Episode#704: Bryan & Krissy recall a person claiming to be connected to Fyre Fest 2 trying to get some money from the show. Bryan wondered why ANYONE would consider attending this Sh*t Show part 2. Also, Mads on Love Is Blind is a man-eater, The Pitt has Bryan singing a new tune about medical dramas and "one time at band camp" Bryan didn't go to band camp. Watch episode #704 on Youtube Text us or leave us a voicemail: +1 (212) 433-3TCB FOLLOW US: Instagram: @thecommercialbreak Youtube: youtube.com/thecommercialbreak TikTok: @tcbpodcast Website: www.tcbpodcast.com CREDITS: Hosts: Bryan Green & Krissy Hoadley Executive Producer: Bryan Green Producer: Astrid B. Green Voice Over: Rachel McGrath To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
Chapter 1: What is Tina Tannin Tweez and why is it re-opening?
Tina Tannin Tweez is happy to announce its grand re-re-opening. Tina Tannin Tweez is now re-open after we had to close after our last grand re-opening. That's right, Crabapplians. Northwest Butchuk County's only tanning, tweezing, and anal bleaching spa is back and better than ever. With four state-of-the-art burn beds, you'll be redder than ever, making her wetter than ever. The juice is loose.
TT&T has the only beds anywhere in the world that turn the UV rays up to 11. That's right, backed by popular demand and thanks to DOGE deregulations, our 1970s-era tanning equipment will give you more solar radiation in one session than most astronauts get standing outside their spaceship. Bake me a cake, Rocket Man.
And make sure to stop by the Tina Tweezing Tent, conveniently located steps from our outdoor restroom facilities. You'll get a professional plucking, so you're ready for some... Put a quarter in the swear jar. This week and this week only, when you order one lip waxing, we'll throw in the other lips for free. Barely legal.
Ladies, let's trim that basement beard and put out a fresh welcome mat for that special hunk of spunk in your life. Slip and slide. We'll get up close and personal with our five-in-one Brazilian technique. You'll leave feeling sexy, silky, and smooth, or your next visit is 10% off. Plus, available now to all new Crabapple customers, you can brighten up that dark star while you wait.
We've flown in Eastern Europe's hottest bleaching technician, Balania. All the way from Latvia and fresh off her DJ residency in Ibiza, Balania's bringing all the tools to make the boys drool. Bippity boppity boo. Make your no-no zone a go-go zone when you lighten up that brown blossom into a white rose. Because you never know who's looking. It's your creepy neighbor.
Tina Tannen-Tweese now re-re-open at 127 Main Street in Crabapple Township.
Tina Tannen-Tweese is not responsible for lost or stolen items inside or outside the facilities or in your body cavity. Please be aware that TT&T is operating under a state carnival license and may not know exactly what they're doing. By entering TT&T, you agree that some of the chemicals and processes used may be harmful to your health.
Any person or persons who receive services at TT&T may be subject to surveillance by state authorities. Tina of Tina Tannen-Tweese may not leave the premises for any reason due to a legal arrangement with state police.
Tina tan and tweeze, red and ready to go with a smooth chucha and a shiny hull.
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Chapter 2: Why should you avoid investing in Fyre Fest 2?
But I'm going to tell you right now, don't give your money to these people because you will end up being disappointed. $1.1 million. Give the commercial break $1.1 million and we will turn off the RSS feed and the commercial break. You can put whatever name you want on it. Chrissy and I will do an episode every day for the next five years. Just to you. That's it.
That's what you get for $1.1 million. And I think that's a much better deal than staying on a yacht for four days in a festival that no one's going to play at. You know what I'm saying? Is it going to be 33p acoustically? Who's going to play there?
I can't believe that he's doing this again.
The next episode of The Commercial Break starts now.
2.30 in the morning!
Oh, yeah, cats and kittens, welcome back to The Commercial Break. I'm Brian Green. This is my dear friend and the co-host of this show, Kristen Joy Hoadley. Best to you, Kristen. Best to you, Brian. Best to you out there in the podcast universe. Thanks for joining us. I was going to say you're the Mads to my Dave.
But, you know, I don't know how many people will get that, how many people will pick up on that. Will you pick up on it?
I don't think so.
The Mads to my day.
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Chapter 3: Who is Madison on Love is Blind and why is she controversial?
They're constantly doing one. And they're about a year behind on production. So what you're seeing now is filmed about a year ago. And I see why they do this is so that when they get together for the recap, the live reunion, they actually have some meat and potatoes to talk about. Some time has gone out. People who are married are either married or not. People who have been together.
It just gives them some breathing room. Plus, it probably takes a long time to cut and edit those shows. Yeah.
Yeah, that's a lot of footage.
Into a storyline that makes sense. And they do storyboard these out, make no bones about it. They flip flop, you know, they might take something that happened on day three and make it look like it happened on day two to further the storyline. You get it. It's editing of a reality show. It's not all straightforward. They have to make it interesting.
I got to say, slow start on Love is Blind season number 12 or whatever, Ron. Slow start.
They focus a lot on the pods.
They do, well, there's three full episodes. Now, I believe four full episodes. It goes into like, they're still in the pods. I'm in like six. Oh, really? Yeah. They're still in the pods at six? Mm-hmm. I thought that was long. Yeah, that's a little unusual. Yeah. I think two seasons ago, they had like two episodes in the pods. Right. And then they were right at the honeymoon. Yes, exactly.
