again, getting great support from Sean. This podcast is so worth supporting. Vital for its energy, history and information for our area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Which bit are you laughing at? The fact that I'm featured or the fact that I'm calling myself young and handsome?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


He was a kind of radio detective, wasn't he, on BBC One in the 1980s. Trevor Reeve? Trevor Reeve, yeah. Seriously, I'm not that old. I must have watched the reruns or something. That was it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


the cliffhangers at the end of chapters and so on you've got to make sure everything ties together at the end of the book so I'm imagining a wall at home in your office full of post-it notes and and those kind of those bits of string like they have on detective shows on the tv going from one post-it note to another and lots of photographs and maps

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And then presumably work out that main thread of what happens and who did it and why and what the denouement is. You see, I know these words. I did A-level English. And then you put in the red herrings after that because they've obviously got a shorter lifespan, haven't they?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


happy birthday sean i appreciate that thanks so much nick says just listen to the podcast well done for producing such an interesting piece and christina said thanks for mentioning our singing workshop much appreciated i'm really enjoying your show and asking friends and family to sign up Good time, guys. We'll be here a little bit later on in the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And then do you have someone else to kind of proofread it in case they say, well, hold on, you said in chapter two that they were wearing a yellow hat and actually in chapter 17 it turns out to be a blue hat.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Hold on, you're sending whiskey to someone in Scotland. Yeah, I know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And indeed, The Cave of Death by Phil Hall is what I was reading around the pool in Spain last week. Thanks, Phil.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode, and you can do that via your favourite podcast app. It may be called Favourite or Follow rather than Subscribe, but you get the idea. If you want a message for your charity or non-profit event, let us know about it. You can fill out the form you'll find at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So here we go with things which are happening across the area over the next seven days. This Saturday is Reigate Caves Open Day. You can go to Yes, and Barron's Cave is open as well, so beware in case you stumble across a body. Picnic in the Park is happening at Chulwood Recreation Ground on the streets on Saturday. All sorts of sports.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Bring your own blanket and chair and pack a picnic. Nutfield Gardening Society have their autumn show at the Village Hall. It opens to the public at 2.30pm. Raffle and prize giving at 4.30pm. South Park Sports Association have a trivia games night on Saturday from 8pm at Whitehall Lane. Win cash prizes, £2 a person, teams of six. On Sunday, it's the Skyline London to Brighton cycle ride.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Thousands of riders completing the challenging 55-mile ride from Clapham Common through Surrey down to the coast. Locally, look out for them on Cormungers Lane, Fullerswood Lane and Clay Lane via Kings Cross Lane and also Crab Lane continuing south on Prince of Wales Road. The new term for a kids' choir is starting up on Wednesday the 18th for 7 to 11-year-olds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Wednesdays from 5, £20 for 30 minutes. And that's at the KSM Music Centre, RH2, 8BD, Tea Time Tales Wednesdays, 3.25 to 3.55. Come and enjoy a drink and a biscuit and a Bible story and singing. All welcome at St Mark's Church on Alma Road. Teen Tap, Merston Primary School, Wednesdays 5.20am to 6pm.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


On Thursday at Adams Gallery, it's something we've been talking about for the past couple of weeks, and the latest and final episode of our story comes up in a few minutes' time. It is the opening of an exhibition at Adams Gallery through until the 3rd of November of the life and work of Samuel Palmer and his meeting with William Blake 200 years ago. Adams Gallery is on the High Street in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


But first of all, here's an update on some things that you may not have caught over the past few days. And you've got the chance to have your say on crime and policing issues coming soon. Yes, Surrey's Police Chief Constable, Tim DeMeyer, and Police and Crime Commissioner, Lisa Townsend, have got events in all 11 boroughs in the county over the autumn and winter.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Carrington School have got an open evening Thursday the 19th, 5 till 8. Headteacher talks at 6 and 7 and open mornings and tours at 9 and 10.30. Open mornings also on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 8th, 9th and 10th of October. Book via Donata School have got an open day on Thursday the 19th of September. Join them and learn about warrior learning.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Di dropped me a line calling amateur wind, brass and percussion musicians in Surrey. Are you looking for a local concert band to play with? Well, if you are, then Saturday is your day. They've got an open rehearsal with the band of the Surrey Yeomanry at St John the Evangelist in Redhill. Saturday 21st between 2 and 5.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Advance notice, the Rewind Wind Band, who featured previously on the Planet Rygate podcast, holding an open rehearsal. So if you play or used to play woodwind, brass, percussion, bass guitar or keyboards and fancy playing along with them, do go along. All skills welcome from beginners to rusty to experienced players. Thursday, the 3rd of October between 8 and 9.30pm. at the Salford Scout Hut RH1.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Rewindwindband at More advance notice. Tickets now on sale for the Hawley Lions Club Bonfire and Fireworks. It's a spectacular event on Saturday 2nd November, 5.30pm to 9pm at Hawley Rec. Guide price £6.95 for adults.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Planet Reigate Stars. Thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And don't forget, all of our shows are archived via So let's hot foot it to Reigate. And the post office is the scene of this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. Because Joanna writes, there's a lovely new lady owner in the Church Street post office.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


I get myself in a right old muddle with all the online techie postal stuff and it's taken me months to work out the queuing system. She is fabulously understanding and helpful. So if you are that lovely new lady who works at the Reigate Church Street Post Office, you are the recipient of this week's sprinkle of stardust.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Our 60-second soundscape from the lagoons in a few moments' time. First of all, let me tell you a little bit more about that new exhibition at Adams Gallery in Reigate starting this week, as I mentioned a few minutes ago, celebrating the work of Samuel Palmer and William Blake. It commemorates their first meeting exactly 200 years ago. But who was Samuel Palmer? What...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


were his links with the planet reigate area well last week i told you about his early career and how he and his family moved to reigate and red hill and his most famous work of a view you know so well even to this day also last week i told you about samuel's death this week in the third and final part of our look at the life and work of samuel palmer an horrific fire

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And then they've got a final meeting online in January. So do you want to go along and ask them about crime in... In our area. So, it's Rygate, Redhill and Merstham. Obviously, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham, you've got one for Mole Valley. But the one for Rygate, essentially, Rygate and Banstead Borough, is at 6.30 through till 8 o'clock, October 7th, Banstead Community Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


a major crime, and how we still remember him to this day. So what was Samuel Palmer's legacy? He was largely forgotten about after his death. And in 1909, many of his works were destroyed by his surviving son, Alfred, who burned, quote, "...a great quantity of father's handiwork, knowing that no one would be able to make head or tail of what I had burned.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


I wished to save it from a more humiliating fate." The destruction included sketchbooks, notebooks and original works and lasted for days. Interest in his work was, if you excuse the phrase, rekindled in 1926 by the Victoria and Albert Museum. Since when Palmer has been accepted into the canon of great English landscape painters.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


He's said to have inspired many other artists, engravers and printmakers, including Graham Sutherland. All of the major museums and galleries hold collections of his work, including the V&A and the Ashmolean in Oxford. And there have been regular exhibitions of his paintings and etchings.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


A significant retrospective was mounted jointly by the British Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 2005, 200 years after his birth, showcasing 170 of his watercolours, drawings, etchings and oils from public and private collections around the world. And an exhibition featuring Palmer ran in parallel to the huge William Blake exhibition at Tate Britain over 2019 and 2020.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


In the 1930s, the maximum price of a Shoreham period drawing was around £50. Three sold in the early 1960s for around £6,000. In 2003, an auction at Christie's sold one for £587,000. And there was a big scandal in the 1970s when it was discovered that many of Palmer's works, 13, including one hung at the British Museum, were in fact fake.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Produced by the famous art forger Tom Keating, a picture restorer from Essex. Keating later claimed to have painted upwards of 80 fake Palmer's.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


and he's now got three crime novels on his shelf and on Amazon. And they are uniquely set in and around the Planet Reigate area, mentioning a bit like us, local places that you know and love. Hear more from Phil later. And we continue our mini-series on the life of Samuel Palmer, local artist who became world famous, including a huge forgery conspiracy as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So, what more of Palmer and his links locally? Well, there's an unofficial blue plaque at Palmer's birthplace at Surrey Square in London. His Grade 2 listed house at Shoreham, near Sevenoaks in Kent, where he lived from 1827 to 1835, has a plaque on it. And I'm here on Palmer Close, which is a cul-de-sac in Redhill built in the 1960s. It was named in Samuel's honour.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So if you go up the A25 Nutfield Road out of Redhill, right down Redstone Hollow, it's just down here on the left. And his last home was here. The Chantry is what it's called today. Samuel Palmer knew it as First Hill Place. It's at Cronks Hill, just near High Trees Road. And it's Grade 2 listed because of the connection with Samuel Palmer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Yes, up over in Banstead. So, obviously, if you go up there, do be aware of the dragons, obviously. And they're going to be joined by the local borough commander responsible for local policing across Reigate and Banstead as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And that was the life and legacy of local man Samuel Palmer, 1805 to 1881, landscape painter, etcher and printmaker, who created some of his greatest works while living locally. And on the 9th of October, 1824, Samuel Palmer visited William Blake at his home on the Strand, marking the start of a lifelong friendship and a significant inspiration for the young Palmer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Adams Gallery on Reigate High Street is commemorating the event. with an exhibition featuring works by Palmer and Blake and artists influenced by them over the past 200 years. It starts this week and there are a couple of other events associated with that exhibition around the town over the next couple of weeks as well. So look on their website or pop into the gallery for more details on that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Well, that's about it for this week. Join me next week on the show, won't you? If you want to get in touch with me between now and then, hello at the Planet Reigate podcast. It may be that you want help with emceeing an event, producing a podcast of your own. Perhaps I can share something or host something for you, or maybe do a voiceover for a video that you've got in production.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So if you've got anything you want to talk about, might be roads, violence against women and girls, how police resources are being used visibly and behind the scenes as well to boost the fight against crime in Surrey. What else specifically has been coming up? Well, you would know pinch points around the area where you're concerned are

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


about maybe violent behaviour or where you feel a little bit nervous. You may also want to ask about moving the regional headquarters, the district headquarters from Rygate over to Leatherhead, which is happening. You may want to ask about what is happening about Rygate Police Station actually as a building. let alone who's going to be working there and where that is going to be in the future.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Yeah. Or what's going to be on that. You get the idea. It's free, but you're encouraged to register. And the virtual event that I said is going to be taking place on January the 13th. And that's going to be streamed live on Facebook. If you want a link for details about how you can get involved, then get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


OK, a few business events to tell you about. This Wednesday, there's the meeting of the Redhill Business Guild. It's at 5.30 at the light in Redhill. Now, you can't just rock up because obviously they need to know numbers and you also need to be a member of the Redhill Business Guild.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


But if you think that you would like to become a member, then I've got some details that I can pass on in a few moments time for contacts. Now, speakers at this month's programme are going to be Cath Rose from Riker to Bantsley Borough Council to discuss the council's five-year corporate plan.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So essentially, that's going to be where they're spending their money, any building that's going to go up, anything that's going to be refurbed. They're going to be talking across the board about the whole infrastructure of the area. So if you want to go along and hear a little bit more about that, Then Kath is going to be talking.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Kay Hymas is going to be talking about the Arts Takeover week, which we spoke about in some detail in last week's edition. Andy Nash will be there from the Belfry to give us an update about the stores which have opened up there recently and also... Any rumours, anything he's got which he can tell us about the former Marks & Spencer store.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Guy and Kate, if you don't know who they are, they're from Flores Cafe in Memorial Park, of course. Isabel Wooden from the council talking about Safer Redhill. We're back to crime. And James Baird, who's introducing his new business, which is going to be at Priory House.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Now, to reserve your place, redhillbusinessguild at if you'd like to know a little bit more about that and if you'd like to have your name. on the front desk. Talking about which, let me tell you about the business networking group RH Networking. And as its name might suggest, that's for all of the area which has an RH postcode. They've got a special event coming up soon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


You are invited. It's an evening with Denise Hampson. Let me tell you a little bit about Denise. If you don't know who she is, maybe the name will ring a bell. She's a former track cyclist. She's currently CEO of the behavioral design agency, Desire Code. Now you probably like me when I first came across this thinking, what is a behavioral design agency?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And what's this got to do with my shop, business or service? Well, Denise says, humans are intriguing. Don't I know. You can't read them, can you? Or maybe you can. Denise says, we aren't the calm and rational people we imagine ourselves to be. Instead, we live our lives heart first and make our decisions based on super fast instinctive mental shortcuts.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Behavioural economics is the study of the hidden forces that influence our daily behaviour and decision making. And... As you can understand, applying that knowledge as a set of design principles leads to products, services, experiences and campaigns that are more appealing to customers. I get it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So if you know how a customer thinks, what they're looking for in a brand, how you can persuade them... that what you're selling them is what they want. Don't mean an underhand way, but you're playing to how they think, how they behave. But you've got to know that, haven't you? That's the same kind of design principles as you'd have for a logo design or designing a product.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Got quite a bit of crime on this week. Also in our news this week, how to quiz the Chief Constable, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and Reigate's Borough Commander. Find out more about what's happening in Redhill at a meeting this week. Fed up with noise from Gatwick? I'll tell you how you can get to sit in on the Noise Management Board.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


or the information that you're going to have on a website. If you know that, you're going to be more appealing to them. You're not tricking them, but you're making something more appealing. It's going to lead to more sales, isn't it? So if you want to sell more, have more satisfied customers and so on, then you need to go along, don't you? So how do you do that? It's at Reigate Manor on the 26th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


You can grab a free ticket via info at Tell them you heard about it on the Planet Reigate podcast. And you can perhaps go along either for a taster or you may think to yourself, after Dan has spoken to you, you may think, actually, yeah, this is something I want to be involved with months going forward as well. Got a message in from Gatwick Airport. Now, bear with.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


We don't usually do Gatwick stories as a rule because it falls outside our area. But they got in touch with me and they said, Peter, genuinely, would you be interested in this? We've heard about the podcast, haven't approached you before, but this is something which is going to be of interest.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


to people who live in the area so we wouldn't normally do as a sake out week story as if it's about i don't know a new airline starting up or something like that or a new shop at the north terminal not of interest but what is of interest is if something happens at the airport huge local employer which is affecting us living in the planet reigate area so we're

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


London Gatwick are recruiting new members of their noise management board. So yeah, obviously noise travel. So this is going to be of interest to you. If you live near the airport, Hawley, Charlewood, maybe further afield, can't go almost anywhere in the Planet Reigate area before you hear a plane passing overhead, either a light one from the aerodrome or a heavier one. in or out of Gatwick.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


So the Noise Management Board, that is people who help to shape the airport's aircraft noise management plans. They want more community members, people like you, yes. You'll be working alongside reps from the Department for Transport, the Civil Aviation Authority, to discuss key issues of concern around the impacts of aircraft noise

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


across the whole area the community assembly meets online once a quarter to help develop projects and local residents will have the opportunity to go to the oversights boards quarterly meetings and you'll be able to ask questions of london gap week industry partners the department for transport and the civil aviation authority as well do you want to sign up is this of something of interest

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And this is Peter Stewart bringing it to you. Episode 53. Hello. Welcome to this week's show. And this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. Hope you're well, by the way. My guests this week. Now, when Phil Hall found himself without work after an horrific accident, he took a creative writing course. Fast forward.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Does noise from the airport get your goat? Gatwick NMB. NMB? Noise Management Board. So at Aegis is E-G-I-S. And the subject line has got to be new member inquiry. I'll give it to you all again. at Subject line, new member inquiry. Congratulations to Stripey Stork. The local baby bank has its first fully electric van.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Yeah, it's a Ford Transit made possible with the generous support of Raven Housing Trust. And obviously, it means it's going to be easier for them to take their donations to families in need. Across Surrey and further still, since September last year, Stripey Stork has provided support to 10,400 families. Not individuals, families.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


I'll tell you how Stripey Stork is going electric. How you can taste the area's new bottles of community wine. Yeah, volunteers are wanted to sow wildflower seeds locally. Keep listening for details. How to help out at an eco area at Carrington School this weekend. A local farmer is after some grazing land. That's a bit unusual, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


I mean, there's perhaps going to be a couple of three kids in each family. And that's up from 8,443 in the same period last year. So it's a growing problem. They've got seven delivery hubs. I thought it was just one. Yeah? Seven. And a new one in Croydon is set to launch soon. They serve 13 other locations across the region, not just in Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Deliveries are scheduled Monday to Thursday each week. They've also got to go around and move things between sites, collect donations from people as well. So look out for the logoed van across the area from Stripey Stork. The community wine vicinity is now being served at the Castle Inn pub and restaurant at Outwood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


Now, if you don't know what community wine is, well, it's all via the secret walled vineyard. We've mentioned them on the show before. And the idea is that it's a community wine project and they produce white and rosé wine from their vineyard and garden grapes from the community, as you might expect.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


kind of work out from the name so the idea is that if you've got grapes growing in your garden you take them along and they crush the grapes which reminds me who who had the catchphrase oh i could crush a grape who was that um that it was um

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


stew francis wasn't it on crackerjack crackerjack thank you gotta be of a certain age uh so if you want to try that vicinity wine it's at the castle inn pub and restaurant at outwards sometimes it's therapy doing this show to hawley to hawley here we go we're going to stay with things outside because samantha meering

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


We're staying outside Carrington, the school. They've got an incredible natural peaceful sanctuary. They call it the eco area and they've got it to support learning across the curriculum and especially in the forest school. And they ask, have you got a couple of hours you can help?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


With our big eco clear up, it's happening this Sunday the 22nd with staff and volunteers from Rygate Area Conservation. They're going to be there from 10 in the morning till 4 in the afternoon. And they say you are welcome, please, please, to come along for any amount of time you can help, you can spare to contribute.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


and help keep this magical and valuable space in good shape for our learners, you can contact jeverett, E-V-E-R-E-T-T, at for more information, or just go along and join in on the day. Sunday is the day between 10 and 4. We're going to stay outside because this is a really intriguing story. I've never done anything like this on the show before.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


William has written to me, due to continued expansion of our regenerative grazing business, we're looking for new landlords to create grazing agreements with. Essentially, they're after some grazing land with a twist. So do you have winter and summer grazing land, grass, cover crop, anything considered? But it could just be empty land.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


And he's going to pay you for it or 5,000 ewes will go hungry. A top tip for cheap bus travel for young people in your life. And if you're in business, hear about a free local talk with someone who can help you get more sales and more satisfied customers. Plus, we've got more top tips on how to run Rygate from Rygate Priory Athletics Club.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

53: The new crime novel set in Reigate & Redhill, the local artist who was the centre of a huge forgery conspiracy… and more


It may just be soil at the moment because they say we'll supply the seed if needed and the water and the fencing and the checks. It doesn't matter however big it is, all sizes considered. They will obviously pay you. But per head, per week, and that'll be paid monthly. And because they're good for the money, they'll give you some references available as well. All areas across the area considered.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


They say join us for the final gathering of the year. It's Christmas drinks on Wednesday, the 18th of December at the Junction from half past five. They say no need to book. Just turn up, network and enjoy some Christmas cheer. We hope to see you there. Hopefully they don't mind me mentioning. that particular time and place and location on the Planet Reigate podcast because it is open to everyone.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


They may suggest that you become a member as well, as indeed I am. So maybe you're interested in what goes on in Red Hill and what the plans are for the future of the town. Maybe you are involved in a local business or you're involved in a local charity, club or society or group or team or squad.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


or association, organization, institution, whatever it is, get yourself down there, do a bit of networking, and perhaps you'll join us at Red Hill Business Guild in the new year as well. Let's stay with Redhill. Did you know that the Belfry has created a small performance space? Now, the small stage is on the lower level.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


It's for local community groups and bands, comedians, choirs, theatre groups, singers, almost any local group, really. And during the day, the performance area is free for the public. But after six o'clock, they actually got the option. This is really good idea.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


screening the area off for anyone who wants to hold a ticketed event or maybe a rehearsal space if you want a meeting if you've got a speaker if you've got a book group something like that so if you'd like to find out more about using that space you can get in touch with reception at the hyphen and i love this there's no charge for using the space but if you can afford a donation to their christmas charity which is homestart east surrey it would be greatly received and

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


And if you ever need somebody to host something or introduce or to do an interview or a fireside chat or anything like that, emcee an event, get in touch with me as well. Hello at I may be able to help you out. So two emails addressed there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


reception at if you want to know more about that area there, that mini stage that they've got on the ground floor. And if you'd like somebody to help you host an event, hello at Now, a couple of weeks ago, we mentioned some of the Christmas events which are happening at one local church.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Local Christmas services at a Reigate church. The local girl who's appearing in the new Richard Curtis movie. The local author who's ranking number two in Amazon's historical fiction charts. I bring you the sound of the talking bins which are popping up locally. And a very happy birthday of one of our most significant local buildings. Can you name it before I do? And here's a clue.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


And now we've got some details of what's happening at St Mary's in Reigate. There's carols by Candlelight on the 15th at 5 and 7 o'clock. Contemporary carols on the 22nd at 6.30. Christmas Eve Christingle service at 3 and 5 o'clock on the 24th. They say, bring your own orange and come dressed in a nativity costume, please. On the 24th, their midnight communion starts at 11 p.m.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


On the 25th, they've got communion at 8.30 and Christmas morning celebrations at 10.30. And they also, of course, run the Heath Church. On the 15th, they've got the Heath Church carols at 10.30 a.m. On the 25th, Christmas communion at 10.30 as well. And you can join them for their Alpha course, which starts on the 14th of January. So

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


If you want some more information on any or all of those. Got some good news from Kate on Facebook. Kate, hi, you DM'd me. Thank you so much indeed for that. Proud mom moment. She says, thought you might like to share some news about my daughter. Ava, who's voiced character in the new Richard Curtis movie, That Christmas, which has dropped on Netflix. Ava is 11.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


She actually plays Scarlet in the film. That Christmas is all about Christmas for the people of Wellington-on-Sea, when the worst snowstorm in history alters everyone's plans, including Santa's. And the cast includes Jodie Whittaker, Bill Nye and Brian Cox from Succession as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


We couldn't actually clear a clip of Ava to play you, but you try and listen out for Ava if you're going to be watching that on Netflix and listen out for Scarlet if you're, as I say, going to be watching that Christmas on Netflix over this Christmas. Now, Ava's also been in a TV series called Chip and Potato about Chip, a four-year-old pug puppy, and a secret friend, Potato, who's a mouse.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


She's also been in Plebs about three desperate young men from the suburbs as they try to hold down jobs and climb the social ladder in the big city. And that happens to be ancient Rome. So a bit of fun going on there. And she played alongside Maureen Lipman and Line of Duty's Adrian Scarborough.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


And also she's featured in Trying about Jason and Nicky, a couple who decide to adopt, playing alongside...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Imelda Staunton so congratulations to Ava she's a name to be watching out for isn't she over the coming years congratulations and thanks very much indeed mum Kate for letting us know all about it also been in contact by Hannah who says hi Peter don't know if this is of interest at all but RH1 has its very own author my husband's novel Leaving Fatherland was just published

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


She says, as you might expect. And Hannah, well done for doing so. The book makes an excellent Christmas present. Obviously, I would say that. But it is ranking number two in Amazon's historical fiction chart in both the US and UK. And reviews are great as well. Four and a half stars out of five on Amazon. So what is it all about?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Growing up a misfit in Nazi Germany, a victim of his father's beatings, Oskar's love of books is a constant comfort in a world turned upside down by violence. As a student, as a pilot in the brutal Luftwaffe during the Second World War, in an unhappy marriage to an English bride, he finds himself returning over and over to the circumstances of his childhood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


What was the source and cause of his father's abuse? Could there have been more to it than he'd once believed? Little did Oscar know that his first lecture at university would ultimately lead to the end of a lifetime of searching and finally reveal the figure who had been controlling his life from a distance. That sounds good, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Can you spell it? Also, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead leading up to the big day. Planet Reigate stars this week from a local park. I've got recent weather stats from our very own Professor Weather and also going to be telling you about a big, significant local road closure that starts early 2025 and is going to be going on for weeks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


So if you want some more details on that, then check out your local bookstore. I know we've got a Waterstones in Reigate and another one in Redhill as well. And the book you're looking for is Leaving Fatherland. And the surname, actually, I don't have a full name. I'm going to live, while we do this, get on and look up Leaving Fatherland and see what comes up so I can give you the full details.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


It's Matt Graydon, G-R-A-Y-D-O-N. Check it out. And if you can support a local independent bookstore, then please do that. I'm sure they'll be really appreciative. Now, a few weeks ago, we reported about the new solar-powered bins across Reigate and Banstead Borough, didn't we? And we also said that some of them talk. I thought you'd like to hear how some of them talk, like this one right here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Now, a bit later on in the show, I'm going to be bringing you the story about Reigate's very first swimming pool and where that was and the whole story behind it. And it's a bigger story than you might imagine. And I'm going to be stripping that story over the next few weeks here on the Planet Reigate podcast. But while we're talking about swimming pools, happy birthday to Donnings.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, Donnings was opened in December 1984. So that makes it... at 40 years old and this is from the Reigate Society as it was called at the time it's now the Reigate and Red Hill Society and their summary of the period and obviously this was written several years ago

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Early 1983 saw the start of the new Recreation Centre at Donnings Place, which is roughly on the boundary between Redhill and Reigate. Here at last was a determined effort by the Borough Council, albeit in a time of financial stringency, to provide a much needed modern local amenity. The move towards speedy implementation of the plan was warmly supported by this society.

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The Council's method of inviting the public to hear of the alternative proposals almost as soon as they had been received by the Council by means of short presentations by each of the contractors who had responded to the official inquiry document proved, at least for the Society, an admirable method of conducting the opening phase of such a scheme.

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In a remarkably short time, Condor Southern had been selected and a letter of intent issued to enable extensive foundation work to proceed that summer

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in fair weather the recreation center at donning's place was open to the public in december 1984. it's worth recalling that the society was pleased to welcome the contractors team to a meeting held on the 30th of june 1983 when a full exposition of the scheme was made by team leaders

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It is to be hoped that this centre, the new Redhill Shopping Centre, the modernised Redhill Railway Station, now planned, and other developments will do much to restore pride in the Redhill area after a long period of deterioration. A further Redhill amenity is the creation of a much-needed town park on the site of the old football ground.

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The society made a substantial donation towards the cost of the trees which were planted there in November 1984. Isn't it interesting that, as I say, that was written several years ago in the 80s. I think it's a summary of what had happened in the town in the 80s. But it's interesting that so many of those issues are still pertinent today.

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First of all, the financial stringency of the council is mentioned. Also about the new Redhill Shopping Centre, which was really interesting because I don't think that opened for another 10 years or so, did it? Because I was there actually at the opening of that as a cub reporter for Radio Mercury. And I remember interviewing Joanna Lumley.

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And our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. Natural sounds from a place you know this week. from the grounds of one of our local castles.

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So, and I'm pretty sure that was several years later, thinking about my CV and so on. The modernised Red Hill railway station, which was planned at that stage, and I suppose looking at it now, that front area, the ticket hall and so on, was probably quite modern in its day. For what would that be? The late 80s, early 90s, even recently modernised.

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There has been a lot of talk about the modernisation of that with the potential of tower blocks and changing the entrance and putting some shop units there as well. And, of course, we know that just over the road, the new building's there. And other developments will do much to restore pride in the Redhill area after a long period of deterioration. Well, I'm a big fan of Redhill.

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As you know, it's where I first lived. when I moved to the area. But, as they say, plus ça change. Some things don't change, they just come round and round again. Back to Donnings, though.

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2011, it had an extensive £4.1 million refurbishment programme, quite significant back in the day, and a new fitness suite, which included 100 pieces of life fitness equipment, a youth gym for 11 to 16-year-olds was also created, and also the creation of a new soft play area in the old gym space, and the upgrade of a fitness and dance studio as well.

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So I posed the question at the start of the show, why is Donnings called Donnings, and can you spell it? Well, D-O-N-Y-N-G-S. It's an unusual name, and we looked at the story behind the leisure centre's unusual name in episodes 23 and 24. of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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So if you've got a bit of time over Christmas, New Year, and you want to go back and listen to those episodes 23 and 24, Why is Donnings called Donnings?

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had a bit of investigation into that in those episodes still to come before we go at the end of the show natural sounds were a place you know from one of our local castles also we got planet reigate stars from a local park celebrating local heroes and also the first part of our story about Reigate's first swimming pool and also a super luxury cinema, which opened back in the day.

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You may know some of the story. I'm going to be filling in the gaps in your knowledge that maybe you didn't know over the next few weeks on the Planet Reigate podcast. We are indebted to Professor Weather Andy Herrod for providing us with some local weather stats. And you can follow Andy on Blue Sky. Blue Sky, it's a social media platform that's similar but kinder than Twitter.

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And also, Andy is on Insta as well. We are on Twitter and Blue Sky. And also Facebook and Insta too, by the way. So it's been windy, hasn't it? Boy, oh boy, of course we had the storm, didn't we, recently? Saturday the 7th of December, Andy tells us, was the windiest December day he'd ever recorded and the second windiest day ever recorded.

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So the windiest December day and the second windiest day ever with wind gusts of 44.9 miles an hour. Boy, oh boy, it was certainly windy, wasn't it? Hopefully your garden and anything left outside, like your roof and fence, for example, didn't come too much of a cropper.

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Got a bit of travel news for you that perhaps you should be aware of, which is going to be happening in the first few days of the brand new year. SES Water have told us of their plans for the Gatton Park Road Mains Replacement Programme. Yeah, they're going to be replacing more than 800 metres of the 20-inch and 7-inch main that run along Gatton Park Road.

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The new mains will be laid from the junction of Colesmead Road with Gatton Park Road to just beyond West Lodge. So, as I say, that's 800 metres. Teams are going to be on site from, here are the dates, Monday 2nd January with full road closures of Gatton Park Road from 6th January. They're going to be working 7 in the morning till 5 at night, Monday to Saturday, weather permitting.

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from the 6th of January until late May. So that little cheeky cut-through that you may have is going to be out of bounds, essentially, for several months. You heard about it on the Planet Rygate podcast. Now, when you have your neighbours round for Christmas drinks, swapping parcels or whatever it is you happen to do, why don't you tell them about the Planet Reigate podcast?

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It'll be a really great opportunity and I'll be really appreciative of you doing that on my behalf. We'd love them if you told them all about the show, the kind of features we've got, how you stay up to date with what's going on in what we call the Planet Reigate area of, all together now...

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Rygate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Bechworth and Brockham, down to Hawley and over to Charlewood and outward as well. It's all about essentially where they live, where they work, what is going on in the area, places to go to, things to do. And it keeps them updated with the news, with the weather, a little bit of travel and so on and hearing about interesting people.

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And also, let me remind you that you can hear all of our past episodes via our website, which is The last five episodes are on there. Plus, there are links to all of the other episodes going back to even before episode one, if you can work that out. And also, there's a page of all the links.

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So if you want to hear some of our previous interviews, there's a page there where you can just read a one-line description, a couple of lines description, and then hit the link and it'll take you straight to that interview.

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So again, if you've got a little bit of downtime, you've got some time off, and you're fed up with Netflix and BBC One, then why don't you go to and listen back to some of our previous episodes and the best of our guests.

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Hello, I'm Peter Stewart. Our main feature this week, we start a mini-series on the intriguing and significant history of one of our local roads. If you've ever driven in Reigate, you will know it. It's part of the one-way system, so you can hardly avoid it. And back in the day, you could have said it was the home to the area's first, well, what would now be called, leisure park.

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And it was the brainchild of a local woman. And it's her that our road is named after. Over the next few weeks, across the Christmas and New Year period and starting today, hear the story of Bancroft Road. What was built there? And why and who by? And we go behind the scenes in a special bonus episode to see what is left of their legacy today.

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OK, let's go to it. Hope you're well, by the way. Looking forward to the Christmas period, if you're celebrating and marking that. Got another week or so to go, of course. Surrey County Council looking at possible changes to school holidays. That may be affecting you, should it go forward. It would be a switch to a two-week half-term break in the autumn as well.

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This week, we start the miniseries with the episode we've entitled When Harry Met Emmy. It's a breezy afternoon, as you might be able to hear on the microphone, and I'm probably at one of the highest points in Reigate Town Centre. Where am I? I'm at the top of the town's only multi-storey car park. Why? Well...

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I want to tell you about Harry and Emmy Bancroft and the story of Reigate's open-air swimming pool and the story of one of Reigate's cinemas as well. They're all intertwined. And why have I come up here? Well, because I'm now looking over Bancroft Road. And Bancroft Road wasn't always here.

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I mean, no, local roads were always here, of course, but Bancroft is a relatively new addition to Reigate, coming long after Bell Street and the High Street and Church Street, which it turns off from. And it owes itself and its name to Harry Bancroft and his wife, Emmy, a one-time music hall double act.

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who fell in love and became local entrepreneurs, creating not only the road, but also an outdoor swimming pool and a cinema as well. Yeah, Bancroft Road used to have the majestic Lido. It's where Paul House is now, opposite the cinema. And the cinema is where the cinema used to be. The majestic. The majestic Lido and the majestic cinema, together... Owned, run, operated by the Bancroft couple.

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Hear their story over the next few weeks on the Planet Reigate podcast. Now, Bancroft Road is not actually really named after someone called Harry Bancroft, because Harry Bancroft didn't actually exist. At least, that wasn't his original name. He was actually born Henry Abraham in around 1873 into a Jewish family living in Whitechapel.

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Harry had a quick wit and a good voice, and from the age of 15 in the late 1880s, he trod the stage of many a London and suburban music hall as an entertainer in a double act with his sister Fanny, who actually used the name Rosa on the stage, and they called themselves the Bancrofts. OK, so why did they actually change their name?

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Well, despite never actually using Abraham on the stage, Harry and his siblings didn't legally become Bancroft until the mid-1930s, with the rise of fascism across Europe. Yeah, think about it. Abraham, 1930s, you know what was just around the corner. Anyway, back to our story. Now, Fanny married in 1902, and so she retired as his partner.

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And for a while, our hero Harry worked as a solo comic, actor, singer, until teaming up with an already successful music hall artiste and pantomime performer, glorious and glamorous Emmy Ames. who he actually went on to marry. Now, until World War I, they travelled the length and breadth of Britain very successfully with their double act. But they were getting increasingly worried.

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So about one in ten state-funded schools have already made the switch, creating challenges when term times at different schools aren't aligned. You could have people going to different schools in different boroughs or across county borders, things like that. It could be very, very difficult, couldn't it?

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Music halls were dying out because of the rise in popularity of the cinema, and they could see their income drying up, unless they, as we might say today, diversified or pivoted. Now, Reigate had a cinema, the Hippodrome in Bell Street, which had been opened in 1911. Originally, it was called the Palace Picture Drome. And in 1916, Harry and Emmy came to Reigate, saw it and took it over.

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And at the Priory sale in 1922, we've spoken about this before on the podcast, it was a time when an awful lot of land and buildings, which had been owned by Lady Summers, including Priory Park and Priory House, that whole private estate, and many other buildings around the town, they were sold off, as I say, in 1922. And Harry and Emmy got the freehold of the Palace Picture Drome, for £1,500.

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That's about £7,000 in today's money. The cinema on the site of, well, where Wagamama's is today, had seating for 750 people, and the hall had a sloping floor. and enough room to house an entire orchestra. So what more do we know about Emmy? Well, she seems to have been an extraordinary woman.

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The looks and talents to be on stage, and the business brain behind the development of this part of Reigate. Emmy Ames, as was, had been a singer and actor who established quite a name for herself in both the music halls and in pantomime, excelling in what were then known as trouser roles, which allowed glamorous women to show off their legs. Rather scandalous at the time.

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And it was while touring that Emmy met Harry, and they formed a partnership on stage, in business, and in life as well. Now, the cinema business was not quite the end of Emmy's career as an entertainer on stage. The Hippodrome on Bell Street, like most cinemas before the talkies arrived, frequently alternated the programme of mostly short, silent films with live comic or musical acts –

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Now, should the change be made, the school year would still be 195 days, including the five inset staff training days. I reckon there could be really strong views on either side of this particular question. There's a survey which is being run by Surrey County Council, and that closes at 5pm on the 31st of December.

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And several times a week, Emmy took her place on the small stage in front of the screen and did her bit, serenading the audience with selections from her repertoire of romantic, sentimental and humorous songs, and until the end of the war in 1918, always finished with patriotic songs with rousing choruses in which everyone could join in.

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The Bancrofts, Harry and Emmy, did their real best to improve the Hippodrome. They introduced more comfortable seating and also, get this, a roof that could be raised to ventilate the auditorium.

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As much a necessity in those pre-bathroom days when the only full wash was taken by most people once a week in a galvanised bath in front of the fire at home as it was to clear the smoky fog produced by the patrons' numerous pipes and cigarettes. So, Emmy was the manager of the Hippodrome and renamed it the Premier Picture Theatre of Surrey. It's a great name, isn't it?

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And her husband, Harry, acquired or built several other cinemas, but all the way over in Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands. Anyway, by the 1920s, he'd left much of the day-to-day management of the Reigate Hippodrome, or I should say the premier picture theatre of Surrey in the hands of his wife.

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By the mid-thirties, though, it was a little bit dated, and as well as competing with several existing picture houses in Red Hill, there was the strong rumour that the Odeon Company had plans to build a large Art Deco cinema there as well. they were about to face some stiff competition.

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But Emmy had a brainwave, and you can hear more about that in our next episode, as the story of Harry and Emmy continues on the Planet Reigate podcast. And we're deeply indebted to Sean Hawkins for his original research. Now, you can hear several other stories of local history and the notable and famous people who've lived in the Planet Reigate area in several of our previous episodes.

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Episode T-3, so that's before Episode 1, before we actually launched. featured a short history of Redhill, Brockham, Betchworth and Buckland. Hear about the Battle of Redhill, Redhill's original train problems and why it wasn't the best place to build a town. Plus the local village green where WG Grace is said to have played cricket. The local castle bought for just one pound.

