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The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Postgame Show: Billy's Big Advice (feat. JuJu Gotti)

Tue, 04 Mar 2025


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Chapter 1: What is the DraftKings Network announcement about?

1.805 - 4.71 DraftKings Network Announcer

You're listening to DraftKings Network.


11.349 - 37.619 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

Du liegst in der Badewanne und hörst deinen Podcast. Doch hui, das Plätschern des Wassers wird zum Meeresrauschen und plötzlich fliegst du in den Süden. Ägypten, Kanaren, Griechenland, Türkei, Karibik. Der warme Sand zwischen den Zähnen, ein kühles Getränk in der Hand und die Sonne auf der Haut. Nicht träumen, Alturs buchen. Alles drin, alles gut, alles für dich. Alturs, alles aber günstig.


Chapter 2: What is the parody song about Dan Le Batard?

42.932 - 83.336 Advertisement Narrator

A long, long time ago Dan was a prodigy And his writing used to make him smile And he knew if he had his chance He'd rat out UM for bogus Pell Grants And maybe learn from Cody for a while But network money made him sell his soul. Now he shows all his bias to the Heat and now the Panthers. Dan's fake news, oh, have you heard?


83.636 - 123.18 Advertisement Narrator

I can't remember if he cried when he told us with his face so wide that all his morals were a lie. Journalism die. So Dan was saying, oh my, ow, I'd love to eat pie. Oh, but if it has some gluten, then I think I may die. I'll shoot my integrity straight into the sky, banging Panthers drums as a Cuban-born guy.


Chapter 3: Why is Dan Le Batard described as Cuban-born?

125.486 - 135.332 Dan Le Batard

Panthers Drums is a Cuban-born guy. I don't even know what that means, Cuban-born guy. I wasn't born in Cuba.


135.492 - 140.015 Tony

That was the description of you originally for the Panthers game yesterday. It was Cuban-born Dan Levitard.


140.075 - 142.337 Dan Le Batard

That's what they did, but I don't even know what that means.


142.417 - 144.278 Tony

It also had to rhyme with pie.


144.378 - 151.703 Dan Le Batard

I told them to put in alleged journalist and not Cuban-born. They left in the Cuban-born and didn't put in alleged journalist.

151.783 - 171.179 Tony

Oh my God, new movie idea. Cuban-born. but jason born but cuban yes wow new tony character is right jess whatever happened to cuban pilot uh well you know all right good yes and billy good thinking on your feet i don't want to i don't want to get into the airline industry but uh

171.459 - 185.682 Dan Le Batard

Juju, we will get to the polls in a second with Juju and we will get to a couple of other subjects, but Mike, hurry through please your final Mount Rushmore of the day. This has been too much today from you on Mount Rushmore.

Chapter 4: What are the highlights of the Miami Beach Bowl and other sports events?


213.916 - 234.133 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern. Erinnerst du dich, was bei der 2014 Miami Beach Bowl zwischen BYU und Memphis passiert ist? Ich erinnere mich nicht. Double OT-Thriller und dann ein All-Out-Brawl, das du nicht gesehen hast bei Marlins Park. Es war verrückt. Es war verrückt. Pukunukuas Bruder war dabei. Es war ein Desaster.


234.154 - 239.557 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

Keiner sprach darüber, weil es um 3 Uhr am Nachmittag auf einem Donnerstag stattfand.


239.577 - 246.963 Dan Le Batard

War es in den Bahamas? Nein, es war in der Miami Beach Bowl, aber es war in Morelands Park. War es in den Bahamas Bowl? Was ist Nummer 3?


248.541 - 257.585 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

Nummer drei, der Miami-FIU-Fight bei der Orange Bowl. Wow. Wo Ned, Ned kam aus den Krüchten. Es war eine schreckliche Szene. Ja, es war. Es war großartig. Es war eine großartige Szene. Es war eine großartige Szene. Der beste Moment jemals. Lamar Thomas schreit, wir sind bereit. Nummer zwei, die 1997-Konferenz-Finals gegen die New York Knicks, Game 5. Oh, ja.

274.107 - 278.61 Unidentified Speaker (Brief Interjection)

And number one, the Copa America Final of 2024.

278.67 - 289.397 Dan Le Batard

Wow, he's so right about that. Number one already. Never scanned my ticket. Juju, do you have any nominations on any of the Mount Rushmores that have been submitted today?

289.477 - 295.801 Juju Gotti

Yes, the Kenny and Drake touchdown where Gronkh's screws fell out trying to tap him at the buzzer.

