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Baby Maxi an die Bluetooth Box, Jan und Olli sitzen vor den Mikros Baby Maxi an die Bluetooth Box, Fest und Flausch ich geh gleich wieder los
Du hast so viel gehustled, du hast so viel gegeben. Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Break in deinem Leben. Du hast so viel gemacht, du hast so viel getan.
Du bist mit deinem E-Scooter durch die Stadt gefahren. Baby, mach sie an die Bluetooth-Box. Fest und flauschig geht es wieder los. Baby, mach sie an die Bluetooth-Box.
Fest und Flauschig is here on October 6th, 2024. Hello, here is Spotify, here is Deezer, here is Podimo, here is RTL Plus, here is everything where you hear podcasts. And I don't see him, but he's there. Olli Schulz, hello.
I don't understand it, Jan. I just don't understand it. My camera is always off. I had technical problems last time. Beautiful good morning from me too. I'm not that good at it. If it doesn't work with the technology, it always hits my mood.
How are you? I'm fine. What are you eating right now? I have, look here, maybe you can see it in my camera, I have a delicious heart waffle. I baked waffles in the morning, because I thought, such a week always ends very nicely, if you make it a little cozy in the morning. And I still had eggs, I still had flour. I just have such a really thick load of heart waffles.
Baked here on Sunday, that tastes good to me.
Ach, man muss sich das auch manchmal schön machen. Es wird kalt da draußen und die kalte Jahreszeit kommt. Ich bin gerade auch dabei, es mir ein bisschen gemütlich zu machen. Es tut mir leid, wenn ich die ersten zehn Minuten der Sendung noch ein bisschen essen werde, aber ich habe es nicht geschafft mit dem Frühstücken vorher, weil wir wahnsinnig früh aufnehmen, um 7.30 Uhr.
Wir sind eine Frühstückssendung und wir sind ganz frisch dafür heute. Das ist das Schöne. Es ist einiges passiert, das kann ich schon mal verraten. Es sind viele skurrile Dinge in der letzten Woche passiert. Du hast wahnsinnig viele wütende E-Mails bekommen. Wir werden das alles natürlich abarbeiten.
I got a lot of requests from the field of electromobility. Maybe we'll do the big five again today. We haven't done that in a very long time. And I have a really great local hero that I might want to drop in again surprisingly. But first of all, I want the mood to go straight to the point. We have to start a little later with the recording today. Because I sat in the cutting room before.
I cut a few things out. Because I wanted... I have an extra little O-Tone. On your forehead cut around. Yes, I have exactly a little bit of myself. No, I have a little O-Tone cut together from a Nazi demo in Gera from Colette from Aschersleben. And I'm moderating it right away, because I think it's so cool. Hello, I don't know, hey, dear Fest und Flauschig people. Who do you prefer?
Oliver Schultz?
Or Böhmermann? You already know, our children are like the rats during the plague. Oder Nazis muss man keulen, erhielt nun den deutschen Fernsehpreis. Ach übrigens, was mir einfällt, Wissenschaftler haben herausgefunden, der Anus eines Blauwales misst etwa einen Meter Durchmesser und ist somit das zweitgrößte Arschloch der Welt.
Gleich hinter
Sorry that you laugh, but that's always the same, the three big arguments. I would like to make the big five arguments against Böhmermann. That's once nazi coins, always children are rats, that's always ... and what were the other three, come on, get in there.
He directs people, directs people with his terror of opinion, with his facts. I was, I was, I was, I was this week ... Im Deutschen Bundestag, im alten Deutschen Bundestag in Bonn, bei Die Lage der Nation, Ulf Burmeier und Philipp Banse, der berühmte Polit-Podcast, den es übrigens auch schon seit genauso lang gibt, wie wir bei Spotify sind.
Ach, die haben nach uns angefangen. Nein, die haben angefangen. Wir sind im kollektiven Stimmungsfeld, sind wir einfach... Are we the dinos who did it first? Of course there was a podcast before us, but we can now just keep going. Stop always saying, we are the dinos. The dino must not get off.
I was definitely in the German Bundestag in Bonn and that was great because I was allowed to drive in the back of the car. I imagined myself a bit like Rita Süßmuth. I could drive in the back through the gate and then stand there. A small surprise performance. And I had the great pleasure to be in the German Bundestag for the first time in 20 years. Nothing has changed.
And you can still see from the stilettos of the Bundestag members from the 90s the scratches on the terrace floor. It's really like a time capsule. A really great building. Have you ever been to Bonn in the Bundestag? Of course I've been to the Bundestag.
Ehm, das ist aber auch schon sehr, sehr lange her. Mit so einer Schulbesuchsbegehung oder wie? Man kann ja auch so, ich war da, also ich war im Haus, das deutsche Haus war ich da, wo man das alles sich angucken kann und im Bundestag habe ich im Rahmen einer damaligen, also damals habe ich erstmal eine Freundin von mir besichtigt und zusammen haben wir dann das Bundesdienst besichtigt.
She lived there and then we drove there together. We looked at everything. How did they react when they saw your face in the years to come?
Yes, I think with moderate applause, but I just wanted to say that the acoustics ... More applause than at Giovanni Zamparelli?
I don't know, was Giovanni Zamparelli there too? No, but the applause was bigger than back then, when you appeared as Mr. Pistachio. Oh, I see.
No, he was less confused. In any case, he was targeted. But what was totally crazy was, we came out down there, where the Federal President or the Federal President was sitting back then. And the acoustics were like that, like in... Like in an amphitheater. It was so crazy that I was really shocked how loud it was. I don't think they clapped loudly, but the acoustics, that's how it was done.
A bit like the Elbphilharmonie or something like that. That you feel it incredibly loud at certain points. And that was a really crazy applause. It totally knocked me over. But it was a super nice atmosphere, it was a nice evening and we had a little bit of...
It all looked very swingy. I just looked at your Instastory in preparation for this show, of course, so that I know what your phase is right now. And then you made such a swing and they all looked like they were already against the Prosecco evening, so the Prosecco mood. It was Prosecco.
You can't endure politics in the present any more differently than with Prosecco. But tell me, where do I actually find you? We haven't even said what you eat right now, you've tried vegan chicken.
I have vegan chicken and I'm totally convinced of it. Because one of my favorite things that I really always miss when I don't have meat, now that I've reduced the meat so much, that I only eat in Vienna, I only eat meat abroad, that's my rule. No more German meat. Only when I'm in Vienna or in Spain my chorizo. But at home in Germany there is no more meat for me. Now there are new vegan ham.
I mixed it with a nice Appenzeller, with an Appenzeller that has been around for years. So like we both are. Yes, welcome to Appenzeller. And I made that on toast bread. And that really tastes like the original, the way I like it. I'm just a simple guy. Pizza, cooked ham, I always find delicious, just with ham and mushrooms. And this cooked ham, it just tastes the same.
I've heard, you shouldn't eat so many substitute products. The body doesn't need any substitute products. That's just the transition phase. At some point you only eat vegetables and stuff. But I'm still in the transition phase. So this cooked ham is doing me good right now, this vegan one.
Ich habe gehört von jemandem, der sich auch mit vegetarischer und veganer Küche beschäftigt, dass es hilft, wenn man normale Gerichte kocht, aber so ein bisschen mit Texturen experimentiert. Ich habe zum Beispiel diese Woche einen Chili Zincane gegessen.
Und damit das irgendwie nicht so langweilig ist, weil Chili Comcane oder auch Zincane, man weiß ja irgendwann, also die Bohnen und Mais und dann dieses gekörnte Hackfleisch und so ein bisschen Tomatensauce. Also das ist irgendwie einigermaßen langweilig. Und da habe ich diese Woche leckere, so eingelegte rote Zwiebeln da drauf gegessen. Only with a little lemon juice and lemon zest.
And it tasted so delicious, because a new texture came in there.
I was really flabbergasted. It's just small nuances that sometimes develop an old to new food. You have to be a little experimental. Grinding small crunchy onions or just putting in croutons, something like that. An old dish yourself, you know what I would like to eat again? A high-gluten pan. I used to have, my grandma used to have spit cabbage or sausage.
Those are things, since I live alone, after that there was never a great sausage pan or a spit cabbage pan. Those are things that slowly fall away. Then I look at Google and look at chefkoch.de or similar things. There are a lot of great providers on the internet and a lot of people. And then I cook an old-fashioned one with cumin, a sausage pan or something.
These are things that are doing me good right now. I'm noticing my trend right now, where I'm crossing the third half of my life, which is coming now. Oh, that's very pessimistic. Well, the bonus phase. So in my life, I have to realize that I have a longing for very old dishes from my early childhood, the first years with my great-grandparents.
Except for such nierchen and so, so in the Rhine does not come back, but wirsingpfanne and something like that, that was common with us today, right? I don't know how to make it. I have to learn everything again. I didn't pay enough attention back then. My dear Oliver, we're talking about such profane things as food.
I'm also a little tense because I have to talk to you seriously after your last broadcast. I'm not the cleaning fish for Jan Böhmermann, who always swims here and always takes on all of your complaints and then talks to Jan about it. But we have really written a lot of YouTubers and people that you behaved unfairly in your last television appearance to the gamers.
