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Health Chatter

Illusion of Immortality

Sat, 17 Feb 2024


Stan, Clarence, and the team chat about the illusion of immortality. Join the conversation at healthchatterpodcast.comBrought to you in support of Hue-MAN, who is Creating Healthy Communities through Innovative Partnerships.More about their work can be found at


Full Episode

00:15 - 00:40 Stan

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter. Today's episode is on the illusion of immortality, which actually links to a lot of the different health aspects that we've talked about on many of our shows. So stay tuned on this. It's going to be an interesting show with many of our crew who will be chiming in as well. We've got a great crew.


00:42 - 01:08 Stan

We have researchers, Maddie Levine-Wolf, Aaron Collins, Deandra Howard, and Sheridan Nygaard all do excellent background research for us. Give us some ideas, give Clarence and I some ideas what to talk about on these shows. And also, Sheridan does our marketing, so thank you for that. Then we have Matthew Campbell, who's our production manager.


01:08 - 01:42 Stan

Make sure that the shows come out clearly for all of you. There will be a show typically every Friday. So watch your favorite podcast to check in, your podcast channel. In addition, many thanks goes to Clarence Jones, a great colleague. We have a good time doing this show. And we're learning a lot. So Clarence, thank you. Thank you also to Human Partnership, our sponsor for all of our shows.


01:42 - 02:13 Stan

It's a great community health organization that does wonderful things out there, very creative. And I recommend highly that you check out their website at and ours as well. at So thank you to everybody. So, all right, let's get this show going. This is kind of an interesting concept. I'll tell everybody a little bit of a story.


00:00 - 00:00 Stan

When I was working on my master's in public health, I had a very interesting conversation in the home of a colleague of mine, Michael Bazeman, and we were talking about prevention and health promotion.

00:00 - 00:00 Stan

And frankly, the concept of the illusion of immortality really came out of that conversation when Mike said to me, he said, you know, when you really get down to it, when you're talking about prevention, when we all talk about prevention, what are we trying to do? The ultimate form of prevention is really preventing death. And we all know in our heads that that can't be.

00:00 - 00:00 Stan

But there is that illusion around it that kind of drives us. And also, it drives how we respond to our health, how we take care of our health. and what we do to actually maintain it using various things. So what's interesting is the illusion of immortality or the concept of immortality is embedded in medicine and in public health.

00:00 - 00:00 Stan

The symbol, for instance, the symbol of medicine is called the caduceus, which if any of you have seen it, it's a combination of a staff, like a cane, a staff, and a serpent. The serpent is really the symbol of immortality. And it is embedded not only in the concept of medicine, but public health as well, for instance.

00:00 - 00:00 Stan

And you'll see pictures of this, if you go to our website, you'll see pictures of this. The first physician, according to Greek legend, was Asclepius. And in the picture that you'll see, you will see the staff, and the serpent that he's holding onto. The staff represents kind of the traveling nature of a physician. And again, the serpent is immortality.


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