296.991 - 316.857 Dan Le Batard

Ein einziger Spiel, das ist ein ziemlich guter Spiel. Es ist wegen dessen, wem du es tust, richtig? Es ist großartig unter allen Bedingungen, aber Belichick und Gronkh sind die letzte Liste der Verteidigung, wo du am Ende lachen kannst, weil er schmutzig ist. Du bekommst keine bessere Punktuierung als das auf alles. Was sind die anderen Gedanken von heute?

Chapter 5: What was JuJu Gotti's take on Kyrie Irving and the Dallas Mavericks?

316.937 - 323.459 Dan Le Batard

Hattest du irgendwelche Gedanken über Mike Ryan, der rassistisch ist, über Michael Strahan, der nicht die nächste Bond spielen konnte?


325.803 - 344.481 Juju Gotti

Ich glaube, wir haben das klar gemacht. Ich glaube, Karl war der rassistische, wenn ich mich nicht falsch erinnere. Verstehst du mich? Und ich stimme dazu, Bruder. Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass Michael Strahan in der Nachbarschaft Beirut versucht hat, unvergesslich zu sein? Ich glaube nicht, dass ich das glaube. Through the grace of God, you are a TV host.


344.561 - 347.302 Juju Gotti

And through the grace of Tiki Barber, you are a TV host.


347.322 - 371.332 Dan Le Batard

Okay, very good. That's true, actually. I wonder how many people actually know that Tiki Barber goes to bed at night furious, that Michael Strahan took all his jobs. That was all supposed to go to Tiki Barber. What else do you have for us here today? Kyrie Irving, the Dallas Mavericks, man. I feel so bad for Nico. Look, you're in mourning right now.


371.372 - 376.954 Dan Le Batard

You love sports and you try and spread positivity. Why are you wearing the Irving gear?

377.234 - 400.404 Juju Gotti

Exactly. I'm here for accountability. I got up here last week and said, Nico will be right. The Mavericks will win. What the hell was I thinking? I have never been more wrong. And I just want to raise my hand and say out of bounds on me, Coach. Man, get well soon, Kyrie Irving. But it has been tough. Es war ein schrecklicher Wettbewerb seit dem Wettbewerb gegen Dallas.

400.484 - 415.653 Juju Gotti

Ich will den Wettbewerb für ihn bleiben, aber es wird sehr schwer. Kyrie Irving kommt bald wieder. Wie gefällt dir der Zeitpunkt, als Dallas den Ticketpreis erhöht hat? Juju, I'm starting tonight.

Chapter 6: How does the episode compare to popular TV shows?

434.421 - 445.526 Dan Le Batard

Ich habe gehört, dass manche Leute sagen, dass Episode 7 von Paradise wie Episode 7 von The Bear ist, wie einige der besten Fernseher, die man je gesehen hat.


452.99 - 466.578 Juju Gotti

Absolut, man. Ich spreche von Pins and Needles die ganze Zeit. Und das Finale letzte Nacht, wir haben bis zum Mittwoch-Release gehalten, um es zu sehen, weil ich mit den Spoilern online nicht umgehen konnte. Mann, großartig.


466.598 - 490.233 Juju Gotti

Und es wurde für eine weitere Saison erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut erneut I love my sister Mina. That thing does not pick up. I mean, the whole season of Love is Blind is as boring as watching paint dry. Everybody's too even keel. Everybody's too responsible.


490.253 - 510.649 Juju Gotti

We don't have any drama, no scandals. There's only one guy who's kind of a deuce because he doesn't want to tell the girl that he's with that he doesn't like her because she messed with her Freund, his friend previously, he has no balls, but that's not, that's boring as well. It's like the prenup was an episode. It's like, oh, do not watch this season if you love, love, love.


510.669 - 512.03 Juju Gotti

Billy, do you have any defense of this?

512.07 - 533.965 Tony

No, I haven't seen it yet. I need infidelity. Like, I need cheating. I need some, I need some sloppiness. I need them going to the honeymoon suite and then looking at the other ones that they could have been like, okay, like, here we go. This is what I could have had. Like, all right. Jimmy, okay, Jimmy. Like, that's what you need. Not like, okay, we love each other. Who Ich will das nicht.

534.005 - 538.046 DraftKings Network Announcer

Ich will das nicht. Ich will das nicht.

551.169 - 592.894 Tony

Wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, wenn du nicht im Bachelor bist, Well, I think America took your note. Entertaining television to come. Thank you, Juju. Juju gets it.

592.914 - 607.944 Juju Gotti

Yes, sir. I get it. I also get what Greg Cody was saying earlier. Fantastic English accent, British accent, Greg Cody. You're my big brother. I can see you playing a James Bond-like character. Almost Austin Powers-ish. You feel me?


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