And above all, one person wrote to me with whom I really wrote longer, Felix von der Laden.
Liebe Grüße alias Dehner, der ist nicht mehr 18 Jahre alt, der ist inzwischen 30 Jahre alt.
Der war damals 18 Jahre alt, ich will jetzt nicht seine Mail vorlesen. Und ich war erstmal anti, weißt du, was mich nämlich nervt? Jetzt komm ich mal dazu, Jan. Ich hab nicht so viel Ahnung wie du. Aber gibt es eigentlich noch einen, der hat 2,5 Millionen Follower auf Instagram. Hat mir sehr nett geschrieben, ich war sehr kritisch und hab ihm erstmal ein Foto von ihm mit Montana Black geschickt.
Weil das ist immer irgendwie für mich schon mal ein Zeichen dafür, dass du auf der falschen Seite stehst. I'm just saying. But I'm also a simple guy who has no idea about this world. And then one thing comes to mind. Is there still one influencer or influencer, a YouTuber, a gamer, a gamer, a YouTuber who doesn't have a photo with Kai Pflaume in her Instagram feed yet?
Because that was the first thing that struck me again. Why isn't there anyone who says, hey, not until now, Kai Pflaume. Stop. But everyone is immediately like Kai Pflaume. Yes, this is Kai Pflaume. Hello, I wanted to come with you for a short time. If I can go on a tour with you with my e-bike. Then we can make a report on YouTube about it.
Every YouTuber, every gamer has at least one photo with Jizzes, with Montana Black and with Kai Pflaume. The big three assholes who always have to show up on all Instagram feeds.
First of all, let's talk about assholes. No, they're not assholes.
Let's talk about assholes for a moment.
By the way, what I think, scientists have found out the anus of a blue whale measures about one meter diameter and is thus the second largest
Yes. Yes. But then I ask you, I always have to... There are different ratings. Kai Pflaume and Gzuz you don't want to compare with each other now, oh Montana Black. Unlike us, who always come down from the top.
Yes, yes. No, we don't do that. I stay down. You're from the top. I'm in my Elfenbeinturm. You're the one who, you're the Wessi-pig Jan Böhmermann, who judges from above. I judge from below.
Oh, you're in Blechtunnel by Patrick Barnas. Nice. The opposite of Elfenbeinturm is Blechtunnel. I think that's great. Olli Schulz from Blechtunnel, Jan Böhmermann from Elfenbeinturm.
And I tell you now, I almost fell on Kevlar myself when I was one and a half years old when Wer steht mir die Show took part. Kai Pflaume slided into my DMs and wrote super awesome quote, congratulations for the show. And I was also in such an euphoria and then wrote back, hey, thank you very much, Anka, peace sign.
And then I accidentally met Klaas a few days later and said, Kai Pflaume congratulated me for the awesome quote, so I usually make fun of him at Fest und Floschig. And then Klaas said, I would be careful, that's Kai Pflaume's moustache, he embraces you with five hands, six hands and you can't get out.
I just opened my Instagram DMs to check if he also wrote to me. He also wrote to me. In October 2022. I congratulated him and that's the thing.
And then you think, oh, so nice, because you are also in the moment when something is going well, you are welcome for praise. And then Kai Pflaume comes with a huge praise, comes with huge arms, hugs you, clasps super tight to you. And then he says two weeks later, he stands in front of your apartment with an e-bike and says, come on, let's drive around a bit. And he also has a social media team.
That's not a bad thing. And that's how he gets all the people.
But others, I know, cringe bait and stuff, you look at it because you think it's a bit cringy.
Have you seen that with your upper lip beard? Hey, write me in the comments how you find that with my upper lip beard. Dude, the guy goes to 70 and is somehow so hard with it. He goes to 70, are you stupid? No, he goes to 60. What's wrong with you? Why are you defending him now? I don't want to hang with Kai Pflaume either.
You used to be a tough guy, now you defend Kai Pflaume. I don't want to hang with Kai Pflaume either, but I think there are much worse people who do it the same way. I'd rather be hugged by Kai Pflaume. Böhmermann, the Wessimaul for example. I'd rather be hugged by Kai Pflaume than to receive the hug of Johannes B. Kerner from afar. I'd much rather be hugged by Kai Pflaume.
Kerner was in our talk show back then. And I don't think he's given away such a bad image. Yes, because Kerner can do that very well. He can just give off a good image. And Kai Flamme is, I think, one to one. He is the way he is. I think he's just a bit like that.
He is like that, yes.
But that doesn't mean for a long time that it's good. What did you actually want to tell me about Felix von der Laden?
Felix von der Laden, then I wrote him back. Yes, then he wrote to me that somehow he lives rent-free in your head, because you're always on a 13-year-old thing, where he should have said something that was very stupid, that you could vote for the AfD or look.
And he said, since then, he even sent me links, made reports for the ZDF, made himself strong for it, somehow, and also made documentation against the right-wing and in general about it, which I haven't looked at now, but I clicked on the links. And somehow the guy, from his whole feed, I know that this is not my world.
I also don't think that I want to hang out with him privately with an e-bike through the city, like Kai Pflaume. But nevertheless, it was somehow important to him and I should say it with this. There were a few more who also said that this Shushenka or whatever her name is, I forgot the name, is not without either.
Jan, now I ask you here, especially people, are you sure that everything you do on TV always consists of grounded opinions and analyses?
Thank you very much for this question.
Or do you also sometimes, in the years, let it go, let it go, say, yes, that's the way it is, and become such a judgmental guy. Is that still what you do, real journalism, or is it just a matter of opinion, as the picture also does, Jan?
Dear Olli, thank you very much for this question. So first of all, without wanting to apologize or want to talk me out of it, of course I'm not a journalist in the first place, of course I'm a learned journalist. And everything that is journalistic in our show is always correct. Unfortunately, all facts are correct. Everything, the research is great.
But there is a motto in our show, and that is to challenge the existing. And if you look at this beef between all these strange YouTubers, all these half-right... Azzybubble and Chuyoka, that's her name, the YouTuber. And you have to say, all the people who talk publicly, talk a lot of shit. We all talk a lot of shit, on Twitch a lot of shit is being talked about.
And of course Chuyoka also talked shit, which we also told in the show, that she talked shit.
But how this shitstorm started and what is in the core of this shitstorm, namely just pure women's hostility, I know that gamers don't like to hear that and they feel challenged and say that everything is not true and we have a good right to defend ourselves, of course you do, but you have to let yourself be liked that there are people who look at this thing from the outside and make the effort to free the core.
Ali's wife is also a self-conscious woman. Meinungsstücke. Unsere Sendung, das ZDF Magazin Royale, ist immer eine Meinungssendung. Aber alles, was der Meinung zugrunde liegt, ist wahnsinnig gut recherchiert. Und nicht immer sind es nur die Fakten. Manchmal also zum Beispiel die legendäre Geschichte, die auch dich betroffen hat.
Also damals diese Maskengeschichte mit deinem ehemaligen Bootsbesitzerfreund. Of course, the facts are hard and they are also brought into the show, but we also have a lot more research results. We speak with sources, we know from people how they see things and we don't just make our picture based on what we can really prove hard.
In addition, there are also the many variable factors and in the end an impression is created and then it's just unfortunately like that and we bring it in. I would also wish it wasn't like it is in the show and things change of course. So sometimes, for example, I made a very bad show about electric cars.
There it was really still so, I fell into the prejudices, the whole editorial board turned their eyes, no one wanted to find Elektroautos cool. And of course we were wrong. Of course, if you take out material for 11 years, of course you do that. Do you sometimes get lost in your opinion or the world changes so that you can no longer keep your opinion. But in fact ... Unfortunately, it's right.
In the end, we make ourselves totally vulnerable if that's not the case. And every show is taken from at least two different legal entities again and checked for years. Plus an editorial and a fact check. And if journalists listen now and so on. I have yesterday, no not yesterday, when was that?
On Thursday, on the day of the German unity in the German Bundestag in Bonn, Ulf Burmeier also talked about all this. BSI Geschichte, der Präsident der Sicherheitsbehörde, Bundesamt für Sicherheit und Informationstechnik, der gerade so ein bisschen... Kannst du Standard reden?
Mir ist gerade ein bisschen langweilig. Halt's Maul, Mann, dann frag doch nicht! Doch, ich frag ja, aber was mich ja eigentlich nervt ist, willst du nicht mal, weil das ist ja die Sache, du machst da irgendwas mit deiner Sendung. Irgendwas mit deiner Sendung, Mann? I don't watch every show. You don't hear every song from me.
The question I want to ask you is, don't you want to do a second podcast where you discuss all the things you claim in your show? Ask two editors and do it with them. It doesn't always have to be here with us. I have so
There are so many great topics here again.
It's all about different things. Can't you at least write a song? ZDF, this podcast. Because everyone always writes to me and says ... Also another guy wrote to me, it's enough for me with Böhmermann. I only listen to this show because of Olli Schulz. Hör auf damit, mir das zu schreiben. Ich bin jetzt erstmal raus. Das krieg ich jede Woche. Und ich möchte das nicht mehr kriegen.
