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100 Women Kept as Slaves in “Human Egg Farm” For Egg Harvesting

Thu, 27 Feb 2025


A woman walks into the Pavena Foundation. “You have to help me!! Please!” She frantically tells the nonprofit that she has just escaped from the country of Georgia. She had been held hostage by an organized crime group that forced her to do unspeakable things. Not only that - there are 100 more girls trapped there. “What did they make you do?” They wanted her eggs. Her human eggs. She says the 100 girls were forced to take hormone injections, forcibly go through the IVF process, so the traffickers could take and harvest their eggs. This is the case - of the human egg farm. The conspiracies and questions of - who are they selling the eggs to? Where are they getting the victims? Is there a larger industry that we don’t know about? Is this the only organization doing this? And… is this is the start of the real life “Handmaid’s Tale?”   Full show notes at 

Featured in this Episode

Chapter 1: What is the story behind the Baraska mystery?

3.142 - 25.093 Host

It's a place called Baraska. The story starts like this. It's a long story, but one that you've never heard before. It's about a place that dwells in the mountains. It's a place where really bad things happen. And you may think that you know all the bad things. You may think you've got it all figured out, but you don't. Because the truth of the story is worse than monsters or men.


25.453 - 45.391 Host

This is the starting of the story of Baraska. It's about a 12-year-old boy by the name of Sam and his entire family. They're moving to the Ozarks. This is a real place. There's a whole TV show based off of it. It's in the U.S. This is naturally the perfect ominous setting for a mystery. It's beautiful, don't get me wrong.


45.811 - 61.055 Host

I've never been, but just looking at pictures and videos of the Ozarks, you've got the types of riverways, the picturesque types of rivers where they're calm enough and wide enough that you can ride your little boat through it and it's curvy. It's like an F1 trail.


61.455 - 79.032 Host

And on sides of the river, it's just these mountainous landscapes with all these tall trees and you feel like you can turn left and there's more river, there's more trees, and it's absolutely beautiful. The Ozarks even have these maze-like underground caves that you can explore and visit.


79.292 - 80.154 Co-Host

What state is it in?

80.683 - 83.786 Host

It's part of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

84.787 - 84.887 Co-Host


85.548 - 103.065 Host

It's massive. It's like a huge landscape. Okay. Now, it's a place filled with a lot of history. A lot of stories come out of the Ozarks. And a lot of them are oddly mysterious. I think by daytime, it's a dream destination. Like, you want to be there at all hours that the sun is up. But the second that the sun sets...

103.786 - 126.204 Host

maybe i'm just a scaredy cat i think that i would not want to be outside alone by myself sam and his family are moving to the ozarks sam's dad he just got transferred to the sheriff's office in a small town there and as much as everyone in the family seems to be adjusting well whitney the 14 year old daughter so it's 12 year old sam and whitney the 14 year old daughter

Chapter 2: Why do the Ozarks create a perfect setting for mystery tales?

447.046 - 467.13 Host

For the next few years, Sam and his friends decide they're going to figure out what happened to the missing girls. They keep going up and down the mountain. They feel like the source of that grinding metal noise is going to be something. It has to be. It's got to be a piece of the puzzle. And that is when they find hidden deep inside the mountain is a facility.


467.87 - 486.081 Host

This is where the girls are being taken and trapped in the mountains. The missing girls are strapped to the beds, they're sedated, they're being assayed, and many of them are pregnant. It's a baby farm. The water in the town was tainted by the mime destruction, which leaked chemicals into the water, causing mass infertility.


486.401 - 503.851 Host

So now when newcomers come into town, their young daughters are kidnapped, brought into the mountains, and forced to have children. These children then get sent to families in the town to pretend to be their own. And this is all run by the Prescott family. When the captives are no longer useful, they get sent to the shiny gentlemen.


504.292 - 527.828 Host

That noise you hear, that's a metal meat grinder that grinds women up after their bodies are used. Baraska is a human baby farm. But this is not real because this is a phenomenally written story. On Reddit, it was part of the No Sleep. There's a whole podcast about it now. But there's no such thing as a human baby farm. That's way too much like Handmaid's Tale. It's fake.


