This week, in Geraldine, Montana, a wild mystery unfolds when a young veterinarian is brutally murdered, and the suspects include girlfriends, ex girlfriends, and a girlfriend’s ex boyfriend, who has been stalking them for weeks. This man stops by in the middle of the night & calls constantly. But will the complete bungling of the crime scene by the police ruin the whole case??Along the way, we find out that you don't want to get caught in a snow storm, in the middle of Montana, that when someone breaks up with you, stalking them usually doesn't help, and that you should never throw out evidence, after you've cleaned it with Formula 409!!New episodes every Thursday!Donate at: patreon.com/crimeinsports or go to paypal.com and use our email: [email protected] to shutupandgivememurder.com for all things Small Town Murder & Crime In Sports!Follow us on...twitter.com/@murdersmallfacebook.com/smalltownpodinstagram.com/smalltownmurderAlso, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! On Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Wondery, Wondery+, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
Chapter 1: What is the mystery in Geraldine, Montana?
This week in Geraldine, Montana, a mystery unfolds when a veterinarian is brutally murdered and the suspects include girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, girlfriends, ex-boyfriends, and others. But will the bungling of the crime scene make it impossible to solve? Welcome to Small Town Murder. Hello, everybody, and welcome back to Small Town Murder. Yay! Oh, yay indeed, Jimmy. Yay indeed.
My name is James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you, folks, so much for joining us today on another insane, wild, crazy, murderous edition of Small Town Murder. As you're used to, we have a crazy story for you today, a definite mystery. I mean, this is a, oh, it's a weird one here. We will get to that. For sure. But definitely head over to ShutUpAndGiveMeMurder.com.
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San Diego is about sold out. Yeah. Irvine. You got to get your tickets there if you want to go there. D.C., Philly. Yeah. All that. Seattle at the Moore. All those. So get in there. Shut up and give me murder dot com. Get your tickets right now. Also, get yourself some Patreon.
Oh, boy.
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Oh, my gosh.
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Chapter 2: Who is Dr. Brian Rain and what is his background?
It's got an E-A-U at the end of it, so it's French. Yeah, it's hardcore French. I assume French trappers did this.
I don't think the Shoshone speak that way.
Yeah, Chateau. Area code 406 here. It was originally created just as a stop on the Milwaukee Railroad. That's the only reason why this is a place. And yeah, it was named for, and this happens so often, it was named for Elmira Geraldine Rockefeller.
Hell yeah.
who was the wife of William Rockefeller, who was the director of the railroad. So they were trying to kiss his ass, and they named it after his daughter. Kiss everybody's ass. This county, by the way, the entire county only has 5,800 people in it.
Hell yeah.
The whole county. So this is the middle of nowhere. The county seat is Fort Benton. The county was established in 1865 as one of the original nine counties of Montana. And it was named after Pierre Chateau Jr., a fur trader. See, knew it. I knew it was a fur trader who established a trading post that became Fort Benton, which was, you know, is the county seat here.
So the Chateau County is the home to the Chippewa Cree tribe as well. And on the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation.
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Chapter 3: What was the relationship between Ann Wishman and Thomas Juraski?
It's dying. This ain't going to last much longer.
Man, those kids got to want to take over. It's about 48% of the people here are married. 26.5% are single with children, which is for a rural place like that, that's normally not like that. Race in this town, 99.1% white, 0.9% Hispanic. That's it. Nothing else. Yeah, nothing else. 86.3% religious.
Is that right?
I guess while the snows are falling, you got to pray to something. You know what I mean?
Thank God nobody's here.
This is wild. 59.6% are Catholic.
Is that right?
That's so strange. I mean, there's only 202 people, so that could be like five families that are Catholics. But that's a lot. Seems like a lot. Unemployment rate is low here, which there's no people. So, yeah, who's looking for a goddamn job? And the median household income also very low here. The rest of the country right now, the average is about $69,000. Here it is $32,083.
That's fixed income.
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Chapter 4: How did the tensions between Thomas and Brian escalate?
This here is South Chicago. So property crime here is only about a quarter under the national average. So it's three quarters of the national average, which seems too high. And then violent crime, murder, rape, robbery, and, of course, assault is, I mean, just below the national average. Really? Really.
Yeah, I don't know what they're doing here, and I don't know how it's happening, but they're doing something.
And it's fucking weird. That said- Here we go. Let's talk about some murder here. Let's do it. Okay, let's do this. All right, let's go back in time a little bit to June of 1996. Sure. All right, so no cell phones yet. I mean, cell phones if you wanted to have a giant thing. It's-
It's tough. It's tough going.