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and the legend of the Buckland Shag as well. That's all in episode T-3. In episode T-4, we had a short look at Reigate from the Stone Age communities, the monks of the Augustinian Priory, and the Earl of Surrey, William de Warren, to the trade in Reigate, the transport links, the coming of the railways and expansion of the town. and several historic facts that maybe you didn't know.

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Episode T-4, before I launch. Get the naming system there. And also, why is Carrington School called Carrington? A special report on the career and curious death of local celebrity astronomical scientist Richard Carrington was in episode 20. And the story of Bancroft Road continues next week on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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So if you have a spare, you know, 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes to look at that survey at the moment, over the next couple of weeks before the end of the 31st of December, you may want to go on and find out a little bit more about that. It seems a funny time to launch a survey, doesn't it? A Christmas New Year time, but maybe you'll have a bit of time off perhaps between the two big days.

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Now, have you ever thought about a podcast for your charity or cause or business or interest? You know, podcasts don't have to be public. You can have them secure so they're only heard by your staff or your subscribers. So it could be an alternative to a staff newsletter. one in which your colleagues actually hear managers or co-workers being interviewed.

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Perhaps they listen to the show at their desk or on their commute. My audio and production and presentation experience may be able to help you. So get in touch if you'd like to talk to me about podcast production. Hello at OK, let's move on to this week's Planet Reigate Star Awards, and it's to a young person who lives in our community.

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Helen says, if you have an older teenage son called Alfie... wearing a white t-shirt. He spent well over an hour helping my eight-year-old at the park's skate ramps recently. He was so kind and patient and has taught him how to do loads of things he's been trying to do for ages. I hope his parents know you have raised a very lovely son. So, to those parents, but most of all to Alfie, thank you.

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Yeah, don't forget that if you would like a mention in the Good Time Guide, you have to let us know about it. Now, in the new year, this is going to be particularly important because we're refreshing things a little bit on the podcast. So, again, if you would like a mention for your charity or non-profit event, please let us know.

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You can do that via the form you'll find at or, again, you can write to me, hello, at Please give at least two weeks' notice. Here we go with the events that are happening across the area, across the week ahead. And we're going to start off with Santa, who may be visiting your road.

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These are the dates that the Roundtable has organised, the big man himself, to do just that. Friday the 13th is going to be in the Gatton area, various roads, but that Gatton area itself. Saturday the 14th from 4 o'clock, French's Road. Incidentally, all the other timings are around about 6.30, so Gatton on Friday at 6.30. French's Road, Saturday at 4 o'clock.

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Monday the 16th, South Park around 6.30. Tuesday 17th, Meadvale. 6.30 or so, or from 6.30 through to about 8.45. Thursday the 19th, the Rushits Farm area. Friday the 20th, the Raglan Road area. And Saturday the 21st, a little bit earlier, as I say, from 4 o'clock in the North Merstam area. And Tuesday the 24th in the Lesborne Road area as well.

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So obviously it's going to take a while for him to go down the roads to do all that waving and so on. If you are going to hang out of a window, hold on tight, first of all, or be at a front door, wave like your very Christmas depends on it. Saturday, the 14th of December, also Children's Christmas Concert, which is happening between two and half three at St John the Evangelist Church in Redhill.

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Empty council buildings in Redhill could be taken over by charities and pop-ups on a short-term basis. It's been suggested the short term, what they're called meanwhile leases. I suppose it's kind of a lease while something else is being planned. You know, it's empty at the moment. A shop is going to be coming there. But meanwhile, can we put something else in instead?

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Everyone's welcome to join us for a family festive treat, listening to all the Christmas favourites. Adults £5, children for free. It's all put on by the Band of the Surrey Yeomanry. Carol singing with Include Choir at the Gary Baldy on Saturday at 6.30pm. There's a Christmas tree event which is happening at St Nicholas Church in Charlewood. Two till four on Saturday. £3.50 a child.

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How big is the tree? Essentially, I guess the height contest. You can help them decorate the tree. There's going to be various activity stalls, candle decorations, make boo-boos, decorate biscuits and more and more and more. And also you can have some hot chocolate mince pies. And Christmas fairy cakes will be served as well. All the family is welcome.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Another mention for the Garibaldi, they've got a Christmas market on Saturday. That's between 12 and 6. Enjoy a warm festive drink and pick up some open-air Christmas shopping with stalls from local makers and artisans. There's a children's Christmas concert at St John's Church in Redhill. Adults £5, children for free. That's from 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Sunday is the YMCA Santa Run at 10.30 in Priory Park. Santas of all ages and abilities are invited to spread some festive cheer. Run or walk one or three miles to raise money for YMCA East Surrey. Carol singing at the Belfry, Sunday between 3 and 4. Monday the 16th, Christmas wrapping. Take the stress out of Christmas and go along and get your presents wrapped for a small donation.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Now, if you've ever driven in Reigate, you will know this road. It's part of the one-way system, so you can hardly avoid it. And back in the day... You could have said that this road was the home to the area's first, well, what would now be called, leisure park. I've got the details a little bit later on. Elsewhere in the news, possible changes to local school holiday dates.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Again, it's happening at the Belfry, Monday and Tuesday the 16th and the 17th.

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10 a.m to 4 p.m wednesday the 18th we've mentioned this a few times various other locations across the planet reigate area tree planting again in reigate 10 a.m can't tell you where it is because i don't know you'll find out once you register you do that via a complicated eventbrite link for more information get in touch with me i'll put you in touch with them

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Friday the 20th of December at the Gary Baldy Christmas Singalong with Nicky Franklin from 6.30pm. A week ahead, Saturday the 21st of December, there's going to be an event which is going to be happening at St John's Community Centre in Redhill. So this is going to be happening on Saturday the 21st between 10 and 10.45pm.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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for children in preschool and reception £7.50 and Monday the 23rd between 9 and 12 for children in years 1 to 6 £20 so this is various events which are happening if you've got the kids on your hand at the start of the school Christmas holidays Rihanna at or 07954785064 if you would like to book your place for that.

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And we'll be back with some more events over the Christmas period next week and also, of course, it's going to be part two of our story of Bancroft Road on the Planet Rygate podcast.

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week, to the castle in Reigate. Hear Chiff Chaff, Blackbird, Thrush, Wren, Robin, Blue Tit and Crow.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And it's to combat the nearly £620,000 spent by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council every year on vacant units in the borough. Why £620,000? Well, three quarters of that is actually spent maintaining properties in Redhill, going on things like business rates, insurance and utility bills. So... Yeah, they're called meanwhile leases.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It essentially allows for the temporary occupation of a retail unit, of a shop unit in a town centre, without the lengthy admin and legal process going forward. So it means that non-commercial occupiers, charities, for example, who wouldn't normally be able to afford the rent, can actually take advantage of that site as soon as possible. Let's get someone in. Let's have some lights on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Let's have some heating on. Let's get maybe a little bit of money. And also what it means is there's a presence on the high street, doesn't it? So that obviously increases footfall and it reduces crime, antisocial behaviour, that kind of thing. And it would mean that some spare space is able to be used by some charities or non-profits until the Harlequin reopens.

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Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Yes, some of these spaces may not be shops at all, but there may be places for people to meet, there may be rehearsal areas, there may be places for book circles and that kind of group, but maybe the council could be paying for themselves for local interest groups.

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You remember in our special edition of the Planet Reigate podcast a couple of weeks ago that this is something exactly that was being proposed by council leader Richard Beaks. And if you want to hear a bit more about what he said about that, listen back to episode 64B and most notably 64C as well, where he said that he was looking at other areas where local groups could meet.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So maybe this is the thinking behind that. The Green Party locally has suggested that multiple empty spaces in the Light Shopping Centre in Redhill could be used for Christmas charity appeals or community groups as well. Two ambulance services facing operation and financial challenges have agreed to collaborate to find a way to work together to drive down costs and improve patient care.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So we have South East Coast Ambulance Service, which always sounds a little bit odd, doesn't it, in Surrey. It covers Kent and... and Surrey and Sussex. Kind of makes sense to have that name for Kent and Sussex. They have a coast. We don't, obviously, in Surrey. But anyway, that's what it's called. CCAM and South Central Ambulance Service.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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That's the group that covers Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire and Oxfordshire. The Trust would still retain their independence, but they would share things. They haven't explained exactly what they would share, but it's usually things like garages or maintenance or procurement, you know, buying things and things like that, training exercises. There's parts of Surrey and Sussex Police.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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who share things as well isn't there for major crimes for example and also police dog training so i guess it would work in a similar respect to that are you struggling at the moment do you need a little bit more money i mean are you seriously in need or maybe you know someone else who is the henry smith charity is based in hawley we've spoken about this on the program before

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The charity helps people in Hawley, Salfords, South Earlswood and Sidlow who are facing financial challenges as a result of their social or economic circumstances. Now you can apply for more money. It's for help with what they call home essentials, clothing, student materials, mobility aids and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more

545.131 or you can call 01293 782 629 so you can get an application form and learn a little bit more about it. Local charities and community groups in Surrey are invited to apply for funding from the Gatwick Airport Community Trust. Now around £250,000 is available. It's entirely funded by Gatwick Airport.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Empty council buildings in Redhill could be taken over by charities. Our local ambulance service is going to start collaborating with one for Hampshire and Berkshire. I'll tell you why. We've got a lot of local news about some local charities this week. I'll tell you how you can get money to help with essentials if you're struggling to make ends meet at the moment.

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The trust supports initiatives that improve the quality of life for communities around the airport. Applications are open until the 31st of March next year. And it aims to make a positive difference in communities affected by COVID. the airport's operations.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


It's been going for about 20 years already and it provides funds for local projects, things like youth programmes, environmental improvements and things like that as well. All sorts of groups have taken advantage so far. Your group can as well. Go to g-a-c-t dot org dot uk. G-A-C-T, Gatwick Airport Community Trust. G-A-C-T dot org dot uk. OK, got another charity story now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The SASH charity is based at East Surrey Hospital. Surrey and Sussex Healthcare Charity is what it stands for. Your chance to win a helicopter experience and help people with cancer here in Surrey. All you need to do is bid in their silent auction for a 30-minute VIP helicopter experience over London for your chance to create an unforgettable memory with your loved ones.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, maybe you've got someone in your family... who is really difficult to buy for. And this could be their ticket to something altogether a little bit different. You would leave from Beacon Hill with yourself and three people, so four people in total. Now, the bids close on the 16th of December at 5pm, so not many days to go now. And the winner is announced on, appropriately, Christmas Day.

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You can email at, so S-A-S-H. dot charity at and every bid supports the sash cancer fund helping improve care at surrey and sussex healthcare nhs trust essentially that's the surrey hospital more details sash charity dot org slash appeals slash helicopter

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Well, a round of applause is in order for the winner of the Surrey County Council Make It Happen Community Award, sponsored by Connect2Surrey. Yeah, congratulations to the Lucy Rayner Foundation, who work to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of depression in young people.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


And this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to Episode 66. This is your Planet Reigate Podcast. covering Reigate, Redhill and Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, down to Hawley and over to Charleswood and outward as well. And our main feature this week, well, we're starting a mini-series on the intriguing and significant history of one of our local roads.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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from Stripey Stork they've got some amazing news as well they've reached their match funding target of £80,000 they say they're really grateful to every individual business and community group that donated they say you've amazed us once again Team Stork is simply the best

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


And it's because of that support they go into 2025 with the confidence that they have the resources to meet the growing demand for safer places to sleep. They say it's not uncommon for them to support 300 households each week. So every donation made recently will continue to make a real impact, helping Stripey Stork provide the essential items that make a difference to families across Surrey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Two local charities have funds that you can apply for. Another local charity is inviting you to bid in a silent auction for a helicopter experience over London. Congratulations to another charity who've won a big local award. How a local church is helping you if you work from home and are struggling to meet your fuel bills.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

66: 1/4 - The story of Bancroft Road, Reigate 1 – the intriguing story of what was built there, why and who by… and more


Stripey Stork, of course, based in Reigate. Yeah, there's another round of applause for our friends over because they have hit a target as well. They are so grateful. A huge thank you, they say, to all of their 210 donors recently. Huge amount of support for their Christmas challenge. We spoke about this in the program a couple of weeks ago with their Christmas chain appeal.

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They say thanks to everyone who shared our campaign with other people as well. amazing members and support workers, volunteers, staff and wonderful reps and thank you to the local organisations for their support as well. Congratulations to you too if you helped them reach their target. Do you work from home? Do you avoid putting the heating on just for you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Well, come to our warm working space, says St Wilfrid's Church Hall, Hawley Row in Hawley, RH6. Work from Wilfs is the name they've given it. Wednesdays, 10 till 2, a warm space, hot drinks, cake, co-workers and free Wi-Fi as well. That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? We've got some great news from Reigate Grammar School. They say they have been named School of the Year 2025 by the Sunday Times.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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In fact, they secured two awards, Independent Secondary School of the Year 2025 and School of the Year Southeast 2025. They say these prestigious accolades, part of the Sunday Times Parent Power Guide, reflect RGS's holistic approach to education, encompassing academic excellence, pastoral care, community engagement and a commitment to providing opportunities through bursaries as well.

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The headmaster says in a quote, "...this recognition celebrates the extraordinary support of our staff, students and families in making RGS such a special place for our students. It strengthens the profile of their education for university applications." to employers and attracting and retaining the very best teachers.

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I don't think I've played our round of applause so often in a single episode before, but got another one for them. And also, let's carry that on for the Federation of Earlswood Schools, who are thrilled to announce that they've achieved Level 3 RHS School Gardening Award.

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A huge thank you to Mandy, they say, for her incredible dedication, and to the children, staff and community for all their hard work in making our outdoor areas flourish. Here's to growing even more together. Growing together. I like that. Good phrase.

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Right go to Banstead Borough Council together with Hawley Town Council want to hear views to help improve sport, exercise and play facilities in open spaces. That links in, doesn't it, with the growing together in Hawley. By taking part, you could be in with a chance to win a £100 shopping voucher.

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So the councils want to hear what you think about Hawley's current open spaces and facilities, how you use them and your ideas about how they could be improved as well. It's all to shape the Borough Council's future plans to make major investment in Hawley's open spaces future.

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to improve facilities for sport and exercise children's play things to do they're particularly interested to know from parents and teenagers about what teenagers actually want in the area because let's let's be totally honest i don't think it would be a great surprise to learn that the people at the town hall are a little bit older And they don't necessarily know what teenagers want.

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In other local news this week, the local school that's the best in the country, another one that's won another award. How you can have your say on play areas in Hawley. A local cafe is starting to sell hot food for the first time in months. There's a Christmas drinks gathering that you're invited to. A new community initiative at the Belfry, which is free.

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Can you let them know? Yeah, you can. Jolly good. Get in touch with them. As I always say, for more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. That survey closes 9 a.m. 20th of January next year. They're going to analyze the results. Work it all out. Tell us what they found in the spring and hopefully it'll make a difference.

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But it can only make a difference and you'll only get what you want if you tell them what you want ahead of time. We've spoken before, haven't we, several months ago about the Hangar 9 cafe over at the Aerodrome. And they took over from the previous cafe that was there. But people kind of said, well, hold on. You've only got sandwiches and tea and coffee. You haven't got much going on here.

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We are pleased to announce... that at last, on Monday, December the 16th, they're going to start their new menu, which will, ladies and gentlemen, include hot dishes, including breakfast and burgers and pastas, as well as the sandwiches and kid-friendly options as well. Yes, the Hangar 9 Cafe is doing hot food once again. The Redhill Business Guild have been in touch.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


I'm loving the blue sofa. Let's sit down on the blue sofa. Oh, I'm about to collide with various parrots hanging from the ceiling. Let's talk a little bit, Katie, about how you got started because a lot of people will know you, will know the shop, will have seen the shop or studio, I suppose it is really, rather than shop, isn't it?

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fantastic it's gone from strength to strength yeah yeah it's been a wonderful journey but you're looking at moving yeah okay we'll come to that a little bit later on because that'll be a nice way to to finish our chat and so on right okay so let's get up again and let's move around and you can tell me what kinds of things that you do here so obviously the painting but painting's a broad brush stroke if you excuse the pun

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If you haven't, details coming your way soon. In sport, we feature a local softball cricket team and Royal Earlswood FC. Old Rigations Rugby Club is celebrating success out of season. And an update on a local charity football match as well. Of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area, across the week.

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Because there's more to painting than just painting, isn't there? Yeah. The different paints you use and also what you paint on.

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Thank you very much for joining me.

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All of these props here that you've got up on the shelves and so on, as well as the bowl of daffodils.

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We're going down to the back of the studio area now. In fact, this is one of your works, isn't it? Over the door into the... Into the storeroom.

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Yeah, so it's just the start of Flanchford Road, isn't it?

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And on our left-hand side, we've got some, again, it's a generic term, but it's probably... Another more specific one, I would say pottery, is that correct?

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So it's tuition, but also it's having a good time and getting your hands dirty.

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Well, let's go back, because I wanted to have a few words with Emerald, who's here. She's one of the students who's learning a little bit more. Let's just eavesdrop a little bit. I say let's eavesdrop, and as soon as I say that, it goes quiet.

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Emerald, let me lean over and be careful not to get some pink paint on my clothes. What are you doing here?

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Planet Reigate stars from Red Hill and our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week. Well, last week we were at a church in Reigate. This week at St Michael's in Betchworth at noon with coal tit, blue tit and great tits.

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Oh, OK. So when you say... Let me move round a little bit. When you say smashing flowers, I don't quite understand. What is that? Literally smashing flowers?

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So you're getting the colours of that flower which is coming out onto the white paper?

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Okay, I'm loving that. Do you submit all of this?

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And do you just submit this and walk away, or do you have to go through it with someone and explain what your thinking was and what you managed to do?

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What do you want to go on and do? Is this something that you aspire to do as a career or is it just a passionate kind of hobby? I appreciate you're taking an exam, but what do you want to do?

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I was just going to say there is a link there, isn't there?

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And also I'm thinking, you with your knowledge and interest about the brain and art, I'm almost thinking that as you're creating art, there are parts of your brain which are growing, which are being kind of woken up, inspired, as you're thinking of different concepts.

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Wow, that's brilliant. Thank you so much. And thank you as well for letting me come over and interrupt your tuition. That sounded great, didn't it?

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So why are you moving? What's going on?

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And we'll continue now with our postbag because it's always really great to hear from you and your comments and letters. Well, not so much letters, more emails or posts to me on social media. Like Maggie got in touch with me in the week and said, Hi, Peter. Thanks so much for the lovely plug you gave us and for the heads up that you are including us in this week's podcast.

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And that's going to be inspiring for people in a different way, isn't it?

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What does creativity do for you?

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It was really lovely to go down there to Somerset Road and Inner Art and speak with Katie Beth. And wasn't Scarlet absolutely fantastic? And her work that she was producing there was equally brilliant as well. So, as I say, they have moved. They are no longer Somerset Road. Not the first time they've moved, actually. The first Inner Art studio opened back in 2017.

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It was tucked away, I don't know whether you remember this, on West Street in Reigate. They actually called it the Hutch. It was so small. It had surprisingly low ceilings and lots of wood lice, apparently, and the Somerset Road location. And now, ladies and gentlemen, they're at Roundwood Lodge, Horse Hill. So that's kind of partway between Reigate and Hawley. It's RH6.

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So just to give you an idea about kind of whereabouts it is, they are a little bit tucked away. So if you go down the Reigate Road towards Hookwood, and then you know you pass those various fields on the left-hand side, and then there's the Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, yeah, just opposite that. And I'm hard-pressed to imagine where this road is. I can't picture it.

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And I've been up and down that road, as you probably have, hundreds, thousands of times over the years. Just opposite the Jehovah's Witnesses, on the right-hand side then, Crutchfield Lane. Now, you turn right up there. It's quite a way up there, but essentially that's where it is. There are inevitably other ways that you can get to Crutchfield. Their location.

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But if you look them up, Roundwood Lodge, Horshill. I've seen a few of their photographs from Katie Beth on social media over the last week as they've been moving in and getting it all ship shape. And it looks superb. I mean, it's going to bring another kind of vibe.

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to the art that they produce fantastic being on a kind of residential road it was an unusual location wasn't it on Somerset Road but being there amongst the tranquility of the woods and the greenery and the open space and the countryside and so on I think that's going to kind of bring a different vibe to what is produced. But look them up if you're interested in what Katie Beth was saying.

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Really inspiring chat. Lovely lady. Roundwood Lodge. Horse Hill. And all their details, of course, on social media, how you can get in touch. Inner Art Studios.

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Also, thanks for the plug for the Gatton Country Fair. Yeah, Maggie is from the Gatton Community Theatre, which I mentioned last week, which has some events going on at the moment. You'll probably remember they've got that kind of touring production all around the Gatton estate. You can go and watch. Written by one of their members. And all sorts of things going on there.

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our news sport weather and travel sequence coming up now also still to come before we go at the end of the show our 60 second soundscape also i'm going to be telling you about some summer clubs so if you've got a youngster in your family and you need to occupy their time over the course of the summer holidays then details on the way about various events and clubs and courses that they can get involved with

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and also Planet Reigate stars and our second round of the Good Time Guide, Monday through next Saturday across the Planet Reigate area. But first of all, as I say, here's our new sequence. Reigate Grammar School said this week that they are proud to congratulate old Reigation, you know who I'm going to say, Sir Keir Starmer, on becoming the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

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They said, Sir Keir's dedication and achievements are an inspiration to our community. We wish him every success in his new role. And they said, a very promising boy. according to his school report when he was there, and they went on, we wish success for him and our country. We stand ready to work in partnership to improve access to great education for all children, especially the most vulnerable.

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Yeah, Zakir lived in Oxted and went to RGS. before it was a fee-paying school. No immediate comment from the school on the new government's plans to end the VAT exemption on private schools and use the money to hire 6,500 teachers in the state sector, incidentally. And you can hear our look back at the scandals of the area's MPs through the ages in last week's edition of the Planet Rygate podcast.

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Well, there's a two-day strike by healthcare assistants at East Surrey Hospital this past week. More than 350 staff at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust were in a dispute over back pay. So let me tell you what the story is and you can decide whose side you're on on this. And of course... That's a bit tribalistic, isn't it, whose side you're on, because usually there's a bit of a grey area.

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But members of the Unison Union at East Surrey Hospital in Redhill, plus also Crawley Hospital and Horsham Hospital, say they've been carrying out work beyond their pay grade for years. A spokesperson for the trust says it was disappointed a pay offer had not been accepted and... This action is taking place while the grievance process is ongoing. So what's behind it all?

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Well, striking staff are on band two of their pay scale, which means they should only do personal care tasks such as washing and bathing or feeding patients. But staff say they've been carrying out clinical duties, which is above their pay grade and on a higher banding. Things like taking blood samples and things like that.

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So the union says the trust had agreed to reband those health care assistants. But what they're not agreeing to, apparently, according to the union, is to give them what they owe them and back pay them for the work they've already done in the past. And they said that amounts to around about £40 a week. Additional strike dates have been set for the 25th and 26th of July.

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The union says it's still open to talks next week to avoid further action. And the trust says they're working closely with those members of staff and the union to find a resolution as soon as possible. More on that story on the BBC website. A driving instructor says he's on a one-man crusade to fix the roads around Redhill Aerodrome Driving Centre. Do you know that neck of the woods?

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So hopefully we'll get down there myself in the coming week. And also the Gatton Country Fair, that was last weekend. Oh dear, oh dear, what terrible weather it was for any fairs and fates and events that you had on last week. Actually, I was outside of the area and I was emceeing a huge event.

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There's some twisty-turny roads around there, aren't there? And I'm just trying to think of what more. Are there road signs missing? Well, I'll tell you the story. The guy is Martin Pitchley. He told Surrey Live that he was shocked at the road conditions in Redhill. He talks about unreadable road markings, overgrown hedges, blocking speed signs and poor road conditions.

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Surrey County Council's Highways Maintenance Officer said the vegetation covering road signs are actually going to be removed as part of a rural cutback in Earlswood and Reigate South on July the 19th, so later on this coming week. Fixing chevrons and replacing speed signs have also been requested. But Martin Pitchley says,

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Students who are just about to take their driving test come out of the centre. They don't know what the speed limit is on that road. He says a speed sign has been knocked over and lying down in a hedge for over six months. And outside the driving test centre, it is in fact, OK, do you know what the speed limit is there? You can picture the stretch of road I'm talking about. The speed limit is 30.

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40 miles an hour. That sounds pretty high to me. Martin says there's no signage until a good few hundred yards up the road, and it's an unsafe speed for that road. It's got so many sharp bends and big lorries. It has got a lot of sharp bends, hasn't it? He says it's not really fair for the students going up to the test centre and taking their test with all of these problems on the road.

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Well, Martin's been speaking to the local democracy reporting service, and you'll be able to read more about this on He says the council's had enough time to fix the issues and wants to see change. He says, I just want this issue to be resolved so students can go up to their driving test, get a fair test, and members of the public aren't going to get hit by a speeding car.

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Well, that sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Surrey County Council say we appreciate the concerns raised and our highways officers have been in communication with the individual to talk through the issues. Well, next time you go around that neck of the woods, you'll be able to see whether in fact anything has changed on Kings Mill Lane.

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Have you ever fancied owning your own pub or at least kind of contributing to owning your own pub? In June 2024, the station pub in Nutfield was added to Tandridge District Council's Register of Assets of Community Values, an ACV. And it was all in response to an application made by Tandridge.

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Cancer Research UK sponsored event which went from essentially nine in the morning till nine at night up in the Midlands and there was all sorts of heavens being opened as that was going on but we got through it and raised a significant amount. for Cancer Research UK up there.

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nutfield parish council yeah the planet reigate podcast does include nutfield and that means they need a planning application to change their use or demolish them and if the owner decides to sell they've got to tell the local authority first of all and then the community has got six months to raise the funds needed to buy it you can tell where i'm going with this and a social media post this week saying we're privileged to live in a village that has a proud track record of community groups and events and

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The key motivation in registering the pub as an ACV is that it gives us an opportunity to at least try to keep it as a pub to improve the services it offers and possibly incorporate other community based activities. Yeah, there are lots of pubs which have got other things going on in them, either run by the community or run by themselves.

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foresighted publicans landlords or chains i mean sometimes they have little village stores in them don't they sometimes banking hubs sometimes post offices or libraries that kind of thing so a community purchase is just one option several others to explore as well and six months Not really much time to mobilize action locally and if need be to raise enough funds to actually buy that building.

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So that post goes on. We're looking to do some preliminary work just to explore different options. And this will need specific knowledge and expertise. Well, we've certainly got that in this neck of the woods, haven't we? We've got all sorts of skilled people. either with their hands or with their brains, and some clever people have got both.

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And for the moment, they say they're looking for volunteers with the following skills to help with the early stage investigations. So are you interested? Do you want to get involved with this? Do you have a background in things like legal issues, finance and funding? Maybe you are or have been a land agent or a surveyor. Do you have industry knowledge or experience with pubs and so on?

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Do you know a bit about marketing and communications? Can you write press releases and flyers and things like that? If you've got expertise and you want to register an interest in being involved, or if you've got any comments ahead of a wider consultation, you can email... stationpubactiongroup at I'll be really, really pleased to hear from you.

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Well, on Monday, the Hangar 9 Cafe opened. Yeah, it's the new cafe at Red Hill Aerodrome. They say it's a tribute to the rich aviation heritage of Hangar 9 and the broader aerodrome. By offering a carefully curated breakfast menu, exceptional coffee and a welcoming atmosphere steeped in history, we honor the past while creating a vibrant space for the present and the future.

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Of course, the old cafe closed down several months ago now, didn't it? and we were waiting to see whether a new one would appear in its wake. They say a breakfast menu. Well, I'm presuming that's going to come, because the menu at the moment, looking at their website, crisps, pastries, cakes, ice cream, hot drinks... tea, cold drinks, smoothies, milkshakes, paninis and sandwiches.

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So hopefully you were able to raise money for your funds, whatever it was that you were involved in or went along to last weekend. In this neck of the woods, maybe you went to Ray Common Ray Fest. They said... We tend to take a moment to appreciate our incredible sponsors, Halliwell Marks, Puddle Ducks HQ, Aptus Technology, and also the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Well, obviously you can have sandwiches for breakfast, but it's not really a breakfast menu. And I know a lot of people did go there for breakfast and for brunches and lunches and things like that for cooked meals. So Maybe that's coming a little bit later down the line or down the runway, I should say.

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Their website says our cafe's location at Redhill Aerodrome is a unique advantage, allowing us to cater to both local residents and visitors from afar. We offer amenities such as free Wi-Fi charging stations and a cosy reading nook stocked with aviation literature.

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enhancing the overall customer experience whether you're a pilot an aviation enthusiast or a local resident our cafe is the place where history and hospitality converge providing a unique and memorable experience for all so it's really good that local people are going to be allowed to go on to the aerodrome site to go to that cafe i've been there well

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haven't we all, a number of times over the years. I remember sitting there. Was it last summer? I think it was last summer with the other half and watching the planes go off and digging into some sandwiches and things and just kind of sitting there and relaxing and watching some kids play and say, oh, that's the BBC News helicopter. Oh, that's the air ambulance and things like that.

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And just watching them come into land and take off It's a fun old time, isn't it? So, what do we know about Redhill Aerodrome? It's an historic aviation hub with the stories past, dating back to its establishment in 1933. And it was originally built to serve the needs of the Redhill Flying Club and quickly became a focal point for aviation enthusiasts and professionals.

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And Hangar 9 is one of the aerodrome's iconic structures. It actually began operations back in 1934 for the club and obviously a base for early aviation activities. And of course, nowadays, I mentioned the BBC News helicopter and the air ambulance and lots of other commercial aviation services there. as well as the helicopters, fixed-wing charter services.

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They've also got a training school there for flyers, for pilots, aircraft maintenance and so on, private aircraft, so all sorts of people going out of there, professionals, recreationals as well, and all of that history behind it. So Hangar 9. they say, is open for business. So you may want to go down there. If you want to check out some more details, The nine is a digit.

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Hangar, H-A-N-G-A-R. I only say that because I misspelled it the first time. Hangar. It sounded like Pamela from Gavin and Stacey there. Um, Korea, well, we've got one cafe opened. We've got a restaurant opening now. A Korean-Japanese eatery, Kokoro, is now opening Cage Yard. That's near Morrison's in Reigate. There's already a Kokoro, isn't there, in Redhill?

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Another one up the way, further down the A25 in that town called... I can't really bring myself to... All right, then. Dawking. And you can eat in or take away a Kokoro. What does... What does Kokoro mean? Do you know? What does Kokoro mean? K-O-K-O-R-O. It means heart, soul and spirit. So why is the restaurant called Kokoro?

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They say we put our heart, soul and spirit into the food that we make for our customers. So we've got a cafe that's opened, a restaurant that's opened and also... What about this? Nisau or Nisau or Nisau? How are you pronouncing it in Reigate? They are one years old. They say we couldn't have asked for a better welcome from you all. And we've enjoyed every single part so far.

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We're hoping many more years to come at their new home in Reigate. If you haven't popped in, they say we'd love to see you. And for all that have been continuing to support us, thank you. We couldn't do anything without your support and visits. So congratulations to that one year old. We've got another brand new restaurant opening up as well.

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They said, thank you for making Rayfest possible this year. We couldn't do it without you. So thanks very much indeed, guys.

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We're excited to share that we're opening a new restaurant, The Corrala in Reigate on July the 12th. So if you haven't been in there, Yet, then of course, get in there soon, opening today as I record this Friday. We specialise in authentic South Indian cuisine. We'd be thrilled if you could mention us on your podcast, they say. Well, of course, guys, I'm hoping for a...

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I don't know, a free bowl of plain rice next time I pop in. Don't want to push me like that. Thank you for considering our restaurant, The Corrala. If you don't know where that is, it's 25 to 29 Church Street. That doesn't mean much to anyone, does it? 25 to 29 Church Street in Reigate. So I can tell you exactly where it is. It's behind Boots the Opticians.

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If you want to book up details, 01737 238951. So Corrala Restaurant. Reached out, got in touch on Insta DM. So thanks very much indeed for that, guys. And congratulations to you. Wish you a long and happy future in the town. However, we've got a bit of sad news. Mentioned a cafe and restaurants which have opened. And we've got this news in. It's with a heavy heart.

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We've had to announce that we're going to be closing New Leaf Coffee Shop down there at Wood Hatch, the other side of Cockshaw Hill. The coffee shop's last day of trading will be Saturday. Yeah, this Saturday the 13th.

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for that and also did i mention this before a message from sally pets dog rescue on social who said simply we love your podcast and also katherine who bought us a coffee she says thank you for all your good work emma says thank you so much it's wonderful and nick mentioned love the podcast and how you've set everything up it's all very very impressive

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um that they say we're truly sorry we're having to close we're not able to give our coffee shop customers more notice either school holidays are our quietest time and we must also this summer spend as much time as we can as a family it also coincides with a couple of the new leaf team due to start new careers or further education so we'll have least impact on our excellent team sending our love and thanks to all of our community

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We truly hope that you can all understand and respect this difficult decision. Max and Kerin, we wish you all the best. Now, it's only the coffee shop that's closing. The other part of that kind of double-fronted store is not closing, so the sustainability shop.

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is still there and i remember speaking to karen on episode one of the planet reigate podcast what nearly a year ago now karen and we went down there had a look at the sustainability shop and also went into the coffee shop as well and i've been in there since as well uh guys we wish you every best wish for the future Okay, let's go to the Belfry now.

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This summer, they say, we want to see what you're buying. It doesn't mean that the security staff are going to have a nose in your bag. Nothing like that. They say they've created a special Belfry content creation corner. All the C's there to film or take photos of your Belfry Hall. So the idea is that you go along, you do some shopping, and then you film Belfry.

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a haul video, H-A-U-L video, a haul video, and you take your followers, your fans, your supporters, and also the Belfry as well, through an unboxing, or maybe put everything out on a flat lay, and things like that, maybe hold things up.

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I would suggest you don't start changing your clothes in the Belfry show, not there in the mate, no, I wouldn't do that, but upload whatever you capture onto social media, Use the hashtag. I'm doing that thing with the two fingers on both hands, making a hashtag. Use the hashtag Belfry Hall, all one word, obviously. It's a hashtag.

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And the best post will win £100 in Belfry shopping vouchers to spend on another new hall. And that content creation corner, I have seen it. It's on the lower level. It's just by the stairs there. between M&S and Waterstones on the lower level. So what could it be? Maybe you've bought some new clothes, books, stationery, health, beauty. Maybe you've had your nails done.

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You could do a close-up of your nails. Maybe you've got some text, whatever, a bag of treats that you've got, or maybe just one or two items. Capture it in any way you want to to enter hashtag belfryhall. And you could win £100 worth of vouchers. Now, what do you reckon to that pedestrian tunnel between the Toby Carvery on Redstone Hill in Redhill and Marketfield Way?

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Well, the East Redhill Residents Association have been in conversation with That's the Reigate Redhill and District Rail Users Group, the Community Rail Partnership and local councillors, to see whether they can all get together to improve the condition of that pedestrian tunnel and maybe have some community artwork, maybe a mural depicting local scenes inside.

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Do you support that idea? Do you reckon it's going to be a good one? Could you get involved? Do you have some kind of expertise? If you do, Sharon would like to hear from you. Sharon at So that's a community rail partnership, isn't it? Sharon, normal spelling, at to register your support.

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Well, we just mentioned all sorts of events which happened last week. Now let's mention all sorts of events which are happening this weekend in our Good Time Guide.

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And they say simply, the more support we get, the more likely it is that the project will go ahead. Talking about clearing things up and cleaning things up, I can tell you about the Reigate Business Guild, which was out and about in Reigate last weekend. They say thank you to those guild members and local residents for joining us for our litter pick in the town centre.

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They said the next litter pick is planned for Sunday the 6th of October from half past nine. So you can put that date in your diary if you're going to be free then. Thank you to the Business Guild members, also Tim Greenwood and associates, friends of Reigate Business Guild, Guild Director Caroline Clark, House of Building, WS Planning and Architecture, Reigate Psychology Service.

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Limpio Managed Services, Stanton Property Construction Limited. It's good to give them all a load of support, isn't it? And a bit of a shout out on the Planet Reigate podcast. At Robinson's 1992 PSDS and local residents for getting involved, helping to keep one of the Planet Reigate towns spic and span just out of the school halls.

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Monica says, a while back, she says, I got such a wonderful response to my plan of starting up a musical theatre choir, and the idea is now a reality. We're starting up in September. Feel free to check it out and to sign up. No experience required, but plenty of solo opportunities for the more experienced singer. Me, I would hide in a choir, probably at the back.

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mouthing the words uh be like that what is it john redwood mouthing the words to the welsh national anthem on that video uh where it's going to be room one and two in st mary's church hall and chart lane when well it's all going to start off Tuesday the 24th of September. Yeah, it's another choir in our local area. There's going to be 12 sessions ahead of Christmas from September, 7.45 to 9.15.

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If you want some more details on that, you want to sign up. If you want some more details on that. Do you know about St. Nicholas Church in Charlewood? Well, a community group is making a set of three applique wall hangings there. The first one being created is of St. Christopher carrying Jesus.

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They say well on the way to completing it with more so in a minor amendments being made each time we meet. And the second is going to beat St. Nicholas with the final one of St. Margaret. Now, all sorts of sessions are booked for August and September, and the group meet in the St. Nicholas Room in Charlewood. Sorry, no saint, the Nicholas Room, Charlewood.

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And the next stage is to frame the wall hanging onto a binding before stitching tabs so it can be hung up in the church. If you are interested, Sarah would like to hear from you. Sarah Parks-Young. 0-7752-90-2020. Sarah's got one of those fantastic phone numbers. 0-7752-90-2020. It's the St. Nicholas Church Wall Hangings Project, if you want to know a little bit more about that.

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And if you want to mention for your event, let us know about it. Fill out the form you'll find in the Planet Reigate podcast. Give us a couple of weeks' notice so we can get it incorporated in the scripts and produce it. And also, you can get more mentions and early mentions to get those early ticket sales with one of our Planet Reigate supporters packages. You can ask me for more information.