I like that. Plus, I like my people a little crazier than they are this season. However, there is one X factor that everybody is talking about who's watching Love is Blind. Her name is Mads or Madison. She is a smoke show. Smoke show. And when I mean a smoke show, I mean the type of woman who eats men for breakfast and spits them out before brushing her teeth. At noon.
This girl is trouble with a capital T. Been there, done that. I literally have dated women with the exact same personality. Now, Astrid and I are watching because this is a couple's watch. There's not a lot of stuff that we have as a couple's watch because Astrid doesn't like me watching TV with her anymore. But she'd prefer I be in the studio than anywhere else. But this is a couple's watch.
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Chapter 4: Why is The Pit a unique medical drama?
You've honed your skills.
Having lived with it, dated it, been there, done that. And maybe we all have had some similar experience with someone that just is an emotional chameleon. They gaslight you. They tell you whatever you want to hear. They give you love. They pull it away. This is Madison. This is what she's doing. And you can see it even through the editing of the show.
If you've ever been in one of these relationships, guy or girl, then you feel it. You're like, oh, this seems a little too familiar to me. And even though Madison is a total bomb of a physical woman, It's just so much – there's so much drama behind those eyes that it's like run as fast as you can.
Yeah, well, this guy did.
Yeah, he's going to kick himself in the nuts when he finds her Instagram. When he finds her Instagram bikini pictures, he's going to fucking flip out. I haven't even looked at her for her – I get a little – Like, I don't want to, like, ruin it for myself. Right.
That's why I'm trying to look ahead.
And I know that they're not supposed to post and, you know, but you can, like, tell little things if you check out their Instagram. They make rather benign Instagram posts until the episode reveals whatever the episode reveals. But, yeah. But then the rest of the stories are like, eh.
Oh, and I can already see a crack in one of the ones that did get engaged.
Oh, really? Okay. All right. Well, don't tell me that, because we so far have seen one engagement, and it looks like something that actually could be promising.
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Chapter 5: How does music licensing impact podcast content?
And, by the way, I love how this is done. It's 15-hour shift. at the pit, 15 episodes an hour each show. So you're actually following them minute by minute during the show. So it's not like there's big jumps in time forward or backwards. I mean, there are some flashbacks so you can get some of the story. But basically, when it's 9 a.m., you're following them from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. And you're...
They're treating the patients in real time during that hour, and those patients can stay for multiple episodes, depending on what kind of case they have, or they can be in and out in an hour. So it's fascinating. It's fantastic. I fucking love it. It's on Max. You should watch. Everybody should be watching this. It is very much being talked about right now.
It's already been picked up for a second season. Michael Crichton and his – Michael Crichton's estate had sued the pit because Noah Wiley was on ER. Oh. And then one of the writers and producers from ER also was a writer and a producer on this. So they're saying they stole the idea for ER. But I saw a couple episodes of ER. And I don't remember it being half as engaging as The Pit. Yeah.
Also, I was in my 20s when the ER or 20s or 30s when ER came out. And maybe it just wasn't that stage in my life when I could like deal with a medical drama. I love this show. Watch it. But there's a point here. There's never a point to the commercial break, but there's a point here. I have, for a long time on this show, have wanted to find a way to wrap music into the show. But we are not...
equipped to actually play music on the show.
We're big music fans.
Yeah, we're big music fans. But the radio stations, you listen to radio or you listen to Howard Stern or someone on Sirius, and they can play all the music they want because they have ASCAP licenses. They're able to do so. Those things are terribly expensive. And I looked into it because I really wanted to play music on the show. And it's just not a possibility.
It's too expensive for the amount of downloads. For all five downloads we have, it's like $70 million. But I'm going to take some chances here and there, and I'd like to share with you new music when I find it. Now, this music is not new, but this is a fantastic song. I'm going to give you the name of a band, and I'm going to let you listen to a song. That was the opening song to The Pit.
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Chapter 6: What is the story behind Fyre Fest 2 and The Commercial Break's connection?
And he starts telling me that he would like to put this guy who had just gotten out of jail on our show. Oh, yeah. Could he come on our show? Do you remember this? I do remember you saying that. Okay. Mm-hmm. And we communicate for a long time about this. We go back and forth.
I'm trying to make a decision about whether or not this makes sense for the show, whether or not we want to even get involved.
Yeah, was this before he went to jail?
This was after he got out of jail.
After he got out of jail, okay.
Remember, he only spent like a year in jail. Fire-faced. Hold on one second. I want to make sure that I get some of these facts right. Okay. So this guy communicates with me for about a month. And he says, they're going to put together a prep show for Fyre Fest 2 at a secret location somewhere in New York.
And if you allow Billy to come on your podcast, Billy McFarland, the guy who actually created this, the guy who went to jail, if you allow him to come on your podcast, then I can get you one ticket to... to this, like, Fyre Fest 2 prep concert, whatever. He was trying to put together, like, a satellite show or something, right? Okay. They were gonna make this big deal.
I don't think that ever happened. You could get a ticket to that. I will get you one ticket to that at face value. So, Billy was gonna come on the show, make an announcement about Fyre Fuck Fest, or whatever it was, too. Fyre Scam Fest 2. And then I was gonna have the privilege of paying Billy... To go to his show. Thousands of dollars to go to his show. But then I couldn't say anything bad.
I could ask questions, but I couldn't shit on Fyre Fest, whatever. It became this long, complicated conversation where clearly this guy was trying to get money out of me. He was trying to get me to pay him to have Billy on the show. Now... You're probably saying to yourself, Brian, do you even think Billy was involved in any of these conversations?
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