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Health Chatter

Mental Health - Clinical by Population & Age

Sat, 12 Aug 2023


For the second installment of our mental health series, Stan, Clarence, and Dr. Mike Trangle explore mental health through different population and age groups. Join the conversation at healthchatterpodcast.comBrought to you in support of Hue-MAN, who is Creating Healthy Communities through Innovative Partnerships. More about their work can be found at


Full Episode

00:13 - 00:42 Clarence Jones

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter and today's second show of a trifecta with our great guest, Mike Trangle, who will be addressing mental health more from a clinical component and also the effects on certain populations. Mike has, you know, wealth and knowledge behind this. So we'll get to that in a minute. We have a great crew that keeps our show hopping all the time.


00:42 - 01:07 Clarence Jones

And that includes Maddie Levine-Wolf, Aaron Collins, and Deandra Howard, who do our great background research for us. Matthew Campbell is our production manager. Sheridan Nygaard also helps with research, but also with our marketing. And then, of course, there's I couldn't do this at all without my great colleague, Clarence Jones.


01:08 - 01:30 Clarence Jones

We had a great lunch just last week and it was really, it's always special to get together face to face, but we do talk and we do chat and we have done that well these years. So thanks Clarence to your great, great expertise. So today, mental health clinical by population and age, we got Dr. Mike Trango with us once again,


01:31 - 01:48 Clarence Jones

He served as a health partner, senior medical director for behavioral health, president of the Minnesota Psychiatric Society. He's a lifetime fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He's a member of the National Quality Forum on Standards for Behavioral Health.


00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

serves as a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Minnesota School and Department of Psychiatry, and also works on Governor Walz's in the state of Minnesota advisory panel for mental health. So he comes with a wealth of knowledge.

00:00 - 00:00 Dr. Mike Trangle

I did my term there and I'm no longer on that.

00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

Well, you're no longer, but we'll still claim that you were.

00:00 - 00:00 Dr. Mike Trangle

Well, I was. I was the chair.

00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

Yeah, yeah, right. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being with us. Mike's been a longtime friend, know each other for years and has some great insights into the mental health arena. So today we're really going to get a little bit more into the clinical aspects of mental health. And, you know, it's interesting.


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