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And you heard about it on the Planet Rygate podcast. In our sports, join us. That is the appeal from Rygate Priory softball cricket team. They're looking for new members of all ages and abilities. I say all ages, age 15 and above. And they say you can join their training sessions at Park Lane Rygate Tuesdays from 7 through till half past 8. More information, rpladylamas at

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Always amuses me when I read about the llamas, lady or indeed otherwise. Also, 2024-25 season new player recruitment is ongoing for the Royal Earlswood FC thereafter the under-15s, year 10 from September. Yeah, they're looking for new players. to join their friendly, successful under-15s team, All Abilities Welcome, Just Turn Up.

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I've got something else to tell you about here. You remember a couple of weeks ago we told you, staying with football, about Rygate Wanderers, who held a charity football match recently to raise money for the Shooting Stars Children's Hospice. Well, they sent me an update. They say it went really well. Thanks very much indeed for mentioning it on the show. Managed to raise over £1,000.

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So they say that means we've raised £2,100 in the last year. So congratulations to them. The match ended 5-4 to Reigate Wanderers. with Jago Cable of Rye Gate Wanderers and Rob Cheal of Pilgrim All-Stars getting man of the match for some great defensive performances, not to mention an honourable mention of Joe Stev, who got a hat-trick for Rye Gate Wanderers as well. Congratulations to all of you.

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From football to rugby, an old Rygations rugby club, they've got a bit of good news. They're delighted that their club honorary secretary, Colts manager, general all-round club supporter, Kate Barinda Ross, was recognised at the Surrey Rugby Awards last week, getting the More Than A Game Award. And they say, thank you, Kate, for all that you do.

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And we can certainly say we agree with that on the Planet Rygate podcast. Got some weather stats coming through. Summer so far has been a bit of a washout, hasn't it? Let's see what our resident expert Professor Weather says on his printout. Here we go. Yeah, well, it doesn't come as much of a surprise.

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The prof says we've recorded our second wettest start to the month with 23.2 millimetres of rain so far up till last Sunday, the 7th. Frankly, I'm surprised it's not more. The average is 8.9 millimetres from the 1st to the 6th of July. So the average is 8.9. We had 23.2. Lordy, lordy. The average for the whole month is 54.2 millimetres, so we've had 43% of that already.

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Last Friday... Cast your mind to what you were doing last Friday, the 5th. Were you getting ready for a... for a fair or a fate? And you looked out of the window and you slapped your forehead and you thought, no, no, please make it stop. Please make it stop. Last Friday the 5th was the 9th wettest July day in Reigate, recorded by Professor Weather.

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Hello at Well, of course, we'll start off with Friday. And indeed, across the weekend, it is, of course, the pub in the park in Reigate. All sorts of musicians taking part. Friday night, it's Sam Ryder, The Blue Tones, Modern Love and Cellar Door. Saturday afternoon, it's Melanie See, Levi Roots.

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And not only has it been the second wettest start to July in Reigate, it's also the coldest start to the month at an average of 14.9. Where's the sun gone? Go to the lost and found. We're nearly 3 degrees Celsius below the average. At the average for Reigate in this month is usually 17.7 degrees Celsius. So it's not going at all well, is it, frankly?

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Travel and weather together on the Planet Railgate podcast. Part of the M25 is closed this weekend for a full weekend to allow for further works. So it's junctions 10 to 11, closed from 9pm tonight, Friday the 12th to 6am Monday the 15th. It's all because of that bridge they're putting in. at the roundabout at Junction 10. It's the third of five full weekend closures of the M25 to take place.

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There's another couple due before the year is out. That diversion route from our direction, exit the M25 at 10, take the exit to the northbound A3, go to Paines Hill Junction and then head towards Woking and Byfleet and then you go down the A320 to the M25 junction

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I've got details later. Plus, in the news this week, what Sir Keir Starmer's old school has said about his new job. A two-day strike by healthcare assistants at East Surrey Hospital this past week. I'll explain what's been going on. A driving instructor says he's on a one-man crusade to fix the roads around Redhill Aerodrome Driving Test Centre. I explain more a little bit later on.

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junction 11 and also i can tell you about that as part of surrey county council's commitment to improving roads and pavements linkfield lane red hill has been selected for pavement works so the work's going to start uh tomorrow saturday the 13th for 50 days monday to friday 9 30 to 2 30 and the road is going to be closed from dane's hill to the a25 station road roundabout west side

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And outside number 37 to Lewis Court entrance on the east side. So only one footway is going to be worked on at any one time. The work outside the school is going to be carried out during the school holidays. So a bit of sense there. And they say we're going to make sure you can get to and from your house or business when it is safe to do so.

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So if you need to do that, speak to a member of staff on site. They say it's our intention to construct a new raised zebra crossing outside St Joseph's at the school and to resurface part of Linkfield Lane from Flint Close to Station Road roundabout during the same period to minimise disruption. So they're putting various works all together at the same time, which makes sense.

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Currently, we're finalising the arrangements with contractors. Further details will be made available and will be delivered to all residents. So if you're in that neck of the woods, expect another missive from the County Council coming to you over the next few days if you haven't had it already. And usually they'll put up those notices, don't they?

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Tie them with string or those plastic ties on the lampposts and so on around the area. Or somebody on site, I'm sure, will be able to help you as well.

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And that stretch of road outside on Linkfield Lane there, it's just beyond Donny's. It's kind of on that Donning section, isn't it? There. That is terrible. I've been up there a few times. My car is quite low. It's a bit of a sporty number. And it means I have to go dead slow over that rough road. There's some rough stretches of road, aren't there, in our neck of the woods, dear?

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We should do something like a kind of pothole patrol, shouldn't we, really? On the way, we're going to be mentioning some summer clubs which are upcoming in the not-too-distant future, i.e. the summer in the school halls. Planet Reigate stars on the way as well. and our 60-second soundscape.

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First of all, here's our second stint at the Good Time Guys, giving you things to do and places to go across the Planet Reigate area over the course of Monday through until next Saturday. So Monday, the 15th of July, there's a brush party, which is happening at the market stores in Reigate. It's a unique and fun night out. Come on your own or with friends.

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And Saturday evening, it's McFly and Sunday, Gabrielle scouting for girls, the Hoosiers and the Jay Rayner sex dead. Plus, of course, all sorts of pubs and restaurants and chefs taking part. Including Tom Kerridge, Andy Oliver, Simon Rimmer, Jay Rayner, Matt Tebert, Candice Brown, DJ BBQ and Chops and Becky XL as well. Over 40 dishes across 10 restaurants.

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Grab a drink and a paintbrush as we walk you step by step through creating your own masterpiece. It's between 7 and 10 in the evening. Painting Summer of Love. That's going to be the theme. So they say... Do turn up and you can get some more information,, and search for that event happening in Reigate on Monday.

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Tuesday the 16th at the Archway Theatre in Hawley is brassed off, so strikes cost of living crisis and community morale at an all-time low, except it's 1994. And the idea is that it's all said, well, you know Brastoff, don't you? I'm sure you do. You've seen the TV, sorry, the film.

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In the Yorkshire mining town of Grimley, band leader Danny's dreams of leading the colliery brass band to victory in the national championships at the Albert Hall seem out of tune with reality. See what they did as workers choose between picket lines and redundancy packages. But when Flugelhorn playing, Gloria returns to her hometown. Who was Gloria?

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In the film, I'm trying to remember who Gloria was. Heads are turned, spirits are raised, and the band get their oompa back. But what's the real reason for Gloria coming back? And can a community that's fighting to maintain dignity and hope survive another set of betrayals? Brast off, you know the award-winning film. Now you can see the acclaimed stage play as well.

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It's happening at the Archway Theatre in Hawley. Tell you what, we've been hearing from Greg Field, who's the director. Take it away, Greg.

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And I really particularly enjoyed saying the word flugelhorn a few moments ago. I don't think I've ever said that on air or on a podcast before. And Gloria. Yeah, of course, Gloria was played by Tara Fitzgerald. Allow me a moment. Right, yeah, back to reality. I can tell you that the Planet Rygate podcast is proud to be official media partner with the Archway Theatre in Hawley.

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For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. Have a moment. The Redhill Business Guild is having a meeting and that is going to be on Tuesday. Yeah, Tuesday the 16th of July. It's at the Harlequin Pop-Up in the Belfry in Redhill. All sorts of people are going to be speaking there. You can...

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Learn about a few local businesses and also what's happening in the town as well. So if you've got an interest, then you do need to search for Redhill Business Guild online and tell them that you're interested in going along. You can go along for free for the first one. And after that, they do kind of say understandably.

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You know, what about putting your hand in your pocket and actually joining up here? But it is well worth doing because you do get to learn what is going on in the local area. I mean, obviously, you do that anyway via the Planet Reigate podcast. But you can go along there and you can hear various kind of pitches and presentations. They're really short. You can mingle with other people.

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And also something which is new this year. They're delighted to introduce their homegrown area, filled with fantastic homegrown talent from the Planet Reigate area. So six amazing local businesses joining them this year to celebrate all things local.

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A bit of networking going on. And you get to have a free drink as well. I say free. Obviously, it's paid for out of the subs. So you get the idea with that. Jamie Amos is a name you know because we featured him, we heard from him in episode 32 of the Planet Rygate podcast. He's a young musician and a local mentor as well.

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Goes into local schools and produces music and is heavily involved with the new music scene locally. And Jamie has been telling me there's a fantastic opportunity for any budding songwriters out there because there's a songwriting camp which is coming to Bower Hill Farm and it's going to be free. For the day. Yeah, absolutely. Free, free, free. And you can camp there as well.

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That's available with a donation. But the whole idea is that it starts on Tuesday, the 16th of July. It's also another event on the 23rd and August the 2nd, 3rd and 20th as well. And to all intents and purposes, Jamie is going to be leading a songwriting camp. So you can go along there. You can learn some of the techniques there.

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And it's not as basic, is it, as just writing a poem and then putting it to music. There's a different kind of structure about the verses and the choruses and how you come in and how you finish off. Yeah, you know, it's not just the lyrics either. Obviously, it's songwriting. So if you're interested in that, or maybe you know a young person who is, it's a little bit different. It is free.

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Jamie is the person behind it. if you want some more details on that. Pleased to give him a plug. Friend of the show. Thanks, Jamie. Thanks, Jamie.

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Wednesday the 17th of July, East Surrey Walkers Group have got an event at Brockham and you're meeting in Brockham Village by the village pump there and you can use their car park or you can find parking in the village and it's a different walk from the usual Brockham circuit.

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This one is a figure of eight around Betchworth Golf Course and local farms as well, followed by a lovely circuit to Betchworth and back close to the River Mole, far-reaching views and actually they're going to be finishing off in a local pub at the Grumpy Mole Fish Pie. If I ever go to the Grumpy Mole, it's the fish pie for me, on the Inn of the Green. So you can use the Grumpy Mole car park.

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For example, Crumbs Brewery, the local brewery who take loaves that would otherwise go unsold from their local bakery and turn them into beer, as you probably know. Nisau, a local Cypriot restaurant who partner with local independent vendors and make everything fresh in their restaurant. Thank you very much. Hurt Liqueur, local liqueur made from the locally sourced hurt berry.

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Okay, that's on Wednesday. Thursday, the 18th of July, there's a yoga class. Thursdays, 7 to 8.15 at Buckland Park Lake. It's a new yoga class there. And they say, been teaching now for over a decade and currently training in kundalini yoga. And it's brilliant. Yoga is the most versatile and abundant form of practice around.

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It incorporates so many different aspects of well-being and is something to offer everyone. It's not just the movement itself. It could be breath work, could be meditation. So, are you interested in yoga and kundalini yoga? It could change the way how you feel on an energetic and emotional level. What is kundalini yoga? It's often referred to as the yoga of awareness.

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It works with a carefully curated set of exercises that can include breath work, hand gestures, spoken word, meditation and movement exercises. often repetitive and held for longer periods than other styles of yoga, to achieve a specific outcome. That sounds a bit different, doesn't it? Are you interested? 7 to 8, 15. A couple of classes this month. Thursday, the 18th of July is the next one.

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So if you're interested, NCAA. As I say, with all of these, if you miss any details or if something doesn't quite make sense, get in touch with me and I'll pass on the details to you on a one-to-one basis. Well, talking of yoga, what about a pregnancy relaxation evening also happening on the 18th? This one at St John Church Community Hall in Redhill, 7.15 to 8.30.

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Calm, relaxed space, an opportunity to relax, unwind with other mums-to-be. And you can share your pregnancy journey if you want to as well. And also you can hear a little talk... about a birth topic, a bit of education. Also, practice breathing techniques as well, and you'll finish the session with a nice, deep relaxation. Unwind, connect with your body and your baby-to-be.

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If you want, then you can... These tickets sometimes nowadays, I don't know whether you know, via slash beyourownbirth is the way to go, or becca, B-E-C-C-A, As well as our Monday to Friday look, we also look forward to the next Saturday as well, so you've got a bit of advance notice.

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And Bletchfest's Music in the Meadow at Grange Meadow, Bletchingly. Yeah, we sometimes give Bletchingly a bit of a shout-out as well, because it does come into RH1. It bludgeoningly gets bigger and better every year. This year's event has got three great bands, Los Doritos, Jungle Brew, and also something like that.

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With gates opening at 5pm, Music in the Meadow is probably one of the region's best value outdoor music festivals. General admission, £10 for seniors, £5 for juniors, no hidden transaction charge, and parking is free. Tickets are on sale now. Go to You can find out more information on the bands, and you can book your place as well. Horse Hills Riding for the Disabled Group.

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I, several years ago, did quite a bit of work for the Riding for Disabled Group, the one near Epsom, as it happened. Fun Dog Show at Lye. It's all part of their flower show at Lye Recreation Ground. Saturday the 20th at 2 o'clock, £3 entry per class. Fun classes with prizes, including The Prettiest Bitch and Most Handsome Dog, Best

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Best veteran, best trick, best puppy, best rescue, dog the judge would most like to take home, and the best in show as well. So, winners from the previous classes. If you're interested in that, I know a certain dog that would really be the best trickster. My little dog, Loopy. Not my dog, but a dog I know called Loopy. Ah, loopy. Missed your loops. Hope you're well.

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If you're interested in that, the live flower show. So let's tell you a bit more about the live flower show. It's at the Country Fair, Saturday the 20th at the Recreation Ground, as previously mentioned, from 12 noon.

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It's going to be a tea tent bar, food court, craft stalls, jazz band, rock choir, children's entertainment and rides, classic vehicles, demonstrations and... Stand back, stand back, chainsaw carving as well... free parking is going to be going on there. Little Pickles Market is back in Reigate this month for a nearly new sale for baby and children's clothes, toys and accessories.

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Saturday the 20th, 10 till half 11 at Reigate Park Church, £1 entry for adults and Little Pickles go free. Book your ticket online or pay cash on the door. The events are cash only, so please bring cash and you pay individual sellers for those items. So if you're interested in that, slash surrey.

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And those stars could be anywhere in your walk of life. They could be somebody that you pay to help you. They could be a next door neighbour. It could be a total stranger or it could be a member of staff. Here is this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. Hello, I was the crazy lady in Sainsbury's who got her trolley stuck on the travel later earlier. Thank you very much.

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This intricately crafted liqueur is a unique, versatile complement to add to your favourite sparkling wines and gins. Talking of which, Bats Hill Gin, local distillery who make award-winning spirits at their micro distillery located on Brightly Farm in Outwood. And these guys we mentioned a couple of three weeks ago, Urban Sips. Yes, a new business founded in Reigate.

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Not a lot of people would help you. So, thank you all once again. So, if you helped that lady on the travel later at Sainsbury's, if you were that member of staff or maybe a complete stranger passing by, you all deserve a sprinkle of Stardust from the Planet Reigate Star Awards. OK, our regular look at various summer holiday clubs.

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Advance notice, things that are happening on weekdays for young people over the course of the summer. And, yeah, here we go. Monday, 22nd July, Step In Time Theatre School. They have a holiday club for children aged 4 to 12. Weeks filled with fun and popular themes, they say. The Greatest Showman, week one. Movie Mania, week two. Matilda, week three.

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And they say operating hours are eight till three. Early drop-off available. Late pick-up available as well. 22nd of July to the 26th, 29th of July to the 2nd of August and the 5th of August through to the 9th of August. And that's all happening at Lime Tree Primary School.

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And there are various prices, but essentially, they say, your children can learn how to sing, dance and act, build confidence, make new friends, have lots of fun, singing, dancing, acting lessons. Lessons are taught by industry professionals, they say, as well.

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and uh slime talent show arts and crafts clay making live show t-shirt designing chocolate making all sorts of things are going on so you want to go to and then look for step hyphen in time theater school

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summer holiday fun at gatton park forest fun woodland crafts and enjoy a snack around the campfire two to seven years 10 pound a child 10 till 12 or 130 to 330 monday the 22nd thursday 25th monday the 29th monday the 5th monday the 12th thursday the 15th and monday the 19th of august Also, summer holiday trails and tales.

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You can listen to a popular story and go for a walk in the park to bring it to life and create artwork linked to the story as well. Two to four-year-olds, 10 to 11.30, 1.30 to 3, £8.50 a child, featuring on various dates the very hungry caterpillar, the Gruffalo, the tiger who came to tea, the singing mermaid, all the singing mermaids on my birthday. So you may want to look up details for that.

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Oh, one more here on the other page. Room on a Broom. And also Deer Zoo as well. So if you want some more details about all of those, check out Gatton Park. They'll have all the details for you on that one. Wednesday the 24th summer camps start for kids critters. 24th and 30th of July, 20th and 26th of August. It's all based in Brockham. £9 to £12, £35 a head. Hang out with the Critters.

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Learn and create magnificent masterpieces as well. Tiffany at They have details for you there. Summer holidays, Wednesday the 24th to Friday the 26th of July, it's a wild thing. Monday the 29th to Friday the 2nd of August, forest school and friends. The 5th to the 9th of August, carnival circus fun. And the 12th to the 16th of August... Made and baked with love.

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So various events going on, 8 till 1, 1 till 6, or 8 to 6pm. Various hours, various prices. It's all happening at Rygate Parish Church Primary School. All food included, so that may be useful for you. or 07733 740 242 for more details on that. Another one here for you. Minds in Motion Holiday Camp at Rygate Priory Junior School.

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Urban Sips creates cocktails in a can inspired by iconic locations around the globe. So it's not too late. You can still buy your tickets. for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And as I say, get to go along and enjoy the work, not only of those various chefs, some of our local vendors and also the music of Sam Ryder, McFly, Mel C, Gabrielle and much, much more.

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Dates 29th of July to the 2nd of August and then the 5th to the 9th. Details mindsinmotionhc at or check out Reigate Roses have various holiday camps going on. Netball training for years 2 to 13, so that's ages 6 to 18. 29th of July, 10 till half 2, overseen by ex-England shooter Lynn Hook. A fun play and train like a pro day.

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And the 28th of August, 10 till half 2, £25. A pre-season camp focusing on being ready to attack the new season with gusto. Those camps will be taking place at the Hawthorne School. You can email to register your space, reigaterosesnetball at Tuesday the 6th of August, summer holiday camps for children in Reigate, Redhill and Merstham.

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12 days to choose from for children aged between 4 and 10, specific age groups obviously, from indoor full-day musical theatre and dance camps to outdoor classes in Reigate Priory Park with contingency plans if the weather turns sour. for information on that.

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Thursday, the 8th of August, Athletics Kids have summer camps, ages 3 to 6 and 7 till 10, all happening between 10 and 1. It's happening at St. Bede School in Redhill in August, the 8th, the 12th and the 20th. And you can book now, Athletics has an X on the end and kids has a Z on the end. You can book now.

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Monday the 12th of August, join the fun at the Musical Theatre Summer Holiday Camp. It's an exciting and enriching activity for your kids this summer. 12th to the 16th of August at St John's Primary School in Redhill. Four to 13 year olds. Let your children unleash their creativity and shine on stage with the SCTA Theatre Academy. Thank you.

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arts and craft sessions, a special performance at the end of the week for family and friends, and all materials will be provided. Tuesday the 13th of August there's a summer holiday art club with a Treasure Island theme. 13th, 14th, 15th of August and the 21st and 22nd of August at the Watercolour Community Space. £35 a day between 9 and 3.

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Bookings via kimventer at k-i-m-v-e-n-t-e-r at or 07590 210 Another one for you here. Monday the 19th of August, Merstam Football Club have a summer holiday course for boys and girls aged 4 to 14, led by Jamie D'Cruz, the first team manager of Merstam Football Club, along with qualified coaches, including members of Merstam's first team squad as well.

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So it's the 19th to the 23rd of August, and week two, the 27th of August to the 30th, at Merstham Football Club on Weldon Way between 9 and 3 o'clock. Info at August the 20th, they're thrilled to announce a line-up of exciting summer holiday workshops at the Stage Studio Rygate.

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Beside, if you're going along, maybe see you there. Also on Saturday, come and join us at Merster Movies. They're going to be screening The Little Mermaid, which is rated PG. Now, they're going to be opening their doors a little earlier for the family-friendly screening at 4pm, the film starting at 4.30pm. You can book your tickets on 01737333461.

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They say this year we've curated a variety of fun-filled activities designed to engage and entertain children of all ages. Details, well, the 20th of August, TikTok Street Dance Workshop between 11 and 2.30pm for 10-year-old plus. A Pokemon Workshop on the 21st of August at 11.30pm through till 2.30pm for ages 5 to 12.

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Descendants Workshop on the 22nd, 11.30pm to 2.30pm for ages 5 to 12, 25 per person. Dive into the world of Descendants with a workshop full of dancing, acting and creative crafts. A fantastic experience for all Disney enthusiasts. Yet each workshop will promise a variety of engaging activities, including games, dancing, crafts, acting and much, much more.

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It's an excellent way for children to explore their interests, make new friends and have a blast during the school summer hauls of Focus House, Very Yoga, bell street in reigate more details the stage studio about hyphen three but i'm sure if you just go to the stage studio you'll find all the details there

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And that concludes our roundup of summer holiday activities that we know at the moment for your little ones. But stay tuned to the Planet Reigate podcast over the forthcoming weeks because other events will surely come into Planet Reigate HQ and we'll let you know about them as soon as we know about them.

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. Last week we were at a church in Reigate. This week at St Michael's in Betchworth at noon. With coal tit, blue tit and great tit.

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Refreshments will be available before the film starts and during the interval. Adult tickets then, £4. Children, £2. And they do say it's not a plush cinema experience. That's why the tickets are so cheap. But it is happening on your doorstep. You may want to take a cushion along. Oh, by the way, they only take cash. So be aware of that. That sounds great, doesn't it?

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So if you want to go along, it's the Little Mermaids. And it's all going to be happening at the Merstam Community Hub on Saturday afternoon. Rygate Caves have got an open day on Saturday,, to book and for prizes as well. Now, Sunday the 14th of July, this coming Sunday, is Ride Rygate. Not Run Rygate, but it's the offshoot of that.

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Big day in the local sporting calendar, as you know. with a route choice for all the family, this event is a firm favourite on the cycling calendar for riders of all abilities.

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There's the 100k, the 50k, the 25k as well, with various routes, obviously around Reigate, then down to Woodhatch and Whitebushes, Burstow and Copthorne, then Worth, Turner's Hill, Ardingly, you're picturing this, then Lindfield, Wivellsfield, almost as far as Plumpton Green before the return run,

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Plus, an appeal to save, a pub in Nutfield, a new cafe's opened at Redhill Aerodrome, I'll give you the details, two new restaurants have opened in Reigate, but a cafe in Woodhatch has closed... A special place at the Belfry for local content creators. And you could win shopping vouchers. Plans to improve a local pedestrian tunnel. Thanks for last weekend's litter pickup in Reigate.

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coming through Chaley, Sharpthorn, Turner's Hill, Crawley, and then Smallfield, Outwood, Whitebushes, and Earlswood. You can probably picture that on a map in your mind's eye. That sounds a huge loop, doesn't it? Now... You're probably thinking to yourself, I'd like to go and see this. Local vantage points. I've done the research for you so you can watch the various races.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


So I won't go through the whole route, but this is where it's going down and back in our neck of the woods. The cyclists will be leaving Reigate College, then going down Rushworth Road, past the Town Hall, down Church Street, the High Street and West Street. The route then takes them down Flanchford Road.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Clayhall Lane, Slipsatch Road and Prices Lane to the bottom of Cockshot Hill at Woodhatch and then past the lakes, Maple and Three Arch Road, Masons Bridge Road down to Axes Lane. And then, as I say, further on, depending on which route they're doing, but further on down. into Surrey and into Sussex as well.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Now, on the return trip, they come back up Three Arch Road, and then the A23, and then past St John's, over the Common to Shaw's Corner, and then the A25 to Croydon Road, and back down Rushworth Road as well. So, yeah. If you want to go out and see some of them taking part, that is the route that you should be interested in. And as I say, it's all happening on this coming Sunday. As is this.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Afternoon Tea. I haven't mispronounced it. Not Afternoon Tea, but Afternoon Tea. Create your own masterpiece with local artist Gary Andrews, followed by an indulgent, quintessentially... British afternoon tea in the tranquillity of the beautiful manor house and grounds of the Stanhill Court Hotel at Charlwood. There's a rival tea, coffee and pastries, a glass of Prosecco and soft drink.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Hello, I'm Peter Stewart. This week, this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. My guest, Katie Beth, has been running Inner Art with art tuition, clubs and classes in Reigate for children and adults of all abilities since 2017. I've been along to her studios on Somerset Road. just before she shut up shop and moved. Yeah? You haven't heard she's moved?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Art supplies and equipment included. And it's a three hour led art class. Sunday the 14th, £75 a person if you're interested in that. Brockham Green Nursery have a duck race on Sunday at 3pm. £2 a duck, first prize £100. Tickets on sale from Chitty's, the Spa, Strood Green Shop and the Reading Rooms. And you can buy your corporate and family ducks available for £25. More information?

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Please email brockhamnurseryfundraising at for more information. The Bell in Reigate has music every Thursday and Sunday at the moment in their beer garden. And currently what's going to be going on the 14th of July, the Charlie Cooper rock covers from 3.30pm. And as I've got it right in front of me, let's tell you what's going to be happening on the 18th of July as well.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


It's a country night with Barney at 7.30pm. So there you go, all sorts of things which are happening right across the area, right across the weekend of Reigate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham and all places, towns and villages in RH1, 2 and 3. And you heard about it on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


loads still to come we've got some news and sport and weather and travel some important travel news to bring you and also our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show all that in this week's episode and we've got so much more in our archive shows as well for example more about the open air theater in reigate this summer in episode 32 so if you want to go back and listen to that

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


You'll find it in your favourite podcast app and also via our website, which is And if you'd like to support the Planet Reigate podcast, because it is absolutely free, you can do that quickly and easily on your phone. If you go to slash theplanetreigatepodcast. You can send me the cost of a cup of coffee to help me continue.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


So do that on the phone, and it's really, really easy. slash ThePlanetRygatePodcast. Katie Beth has been running Inner Art with art tuition clubs and classes in Rygate for children and adults of all abilities since 2017. I've been along to her studios on Somerset Road. just before she shut up shop and moved. Yeah, if you haven't heard, Inner Art no longer on Somerset Road.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


A new choir is starting up in September. I'll give you the details later in this week's show. And why it's different. And a community group is making wall hangings for a local church. And you could get involved. Plus, it's been wet and it's been cold so far in July, hasn't it? We've got the local weather stats. Plus, have you heard what's going to be happening on Linkfield Lane?

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


It's moved to another part of the Planet Reigate area. But we'll hear more about that and the location and how you can get in touch with her and how you can continue or even start up your classes a little bit later on. But first of all, as I say, I went around the old location and heard more about Inner Art and Katie Beth herself.

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


Somerset Road and you've probably seen the bright red awning and sign for inner art as you travel up Somerset Road just beside the nursery not far from the pub at the end of the road as well before you go up the hill inner art is on the right hand side Katie Beth is the lady behind it shall we go in and you can tell me all about it yeah okay so lead lead the way

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44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


And in we come, all sorts of people doing arty things inside here.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


And it looks fantastically messy. I mean that in a lovely way. When I say messy, I mean there are paint splatters, there are things on the walls, there are pin boards, there's lots of arty things.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


When you say space, I'm just looking over the shoulder of someone here. Is that a spaceman's helmet that's been drawn here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

44: Reigate's Inner Art and our summer holiday clubs' listing… and more


OK, and this is part of exam work, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


As well as targeted police activity as well. However, obviously that is not by any means to underplay the worry, the concern, the fear that some people have understandably about some of the situations in any of our town centres today. You know, we have reported in the past about incidents in Reigate, very often, in fact, particularly in Priory Park. There have been several incidents over there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And certainly I know that Red Hill can be a little problematic, particularly at night. And indeed, personal point of view, some of that may be down to the closure of the Harlequin. Because if more people were around going to and from the Harlequin and arts and culture events and meetings... and societies and picking up kids and that kind of thing, there'd be more activity.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


There'd be more people of different ages and backgrounds and so on who'd be keeping the town centre busy. We talked about this anti-social behaviour campaign and letting people know or letting the police or the council know what your fears, worries and concerns are. You can see that campaign on banners, posters and what they're calling digi-screens.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


I must raid my Scrabble set to give them a T-A-L. Digital screens across the town centre, as well as through social media and digital advertising. And find out more via Look for Safer-Redhill. Now, how's this all being paid for? The Safer-Redhill partnership got £265,000 from the government's Safer Streets Fund last autumn.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And more recently, Surrey Police was awarded a million pound hotspot funding from the Home Office, which we spoke about at the time on the Planet Rygate podcast. And that means more uniformed patrols in the town, as well as support from plain clothed officers as well.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thames Water has been ordered to investigate and take necessary action after complaints about sewage flowing into people's gardens in Lye. People are saying it's been years of raw sewage bubbling up through manhole covers following heavy downpours because the old pumping station near Brook Lane is easily overwhelmed.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thames Water apologising to customers says groundwater had overloaded its sewer system. So the Environment Agency say that they instructed Thames Water to investigate and take necessary action.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thames Water in a statement said we have a plan to survey the sewers which is expected to begin next month when water levels in the sewers have receded after which we will be able to identify the next steps. More on that story on the BBC website. Also from Water... albeit rather brown, to fire.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Gatwick has started its new graduate program. I'll tell you how someone can apply. In sports, an unusual match is happening at Redhill Football Club this week. Do you run a local business, group, charity? Anywhere in the Planet Reigate area, I've details of a one-off and pretty unusual networking event happening next month.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And Surrey Fire and Rescue Service put out a message during the course of the week saying, we understand parking can be tricky and we all want to park as close to home as possible. But they say earlier on this week, our crew were delayed going to an incident in Reigate because of cars blocking the fire engine's route.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thankfully, it wasn't a major incident, but they say in an emergency, every minute counts. They say if you're parking on a narrow street, please consider whether emergency vehicles can still get through. Changing where you park can make all the difference to our response. It's very, very difficult, isn't it? No one wants to see more yellow lines.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


No one wants to see having to pay for parking outside your own house. I mean, fortunately, I don't have to do that. I have a space, but it can be very troublesome, can't it? But obviously... They do make a very good point there from Surrey Fire and Rescue Reigate Branch. They say, thanks for helping us reach those who need us when they need us.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Firstfield Primary School, Redhill, one of six Surrey schools, awarded a total of £6,000 as part of an environmental scheme. So congratulations to them. The Rethink Waste Initiative, run by Surrey Environment Partnership, aims to encourage households to cut waste. The prize money funds various environmental projects,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


at the winning schools, including building a home for school guinea pigs, installing a green roof and buying litter picking equipment. Congratulations to them. I should perhaps get down there and visit the school for guinea pigs. When I was at school... We had a school rabbit which we were allowed to take home. We took it in turns to take home during the school holidays.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The name was Fred, Fred the rabbit. One person took it home and Fred escaped. Fred was never seen again. So hopefully the school guinea pigs, if that indeed is the initiative that's happening at Fursfield...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


hopefully they are safely caged up and i was going to say at all times hopefully there will be a bit of interaction with the kids as well let's also talk about this because this kind of fits in just talked about those environmental projects hawley town council holding a small ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the official opening of the newly refurbed playground at michael crescent they say please come and join us saturday the 12th of october at

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


10 30 in the morning and tying in with that this show isn't just thrown together you know and tying in with that after weeks of watching and waiting the cromwell estate park opened back up from its little makeover uh they say we hope everyone enjoys the new play equipment and thank you so much for your patience that from cromwell community group in red hill

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


A couple of other stories to let you know about. Broadcaster and former racing driver Billy Munger. You know him from Racer Across the World. That was a fantastic series, wasn't it? He lives in Outwood, as you probably know, has been banned from driving for 49 days after a crash in Limpsfield. Billy's 25.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


He crashed into three parked cars and also damaged a lamppost and a front garden wall in January. He pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention at Guildford Magistrates Court. So he's been disqualified from driving, ordered to pay fines and costs totaling £2,694. He's a fantastic young man, isn't he?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's called Talk and Chalk and may give you an idea of what sport it's based around. Plus, in weather, it's been wet, wet, wet, hasn't it? I've got some more local stats for you to show just how wet it's been. We've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Rygate stars for staff at the hospital. And our 60-second soundscape.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If you've been following his story, as I have, over several years, what a fine young man he is. And is there nothing he can't turn his head? His mind too, his body too, his spirit, his stamina, his determination.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And indeed, to illustrate this, later on this month, he's going to be taking on a 3.8km ocean swim, followed by a 180km coastal cycle and a marathon in Hawaii, where he aims to break the record for the fastest double amputee to complete the annual Ironman World Championship. He raised more than £3 million for Comic Relief in 2021 by walking, cycling and kayaking across England over four days.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And this new event happening later on in October that I mentioned in Hawaii is also for Comic Relief as well. You can read more about that on the BBC website. Now, is your group at a bit of a loss because of the closure of the Harlequin? Do you need somewhere to rehearse or to train, something like that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Well, this sounds a really, really good idea because Rygate and Banstead Borough Council have partnered with Beta, that's the gym company, to offer free hall or free studio space at all three local leisure centres. So that is the one at Tadworth. It's also the one in Hawley and also it's the one in Redhill, so Donnings in other words.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And it will be for one to three hours a week term time from January to December. Oh, Rewind, so it's a free room at any of those leisure centres for up to three hours a week term time for the whole of 2025. This sounds a fantastic opportunity.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If you're looking for a place to maybe rehearse something, or as I say, to do some training, it could be some gym work, it could be some dance rehearsals, it could be a singing choir, anything like that, or maybe a room to meet. There will be terms and conditions, obviously, but you can apply online by Sunday, the 13th of October.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


More details, well, as I always say, more details on the Rygate of Banstead Borough Council website. But for more information, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. Morrison's car park in Reigate has been partly re-tarmacked. Thank goodness. Thank the Lord. Pictures posted on social media show that the roadway in front of the store has been resurfed.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


What do you reckon about that? I mean, it's a shame to my mind that those bays can't be made a little bit wider because they are difficult to kind of get in and out of your car, aren't they? To be totally honest with you. And also that sharp turn easier. So if you come back Down, when you're leaving, you come down the first row of spots, you know, the ones parallel to the road in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


You've then got to double back on yourself pretty tightly as other vehicles are driving in. It can be quite a tight turn, can't it? Can't think how else they can lay out that road system any better or any differently. In jobs news this week, university graduates are invited to apply for London Gatwick's 2025 graduate programme.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Don't often do Gatwick stories because Gatwick is officially outside our area, but it strikes me that if you've got a young person in your household or if you are a young person yourself... then obviously to have a graduate trainee scheme, which is virtually on your doorstep, would be pretty handy, wouldn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It begins in September 2025 and offers roles across construction, commercial, corporate affairs, engineering, IT, and sales and operations planning, along with development, which was newly introduced this year. The construction program is a three-year contract. The others are two years. And last year, Gatwick had 13 graduates enrolled.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week... from Reigate and Saturday Cyclists on Flanchford Roads.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


from a range of undergraduate and master's degrees such as crisis and disaster management, aerospace engineering, geography and computer science from universities like Sussex, Kent, Portsmouth and Imperial College, London. So as I say, maybe you're a young person who's just come through one of those universities.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


degree courses or maybe you know somebody or maybe you know someone who knows someone it's a great opportunity isn't it it's literally on our doorstep and it sounds really really good if i have my time again i would like to study i think crisis and disaster management i think that's going to be a real burgeoning kind of area for people to get into and know more about

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The Planet Reigate Podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Still to come, we've got our 60-second soundscape from Flanchford Road in Reigate of weekend cyclists roaring past on that corner where you can just have that fantastic view. That's where I was standing, on that corner where you've got that fantastic view of the windmill and the golf course, yeah?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And also, we've got our Planet Reigate stars celebrating the work of everyone. There helps out at the hospital, at East Surrey Hospital there, Three Arch Road. That's still to come, plus our report from the Betchworth Apple Day, which was last weekend. First of all, let's remind you about West Street is still closed for another week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Major resurfacing and changing the existing advisory cycle lanes to wider and lightly segregated mandatory cycle lanes, as well as upgrading some of those zebra crossings there. I know that the work has been going on. Overnights between 8pm and 6am, but not weekends.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If you want to know our breakdown of road improvements and changes, including changes to traffic islands, road markings and layouts, and new speed limits and speed cameras... All the way through on the A25, between the Blackhorse Pub in Reigate and the Cockrell Roundabout in Dorking, and then up Spooks Hill to the left, and then going north down to the train station and the Ashcombe School.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Listen back to episode 50. We'll do a mile-by-mile breakdown of what is happening where. Also some news about the M25 Junction 10 project and some changes at that junction that you need to be aware of.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Welcome to this week's episode. It's okay, you don't have to back away from your speaker. I don't think my cold is going to be transmitted to you from my studio to where you are listening. But yeah, it's been a bit of a rough week for me this week, but hopefully over the worst of the lurgy. Next Phase Coffee have been in touch this week.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Slip roads on and off the junction are going to be closed again next weekend, 18th to the 21st of October and also the 1st to the 4th of November from 9pm on the Friday until 6am on the Monday of both of those weekends. So you have been warned, so make sure you're aware of those. It's been wet, wet, wet, hasn't it, recently? Weather news coming now. Sports news in a few moments' time as well.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The weather. From Professor Weather Andy Herrod, you can follow him on Twitter, X and Insta. The rainfall records just keep falling. A bit like the rain then, Andy. Last Tuesday's rainfall rate of two... Think back to what you were doing last Tuesday. It poured down, didn't it? 202.2 millimetres per hour. It was the highest Andy has ever recorded in October.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


in the Reigate area and as we said last week I think it was 2024 was the wettest September in Reigate with nearly three times the average amount of rain it was also slightly below the average temperature but with only 75% of the sunshine hours it probably felt worse 2024 continues to be the wettest year recorded