It's tough. This is pager time right here. This is everybody walking around with a pager and shit.
Oh, sweet spot of it.
That's great. No social media on a pager. It's just fucking the number of a pay phone with 911 after it. That's all you're getting.
Or some fascinating numbers.
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Chapter 5: Why did Ann Wishman choose to stay at Brian's house?
I feel like you're going to do very well with the ladies. Oh, a 30 year old veterinarian. I care for the puppies. And, you know, oh, man, that's that's a this guy's going to do well up here. And but he goes to the middle of nowhere here and he ends up living in a he rents a pretty isolated trailer near Geraldine, which doesn't really fit in with the jet setting lifestyle of the rest of them.
I'm 30. I'm a vet. Now he's like, yeah, come to my rural trailer. Huh?
I mean, he must be used to this rural life. That must be... He's a rural guy through and through.
He rented a trailer house located on a property owned by Richard and Marlene Prostman. Richard Prostman.
Dick Prostate Man. That's all I could say. I saw that. At first, I misread it as Prostate Man, and then I saw Richard, and I'm like, that is crazy. He's Dick Prostate Man. And the woman who... The wife of this combo here, Marlene... Helped Brian organize the clinic and get that set up and later became his office manager. So people like him, obviously, if he gets people to do that.
He opened up the business, started to grow, and then he opened up the satellite office in Denton, Montana. And, yeah, things are unfolding for this guy. It's working. He's certainly getting it going, yeah. It's all working. He's had some relationships, obviously. Like I said, he's got to be popular with the ladies here.
One woman, Jodi Lee, she said that she had a close relationship with him all throughout 94 and 95. And the relationship became romantic in early 1996. Okay. Yeah. OK. She also said, though, that she suspected while they were together that he was dating another woman at this during this time. I don't know how suspected there's 200 people here. Go to the bar.
And if he shows up with her, you there it is like, yeah, there's not it would be so hard to sneak around in a town of 200 people.
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Chapter 6: What actions did Thomas take after the breakup?
I'm not fixing that.
Shrug. I'm like, whatever. So my friends would be like, hey, Patraglio. They'd call me that too. So it was fun. Now, Ann Wishman, she's born in 1974. So she's about nine years younger than Brian. Her family owns a farm near Geraldine. So on the outskirts of Geraldine, everything is outskirts of Geraldine because there is no real Geraldine.
So apparently sometime in 1996 here in May, they spent and and Brian spent an evening together talking. And at the end of the night, after a night of just saying and spilling their guts to each other, they decided that they're going to talk to each other again later in the week. And that's how this started.
This talking is so good. I'll talk to you later.
So this is the best talking we've had in a while. So they talked a lot about her cat probably, too. But still, it's a good talk. So this all started, who's the guy she's with now that's calling to complain that she's having sex with Brian is a man named Thomas Juraski. Juraski? Juraski? J-A-R-A-C-Z-E-S-K-I.
Juraski, I'm going to say.
Don't look at me.
Something. Thomas. Let's go Thomas on him. Tommy J. Tommy J. Tommy J. was born in 1973. So he's right around Ann's age. And they got together when Ann was just barely 18 years old. And he was 19 or whatever. That's when they started hooking up in 1992. So this relationship has been going on a while before Brian comes into the picture here.
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Chapter 7: How did the situation culminate in confrontation?
He's a sad fuck right now.
He'll punch himself out. Yeah, and he's going to be tired, and then that's that. He'll meet somebody else. As soon as he finds some other chick, he's going to be fine. He's a young guy.
He's going to find a country song that's going to speak to that heart, and he's going to play it 3,000 times, and off he goes.
And then find a girl with some nice boobs. That's what he's going to do.
Who knows that song?
Oh, so during the month, during this June month, he makes numerous phone calls to Anne, to her family. And when I say her family, I mean her mother, her brother, her father, sister, everybody and her friends, even all of this to try to reestablish a relationship. He's just it's crazy. So here's a rundown of some of these here and kind of what Thomas is up to.
June 4th, 1996, Thomas quits his job in Great Falls.
yeah so he is done done like he is he's imploding this whole he's having yeah that's what it is everything reminds me of her he was living in great falls with her so now he's going back home and he returns to the family farm in geraldine yeah so the farm is seven to ten miles by the way from brian dr brian's trailer okay it's in the area of there
On June 4th, 1996, Thomas called up a woman named Trish Judman, who is a close friend of Anne's, and he calls her up just to see if Anne has talked about their relationship with her. Oh, no, she's way too busy talking about this new guy's dick. Boy, she is excited about it. So, wow. Thomas believed that it was this woman, Trish, who introduced Anne to Dr. Bryan. Okay.
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