Vielleicht kriegst du ja auch Nachrichten. Ich krieg auch Nachrichten.
In letzter Zeit gar nicht. In letzter Zeit ist es oft so, dass mir Leute schreiben, dass sie mich hassen, aber die Sendung nur hören wegen dir noch. Also ich krieg das auch...
But then do something, do a feedback or a live thing. That's what a lot of former podcasters do, who never get an opportunity. They just go on YouTube and talk there, without being asked at all.
You're like Louis Klamroth, hard but fair to go, where you explain the whole show or something. But the magic is that you don't just go in there, but the people can discuss it themselves. The facts don't matter. Always. The facts are always right. And people have always tried to grasp the facts. Of course, sometimes it's the case that we represent an opinion as an editorial office.
And we have an opinion about the former president of the BSI. And it's still the same opinion. An incompetent official. And that we are the first in a comedy show to tell it publicly, that the guy is obviously the wrong man at the wrong place. Especially since we are currently facing an attack war by Russia. I'm really sorry about that. And maybe he would have done it before.
I personally understand that he thinks, why don't I have my job anymore? Who can you blame? But maybe look into yourself a little bit. How about that? I know that's a weird, maybe a weird new thought. But every now and then an ex-president of a German security agency needs someone to tell him...
übrigens was mir einfällt wissenschaftler haben herausgefunden der anus eines blauwales misst etwa einen meter durchmesser und ist somit das zweitgrößte arschloch der welt gleich hinter
Exactly. And if you get something like that every day, it's ground-breaking, it's totally ground-breaking. And I can only recommend it to everyone. Let yourself be scolded and say something extreme, get an opinion out of it, and accept the counter-opinions, and then you're not so upset.
That's how the world is a better place. I was yesterday, the day before yesterday, on the day of the German Union, I went out with Juri again and walked along the Mauerweg. And then suddenly had a totally emotional change and then went live and gave me a little...
I've been talking about my depression from the bottom of my heart, that it really fucks me up that young people, that I see videos like that, Nazis are interviewed somewhere in the east, 500,000 calls on YouTube and the people sign there, very decent women, they say the right things, they are still really German and so on. And that it is then so culted and so on.
And it fucks me up that bomber jackets are shiny and this whole look and this whole attitude in the year 2024, where you thought you could get out of that shit a little bit. It makes me incredibly sad. It makes me really, at the right moment, when I think about it and I don't have to say it in a show, it really occupies me.
We don't slide into fascism, I read on the internet, but we grow into it. We grow into it.
We grow into it. We really grow into fascism, especially on social media, on YouTube, more and more. They have of course also learned in the meantime that you make it clear in such an allegedly factual way that what is happening here should no longer take place. And that we have to go back to our old values, become incredibly racist, incredibly stupid, even what people say in the camera.
Nevertheless, they are supported through comments and the like. That makes me sad that we really as humans are not able to think further. And that you can really see in the history of mankind that fascism always ends in flames, in death, in destruction. That we have not learned that with the look that history gives us. And that made me so finished that I looked at me with Juri, with Uli Schulz.
But it really made me sad at the moment that we can't do that. I actually got into the week relatively quickly, because I saw Nick Cave live. That was the best concert I've seen this year.
I've seen that from a lot of people, too. That was in the O2 World or in this unbearable Mercedes Uber Dome.
It's a good hall, it's huge, but I have to say, Nick Cave is the biggest. That is the best living artist that is currently available to see live. And if you have the opportunity to see him again with the Bad Seeds and this incredibly awesome four-headed gospel choir in the background, that's just the best thing you can look at right now.
And then I will of course also, now a boomer will come and think, what will the generation, who are now 20, have for Nick Cave, I ask myself. Because I don't think, the guy is 67 years old, he is really bottled from, and that is of course also a reason Why is he burning on the stage? Two sons lost in the last ten years.
One by a terrible accident at LSD, tried for the first time, jumped off a cliff, the other committed suicide, I think. Or suicide, sorry if I say that wrong. And that, of course, made him completely finished. And he developed the strategy for himself to go against life. And at some point he also goes into the audience from the first song and catches the people in the first rows.
He sings with an energy, he looks like a 25 or 35-year-old on stage. That's such a great show. He only plays the coolest songs right now. And I don't know how long he can do that. I'll definitely go to Hamburg again on Tuesday. That was really such an evening where I thought, what a luck that I went here tonight and looked at Mindecave. I'll do that again.
If you have the opportunity to see it somewhere, even if you think, yeah, let's see, I haven't heard a song from Cave yet. Just look at it once in your life. You won't regret it. Cards are still relatively humane in today's time. Yeah, that was really the highlight of last week for me.
But you're really envious of that, because I've seen a lot of people, who normally don't talk about all the concerts they've been to, a lot of great feedback, just like you. I've only seen the posters and was half trying to get there. I'm not as a music crack as you are.
But you would look at me after two songs with big eyes and say, that's the best. This is a concert where you do everything around you, especially if it's a real artist. That he manages to bring so many people into a huge hall with the kind of music that he's been doing in recent years, which is now not made up of stanzas and chorales, but partly sung poems, increments and such,
There were also people who said, yes, I wouldn't like it anymore, I've seen him in the Columbia Hall, that was sensational, but now, these big stores, but honestly, such an artist, you just have to admit it, who, in contrast to all the other shit, who somehow, everything from playback and tape and here again, especially like Dua Lipa, great, 70 minutes, nothing against Dua Lipa, or here also Kings of Leon, Schweinerock, 75 minutes, said thank you twice, he delivers a great show, two and a half hours too.
And it burns on stage and you think, yes, that's what music was made for, that's what art was designed for, for such a performance. Yes, that was great.
My little musical highlight of the week, and I should say hello to you, was that I had a... I have to be careful how I say that I met someone that we both met and when we were at the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, this person ran towards us, I think, when we were on our way to the stage, this person came down and won the Eurovision Song Contest at the end of the evening.
I saw Nemo again this time.
Nemo, yes, I went to him from the show, I told him ten times in my Instastory that I think he won because of me, because I gave him strength.
I should say hello to you and Nemo was our guest on our show, he has the new song, I'll put it directly on the Fidi and Bumzi playlist. The song is called Eurostar and I have to say, it's an absolutely deadly whirlwind and I find it almost a little better than the Eurovision Song Contest winner song.
And what I have to say, we really often have artists in the show and they always play live with the orchestra together. And it's sometimes like that, that we have the artist and the artist, where you say afterwards, say, that was very exhausting, difficult management or whatever, what kind of assholes are those? And what an insanely nice team and what a nice team. people around Nemo.
That was really very pleasant and really super acribic. Sat in the night there, still on the mix and stuff. I thought that was great. Dear greetings. The song is on the list. Take a look at it or listen to it. I think you will like it very much. And Nemo said, not he, he was You see, I knew it. Nemo said, Nemo is already looking forward to the Eurovision Song Contest in Basel.
And then I would like to ask you in the fog, Olli, are we actually booked again? Is that politically wanted in Austria? Are we allowed to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest?
I don't have any certain information yet, if we'll be back this year. We'll leave it exciting, we'll let it come to that. It can of course be that the FM4 will say, it's no longer profitable. I don't know, it can happen, right? If we can't do it this year, to address non-binary people correctly, then maybe it's time to celebrate, maybe it's our last chance now.
I also notice, there was only one really long e-mail from someone who wrote, Me and my wife are really thinking about it again. Even I as a white cis man can manage to pronounce non-binary people correctly. The guy really wrote me really bad. Maybe this is our last chance to really do it again this year. I've really been trying so hard last year, but as soon as I open my mouth, I can't do it.
It's even harder than gendering to address non-binary people who exist without pronouns. It's very complicated. It's like this game where you used to say, I'm going to ask you a thousand questions and you're not allowed to say yes. Okay, yes, lost. It's a bit like that. It's harder than Dr. Biver with the tweezers to get a bone out of it. Yes, but Nemo is, I think, somewhat relaxed.
And above all, it's about sensitizing and not always doing everything right. No, of course not. Just trying and thinking about it is already worth a lot. I would definitely be very happy to drive back to Basel. Greetings to FM4 at this point. I will call Dodo and my colleagues and see if that takes place. And above all, the situation in Austria is political. The election was now 30% FPÖ, dude.
Dude, dude, dude. Fortunately, abroad is interested and not abroad.
Hey, back to the YouTuber, to Felix. Is everything clear between you now?
Felix von der Lade, I know you're not a Nazi. I never claimed that you were a Nazi.
But Jan likes to draw on 13-year-old things over and over again. So you still have to ... 7 years, 20 years is the rule of thumb for Jan Rehbömer. No, I'm a big fan of ...
I'm a huge fan of re-socialization. Re-socialization is at the core of German society. Without re-socialization, we wouldn't be able to as a country. If after 12 years of fascism, we wouldn't all be allowed to start all over again. Or most of us. Then all of this wouldn't be possible, what's going on around us right now.
I think that, I don't want to be pretentious, what I just wanted to tell with the story from last week, is that people with an insane amount of followers, who have reached incredibly many young people, didn't think about it at that time, just recommended the AfD. Of course, you could have known that back then, if you had looked a little more closely at what Felix von der Land didn't do back then.