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


by our local weather statisticians of which one is professor weather our very own andy herod andy thanks for that okay let's move on to the sport and a couple of things to tell you about first of all there's an unusual sports match football match which is happening uh pretty soon in fact coming next weekend friday the 18th of october uh it's going to be a coach's match it's

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Yeah, this is happening by Red Hill FC. Their coaches' match is a match, obviously, just full of the coaches, not the players themselves, but the people who are supposed to know what the players are supposed to be doing. So they say they're running a coaches' match, so we'd love you to come down and cheer us all on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Friday 18th October, 6.30 kick-off at Red Hill Football Club down there at Three Arch Road. The club bar will be open, £5 an entry, which is going to charity, £2 for children. And also, let me tell you about this, which the Planet Reigate podcast is really pleased to be involved with.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's a very special kind of social networking event for local businesses and their staff to come together and battle it out across 32 pool tables at that new Spots and Stripes pool centre in Redhill. I say it's a pool centre. They've got so much going on. They've got so many tables. I think it's the biggest in Surrey, isn't it? And they've got new dance rooms which have been opened up as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Yeah, really pleased to be an official supporter of this. It's a fun pool match in a round-robin format. Prizes are going to be awarded for various fun categories and the event supported, sponsored by, run by, organised by... Bots and Stripes in Redhill, but also our friends at the Belfry Shopping Centre in Redhill, RH Networking and Baird Consulting as well as the Planet Rygate podcast.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So the team entry fee is £5 per team. I mean, that's pretty good, isn't it? All of which is going to be donated to support the Redhill Town Square Christmas lights. And to enter a team, you need to have the following to qualify. Minimum of three, maximum of five players, and companies can enter multiple teams. And pretty much that is that, to be quite honest with you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


They said they had a fantastic shout out from the Planet Rygate podcast. they've highlighted our exciting upcoming launch with the Blue Cow Butchers, where Esther will be on site serving up delicious coffee made with locally roasted beans from Chimney Fire Coffee.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If you want some more info, info at That 8 in the middle is a digit 8. Info at Put talk and chalk. in the subject line, and they'll send you back all the information you need to know, or follow Spots and Stripes on social media, because it's all been posted there. All tables and queues are provided, and it's for players of all abilities to join in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's going to be a great social networking event for local businesses and staff, just before Christmas, so you can chalk up and get some practice in. So, if you want to join, perhaps you want to join me, and let's have a Planet Rygate podcast team. It would be really, really good, because This is a one-man band here. I don't have a team to call on. I'll be playing by myself.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So if you want to join me, I'll stump up the fiver. Get in touch with me. Hello at So are you interested in what I'm talking about there? Surely there's a group of you at your workplace. Everyone works, don't they? Most people work. Or maybe, I don't know. Maybe it could be expanded to another little group of mates or chums. I don't know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


You better get involved with Spots and Stripes and ask them. But this Talk and Chalk Pool Team Challenge is going to be happening Tuesday the 19th of November starting off from 6 o'clock. So come straight from work or grab a bite to eat or you can grab a bite there. And, you know, a minimum of three people. You've got three people in your workplace, your shop, your business. It could be an office.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It could be a charity, whatever it happens to be. Come along, have some fun. It'd be really good to meet you as well. So if you're interested in that, then that email address, one more time, is info at spots, digit 8 stripes, And put talk and chalk in the subject line.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Just off the Betchworth roundabout and it's Saturday afternoon and I've been invited to come down here to the Re Betchworth Apple Fest. I've never been here before but it's been going on for a few years and it's a hive of activity. Tons of people here and all sorts of equipment going on and cakes. I'm looking at cakes through the window which looks rather fantastic so we'll go and

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Yeah, they opened up their Blue Cow Butchers on Lesborne Road on Thursday morning, and they had all sorts of goodies and freebies and special discounts on offer there. Guys, I hope that launch went really, really well. OK, let's quick sticks into this week's news. So, yeah, did you go to one of the public consultations about the Harlequin this week?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Have a look at those a little bit later on. And some knife sharpening and all sorts of things. Miller is here. He's going to tell me exactly what is going on. Thank you so much indeed for inviting me down. You must be really pleased with the turnout.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The whole celebration of the humble apple.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And lots of varieties and lots of local varieties, presumably, as well. These aren't ones which have been flown in from South Africa.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And that's the main thing. So the idea is then, Mila, that people have been bringing down apples which have been growing on their trees in their back garden locally in Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham or Box Hill, because I know that's your fourth bee.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


They come up to here with your weighing station, I notice here, and then you weigh the apples and then what happens after that?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And get a kind of apple cocktail.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


That sounds good. Now, what happens with bits which are bruised or maybe a little worm or something has got in?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


You've got a bit of quality control.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And stalks and cores all go in?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Well, we've got a bit of a lull here. I can't see anyone coming at the moment. If someone does, then give us a shout and you can get back to your station. So this is the first part of the process. This is macerating.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So Alan's got an easy job because he flicks a switch with electricity, but our friend over here is actually pressing by hand.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Ah, right, because that plate moves down.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


There's plenty coming out there, isn't there?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


As we said previously, RAC survey work started last month. Their final report is expected in November. And this past week, the council held five drop in events to better understand the immediate and future needs of individuals and communities. relating to arts, cultural space and activities right across the borough.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So how many apples go in here at a time?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


What kind of ratio, then, do you get? It's almost half.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's foaming down there into the bucket, and the aroma is fantastic, isn't it, as well?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thank you, gents. So we come from the pressing, so then it comes through here.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And you've borrowed a few presses from some neighbouring villages, is that right? From Lye, yes. So Lye had their Apple Festival last weekend. They did.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Which kind of speaks for itself. So it's funnelled into the big... It's really hard work, this bit. And you've got a queue here of people lining up. So again, this could be their own apples or more likely a cocktail.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And I tasted one of those little small paper cups earlier on. Boy, oh boy, you don't get that taste from the ones in the supermarket, do you? Which have been kind of chilled and pasteurised.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


You don't know what it's going to taste like? And what are you going to do? Are you going to be drinking that neat? Are you going to be making it into something else? Just drinking it. Yeah, yeah, fantastic. And these have come from? My gorgeous garden. And where's she? Cranley. Cranley, so Surrey apples, spawn and bred. Yeah, excellent, excellent. Thank you very much indeed.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And you've got quite a queue here, people queuing up. What else have we got going on? Because this is a whole kind of festival.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Because you've got a bit of space here, haven't you?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So again, this is all about repairing.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So you're able to take part in that even if you're from outside the borough, notably if you're perhaps from Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham as well, and perhaps you normally gravitate towards the Harlequin in Redhill or other things which are happening, because of course it doesn't matter if you're in Mole Valley, you might go to the Dorking Halls or you might go up to the Epsom Playhouse, for example, might go down to the Horth in Crawley.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So we've got shears and we've got secateurs and we've got glass trimmers and all sorts of things going on.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


I toured the one in Redhill and spoke with several people as they left to find out what they thought of the exhibition, the questions... and also their views about the future of the building itself and arts provision in general. Hear what they told me later on in the show. And after that, I went to the Betchworth Apple Day event. I was really impressed with all that was going on there.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And then, this is so well organised as well. You've got a good through-flow of people with lots of arrows and descriptions and signs. And then we come into the main hall, which you probably know. I've been here before with the Dorking Art Show, which is here very often, isn't it? Which is a superb event a couple of times a year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It certainly has. Well, obviously, this is going to go out on the podcast after the event has finished, obviously. So we really need to point people to the fact that there's going to be one in 2025, don't we?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Miller, thanks very much indeed. I'm going to go and speak to Pam. She's over on the cake stand. So there she is. Thank you so much. See you later. Bye bye. Worked my way across the packed hall. Pam is here. There's all sorts of shortbreads and apple cakes and biscuits and fairy cakes and all sorts of things. Hello, Pam.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


But you were pointed out as the lady in the striped top.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So you couldn't hide. The aroma of apples and sweetness and cake and brown sugar is fantastic here.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And now people are buying them and having cups of tea.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Have you had a bit of a taste test yourself? What's your favourite?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


I can smell the almond. Apple and almond goes really well together, doesn't it? And we've got one here with large pieces of apple in, several of them in fact. Were they all to the same recipe or were they individual home family recipes?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Superb. And what do you make of the attendance here?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's a strange layout of the village, isn't it? Because it's quite long. You've got the church and the dolphin at one end, and then it comes all the way up to the roundabout, and then it progresses, obviously, the other side for the railway station as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


That was for the church appeal, wasn't it?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Well, they say, the council this is, that they'd welcomed the thoughts of everyone who lives, works in or, as I say, even visits the borough. And you can hear more about the reasons for the Harlequin closure in episode 48 with our Q&A. Audio highlights of the most recent council meeting decision on the Harlequin in episode 49.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Thanks very much indeed, Pam, for talking to me. Well, let's move away from where the cakes are being eaten and served. It's a bit noisy out there. To one of the side rooms, actually, where all the chairs and tables are usually stacked. Norman is with me now. Norman, you're part of the group of Reid Betchworth. Tell me a little bit about how you got involved.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And the key word there is new as well. This is an addition, so it has improved the area.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


How have you seen wildlife change over the recent years? You're in the shadow of the North Downs. You can see that ridge from the village. You must have noticed a difference.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Give me another example, perhaps, Norman, of how the community is getting together to help improve the situation.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


This is the Planet Reigate Podcast.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And the reaction from the Harlequin support group Ali spoke to us back in episode 53. So as I say, the first event was in Red Hill at Christ Central last Saturday. And I went around it and then spoke with people as they came out and asked them what their thoughts about it were.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And as you may have determined, I really enjoyed my couple of hours down there at the Betchworth Apple Day. And thanks very much indeed for making me feel so welcome. It was a terrific turnout, it really was.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And the aroma of apples and brown sugar and sweetness was all pervasive, not only in the hall itself where they were serving those delicious-looking cakes and also teas and coffees and so on, but also jams and chutneys. There were some displays, some exhibitions, and also outside as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


where the apple pressing was going on and if you want to see the apple pressing and how that happened then check out my social media because i did a little video and i posted some social media video on facebook and twitter x and insta as well search for planet reigate on any or all of those platforms, and you'll see the social media that I posted last weekend from that event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And if you're thinking to yourself, Betchworth, it's been a while since I went to Betchworth, why don't you listen back to episode 35? Because in the week of the 30th anniversary of Four Weddings and a Funeral, the big movie, we took a tour of St Michael's Church in Betchworth, in which the first wedding took place, you probably remember.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Listen as we take you through, in audio, what you see on the video. as you watch the first 10 minutes of the movies.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


You can watch the movie at home and then you can listen to the podcast and my description of what you can see on the wall, the different tombs and the different plaques and so on, where everything is, what it is, who it's for, what it resembles, why it got to be there, how old it is, the stories behind it. Even though I say so myself, it was a labour of love. It took a while to put it all together.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


But I really enjoyed doing it. And it was so interesting to hear about the life and times of Betchworth back in the day. So that's episode 35 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Planet Reigate stars thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And dozens and dozens of local heroes featured in this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. First of all, let me remind you that all of our archive shows are at So, to the hospital.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And this anonymous message, I just want to say a very big thank you to all of the staff at East Surrey Hospital for looking after me so wonderfully well when I was rushed in a few weeks ago and spent a couple of weeks there. But the staff had to put up with so much abuse from other patients, how they

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


kept their cool I'll never know once again to all of you doctors nurses tech people porters ambulance drivers cleaners ward servers everybody thank you so much for getting me on the road to recovery so absolutely I'm sure from that anonymous person and from me and from everybody listening as well thank you to each and every member of staff at East Surrey Hospital and

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


I hope you will accept the honour of the Planet Rygate Star Award.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


And don't forget to drop me a line. Hello at if you've got an event that you would like to be publicised across the best bit of Britain. Starting off on Sunday the 13th, the new Dawn Soul live music featuring soul classics and contemporary hits as well. It's at the Ivory Lounge in Reigate on Church Street there, isn't it? Yeah. on Sunday between 8 and 11.30.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Also, I can tell you that Jordan Heights Scout Camp need your support. The shooting range didn't quite get finished last time they asked for volunteers via us, and they'd really like to get the range open again, so please put the date in your diary. 10 till 4 on the 13th, and that is... Finish the shooting range and also general maintenance of the site.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Jordan Heights campsite and their work party is up there on Reigate Hill, of course. Monday, the 14th of October, join us for a cuppa and a cake. A community coffee tea session offers an inviting space for everyone. Alternate Mondays starting the 14th of October between 10 and 12 o'clock. the Longmead Community Hub on Holland Close. For more information, 07918 929398.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Friday the 18th, best of the 70s, 80s and 90s night at Old Rigation RFC. It's from 7 o'clock till late. Fancy dress, decade-appropriate clothing is encouraged. Tickets are £10 a person. Let's go through to Saturday, October 19th at 7 o'clock. It's Raise the Roof at St Nicholas Church, an evening with the locals.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


It's a fundraising evening of music performed by local musicians from 7 o'clock to repair and renew the church roof. They say, B-Y-O-B. They'll be providing soft drinks and nibbles, but alcoholic drinks can be brought along. Glasses will be available. Free entry, but obviously donations are welcome. It's the Red Hill Gin and Rum evening.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Yes, it's another event run by them, this time at St Matthew's Church Hall on October 19th. Some of the best gins and rums from, quote, our hand-picked selection of local distilleries and suppliers. Also, there's going to be a bit of live music and a selection of food for you to buy on the night as well. Tickets £10.50 each, including a free drink as well.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Join us for a Kids Monthly Movie on Saturday the 19th between 2 and 4. It's going to be at St John's Community Centre on Church Road with a suggested donation of £2. The Redhill Brick and Model Show is happening. Spoke about this last year. They were one of our first guests on the Planet Reigate podcast. It's at the Davis Scout Centre on Labrook Road in Redhill.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Next Saturday the 19th between 10 and 4. Displays, activity tables, trading posts and refreshments. Essentially, anything to do with bricks or models, as the name might suggest. For more information, you can go to Facebook at Redhill Brick and Model Show. And you can hear more about that show, as I mentioned, in Episode 4 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. And this week, Flanchford Road in Reigate and Saturday Cyclists.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


What did you make of the display and how the questions were asked and the interactivity and things like that? Fairly straightforward.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The Planet Rygate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


What about the questions that they were asking? Do you think they were appropriate?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If the Harlequin or if a big arts provision did disappear from Redhill, what do you think that would mean for the town?

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Spoke with several of those who put it on and others too about their celebration of the humble fruit. So here about the Harlequin consultation reaction. and the Betchworth Apple Day later on in the show. Plus, as well as hearing reaction to the Harlequin consultation, we've got an update on Redhill Library and its planned reopening date.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to episode 57. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, last Saturday I was at the first Arts and Culture Consultation event run by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, focusing of course on the Harlequin. There have been five events across the borough this week.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Local people are being asked to be part of the solution for tackling antisocial behaviour. Thames Water has been ordered to investigate and take necessary action after complaints about sewage flowing into gardens in Lye. A plea from Rygate-based firefighters after a problem they had getting to a call-out this week. A local school is one of six in Surrey given cash for an environmental scheme.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The views of some of the people that came out of the very first Harlequin or Arts and Culture consultation event in Redhill last Saturday. Really thought out and quite passionate views there, I thought. Perhaps nothing which was amazingly different from perhaps what we've heard before, but it does show the depth of people's feelings.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


and I wonder whether or not you agree with what they have been saying there. If you do, or if you don't, why don't you get in touch with me? Details on the way. First of all, let me tell you that, according to Councillor Natalie Bramall on social media this week, she says, pleased to confirm at Surrey County Council, full council, that the library in Redhill, which, as you know, is adjacent...

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


to the harlequin will reopen in july 2025 after a full refurbishment and rack removal the temporary library will continue to operate in red hill so it's just around the corner at the moment as i understand it the library may be moving into the belfry between well, pretty soon, through until that date of July 2025. Now, I don't speak, obviously, on behalf of Reigate and Bandstead Borough Council.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


We are totally independent here at the Planet Reigate podcast. But as I understand it, the amount of rack and where it was situated in the library is in a different place to the Harlequin. And also, money had been put aside for the refurbishment of the library already, which means that they are able to activate the builders and get things sorted rather sooner than the Harlequin Theatre.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


If you don't realise it already, the Harlequin is actually administered at a borough level. So Reigate and Banstead Borough Council libraries are administered by Surrey County Council. So you've got two different layers of government. You've got different teams working on what you might imagine, understandably, from the outside to be exactly the same building.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Email hello at Find out more at Leave a text or voice message on WhatsApp 07917 874572 and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. Support us at slash theplanetreigatepodcast

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


OK, let's move on with a few other stories which have been making the news during the course of the last seven days or so. If you haven't caught these already, this is where you catch up. And local people are being asked to be part of the solution for tackling anti-social behaviour locally.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The Safer Redhill Partnership is encouraging people visiting, working or living in Redhill to report anti-social behaviour and keep the town centre safer for everyone to enjoy.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


Two playgrounds have been reopened locally after being refurbished. I'll tell you where they are. Do you want use of a free hall or studio space for your group, team, training or sport? I'll tell you how you can get it, but you'll have to act fast. Relief for shoppers at Reigate Morrison's. I'll tell you what changes there have been, which will make your experience better.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So Surrey Police, Rygate and Mansfield Borough Council officers and YMCA East Surrey youth workers working in the area feature in a new kind of social media campaign and they're asking, as I say, anyone who sees something odd or disturbing going on to call out ASB.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


The campaign also helps people to recognise the different types of problem behaviour and understand how they can report it because some issues may be dealt with by the police, some by the council. You could go anonymously to Crimestoppers, for example.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


So, OK, to put this into perspective, Surrey is one of the safest counties in England, and the crime rate in Reigate and Banstead is lower than the Surrey average. And as I mentioned on the show a few weeks ago, things are already in place.

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57: Your Harlequin 'drop-in' feedback, Betchworth’s Apple Day… and more


There's youth outreach work by the YMCA, and I've spoken to the YMCA about that, and they have been on the show discussing how useful their Y bus is when it goes around the Redhill area. Improved lighting in places like Memorial Park, mentioned that a few weeks ago, together with some detail about the CCTV. If you didn't catch these recent shows, then you're missing out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


The shape of the bottle, the colours in the bottle, and also something unique around the neck. This gin remembers the nation's fallen in such a unique and different way, and their profits go to help service personnel who are around at the moment and who have been affected by recent wars and conflicts. I'll leave Rob to explain.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


great tit robin and black cap this is the planet reigate podcast with peter stewart

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And of course, the thing with gin, of course, it is see-through, it is clear, so you can see that image and it looks... Almost like a kind of empty bottle, but with that really striking guardsman line-up in the background.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


bottle that that we have comes with a dog tag card which commemorates the life of a fallen first world war soldier yeah let's let's move over to some of these because as you say this is a really unusual kind of i was going to say marketing i mean it is marketing but it's a bit more kind of subtle and personal than that so as you say dog tag around the neck of this bottle here i'll just pick one at random private eric tyra from the royal warwickshire regiment killed in action in the somme

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


at the age of 24, 29th August 1916. What's your thinking behind putting a different one of those on each of these bottles?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Were there any particular stories that actually made you kind of go, that's actually made a mark with me?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And of course, that's why those crosses were put up in town centres or beside the side of the road, say at Shaw's Corner, there's one, of course, which is particularly dramatic there with that sculpture. Or, of course, the one down near the air balloon pub in Hawley. Or maybe you're thinking of the one in St Michael's Churchyard in Betchworth.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


All of those were put up after the First World War and then the names added after the Second World War as well. The First World War just touched so many families, didn't they? Either directly or indirectly because... They were workers on some of our local farms in this area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


How come you made that leap from being in the military, wanting to do something to remember people and to go forward as well? Why gin?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And some of this work, for example, I know you support the veterans breakfast up at the Garibaldi in Red Hill, don't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Let's get to it with our news sequence this week. Harlequin updates the response to those open events across the borough. Remember those that happened in October? Well, the council says 160 people went to those various events and they had over 500 questionnaire responses. It doesn't seem an awful lot to me. I mean, that's barely more than the Harlequin Main Theatre actually holds, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


The design of the bottle also, it's just occurred to me, is upright and solid, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So tell me about those kind of botanicals, what flavour it is.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And Stars and Stripes in Redhill, the new pool centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And so many fantastic pubs across the area. So hopefully if you're perhaps working in one of those or you're listening to this, then you think to yourself, OK, well, it would be fantastic to have this looking proud on the shelf behind the bar. So I guess on this weekend, more than any weekend, it's an opportunity to remember and also to raise a glass, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


on the bottles again real people that sacrificed so much in order to achieve democratic freedoms for us all so there's a gin that you can ask for by name when you go to a pub or you go to a bar or somewhere locally maybe you're involved with a pub or somewhere else that serves drinks and you think to yourself that sounds really special and really different and what's more it's local as well

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So let's get in touch with Rob and find out whether we can stock Veterans Gin in our hostelry as well. I'm sure it would be appreciated not just by him, but also by those other people who benefit from the profits which are achieved through the sale of Veterans Gin.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


The council says they're looking at the feedback to help them understand community aspirations, and they'll take all that information to inform the development of options for the future provision, both short-term, medium-term, long-term as well. Not just necessarily at the Harlequin, but it may be somewhere else in the borough. It may never be called the Harlequin again, let's be totally honest.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


the good time guide planet reigate stars from red hill and our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show also our weather almanac from professor weather in a few moments time first of all let me just remind you about a very special social networking event for local businesses and their staff

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


to come together and battle it out across 32 pool tables of the new Spots and Stripes pool hall in Redhill. You would have heard us talking with John about that last week. Yeah, really pleased to be an official supporter of this with the Planet Rygate podcast. So it's going to be fun pool matches in a round-robin format. Prizes awarded for various categories. Spots and Stripes, Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Also behind this, the Belfry Shopping Centre, RH Networking, Baird Consulting as well. And the team entry is only... Five pounds for a team. And all of that's going to be supporting the Redhill Town Square Christmas lights. So to enter a team, you just need three players, maximum of five. Companies can enter multiple teams as well. More details, info at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


dot co dot uk for more information on that all tables and queues are provided free of charge and it's for all players of all abilities to join in so the details again info at spots digit eight stripes dot co dot uk info at spots eight stripes dot co dot uk and uh tell john you heard about it on the planet reigate podcast Let's move our attention to weather. From Professor Weather, Andy Herrods.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


You can follow Andy on Twitter X and Insta as well. And every few weeks he sends us through details from his local weather station. His weather almanac comes into play as well. He's been collecting data for years and years now, so he's able to tell us the highs and the lows. And he says for the first time since April, 2024 is not currently the wettest year we've recorded locally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


It's actually slipped to second place. and been replaced by 2023, which saw 80.8mm of rain in the first five days of November, compared to only 0.4mm of rain in the first few days of November this year. Apart from that, he says, nothing really remarkable about October's weather. Temperatures... Just about bang on average. Rainfall, also pretty average.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


The only standout was the 23 days of rain, six higher than average. And 2024 continues to be wet. But as I say, for the first time since April 2024 is not now the wettest year ever. that Andy has recorded. Professor Weather on the Planet Rygate podcast. And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. You can do that via your favourite podcast app.

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So get on there, go on to settings, look for where you're listening to me now. And it may be called favourites, it may be called subscribe, something like that. But touch that and that will mean... that every episode of the Planet Rigate podcast will be automatically downloaded to your phone as soon as it's released. And that means you'll be able to listen at your leisure.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


I think from what I understand, almost everything is up for grabs. Now, with regard to the theatre building itself, they say they do anticipate reports of the rack and building surveys to be issued in the next couple of three weeks, certainly this month, for analysis and consideration, unquote.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


planet reigate stars thanking local heroes who are out of this world and don't forget you'll find the time that each of our features and guests are on in our show notes so you can scooch straight through to that point And I also put out social media posts during the week with links that take you straight to those specific parts of the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So follow us on TwitterX, Facebook and Insta to get those. OK, let's move on to this week's Planet Reigate Star Awards. And this from Jane, who said... This isn't for any praise, they just did it as kind, caring people. It made me cry to see how good people are. We often read media posts that are so very sad, but don't forget, the world is full of good people too.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


I wanted to bring you this story this week above all other weeks. Graham Norris, you may know the name, he does an awful lot of good work. And what he does with some of his friends and colleagues is to go around some of our local churchyards and put in some hard yards with some hard grafts.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


For example, St Mary's Church in Reigate, crawling around and trimming and weeding and pruning and washing and tidying various graves. Now, there was a post that he did in September, which I kept for this particular week, where he says, so hot and humid crawling around with the ants, a job well done with John and Alex, well...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


But before any decisions are taken on next steps, then the councillors will need to have the opportunity to consider the costs involved. and obviously the implications of whatever those surveys actually come up with. And all of that will inform a report to the executive in January.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


popped back in the week and put down some new stones on the grave that we tidied up today. Great work. Thank you, everyone. And thank you to young sailor Alec Preston, whose grave we tidied today. Alex Preston sadly died of pneumonia at the age of just 15 years old. And Graham linked to a newspaper article...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


which I thought I'd bring you today in our Remembrance edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. The newspaper article says, Under very sad circumstances, the death took place on March 8th at the Naval Hospital Shotley from pneumonia of Alec Preston of Reigate, aged 15 years. The young man joined the Royal Navy as recently as January 27th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


For some time he was a member of the Reigate Company Church Lads Brigade, the King's Royal Rifle Cadets, joining the junior section on September 15th 1914 and being transferred to the company on April 11th 1916. The funeral took place last Saturday at the Reigate Cemetery when his late comrades of the Church Lads Brigade under Captain Stone paid him military honours.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


The coffin was draped with the Union flag. The officiating clergyman was Canon F.C. Davis, and he gave a touching tribute to the memory left behind by the deceased. The mourners included the parents, brothers and sisters and other relatives of the deceased lad. There were a large number of wreaths. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mrs J. Stoneman and Sons in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


No more information is immediately available of the life, the short life, of Alec Preston, who died of pneumonia, but who had served in the Royal Navy in the First World War, who's laid to rest in St Mary's Churchyard, and whose grave, Graham Norris, tidied and trimmed and replaced the gravel of back in September.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So the report being given to the councillors in the next couple of three weeks, and then a big executive meeting in January. Of course, the Planet Reigate podcast will be looking over that. All of that information as it becomes available. Now, you can listen to more about the Harlequin in episode 48. We've got a breakdown of the reasons for the Harlequin closure.

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Please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. And if you want to mention for your charity or non-profit event, we always look kindly on those. Let us know about it. You can fill out the form you'll find on So, Saturday the 9th of November, Rygate Rugby Club Fireworks Night. It all starts at 5.30 through till 9 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Adult £7 is a guide price. Visit for details. You may want to check whether tickets are still available for that. Obviously, with some of these events, particularly the fireworks and the bonfire events and so on, usually only a certain number of people can actually turn up. St Mark's Church have an autumn fair. So if you're interested in this, it's Saturday, 2 till 4.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Books, films, music, bric-a-brac, plants, tombola, cakes and preserves, the whole nine yards. For more information, 01737 210 785. For more information on that... Rygate Library have a Christmas craft fair Saturday, 10 till 4. Handmade crafts, gifts and much, much more. Rygate.library at Wednesday the 13th, it's Rygate Evening WI.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


They say if you're interested in meeting like-minded ladies and joining in activities in the daytime or the evening, we'd like to welcome you to our WI group. So, the Rygate Evening WI. has over 60 members and they meet monthly at the Reigate Community Centre behind the Methodist Church on the second Wednesday of the month. So that'll be this coming Wednesday then, 7.30 to 9.45.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And not only do they have their main group, but they've also got subgroups as well for things like book club, poetry, wine appreciation. I like the sound of that. In fact, I think I'd go to the Wine Appreciation and the Book Club and join the two. Talk about a book, have a glass of wine. There's a card-playing group, music appreciation, current affairs, local walks, gardening.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


In fact, they all sound interesting, don't they? Their members also organise lunches, dinners, charity fundraising events and much, much more. for more information on that. Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society presents Salad Days between the 13th and the 16th of November. It's at Betchworth Village Hall, so more information on that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


BODS, Betchworth Operatic and Dramatic Society, and they're all over social media, so you should be able to find them there. Thursday the 14th, Radio Marsden presents a big night of comedy at Reigate Manor. It starts at 7 o'clock, tickets £15, always a big night of comedy there. This coming Saturday, it's the Belfry Christmas lights switch on between 12 and 4.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Now, usually you might be thinking to yourself, it's taking an awful lot of time just to flick a switch. There are all sorts of various events, gift buying, the big light switch on, and also a certain Red Hill favourite to actually do the big flick.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So if you're a fan of the Red Hill pantomime in years gone by, you may be interested to go down to the Belfry from noon this coming Saturday or next Saturday, the 16th. Merstham Women's Group, they have a subtitle of Rebels with a Cause and a cuppa and they present the cohort's folk band at Canada Hall. Tickets £10 and Saturday the 16th at 7.30.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Got a kind of straightforward Q&A style there. In episode 49, audio highlights of that council meeting decision on what was going to happen next. In episode 53, reaction from the Harlequin support groups Ali Bond.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Tickets can be bought on their website and refreshments are going to be available there as well. fundraising, paint and sip at Nutfield Village Hall. I was there a couple of weeks ago for another event. You'll hear about that soon on the Planet Ryko podcast. Grab a drink and a brush and join in the fun.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


There's going to be step-by-step instruction, all materials provided, no experience is necessary, and all profits go to Age Concern. That's South Nutfield Village Hall between 6 and 10 on Saturday the 16th. Sue got in touch. I know Sue because she looks after the Ree Betchworth site, which we were talking about about three or four weeks ago. Went along to their Apple Fest day, didn't we?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Buckland and Betchworth Choral Society she's involved with as well. Sue wears various hats, and this is their 101st year of singing and still going strong with great gusto and... Lungs full of air. Their next concert is an ambitious event. They're going to be performing Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle. Hopefully I've got that right.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


With four professional soloists, an organist and piano accompaniment as well. 16th of November, 7.30, St. Matthew's Church in Redhill. Guide price for tickets £15. Get this...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


under 16s go free well that's pretty good value isn't it go to don't worry s at if you want some more information on that so buckland and betchworth choral society is bbc for more information on that and that concludes the good time guide for this week on the planet reigate podcast

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week to Brockham on the banks of the River Mole with Blackbird, Wren, Great Tit, Blackcap and Robin.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And in episode 57, the reaction of people leaving the first arts and culture consultation event run by Reigate and Bandit Head Power Council, which was focused on the Harlequin, which is what started this particular story in this new sequence on this week's edition. So episodes 48 and 49, 53 and 57 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Approval has been given for 120 assisted living flats in Redhill, as despite flood safety worries. So that draft scheme is for Noak Drive, which runs next to Redhill Brook, sits in high and medium risk flood zones, as the name might suggest, next to Redhill Brook. Did I ever tell you my first flat was on Brook Road in Redhill? To the Willows. I don't know who lives there now.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Maybe you're listening to me now. I used to live in your flat. So obviously with the risks associated with the nearby river, heavy rain, as I say, the name might suggest, Inevitably, some flats will be on the ground floor of this new building of 120 assisted living flats there on Noak Drive. Now, the decision was made at a Surrey County Council Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


In the news, first results are in after a series of Harlequin consultation events. Approval has been given for 120 flats in Redhill despite flood safety worries. I'll tell you details of a local drop-in event with advice on keeping your energy bills and water bills low and details too of warm hub locations locally over the winter as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


It's not something that falls to Reigate and Banstead Borough Council in this particular instance. It was argued that flood risk considerations are minor, quote, compared to the need to build units people can live in. There's always going to be a balance, isn't there, about what one side wants and what another side wants, what one report says and what other evidence claims and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And Surrey County Council actually owns the land. They want a six-storey building with, as I say, around 120 self-contained apartments for assisted living. The land, if you remember this, is the former Colebrook and Spectrum Noak Day Centre. It's part of Surrey County Council's programme to deliver 725 extra care affordable accommodation across the county by 2030.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And obviously, that's so elderly and vulnerable people as well. Not just the elderly can live by themselves, can live independently. They've still got access to support services, maybe some kind of warden on site. There may be a communal kitchen that serves up meals for everyone. It may be more of a communal kind of living area available there as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Obviously, the designs will be different in each different location. Planning officers say technical advice and data modelling shows that the extra care flats can be safely provided there at Noak Drive. As I say, issues of the actual design, how the building's going to look, the landscaping and so on, that's going to come later on down the line.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


If you want some more information on that, you can go to the Get Surrey website and also on the BBC website as well. The cost of living, I'm sure, is something that you're concerned about. I think everyone is watching their pennies at the moment.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Even if you're on maybe a six-figure salary, you'll probably still say, turn off that light and turning down the thermostat whenever you pass it in the hall or wherever it happens to be. Maybe you haven't even put your heating on at the moment.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Maybe you are being really, really careful because you don't know what is around the corner, what with various world events that have happened and been announced and voted on even in the past few days. So drop in information sessions for Energy Action Redhill and Rygate and SES Water. And also I've got details of local warm hubs in the next few minutes as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So first of all, Energy Action Redhill and Reigate helps local residents keep their homes warm and cut their energy bills. Free warm home packs are going to be available as well. So that sounds really useful. And of course, it's not just energy, but it's also water bills as well as other kind of bills as well that you may be concerned about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


SES Water can provide advice on discounts, priority services for those who need extra help, and water-saving devices to help your water usage. So there are three events I want to tell you about. They're based locally, obviously. That's why they're on the Planet Reigate podcast. And they're over the next few weeks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So first of all, first up, Reigate Library, Thursday the 14th of November, 10 till 12. And there's also going to be a 30-minute talk between 10 and half past. So if you're thinking, I'll go down there nearer the end of it, you may want to turn up at 10 just so you can be there for that informational talk. So that's Thursday the 14th, 10 till 12. Merstham Library, Thursday the 21st, 10 till 12.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And Redhill Library, Thursday the 12th of December, 10 till 12. So all libraries, all on Thursdays, all between 10 and 12. So those details again. Reigate Library, the 14th of November. Merstham Library, the 21st of November. And Redhill Library, the 12th of December. As I said, the warm welcome scheme for this winter is launching again. It has already started up.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


An unusual appeal to help children in East Surrey Hospital. Details on how you can help are on the way. And a local charity quick off the mark sending me details of locally grown Christmas trees to raise funds. I'll give you a rundown of local Remembrance Day events happening as well. In sport, we feature a local pool challenge to get involved with.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Now, these are essentially what we used to call kind of warm hubs. They've kind of slightly been rebranded just to make them a bit more welcoming and so on. Warm banks is another word that was used, wasn't it, a few years ago when the price of energy started going a little bit silly.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


now as well as places that you can go along and you can take a book or take your knitting or whatever it happens to be and actually keep warm saves you putting on your heating at home for a few hours they've often got things like heat obviously hot drinks social activities maybe craft activities meals some of them have food banks or a food club or some kind of community fridge one or two of these have guest speakers but obviously they've all got a chance for you to meet and make friends

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So not all of those things are available at all of these locations. But let me run through where those locations are. There's the Holy Trinity Church in Redhill, which is open Mondays 10.30 to 12.00. Mercedham Community Hub, 10.00 till 3.00, Monday to Friday. Mercedham Baptist Church, Thursdays 10.30 to noon.00.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Salford's and Sidlow Village Hall, the first Friday of the month between 11 and 12.30. Hawley Library, Tuesday to Saturday, 9.30 to 5.00. And Rygate Library, Tuesday to Saturday, 9.30 to 5.00 as well there. But there's going to be a hot drink and a warm welcome. Okay, let's move on. Brand new children's pyjamas are needed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Yeah, we've often put out requests and appeals for money or various items that some of our fantastic local charities are after, whether it be food or whether it be school uniforms or baby care equipment, that kind of thing. This is a slightly different one.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Sally says I volunteer for a children's hospital PJ charity and I deliver PJs to children in East Surrey and local hospices and also women's refuges. So children have a new pair of PJs on Christmas Day. Isn't that a fantastic idea? Can you help me? She says, I've got various local drop-off points. I won't list them all, but as I say, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with Sally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


It's a great idea, isn't it? Just something really personal. It makes it different from a T-shirt, but pyjamas can be so much fun, can't they, with the different designs and so on and colours.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Just imagine that you open up a present at all on Christmas Day, if perhaps you're a kiddie in a women's refuge or something like that, or maybe you're in a hospital, you've got your very own brand new pyjamas, which I think is absolutely fantastic. And I know quite a few families anyway often give Christmassy pyjamas to one another on the big day.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


So maybe you think, oh yeah, actually, I do that for my family. Let's do it for somebody else's family as well. Get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with Sally. Also talking about the C word and the big Christmas event. Not so long to go now. Locally grown Christmas trees from 9th Reigate Scouts. Premium Sussex grown Nordman fir non-drop trees, £35 to £69. Visit today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


All proceeds go towards supporting them in providing outdoor adventure and skills for life for young people. Okay, just ahead of our big interview this week, which is going to be from Veterans Gin and Rob over there, who I met down at Smallfield.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


We have the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Local weather stats so far this winter. Planet Reigate stars from Red Hill this week. And our 60-second soundscape before we go. At the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. And this week, from Brockham on the banks of the River Mole with Blackbird, Wren,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


Remembrance Day parades and services taking place Sunday the 10th of November at Redhill Shores Corner War Memorial, where I've been for the last couple of years myself. and also Hawley War Memorial Gardens as well. Let me just focus in and tell you specifically about the plans for the Hawley Royal British Legion Remembrance Day Parade down there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And hello, welcome to your Planet Reigate Podcast. This is Peter Stewart. Welcome to episode 61. This is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, my guest this week, Rob Wilson, who runs Veteran Gin in Smallfield, the gin which remembers the nation's fallen in a unique way and whose profits go to help service personnel today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


10.20, participants will be assembling on Consort Way West. 10.25, the parade will form up. And then 10.35, it's going to be move-off. They're going to be headed up by the Red Hill Corps of Drums and Band, who have been previous guests on the Planet Reigate podcast, going into Victoria Road, proceeding across the traffic lights into Vicarage Lane, and then walking to the War Memorial Gardens.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


But down in Hawley, members of the public are invited to join the parade. At the back of the parade, behind the Army Cadets Parade,

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


contingent if they want to please don't join the main body of the parade for obvious reasons because you know they're in step and they're in uniform but you can certainly go behind them then they're going to be turning up at the war memorial gardens you may want to just watch them as they parade as i say from consort way west on that route or you may want to turn up just at the the war memorial itself

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


There's going to be an introduction by the chaplain just ahead of 11 o'clock, followed by that main service and then that wreath-laying event. And then at 11.35, the parade will reassemble Vicarage Lane, return to the Albert Road Constitutional Club via Victoria Road and Town Precinct for the salute, and finally Albert Road again. where the parade will be dismissed.

