Forensic Expert
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
Off the bat, yeah, we're talking a little bit of an older sample, 1992.
True Crime Vault: The DNA Detective
This girl also was severely beaten around the head and neck.
True Crime Vault: Undercover Mother
Der wichtige Punkt hier ist weniger darüber, wie viel er von diesen Leuten wusste, und mehr darüber, ob er auf die Jury lieben wollte.
True Crime Vault: Undercover Mother
If it's true that she basically made promises to this critical witness to help him out, get him leniency in exchange for his testimony, and then didn't disclose it, that's a grave legal sin.
True Crime Vault: Undercover Mother
Ich denke, es ist sicher zu sagen, wenn wir alles, was wir jetzt wissen, wussten, als sie dieses Fall verurteilt hat, dann hätte sie wahrscheinlich keine Vergewaltigung bekommen.
True Crime Vault: Undercover Mother
I'm surprised that prosecutors are moving forward with this case. I don't see how they're going to be able to prove it.
True Crime Vault: Undercover Mother
Eines der Dinge, die diesen Fall so mächtig gemacht hat, war, dass du seinen langjährigen Freund hattest, einer seiner besten Freunde, und seine Freundin damals, die gegen ihn verurteilt hat, für die Verwaltung.
The Lies Beneath
There was a blue tarp, and beneath the blue tarp were the remains of Michael Shaver. His body was found to be wearing a pair of underwear, a pair of shorts. He had on a pair of socks. There was a piece of a fitted sheet also around the body. So it was evident that the body had been wrapped up and placed in that grave.
The Lies Beneath
The projectile was found inside of the skull. It was pretty much a straight-on shot to the back of the head.
The Lies Beneath
Pretty much everything in that grave site was sent to the Department of Law Enforcement for analysis, and there was no DNA that was found, mostly because of the decomposition process.
The Lies Beneath
There were still phone records, Facebook records to obtain, and piecing together all of these different pieces of evidence to try to figure out what happened.
The Lies Beneath
These Facebook message postings by both Lori Shaver's account and Michael Shaver's account had the same IP address, which means the same person was using them both. Everything pointed back at Lori Shaver.
The Lies Beneath
We have the defendant's husband buried in her own backyard, and that points directly to Lori Shaver.
The Lies Beneath
Despite the damaged condition of that projectile, were you able to determine the caliber?
The Lies Beneath
It's hard to make a story fit all of the different pieces of evidence if it's not true.
48 Hours
Heartbreak in Williamsport
then in june of 1999 frustrated investigators finally got a break i was down here looking for minnows fisherman matt mckay was walking some 40 feet from a road just off the route dr illis drove that night well i didn't notice the gun at first i had tripped over it and thought it was driftwood but i looked down and driftwood doesn't have a scope so i took a second look and it looked like a rifle
48 Hours
The Black Widow
The person who delivered that fatal blow was the defendant, Raynella Leith.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
Once she missed, it changed the whole dynamic. She ended his life with that second shot, and then in an attempt to cover up, she fired that third shot to get gunshot residue on him.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
Yes. That's what I think she is. We'll show you what's been marked previously as Exhibit 36 and ask if you can identify that.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
The only way that all of this works together is that if Raynell Aletha is standing at the side of the bed and she misses with that first shot, and we know that the first shot was the one that went into the headboard, he raises up. The second shot occurs, and he falls straight back down to where he was found. You cannot lay in this bed and face that direction and get that blood spatter on the wall.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
There was a first indication on March 13, 2003, that anything was unusual about David Lee.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
There would have been no reason to say, have you seen him? There would have been no reason to ask if he'd worked out. And there certainly would have been no reason to say he didn't eat his breakfast because there's no way she could have known that unless she had been there and unless the only reason she knew he hadn't eaten breakfast was because he was dead.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
It's the only explanation. Manila Lee is guilty of the first-degree premeditated homicide of David Lee.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
Oh, I gotta breathe. No matter where we think we're going here, that can't be how this ends.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
Does that make it worse? Yeah, I guess so in some ways. But in another sense, it tells me I did the right thing. And more importantly, our work as trial attorneys was spot on.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
Raynella Leaf. He was shot almost in the middle of his forehead, but right above his left eye. There were no signs of forced entry. There were no signs of a struggle. And there was no one else at the residence but the defendant.
48 Hours
The Black Widow
The statement showed that on March 13, 2003, David Lee was killed by a single gunshot wound to his forehead.
48 Hours
The Hit-and-Run Homicide of Davis McClendon
In Greenwood at the intersection of Avett and Sawgrass.