Of course, he's done a lot of great documentaries in the meantime and hasn't even said anything about it, because he just said it like that. And I think a lot of people just vote because they just vote like that, the Nazis. But that doesn't change the fact that the Nazis are being elected. Why they're elected doesn't give a shit. It's a joke.
Just like that, or to try it out, in the end, it's the Nazis who get the vote. And that's the problem, unfortunately. You can't, it's more serious.
Look, Felix, I really used my manpower here to tie a band between you and Youngblood. No, dear greetings, I was at the airport... Yes, dear, very dear, at least take the photos with Kai Pflaume from your Instagram. If you take all of your Kai Pflaume pictures down, I'll make sure to connect with Jan here when we have beef.
Yes, but to be honest, these are just outspoken opinions. And just because you get a very nicely outspoken opinion, it doesn't mean that you can't be of a different opinion or that you can't disagree. And of course, we punch out there every week with the show. And of course, there's always back to the face. That's part of it. And this fight may never stop, because that keeps the store going.
Let's end it like that.
5 prominent groups that without political attitude get through this time A, place 1 with me, footballers. So really, footballers are those who come with tattoos, with 19, first lion's head tattooed on the forearm
If it was just the armpit.
You are completely tattooed with 21 already, hair, somehow his own name, short hair, the hair shaved in and somehow and make fun of gender language. And somehow you get through well. There you are best somehow. Footballers are on top of me. After that comes Kai Pflaume.
Yes, but Kai Pflaume, he grew up in the GDR. I think he's perfect for this time, where you can just get away politically and turn one into unpolitical. People who grew up in the GDR, I would say, have a small advantage, because they don't have this weird, I have to get involved impulse, but just know, oh come on, I can't do anything anyway. It's easier when I say nothing, when I
Doro Pesch is also a part of it. Doro Pesch was in our show and I talked to him and said, Doro, you're playing at a festival with Freiwild, what's your attitude towards that? And he was like, hey, people just want to have a good time, they just want to rock and roll. Everything with this argument of, hey, we just want to have a good time, rock and roll, to get rid of everything.
I think that's also good.
I got a great message, I have to read it briefly. And it's a hot story from the Oktoberfest. I don't think the person wants me to name their name, but it's an anonymous story. It also has something to do with anti-fascist resistance in the broadest sense. And in places where you don't believe it. It goes relatively fast, watch out. Hello Jan, hello Olli, here's a little story about engagement.
that you can share. The whole story takes place on the Oktoberfest in the Kieferzelt last Saturday, so last week Saturday. My very close friend, we call him Toni, to anonymize him a little bit, he knows Maximilian Krah at the neighbor's table, i.e. the top TikTok fasho from the AfD, and notices a growing unrest in the services, who probably noticed that he was celebrating fasho in the Kieferzelt.
Upon inquiry, he finds out that the gentleman had ordered 200 bottles of champagne and would like to invite the whole tent. Builds up more and more, feels stronger and stronger. And because my buddy Tony knows Michael Kiefer, who owns the Kiefer tent, he jumps to Michael Kiefer and clarifies who is sitting there.
Michael Kiefer reacts very quickly, stares at the order and begs to play Love and Peace music. Then there are loud call-outs and massive stinking fingers against Maximilian Krah. The Krah table with guys from the underworld is annoyed, starts filming and scaring Anthony and his table.
But the feeling of the moment is so elevated that it is worth it to give up on mobile phone videos and to be on mobile phone videos. The next day there is a gloomy feeling, in addition to the kater. If you don't pay attention, the AfD suddenly invites everyone to a bottle of champagne. I just love Toni because he made the world a little better for a moment and everyone pulled on a string.
Be alert, fuck AfD. What a great story from the Oktoberfest, right? I think it's great. I think it's very good. Attention, attention. There are hot, current developments in this story. The right-wing politician Maximilian K. was at the questionable weekend at the Oktoberfest.
He celebrated there together, among other things, with the right-wing extremist politician, the former vice-chancellor of the Republic of Austria, HC Strache. However, against RTL, Maximilian K. says, this incident never occurred. So this champagne order, that's not true at all.
With further current developments in this matter, you, dear listeners of Fest und Flauschig, will be informed at this point accordingly. At least next week again at Fest und Flauschig. And now on in the program. Attention, attention, attention!
There are new developments in the matter surrounding the presumptuous champagne order of the right-wing European Prime Minister Maximilian Schampus Max Krah last weekend in the Kieferzelt at the Munich Oktoberfest.
Das Nachrichtenportal T-Online war zwischenzeitlich in der Lage, eine Sprecherin des Unternehmers und Wiesenwirts Michael Käfer zu den in Fest und Flauschig am 6.10.2024 geschilderten Vorgängen zu befragen. Die Sprecherin des Unternehmers Michael Käfer erklärt sich wie folgt. Ich kann die Situation so nicht bestätigen.
Weiter erklärt sie dem Nachrichtenportal T-Online, Wir hatten an dem Abend einen Gast, der mehrere Flaschen Champagner bestellt hat. Dies hatte jedoch nichts mit Herrn Krah zu tun. Dass es eine mysteriöse Champagnerbestellung auf dem Oktoberfest gab, The spokeswoman does not deny it.
The news portal T-Online writes that the spokeswoman of Michael Käfer perceived the events differently than described in Fest und Flauschig on 6.10.2024. Wiesentwirt Michael Käfer, however, did not dare an act of anti-fascist resistance and also did not stop a champagne order. Furthermore, the spokeswoman of Wiesentwirt Michael Käfer says,
that Michael Käfer and his company would only later learn from other guests that Maximilian Krah was actually in the tent. In the meantime, however, the anonymous author of the story from Fest und Flauschig on 10.06.2024 has also reported to the Fest und Flauschig Faktencheck editorial office. der weiterhin an seiner Version der Geschichte festhält.
Unsere Quelle widerspricht Michael Käfer und der Sprecherin des Unternehmens von Michael Käfer. Michael Käfer habe sehr wohl wissen können, dass der rechtsextreme Politiker Maximilian Krah, der übrigens in mehrere bedenkliche nachrichtendienstliche Vorgänge mit Bezug zu Russland und China verwickelt ist, Gast im Käferzelt war.
Schließlich trug die Box, in der der Rechtsextreme am vergangenen Wochenende im Käferzelt feierte, den Namen Maximilian Krah. In addition, our source confirms that very well a very large champagne order from the box of Maximilian Krah was given up and sitting and other uninvolved guests were to be invited to champagne.
Self-critically and correctively, the source of Fest und Flauschig assumes that it is no longer certain whether it could have traded for 200 bottles, 150 bottles, 20,000 bottles or only 149 bottles. Due to the current sources, the Fest und Flauschig editorial office comes to the following preliminary evaluation of the events.
Es ist wahr, dass der rechtsextreme Europaabgeordnete Maximilian Krah, der derzeit in mehrere die Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland gefährdende bedenkliche nachrichtendienstliche Vorgänge mit Russland- und Chinabezug verwickelt ist, zu Gast war im Käferzelt auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest von Wiesenwirt Michael Käfer. There was also apparently a remarkable large order of champagne.
Whether by the right-wing extremist Maximilian Krah personally, one of his guests, or third, is unclear. It also seems clear that farmer and entrepreneur Michael Käfer did not perform an act of anti-fascist resistance. Ob das Unternehmen von Michael Käfer wirklich nichts von der Anwesenheit des rechtsextremen Europaabgeordneten Maximilian K. gewusst hat, scheint unplausibel.
Was genau am vergangenen Wochenende im Käferzelt auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest rund um den rechtsextremen AfD-Politiker, der derzeit in mehrere bedenkliche nachrichtendienstliche Vorgänge mit Bezug zu Russland und China verwickelt ist, geschehen ist... is unclear. Further developments and insights in the coming week at Fest und Flauschig. And with that, back to the running program.
Attention, attention, attention! This is the Fest und Flauschig Fakten-Check-Redaktion. There are more exciting developments in terms of the crazy right-wing extremists and the mysterious champagne order. Still on the day of publication of the last Fest und Flauschig issue.
On the evening of October 6, 2024, Fest und Flauschig listener David will report to the Fest und Flauschig Fakten-Check-Redaktion. Fest und Flauschig listener David spent the last evening at the Munich Oktoberfest in a beetle tent. Fest und Flauschig listener David writes, Hello to the beetle story. I was on the meadow today. I met Mr. Beetle, spoke to him about the story and he praised it.
He also said that he doesn't want to have such people in Germany or in his tent. So the story is true. There were witnesses. End of the message. On 10.07.2024, the Fest und Flauschig Faktencheck-Redaktion phoned mit Fest und Flauschig Hörer David.
Auch im persönlichen Gespräch bekräftigte Fest und Flauschig Hörer David noch einmal, dass er am Ausstrahlungstag von Fest und Flauschig Michael Käfer auf die Geschichte aus Fest und Flauschig angesprochen habe und Michael Käfer ihm gegenüber diese Geschichte persönlich bestätigte.