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61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


I think my best friend's father used to run the Albert Road Constitutional Club back in the day. There's a national two-minute silence, obviously, on Monday 11th November. So we've got something happening on Sunday 10th, but also Monday 11th. It's going to be observed in the Hawley Town shopping precinct at 11. And Remembrance Day is taking place in the Belfry on Monday the 11th at 11.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


They say please join us in paying respects with a two-minute silence and that drop of 30,000 poppy petals. which is obviously important. That's quite a spectacle. I've been there before. Can't make it actually this year because it falls on a Monday and I have a day job. I'll be working. So I wish them well for that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


In fact, I got onto the Belfry website just to check the details and for some rather bizarre reason, There's a picture quite close up of me at last year's event, which is rather surprising to me, but a bit by shock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And on the evening of Sunday, the 10th of November and Monday, the 11th of November, Ryger and Banstead Town Hall will be lit up to commemorate Remembrance Day and Homestead Day as well. OK. Tell you what, we've got our sport and weather coming up in a few moments' time. But now seems a really opportune moment to bring you this week's guest.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

61: At Armistice, a unique local way to remember the area’s fallen… and more


And a few weeks ago, I made my journey down to a small field and I met up with... Somebody who I've met at a few business and networking events over the past few weeks, past few months rather, Rob Wilson. Now, he runs Veteran Gin in Smallfield. This is a special gin. If you've seen it, you won't forget it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So you're joining us at the Loveworks warehouse, and you've already got some donations coming in on this Friday morning. Kate is with me. Kate, where are these donations coming from?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


They're not donating the children? I hope they're not. Can we have a look and see what they are donating and what kind of things you're asking for and what kind of things people are handing over?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. Natural sounds from a place you know. This week from Charlewood. Plus... It's our anniversary edition. I'll give you a brief overview of some of the stories we've covered over the last 12 months and the top 10 of our most listened to episodes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And also I'm really impressed and really interested that the peanut butter, for example, and some other things here, I think that looks like Waitrose packaging, but peanut butter is from Marks & Spencer's.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Absolutely, and more bags coming out. There must be probably 20, and they're going back to get some more bags as well. This is really impressive, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


That's not going to last very long, is it? I mean, there's, what, 100, 150 there, something like that?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And what kind of people are you helping? These are obviously people who've got a bit of problem with their finances at this stage. They can't afford to feed themselves and their family.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Plus, if you would like to get involved and steer the show into year two, then please check out the link to our survey, which is in the show notes this week.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


These people don't just rock up here and ask for a handout, ask for a box of food. These people who are referred officially.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So you are working with a number of other agencies to help people beyond just in the kitchen?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


OK, now, as is often the way, when I come somewhere and there's a hubbub of people doing things, everyone goes quiet when the microphone goes on, because let's move over to some of the helpers over here, some of the volunteers. Hello, I'm George. What is your role today? What are you up to?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Absolutely. OK. You've got some fantastic-looking loaves over here. You are supported by some local cafes and bakers, aren't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Welcome to our anniversary edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. Very much appreciated. As I often say, thank you for the loan of your ears this week and indeed every week that we are here for the past 52. Very much appreciated, particularly if you're one of those people who likes to get involved and contact the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And talk to me a little bit, George, about what you put into people's food parcels as regards dietary requirements or also perhaps ethnicity and background and the kind of foods and flavours from their perhaps home countries.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


OK, George, thanks very much. And also another volunteer over here. Hello, who are you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Hi, Lynne. How many years have you been here volunteering?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Okay, and what are you doing today? What's your role today?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And some of these extras over here are things which you don't necessarily ask for, but they're kind of little treats, they're little different things. We've got some relish here, a cider chutney and some stuffing, mayonnaise, some rather nice posh coffee as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And all of this makes sure that none of the food that is donated goes to waste?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Thank you so much. I'll let you get back to your work and come back over to Kate. Kate, what is the overarching message that you want to get out to people who are listening to this?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


well we've got a few comments which have come in that i wanted to pass on to you this week we've got this one for example and it says quote congratulations on a great podcast that's from caroline david says as a former reigate resident i'd like to say thanks for the podcast nice to keep up with all the reigate information from where i live now

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


OK, and volunteers to help you, not just here, but also down at your gardens, your allotments, where you're growing fresh veg over the summer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So that all-important website for people to find out what is on your wish list at the moment and how they can get involved.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And that website also will have your contact details if people want to contribute in another way. Maybe it's fundraising through a school, which we saw a little bit earlier on at the start of this, or maybe it's a business raising money, something like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And thanks to everyone down at Loveworks who made me feel so welcome when I went down to their warehouse a few weeks ago, just ahead of the summer holidays, as you probably realised. This is the Planet Rygate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. If you'd like to help us move into our second year, then please fill out the survey that you'll find in our show notes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So wherever you're listening to this, there'll be a page of notes and links and so on that we always put there. So scroll down that and you'll be able to see a link through to our survey. Love it if you are a regular or even if you're a new listener that you can fill out that survey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Just kind of gives us an idea of the kind of features and the kind of things that you like to hear on the Planet Rygate podcast. Each week we present our news and sports sequence. So here we go with this week's. A bus route which runs through the area is going to be extended to give a new connection to Gatwick. Service 420 currently runs from Sutton to Whitebushes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


However, it's now started to be extended to run via Hawley and Gatwick Airport South Terminal stopping in Crawley. It's Metrobus which operates the route. They say that the 420 will no longer serve white bushes, but the area will continue to be served by Route 460 instead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Also in the news this week, well, we've got some more on the Dogs Public Space Protection Order for Reigate and Redhill that we mentioned a few weeks back. It's a fixed penalty notice of £80 if you don't follow the new rules. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, yeah, but they're probably quite straightforward and easy to understand. Well, you may need to.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


There are dog exclusion zones in all or part of these play areas, playgrounds, parks, recs, sports areas, or open spaces. Needless to say, they can be called various different things across the borough, across the country. So, are you used to walking your dog in any of these places? Well, start off with Red Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Rygate Priory Football Club said we've been listening to us on our number one favourite podcast it's available now wherever you get your podcasts absolutely so wherever you are you can follow us on your favourite social media social media yeah this is how you follow us oh and the good time guide is up and coming in a few seconds

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And then I've got a I'm going to drill down a little bit to give you a kind of idea of the kinds of restrictions there might be where you usually walk your dog. Obviously, I can't go into details for every single one of these, but let's just give you the details for one of them in a few moments time. But first of all, these are where some restrictions will be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


As I say, these play areas, playgrounds, parks, rec, sports areas or open spaces in Red Hill. First of all, come to Reigate in a couple of ticks.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Abinger Drive, Alderstead Heath, Battlebridge Rec, Brook Road, Colesmead Rec, Earlswood Common, Fairfax Avenue, French's Road, Greenway, Ifold Road, Memorial Park, Merstham Rec, Petridgewood Common, Redhill Common, Redstone Cemetery, Salford's Rec, Sabrosa Drive, Whitebushes Play Area and the Wordsworth Mead Play Area. And in Reigate, the restrictions will now be at the Castle Grounds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


You walk your dog there. Or on Collie Hill, the East Road Play Area, Gatton Park, Hartswood Play Area, Priory Park, the Reigate Garden of Remembrance, Reigate Heath, Sandcross Skate and BMX Park, South Park Play Area, St Mary's Church, Trumpets Hill Road, Ray Common and Woodhatch Park Play Area. So as I say... There's a lot for you to take in.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And if you know those areas and you walk dogs there, it may be worth you seeking out more information about the restrictions which have now come into force. Because some of those restrictions you will need to know to save yourself a fine. So what kinds of things are we talking about?

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Well, I could have taken any of those wrecks, parks or grounds or whatever, but I thought let's concentrate on Priory Park because that's an area that most people know and can visualise. So I'm just using this as an example. It could have been one of the wrecks, it could have been Collie Hill, it could have been all sorts of places. But let's just take Priory Park because most people know it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And we'll look at the restrictions specifically there. So from now on, the following additional rules apply to specific parts of Priory Park. So the formal gardens area. So that's from behind the tennis courts to Bell Street. And from the Ha Ha, that's that dip to Morrison's and Bell Street car park. That is now a dog on lead area. So your dog has got to be on a lead at all times in that area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Secondly, the footpath and the bank around the lake, that is a dog on lead area. The playground is a dog exclusion area, no dogs at all. Number four, the multi-use games area. So that's the basketball court to the side of the tennis courts. That now is a dog exclusion area. And the tennis courts, again, as you might expect, a dog exclusion area as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Now, certainly, I've walked a dog previously in the gardens area and around the lake, and she hasn't been on a lead. So if you are used to doing that, they now have to be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


um so those are the rules by the council which have just come in if you want some more information cromwell park is getting a makeover it started this past week it includes the cage the seating area and the grass areas as well a local couple are attempting to visit all 238 rnli lifeboat stations of the uk and ireland they're

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


They're a quarter of their way through their challenge. They're Alan and Helen Thornhill from Smallfield. They're raising funds for the life-saving charity, which celebrated its 200th anniversary a little bit earlier on this year. They've reached their 60th lifeboat station in Northumberland.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And since the beginning of June, they've been to Kent, Sussex, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Hampshire, Dorset, Devon and Edinburgh. So... all essentially on the south or the kind of southeast coast, East Anglian coast, and then Edinburgh. They say they're doing the challenge on and off over a period of a couple of years to fit around work.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So far, they've raised more than £600 for the RNLI, so congratulations to them. Got a couple of shops which have opened up. Spin Slow Style Boutique celebrates sustainability and less waste. It's a pre-loved fashion-for-all outlet with hand-selected indies on rotation, so it's a sustainable store. Five Prices Lane in Reigate, RH2. Tuesday to Saturday, 9 till 5. Sunday, 11 till 3.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


That's handy being open on a Sunday. Closed on a Monday. Also, let me tell you about a coffee bar which is open. Not really a shop, but if you've

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


kind of thought well earlswood needs somewhere for proper coffee well now there is somewhere it's a short hop skip and a jump away from earlswood station it's actually outside the old chestnut pub and if you bring your own cup along you get a large coffee for the price of a regular so that's pretty good news isn't it so if you're on your way to or from the station or walking into town from elsewhere you

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


then you'll be able to stop off there and you will be able to get a cup of coffee. Moving on to the Harlequin Theatre, I said there was a bit of an update. They say they've received so many questions regarding the shops below the Harlequin Theatre building and why they aren't affected by RAC as the theatre itself is.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Well, they say the building's management agents have confirmed that the shops are not affected as the first floor slab that sits above the ground floor units and below the theatre and library...

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


is solid reinforced concrete and it's not that crumbly aerated concrete that rack is also talking about the harlequin the council says work to explore potential options where they can be holding arts and cultural events is well underway work to progress the detailed rack survey continues

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And in working up the options, they want to engage with existing and potential users of art and cultural spaces, residents and customers about what they want going into the future. We spoke about this a couple of three weeks ago, didn't I? And there are plans for an engagement exercise in October. And I'll bring you more details on that as soon as I can. And the Arts Takeover is back.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, after the success of 2023's week-long Arts Takeover, it's back for 2024. More sessions and more opportunities to take part in the arts locally. Now, the week is designed to showcase the huge personal and communal benefits... that art and creativity offer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So you're able to take part in all sorts of workshops, comedy writing, poetry, learning DJ skills, the traditional art pottery and photography session. There is a slight cost for some of these, somewhere between £5 and £20. There are also performances to enjoy throughout the week around Redhill Town Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, Redhill has not been forgotten, even though there is a little bit of a challenge in actually putting this on without the harlequin and so on. So the dates you need, the 5th to the 12th of October.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I thought you'd like to kind of put some dates in your diary, which is why I'm going to tell you about all of the events which are coming up between the 5th and the 12th of October with the Redhill Arts Takeover right now. Here we go. So then let's start off on Saturday, Saturday the 5th at 10 o'clock.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


There's going to be an art exhibition featuring self-portraits by various artists from Daisy, which is an umbrella organisation which celebrates and promotes the work of deaf, disabled and neurodiverse artists. It's happening at the Belfry from 10 a.m. And from 10.15, same place. On Saturday the 5th, KCA cheerleading performance. They're going to be there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Now, KCA enter around five competitions a year and perform at many local events. So you'll be able to see them perform and also ask any questions and see whether your youngster wants to get involved in that as well. There's a stand-up comedy writing workshop for 18 years and over on Saturday the 5th of October, 12.30 to 4.30, and this is at Christ Central on London Road.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Back to the Belfry, between 1 and 2, the Include Choir is going to be performing, and also at the Belfry, between 2 and 3, the Rygate School of Ballet are going to be putting on a performance. And then between three and four, Unison and the Missing People's Choir are going to be singing their hearts out. And then also at the Belfry, Red Hill goes to Bollywood.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It's a performance with audience interaction, which is going to be going on there. That's what's going to be happening on the Saturday. Let's move on to Monday the 7th. Art for Relaxation is going to be something which is going on between 10 and half eleven tonight. at the Garibaldi Community Pub.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


At 10 o'clock at Christ Central on that day, the concertina sketchbook and mark making between 10 and half 12. You'll use paint, inks, pens and collage to produce a number of pages using a theme or making a zen doodle shape that you see in work which is going to be shown to you. At 3.45 between then and 5 o'clock at the Belfry, Messy Arts for Kids, aged 8+.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


On Tuesday the 8th, storytelling's going to be happening at the Garibaldi Community Pub. Storytelling with a twist, and especially for adults, is what we're told. On the 9th, at Memorial Park, Glow-in-the-Dark Paint Workshop with the Brockham Arts Club. So that's going to be happening between 7.30 at night and 10.30 at night. Well, it's got to be at night if it's glowing the dark, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


25 spaces available for that. Let's move on to Thursday. Thursday the 10th of October at St Matthew's Church, free lunchtime concert. So go along and listen to Reigate Grammar School soloists over lunch. It's all part of St Matthew's Church regular Thursday concerts. Let's stick with Thursday and an African drumming workshop at the Belfry between 6.30 at night and 8 o'clock at night.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Well, I've been to see Loveworks to hear more about what they do from their volunteers, the local food bank, and how you can get involved as well. and we continue our mini-series on the life of Samuel Palmer, local artist who became world famous. Now this week, his most famous artwork created here in Reigate, and it's of a view that you know so well today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


20 spaces available and £8 for those tickets. There's an open mic music with Simon Bull for the 18s and over at the Junction Pub on the High Street. 75 places for that. Come and jam. Simon Bull hosting his popular open mic in the heart of Any musicians wanting to play should sign up at arts at

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And then at 8 o'clock at the United Reform Church at Shaw's Corner, there's a unison choir with their open choir practice. So that's the 10th. Let's move on to Saturday the 12th. Photography Walk with Reigate Photographic Society. So I think I featured them in, I think it was episode 5 of the Planet Reigate podcast.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So they are doing a walk between 10 and half 11 and it's all going to be starting off from Memorial Park. 15 spaces are available for that crochet in the park is going to be happening again a memorial park crochet for beginners and more experienced people as well between 10 and midday on Saturday the 12th there's a DJ taster session happening at the Belfry. between 11 and 1 on the 12th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


There's an adult painting class also at the shopping centre between 2 and half past 3. And dance for all with all dance abilities at Donnings between 3 and 3.45 on Saturday the 12th, as I say, between 3 and 3.45. And it's another event which is happening just for the Arts Takeover in Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And if you want to mention for your charity or your non-profit event, do let us know about it. You can fill out the form you'll find on Also on that front page, you'll find the last five episodes. And also, if you scroll down a little bit further, you'll find what we call a hot link. to every single feature that we've done over the past year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And of course, you can hear more about what is happening, where it's happening, what time it's happening and book your places. If you go to and you have a little search around for the Arts Takeover event. As I always say, for more information, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Let's turn our attention to sport now. Local football roundup from our friend Stuart Holmes who's compiled this for us. Three local teams were in the Emirates FA Cup. First qualifying round action last weekend and there were wins for Merstham who won 2-1 at Stenningtown. Also for South Park who won 1-0 at Bracknelltown.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Redhill lost 3-1 away to Hastings and Hawleytown lost at home 3-1 to Camberleytown. And this week's draw for the Emirates FA Cup second qualifying round, Merstham will play away to National League Southside Tunbridge Angels. Now, that's a pretty tough draw for Merstham against a team which are currently unbeaten in their league. And once again, our thanks to Stuart for compiling that for us.

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52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Well, Spencer says two things. First of all, there's going to be a food bank donation collection at South Park FC Whitehall Lane from three to half five on Sunday the 8th. And he also tells this story, quote, 10 years ago, he says, I started the push locally so our daughters and young girls could have somewhere to go and play football.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I had this idea that one day I'd love to have a women's first team. The problem is that at 18, girls leave the area to go to university. But Just down the road at Reigate School, Zoe was building her own dream of a women's football club. But now Zoe and Reigate Women have become South Park Reigate FC Women's First Team.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And this Sunday the 8th, it's their first home league game versus Cranley, kicking off at 3.30, which is fantastic. It's free. And they're trying to get an historic crowd at the game as well. They'll have some pre-match and half-time things going on for the kids. Penalty shootout, crossbar challenge, nearest to the centre spot, that kind of thing. And Spencer says,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Our thanks to Spencer for passing that on and our hopes that Reigate women and Zoe's team as well joining together as South Park Reigate FC women's first team are going to win their first match and continue to win matches this coming weekend certainly against Cranley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So you'll just be able to read the headline, click on the link, and it'll take you to the specific point in the show that interview or that feature or that report was included. So again, And first of all, let's start off with... Details of the Heritage Open Weekend, or really the Heritage Open Week, because that's what it is.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


friday the 6th so if you're listening to this it's today as it is published but friday the 6th at seven o'clock spots and stripes opens in red hill yeah we've spoken about this on the program before if you don't get to see them today friday then perhaps sometime over the weekend or if

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


forthcoming weeks particularly as the as the knights draw in they're at the queen's way well just uh near the sun pub just near sainsbury's there in red hill and it's going to be opened on friday at 7 p.m and including an exhibition by ultimate pool player and former world champ carl morris It is Surrey's largest pool hall, snooker and darts venue, 37 tables, 10 dartboards.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So it's going to be 16 eight-ball pool tables, 16 nine-ball tables, 4 snooker tables, a Chinese eight-ball table, 10 dartboards. And this is what they say. There's been a pool hall and snooker club in the centre of Redhill for several decades now. And as you may have known, it was Colours, Riley's, Q's and Brooklyn's before us.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Sadly, in 2023, they all closed their doors, but now Spots and Stripes is there. And it's going to be great stuff. I remember Q's, certainly. Yeah, very distinctive logo, as I recall there, passing by. And so good luck to them. Hope that opening goes really, really well. I think Carl is known as Houdini, isn't he, in the pool and snooker world? I think so.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


We're happy to announce the new basketball club for both boys and girls in school years 7 to 11 in Redhill, Reigate and surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide an inclusive, enjoyable and professional basketball session, including learning by fun and match play. Cara, meet us at Carrington School, Tuesday, September 10th. All levels welcome.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So it's going to be every Tuesday, 6 till 7, £5 to play a session. And as I say, that's going to be at Carrington. And it's run Rygate later on this month on the 22nd. And we thought here at the Planet Rygate podcast, we'd bring you some helpful thoughts from some of those who've conquered the course before.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So we asked Linda from Rygate Priory Athletics Club to speak with some of her friends there at this week's training session to get their advice.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Now, if you haven't actually heard about Heritage Open Days, let me explain a little bit. Every September, thousands of volunteers across England organise events to celebrate our fantastic history and culture. It's your chance to see hidden places and try out new experiences, and all of them are free to explore. Now, it goes from the 6th

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


We've got our Planet Reigate stars in a few moments' time. We'll continue Sam's story, the story of Samuel Palmer, who was an artist who lived locally in Reigate, one of his most famous creations. I was going to say painting, not a painting. One of his most famous creations is actually of a scene that you still know today, more than 100 years later.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And so I'm going to be continuing that story about Samuel Palmer in a few moments' time. Also, we've got our good time guide for the week ahead. I'm going to tell you a little bit more about our anniversary. And run down the top ten most listened to episodes, courtesy of you and your support over the last 12 months. And also our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Don't forget, if you would like a facilitator for your club, your business, your group, your organisation, or maybe an emcee for your event, maybe you're after someone to be interviewed on stage or a judge, then speak to me and I may be able to help you out. Hello at OK, here comes this week's Planet Reigate Star Award. From Red Hill, Katie says... Thank you again.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It was such a lovely thing to do and I'll make sure I pay for your good deed going forward. So if you were that lady in the Sainsbury's car park who paid for someone else's parking, thank you from me and from them as well. And hopefully you will accept this week's sprinkle of stardust in our Planet Reigate Star Award.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


From the Planet Reigate podcast, a new exhibition at Adams Gallery in Reigate celebrates the work of Samuel Palmer and William Blake and commemorates their first meeting exactly 200 years ago. Yeah, I said 100 years ago, didn't I? Twice as long. It's even more significant. But who was Samuel Palmer, and what were his links with the Planet Reigate area? Now, last week I started off the story.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Next week I'll conclude it. Next week. Oh, next week. Boy, oh boy. Last week I told you about his early career, his love of a young girl who became his wife, and his extravagant honeymoon. Now, the story continues on the Planet Reigate podcast. In 1861, the Palmer family moved out of London to a small cottage in Reigate. Why?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Well, their oldest son Thomas was ill and it was thought that the country air would be good for him. But it didn't do the trick, and 19-year-old Thomas died just a few months later. Samuel Palmer was devastated and never fully recovered from his grief. However, the loss did inspire him to create his perhaps best-known picture, and it's a scene you will know more of that in a moment.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


to the 15th of September this year, so we're just getting underway with that. So let's tell you some of the events which are happening this year. Now, incidentally, if you want some more details on any or all of these, is the website that you need to go to.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


By now, a small measure of financial security had come Samuel's way. And in 1862, he was able to move the family to a small villa close to his wife's parents. Now, they had just built a large mansion just outside Reigate, and the Palmers moved to a Gothic villa called Furze Hill House, not far from where Donata School is today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


But some research shows that it was provided for, the painter, by his father-in-law. who also paid some of his bills. One story is that Palmer couldn't even afford to have a daily newspaper delivered, suggesting that money was still pretty tight. Palmer was having a rough time emotionally as well as financially. He felt as though his work was not being truly appreciated.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And not only was he still weighed down by the death of his mother when he was a boy, now his son... who Samuel had hoped would go to Oxford, had died after 18 months of a long and painful illness. The artist was trying to make sense of the world, and he had many discussions with a Redhill clerical family called the Wrights about theology and morals,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And out of the darkness eventually came some light. One biographer wrote, Palmer withdrew into the peaceful world of his study, and he was there amid loved books and artistic treasures, amid prayers and meditations and rambling memories, that he rediscovered a lost vision.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It might not have been as fervid as it had been in Shoreham near Sevenoaks before, but during the Furze Hill exile of the final part of Palmer's life, he worked on the finest pictures he had created since his youth. And those were created right here locally.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Another commentator saying that his final two decades represented a distillation of everything that had come before in terms of both subject and style. His painting Going to Evening Church was done here. It's now in the Tate, although the cornfields and the church seem to be an invented idyll.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It was at Furze Hill that Palmer, in 1872, drew a pen and ink sketch simply titled Red Hill, although there are no distinguishing features that help us pinpoint the location today more than 150 years later. But it's a work called The Lonely Tower that's of most interest to us and it's one that you need to see because it's a view that you know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And first of all, I want to tell you what Anne has written to me about, because she says I'm one of the staff team at St Matthew's Church in Redhill. She says, we're opening up the building as part of National Heritage Open Day scheme on Saturday the 7th between 10 and 4. And it's a great chance to explore our Victorian church and the connection between church, town and the railway.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It was engraved in 1879 and was taken from an earlier watercolour and is said to be his etching masterpiece and unusually the principal feature of the landscape was not only a particular place but one which he could see in the distance from his studio. in Furze Hill House, and it was very close to the farm where his son Thomas is buried.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Indeed, the sky in The Lonely Tower has the great bear star constellation as it was on the night that his son died, and as he, Samuel, looked skyward in grief. On the right-hand side of the picture is a flock of sheep overlooked by two shepherds. On the left, there's a wagner with his ox cart negotiating a narrow stone-built path. A barn owl flies overhead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


There's a crescent moon low down in the centre of the picture, with the lonely tower lit from the inside through one window, standing on a high bank to the left of the etching. And it's suggested that that tower is Leith Hill Tower, the folly built in 1765. It would be clearly seen from Red Hill without the present-day tree cover, especially as Palmer's House also was on a hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It's such an atmospheric and haunting picture, the Irish poet W.B. Yeats referred to the work in his poem Phases of the Moon. And from that etching, several similar watercolours were created, which are in galleries around the world. The original is held in storage at the V&A. Samuel Palmer died in Redhill in 1881 at the age of 76.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


His father-in-law and mentor, John Linnell, died just six months later. Samuel's wife, Hannah, died 12 years later, and the two are together in the cemetery at St Mary's in Reigate. OK, so you probably think the story is over. The pictures and etchings have been done. They're in safe storage or on display at various galleries around the world. But next week, the story continues.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


How a vindictive relative nearly destroyed all evidence of Samuel Palmer's work. and how that led to a massive fraud over what he had completed. Plus, where Samuel lived locally, and how we remember him to this day, without perhaps realising. And there's a display of Samuel Palmer's work at Adams Gallery in Reigate from September the 19th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Let's jump straight forward to Tuesday the 10th of September and the Growing Health team together inviting people living and working in communities across East Surrey to get together to create conditions in which everyone's health and wellbeing can flourish. Can't say fairer than that. While the health service is vitally important, it largely focuses on doing the repairs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


We've got a number of connections to the railway and the growth of Redhill itself with the coming of the railways.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So this particular group builds the conditions for health and well-being together in communities. So can you get involved? The next meeting, Hawley, Tuesday the 10th, 9.30 to 11 at Hawley Community Centre at Regent House on Albert Road. More details, neighbourhoods.eastsurrey at The Archway Theatre presents Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Following on from their sell-out production of Weird Sisters by Terry last year, they present the further adventures of Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Og and Margaret Garlic. Mysterious crop circles are appearing all over the kingdom. and this can mean only one thing. The lords and ladies are back, and they're distinctly not fluttery and twinkly. It's up to the weird sisters to sort it all out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, I know about this because if you scroll down on the front page of and then click through to all of our episodes and the link there, if you scroll to episode T-3, so that's one of our pre-launch episodes, T-3, you'll be able to hear our History of Red Hill episode in that in which we talked about

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Throw in a moody teenage wannabe witch, some rude mechanicals and a couple of wizards, not to mention a very distinctive librarian... You've got a recipe for much hilarity mingled with Pratchett's very own profound philosophical observation. So five performances, 7.45 between the 10th and the 14th of September, plus a matinee on Saturday the 14th at 2 o'clock.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And the Planet Reigate podcast is proud to be official media partners with the Archway Theatre Hawley. For more information and booking details, go to or phone 0333 666 3366. Friday the 13th of September, Betchworth. It's a lovely walk around the fields, the countryside and the golf course across Betchworth and Brockham.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


That's a bit better, isn't it? And next Saturday, it's a Rygate Caves Open Day on the 14th. And also, you're invited to join Picnic in the Park. Yeah, this is happening in Charlewood. Get ready to soak up the sun and relish the joy of the great outdoors. Come one, come all, they say. Join us for an unforgettable picnic experience. They say we can't wait to share this wonderful day with you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Game stations will be set up for everyone to use. Mini football matches, beat the goalie, bring a blanket, bring a chair, pack a picnic for all to share. That rhymes. Pitch a gazebo and chill the beers. Let's all play games, sing and cheer. Event organised by Chulwood Community Volunteers. It's at Chulwood Rec on the 14th. So pop down there and take part in that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Don't actually have a time for this, but as it's a picnic, well, it's not going to be first. It's not going to be at 7am, is it? It's going to be lunchtime and into mid-afternoon, I should imagine. Nutfield Gardening Society have their autumn show at Nutfield Village Hall. That opens at 9am for exhibitors.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Exhibits to be staged by 10.30 open to the public at 2.30 with a raffle and prize giving at 4.30 and we wish them every success for that event there. Well, did you hear that it is our very first birthday? Yeah, it's episode 52 and it's our anniversary edition. I mean, just looking back at the last year, it's been quite a roller coaster.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I reckon we've, well, obviously 52 episodes, over a thousand events listed, nearly 200 interviews done. Places I've been to, well, of course, Rygate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, but also Lye and Charlewood and Hawley. Been to the hospital a couple of times, Mercer's Lake, Rygate Hill, Gatton. I mean, more and more places than that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Spoken to people at their football, tennis, netball, volleyball and cricket clubs. Events covered have been in the wet. Reigate Summer Festival, anyone? Sunny, the YMCA Fun Run, the Cyclocross event. That was hot and sunny, wasn't it? I've been inside and outside.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I've spoken to officials and organisers, singers and winners and volunteers, counsellors and creatives, a poet and a songwriter, charity staff, hospital staff, authors, artists, photographers, ceramicists... a dairy farmer, a war historian, and I've brought you stories from history of Samuel Palmer and the World War II plane crash and Richard Carrington, the man who built Donata House.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


the link between red hill and the railways and and says yeah we've got a number of connections between the railway and red hill and there's going to be a chance to take a self-guided tour around our stained glass windows children's activities plans for a modern railway installation refreshments as well the local history society will also bring along a display of some of the pictures and information that they've got regarding the connections between red hill and the railways

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And I've been to events and reported from events that other media just haven't been at or have reported on several days or sometimes a few weeks later. I thought you might be interested to know our top 10 episodes downloaded by you over the past 12 months.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And number 10, episode 25, featuring the first part of our story about, as I've just mentioned, the Reigate Hill plane crash, which we spread and told over three shows. 9.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


at number nine in our top 10 of most downloaded episodes was episode 39 so ahead of the reigate summer festival one of the organizers karen took us on a walk and talk through the town telling us what acts will be performing where we also partnered with ray fest over the summer and james told us all about it incidentally this past year we also partnered with the pub in the park

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


the Reigate and Redhill Music and Drama Festival, the Archway Theatre, and we've got ongoing collaborations with the Children's Trust and support from the Belfrit Shopping Centre as well. In another occasional feature, Priory Bark was in episode 39. We have conversations with local dog owners about their pets, and in that episode, Ian told us about Pepper, his Siberian husky.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And also, we had memories of long-time Redhill and Reigate shopkeeper, Jimmy Bridger. Our eighth most downloaded episode from the past year was episode 32. We started telling the history of the Donata School building. Who was it built for? Why? We listed the best local bluebell woods that are near pubs. Very important.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And we heard from Jamie Amos, Redhill-based musician, composer, producer, music promoter and mentor.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Was episode 44 with Katie Beth from Inner Art Tuition and also had a big list of our summer holiday events for kids.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Our sixth most downloaded episode from the past 12 months, episode 48. We featured the swimming pool in Bancroft Road. More on that to come in the next few episodes. Also thoughts on what could be in Memorial Park going forward. We heard from four wonderful winners of local volunteer awards. And we heard about the passing of John Shinner, the man who bought Priory Farm back in 1957.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


and developed it into what it is today. Also in episode 48, it was our breakdown Q&A of the reason behind the Harlequin closure.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Our fifth most popular episode from the past 12 months, episode 30, featuring Betchworth churchyard stories. Yeah, Karen, the Betchworth village archivist with a couple of stories of those buried at St Michael's. It was the anniversary of the curious case of Kevin Keegan and what happened to him on Reigate Hill when episode 30 came out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


We told you that story in episode 30 and we heard from District Commissioner for Scouting Tony Brown and also from his son Matt Brown, the leader of 17th Reigate Scouts, where you may remember this story, their minibus had been taken and torched the previous week. Episode 45 comes in at fourth place of the most listened to episode of the past 12 months.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


In that episode, we spoke with various long service volunteers from across the area who had been recognised at Reigate Town Hall. A reminder that each week we mention local people who've done something good. We call it the Planet Reigate Stars. See what we did? A neighbour, a friend, stranger, shopkeeper.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Someone who's done something, maybe as a one-off or maybe regularly, that has made your life a little bit better. Yeah, we're into the top three of most listened to episodes of the Planet Reigate podcast over the last 12 months. And at number three, episode 37, in which we heard more about the Reigate Summer Festival with Tim, one of the organisers.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So that's tomorrow, Saturday, the 7th of September. As I say, the times there are between 10 and 4. So that's what's happening then. Also, I can tell you that... On the 14th of September, so these, no particular order, so this is at the back end of Heritage Open Week, 14th of September, Historic Vehicle Display run by Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society is at Tunnel Road.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And just ahead of the Wimbledon tennis season, I went down to Reigate Priory Lawn Tennis Club to speak to Britt and some of the other players about what the club can offer players of all ages. And we heard from Nicky, who runs Cut Price Acupuncture Sessions in Merstham, and was telling me what she may be able to do to help you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


In second place, episode 33, where we heard about the changing face of Reigate. Yeah, Andrew Farrant, senior partner at local estate agents White & Son, was our guest. Hear how Reigate developed since the war, the influence of big business coming to the area, and how that affected the price of a house locally. What Reigate did that Dorking didn't.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


that caused our town to surge ahead in popularity and pass our neighbours. We also heard from seven members of Merstham Cricket Club and the man who built the Donata School building as his home. Yeah, we continued with that story, how he got to be famous, the scandal surrounding him and his legacy today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And we had the news that we had broken on social media a few days earlier ahead of anybody else. about the closure of the M&S in the Belfry. And, of course, the story of what replaces M&S in the Belfry still remains untold. So, those are our most popular episodes from the first year of the Planet Reigate podcast, from ten to two. But which episode have you, in effect, voted your favourite?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, the most listened to episodes over the first year of the podcast has been episode 46. So let me tell you what was in that episode. Well, in our Planet Reigate area news, we heard from the speakers at the council meeting who discussed the Harlequin Theatre. I also told you about a redevelopment of the Pilgrim Brewery site.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


That coming week was Heath Week, so we had a report from Reigate Heath. I told you about the flora and fauna and archaeological finds, how it got to be a heath, and some of the more unusual trees and birds and animals you may be able to spot there. And the second annual Reigate Cyclocross event.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


was coming to Priory Park in a couple of weeks after episode 46, various races and hundreds of riders up in the trails through the woods. And I had walked the course with event director Sean Lamberth and took you through that, telling you the best places to watch and to stand and to cheer on those cyclists.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So that was the top 10 most listened to, most downloaded episodes of the first year of the Planet Reigate podcast. And I should say that you can still listen to every single episode of the Planet Rygate podcast from episode one, as you might expect, all the way up to episode 52, including, of course, the episodes before we launch.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, we had four pre-launch episodes just kind of setting the scene, telling you a little bit of history about Rygate, Redhill and Merston, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham, telling you a little bit about the show. They're really short episodes and they are right at the beginning. Now, how can you find these? Well, you can find them on your usual podcast app that you might listen to.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So that might be, it could be any number of different kinds of apps. There are dozens out there, but also Apple Podcasts. So all of our podcasts are on Apple Podcasts. All of our podcasts are on YouTube. They're also on our website. So if you go to on the front page of that, you'll see our last five episodes. So the most recent episodes are there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Just click and you can listen to those. And also there's a link that'll take you through to all of our other episodes as well. There's also a whole section there listing the best of the guests today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


So if you just want to scroll through that and see something that piques your interest, you'll be able to just click on the link and you'll be taken specifically to that point in that particular show that plays you that interview or that feature. And that list of the best of the guests is also pinned to the top of our Facebook page as well. On Facebook, search for The Planet Reigate Podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And also, you can ask your smart speaker, whether that be Google or whether it be A-L-E-X-A, to play a particular episode that you wanted to hear. So, for example, if I wanted to hear the most popular episode that I've just been talking about, then all I've got to do is to turn to my trusty smart speaker and let's hope this works. Hey, Google. Play episode 46 of the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


If you want to hear a bit more about the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society, I interviewed them in Episode 5 of the show. Also, Heath Church, Reigate, happening tomorrow, Saturday. That's off Flangeford Road in Reigate. You can discover Heath Church, which is the daughter church of St Mary Magdalene Church in Reigate. It was put up in 1907, so just past the cottages.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And that's it. Hey, Google, stop. So there you go. That's all the ways that you can listen. If you've got any problems, of course, get in touch with me. Hello at Thank you so much for listening and thank you for taking part. Thank you for sending me your events for the Good Time Guide. Thank you for contributing on social media when I've put up those posts.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Thank you to you if you're one of the administrators of the We Love pages. We love Reigate and we love Red Hill specifically, who've been very supportive and helpful and understanding today. as we've weaved our way through various admin requests and so on over the past 12 months. And you know what?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


