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Health Chatter

2023 Decriminalization of Paraphernalia and Residue

Fri, 08 Dec 2023


Stan and Clarence chat with Pearl Evans, Dr. Ronda Chakolis, and Eddie Krumpotich about harm reduction and the Steve Rummler Hope Legislation.


Full Episode

00:16 - 00:43 Stan

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Health Chatter. And today's episode, a very interesting episode on harm reduction and the Steve Rumler Hope legislation. We've got three wonderful, wonderful guests with us. We'll get to those three in just a minute. I want to thank our illustrious crew. who makes our Health Charter broadcast successful.


00:43 - 01:14 Stan

Maddie Levine-Wolf, Aaron Collins, Deandra Howard, and Sheridan Nygaard do all our great research and help us with recording these shows. Then we have Matthew Campbell, who's our production guru, who makes sure everything comes out to you, the listening audience, in perfect form. Then, of course, I have to really, really thank my great co-host, Clarence Jones. having a good time doing this.


01:15 - 01:43 Stan

And it's our over, I think it's our 72nd show. So we're looking forward to it as well. Finally, Human Partnership is our community sponsor. They are involved in a variety of different health-related issues events and programs in the community. And we recommend highly to check out their website at


01:43 - 01:52 Stan

With that, Clarence, I'm going to turn the mic over to you and you can introduce our great guests for today's show.


00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

Well, you know, Stan, thank you very much. And I'm very excited about this, too. And I think that Pearl made sure that we understood the legislation. She said, it is the decriminalization of paraphernalia and residue legislation that we're going to be talking about today.

00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

And I think that this is one of the reasons why we wanted to talk about it, because there's some new legislation that's coming on. And we are very fortunate to have some really world-class leaders here.

00:00 - 00:00 Clarence Jones

And I'm going to let Dr. Rhonda Marie Chikolis, who happens to be the president of the Minnesota Pharmaceutical Board, she's going to kind of take the lead for this one because she is much more familiar with this. And I want to just thank her for being here with us as we begin to talk about this very, very important topic. Dr. Rhonda Marie, how are you?

00:00 - 00:00 Dr. Ronda Chakolis

I'm fantastic and amazing. Thank you for having me. It's an honor and privilege to be here. I do want to say, like my disclaimer, like my views don't necessarily represent the board as a collective. However, I'm very passionate about public health and in particular harm reduction. So thank you for having me today. Yes, yes.

00:00 - 00:00 Dr. Ronda Chakolis

I think I'll let you introduce our guests or just let them introduce ourselves. I think it'd be important to really talk about how we got here or how I got here. Roughly a year ago, a gentleman by the name of Eddie, who will introduce himself, came to the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy and discussed the importance of changing the laws and what pharmacists do for syringes.


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