Also his, said David on the phone, several people were present who could testify that this conversation with Michael Kiefer took place exactly as described by him. According to the current source and current state of the research, the case around the violent right-wing extremists and the mysterious champagne order in the Kiefer tent on the last weekend at the Munich Oktoberfest as follows.
Michael Käfer very well confirms that the events described in Fest und Flauschig have also contributed as described. It is unclear why the spokeswoman of Wiesenwirt Michael Käfer did not pass this information on to the press. In general, the Fest und Flauschig Faktencheck editorial office suggests that the whole process ein dicker, fetter, undurchsichtiger Weißbiernebel zu liegen scheint.
Bis zur nächsten Ausgabe von Fest und Flauschig wird sich dieser Weißbiernebel hoffentlich ein kleines bisschen lichten. Und die harten Fakten rund um die Geschichte mit dem durchgeballerten Rechtsextremen und der mysteriösen Champagnerbestellung werden klarer zu erkennen sein.
Schalten Sie nächsten Sonntag auf jeden Fall Fest und Flauschig ein mit Olli Schulz und Jan Böhmermann bei Spotify und überall sonst, wo es Podcasts gibt. Zurück zum laufenden Programm. Achtung, Achtung, Achtung! Es ist inzwischen Mittwoch, der 9. Oktober 2024, drei Tage nach Erstausstrahlung der Fest und Flauschig-Folge vom 6.
Oktober 2024 und es gibt eine spektakuläre Wende im Fall des Champagner-Nazis im Käferzelt. The investigative team of RTL and Stern.de clung tightly to the matter and... Therefore, it can be said that the story of Fest und Flauschig from October 6, 2024 is correct. Here are the details.
Contrary to the first, partly contradictory, version of the company spokeswoman of Feinkost Käfer, the vizepräsident Michael Käfer himself can now remember much more. Der Stern schreibt, dass Käfer nun die Schilderungen seiner Sprecherin in Teilen korrigiert. Demnach, so schildert Michael Käfer persönlich, habe es am 28.
September 2024 eben doch eine Situation gegeben, an die er sich erinnern könne. A guest made him aware that the well-known right-wing extremist Maximilian K. would be celebrating in the Kieferzelt that evening. Michael Käfer also noticed the Nazi and observed the movement around the AFD politician. Then Michael Keefer asked his band to play different music. Quote
Weiter finden Stern und RTL heraus, dass der europaweit bekannte und derzeit in mehrere bedenkliche nachrichtendienstliche Vorgänge mit Bezug zu China und Russland verwickelte Rechtsextreme mit anderen Gästen aus Frankfurt an einem Tisch gesessen habe. A very large order of champagne from this table would very well have gone out, but Michael Käfer did not stop.
The Nazi also now personally confirms that a very large order of champagne from his table in the Kieferzelt had gone out. The right-wing extremists personally did not order 200 bottles of shampoos and not 150 either, Michael Käfer continues to point out. Other people who are also familiar with the incident in the Käferzelt, writes RTL, report that the order should have carried around 50 bottles.
Dude! The bottles ordered should have been offered by the guests in the environment of the right-wing extremists, then partly also to the service personnel of the Kieferzelt as friendly gestures to the distribution. Dude! So let's hold on to it again. Die Geschichte in Fest und Flauschig stimmt.
Folgende Medien haben die Darstellung eines europaweit bekannten Rechtsextremen, der zudem ein notorischer Lügner ist und derzeit in mehrere bedenkliche nachrichtendienstliche Vorgänge mit Bezug zu China und Russland verwickelt ist, unüberprüft abgedruckt.
Bild, Welt, Focus Online, The European, was auch immer das ist, auf jeden Fall ist der Chefredakteur von The European auch gleichzeitig irgendwie Chefredakteur von Focus Online. Interesting. Weltwoche, Apollo News, Journalistenwatch, Faschokurier, Nazi am Sonntag, Die Hitlerwoche and 28,000 other clickbait media that just write their garbage off each other.
Further, it should be noted that the only medium that really made the effort to seriously research the champagne Nazi story was RTL. The all-important question that is about this whole process, however, has not been asked by a single medium. That's why we put it here at Fest und Flauschig again. Double point. Why is a European-famous right-wing extremist celebrating?
who is so right-wing, that even the fucking AfD is right-wing, in a shitty meadow tent at the Oktoberfest. And why does Michael Käfer throw these European-famous, popular right-wing idiots, not out immediately, and his entire luggage with him, when he discovers them in his tent, but lets them play positive music?
Why are European-famous right-wing extremists and constitutional enemies celebrating, who also presumably work together with Russian and Chinese news agencies, to destroy the Federal Republic of Germany? In the fucking beetle tent at the Oktoberfest. And nobody does anything about it.
And the only two media that, as seriously as possible, try to find out what really happened, are RTL and a shitty comedy podcast on Spotify. Eine ausführliche Nachbesprechung dieses Falls erfolgt natürlich bei Fest und Flauschig am kommenden Sonntag bei Spotify, Deezer und überall sonst, wo es Podcasts gibt. Und jetzt weiter im Programm.
Maximilian Krah, auch wirklich der größte Pfosten. Kennst du dieses Video, wie er in so einem Zelt steht und so einem Typen erzählt, hier, wähl die AfD, wähl Deutschland, du bist Deutschland, du bist viel mehr als das. Und will ihn dann die Hand so hinstrecken zum Abklatschen. Der Typ guckt schon so weg und dann steht er. Das ist so ein geiles, tragisches Video.
Das ist auch wirklich ein unerwartetes Video.
But who in the democratic parties would have the cringe potential to upload such videos so that the cultic youth would see it? And then look here, dude, funny, no idea, who could it be? Here, Lars Klingbeil, no, all too reflected, you have to be a bit stubborn and a bit stupid so that something like this goes around and goes viral. And so that you can endure such moments.
Who could make such cult videos and still be anchored in the democratic spectrum? Who could take action to win people back? I don't even know if it's... A man of the people, in any case.
Or a woman of the people.
Or a woman of the people, of course.
Well, good. One thing that I just remembered is probably more known here in Germany as an actor. Chris Christopherson died at the age of 88. He was a country singer and actor and a really cool guy. Many young people will ask themselves why they have so many photos of any stars with Chris Christopherson on Instagram.
Because this guy, I really have to say, I have a few old records of him, really was a very upright songwriter, who was always on the right side of the story. And one story that is completely unforgettable, it was in 1900, I think, was it 88 or, no, it was the 90s. For the 50th anniversary of Bob Dylan, I think, is Sinead O'Connor performed in Madison Square Garden.
at a festival and was banished from the entire hall, because two weeks before, on Saturday Night Live, she ate a picture of the Pope. And she came on stage, you can still watch it on YouTube, and was banished from the entire hall. For practicing a picture of the Pope and a critique that was practiced completely to the right at the time, so generally to the Catholic Church.
It was about abuse, it was about violence, it was about a lot of things that religion can do. She showed herself in a drastic way. And the entire hall in New York booed her. Chris Christopherson called her and then went on stage again. After she was booed for a minute, he put his arm around her and said to her, Don't let the bastards bring you down. That's also the title of a song by him.
And then she probably just looked at him, he told years later, and said, I'm not down. And then she really sang this song, War, very brave attitude. Anyway, you have to say, these supposedly crazy women, who were always shown as crazy in the press, Courtney Love, for example, Shannon O'Connor, many years later the story shows that these women with ideas, what they said back then and now have said,
Harvey Weinstein was the first to be criticized by Courtney Love, as well as Ted Nugent, who somehow kissed Courtney Love when she was 13 years old. Or even more, I don't even want to say it now. She definitely always opened her mouth. She was an exalted, extroverted woman. She was considered a disturbing factor for years. She talked about Dave Grohl and his big money stuff.
I mean, he's a really wealthy millionaire and he probably didn't take care of the Nirvana stuff either. In any case, it turns out that these crazy women in the story suddenly had a lot of right with what they said and with the attitude they had. And Chris Christopherson made himself a bit immortal through the songs he wrote and that he always showed attitude. And now he died at the age of 88.
And I'm packing a song from the Highwaymen. These are Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Chris Christopherson and Will Nelson. The song is called... Silver Stallion, an incredibly good song for driving, on the Fidi and Bumsi list.
And let's add to that list by putting a song by Curtain in Love on it, namely You Know My Name. This is a very nice song to listen to in the then still manageable ... Paul has the band, but that's a solo piece. And from Sheldon O'Connor, I just checked if it's on the list, let's do the song War, which she played at the time, on the list.
That might also fit quite well, then we covered the two women musically.
Then we also covered them musically a bit. And then I'll also cover Silver Stallion by the Highwaymen. Pretty blatant for Willie Nelson. Willie Nelson is now 91 years old, I think he's even 92 now. That was the big country super group back then, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Chris Christopherson and him. Now all three of them, all of them are very close friends of his, are now dead.
And Willie Nelson is the last one who's still alive. I don't even know if I've put the song on the list. I'm the last leap on the tree by Willie Nelson. I'll also put it on the list. Also... I have so much different music that I actually want to put on here. Manu Schau made a new album, but we'll talk about that next time. Bon Iver with Spice Side is also a new song, I think it's very, very nice.