We really want to stay bringing you more of what you want to hear on the all-local podcast of local events and guests, news, sport and features from... Places you love and people you know in RH1, 2 and 3. So I'd love it if you got a few minutes to complete our short survey. Thank you in advance for doing that. You'll be able to find the link to it in our show notes.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Got about another 10 days or so to do that. Would really appreciate it if you could fill out and essentially it says what you like about it, what you want to see more of, perhaps you want to see less of, that kind of thing. Thank you for helping us improve and continue growing. with the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Before we go, at the end of the show... natural sounds from a place you know. And this week, to Chalwood... and the crooked pitch in the centre of the village...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


There's a little lane immediately after the last cottage. Go up there. And it's just up the end on the right-hand side. So you can't park up there. So what would I suggest? Probably parking at one of those Heath car parks and then walking back. It's only a couple of minutes, isn't it? Talking of which, the Cranston Library.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yes, St Mary's Church in Chart Lane in Reigate, opening tomorrow, Saturday. Discover a tiny, exquisite parish library founded in the early 18th century. It's thought to be a forerunner of today's public libraries, so you'll be able to find out all about the history and the story about its founder, Andrew Cranston. Yeah, I believe it's supposed to be the oldest library in the entire world.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Also in the news, better buses to Gatwick, more on the new local dog walking restrictions locally. You may be surprised about what you can and can't do anymore. A local couple are trying to visit all lifeboat stations in the UK. There are more than 200 of them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Talking about old, do you know about the Medieval Undercroft in Reigate? It's an amazing opportunity to discover the Medieval Undercroft. It's between West Street and Slipshoe Street in Reigate. And this is happening on Sunday the 8th. So, West Street, Slipshoe Street in Reigate and that Undercroft there. Pre-booking not required and you can go along there on Sunday the 8th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Also, I can tell you about Buckland Windmill, which, if you don't know this, this is at Dungates Lane at Betchworth. It's being opened on the 14th of September, and it's the only surviving wind-powered sawmill in the whole of the UK. It's a tiny windmill designed to support the on-site sawmill and woodyard, and you can go along to see that. Again, you don't need to book, just rock up on the 14th.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And I think we've got another couple to tell you about. First of all, the Holmesdale Natural History Club Museum, which is being opened on the 14th, probably enough, on the 4th at 14 Croydon Road. Founded in 1857, the Holmesdale Natural History Club is opening its private museum of natural history, local history, local archaeology and geology as well. St Michael's Church in Betchworth.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, we've been there a couple of times. You'll hear about a couple of people who were buried in their churchyard in episode 30 of the Planet Reigate podcast. And also we did the links between that church and it's being featured in the film Four Weddings and a Funeral in episode 35 of the podcast. Sir Michael's beautiful church, a picturesque village of Betchworth, of course.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And yes, indeed, it was the first church in that 90s blockbuster. And you'll be able to go in and go around and hear more about it. Various dates that you'll be able to come across if you click through on St John the Evangelist Church in Redhill. Outstanding in more ways than one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Not only is it outstanding because it can be seen for miles around, but also it's an outstanding example of the Victorian Gothic revival. And you can see the original Victorian stained glass, a gilded triptych. That's a three-part kind of picture and also a fine organ as well. Multiple dates that you can go along to that over the course of the coming week. for more on that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I'll tell you about a new shop that's opened up on Prices Lane in Reigate, a new place to get your coffee in Earlswood, got a couple of clarifications about the Harlequin, And talking about arts and entertainment, I'll tell you more about the big arts takeover in Redhill next month.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Gatton Park is open on the 7th, so that is tomorrow, Saturday. Usually you have to pay to get in there, but you can enjoy a guided tour of the capability brown design landscape and Edwardian gardens, including the Japanese garden, which is celebrating 25 years since its restoration. You do have to pre-book for that one. Again, you can do that via

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


And pre-booking is required if you want to have a little look around the Reigate, Beaumont, Barchester Healthcare Care Home, which is there on Collie Lane. You can have a tour of their beautiful grounds and the history surrounding the home, various dates over the course of the coming week. And for any or all of these,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to episode 52. Yes, it's our anniversary edition of the Planet Reigate podcast. One year old today. And this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. This week in our anniversary edition.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Let's tell you about a few other things which are going on. And let's stay with Saturday, first of all, because we can tell you about a new opening of a shop in the Belfry. It's called Cosmic Comics. It's going to be your local comic shop that stocks comic books, new and old.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


A great range of collectibles, including action figures and Funko trading cards, including Pokemon, movie posters, movie merchandise like mugs, badges and key rings as well. Plus, Autism All-Stars are going to be at the centre for the grand opening with some of your favourite TV and movie characters as well. So that's happening Saturday between 10 and 4.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


OK, let's move on to Sunday and there's the Reigate Triathlon on Sunday and it's all kind of centred on Buckland Lake on the A25.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


It's going on between 9.30 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon or there or thereabouts and of course they are going to be using some local roads because as their write-up says, take a 750m open water swim in the lake followed by a scenic 20k loop on the bike around the country lanes of Reigate and the surrounding area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


finally to finish the route completes a 5k circuit around the perimeter of the lake whether you've got friends and family running or you're a local resident and want to get involved we'd love for you to come and share your support for all the runners joining us in the triathlon the more the merrier they say plenty of opportunity to see the runners out on the course they're going to need all the motivation they can get as they swim bike and run around the area uh essentially um

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Yeah, passing down the old road and the old Rygate Road, Kiln Lane to Brockham, there and thereabouts. So if you're in that neck of the woods, you may want to check that out. Go along there with your bicycle bells and your cow bells and so on. And it's going to be really, really interesting for you to see all of that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


In sport, a result roundup from last weekend's football, how two local clubs have merged and play their first match this weekend. The opening of Surrey's largest pool hall locally. Details of a new basketball club which is opening up. Plus, of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead. Planet Rygate stars from Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Now, if you want a specific route that they're going to be passing, then go to and then check out the events page for that, and you'll be able to see the loop and some pictures and how. If you're really desperate to join up, you can do that as well. Sunday, the 8th of September, the Quality Street Fair. Gates open at 11 through till 4.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Parking is nearby or at the station car park for $2.70. And they say, please support this historic street fair. Once again, we're raising money for two local charities. We've got a bar, eats and treats, craft stalls, archery, boxing, boxing. Thanks for watching. Also, we're back for our second Rygate Toy Fair at the Priory School Sports Hall.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Had a great busy first fair with a great range of trade, as they say. And we're going to have some more cosplayers on Sunday. Pokemon sellers, vintage toys and collectibles, board games, 80s and 90s toys, retro games, early bird entrance from 9am is going to be £2 and then free entry from 10am. So, as I say, that's the 8th of September. Got another one on November the 17th, by the way.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Reigate Priory Junior School Sports Hall. So you can get into that via Morrisons, of course. Do be aware of that maximum two-hour stay. Hands up, hands up if you've been caught out with the two-hour stay at Morrisons and have to pay a £60 fine. Yeah, you as well. Yeah. Not just me then. OK. We've got plenty more to come on this week's episode of the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


I'll do a little bit of casting back and looking back at some of the most successful, most listened to shows over the past 12 months. Tell you how you can get involved with the next 12 months. We've got our 60-second soundscape. We've got our Planet Reigate stars. We've got another edition of the Good Time Guide looking at events which are happening in the week ahead.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

52: The LoveWorks food charity, the world-famous local artist who etched a view that you know so well… and more


Plus, of course, we've got our main feature this week from Loveworks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And you're taking students all the way up to GCSE and then a bit beyond as well?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Talking about driving, we've got details of next weekend's M25 closure as well. In sport, free run, Reigate places up for grabs. And a couple of unusual jobs, one at the Belfry and the other where the job description is, you have to like lemon sherbets. That sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Stay tuned for more on that one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And I'm guessing as well as the vocabulary and the language and so on and the structure, you're also talking about the culture, the food, and you're introducing different ways of learning, I guess, by looking at films, for example, or reading newspapers.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And this is Peter Stewart bringing it to you for Saturday the 6th of July 2024. It is episode 43. Welcome to this week's show. And all sorts of things going on this week. My guests, Lucille is with me from Petite Ecole, a weekend and holiday club French school in Redhill that teaches French to very young children all the way through to A-Levelers.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And there's one more class. I'm just going to take a little peek. But they're all quiet, so we're not even going to go in there. You think they're doing an exam or a test or something?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


OK, well, let's go and speak to one of the children and ask them why they're learning French on a Saturday afternoon. How did you get into this? Because obviously you're French...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


I didn't realise it's a big French community there in Reigate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And all I can say is je m'appelle Pierre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And thank you for speaking English, that's good. Why did you come here on a Saturday afternoon, Sol?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And why do they think that it's important you learn French?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


OK, and do you go on holiday to France?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Have you found it useful to be able to ask for things like in a cafe or a shop?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


What kind of things do you ask for? What kind of things have you said?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Is it a bit different from, like, day school that you go to in the week?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Oh, wow. Gosh. How does your brain cope with splitting up all of the different words into the right languages when you're talking? Because I only speak English and I can't understand how anyone else can cope with lots of different languages.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Of course, we've got the good time guide of events across the area across the week. We've got Planet Reigate stars for people who helped a distressed woman in Reigate. Plus, our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this week. Well, last week we had bells at the belfry. This week, bells from a local church. All that and more as the Planet Reigate podcast continues.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So if you don't think too hard, it comes naturally after a lot of practice.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


It's interactive, isn't it? You're learning as you're playing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


What would you say to other people, perhaps your age, who are thinking, OK, this sounds quite good, but I'm not entirely sure. What would you say to them?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And see what it's like. And if you don't like it, you can move on, can't you? Do something else.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


That's fantastic. Thank you so much. Wow, you're brilliant.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Oh, I should say that as well, shouldn't I? Merci beaucoup.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


That was fantastic. Thank you so much, Lucille. Now, you have other things that happen, not just on a Saturday afternoon, but during the course of the year as well. And I know you've got various holiday camps where children learn French, including in the summer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


OK, and how do people get in touch with you if they're interested in either going along to one of those or coming here on a Saturday afternoon?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


News on the way, plus sports. We've got a couple of jobs you may be interested to hear about as well and some local travel affecting you if you regularly go on the M25. First of all, let's check out some news that's been happening recently across the area. Plans have been submitted to turn an office block in Red Hill into almost 100 apartments.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


The plans for the six-storey Red Central building, it's on the A25, on the, well, essentially it's the high street, isn't it? Includes 76 studio apartments, 14 one-bedroom apartments and five two-bedroom residences. spread across the first to the fifth floors. There's also plans for a ground floor gym. The existing shops on the ground floor will remain unaffected.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


That's the red central building on the high street. Now, you may be wondering... Where's the Red Central building in Redhill High Street? It's one of those that you do know, but you may not know it's called the Red Central. Let me give you a description.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So if you go into Redhill down the Brighton Road, Halford's on your right-hand side, yeah, under the bridge to the roundabout, and then go left, so don't go to the station, go as though you're going...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


round to the belfry it's that building on the right hand side before before that that shop left on the lights to go round to the belfry so that is uh that is red central and you can read more about that story on the bbc website A Hawley Town Award has been presented to Jacqueline Jones for services to the community.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And of course, you'll find the time that each of those features are on in our show notes, so you can scooch straight through to that particular point. And don't forget to subscribe to the show in your favourite podcast app. And if that wasn't enough, let's look back briefly at episode 31. We heard from Redhill musician Jamie, how he grew up in the area and went on to be a producer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And part of Jacqueline's citation reads, She's so modest with regards to all her dedication and hard work that her unparalleled record of voluntary work remains largely invisible to the public eye. To give a flavour of some of her work, she's been trustee of the Henry Smith Hawley Charity. Spoken about that recently.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


recently for more than six years and still does voluntary work she befriends clients for ashcroft care services during covid she helped to distribute food and assist with activities at both the hawley food bank and hawley methodist church she volunteers at both renewed hope red hill preparing meals for fundraisers and at the hawley night shelter as well so congratulations to to jacqueline absolutely she deserves a round of applause doesn't she

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Another item here. Talking about renewed hope, it may only be summer, but plans are already underway for their winter night shelter. And what they want to do is to expand the season. So they're looking for another couple of places that can host some people actually into March. So they say if you share in their mission to serve the homeless... then please go to

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


It may be that you know of a bit of space, a bit of disused office space or something like that. I don't know the exact details, but if you think, oh, actually, I know a bit of a space, I've got some awareness of some room or some rooms, Another item here for you, parking in Hawley Car Parks.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Three of them has been free for the first 20 minutes recently, and that is going to continue. It's all part of the Borough Council's boost to vitality of the town centre, as they put it. Now, if you're going to be going along to benefit from that free period, you've got to get a ticket from the ticket machine first.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


in the car park you've still got to show that so the details can be clearly seen ringo you know that app service you can't actually use that for the free parking period but you just got to go over to the parking machine and and put in the details and press the button put a ticket on your windscreen or the dashboard as you would normally at the car parks where that scheme operates high street victoria road and central car parks just in hawley

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Got some good news stories here about a couple of local businesses which have started up recently. So if you're ready for something refreshing, bubble tea has landed in the Belfry. A choice of 75 plus bubble tea flavours as well as mixed fruit tea, milk tea and mocktails as well. It's next to H&M on the lower level of the Belfry Shopping Centre.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And Bryony says she's opened up a small shop space inside 29 Bell Street in Reigate. What does Bryony sell? Antique, vintage and pre-loved jewellery. So if you're in the market for that, then get along to Bryony. Bell Street in Reigate, number 29. Always pleased to talk about various things which help the...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


economy but also the ecology of the area as well hawley in bloom have got a seed swap box it's been installed at hawley library so you can swap or donate any variety of seed and if you do donate without swapping please be mindful not to overwhelm the box with donations because everything they say is going to fit comfortably inside but that's a new seed swap box at hawley library

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


His mentorship of local young people changed. and his hopes for invigorating the music scene in his hometown. You'll find that episode on our page on your favourite podcast app.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Talking of which, residents of Hawley have been busy planting perennial wildflowers on the upfield roundabout. That's near Chaney Walk. I think some people say chain, don't they? Or even sheen or even chine. I'm going with Chaney. I think that's probably what you say. It follows on from a successful application for a small grant from Hawley Town Council and ecologists at Surrey County Council.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


helped them plant native species that would thrive and increase the biodiversity there and also add a bit of extra colour at varying times of the year. More plantings of autumn and spring flowering bulbs, perennial wildflowers, and seed sowing of annuals is going to happen over the next few years.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


If you'd like to get involved with planting or sowing or preparation or maybe even the watering group, you can get in touch with Samantha. She's Samantha Mearing. She leads the resident watering group. And she's on 07796 693423. Spring planting includes cowslips, red campion, oxeye daisy, knapweed and yarrow. Some of those obviously won't necessarily flower until next year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And bulb planting is going to be happening in September. Crocus, wild narcissus, snowdrops. It's going to be a riot of colour. It's going to look absolutely fantastic, isn't it? In the spring and in the autumn as well. Yellow rattle seed is going to be sown in November for a couple of years. And that plant, they tell me, is capable of self-sowing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So it should take hold in a couple of years and that will reduce the need for further sowing as well. And low-growing wildflower seeds will be sown in areas where grass will be kept shorter, and that'll increase the biodiversity as well. That sounds fantastic, doesn't it? If you want to take a look at that, it's at the upfield Cheney Walk roundabout in Hawley.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


go through and listen to that one the post bag this week got a message from sally pets dog rescue on social who said simply we love your podcast thank you so much indeed and we love you for loving us that's so it goes bit of reciprocity there for you and our recent supporters katherine bought me a coffee as she said thank you so much for all your good work yeah

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Mentioned quite a bit recently, didn't we, about the Reigate Summer Festival. Absolutely quite right to do that. And I did mention that Red Hill was going to get something similar a little bit later on in the year. Indeed they are. It's between the 5th and the 12th of October. It's called the Arts Takeover. Already lined up.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


an immense and immersive art exhibition and pop-up and various theatre performances in the Belfry, stand-up comedy writing workshops, silk painting, sketching, watercolour tutorial, a glow-in-the-dark paint party, which sounds interesting, circus skills for adults, including learning to walk on stilts, ukulele and singing workshops, open choir rehearsals, various performances in the Belfry from local dance groups and musicians as well,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


including Reigate School of Ballet, the Include Choir, Cuban dance, Bollywood dancing, Gothic storytelling, poetry and artist-led mural painting as well. Now, they do need to find rooms for an open mic session, ballet for beginners, Irish dancing and an introduction to life drawing. Is that the one where you take your kit off? Is that the one? I don't know.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Probably not a shop front then for that one. If you or your venue can help, they'd love to hear from you. So please get in touch with me and I'll pass your details on to Kay, who is the lady behind it all. The full program is going to be available on the Harlequin website in the not-too-distant future. Actually, I've got Kay's details here. Kay.Hymas, H-Y-M-A-S, at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


It may be that you've got a bit of space that you can lend them, which will be absolutely fantastic. And it may be you can get a bit of publicity for what you usually have going on in that space as well. And as I say, full programme will be available shortly. So maybe you're after an adventure to go and pick your own fruit this year. Maybe it's something you want to do with the kids, for example.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Maybe before they break up for their school summer holidays. I'm not sure fruit's going to be much available, is it, actually, when the summer holidays start. But various seasonal fruits, perhaps at different times. Well, I haven't found any PYO farms in the Planet Reigate area. Let me know if you've got one.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


But a little bit further afield, I mean, obviously, you've got to dodge the dragons if you give any of these a try. But flower farms in Godstone, they have cherries, raspberries, strawberries and plums. So that's Flower Farm in Godstone, which isn't a million miles away. Heading in the other direction, Garson's at Isha. You can see on their website what's ready to pick.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So we've gone east, we've gone west. Let's go south-ish. New House Farm in Horsham. Do you... Do you know about them? And strawberries, raspberries and tayberries. Do you know about tayberries? Pick your own throughout June through until early August at the fantastically named Stone Pits Farm in Sevenoaks. That's a little bit further afield, isn't it? Always kind of check before you go.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


There are still some left to be picked and obviously you don't know what the weather's going to be doing. whether other people have got there before you, whether birds have got there before you, or whether there's been a deluge of rain, or maybe it's been such fantastic weather that all sorts of people have been, and they've eaten them. I'm sorry, they've picked them all.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So there you go for all of those. Let's quickly run through those again. A little bit further afield, don't often do this, Flower Farm in Godstone, Garsons in Esher, New House Farm near Horsham, and also Stone Pits Farm at Sevenoaks. You heard about those on the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


She bought me a coffee on a system called Buy Me A Coffee, and that's an online service. If you look that up on your phone, then what you can do is you can send me the cost of a cup of coffee. It's like buying me a coffee, but virtually, if you like. So you just tap a couple of buttons and then three pounds goes through to me.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


In our sports this week, do you want something to aim for at the end of the summer? How about a half marathon, 10k, 5k or a kids race? Well, our friends over at say they've got a few free run Rygate places left. to give to people who run and fundraise over £150 for them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So if you're interested in that, and also helping them create a community where no one is excluded because of communication disabilities, then you can email them for more information. Info at They say funds raised through personal challenges and events like Run Reigate keep small charities thriving. Again, info at OK, we'll give you a heads up so you avoid the hold-ups.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Part of the M25 is due to close next weekend for a full weekend to allow for more work. It's been going on a couple of three times already this year, a couple more sessions still to go. But this coming weekend, the motorway between Junctions 10 and 11 is going to be closed. From 9pm this coming Friday the 12th of July to 6am Monday the 15th of July,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


It's all to do with that bridge that they're building at the Junction 10 roundabout. And it's the third of five full weekend closures. As I say, there's another couple due to come before Christmas.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


A diversion route from our direction, Junction 10 to Junction 11, come off the M25 at 10 and then go northbound on the A3 to the Paines Hill Junction and then head towards Woking and Byfleet and then go back down to the M25 Junction 11 A3. down the A320.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So obviously that closure will affect you if you're going to the west of England, if you're going to Wales, if you're also going not quite that far, but maybe over to Heathrow or to some kind of event, maybe at Wembley or at Twickenham as well. Well, as you may know, the Planet Reigate podcast is strictly non-party political.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


We don't take sides in council, county or general elections, even though we have been asked by a few local parties over recent weeks to interview their candidates. There is an exception when the MP is from way back when. in history.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And today of all days, in the episode that's coming out the day after the general election of 2024, I thought it'd be interesting to look back at some of our past local representatives at Westminster, or those who have lived here. And it's okay, we are going way, way back. In the next few minutes, tales of corruption, and nepotism, massive debts,

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


curious antics in the bedroom but it's okay i'll keep it family friendly we travel to america for one story and back here i tell you the local mps from years ago whose names you still know today but perhaps don't realize and the man who represented reigate whose name has been known for two thousand years join us now as we go back in time

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


I mean, after all, I like to think that if we met each other kind of socially, one-to-one, eyeball-to-eyeball, IRL, as the kids say. Do the kids say that? I don't know. In real life, you'd buy me a coffee, maybe possibly perhaps, to thank me for doing the Planet Rygate podcast. You can do that virtually. We don't even have to meet. And frankly, you may be relieved about that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


OK, first up, Cynthia Curzon, who, according to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, was born in Reigate Priory in 1898. Now, Cynthia didn't have much to do with politics locally, but she did marry a certain Oswald Mosley in 1920. And it was a complicated relationship because before they were married, he had a brief fling with her older sister.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And after they were married, he had an affair with her younger sister. And after her father remarried, he had an affair with Cynthia's stepmother as well. I bet Christmas get-togethers were interesting. Cynthia and Oswald were both Labour MPs. She for Stoke-on-Trent and he for Smethwick in the West Midlands. Now, Cynthia died in 1933 and Oswald went on to marry Diana Midford.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And amongst the guests at the wedding, a certain... Adolf Hitler. Now, if you go back 10 MPs from that, you get to 1885, and Sir Trevor Lawrence is not our main focus, even though he and his wife did create a celebrated garden at Burford Lodge. Ring a bell? It's now the Burford Bridge Hotel at the foot of Box Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Well, the main interest is that in 1885, it was the first time for 17 years that Reigate had actually returned an MP, because the seat had been disenfranchised back in 1868. after years of complaints about vote rigging and corruption in local politics, which were mostly ignored because they were investigated by a committee of MPs.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


The government decided to let judges decide if elections were fair or not. Four constituencies, Cantham Off, Great Yarmouth, Lancaster, Totnes and Reigate, were considered so corrupt that royal commissions were set up to investigate further. Yes, Reigate was one of four boroughs in the whole of the country that was considered really, really corrupt.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So following the passing of the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act, Reigate's seat was removed and the votes included in Guildford's numbers instead. It took until 1885 before another redistribution re-established Reigate as a separate constituency. What sort of corruption was going on to cause these complaints? Well, the main accusations were bribery and treating.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Now, treating was the offer of any food, drink, gifts or other enticements to get people in the constituency to vote for you. And in 1866, the good people of Reigate presented a petition to Parliament to hold an inquiry and Hansard records that £5 was about the going rate for a vote in Reigate. £5.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Now in those days elections could extend over a week so voters could look forward to several days of free beer and food just by saying yeah I'll vote for you that's not a problem of course I'm going to vote for you yeah where's my pint. It wasn't just the voting which was a little bit dodgy only a few people were eligible to vote in the first place normally through property ownership.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Can you see a problem with this? Well, if there was a local landlord who owned most of the properties, they could put their friends and relatives in those properties, sometimes just for the duration of an election, and then get their votes. So they get into Westminster. Or they could just sell the seat to the highest bidder, who could then influence the electorate.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Even more rotten than Reigate, yeah, I know, even more rotten, was Gatton, which one American commentator noted in his paper, Electoral Corruption in England in the Old Days.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


This is how you do it. And in fact, these are all of our other contact details. Good time guide coming up in 30 seconds.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Now, one thing which caused all the competition for votes in Reigate was that before 1832, Reigate actually returned two MPs. So the two main families in the district had agreed to take one each. Can you think who those local families might be? I'll give you some clues in a few moments' time.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So, in 1832, the Great Reform Act saw that Reigate was one of the smallest boroughs in the country, and along with many other constituencies, reduced the number of seats to one, because it wasn't really fair, was it, that a small constituency returned two MPs. Now, one of the last MPs to be returned before Reigate was disenfranchised was a certain William Monson, the Viscount Oxenbridge.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


He was the second cousin of Frederick John Monson, 5th Baron Monson, who in 1830 bought... Gatton Park, so he could send two members to Parliament. Unfortunately, as part of the 1832 Great Reform Act, Gatton was downsized to no MPs at all. Of course, Monson Road in Redhill is just off the A23 between Memorial Park and East Surrey College.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Now, during that two MPs era, two family names are prominent – the Cox family and the York family. And the Cox were inextricably intertwined with the Summers. And that was the family who owned Reigate Priory. Philip York became the first Earl of Hardwick. And, of course, you'll know of various local references to the York family.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


York Road, for example, the Summers family, Summers Road, and Hardwick family. Hardwick Road joins York Road near Reigate Station. I hope you're following this. The York family returned an MP, sometimes two, to Westminster in 1831 and 1818 and 1806, 1790, 1768, 1747 and 1741. Well, the Stars and Stripes, the national anthem of the United States of America.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And in 1754, a new town was identified to become the capital of the state of Georgia in the USA. Except it wasn't actually a U at that stage. It was just various states of America. And that capital was going to be called Hardwick. And Hardwick still exists. And there's a plaque...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


You can see how those names are getting more and more intertwined. Reynolds said, quote, Hardwick has a charming situation, the winding of the river making it a peninsula, and it's the only fit place for the capital. It never really got to become the capital of Georgia, did it? It still exists, but it's now classified as one of Georgia's forgotten towns. And the capital of Georgia is... Atlanta.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Well done. OK, let's go back a little bit further. And the MP for Reigate between 1640 and 1653 was William Lord... monson again yeah them now william monson married margaret howard the widow of charles who was known as howard of effingham who owned reigate priory congratulations to you if you've got effingham reigate priory monson and howard on your bingo card now he was initially margaret's page

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


which is a little bit odd that she married her page, but OK, it's all quite handy because he's dad, also William. That must have been confusing. William Monson and his son, William Monson, and the Monson family lived just down the road in Kinnersley. Kinnersley? Of course, Kinnersley Manor, which is just down past Sidlow, on the way to Tesco's.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Now, unfortunately, R. William wasn't very good with money and not very good at backing the right horse. Now, I'm not talking about horse racing. I'm talking about who he was going to support in politics and royalty at that time. Now, the excellent History of Parliament Online website tells us, quote, Re-elected for Reigate, William Monson opposed the King in the Civil War after some hesitation.

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43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


He was appointed to the court which tried the King and initially attended its proceedings, but he didn't sign the death warrant. embroiled in financial troubles during the 1640s, he was reputedly imprisoned for debt. His incarceration may have come as something of a relief if the allegations that his third wife and her maidservants had once tied him to the bedpost and whipped him.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


In 1661 he was degraded and sentenced to life imprisonment, the loss of his estate, and to be carried each 27th of January on a sledge with a rope about his neck from the tower to Tyburn. And William Monson, the local MP, died in Fleet Prison and was buried at St Bride's Fleet Street on the 29th of February 1672. So we've gone all the way back over several decades, haven't we?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


A couple of hundred years of kind of potted history there. as far as our local MPs and representatives go, and you can tell that some names just keep appearing over years and years and years. Now, one more snippet before I end. In 1588, one of Reigate's MPs, do you know their name?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


You do know their name because the MP, the representative of this area in 1588, went by the fantastic name of Julius Caesar. Obviously not that one, but another one. And that is our summary of stories and scandals of some of our representatives of Reigate and Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And I should finish off by saying our thanks indeed to the website of Parkrun Rygate, where much of that information came from, at least to start off with. And if you want to read more about what they've put up there, I know it's surprising, isn't it, that that kind of information is on the Parkrun Rygate website. But it is, and you can read up more of it yourself.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more

3132.455 slash rygatepriory And you're looking for the page number 314-56.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Yeah, and I always say, don't I, that please let us know in advance. Well in advance. A couple of weeks in advance, at least, if you would like something mentioned on the Planet Rygate podcast and our Good Time Guide. And the reason behind that is that sometimes I like to take a break. And this is, after all, the 43rd week in a row that I have produced the Planet Rygate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And when you're actually listening to this, I'm actually away on holiday. So I've pre-recorded. Well, obviously, all podcasts are pre-recorded. But I've pre-recorded this particular week's edition a little bit earlier than usual. So that's why I say always let us know as soon as possible.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


When you have booked something up, when you've booked your hall, when you've booked your entertainers, when you're sending out the tickets and you're doing the publicity, let us know as soon as possible. So let's scooch straight through to...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Thursday the 11th of July now this is interesting there's a talk on Lady Henry Somerset and Duxhurst which is happening via the Charlewood Society so if you want some more details on this the and you can find out where this talk is is happening in fact I can tell you it's Thursday the 11th at 7 30 in the Providence Chapel now

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Ros is going to be talking about Lady Henry Somerset and her farm colony for inebriate women. So, this is a really intriguing story. We must look a little bit more into this, in fact. Following an unhappy marriage to Lord Henry Somerset, Isabel found herself shunned by much of high society in which she had been born. But this gave her a unique empathy and

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


for other people who were also judged harshly by society. So she developed a new role in life locally as a social reformer and temperance leader. She was feisty, but she was compassionate as well and always gave of herself to better the lives of others. Yeah, the Duxford community. It was a house which was just to the south of Sidlow.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


So if you're going down to Hookwood, over there to the right-hand side, I think there is still a Duxford Lane or a Duxford Road down there, kind of hidden away. The house, the building, is no longer there, I believe. But there she had... who had fallen, inverted commas, and were suffering from alcohol abuse misuse. Hopefully I'm being careful with the language that I'm using so as not to offend.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And if you want to mention for something that you are organising, let us know about it. You can fill out the form you'll find at A couple of weeks notice is always good. Here we go, starting off with Saturday, July the 6th. And we are partnering with Rayfest at Ray Common. James told us all about it in episode 39.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And she helped them and put them to work and tried to help them in other ways as well. Really interesting story. I must look into more about that and bring it to you on the program. If your interest has been piqued from what I've told you thus far, then Thursday, 7.30, Providence Chapel is where you can learn much more about it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


OK, Gatton Community Theatre have got in touch and Maggie wrote to me to tell me about this. She says there's an open air promenade theatre in Gatton Park. It's called A Journey to Remember. It's the 11th to the 14th and the 18th to the 21st at 7.30 at Gatton Park, Rocky Lane.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


She says the play will take the audience on a colourful journey with the play's actors as they travel through the beautiful grounds of Gatton Park to nine stunning locations within the Capability Brown design landscape. Yeah, so you're actually going to be moving through the parkland yourself. And the story is about a group of travellers following a star. Who were they? What gifts did they take?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Where did the gifts come from? Who did they meet? What did they find? Was it all they hoped that it would be? It's a beautiful story, apparently, of love, forgiveness and salvation. And Gatton Community Theatre are unique in this part of Surrey with opportunities for all who want to take part. No membership or production fees. Actors of ages this year range from seven...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


to just over 80, and the production is supported by a group of singers from the local Path Choir. And there's also a backstage team of more than 30 people, stage managers, costume, props, chaperones for children, stewards, box office staff, first aiders. There's a whole kit and caboodle there, isn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Sounds intriguing, though, actually going with the performers as they walk through the parkland. Thursday the 11th to Sunday the 14th and Thursday the 18th to Sunday the 21st of July. All performances at 7.30 at Gatton Park. Advanced tickets, adults 15, children £8 at Let's move on to Friday the 12th and the Chulwood Music Festival is going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the 12th, 13th and 14th. There's free entrance, live music, food, bar, community craft stalls as well. Planning is well underway for this year's festival. I should hope so at this time scale. Alan Bailey and his music, rock, swing and a bit of everything. It's 8pm Friday the 12th, Chulwood Parish Hall, music and a hot supper and a licensed bar, tickets £15.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


But the Saturday starts with church bells at 11.30, calling everyone to the festival. A free afternoon of music to around 6pm, with this year's finale being played out by the famous Okidoki Band.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


The afternoon line-up includes the Charlewood Singers, plus Charlewood-born renowned folk musician Martin Wyndham-Reed, and jazz guitarist Shane Hill, and featuring a return of their own Appalachian Clock Dancers. Which sounds interesting as well, doesn't it? And many, many more as well, they say as well. Barbecue, afternoon teas, ice cream, local craft stalls for you to browse to.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Hear from her and some of the students a bit later on. Plus, on Today of All Days... Let's... I'm hesitating to say this... Let's talk politics. OK, nothing about this election. Don't turn off. But what I've been doing is I've been taking a look back at some of the colourful characters and scandalous stories from years gone by and how they still play a part in local life here today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Come Sunday, the day starts with the community church service at St. Nicholas Parish Church at 11. including live accompaniment from the duo Hand to Mouth and the Charlewood Singers. Back outside for a brunch around 12.30. More live performances through until 4. So all sorts of things going on. If you want more details, music.charlewood at

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43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


I'm going to tell you a bit more about it coming right now. Because main stage, they've got a DJ, they've got the choir, they've got some taekwondo, they've got the unison choir as well. And also they've got a cheer squad as well. This is all happening tomorrow. Feel Good Arena, they've got a petting zoo, Punch and Judy, and also they've got some football fun there and a craft area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


Saturday the 13th, go and join Merston Movies on Saturday the 13th. They'll be screening The Little Mermaid, certificate PG, opening the doors at 4pm, the film starting at 4.30pm. And you can get your tickets 01737333461 and refreshments will be available before the film starts and during the interval as well. Adults £4, children £2. They say do bring a cushion. It's not plush seats.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And they can only take cash. So be advised about that. So cash and a cushion and some kids. Cash, cushion and kids. How about that for a threesome? 4pm at Merstham Movies, which is happening at Merstham Community Hub. And the Planet Reigate podcast is an official media partner of Pub in the Park, Priory Park Reigate, between the 12th and the 14th of July.

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43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


For more information and tickets, go to slash reigate. And it is, of course, next weekend, which is really, really exciting. Something for everyone. As the UK's most popular food and music festival, it's a day out, three days out. Well, kind of two days out on an evening. Full of memorable moments, delicious dishes, pop-up restaurants and fantastic artists as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


I mean, the music line-up is absolutely fantastic, isn't it? Friday night, Sam Ryder. Saturday afternoon, Mel C. Saturday evening, McFly. And Sunday, Gabrielle scouting for girls, the Hoosiers and the Jay Rayner sextet as well. And also the chefs and the food, all sorts of things going on there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I mean, you know, some of the foods that we've been talking about here over the last several weeks from the likes of Tom Kerridge, Simon Rimmer, Andy Oliver, Matt Tebert, Candice Brown, Becky Excel, Jay Rayner and someone who I hadn't heard about before. And that is DJ Barbecue as well. So them and many, many more.

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I mean, those are the ones you've heard from the telly, but also some up and comings as well. and some fantastic food. So let's whet your appetite a little bit. We've got Tangra prawn, we've got Alabama white sauce chicken, smoked beef open sandwiches, classic shrimp and grits, Vietnamese honey and lemongrass barbecue chicken in giant Yorkshire pudding.

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Traditional crispy pork spring rolls, braised chicken and tarragon loaded fries, ginger wings and fried mushrooms. What else have we got here? Crispy Goan cauliflower, spiced soft shell crab. Boy, oh boy, there's some really good stuff which is happening here at the Pub in the Park, the 12th, 13th and 14th of July. More details,

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And don't forget, before we go, at the end of the show, a natural sound from a place you know. But first of all, our Planet Reigate Star Award, short one this week. Just wanted to thank everyone who took the time and stopped and chatted with me in the park today. I was so stressed, but thankfully I did find my ring. You wondered where that one was going. So thank you from that person.

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Maker's Market, they've got Bats Hill Gin, Huddle and Good. I don't know what that is, but anything which is going to get me into it. Oh, sorry, Huddle, not Cuddle. Restorey Clothing, Chloe Crafting Corner, and the Food Village Market. Well, a whole load of fantastic street food going on there, including the usual fair favourites, candy floss and ice cream as well. They've also got a family zone.

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to all of the other people who helped her find her ring and helped calm her down at that moment of stress. You all deserve a Planet Reigate Sprinkle of Stardust! And our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show is not too far away because so is the end of the show. But I just wanted to highlight a couple of jobs which you may find of interest.

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One of the Belfry and their security department looking for proactive security guards, multiple roles, so several full-time, part-time and evening roles there. £12.50 an hour and uniform and full training provided and so on. Overtime opportunities too. Free parking. Well, that's a good inducement, isn't it? steve.collins at for that one.

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And a couple of people pointed this out to us before. It's an advert from Us in a Bus, which is a charity based over at Redhill Aerodrome, which supports people who are often isolated and find communicating with the world and the people in a massive challenge. And they put out a really fun, intriguing advert. They say, we are hiring.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Do you find yourself pulling a face at a baby in the supermarket queue? Do you like lemon sherbets? Do you want to work nine to five and not bank holidays? Can you make up songs about the weather, people, things that have happened? You could be the proud owner of one of our polo shirts. Yeah, Us In A Bus is hiring.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


And if you want some more information on that, victoria.goody, G-O-O-D-Y, at Thank you so much indeed for the loan of your ears this week. You're listening to this, and I've been sunning myself on a beach in Spain, but I'm sure the weather locally in RH1, 2 and 3, Reigate, Redhill and Merston, Buckland, Betworth and Brockham has been just as fine. I'm Peter Stewart.

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I'll be with you next week as well, as the Planet Reigate podcast continues. But... The 60-second soundscape.

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And of course, it is all happening at Ray Common School. And we are pleased and proud to be. sponsors and supporters of that fantastic local event hope it goes really, really well. Of course, there are other annual summer fates on across the area. If some of these are local to you, have you maybe got affiliation with some of these?

