How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett
Tired of Swiping? How Matchmaking Can Set You Up with Incredible Women (Ditch the Apps for Good!)
Thu, 06 Mar 2025
Are you exhausted by dating apps? Tired of first dates with people who aren’t right for you? What if someone hand-picked incredible women for you to meet—women who are just your type? Dating coach Connell Barrett welcomes elite matchmaker Amy Andersen, founder of Linx Dating, to break down the world of high-end matchmaking. Amy shares the key advantages of working with what she calls “your own personal cheerleader” and offers expert first-date tips to help you make a great impression.Connell and Amy Discuss:04:45: Why Dating Apps Take So Much Time—and How Matchmaking Saves You Countless Hours08:22: Why a Personalized Approach to Finding Love Can Work Better than DIY Dating17:45: “They Got Married on their Second Date!” Amy’s Jaw-Dropping Success Story28:57: Essential Do’s and Don’ts of Hiring a Matchmaker33:11: How to Be Interesting and Attractive on the First Date44:01: The Power of Authenticity and Vulnerability in Sparking Real Romantic ConnectionsIf you want an easier way to meet incredible women, this episode is a must-listen.LEARN MORE ABOUT MATCHMAKING AND LINX DATING:http://www.Linxdating.comFOLLOW AMY ANDERSEN ON INSTAGRAM:@ms.linxdatingBOOK A FREE CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW 1-1 DATING COACHING CAN HELP YOU FIND A GREAT GIRLFRIEND:http://www.DatingTransformation.com
Chapter 1: What are the benefits of matchmaking over dating apps?
You just got that off your chest. No big deal. You're in the clear and you're cruising on to the next topic, right? And why not do that earlier on, on the date or in that conversation, right? Versus again, kind of dreading when it's going to come up, right? So these guys are far better served to bring that up on their own and offer that up and then get her talking. What's her deal?
Good advice. Very good advice. So I had a couple of great experiences with matchmakers in the past. And there was something so great about the feeling of having somebody out there looking out for me. I literally once had my former matchmaker, she once called me on a Friday night. She's at a loud bar. And she's like, hey, Colin, hold on. I have somebody you want to talk to. Here.
And gives the phone to a random woman and says, hello. And I'm like, hey, hello? She's like, yeah, Bonnie said you should talk to me. I guess you're like some kind of a dating coach. Before I knew it, I was on a date with her, this woman. And it just felt so good to feel like, oh, there's this champion out there for me.
And I remember thinking at the time, I was on the apps doing a lot of dating myself because that's partially my job, but also I enjoy it. But for a busy person, yeah, I can see the...
value in um let me have my my army my my you y-o-u army out there for you for me finding somebody for me so um i don't really have a question i just wanted to i just loved how it felt having somebody like yeah she's on my side it felt great
Well, no, I so appreciate that. And that is very cool that that matchmaker did that. And just just thinking, you know, thinking about you and, and it sounds like that matchmaker really wanted the best for you, right? Like really thinking about how to best serve your needs. And it's clearly, um,
like, you know, in the matchmaker's life, like proactive, she's putting herself out there, she's socializing and meeting people. And I think that is, you know, for your listeners, one of the, definitely one of the unique value adds, like there's a lot of matchmakers like myself where we are out there, like I'm out there basically 24-7, 365, I'm thinking about my clients. And
The crazy thing is, like, I just never know where the perfect match is going to be for my clients. And so, like, I'm thinking right now about an example I can share of one of my recently married couples. They got married over Thanksgiving, and I was representing the gentleman as my client.
And he had had one serious relationship from my introduction, but that did not pan out in terms of a long-term relationship or marriage. Mm-hmm. So it was kind of back to the drawing board. And, you know, I was cycling through different women in my database. Then fast forward, I went to my friend's Persian New Year party at her home. She happens to be my neighbor.
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Chapter 2: How does Linx Dating's personalized approach work?
Like I've encouraged him to, you know, maybe do a little, a little bit of therapy. So that can kind of help him tap into some of his emotions or hiring a date coach like yourself that can really kind of help him guide him through this, um, But I think remembering that the logical side and the emotional side are two totally separate things, right?
Be that interesting person in who you're going out with and interested in her and also showcasing some of your vulnerabilities and emotional side. And maybe that's how you will start to feel that connection and peeling back those layers.
Yeah, you need to be a little bit more Captain Kirk, a little less Mr. Spock. Yes. It's way too much logic and analysis. Two or three things I have my clients do to help them do that is literally start off sentences on a date with, I feel. Oh, I feel this. Here's how I feel about my New Year's resolutions. Here's how I feel about the holidays that just happened.
Starting sentences with I feel because that primes your logical robotic analytical mind to start thinking through the lens of emotions. And that's what humans and women really respond to is, you know, we're emotional people. So feel, and asking her feel questions, not just purely informational questions. So it's not just, oh, when did you graduate? How long have you worked at that firm?
When did you move to that place? What did it feel like when you won your first court case? What did it feel like when you finished your master's and threw your mortarboard up in the air? So yeah, I forget who said it. It wasn't me, but I love the quote. Flirting is the opposite of logic. It's got to be emotional or emotion based.
Yes, exactly. And it takes practice, right? Again, practice makes perfect. It's a skill. So the more you can just put yourself out there and even practice, like I, my, my thing, what I tell everybody is walk up to strangers, just say hi and, in social situations and introduce yourself, like say hi and practice some of those skills of flirting. See how women respond to it, right?
Even if you fumble around a little bit or somebody is not receptive, then move on to the next person, right? You're putting all these different techniques and practices into your, what I call kind of laboratory, you know, your day laboratory. And again, this is all part of your confidence building and boosting. So when you meet that right woman, you're going to be prime. You're going to be ready.
It's going to feel good. And you're in cruise control. Like I got this. This is no big deal.
Well said. Very well said. Next question I wanted to ask you, I've been meaning to ask you this, but I thought, let's save it for the podcast instead of me texting you. So this podcast is called How to Get a Girlfriend. And a great way to get a girlfriend in part is to project and let her feel and see that I'm going to be a pretty damn great boyfriend, right? If you had to build a
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