I think a new album from Bon Iver is coming soon. I'll put all these songs on the Fidi and Brumsi list today. So that you can really listen to some good music.
My God, we have a few more rubrics open after the Päuschen. I can offer you, I have a really great Local Hero. I have really hot things that you might also be interested in on the subject of electromobility. I doubt that. Yes!
How far are you with the electric car now? How do you do it now? No, I wanted to, I said last time, that was my last show without e-bike, but I still haven't had an e-bike. Because you're too lazy. No, the problem is, I live so far outside now, even when people say, Olli, will you come by today or something? I live, I'm really outside now.
You're not driving the e-bike from you at home to the city center, are you stupid? No, but basically I'm a, I'm a homely guy.
Yeah, but I'm just imagining, Olli, will you come to us again and how you'll swing on an e-bike and then in two hours you'll be somewhere in Hellstadt. And to imagine yourself alone in a multifunction jacket with a bicycle helmet on an e-bike, that's not possible at all.
How is that supposed to work? No, I don't do that. I don't take that shit with me. I would still drive without a helmet. Of course, because if dead, then right. If dead, then right. No, of course I would drive with a helmet. But I don't buy these weather things. In the past, we also rode bikes in short pants in November. You know, back in school. Short pants, wooden rifle. And I keep going.
I ride with jeans, earplugs, Walkman on one side, in a belt buckle, I ride.
So that you don't have to listen to the traffic anymore. We make a little pause at Fest und Flauschig. We'll be right back. Oh, and I have to say one more thing. Because I don't know how I can reach him actually, because he's not in peace. I would like to, I know that people, several people have written to me that they were at his farewell.
It just came to me when you talked about the great resistance women, Kourtney Love and Shynet O'Connor, that the great person of resistance in my head is always Klaus Wieselski, the former head of the locomotive company, about whom I also made a song that was much less ironic than you might think. And I would like to invite him, because I would like to...
I think he lives in East Germany and with this I would like to invite Klaus Weselsky, the former head of the German Logführer Gewerkschaft, to one of our concerts, either in Erfurt on the 15th of January or in Leipzig, I don't know exactly when that is, one of the two East concerts, because I would like to play him the song together with the orchestra on the stage.
Put him on a throne and then he gets to present the badge. If he wants to, but he doesn't have to. If someone knows him, please pass it on.
I don't know if that's a humor-commissioned type. I don't know.
It's also a bit doubtful and a bit conservative in many other things. And of course it doesn't gender. Non-binary didn't exist in the GDR either. No, that...
Yes, but you know what, I would never accuse anyone of that. I think that's a problem that can be overlooked very well, whether people are gendering or not. We can, socially, if we really all stand against Nazis and so on, then it doesn't give a shit whether someone is gendering or not.
The main thing is that you are on the right side right now and make sure that fascism cannot expand further in Germany. I don't give a shit whether someone is gendering or not, whether you are a first conservative, whether you are a CDU voter. Actually, maybe Friedrich Merz. The main thing is, you're against Nazis. That's for me so easy, I'm just down. It's important to be against fascism.
Now someone will say, yes, but Friedrich Merz, that's the first. Yes, I hope that Mr. Burns just doesn't become chancellor. That's just my very big wish. We'll be back in a moment. And then there are still some hot topics from me beyond electorate and...
And there are also hot news from the big show war in Cologne between TV Total and the new show. Oh, I'm curious what you thought of that. There are hot news. I'm always very up-to-date. I was last week in Hürt-Efferen on the studio site of Stefan Raab. I can already tell you that. Really? Yes, but more about that in a moment.
Dressed as Bully Herwig?
More about that in a moment. You don't know. So, ladies and gentlemen. See you soon.
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Welcome to TV Total. I'm Charlene. Welcome to TV Total. Today you're watching TV Total. You're going to buy a party without an hour. And the great Lukasz Podolski is wearing a black shirt. And here is the new best of all time, Sebastian Popper.
What was that? What was that?
I think that was a friendly sign in our direction. That means we will be heard at the Heavytones maybe.
These were the Heavytones. I think they are no longer called Heavytones, but I will continue to call them Heavytones. The band from TV Total last Wednesday. Of course, we have received it from numerous people. Did you hear it too? If you didn't hear it, I cut this part out again.
Right at the beginning.
Yes, I have to say, I think I am now pro-Stefan Raab, because if the Bild-Zeitung now runs a campaign against Stefan Raab, because he has never given anything from his private life, the Bild-Zeitung has never given an interview, and they now start criticizing him every week, we should actually, who are also connected to the television, simply, even if it's not the show we expected, still stand on the side of Stefan Raab.
I think so too. And I think you can even be on the side of both Sebastian Puffpaff, his Heavytones and TV Total and on the side of Stefan Raab and his Heavytones and the new show at RTL Plus. I think we should as a single podcast... This is exactly like Onkelz and Rammstein.
You can find both cool. You don't just have to find Onkelz good, just Rammstein. I mean, Kevin Russell and Till Lindemann, both were charismatic friends. The one almost killed two children, the other was punched in the face. My God, how do you decide? Both charismatic women.
But I think the world is big enough for two shows that are basically exactly the same. I felt it as a kind of greeting that TV Total greeted us on Wednesday. I greet back lovingly and I also greet the colleagues back very lovingly. who have to work in Hürth-Efferen during the week on the new show of Stefan Rapp, which I unfortunately didn't see this week.
I saw it after 20 minutes. I still have so much on the watchlist that I didn't feel like it anymore. But one thing I thought, what does Elton think? Not Elvis. The German Elvis. The German Elvis Elton, the first 90 minutes when he's standing behind in his jacket and finally waiting for his performance. Did he imagine the comeback like that?
Or did he not hope that he would be able to sit at the table with him at the same time, maybe even press the buttons that he now has in remote control, these one-player? Did he expect that he would only get the last ten minutes of the show? Or did he hope that he would get to the stage right at the beginning with a bungee rope?
The question is, is Elton someone who is really excited behind the stage and then waits for 90 minutes for the light to turn on and then goes out? Or is it just someone who quickly throws the jacket over three minutes before with absolutely low pulse? He goes into the studio with a cheeseburger flag. So is he there in time or does he only come then? Guys, the show is already recording.
Tell me when I have to go on stage. I want to go to McDonald's and I also have shopping to do, I have to go to the mall or something like that. That would also interest me. And I think it's really funny that you, Michael Andrak, in your head ... Are you still there, Olli?
Yes, I'm still there. The camera was gone. I just had a Japanese drink here. It looks like mirin. What is that? No idea. That's why there was this noise. You had to press a ball in here so that the ball is here and then you drink it.
My daughter, when she was having a girl's evening with friends, they bought ten of them at the Späti, drank one and since then the other nine have been drinking with us for weeks. That's the interesting thing. I used to have, excuse me, I don't want to talk about other things. But I used to have all kinds of poison and sweets in me.
And my daughter looks, drinks a sip and says, oh, that's way too sweet, I don't drink that. And puts it in the corner and never looks at it again. And now I have to drink it away. Papa from the TV.
These Japanese lemonade, which you only buy because you think this idea with the ball is so cool, right?
Right, if you like this idea with the ball and because it just looks fancy from the color, but tastes grayish. Let's get back to Michael Andrak, because I saw him on YouTube. He says, Böhmermann is the last drop for me, or so I only read the headline.
Michael Andrak says that? The old one from Harald Schmidt?
Yes, he says about you in a YouTube thing, is only with your doomscrolling or YouTube, I'm still a big YouTube fan, best platform in my opinion on the Internet. And there you can find the thing, Michael, on YouTube.
But I think that's a thing that you can also, well, you don't even have to go back to opinions. You can even scientifically, it's even scientifically proven. That, yes.
By the way, what I think, scientists have found out that the anus of a blue whale measures about one meter in diameter and is thus the second largest asshole in the world, right behind Blödermann.
Yes. Michael Andrak says, I think what Böhmermann does is disgusting. It's from an About Schmidt, because Michael Andrak has now taken over the glorious post on YouTube, to tell some random people how it was back then, the big time in the late 90s, 00s. And I don't know if he gets paid for it. But in any case, it's like this. You don't want to get forgotten. That's the big problem of humanity.
Fear of death and not getting forgotten sometimes leads to doing really strange things. And just talking to some YouTubers about the golden age. So people can say, that was a golden age.
This week I was on the recording day of the Stefan Raab Show on Tuesday with the e-scooter through Hürth-Efferen, where the show will be recorded in Studio 1. Such an incredibly lengthy studio. This is the area on which Stern TV, so it smells a lot like Steffen Halaschka and Wer wird Millionär and Günter Jauch. And there is obviously still room for Stefan and his crew.
And I drove around there and looked at what kind of people were coming. And I think it's really remarkable that his audience has also appeared with Stefan Raab. Which you really have to say was not represented in television for 10 years. So the really strict, without a doubt, heterosexual man with his hood sweater, but not so much Camp David, but one underneath, so Jack and Jones and so on.