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Tomorrow, Saturday, 11 till 1.30, Friends of Fursfield, games, tombolas, Splat the Teacher, DJ, prizes and refreshments as at Fursfield Primary School in Merstham. They say they're hoping the splatter teacher's going to be a really big draw. They've also got a smoothie bike, exotic animals and various other games and stalls as well. Now, where was I? Here we go, here we go, yeah.

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The whoosh there signifies another item in our good time guide. The Royal Alexandra and Albert School presenting an eight-hour football match. So that's 30 players, two managers, two referees and a variety of volunteers taking part in what's called MatchU 2024. It's to raise money in memory of Matthew Van Nort Pendleton, who died a couple of years ago.

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They say Matthew was a marvellous person, great sense of humour, tremendous ability to work hard, and had such a curiosity for life and never stopped him learning something new. So this eight-hour football match is in memory of him. Kick-off is at nine at the Royal Alexandra. Six aside, 30-minute player rotation, final whistle at five.

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They're supporting Mind, one of the UK's leading mental health charities, who support so many people around the country. We wish them good luck. We're starting a charity, says Inspire Through Music, and they say, please can you come along and enjoy it, join us, and indeed enjoy it as well.

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43: A little bit of France in Redhill, Reigate’s rogue MPs from history… and more


An evening of live music performance, supporting us in providing opportunities for young people to perform and getting them the professional coaching to succeed, which they perhaps normally couldn't afford. Support our charity launch event, says Inspire Through Music. It's happening July 6th at 7 o'clock at Merston Village Hall.

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Tickets £20 and you can get more details through charityinspirefm at Meadvale Village Fate is going on. That's hosted by 34th Reigate Meadvale Scout Group. It's happening between 12 and 4. Swing Common, Somerset Road. Stalls, games, live music, inflatables, food and bar, ice cream van and a classic car display as well.

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Let's move on to Sunday, and Gatton Country Fair's been running for more than 20 years. It's now established as one of Surrey's favourite days out. Last year, they welcomed around 3,000 visitors, and this year's is this weekend, between 12 and 5. Now, as well as attractions and entertainment, more than 60 professional stalls and stands, all taking place in front of the magnificent Gatton Halls.

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stunning views across the surrey countryside so they've got animal displays including falconry newfoundland dog water rescue team live music fun dog show children's fairground ride punch and duty country crafts and circus still skills and as i say it's a stunning location for all this to happen more information if you're interested in going along to that

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Oh, and I should say right here, right now, that some of that feature contains the use of AI generated voices. You'll hear more about that a little bit later on. In the news this week, this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here. Plans to turn an office block in Redhill into almost 100 flats. A special award for a woman in Hawley for services to the community.

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Also, HID Fitness are very excited to announce they've got an event going on in Hawley at Ember Studios Sunday between 2.30 and 4.30. It's a relaxation retreat designed and especially for any stage of early motherhood. So whether you're pregnant or just become a new mum, it's your time to connect, relax and unwind. An afternoon just for you to take some time out and recharge.

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It's going to be a welcome circle. jar-filling exercise to take away for your motherhood journey, guided meditation, followed by sound bath relaxation, a mindful close with affirmations to take home. And if you want some more information on that, becca, B-E-C-C-A, at And they say we really look forward to seeing you there.

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So all sorts of events right across the area, right across the weekend. So if you want some more information on those, contact the various people who are holding those events. And if you have got something you would like to tell the rest of the Planet Reigate area about, drop me an email. Hello at Thank you.

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Later on in the show we'll hear about the scandalous stories and the family corruption through the years of our local MPs. Did you know that for some time the boroughs of Reigate and Gatton were so corrupt in their politics that the area was banned from returning any MP at all?

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But first, there's a local school where almost everything is said in French, and where the teachers take very seriously the idea that it's much easier learning a foreign language the younger you start. But at this school, it's not just grammar and vocab, it's also culture and conversation, arts and sports, everything French.

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I've been talking with Lucille and some of her students at Petit Ecole Reigate at Raycommon Primary School.

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At least we try to make it a fun school. Well, it must be if they keep coming back. That's the main thing, isn't it? We don't need to go into the classrooms. Take me on a bit of a tour and tell me what kind of thing is going on, what age group, what kind of thing they're learning behind each room here. Because we're at Raycommon Primary School. We're in an actual school.

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They only look about four or five anyway, looking through. So they're only just learning to read English and now they're learning to read French as well.

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Plans already underway for a local winter night shelter. A reminder of free parking in some of our local towns. We have details of two new shops which have opened. A huge new arts festival is taking over Red Hill in the autumn. We have advanced details. Plus, the best local place is just a drive away to pick your own fruit.

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So it's not just the individual words. We're now putting together sentences.

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Pretty difficult, isn't it? Well, it's used for me. I barely understand English.

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And also, I suppose it's a whole new concept, isn't it, of knowing about masculine and feminine? Yes. Because obviously we don't have that in English.

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And as you can tell, we're moving our way through the school halls. We're going to another part of the school here. You were saying to me a bit earlier on that it's not just French that children of this age are studying.

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And that's because of their family background and heritage, yeah?

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And is French the language do you find that most children want to speak? It always was at school. Obviously, I'm going back a few years.

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Quote, our council will strive to continue to develop and plan to work with our community. to continue to make improvements as best we can. An important announcement from one of our top restaurants in Reigate. Quote, it's with a heavy heart that I announce the closure of 88 after, appropriately, eight wonderful years.

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The decision has not been an easy one, they say, but after much consideration, I believe it is the right choice for my future. This according to a post on social media this week.

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they say being a part of the reigate community has been one of the greatest joys of my life something that will stay a part of me forever i'm incredibly grateful for the support and love you've shown us through the years and i'm so grateful for my current team that have been nothing but support through this huge decision of my life as well as all my lovely staff i've had the pleasure of working alongside over the years and most importantly you are loyal customers

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Yeah, so maybe you've been frequenting 88. Maybe you just went along occasionally. It was always nice to know it was there. I know they did some fantastic food there. So they're going to be open until 4.30 this Saturday. So Saturday the 5th.

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So if you've had any dealings with the guys, the crew, the staff over the last eight years at 88 on the High Street, then do pop down there and pass on your warmest wishes to them. Well, one restaurant may be closing, but a new coffee shop is coming to Reigate. It's a coffee shop with a difference. Next Phase Coffee is partnering with Blue Cow Butchers up there on Lesborne Road.

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In travel news, a reminder of those two big road projects ongoing, one in Reigate and one on the M25. We have the Good Time Guide of events across the area across the week ahead, local wet weather stats, Planet Reigate stars from Morrison's car park, and our 60-second soundscape before we go at the end of the show. Natural sounds from a place you know, this week from Earlswood Common.

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So locally produced meats and artisanal coffee all in one place, which sounds an interesting concept. Plus baked goods from Chalk Hills Bakery and coffee roasted by Chimney Fire Coffee. So all sorts of local producers getting together on this one. And their 1975 Renault Estavette van will be outside Blue Cow Butchers with coffee and pastries as well. On and off on various days.

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All gets underway first thing on the 10th of October. Good luck, guys. And a blind man from Redhill has helped a rail company write an audio guide to its trains. Yeah, he's Dave Smith, who actually sits on Thameslink's accessibility advisory panel to help it improve services for disabled.

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people and that guide it's on the train company's website is aimed at helping people with disabilities understand the layout of a train in this case the Thameslink class 700 trains before they actually get on board so things like where to find a toilet on the train the general layout where and how to contact the driver in case of emergency details on accessible carriages wheelchair spaces and level boarding on stations as well

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And you can find out more about that on the BBC websites. as well as upgrading some of the zebra crossings. Don't panic, it's happening overnight and not at weekends. 8pm to 6am weekdays, but not weekends. Now, if you want to know our breakdown of road improvements and changes...

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including changes to traffic islands, road markings and layouts, and new speed limits and speed cameras, which are coming for the A25 between the Blackhorse in Reigate and the Cockerell Roundabout in Dorking, you can listen back to episode 50. I say... all the way through to the Cockerell Roundabout.

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Actually, if you know that neck of the woods, I'm sure you do, it goes left up what I think is called Spooks Hill, isn't it? And also right down to the train station and down to the school there as well. So if you're involved with journeys that'll take you...

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either of those directions then do make sure that you listen to episode 50 of the planet right gate podcast when you can learn more about what is planned for your journey and also we've got some news about the m25 junction 10 project we've spoken about on and off for the past several months changes that that junction that you need to be aware of slip roads on and off that junction are going to be closed on the weekends of the 4th to the 7th of october so that'll be this weekend then

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plus the 18th to the 21st and the 1st to the 4th of November from 9pm on Friday night until 6am on the Monday of each of those weekends. So it is the Planet Ridegate podcast, I'm Peter Stewart, decluttering and reorganising. Have you got shelves and cupboards and drawers that need a good clear out?

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Or maybe you've taken over a house after maybe a relative has passed on and you're thinking, what do I do with all of this? I'm a great believer that in a tidy room or a tidy desk is a tidy mind. So maybe if you're getting a little bit overwhelmed with life... then maybe it's partly because of what else is in the space that you're living in.

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We're going to be hearing from Danny, who's won an Entrepreneur Award from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, still to come in the programme. Plus, we're going to be hearing from Claire Minter from Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council about what happened when BBC Radio... Broadcast live from the Village Hall last Friday. Interesting stuff. OK, we've got the weather.

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This is the Planet Reigate podcast with Peter Stewart.

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And this week it is from a couple of people, actually. Simon Collins... who says, Rygate's total September rainfall, more than three times the average at 185.6 millimetres. Heck, we knew it was wet, didn't we? Do we know it's three times wetter than average? Charlewood, even more. 196.6 millimetres of rain. The long-term average is 52 millimetres.

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And that's backed up from some more stats that have come in. From the UK Sinop stations, that's the collective for various Met stations, September rainfall monthly record set in 2024 across the UK includes Charlewood.

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And that station's only been recording since 2003, but they're recording similar figures, very, very similar figures, at 195.4 millimetres of rain, and the previous record was 121.6 millimetres of rain. Rygate, Redhill and Merstham, Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. and Hawley, and Outwood, and Chulwood, RH1, 2, and 3, and a little bit of RH6 as well. We don't do Gatwick or Crawley.

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We don't do Godston or Ogstead. We don't do Bandstead or Dorking. It's hyper-local news and events and guests and what's-ons... ...and stuff of interest just for you in the Planet Reigate area. Congratulations to Danielle Hardy from Redhill... ...who faced some local dragons to be named overall winner... ...of this year's Reigate & Banstead Entrepreneur Academy. Yeah, many congratulations, Dani.

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You did wonderfully there. And her business helps busy and overwhelmed people... find calm in the chaos with her in-person decluttering and organising service. What is a decluttering service? Well, I spoke with Danny before she heard she'd won as she went round to her house, got a cup of coffee out of it as well and had a rummage in her cupboards and asked her all about decluttering.

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So is life getting a little bit on top of you? Are you thinking to yourself, I don't know what it is, but my head is just too busy. My head is just a little bit too full. I've got an awful lot going on and I don't quite know where to start. It may not be something to do with your diary. It may be something to do with your home. Danny is with me. Danny Hardy from Danny Declutters.

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That's right, isn't it? Your home could be in a bit of a mess, which may mean that your mind is in a bit of a mess and you're getting a bit stressed.

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So what we're saying is a clearer home or a clearer cupboard does ease your mind, doesn't it? And I know from personal experience that's the case. And also I was speaking to a friend recently who does have quite a bit of clutter around. And she said... I've cleared out that shelf. I've made a start on these drawers. I feel so much better for it.

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So another packed programme coming your way over the next hour or so. Last week we reported on the new Lidl site at their air balloon pub in Hawley. James wrote to me and said, Hi Peter, Lidl has announced they are closing the existing site whatever happens. Most of the locals are quite pro this air balloon site becoming a Lidl.

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So you're a bit of a Stacey Solomon, really, are you? Because, in fact, that show was in Redhill, wasn't it, earlier on in the year?

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And building a wardrobe in an afternoon. Yeah, that kind of stuff.

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Are there qualifications in this? Do you study decluttering? Are you licensed or something?

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I'm going to be cheeky now. I'm going to come into your kitchen and have a little nose around in your kitchen. You don't mind?

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It's got to be lived in, hasn't it? It's a home. And I remember someone saying to me a few years ago, it's a home, it's not a museum.

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Oh, I've got another one for you. A place for everything and everything in its place. Have you heard that one? Yes, I've heard that for ages.

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Let's open this one here. So here we've got, OK, now this is really nice and neat and tidy. And what you've got is several of those pull-out plastic kind of drawers with handles on the top. The drawers aren't built in. They're plastic. You can take them out so you can put them on the surface.

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And you can find the packets or the mixtures or whatever it happens to be or the dried fruits or the nuts and so on. So everything is all in its place. I'm particularly liking the idea of your Indian spice cauliflower soup. I must look out for that one. I didn't know that existed. But that's by the by. And also I'm loving your banana chips.

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It's dried mango. And I love the clip there. It's a monkey. That's brilliant. Sorry, we're going off topic.

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The main object James points out was Tesco, who do so on principle to any proposed supermarket close to one of their larger sites. And of course, the Hookwood site is not too far away from that one. Only got James's word on that, but it sounds something that a big business might do to protect their interests.

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Talk me through how you're organising this. This isn't overly structured, is it, with loads of labels and so on?

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And very often when you're looking for another line of work, it is something that comes naturally to you. You don't realise that other people don't know that stuff.

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They just need to be politely challenged as we said before actually do you need that you haven't looked at it for for 20 years and that's interesting you say about widowers and widows getting rid of the sentiment someone that's died perhaps it's really hard and that's very hard to do on your own and to have somebody else there who can

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Children, I guess, well, they need to be taught everything. Obviously, they don't come out knowing how to be tidy and how to put things in their place and put things in the toy box, do they? So how do you instil in them that feeling of kind of clarity over chaos?

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But also, then that's a punishment, isn't it? And they don't want to do it because it's a punishment. So then it's almost counterproductive, isn't it?

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As I understand it, says James, the current Lidl site is currently listed for lease with commercial estate agents under the same use category. So that would give the impression that the current Lidl site in the centre of Hawley would likely become another shop, retail outlet, possible supermarket, food store, something along those lines.

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Oh, it's over here. Let's move over to the door. Right, OK. So we've got a couple of big plastic boxes here by the front door, as you say.

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We're having a bit of a root round here. We've got a cuddly shark. We've got a pair of boots. We've got a book entitled Night Potty.

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We've got a torch. We've got one of those Mr. Things for the... Oh, this is... I know. This is kind of a glove puppet plastic crocodile.

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Oh, I'm loving the Paw Patrol characters. Yeah, OK, I'll take some of them. Great stuff. Of course, children like to know what they own in their bedroom, don't they? So it must be really difficult for them to kind of understand what they need to let go of.

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But we're not getting rid of mementos and souvenirs, are we? Because even now I've got things from my childhood, which I have kept, and I look at it and that does remind me, you know, it brings back really unusual, special memories of something I played with, you know, when I was five or something like that.

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It's been a joy. Thank you so much. Let's move back into your kitchen because we're standing in the hallway at the moment. And you can, let's close the cupboard doors. Bye bye monkey. And you can tell me how people can get in touch with you, Danny.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

56: Celebrating Salfords, decluttering Redhill house-by-house… and more


I think it was suggested that it may become maybe flats, but we'll have to wait and see for that. And James finally says it might be a good site for either Reigate and Banstead or Hawley Town Council to consider creating a permanent indoor market or a space for pop-up shops. Yeah, I remember indoor markets were all the rage at one stage, weren't they? Certainly when I was growing up.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

56: Celebrating Salfords, decluttering Redhill house-by-house… and more


Okay, and Dani is spelled D-A-N-I. So, Dani, D-A-N-I, Declutters, D-E-C-L-U-T-T-E-R-S. I thought maybe she was Dutch when I first came across her. You know, Dani Declutters. I thought that was her actual name, but apparently it's not. It's the name of her business.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And she's done remarkably well because, as I say, she got £5,000 from Rygate and Banstead Borough Council because she won their Entrepreneur Academy. So... Thank you very much. And you'll also get the opportunity to pitch your business's idea to business leaders in a kind of Dragon's Den-style competition for the chance to win £5,000 to help your business get up and running as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So that sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Apart from that mention of the dragons, so you've got to be careful. I think they're friendly dragons. They're not the ones that kind of inhabit areas beyond the Planet Reigate area.

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applications are open go to reigate hyphen bandstead dot gov dot uk and look for entrepreneur academy under the business support tab so reigate hyphen bandstead dot gov dot uk and if you've got a chance to tell anybody how you heard about it it was via the planet reigate podcast so

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Planet Rygate stars come this week from Morrison's Car Park and the 60-second soundscape comes from Earlswood Common, still to come on the Planet Rygate podcast. First of all, let's take a look and see what's happening. Places to go, things to do, people to meet and new experiences to be had. over the next week across the planet Reigate area.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And please remember to subscribe to the show so you don't miss an episode. You can do this via your favourite podcast app. Either subscribe or favourites the podcast on your app. And you can also hear our last five episodes with links to all of our archive shows. And if you want a mention for your charity or non-profit event, we always look kindly on those. Let us know about it.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Fill out the form you'll find on that front page as well. So here we go for Saturday, October 5th, and it is the Betchworth Apple Fest. Saturday between 1 and 4 at the Village Hall. So apple pressing, juice sales, kids activities, delicious freshly pressed juice, savories, cakes, puddings, teas and coffee on offer all afternoon.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Plus you'll find a trio of new attractions this year, including apple pressing, juice sales, children's activities.

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gardening tool and knife sharpening service surrey county council's greener futures team and also a bake-off as well and also i'm not quite sure this is an attraction but i will be there as well so i may be putting the planet reigate podcast microphone under your nose to find out what you have learned from being there as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So as well as those chutneys, jams and jellies and refreshments, everything to do with apples at the Betchworth Apple Fest this Saturday the 5th between 1 and 4 in the Village Hall. Salford's Village Hall, 7 for 7.30 start. Johnny Weaver's Quiz Night. Some general knowledge helps, but also an eagle eye, a logical brain and a creative imagination as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And I was growing up in Epsom, incidentally, full disclosure. And there was an indoor market there, which seemed really, really popular. And I'm just kind of wondering why they kind of died down a little bit, didn't they? But that seems a really good. So it's a space where people have their own individual shops, but they're sharing the lease and the electricity and everything.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So you can go down there and they provide some food. £7.50 a ticket with a light supper. There'll be a raffle with prize seeds and proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Support. Don't forget the Arts Takeover Week is returning to Red Hill between the 5th and the 12th of October. Arts Week across the town to celebrate the power of culture, creativity and connection.

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Keep your eyes peeled for news of the events on social media and also hard copies across the town. If you want to know more about what is happening where...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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then tune in to last week's episode of the Planet Reigate podcast and you'll hear about art exhibitions, cheerleading choirs, ballet, bodywood, art for relaxation, crafts, messy art for kids, storytelling workshop, free concerts, African drumming workshop, open mic music, photography walk, crochet, DJ taster sessions, painting class and dance in and around Redhill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And if you want some more information, go to the Harlequin website. That is still up and running, even though the building is not. Or the website for Reigate and Banstead Borough Council. The Reigate Walking Group is walking, surprisingly, on Saturday the 5th at 1 o'clock. They're meeting at the Sandcross Church car park. The walk will be a local one, three to five miles.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Meeting at the church and walking up. into the Priory Park area one lap of the park run and walking back to the church they may extend the walk as well if there's a need for that and enthusiasm for it as well there's cafe and toilets in the park for refreshments and everyone walking together and having a great time Free pickleball events in Reigate this weekend for adults and kids.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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It's at Priory Park Tennis Court. Adult pickleball Saturday from 12.30 and kids pickleball Sunday at 12.30. Both events are completely free and all the equipment is provided for you. So if you're new to pickleball or maybe you're an experienced player, it's a great chance to have fun and learn more. a new sport and a great way for kids to pick up a new sport as well and to keep fit too.

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Now, last week, Radio 4 presented their live Any Questions debate show from the Village Hall. We hear from Claire about how it's put the area on the national map And also her definitive answer to the question, is it Salford's or Salford's? And Danielle Hardy from Redhill, who faced some local dragons to be named overall winner of this year's Reigate and Bandstead Entrepreneur Academy.

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So if you want some more information on that, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. But essentially, if not, you can just rock up to Priory Park and the tennis courts there. Adults Saturday, 12.30. Kids Sunday at 12.30.

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Talking about Sunday, all children love a tractor ride and for this year's Apple Open Day on Sunday at Gatton Park, they've got a route through the Pleasure Gardens, also apple juicing, autumn related craft activities and also you can enjoy 250 acres of beautiful gardens and parklands. Tickets at is happening Sunday between 12 and 5.

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There's free entry to the Earlswood and Redhill Kiddical Mass Cycle Ride. It's powered by Eco Earlswood and Friends. And you may remember that I started it all off, didn't I? They had an event back in June, I think it was.

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was a lovely day it really was great to see all those kids and adults on the bikes loads of marshals on route you can actually ride on the road it's a really good experience for the kids to be riding on the roads rather than the pavement all totally safe as i say lots of adults around them they close the roads it's got the support of the local council and the police as well and also the earlswood recycling center of suez it's a big family bike ride everyone is welcome all kids are

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and the heat and things like that, and perhaps the security, and get together, and they're just buying a plot. Antique stores do this very, very well, don't they? Sometimes you can see a big shop or area that has individual antique items,

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Should be supervised with a parent or guardian, but there'll be other adults there as well. Fancy dress, whistles, music, flags, refreshments available at the end. Where is the end? Carrington School. It also happens to be the start as well. More information, Kidical Mass RH1 on social media. Hope it goes well, guys. Thursday, the 10th of October, there's a well-being fair at Merstham Hub.

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It's all to champion World Mental Health Day. So it's Thursday between 11 and 3. Discover new ideas and activities to promote a healthy mind and body. More details, merstham.library at Also Thursday, there's a charity quiz night. in support of Love Works, and that's happening at Rygate Manor.

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£17 a person includes a quiz and the curry, and the bar opens at 6.30, the quiz at 7.30, ends at 10.30, and all in support of Love Works, the local food charity, of course. There's an event by St Mark's Overseas Aid Trust in Reigate at 7.15pm. Their quiz is back. The fabulous Helia Drew returns with his much-acclaimed illustrated quiz. Put your team of eight together and come along on the night.

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and they'll be cooking up a delicious homemade chilli supper, which is included in the price as well. So, S-M-O-A-T, slash T. So it gets a bit complicated after that, but as I always say, for more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them.

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It may be that your company or your business, your group, your charity or some other enterprise would like some kind of voiceover or emceeing or facilitator or judge. Get in touch with me. I may be able to help you out. Hello at So, to this week's Planet Reigate Star Award, and this week in Reigate, and Anita writes, I want to thank a man in a blue Audi TT.

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tables or areas for different antique shops within a larger store James thanks very much indeed for that also heard from Andrew who said in response to my post on socials about the air balloon wonder what they'll do with the old little site he said when I worked in Hawley in the 90s it was Waitrose yeah I remember Waitrose now I used to work in

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He so generously helped a complete stranger get her car's flat battery started in the Morrison's car park. My Yorkshire Terrier and I can't thank you enough. you that mystery man in the blue Audi TT. Thank you from us and from Anita as well. And I hope you'll accept this week's Planet Rygate Star Award. So last Friday, Radio 4 came to town.

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Last week, BBC Radio 4 presented their live Any Questions debate show from the Village Hall, Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council Village Hall. So let's hear from Claire Minter, the clerk of the Parish Council, about how it's put the area on the national map. And also her definitive answer to the question, is it Salford's or is it Salford's?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We're here at the packing up, the tidying up, the putting the chairs away, washing up the cups and so on. They're de-rigging the whole set. How did it go for you? What did you think about it?

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How did it come about in the first place? Do you approach the BBC or do they approach you?

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Okay, and what kind of facilities were they after? What kind of checks did they need to make with you about what was here?

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And you got several mentions of thanks, didn't you, as well? That was fantastic.

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And it's a feather in the cap and also puts the area on the map as well, doesn't it?

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And the Planet Rygate podcast here as well. Yes, of course. And it was nice.

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Now, finally, Claire, it was mentioned on the stage a little bit earlier on about the pronunciation of S-A-L-F-O-R-D-S. Now, I've always thought they're a bit interchangeable, and I've been going for a year, and I must have mentioned the area virtually every single programme, and no-one's picked me up on what I say. What do you say? What is the official pronunciation of Sal or Saul?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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OK, I wondered what the derivation was. Where is the River Sal?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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In a little office, I'm just trying to remember this, not far from, I think it must have been the Waitrose, over a hair studio salon. I used to do some voiceover work there.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Must be a little brook. Gosh, I've not heard of that.

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OK, so again, give that full pronunciation of your area.

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Thank you for contributing everything that is happening here. I know about the various events that happen in the hall and your walks and so on, and celebrating your anniversary. Thank you for getting involved with the podcast too.

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So Salfords, and I have looked up the River Sal. I can't find any more information about it. So if you can furnish me with some more details about the River Sal, after which Salfords is named, then why don't you drop me a line? Hello at Have a great week. Make the most of it in the best bit of Britain.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week, Earlswood Common, with Blackbird, Robin, Wren, Songthrush and Blackcalf.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Very, very early on, when in-flight entertainment was starting to come round, and this must have been in the mid-90s, I was employed to go to this tiny little TV studio recording booth over a hair salon in Hawley, not far from the Waitrose.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and record a voiceover for various news events onto video, onto the old videocassettes, which were then biked down to, obviously, Gatwick Airport, and they were playing these videocassettes on Virgin Atlantic flights. So, yeah, I remember that. I remember the Waitrose site. And also another message here from Phil. He said the game bird as the air balloon was. Yeah, of course it was the game bird.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Absolutely. The air balloon is quite new, really, isn't it? As a name, as a concept, the game bird as it was back in the 90s. We've got a similar kind of timeline, Phil. Rammed full of 20-somethings, high on life and looking forward to a party every weekend. It even had a plane hanging from the ceiling. And then they killed it. Someone should have gone to prison for what they did to that pub.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The air balloon, he says, with emojis of him slapping his forehead. Fast forward to now and little. Entertainment killed off. for yet another supermarket, the Gamebird RIP. Well, maybe you remember the Gamebird pub. Maybe you remember some other local pubs in the area. Maybe you want to get in touch and tell me what you remember.

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Yeah, just listening to that, I can point out that Catherine bought me a coffee this past week. Catherine says, thank you so much indeed for supporting the Redhill Letter Writing Group. More of that a little bit later on. They write for the charity From Me to You. We love the podcast, says Catherine. Catherine, thanks very much indeed. Also mentioned that WhatsApp number a few moments ago.

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And I only had a WhatsApp earlier on this last week from Richard Biggs. the leader of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, who dropped me a line with something that he wanted my help and assistance with. Nothing political, incidentally, just something else. He's a man who's got fingers in lots of pies, because, as you know, this is a totally apolitical programme.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Yeah, Danny's business helps busy and overwhelmed people find calm energy. in the chaos with her in-person decluttering and organising service. I spoke with Danny before she'd heard she'd won, went round to her home to have a rummage in her cupboards. It's OK, she didn't mind. And in the news, big building work at East Surrey Hospital has been given the go-ahead.

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Also, I had an email from the new pool hall, which has opened up in Redhill, which we've mentioned a few times on the programme before. And hopefully working with them in the not too distant future as well. And they contact me regularly. via email a few days ago as well, which is absolutely fantastic. So all those people have got in contact through those various ways. You may want to as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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If you miss those details, just rewind on your podcast player or slide that little kind of slider back if you're listening on maybe the website. Had a message from a few people on social media during the course of the week. Georgie Lucas said, thank you for publicising our event. It's a great show, by the way.

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And also had a message from Elaine, because we publicised, didn't we, the Donnings Indoor Bowling Club last week on the programme. And she says, thanks, guys. I've listened. Absolutely brilliant. The events have passed our hopes with 125 people through the doors. I wonder how many of those came after listening to the Planet Reigate podcast.

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All really surprised how technical the bowling was and how social the club was as well. Thanks. We love what you're doing over there. So really appreciate your comment as well. Thanks very much indeed for getting involved. Okay, this is the Planet Rygate podcast.

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Always pleased to mention your non-profit, your sport, your club, your local event, your show, your exhibition, your concert, your performance, whatever it happens to be. Hello at And we look forward to getting your messages in the not-too-distant future. That message or that email again, hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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We're going to be hearing about that award-winning decluttering service. Well, they were granted an award, a grant, in other words. They were awarded a grant. Yes, they're award-winning, aren't they? Yeah, kind of. You know what I mean. And also we're going to be hearing more about what happened when BBC Radio 4's Any Questions came to the area last Friday.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And the person this end who helped put it all together. First of all, let's take a look at some of the news events which may have escaped your notice over the last seven days or so. East Surrey Hospital has been granted planning permission for a two-storey extension. Now this is exciting, isn't it? It's going to include two new operating theatres and a dental surgery as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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So maybe that means that if you're waiting for some surgery, whether it be on your mouth or anywhere else in your body, it may be done a little bit sooner. But obviously they've got to knock down and rebuild first of all. But I don't know how long that's going to take. Six, eight months, something like that. I don't know, just off the top of my head.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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I'm no builder and I'm not an architect either, as you probably realise. But that development we do know is going to fill the space between two wings at the hospital and help staff better cope with increasing demand that I just mentioned there. So the layout is going to be that the dental treatment area is going to be on the ground floor.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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and then the operating theatres are going to be above that. They've been given planning permission by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council. You don't kind of think that's going to be the case, that the council gets involved with NHS on that huge kind of plot of land that the hospital's got there, but they did. That is their brief.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Hello, this is Peter Stewart. Welcome to This Week's Show, episode 56 of the Planet Rygo podcast. Hope you're well, and this is how we're reflecting and celebrating our love of life around here this week. Well, my guests, Claire Minter from Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council, on the day the BBC came to town.

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They were required to facilitate other urgent works within the hospital to meet growing patient demands. So that's why it was given the green light. And work's actually already started. They've begun doing the elementary and basic work there at the hospital. And what's going to happen is that the development's going to be connected.

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If you can picture maybe some of the space that they're going to be taking over and building on, you may work there, you may have been there recently and thought, what's

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I'll tell you what's going to be built there and where. Congratulations to the Salford St Sidlow Parish Council. They're now the only parish council in the county to have been given a gold award. We remind you of the drop-in sessions about the Harlequin, which are happening this coming week. Building work is getting underway at Reigate Fire Station.

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going on here then they're doing a bit of prelim building work for something that's going to be connected by fully enclosed bridges to other buildings nearby okay so they've got to not only build the dental area and also the operating theater but put in a couple of bridges as well and as i say the ground floor the dental treatment area and the first floor those two operating theaters more on that on the bbc website

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Talking about building work, it's already getting underway on the redevelopment of Reigate Fire Station. So facilities there are going to be upgraded. We've spoken about this before, but I'm mentioning it again because it's actually starting this month. The fire station is going to be upgraded. Large appliance bays are going to be built there.

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for newer fire engines they're going to have a new kitchen a new gym dormitories and a lounge as well all essentially updating enhancing the facilities and that means they're going to be better serving the area and a new separate space for the local ambulance service is also being built as part of the project as well So that's all kind of going on at the same time.

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So while that work is going on, by the way, it's going to be funded by the local authority. The crew and their appliances are temporarily relocating to another building on the Ray Park site. It's all happening because the old building there is. is inefficient, it's difficult to operate, it's difficult to maintain, they need better facilities, essentially, don't they, when they're helping us.

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Whether you be paramedics or firefighters, then you need a nice place to be based at, don't you? So that when you are called out to help us in our moment of need, you're...

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at the top of your game you're fully fit you're fully rested and you've got good offices and facilities to go back to as well whether that be a dormitory or a kitchen whatever that happens to be could also mention the police station as well we haven't haven't We've had an update on what's happening to our local police station for a few weeks. Must look into that.

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Talking about building works, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, as we've mentioned a couple of times now, have now agreed with Aviva to start that RAC survey works. That started, what, a couple of weeks ago now, and their final report is expected probably sometime in November. A couple of weeks ago, in fact, you heard from Ali of the Harlequin Support Group saying,

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And we've been mentioning for a couple of weeks that the council is going to be holding five drop-in engagement events to better understand whether you be part of a community or part of a group, maybe a theatre group, maybe another group that used to meet at the Harlequin, or maybe you're an individual.

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what facilities you need for arts, culture, that kind of thing, in the borough of Reigate and Bandstead. So not just in Redhill, but Reigate as well, and also down south to Hawley, up north to Bandstead. So these sessions are getting underway this coming week. Red Hill, Saturday the 5th, 12.30 to 2.30. Only a couple of hours for you there. Christ Central in London Road in Red Hill.

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I tell you how things are going to be improved and how the ambulance service will benefit as well. A local restaurant is closing down this weekend. The owners say being part of the local community has been one of the greatest joys of their life. Find out where the closed sign is going up later on in the show.

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Rye Gate this coming Monday the 7th, 12.30 to 2.30 at the Town Hall. Back to Redhill on Tuesday, 6.30 to 8.30. So we've got the only evening meeting which is going to be held again back at Christ Central. Hawley, Wednesday the 9th in the morning, 9.30 to 11.30 at the Community Centre on Albert Road. And in Banstead, you guys get a mention as well.

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Thursday, again, 9.30 to 11.30 at the Banstead Community Centre up there at the Horseshoe. Now, you can hear more about the reasons for the Harlequin closure in episode 48 of the Planet Reigate podcast. Audio highlights of the most recent council meeting's decision on the Harlequin in episode 49. And as I say, the reaction from the Harlequin support group.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

56: Celebrating Salfords, decluttering Redhill house-by-house… and more


Ali spoke to us in a recent show back in episode 53. Congratulations to Salford's and Sidlow Parish Council because they've been awarded the National Association of Local Council's Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold Award Achievement. That's a mouthful if ever I heard one. They're the first parish council in Surrey to have applied for and actually got it. So congratulations to them.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


OK, so I know you're after more staff as well, because sometimes I read out your adverts on the Planet Riot Game podcast. So more and more people, because you are expanding, aren't you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So tell me on a typical summer's day at a weekend or in the school holidays, what does this lake look like? How many people are out there? What kind of sports are going on all at the same time?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And very, very popular by the sound of it. I'm guessing people have to book up several weeks in advance, do they, to make sure they get a spot on one of these courses?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


What is it about water sports, about sailing and so on, that people are enjoying?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


we feature local lacrosse as well plus we have the good time guide of events across the area across the week ahead planet reigate stars from reigate and our 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show this is the planet reigate podcast with peter stewart

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So is there something in a kind of British psyche, perhaps because we're an island nation, or is that doesn't kind of replicate itself as far as skill or interest in water sports and sailing goes?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Tell me how you reckon aquasports is going to be growing over the next few years. You've mentioned you're getting more courses on, taking on more staff, you're developing the centre, which is just behind us here. So how do you see it developing over the next three, four, five years?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


That goes all the way, looking over those are the transmitters on top of Frygate Hill.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I'm thinking you need to expand your offer to photography evenings or something like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You've got a really good job here. You're going to be here for a few years, aren't you? You want to see all this through.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


But first of all, we'll start off, as we always do, with looking back at some of the correspondence that we've had during the course of the week. And last week, of course, we featured Sean Lamberth, and he was talking about the course of the second annual...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And it was great to go down to Mercer's Lake and Aquasports. Henry there, you can find them online. You can see what different courses they've got. And after that interview, Henry said, I'll tell you what, have you got a few minutes? Have you got half an hour? Yeah, yeah, sure. OK, so we jumped into a boat and obviously put on life jackets and so on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And he took me all around the lake, and he was able to point out, this is a shallow bear, and this is where we saw that animal, and over there we see that nest, and do you see that? That used to be so-and-so. And it was really intriguing. It was a glorious afternoon a few weeks back.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And it was really fantastic just to be on that boat and to have his expertise about the lake, about the history, about the flora and fauna as well. And... Should have been recording this, Henry. He said, you know what? Come back another time. We'll do it again. So, Henry, I'm going to take you up on that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And if you want to see what the latest is, because if you haven't been down to Mercer's for a year, 18 months or possibly even longer, first of all, why? But secondly, you may want to go down there over the summer, soak up the sun, have a little walk around the lake. A little walk? Yeah, it's not that far, is it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And also see what changes they are making and have made already to increase their offer down there. And don't forget, we have many more interviews in our archive shows. You'll hear about the Open Air Theatre in Reigate this summer in episode 32. And Wayne and Beth from Reigate Volleyball Club on their love of the sport also in episode 32 as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And if you'd like to support the Planet Reigate podcast, you can do that. slash the Planet Reigate podcast. Sport on the way, but first of all, here's our news sequence of some of the stories which may have passed you by over the last seven days or so. Local locations for a network of electric vehicle charge points set to be installed across Surrey have been proposed.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So I've looked at the map, I've looked at the list, and I can tell you that the government has a set target of 300,000 public charge points across the country in the next seven years. And the locations proposed have been selected because someone has requested one in a certain area. In fact, I highlighted that process a few months ago here on the show.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And I explained how to ask for one of those charging points near where you live. Obviously, it has to be a public place, not just for you, but for other people. But of course, it would be really handy for you, maybe where you live, work, exercise, that kind of thing. Or because there was no nearby access to a charge point.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


cyclocross Reigate which is coming to Priory Park next week, it's Friday August the 9th, yeah this coming week and he says thanks so much to the Planet Reigate podcast for inviting us onto your podcast we had a brilliant time, also we had another message from Age Concern Merstam Redhill Reigate who said publicly, listen to this great local podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And an interactive map of the current proposed locations is available on the Connected Curb website. And requests can still be made. More locations will be added. But locally in the Planet Rygate area at the moment, Rygate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham, RH1, 2 and 3. A little bit of 6 as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


In Hawley, Chestnut Road, White Bushes, Wimborne Avenue, Dover's Green Castle Drive there and also outside the shops on the parade at Woodhatch. Also on Stockton Road, RH2, Blackborough Road and Holmesdale Road as well. Reigate and Banstead has become a refill destination and is pledging to help turn the tide on plastic pollution.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Yeah, by downloading the free refill app, you'll be able to easily tap into a network of places where you can refill. So essentially you can top up a water bottle or you can get a coffee in a reusable cup or even go shopping with less packaging. Refill makes going plastic free easier. If you want details on links or any of these, email me at hello at

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


We've got an episode from episode 44 now. Remember I told you about Martin Pitchley, a local driving instructor, saying that the roads near the test centre of the aerodrome were too fast, verges were too overgrown, signs were missing or obscured, there were poor road markings, and he said altogether it's not only unsafe, but also pretty unfair on those new drivers being examined.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


As I say, I've got an update. Martin wrote to me saying... I had several developments today which I can only think that your podcast certainly helped happen. Martin, really appreciate that. Thank you. We have a little bit of sway. I've been speaking to several counsellors this week, one on the phone and a couple of others eye to eye, face to face as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And Martin goes on, I've been invited to attend a meeting this Friday morning. So this is Friday the 2nd of August, that is, with an official from Reigate Council. And I also received another email this afternoon which said in part, Thank you for the detailed information in the letter and the photos provided.

