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Russia is Celebrating Trump's Destruction of the US

Mon, 03 Mar 2025


Trump is taking a wrecking ball to the United States and Putin could not be happier. Pre-order our new book, join our Patreon Cult, and more by clicking here:


Chapter 1: What is the main topic of this episode?

34.949 - 49.26 Unknown Speaker 2

Moskou is verblijfd dat Donald Trump, J.D. Vance en Elon Musk hebben kapituleerd. Ze hebben de witte flag gewaaid. Marco Rubio is gewoon de kleine cherrie op het top. Hij ziet eruit als een absoluut hostage. Pumps, wat meer reporting heb je op dit?


50.1 - 75.929 Host 3

It's interesting to find out that all of these national security Republicans are now aligned with the Kremlin insofar as look at what the Moscow Times is reporting. The Kremlin says U.S. foreign policy shift aligns with its own vision. Did you ever in a million years think that there would be a story in the Moscow Times that says the U.S. policy and the Russia policy aligns?


Chapter 2: How is Trump's administration linked to Russia?

75.949 - 78.09 Host 3

But under Donald Trump's administration, that's what you get.


78.65 - 106.749 Unknown Speaker 2

This is a slap in the face to everybody that has ever served in any armed forces in the United States of America. This is a slap in the face to all of us that work hard and pay our taxes. en verwachten dat onze leiders in lijn met de democratische krachten van de wereld zijn zoals we het de laatste 80 jaar hebben gehad, sinds we de bomen in Normandië hebben opgebouwd. Dit is een schuld.


Chapter 3: What are the implications of U.S. policy alignment with Russia?

106.789 - 132.865 Unknown Speaker 2

De MAGA-partij is een pro-Russe, pro-oligarchie, pro-taxpayer, taxpayer funded billionaire hey you're not born here that's fine pay five million dollars come in here and then we'll subsidize you to make sure you're even richer this is the biggest thievery on the planet they're giving our military to vladimir putin whose country is number one right now poor Nummer twee, depleten militair.


132.906 - 149.371 Unknown Speaker 2

En dan gaan we gewoon iemand starten. Je hebt vijf miljoen dollar, kom binnen. We zorgen ervoor dat we de rest van de weg subsidiseren. Zodat je zo rijk als je wilt zijn. En wacht eens wie er voor gaat betalen. Hardwerkelijke Amerikanen. Alle werkende klassen die voor Donald Trump hebben gewoond, zullen het meest vergeten worden.


150.271 - 174.387 Host 3

Absoluut, want ze gaan hun betalen op, hun voordelen gaan op, ze verliezen hun werk. En mensen zoals Elon Musk en Donald Trump, hebben vrijheid voor één persoon. Poetin en geld. Dat is het. Dat is de lijst. Een ding dat een positief signaal is, is hoe Europa zich heeft geuniteerd rond Ukraine en tegen Trump en het regime van Poetin. Hier gaan we.


Chapter 4: How are billionaires like Elon Musk influencing politics?

174.407 - 186.814 Host 3

Het is gewoon een klein clip van 60 minuten over het meeting dat ze hadden na Trumps meeting met Zelensky, de Europese leiders met Zelensky.


Chapter 5: What are the international perspectives on U.S. political shifts?

186.834 - 214.15 Host 1

... met Zelensky. In Londen was een flash-summit georganiseerd met leiders, inclusief die van Canada, Frankrijk, Duitsland, Italië, de hoofdman van NATO en de Britse voorzitter, die nieuwe negotiaties veroordeelde door Griekenland en Frankrijk, die potentieel de lead voor vrede nemen, uit de handen van president Trump. All right. I think we've seen enough. What do you think?


214.17 - 230.142 Host 3

First of all, what a bozo. But isn't it funny? People on the outside looking in, they can see it as clear as day. And I just want, I mean, I really wonder how Fox News is selling an alliance with Russia to the Reagan Republicans, the boomers. Here's what I have to say.


230.882 - 247.656 Unknown Speaker 2

Rupert Murdoch, je hebt miljoenen dollar uit een land gemaakt dat je niet geboren bent. Dat je kon komen en een bedrijf opstellen. En je hebt miljoenen Amerikanen vermoeid en geïndoctrineerd. En je gaat daar zitten en laten de chef...


248.036 - 274.84 Unknown Speaker 2

a fox news still pedal this bullshit and hand our country over to vladimir putin you are sick you are a coward it is disgraceful the fact that the american public is standing for a an australian man who's come over here and grifted off the american public indoctrinated turned about 40% of our citizens into a downright crazy cruel cult.


274.88 - 295.552 Unknown Speaker 2

And then we allow Elon Musk to come over here and be this welfare queen. And the Democrats have got to start messaging this. It is insane. I have friends that live in Europe that are messaging me right now that are mortified. They are absolutely mortified and heartbroken. But you know what? Nobody Niemand houdt van de Verenigde Staten nu.

295.632 - 318.647 Unknown Speaker 2

En ik heb een bericht voor alle onze internationale luisteraars. Er zijn tienden van miljoenen Amerikanen die deze man niet kunnen houden, die dit vergeten. We zijn ziek. De reden waarom Pumps en ik twee uitzonderingen per dag werken, is omdat we proberen te berichten aan mensen om te zeggen, je bent niet alleen. Wat je ziet is echt gebeurd. It is insane. It is criminal. It is a coup.

Chapter 6: Are elections being manipulated by foreign powers?

318.667 - 330.434 Unknown Speaker 2

And I think this is a Russian coup. I think that this is a Russian coup. I think Donald Trump is compromised. I think the fix is in. And the very next thing they're going to fix are the elections. Putin will show them how to do it.


330.454 - 340.973 Host 3

Right, because doesn't Putin win elections every year by like an overwhelming majority? Or every time he has an election in Russia, he just wins elections. Yes, they're rigged. They're totally rigged.


341.093 - 356.965 Host 3

I mean, who's to say Elon Musk with all his power and access to all of our data, he's not capable of that with all the big balls and all his other... Well, there is two companies called Election Alliance and then somebody else smart something.


357.025 - 377.607 Unknown Speaker 2

And they have studied all of the swing states and they have found some... Abnormal voting patterns and what at the end of it is called a Russian tale. And it's the exact same thing at the end of when they do a bell curve that you see in Russia. You know, I think extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


377.627 - 394.659 Unknown Speaker 2

But do I think that Elon Musk, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump had rigged the election? 100% I think they would. And I think this whole hope that we're going to get to midterms is an absolute pipe dream. It is not going to happen unless the Democrats...

395.543 - 417.452 Unknown Speaker 2

in de senaat en de huis start pressuring some republicans to get these people out of office the reason why they're firing generals and firing anybody with integrity is because autocrats don't leave power right they will not transfer it and so the republicans have already capitulated The Trump administration has capitulated to Russia.

417.492 - 422.753 Unknown Speaker 2

And we're basically on the precipice of completely falling off a cliff.

422.813 - 437.178 Host 3

And isn't it interesting, I know we continue to talk about it, but democratic leadership is not saying. Putin is a murderous dictator. He has invaded Ukraine illegally. The entire world sees it. Donald Trump and Elon Musk. Dat's right.

457.671 - 475.769 Unknown Speaker 2

Total authenticity will win an election. And seeing that you give a damn. Seeing that you care. Seeing that you'll fight. And also branding MAGA for what they are. MAGA has, and the Republicans at large, have for years scapegoated democratic ideas...


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