No classism, but now just as an observation. But apart from that, because the whole studio is watching the camera and I didn't want to leave this footage. But I got pretty close to it. I just wanted to drop it for a moment. Why does it drive you there? I always take a break and then drive in between to listen to the podcast and with the e-scooter through the area.
I thought, I'll go there, I'll take a look at it. And as always, it was so unspectacular. What I find really exciting about this whole fight, because a new player is coming in. We are really, I would say, let's put it this way, we are really for both sides. We don't want to settle down. I think both Stefan Raab is great, I also think Sebastian Puffpaff is really good.
I really appreciate the two of them and I think the band is great, the concept is great. I really feel taken away from both shows, to be honest. But what makes this brisk mix, what makes this brisk duel even more brisk, and I can ask you to focus on that and dear listeners, take a look at that too, is Oliver Pocher's Instagame.
Because he is of course the one who now, Günther Jauch has also already given a few unpleasant interviews, where he stumbles a bit against Stefan Raab, who now apparently gets more attention at RTL than he does, although he has been a millionaire for 25 years. Even harder it makes Pocher, the Jauch-protector Pocher, because he really, I mean...
Er fängt an, verschlüsselt private Informationen über das Privatleben von Stefan Raab bei Instagram rauszuhauen. Und die Storys sind immer nur so kurz online, dass ich glaube, dass da im Hinter... Also ich kann mir vorstellen, das ist nicht belegt. Achtung, Vorsicht, ich will keine Gerüchte in die Welt setzen.
Aber es riecht so ein bisschen danach, dass Oliver Pocher die juristischen Grenzen auslotet und weiß, vielleicht sich auch das ein oder andere schon eingefangen hat von Stefan Raab. Da werden so private Informationen aus dem engsten privaten Umfeld von Stefan Raab geleakt. Und ich frage mich wirklich... Which drives me even more to be on Stefan Raab's side. But I ask myself, what's going on there?
Because he really has nothing to lose. And I think he can make this duel really exciting. In this duel, between Puffpuff and Raab, I bet on Pocher.
Yes, that is of course the only way for Pocher to generate attention.
But he doesn't do it because of the attention.
I don't think anyone gets it.
If he doesn't know a few details, he won't be able to tell what exactly is happening.
Of course, he also said, I read a headline, Pocher says Stefan Raab was at the end shortly before the burnout or had a burnout. As if not everyone had seen that he had a burnout and was done after he somehow...
10 years from monday to thursday moderated this show so that's all now and then somehow the daughter or son goes i know i want to talk about it but that's really the most shameful way that's exactly the case when we both no longer make a podcast at some point and then start with some youtubers to blab about private things about the others or what do i know or something that's so
What do you mean, what do you mean? It's one of the greatest wonders that he finds people again and again who are leaders for Oliver Pocher, like Günter Jauch, Thomas Gottschalk, Harald Schmidt, the big three. Everyone worked together with Oliver Pocher, everyone made themselves strong, put their protective arms around him.
There has to be something about him, he has to be a really nice guy in private. Jürgen Bockwitsch often goes to play tennis with him. What? Playing tennis? I don't know, I was once, or football, something. Some kind of sport with a ball. Some kind of sport with a ball.
Well, we'll take a closer look at that. If you're in the studio or have any background information, please send it to us via DM on Instagram. We are very discreet there, we also anonymize, but it is really an exciting fight that is currently taking place. And at this point I greet the Heavytones at ProSieben and the Heavytones at RTL.
In my heart, they all have a place on the stage and can play there. I'm for all heavy tones.
What's your name, Ben? Let's get to something that's more unsaid. We've done a lot of gossip and TV coverage here. You wanted to do local heroes. Even myself, I have received countless local hero requests. And I don't know, you chose one today. Maybe I got it too. And maybe we want to do it again today. We have a section, that's what you have to say, where we support small stores.
We even have another section where we support people who are looking for employees. We also have another section called Trödel Time. We have so many sections. And since we're back in this new, I think, 10th or 12th season, I don't know, this shit with this season lineup. Since we're back from the summer break, we haven't fired a single section. I ask you, Jan, what's the reason for that?
And won't it be time to give a little service to our listeners again?
An uns soll es nicht liegen, wenn es Deutschland schlecht geht. Wir versuchen unser Möglichstes, Deutschland auch wirtschaftlich wieder nach vorne zu bringen. Und das machen wir unter anderem mit dieser tollen Rubrik hier.
Fest und flauschig präsentiert.
Local Heroes. Neue kleine geile Läden in deiner Umgebung. Embesse, Fußpflege, Motorradzubehör, Suppenküche, Malerei, Anglerbedarf, Kosmetik und vieles mehr.
Du hast einen kleinen geilen Laden aufgemacht und wir unterstützen und supporten dich.
Entschuldigung, aber ist supporten und unterstützen nicht das gleiche? Halt die Schnauze. Halt mal die Fresse.
Ich habe eine tolle Mail bekommen von einer jungen Frau. Und die schreibt, ich glaube, sie schreibt es ohne das Wissen ihres Bruders. Sie schreibt uns und schickt uns als kleinen Local Hero Tipp das Unternehmen ihres Bruders.
Philipp, she writes, Dear Jan and dear Olli, I have been a loyal listener to your show for many years and am looking forward to the new episode of Fest und Flauschig every Sunday. In reference to the bike path topic of the last show, we talked very extensively about bike paths last week and why Olli still doesn't buy an e-bike, because it's just too dangerous in Berlin.
Because I'm too dangerous, I always learn to ride a bike.
With two supports left and right. In any case, she has a small suggestion for our section Local Heroes. She writes, my brother Philipp founded a small company with a seat in Kiel together with his wife Lena. It's called Spielwände and produces play carpets for the children's room, which are not just made of streets. That's very sweet. as simple as effective. I think that's a really great idea.
On the one hand, that children are not screwed up with traffic from an early age in the playroom, with which they can still drive when they are 18 anyway, but that you give the children along early on, that there is an alternative to the car, namely much better means of transport and transportation, for example the bicycle. And these carpets are really very cute. You can go on it.
I have already looked at it. www.spielwende.de And we support this company with a seat in Kiel anyway, because we are both Norddeutsche. But also because we, well, at least I think it's a really great idea. I don't want to speak for you now, but I think it's a great idea.
I think it's a cute idea.
To give children early that it's something different.
What's the website where you can look at it?
Spielwende.de. Spielwende.de. And that's a company from Philipp. Let me see what the exact name is. It's not on the page. Well, it's on the page. It's on Philipp and his wife Lena. And that's a great idea. A family business, a small business. You can also see the photos of Lena and Philipp on the page. And you can order these carpets there.
So if you have this traffic carpet, such a toy carpet for children, is such a thing between 1 and, I would say, 4, 5. If you drive around with any vehicles or Lego things on it, a toy carpet is a very sweet idea.
And before you buy these cheap China things, which smell like shit when you unpack them, then prefer such a nice, chained part in Germany, where there are other paths on it and bicycle paths on the streets. They don't exist on the original toy carpets. A really great idea and that would be my suggestion for local heroes. Buy all these carpets.
I think that's a very sweet suggestion. Nevertheless, I noticed, little boys, I don't know about little girls, but when the garbage truck comes, then there's just a great atmosphere, then there's great joy. The garbage truck is really, and I had, as a little boy, you can still remember when you were three or four, did you have a garbage truck with two trash cans that you could learn from?
In any case, and my professional wish was really up to seven, eight, I wanted to be a garbage man.
It was the best, and they were so cool, and I always think it's cool when the garbage trucks are still honking, when there are kids standing on the roadside, and they're showing off the garbage truck, and the garbage truck is honking, that's just, that's possible, that's what you, dear people, who work in the garbage scene, I would say, who work in the garbage truck or something else,
Children love you so much. And even if you have a shitty day, but that's children with glowing eyes on the street and you honk. There is a really good mood for a whole day with the family. Just by honking. With so little you can produce so much. I can only say from experience. And I still remember my little garbage truck that I had back then with the trash can.
And at some point a trash can was gone and I was ungrateful that one trash can was gone. And then I was... Were you actually a child? From the story, you probably don't know it yourself, did you quail in the toy department? No, I didn't. My great-grandfather told me back then, I was the worst devil. You couldn't go to Karstadt with me. I laid myself on the ground.
I can't remember it anymore, but I was such a screaming child. If I wanted to have something or thought it was great, several employees had to come to the Karstadt signage, put on a forced jacket and then they brought me out. It must have been really bad with me. I was really an untrustworthy child when it came to wanting to have something.
Which also lies in the fact that there were very few of us back then. But nonetheless, I was really the one who chained himself to the toy shelf and somehow made terror.
So we didn't have that much either and I think we were totally fooled that it wasn't even an option that we get something. So it was very clear that there was nothing anyway. And all these sweets at the checkout, for example, they were already framed by my parents super early on. So the children who get something out of it.
But we are not a family that buys something from their children here at the checkout. No, we don't do that. And also pick out toys yourself. How do I actually play? I have to unbind the Local Heroes, otherwise... So, Spielwende.de.
Presenting... Local Heroes!