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I appreciate that the matters you've raised are frustrating and concerning, but I can assure you that we will look into them and will be in contact when we have further information. Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Kind regards. the name of the Director of Highways and Transport.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And to be fair as well, they might appreciate people getting in touch because, and this is in defence of Surrey County Council, because they can't always know where a sign has gone down. They can't always know where a bush is overgrown or where road markings seem to have disappeared or something like that. They can't know every single square metre of highway as well as they might.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So they do rather rely, don't they, on people, on drivers, on pedestrians, particularly if you are a professional driver, like Martin is, to contact them to say, hey guys, don't know whether you appreciate it, but... And he kind of links in to...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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doesn't it, to a story we spoke about last week about another school which is after St Bollard's and some more signs and lower driving limits outside one of the schools in South Rygate. You need to tell people where... you think they may have slipped up or something that perhaps they should, inverted commas, know about, but don't. Anyway, so that was, I thought, very positive.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


We get a couple of mentions, as indeed they did last week. The Planet Reigate podcast, of course, covering, yes, Reigate, but also the satellite towns and villages in kind of Reigate's orbit. You get what we kind of go with there. Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Betchworth, Brockham. And yes, I had a chat with someone recently who said, do you cover Lye? Yes, we do. Do you cover Charlwood?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Not only has he got a meeting, but also he had that letter back from the Director of Highways and Transport. I thought I'd pass that on. Now, he also emailed me again on Thursday, so that's the 1st of August, to say, I am meeting directly with the council tomorrow. It's going to be 10am.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I've been invited to go around with a guy in his van to physically show him all the areas that are very concerning. I'm sure everyone will benefit from the changes. Thank you. to the Planet Reigate podcast. Well, Martin, I appreciate the thanks, but thank you for helping to kind of push that through and having those eagle eyes as well and being able to, as I say, contact the people involved.

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A little bit of media pressure as well. Don't know how much sway we had, but as I say, I know that several councillors and people in the council and further afield, decision makers, influencers, do listen to the podcast. So hopefully we have been able to make a little bit of difference.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Talking of which, I mentioned last week about how to get some free money for your group from a fund that local councillors have to spend in their local community. So news and congratulations to Salford's Cricket Club for securing, get this, £431,000. from this fund, which is called Your Fund Surrey.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


They say, thanks to community efforts, the pavilion now has an accessible meeting space, a volunteer-run coffee shop, and modern accessible changing facilities for women, girls, and disability cricket. Now, more on how you can get cash, not necessarily £431,000, but it will be for your group, in last week's show.

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There's the email address in there, so you'll be able to email and get some more information. So it could just mean that you want a table tennis table for your group, or Something like that, which could just be £100 or might just be £50 to swell the coffers for maybe a petrol fund to pick up people or to drop them off or whatever it happens to be.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I'm suggesting that if you do pick up people, you probably need to drop them off as well. You don't just take them to a community event and then abandon them. You get what I'm talking about.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Rygate and Banstead Borough Council inviting everyone who visits the borough's green spaces to help shape a new strategy that will make sure its parks and open spaces continue to meet the needs of local people and wildlife. You can tell I'm reading that off a press release, can't you? Help shape a new strategy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Now, essentially, it's called the Green Spaces Strategy, and it's going to be looking at what people want out of parks. So that could be your Priory or your Memorial, but also your Merston Rex or your Battle Bridges area where they've got the running track and things like that.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Now and also in the future, improving the quality of what is there, the facilities, but also the turf and the paving and the trees and that kind of stuff. And also the accessibility. Can you actually get to it? Is there parking available? Is there accessibility for people with additional needs? That kind of thing.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And this whole strategy is going to provide a clear and structured approach to managing the borough's green spaces to meet the needs of local people and wildlife. So it's not just those kind of organised green spaces, but it's some of those other areas which you couldn't call a park, you couldn't call a wreck.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


But maybe, for example, the triangle of land just at the top of, you know, in Earlswood there, just on the corner. Yeah, just on the corner before you go up the hill and down to, you know where I mean, just opposite the pub there, where the Earlswood Carnival is. Yeah. Has it got a name, that area there? Anyway, so it's that kind of thing as well.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Yes. Yes, we do. Do you cover Hookwood? Yes. Salford? Yes. It was like a quiz. It really was. And as I often say, we don't do Oxted or Godston. We don't do Gatwick and Crawley. We don't do Dorking. We don't even do Banstead. So sorry, guys, if you're in those areas and you want a similar podcast for you, get in touch with me. we can perhaps sort something out.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Again, the council needs to know what you want them to know so they can do something about it or not. They've got the final decision, but again, they need to know what you want them to know. And anyone can have their say by completing a short survey about their experiences of the borough's green spaces and how they can be improved. Online, slash greenspaces-strategy.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Bit of a mouthful. If you want to know more, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. Incidentally, for shady walks so there wouldn't really be open spaces would they there'd be shaded spaces for shady walks over the summer months that list coming up in a few minutes time Tim emails me, Tim Bellers.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


He says, Hi Peter, a few months ago you featured me via my very good friend Dave Setters, who suffers from motor neurons disease. Yeah, I remember this. And Dave is an avid campaigner for MNDA. It's another one of those really horrific conditions, isn't it? I was speaking to somebody about this at the Town Hall a couple of days ago.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Anyway, on Saturday the 20th of July, says Tim, I completed my seventh marathon. It actually happened to be in Germany. Seventh marathon in seven months in seven countries. It was a whole challenge for MNDA. I remember mentioning this to him. And he says, I've just passed the £4,000 mark and would appreciate any publicity to push the total nearer to £5,000. Boy, oh boy. £4,000 is a terrific sum.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


But when you compare that with an ROI, return on investment of running seven marathons in seven months in seven countries, It doesn't really seem enough, does it? So Tim says, as I say, I'd really appreciate any publicity to push the total nearer 5k. I said to Tim, can people take your email address, Tim? And he said, yes, of course they can. So here it is. Tim Bellers, B-E-L-L-A-R-S at

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dot co dot uk tim i really appreciate what you are going through to raise money and to raise awareness for people with motor neuron disease and really appreciate you getting in touch and asking me to pass on your thanks and also your email address one more time tim bellas at he deserves more than a yahoo for all of that doesn't he

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Do you have experience of leadership, a commitment to openness and the passion to make a difference in our communities? Well, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey says we're seeking skilled individuals to join our joint audit committee and, and this may be particularly interesting, act as independent panel members in police misconduct hearings in Surrey.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Now, they are few and far between, but they do come around occasionally. And you don't necessarily hear about all of them because some of them are just kind of

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low level they're not necessarily going to hit the headlines but it may be something where a police officer has stepped out of line and needs to be reminded and needs to be referred upwards anyway you get the idea both positions are vital to maintaining public trust in surrey police which of course is something we all want and offer a unique and rewarding way to play a role in policing our county this may be something that you're particularly interested in so you can join their joint audit committee or be an independent panel member

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Now, you can learn more at, well, it's another complicated website address. But get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them if you want to know anything more about that. Here's another really interesting thing. Do you want to help build a new shooting range in Reigate? Yeah, it's at the Jordan Heights campsite up there on the hill. They say we really need you.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


But at the moment, the planet Reigate area is, and will always be, Reigate, Redhill, and Merced and Buckland, Betchworth and Brockham. And yes, I know they go over several different boroughs. I get that completely. But you know what? Boroughs are just a line on a map, aren't they?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


A work party at Jordan Heights on Sunday, the 18th of August, 10 till 4pm. Not only to build a new shooting range, but also build and move the pioneering store to finish the campfire circle, general maintenance of the site as well, and tidy it all up.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I can't help thinking that if, possibly perhaps, if you're nice enough to give them a few hours of your time in helping to build a new shooting range, then you could be a bit cheeky and say... When it's open, I couldn't come down here and fire a few bullets and experience it for myself, could you? That sounds interesting, doesn't it?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So if you're interested in that at the Jordan Heights Reigate campsite, again, get in touch with me and I'll put you in touch with them. Hello at A fox cub has been rescued after it got stuck in a wooden garden chair in Reigate. The female cub was freed by the RSPCA after officers from the charity were called to a garden in Greenhaze Close.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Animal Rescue Officer Chloe Wilson said the distressed fox club had both front paws caught between the slats of the chair. It's the back slats. They were, I think, perhaps trying to climb up. And their feet, their paws got within the slats and then of course they couldn't push themselves up where the holes were wider to ease themselves out. So they were just literally left hanging.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Chloe is quoted by the BBC saying, when I arrived, the young female fox had cuts on her legs where she'd been pulling and tugging to try and free herself. Another fox cub was hiding nearby. Quote, so I suspect they've been playing on the furniture when she somehow managed to get herself trapped.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I put on some thick gloves and approached the vixen slowly and thankfully was slowly able to lift her up and free her paws. The cub was taken to the Wildlife Aid Foundation. That's over a leatherhead, isn't it? for treatment and rehabilitation. As I say, more on that story and pictures on the BBC website Search for Surrey.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


I'm loving this story from the Parish Pump magazine, which is for Charlewood, Hookwood, Norwood Hill and Sidlow Bridge. If you want a copy of this, as I do, as I get, editorial at parishpump at I'm going to read this out for you from the August edition. Inspired fundraising from a young resident. Quote, this is being written by Kitty, aged eight.

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And they're different from constituencies, and they're different from water areas, and they're different from postcodes very often, and they're different from telephone codes very often, and all sorts of things. So... The planet Reigate area. One more time. Reigate, Redhill, Merston, Buckland, Bechworth and Brockham.

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47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


The school asked if we could raise some money for the PTA. I started with a pound to see how I could make more money for the school. I thought of an idea to make plants in pots with faces and give them all names for themselves. to fit in. Then I went to Hobbycraft to collect the cups and the googly eyes.

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We put soil in the cups then me and mummy took cuttings from our favourite big plant at home and we stuck the plants in the soil then of course we put water on the plants so they could grow and be happy. I thought of names for each one of them. Mummy told people in Charlewood what I was doing to see if they wanted to buy any. So when I got home from school that day I got the best news of my life.

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Someone had ordered Daily Dot. I I'm guessing that'd be a dahlia, might be, wouldn't it? I was so happy, I screamed with excitement. Lots of orders came after that, and we matched the plants to the people. Of course, the plant called Noah went to Reverend Sue. I like that. I was very busy making more pots every day. In total, I raised, how much do you reckon?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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Kitty, aged eight, started off with one pound. And then, in total, quote, I raised 115 pounds for the school. I'm very, very, very happy as well you might be, Kitty, aged eight. What an entrepreneur there. Absolutely fantastic. As I said at the start of the show, I can see Kitty being on The Apprentice in years to come, can't you? Editorial.parishpump at if you would like a copy of that.

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Henry joins me from Aqua Sports at Mercer's Lake, so hear how the group was set up and their big plans for the year ahead. All sorts of water-based sports and Henry's tip for the best sunset view in Surrey. Plus, we have the short story of a proper hero in the very heart of Red Hill, the wartime bravery of Jack Harvey himself.

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e-newsletter sent to you every month and I should also say that the Nutfield area magazine is called the Nutfield link as you probably know it's been going for 599 editions after all 599 well it's full of local news and information for that area available on social on subscription as a hard copy for £5 a year.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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And this month, the August edition actually features an article on the Planet Rygate podcast. Yeah, feature on page 30. Thanks to editor Phil for the coverage. And actually, you're going to hear more about Phil in a few weeks' time on the podcast. A bit of a quid pro quo. Contact him for more information on the Nutfield link at editor at We've got sport in a few moments' time.

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And also, I'm going to be telling you about that post on social this week, which asked, does anyone have any recommendations for a nice shaded walk in the area? Even better if a pub is involved. Thank you in advance. And I'll tell you what people came up with in a few moments' time, right here on the Planet Rygate podcast.

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See, touch, smell and try before you buy and speak to real people who can advise you. The Belfry Shopping Centre, Redhill. Woodlands Lettings, connecting landlords with tenants for over 20 years. If you have a property to let, pop into our office on Station Road by the Belfry Main entrance for a coffee and a chat, or call 01737 372 797.

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The towns and villages in the orbit of the borough town, I suppose you would call it, of Reigate. Where the Roseroom Tea Rooms are. Who we mentioned last week because they've moved up the High Street. From one end of the High Street essentially to the other end of the High Street. Just near Marks and Spencer's now. Thank you so much for the shout out last week. It's so lovely.

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From Reigate and Red Hill, Buckland, Betchwith and Brockham, great stories from places you love and people you know. This is the Planet Reigate podcast.

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So, as I said a few moments ago, that post on social media over the course of the past week, when it was really hot, wasn't it? It was lovely. And that was asking, can people recommend, please, some local shady places? When I say shady places, I think what they really meant was places with some shade, not shady places that are a little bit dubious.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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You wouldn't want to walk there alone at night, you know, that kind of thing. Carol said, what about Felland Cops near Earlswood Lakes?

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um laura louise said through priory woods up to the skimmington castle yeah that's another good one isn't it lots of tree cover there um yeah you don't want to go on that kind of more open uh land there particularly we get towards the heath and so on uh and and but yeah keep the keep the tree cover Michelle, Priory Woods to Skimmington Castle. Again, Earlswood Lakes, come out by the Plough Pub.

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The theme here is obviously a watering hole slash drinking establishment. Rygate Hill, walk along. And that's shady, isn't it, for the first part of it, before you get up to the memorial, certainly. And then to Mogador, to the Sportsman Park. Been to the sportsman. Yeah, that's been there for a while.

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But yeah, yeah, the sportsman, the dog and dog outwork outward has walks right next to the pub as well. Not been there for a long time. So that's reminded me.

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as jenna has to uh to get down there another vote for mogador and the sportsman pub leanne says if you go on to the dog and duck website there's actually a list of circular walks you can do parking in their car park and ending back at the pub that's good marketing isn't it Well done to the dog and duck for doing that. I think the skim does something on that as well, doesn't it?

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Nonsuch Park, not too close but really good. A whole shaded woodland with a long walk. I'm going to come back to that in a second. Buckland to Rygate Heath and go in the windmill church. Yeah, the Heath can be shady but also can be quite exposed as well alongside the golf course there. Hear my report from Rygate Heath in last week's episode of the show. Brockham, across the fields to Betchworth.

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Again, I know that walk is quite a bit open there. And Holmwood Common in Dorking is very shaded and keeps cool all day there as well. Yeah, Nonsuch Park. Do you know Nonsuch Park? I was brought up near Nonsuch Park. It straddles the border of Epsom and Ewell and Sutton and Cheam.

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and it's right on that border, so if you go up Reigate Hill, and I'm just thinking of the best way to kind of get there, if you go up to, and just carry on going, essentially, yeah, as though you're going up to Banstead, and if you go, if you go left at the Asda, down to Burr Heath, And then down to the petrol station. Are you following me?

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Please do pop in when we open. They didn't say whether I get a free slice of gluten-free cake or whether I can bring anyone with me. I don't know. So, well, I'm quite willing enough for paying for that. Looks lovely if you've seen their posts on social media. They've changed. They've moved to where they collect.

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It's probably going to be easier to look up Nonsuch Park, but it's huge. If you're familiar with Richmond Park, it's a little like that, but without the deer. It is huge. And they have festivals there and open-air concerts and things like that. Plus, in the middle, there's an old... It kind of looks like a castle. And it's got grounds.

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It's got garden grounds that you can go in, which are kind of manicured. And there's a lawn there and there's a little tea shop and so on. It's a kind of safe space. There's a lovely hill for kids to roll down, as I've done several occasions. Sometimes quite recently, it has to be said. There's a sundial, there's a fish pond and that kind of thing.

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There's a wooded area for them to explore and play things. So as I say, that's in the middle at the castle area. But also there's a huge area where you can take the dog and you're never going to walk on the same path twice. Nonsuch Park, check that out. It's, as I say, in Epsom and Yule border with Sutton. Oh, my gosh. You know what I've just done?

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I've just spent a while talking about somewhere that's not... Yeah, yeah, so if you go to Nonsuch, just watch out for the dragons. I thought it was worth mentioning. OK, here we go. It is the Planet Rygate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. Let's move on to sport. And a few things to mention this week.

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First of all, Dan got in touch to say Hawley United FC under-12s team are looking for two to three additional players to join the team for the coming season. Yeah, Dan goes on to say, if you've got a player that's got some experience playing for a club, perhaps was part of a team last season, but didn't get much match time, then consider joining us.

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We've got a smaller squad size and that makes it more likely they're going to get more points. Match time. Players must be going into year seven school in September. Training is twice a week. Match day is Sundays. And you can check out the club at So if you're interested in that, or maybe because sometimes people go to clubs. and they just don't fit in.

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Perhaps they're not getting the matches, as Dan said, but also maybe you don't work together with other people in the team. Maybe you're not quite gelling with the coach or something like that, or maybe it's a little bit out of the way and you've got to drive some distance, or maybe there's a date clash with when their training and match days are, that kind of thing.

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You may want to check out from our friend Dan Reynolds, who we've spoken on the show before because he is the guy behind RH Networking. which we often mention on the show, and that is a service, an organisation, a group, where you can get together if you are involved in business locally, so you can network with other people and swap ideas and expertise and so on.

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Got another mention here. I believe you've been kind enough to mention our events in the past, but just wanted to let you know about the open day we're hosting at Hawley Leisure Centre on August the 10th. So this is going to be next Saturday. There are taster fitness classes and swimming lessons, as well as free swimming and gym sessions.

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objective was in the rooms just there, up by Nando's, up by the Bull's Head, by Marks and Spencer's. You get it just up that end of the High Street. Now, a few weeks ago, I mentioned about Paul House on Bancroft Road in Reigate, which, of course, is now reopened after all of their works, which have been going on for about a week, 10 days.

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Plus, we'll have some local businesses, food and drink and more, something for the whole family and the chance to find out more about what the centre offers. Yes, you may not have thought to go down to the Hawley Leisure Centre. Maybe you're up near Reigate, Redhill, Merstam and you're naturally perhaps more joined to Donnings and perhaps you go there very often.

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But maybe you've thought to yourself, I'll be really good if Donnings did this and they don't. And maybe it occurred to you to perhaps try out Hawleyleisure. So this is an opportunity for you to do just that. Saturday, the 10th of August. They've got taster fitness classes from 8.30 in the morning through to 2.30 in the afternoon. Various sessions, spin, body conditioning, Zumba, Pilates.

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I've done a bit of Zumba. I know. Pilates, mindfulness. This is me, isn't it? Pilates and mindfulness. Dance sessions and a power pump. And Taste of Swimming Sessions between 9 and 12. Foundation for 4 Plus. Swim Biz for the four years, from three months to four years. Foundation Development 25 metres and Academy for Advanced. And a swim doctor as well.

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plus more you can get onto the website slash Hawley if you want to find out more about that it's a day of fun food and free activities open to all ages and interests you'll find more ways to play at Hawley Leisure Centre is what they say Let's turn to lacrosse. Rygate Lacrosse are running fun weekly sessions this summer. Every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8.

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A free trial session for new players. £5 a session after that. £50 for the whole summer. Probably a bit of a discount as we're several weeks into it now. All abilities welcome from complete beginners to experienced players. More information at It sounds like a song, doesn't it? LAX there on the end. WomensRygateLAX at

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And Yvonne Phillips says, from those first kicks to scoring hat tricks. Nice line. Little kickers are with you every step of the journey. Our classes are running throughout the summer without a break. So if you'd like to grab an opportunity to try a class for free and beat the autumn rush... then get in touch.

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East Surrey at and they've got sessions in Redhill and Reigate as well. We featured them on the programme before. If you want to know more about that, essentially it's a fun way to do sport, particularly kind of with a football bent, but also you're learning colours and numbers and teamwork and things like that at the same time. if you're interested in that.

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And we mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. Rygate Business Guild says they've got a golf day Thursday 26th of September at Betchworth Park Golf Club. Join us for a fun day and evening. Help raise money for Rygate's Christmas lights. And if you want some more information to get involved with that, then get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them.

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And they also say non-golfers are also invited to attend the evening as well.

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Planet Reigate stars, thanking local heroes who are out of this world.

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Follow us on social media and also subscribe to the show, maybe called Follow, wherever you get your podcasts. The name is always the same, the Planet Reigate podcast. OK, let's sprinkle a bit of stardust on a local hero. And this week from Reigate...

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Quote, this may seem silly, but just to quickly shout out the motorcyclist who stopped on Bancroft Road around 7.30 at night to rescue a squirrel out of the road. I hope the poor thing was OK. And thank you to the gentleman for rescuing it. We need more people like you. We do indeed. And that's why we are giving him a Planet Reigate Star Award this week.

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And I thought I recalled that it was built on the site of a swimming pool. And last week, Stuart Holmes emailed to say there was a swimming pool opposite the town hall. And I mentioned that last week, didn't I? But what about Pool House on Bancroft Road? Stuart got back to me and said, I can't see any evidence for a public pool at that location.

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The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The story of Redhill's hero soldier coming soon before we go at the end of the show. Also, we have our 60 second soundscape from the borough town of Reigate. But first of all, here's the second part of our Good Time Guide. Not been told anything that's happening in the area on Monday. So let's skip forward to Tuesday.

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Now, over the past several weeks, we've been talking about various holiday camps. Now, I've decided not to mention them every single day they're on, because obviously you would need to have booked up, and I have covered them over the past several weeks. So I'm just going to be talking about the new ones which are starting this coming week.

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And on Tuesday, summer holiday camps for children in Reigate, Redhill and Merstham. A total of 12 days to choose from for children aged between 4 and 10. From indoor full-day musical theatre and dance camps to outdoor classes in Priory Park. More information at And it is all there August 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 and 22. Dance, drama, singing and crafts.

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They call themselves Reigate's Most Popular Performing Holiday Camps. So let's move on and tell you about some other things which are happening across the area. Priory Park Summer Dance Class is here. It's also by Reigate School of Ballet, so it's a little bit more information. Little Boogies, 2 to 4, 10 to half 10. Mini Boogies, aged 5 to 7, 10.35 to 11.05. £5 a class.

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And if the weather is poor, the class moves to the Community Centre behind Morrisons. To Thursday then, Thursday the 8th, Athletics Academy via Athletics Kids. There's summer camps for ages 3 to 6 and 7 to 10. It's between 10am and 1pm, all happening at St Bede's School. Thursday the 8th, Monday the 12th, Tuesday the 20th of August.

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Various prices and times, book now they say, and you need to search for, it's always an Thank you very much. For aerial work, aerial workshops, great fun, it sounds, doesn't it? Red Hill Studio based. They're talking about aerial hoop, sling, silks, trapeze, dancing and singing, arts and crafts, energetic, fun and unique, they say. The 6th, 7th, 8th.

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12th and 13th of August, between 9 in the morning, 3 in the afternoon. Spaces are limited. It's a very awkward booking form number to give you. And I say number because it's got about 20 digits in. So again, as I always say, for more information, get in touch with me. I'll put you in touch with them. Hello at

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Wednesday the 7th, let's move on to the Merstham Youth Project. Every Wednesday, the 7th, 14th, 21st of August, 3.15pm to 4.45pm, and then it goes into September 4, 11, 18 and 25, from 4.30pm to 6 o'clock, experienced youth workers, and they will be able to... Essentially, look over what it is that's being done and to help you and invite you to play different activities and so on.

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I don't recall anything from my personal experience either. Maybe it had a few pool tables. Is that why it was called Pool House? Or maybe, he goes on, the business had something to do with pools. I think there used to be an outdoor pool in Priory Park. At least that's what I remember.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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3368.812, if you want some more information on that. It's the Mercedom Youth Project at various locations for young people aged eight and over. Friday the 9th of August, really looking forward to this. Spoke about it in last week's show. It is the big event. It's the second annual Cyclocross Rygate which is happening. So you can either go along and take part or go along and watch.

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Friday night, food and drink. Bring your noise. So it could be a cowbell, could be a horn, could be just your vocal cords. And it's happening from late afternoon, Priory Park. And they say after the success of Rygate's inaugural, non-ranking, stand-alone trophy CX event, CX is what us people in the know call cyclocross, don't you know? Last year, 2024 is going to be bigger and better than ever.

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New additions to the course, racing in the under-12s, youths, juniors, seniors and vets in the open, and women's-only categories, an opportunity to race as a team in the senior events if you want to participate. Hopefully you've signed up already. Food and drink available. Bring your own noise. Enjoy the racing.

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And there's also going to be an after party at the Pilgrim Brewery taproom after racing and the podiums. Every competitor over 18 getting a free pint of local beer. Now, more information on the times, the best places to go, what you need to take and so on, so forth and such like

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And we always look ahead to the Saturday as well, just so you can get things sorted out for the following weekend. And it goes like this. It's Surrey's Air Ambulance. I'm mentioning this because even though it's going to be happening outside the area... The Surrey Air Ambulance, of course, is based at Redhill Aerodrome, so it's Heli Fun Day, Surrey.

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It's over at Lowsley Park, which is not a million miles away from Guildford. Meet the crew, see our helicopter, and yeah, I know I mentioned Guildford. Watch out for the dragons once you go over that one. CPR demonstrations, games and prizes, food stalls, face painting and glitter stalls. And as I say, you'll actually be able to see the helicopter subject to emergencies.

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Plus, book your tickets now, but it's all free. So mentioning that, because it is the Surrey Air Ambulance that we share with Sussex, that we share with the county of Kent as well. And of course, it is based in our neck of the woods in the Planet Reigate area.

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in red hill aerodrome it's always interesting isn't it if you go down to the hangar nine cafe is what it's called nowadays and uh as well as the air ambulance which flies from there also the bbc news helicopter flies from there as well i don't know whether they share that do they share that with sky and and and uh itn itv as well i'm not entirely sure but certainly it's the news helicopter and usually there's only one up at the at a time because usually you're following perhaps a

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um and i do as well i remember the pool in priory park uh was it where that really large round flower bed is but it was certainly up there near the cafe area wasn't it and and i seem to remember it was it was um it was fenced off with a low fence and it was more like a paddling pool wasn't it for kids

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prime ministerial car going to a palace or a funeral cortege or or things like that so obviously they don't want too many up at the same time because they are literally need to be want to be in exactly the same place but anyway what am i saying in a long-winded way as is my won't um that it's always good to go to the aerodrome sit outside with a cool drink and see the various things as they take off

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OK, this is the Planet Reigate podcast. I'm Peter Stewart. That's the Good Time Guide. And I'm back in a few moments' time with the story of Redhill's hero soldier.

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Planet Reigate is the indoor pool at Donnings and the water sports lake at Mercer's. And this is the Planet Reigate podcast.

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So the next story comes courtesy of Graham on social media, and I spotted this post a couple of weeks ago, and I was waiting for just the right time to bring it to you. Graham Norris wrote, Well, that's already piqued my interest. First of all, do you know where Redstone Cemetery is? Well, it's just off... It's just up there off Philanthropic Road, isn't it?

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And I didn't realise that DOV volunteers did that kind of work. But anyway, he goes on. There was a grave there that didn't show up on our paperwork. This does happen sometimes and they're often Ministry of Defence graves and don't come under our care. This should hopefully be changing soon. So he said, I contacted our area coordinator to find out if she knew.

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And she told me it wasn't an MOD grave either and that it's probably a private grave. So we're in the process now of trying to get it brought under our care, which is a really good thing to do, isn't it? He was quite a man, as brave as they come. Four years on the frontline trenches involved in every major battle. He says, read his story.

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He's a proper hero, and he's been laid to rest in the very heart of Red Hill. So, you know what? I clicked through to the link, and I read a little bit more, and I thought, as it's the anniversary of both his birth and his death, you would like to know a little bit more about Jack Harvey.

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Jack Harvey was born on the 24th of August 1891 in Peckham in London and he died on the 15th of August 1940 right here in Red Hill. In November 1914, he enlisted as a private in the London Regiment in Camberwell. He served on the Western Front and saw action at most of the major battles at Ypres, Vasson and Passchendaele.

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It was in the latter stages of the war that Jack would perform the action which would lead to the award of the Victoria Cross. On 2nd September 1918, north of Perron in France, when the advance of his company was held up by machine gun fire, Private Harvey dashed forward a distance of 50 yards alone through the English barrage and in the face of heavy enemy fire.

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Then I think after that, when they drained it, they just put sand in and then they created the whole new place. So my memory goes back that far of taking the kids for walks in the woods and flying kites and playing balls and so on in that whole area and going into that paddling pool and sandpit area there as well.

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He rushed a machine gun post, shooting two of the team and bayoneting another. He then destroyed the gun and continued his way along the enemy trench. He single-handedly rushed an enemy dugout which contained 37 Germans and compelled them to surrender. These acts of gallantry saved the company heavy casualties and materially assisted in the success of the operation.

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He was gazetted for the VC, the Victoria Cross, on 12 November 1918, and attended his investiture at Buckingham Palace on 8 March 1919, where he was presented with his VC by King George V. Also at his investiture was another Camberwell native, George Cartwright VC. Jack was promoted to corporal following his VC action and was demobbed in 1919.

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He returned to civilian life and died at the tragically young age of just 48 on 15 August 1940 in Redhill. He was buried in Red Hill Cemetery with full military honours. His medals, including VC, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal 1914-20 and Victory Medal 1914-1919, were bought privately in 2001 by Michael Ashcroft and are displayed in the Ashcroft Gallery at the Imperial War Museum in London.

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Jack Harvey's citation on being awarded the VC said, "...throughout the entire operation he showed the most magnificent courage and determination, and by the splendid example which he set to all ranks, materially assisted in the success of the operation." There's the short story of Jack Harvey.

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And if you would like to pay your respects to Jack, you will find the site of his burial at Redstone Cemetery in Redhill, of course, Section C, Grave 2359. And if you'd like any more information...

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on Jack and maybe you're after a picture of his gravestone so you can see what it is that you're looking for then contact me at the Planet Rygate podcast and I'll make sure that you get that so again that's the story of Jack Harvey 1891 to the 15th of August 1940

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And I just thought that in the month of the anniversary of both his birth and his death, and because that grave and the story behind it has only recently been uncovered, so to speak, you'd like to hear about it on the Planet Rygate podcast. MUSIC PLAYS

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The 60-second soundscape. Local natural sounds uninterrupted.

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Before we go, at the end of the show, natural sounds from a place you know. This week, Reigate and the Priory Park fountain.

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and anyway Stuart goes on he says I've seen photos of people bathing in Earlswood Lakes before my time he says and there was a gap of a few years between the Rygate Baths closing and Donnings opening so we would cycle from Woodhatch where we live to Hawley to go there and Stuart, thank you so much.

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This is the Planet Reigate Podcast.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

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The Planet Reigate podcast was produced and presented by Peter Stewart.

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I really love local history and where you can look at something and go, God, that is still there and that's what happened there. Someone lived there or someone died there or that's a mystery about it or whatever.

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And it has to be said that the episodes of the Planet Reigate podcast in which we feature local history, we've done quite a bit, one that springs to mind, one of the most listened to couple of episodes was our history of the man who built Donata House,

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donald's school is there but the story of mr waterloo who who actually built it and why did he build it and who lived there and what's the whole story behind that estate and and who was mr waterloo what did he go on and do so uh search for that in our archive episodes but if you've got any memories if you've got any thoughts about history particularly about paul house in bancroft road

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In the news this week, the location of electric car charging points across the area have been announced. How you can find out where to get free tap water for your water bottle over the summer. An update from the driving instructor concerned about the road layout near the aerodrome. Congratulations to a local cricket club for getting hundreds of thousands of pounds from the County Council.

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I must get on to Spencer, who I mentioned last week, actually works there at WS Planning and Architecture. Do get in touch with me. Hello at This week I was at the Rygate and Banstead Borough Council Volunteers Awards Part 2 at the Town Hall. So hear all about that in next week's show, where we hear from a handful of recipients of local volunteer awards.

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And thank you so much indeed for people who've got in touch elsewhere over the past several weeks. Ailsa says, love your podcast. A brilliant idea. Sarah says, I'd love to be involved, please. And Anna says, it looks absolutely fantastic. Well done for setting it up. Well, you know, it would be nothing without your support. And you can do that if you'd like to become a supporter of the show, of

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your show really as opposed to the show certainly not my show but it's your show then you can well on your phone if you go to and then slash or search for the Planet Reigate podcast you can donate the price of a cup of coffee so you

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three pounds and and then that comes to me because there's all sorts of things that kind of we pay for which is really you know i'm happy to do but if you want to send a bit of appreciation my way that will be absolutely fantastic and be able to support a local initiative talking about supporting local initiatives it's what we do each and every week tell you what's going on across the area places to go things to do people to meet new discoveries to be made we call it the good time guide

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The Good Time Guide. Things to do and places to go on the Planet Reigate podcast.

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Tell us a couple of weeks in advance if you would like a mention for your event on The Good Time Guide, which comes in two parts. First of all, this coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and then a bit later on in the show, a bit later on in the week, Monday through to next Saturday as well. You can fill out the form you'll find at

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And to get a mention seven days before the event or to get more mentions and early mentions, to get those early ticket sales with one of our Planet Rigate supporters packages, ask me for more information. Hello at Saturday, the 3rd of August, Boogie Monsters is back at the Rigate Castle Grounds.

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Bring your family, enjoy the fun in interactive pop and rock band for your kids' experience. And the tickets are on sale now, 12 and 2.30 shows. And you can get those via the Harlequin box office online, Intermediates Crochet Workshop for Saturday, 10.30 to 12.30 at the lovely Plough Inn in Earlswood.

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I had to mention last week you go along, learn to crochet in the round to make an elephant. That's going to be something to trumpet about, isn't it? You'll leave the class able to make magic rings and make stitches into them and the knowledge to complete your elephant in confidence.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Have your say on our local parks and open spaces ahead of a series of council decisions. How you could get to decide on the future of local police officers who may have been accused of misconduct. How you can help out and build a new shooting range in Reigate. Yeah, why the RSPCA was able to help a fox in a local garden this week. An eight-year-old girl who has all the makings of being...

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Just don't get crumbs on your crochet creations because coffee and pastries are going to be served during the class as well. There's an open day on Sunday featuring yoga in the park, and that's happening at Gatton Park. Enjoy 250 acres of capability brown parkland, Edwardian gardens and refreshments in the tea room. Wellbeing coach Teresa will be offering mindful yoga sessions on the lawn.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


suitable for beginners and more experienced who want to enjoy yoga in the beautiful setting. £12 till £5 yoga bookings online, £6 for adults guide price. I'm kind of into that kind of thing at the moment. After a few kind of changes in my lifestyle after... Over recent months, healthy eating, more exercise, mindfulness, Pilates, all sorts of things.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Yeah, I'm kind of, you know, I'm kind of going through a bit of a bit of a transformation. I don't know whether I'll turn out to be a butterfly or a slug. I really don't know. But Surrey Fire and Rescue Service have a charity car wash. Go along to get your car sparkling clean and help raise funds for the Firefighters 999 project on Sunday the 4th, 10 till 3, at Rygate Fire Station. So there we go.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Places to go and things to do on the Planet Rygate podcast. And we've got more of that across the area, across the week today.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


from monday a little bit later on in the show plus of course we've got that 60 second soundscape before we go at the end of the show from reigate we got our planet reigate stars and also we've got our interview with henry from mercer's lake and aqua sports there what's their history what are they going to go on in the future and yeah his top tip for the best location in surrey to watch the sunset coming up now

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


Aqua Sports is that lake-based water sports centre in the beautiful Mercer's Park, right on the doorstep of Redhill and Mercedham. Founded by John and Martin, who are friends and water sport enthusiasts, who had a vision to bring the world of water sports to... Well, it's a bit of an inland beauty spot, isn't it, to be honest with you?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And across the time that they've been there, Aqua Sports has taught... tens of thousands of young people and adults to sail and windsurf and paddle and all sorts of things and you know what they've got big plans for the future too as we've mentioned previously on the planet reigate podcast and as i found out when i went along and had a chat with henry down there at the water's edge

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And it was wet this morning, but it's a beautiful afternoon now. It's a little bit chilly. There's a bit of breeze in the air, which hopefully you won't be able to pick up on the microphone. And we've got a little motorboat coming in. Where's this person been out to?

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


So Mercer's Lake used to be an old sand quarry. We've got a few of those in this area, haven't we? Various sand, or full as earth, and gravel, and all sorts of things going on.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


And that means it's going to be very cold even in the height of summer.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


That's the history, that's the kind of backstory. What is here today as far as aquasports goes? Let's kind of look around.

The Planet Reigate Podcast

47: AquaSports at Mercers, remembering a local war hero … and more


An entrepreneur and appearing on TV's The Apprentice Show in the future. Plus, we look at recommendations for shady walks in the area. In sport, we feature a local team after new players and a big open day at a local leisure centre where you can try all sorts of sports in various taster sessions.