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The President's Daily Brief

PDB Afternoon Bulletin | February 25th, 2025: Could The U.S. Use Privateers To Fight Cartels? & Europe Pledges Billions More For Ukraine

Tue, 25 Feb 2025


In this episode of The PDB Afternoon Bulletin:   First, could the United States turn to privateers to bring the fight to South America’s drug cartels? We’ll explore the unconventional idea being floated in some corners of Congress, and the potential dangers of a return to legal piracy. Later in the show, as the U.S. appears to step back in its support of Ukraine, European leaders are doubling down, announcing plans to authorize a billion-dollar arms package for Kyiv at an emergency summit next week. To listen to the show ad-free, become a premium member of The President’s Daily Brief by visiting Please remember to subscribe if you enjoyed this episode of The President's Daily Brief. YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Featured in this Episode

Chapter 1: What are the highlights of today's PDB Afternoon Bulletin?

42.435 - 58.637 Mike Baker

Es ist Dienstag, 25. Februar. Willkommen bei der PDB Afternoon Bulletin. Ich bin Mike Baker, eure Augen und Ohren auf der Welt. Lass uns kurz sprechen. Zuerst einmal, könnte die Vereinigten Staaten zu Privatisten zu bringen, um den Kampf gegen die Drogenkartelle in Südamerika zu bringen?


Chapter 2: Could the U.S. employ privateers against drug cartels?

58.937 - 81.049 Mike Baker

We'll explore the unconventional idea that's being floated in some corners of Congress and the potential dangers of a return to legal piracy. Later in the show, as the US appears to step back in its support of Ukraine, European leaders are doubling down, announcing plans to authorize a billion-dollar arms package for Kyiv at an emergency summit scheduled for next week.


81.749 - 101.48 Mike Baker

Aber zuerst, heutes Abend-Spotlight. Heute nehmen wir einen näheren Blick auf eine interessante Frage. Könnte die USA sich zu Privatisierenden, zu Kampf-Drug-Kartellen, bewegen? Und eine andere Frage, wann war das letzte Mal, dass man das Wort Privatisierende gehört hat? Während das Privatisieren traditionell armen Schiffen beteiligt hat, die Schiffen in der Wartezeit in den Krieg konzentrieren,


102.08 - 122.564 Mike Baker

Das Konzept erzeugt eine interessante Möglichkeit. Könnten private Entitäten verabschiedet werden, um Kartell-Operationen zu zerstören, Drogen-Schiffen zu unterbrechen und diese kriminellen Organisationen zu zerstören, so wie konventionelle Kräfte das nicht können? Die Idee stammt aus der Macht des US-Kongressen, um so genannte Marken- und Repräsentationen zu eröffnen.


122.624 - 145.598 Mike Baker

Dies sind offizielle Regierungs-Autorisationen, die privaten Bürger ermöglichen, zu schießen und fehlende Wesen oder Aspekte zu besiegen. In essence, it's a legal way for individuals to become pirates on a specific mission. And really, who hasn't wanted to be a pirate at some point in their lives? I mean, the clothes, the rum, the parrot. As long as the parrot has a sense of humor, I suppose.


Chapter 3: What historical context supports the use of privateers?

146.078 - 157.484 Mike Baker

Nun, die Anwendung von Privatierern im Armkrieg ist nicht genau eine neue Idee in der US-Historie, sie wurde einfach nicht so oft gemacht. Sie spielte eine große Rolle während der amerikanischen Revolution und der 1812er-Wahl.


157.524 - 174.954 Mike Baker

Damals, mit einer kleinen Armee, die nicht mit den Briten kombiniert war, hat die US-Gewerkschaft Mark-Leitungen veröffentlicht, die private Schiffshändler ermöglichten, Schiffshändler zu schießen. Während der Revolution zerstörten diese Privatierer britische Supply-Line und bedrohten den Parlament, um den Krieg zu beenden.


175.134 - 198.716 Mike Baker

In der 1812er-Wahl führten sie über 1.300 britische Schiffe, verursachten signifikante ökonomische Schäden und helfen, die Briten an die Negotiationsstelle zu drücken. Die Idee, Privatisten gegen die Kartelle zu nutzen, ist eine neue Idee. But it's been floated a number of times recently, with one of the most vocal proponents being Utah Senator Mike Lee.


198.756 - 211.287 Mike Baker

He suggested that Congress could issue letters of marque and reprisal to authorize private security firms to intercept cartel operations, especially those involving drug shipments or human trafficking across the border.