528.549 - 553.82 Host

Until February 3rd of 2025, three women were rescued, three Thai women, from a human egg farm, where they say that they were held captive, forced to be injected with hormones, and had their eggs extracted forcibly without their consent from their bodies. So now people are wondering, where are they taking the eggs? Who's buying the eggs? And what happens if these women run out of eggs to give?

553.84 - 590.981 Host

This is the case that has been dubbed the human egg farm. We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to support Friends of Thai Daughters. They are a nonprofit working to prevent child trafficking in Southeast Asia through intensive, comprehensive, and long-term education and support.

591.441 - 608.611 Host

This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing team. And we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support. As always, full show notes are available at Today's case involves mentions of fertility struggles, loss of reproductive autonomy, and human trafficking, so please take care of yourself.

609.231 - 630.826 Host

A quick disclaimer, I think that I am always advocating for ways for people who are unable to conceive to find ways to start a family. I think it's one of the most beautiful things to have children and to raise them to be thoughtful, intelligent, adults that are part of society and I think there are a lot of parents out there that clearly do not deserve to be parents. They should not be parents.

631.087 - 651.32 Host

Just look at any of the past few videos this month. And then there are a lot of people who desperately want to be parents and I think if given the chance, they would raise some of the most incredible people in society and I think those people should have the right to fight for that chance. In fact, I think it should be more affordable and easier for them to become parents.

Chapter 3: What happens to Sam and his family in the Ozarks?

1873.581 - 1892.236 Host

It's assumed over 100 women flew out under this pretense. They're going to live with a couple in Georgia. They're going to conceive their child. give birth, get paid, and come back home. There's no egg donation. They're getting the embryo of said couple. Okay, let's say there's a wife and husband.


1892.756 - 1902.883 Host

The wife is going to provide the eggs during IVF, and then it's going to be the embryo that is inserted into the Thai woman. And she's going to be a surrogate, so it's not her genetic baby.


1903.263 - 1903.583 Co-Host



1904.304 - 1926.801 Host

If that makes sense. Yeah. Which a lot of people are more open to that versus carrying their own child, I guess. I mean, genetically speaking, biologically speaking, if you will. You're going to be fed, cared for by the couple so you can give birth and provide them their one true wish, which is to start a family. That's the plan. But first, Dubai. Dubai. Ms.


1926.861 - 1945.247 Host

Na says that she met up in a Thailand airport with 10 other Thai women who are going there for the same job. And two Chinese nationals came and met with them. These are the middlemen of the agency. They're connecting the couple in Georgia to all of these women. This is their job. They're like a recruiting agency. They're a fertility agency.

1945.627 - 1964.535 Host

So the 12 of them, there's 12, 10 Thai women and the two Chinese nationals. They first fly to Dubai where they stay for three nights, staying at a hotel all paid for by the agency. Ms. Na, one of the victims, she says that nobody knew each other. Like out of the 10 Thai women, not a single one of them were like, oh, we're friends. We're sisters that we're doing this together.

1964.635 - 1987.201 Host

Like this is my family friend. Nobody. They're all complete strangers. But everybody's getting along. And when they're in Dubai, like the two Chinese nationals, the what do you call them? The agency members, they're encouraging them to take pictures and to post online like they're traveling to Dubai. Like when else are you going to be in Dubai? This is crazy. So they have a few good nights.

1987.681 - 2000.496 Host

Then from Dubai, they fly to Armenia where they again stay at another hotel and they take a bunch of pictures. Then from there, they take a 10 hour train ride to the country of Georgia. That's where they're asked, could we get your passport please?

2001.437 - 2029.367 Host

why do you need our passports it's very complicated so we've been working with this agency for a really long time and there have been cases not a lot just very few where someone will be going through the surrogacy and decide i actually want this baby and i'm going to flee and all of the money and it just becomes a legal nightmare because genetically i mean you're talking about there's contracts in place and it becomes an international issue so


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