212.188 - 223.178 Mike Baker

Senator Lee sagte, dass diese Privatierinnen und Prieten sich darauf konzentrieren, Suppeillenzen zu zerstören, High-Value-Targete zu erzeugen und Kartell-Assets wie Boote, Fahrzeuge, Geld und Gold zu zerstören.

223.258 - 236.25 Mike Baker

Und das Konzept ist aufmerksam, mit einem Opinionsbuch von Professor Glenn Reynolds aus der University of Tennessee, das gestern in den New York Post publiziert wurde, in dem er die Potenzial der Privatierinnen und Prieten in der Kampf gegen die Kartelle diskutiert.

Chapter 4: What are the potential benefits of using privateers against cartels?

237.171 - 257.348 Mike Baker

So, you think to yourself, this might seem like a wild idea, but allowing privateers to target drug cartels could offer several potential benefits. For one, it could expand enforcement capabilities by supplementing US military and law enforcement efforts with highly motivated, privately funded operators.


258.183 - 277.04 Mike Baker

Zudem könnte es eine mehr kosteffekte Lösung sein, da Privatier ein preisbasiertes System haben können, die Kartell-Assets, Drogen-Schiffen und offizielle Finanzen besitzen, anstatt nur auf Taxifahrer-Dollar zu relyingen. Natürlich gibt es offizielle Probleme mit diesem Aspekt der Idee.


278.083 - 296.439 Mike Baker

aber es könnte auch eine unvergessliche dezentralisierte Gefahr für Kartelle erzeugen, die sie gegen nicht-Government-Aktoren verteidigen, die mit verschiedenen Taktiken und Regeln von Engagement arbeiten. Another advantage is that privateers could bypass the bureaucratic constraints that slow down government forces. What?


296.519 - 318.009 Mike Baker

Are we saying that there are bureaucratic constraints within the operations of government? Allowing them to pursue cartel targets across borders with fewer political and legal limitations. And lastly, it could serve as a deterrent, possibly, raising the risks and costs for cartels, potentially making drug trafficking a less lucrative enterprise.


318.832 - 339.326 Mike Baker

However, before you get too excited and you start rummaging through your closet for that old Halloween costume eyepatch and puffy shirt, well, there are some obvious pitfalls. For starters, much of the cartels booty, and yes, this is the first time we've ever used the word booty on the PDB, well, that booty consists of illicit goods like drugs and contraband.

339.786 - 362.144 Mike Baker

This means privateers wouldn't be able to sell what they seize for profit, which of course undermines the traditional incentive structure of privateering. There are also legal and ethical concerns. Private actors operating with government approval might blur the line between law enforcement and vigilantism, raising questions about accountability.

362.204 - 386.638 Mike Baker

Additionally, there is a risk that this approach could escalate violence. There is definitely that risk, as cartels could retaliate aggressively against privateers. Potentially leading to more chaos than less. International law could also come into play as privateers targeting cartel assets across borders could spark diplomatic conflicts. And finally, well, there's the danger of corruption.

Chapter 5: What are the risks and ethical concerns with privateering?

386.678 - 411.004 Mike Baker

Privateers might abuse their power, engage in criminal activities or get co-opted by the very cartels that they're meant to fight. So, while the concept of using privateers against drug cartels is definitely unconventional, it is an idea that's being floated as perhaps another option for fighting cartels, given the growing challenges in combating these criminal organizations.


411.064 - 437.43 Mike Baker

Up next, the EU, the European Union, scrambles to authorize a billion-dollar arms package for Ukraine at an emergency summit scheduled for next week. I'll be right back. Hey, Mike Baker hier. Look, going online without ExpressVPN is, well, it's like leaving your laptop unattended at the coffee shop while you just dash over to the bathroom. Frankly, you wouldn't do that.


437.47 - 455.12 Mike Baker

But I mean, maybe most of the time you think to yourself, okay, I'll be fine. But what if one day you come out of the bathroom and look at that, your laptop is gone. Every time a device connects to an unencrypted network, whether it's at a cafe or a hotel or an airport, personal data is exposed.


455.16 - 472.731 Mike Baker

Hackers on the same network can steal your passwords, your banking details and a lot of other sensitive information. And it doesn't take much skill, just some inexpensive tools and a little know-how. And that stolen data, well, that can sell for up to $1,000 per person on the dark web, even more.


473.431 - 496.414 Mike Baker

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497.014 - 526.134 Mike Baker

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526.154 - 536.905 Mike Baker

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