New, small, cool shops in your area. Ambulance, foot care, motorcycle accessories, soup kitchen, painting, fishing needs, cosmetics and much more.
You opened a small, cool shop and we support you.
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A friend of mine used to go to Toys R Us and his parents were entrepreneurs. And that was really, he had clearly, the family really just had money. So at least so that I noticed that he always wore brand pants and stuff. And then they really went to Toys R Us. He always told me that he had chosen something again at Toys R Us.
And when I told that at home, I got a three-quarter hour lecture from my father. What a shitty idea it is to go to a toy store with children. That can only go wrong. It's like throwing a chicken in a container with seeds. Or a monkey in a banana shop. It's just absolute nonsense.
And I was really the first time at Toys R Us at the age of 20, because then at some point when I lived alone, I thought, you know what? And now you're going to Toys R Us. Now you're looking at what's going on there for the first time. It was less magical than I hoped it would be.
First of all this, and second of all this 8 years difference in our age. Age difference. When I first had Toys R Us, I was already 17, 18, I think, at Eidelstedter Platz. No, not Eidelstedter Platz, but behind Eidelstedter Platz, the 184-year-old, who drives through the Spanish Furt to Schnellsen, Then I always drove past this shopping street. I don't know the name right now.
There, if you also drive out to Bananen Willi, if you drive out to, or to Krümet, to all these shops where, that's my, Bananen Willi, Krümet, that's my shopping street. I like to drive there. But I was already out of the roughest when Toys R Us arrived in Germany. I notice that. You were probably 14 and I was already 20 or 22.
Yes, and I found it very strange that there are really families who go to Toys R Us with their children and then really just...
One and a half hours and then the parents follow every second impulse of their children, which is completely insane. No, I don't want to talk about it now, but I've often seen this arrest warrant in the Instastory giving away toys. It always had a bit of a feeling and I found it a bit sad and a little bit... I don't know.
Well, you have to consider that they have a different way of thinking than we do. We who come from moderately middle-class families.
If you come from a family that really, really, I'll say, never had anything and maybe also arrived in Germany with a completely different position value and where that was always the great wish, then as a father you want to make your child all the things that you never had yourself. I think the thinking of Hafti in this case or people who do something like that is also simple.
You haven't had any money for years or decades or a whole generation. Then you get a lot of money and that's about your hip-hop or something. And of course you want to do exactly that. Not to look sad in front of the shelves at other children, rich welfare children who went out with some things. And of course it's the wrong way, but maybe understand a little bit why that is.
I can totally understand that.
Yeah, but we didn't have any money either, but my father then shot it like that, after the fact that we don't even need it. So it was always like that, directly with an explanation and we don't want it at all. It was almost something like that, we deny this consumption and not from the outside, always for content reasons, but actually only because we couldn't afford it.
Well, and when he bought a Mercedes, it didn't matter, it didn't matter anyway. Well, we're not talking about the old days and how bad we all had it, we didn't have it that bad.
We didn't have it either, we just had technical problems for people who notice it right now. That can also happen here sometimes in the best shows.
Now you sound so loud again, you haven't sounded so loud all the time, except when we're talking about Stefan Raab and this whole important Cologne thing. Tuffy the Elephant Charlie the Ape
Commissioner Rex.
Knut the Ice Bear. Very interesting.
And that's a message from Matze from Paderborn. Do you want to say something about the message?
Matze from Paderborn wrote a message.
He has been a loyal listener to our podcast for years. Lately, he has been missing his favorite category, animals that have made it. Fortunately, he himself recently discovered a great animal during research for the work that he deserved to be honored in this way.
And this is by the way not a Wikipedia article that I will read out now, but an article from 2006 from the incredibly ingenious and serious site ntv.de. And it's about an article with the headline, Friedenstaube lebte wirklich Ruhe in Frieden. And it's really an interesting fun fact, which you can also bring up at stand-up parties. Now you're really learning something.
The Friedenstaube, known for its innumerable stickers, buttons and posters, has really lived for 30 years. It belongs to the professional Finnish magician Päkkä, Kerkäinen.
I love Finnish names.
Pekka Kerkäinen. And was 1974 for a poster campaign of the Finnish Peace Committee as a pigeon model casted in the Staubheidi Club. Pigeon casting 1974. That's what the Financial Times of Germany in their weekend article Weekend to the Day of the Peace Nobel Prize reported. Kerkäinen, who is 55 years old today, that was 2006,
If he's still alive, he's a lot older. 18 years old.
Yes, almost 70 years old. Meanwhile, the Kerkainen is 55 years old today, so almost 70 in the meantime, and is now appearing as a clown bluffer, especially in the Baltic Sea area. He has developed further. Clown bluffer.
lage für die massenhafte verwendung der friedenstaube sind ihr wisst nicht frieden weiße taube auf blauem grund man kennt sie überall von friedenstaube das shooting war nicht schwierig schreibt der grafiker mika launis oder sagte die taube sei sehr gut dressiert gewesen man habe sie fliegen lassen und sie sei nach einigen malen von selbst zurückgekehrt im studio fotostudio passierte allerdings ein kleiner aber folgenreicher unfall die taube verlor kurz die orientierung und prallte
gegen den Ständer eines Scheinwerfers. Dabei brav die Schwanzfeder ab. Launis, heute 57 Jahre alt, also inzwischen fast 80, und einer der bekanntesten Grafiker Finnlands, wählte für sein Plakat später ein Foto aus, auf dem die lädierte Feder als Kerbe sichtbar ist. Bei der späteren... The use of this motif always retains its characteristic character.
Members of the German Committee for Peace, Disarmament and Cooperation took the Finnish deposition of the dove as a role model for a poster that announced a demonstration in Bonn on May 22, 1976. Was that the one in the Bonner Hofgarten? Against Pershing 2? Or was that the one at the Müsste?
Yes, I think Pettingstadt-Pershing and this white dove were two motifs at the time.
And then Horst Trapp says, back then, so 2006, 71, probably either very old or toy, toy, toy, maybe he doesn't live anymore, says, we just took over the dove, we always did that, says Horst Trapp, who belonged to the people who chose the motif back then.
A little later, this exact representation spread quickly as white dove on blue ground in the form of stickers, stickers, posters and postcards all over Europe, especially in Germany. It's funny, isn't it?
I also find it exciting, especially that really then, that the butt is full of it and that the photo is the characteristic, I talked about it with someone back then, I think Tauben, I don't know it enough anymore, it came to me somehow known somewhere in my back of my head there was something, but hardly anyone knew that, was that actually sad for the Kekinen, is that the question, or did he just enjoy it in silence?
Finns are very selfish people who also have their own, I was once a Finn and had a fantastic time. I also always hoped that I would marry a Finnish woman at some point.
Or at least a houseboat with someone called Finn.
By the way, Finn has released a new song, Jan. I'll put it on the video and put it on the list. Finn Klima with the song Tod. That's a song from his upcoming album. We'll also put it on the list. Also not a Nazi. He's not a Nazi either. He's not a Nazi. No, he's not a Nazi. Did you ever report that he's a Nazi or what? Did I miss something again?
No, no, so he's definitely not a Nazi.
Not that I knew.
Not that I knew, I'll say. But I don't want to... Did you watch the interview with Matze Hilscher? Unfortunately, I didn't have the time. But I wish everyone who appears on Matze Hilscher the interview with Matze Hilscher.
I was played into the timeline of the interview of Matze Hilscher with, what's his name again, Jonathan Meese.
Yes, he also looks a bit upset. Yes, but he always looked like that.
And a lot of people say, such a revelation, the sentences he says. He doesn't say anything else like he did in the last 20 years. To the front with the art. The soldier has to take off his uniform so that the art, so that we all, we have to get rid of the ideologies. And he's been saying that for 20, 25 years.
And there are still people who haven't looked at all this and always say, dude, he says such great things. I find it insanely exhausting what he's saying. Because it's of course a nice wish. Yes, but because you don't have access to it.
Because you don't have access to art.
Exactly, because I don't have access to art. So forward. The uniform. The soldier has to take off the uniform. The rifle has to become an art form. We all have to. And Wagner, forward with Wagner. Always these same battle sentences. And then they say, yes, let him rule this country again.
Over your tongue, my dear Oliver Schulz. There should be a peacemaker flying over it. So that you don't always... That was definitely...
Tuffy, the elephant. Charlie, the monkey. Commissar Rex.
Knut, the polar bear. Flipper, the fish.
That's the animals that made it.
That's the animals that made it. That's the animals that made it.
That's the animals that made it. That's the animals that made it. That's the animals that made it.
That's the animals that made it. That's the animals that made it.
I would like to apologize, I have a strange energy.
No, you don't.
You have a great energy. Yes, I have a loud premonition of a strange energy. I just thought about it during the break. I have a very strange energy.
No, you don't. You're a very good guy today. No, very great. I'm dissatisfied with my performance today. No, I think you're one of us who really... The one who rests in peace. The one who rests in peace, because you know what's totally crazy? You don't have to believe it, but... Do you know what scientists have found out?
Oh, by the way, what I can think of, scientists have found out that the anus of a blue whale measures about one meter in diameter and is thus the second largest asshole in the world, right behind Blödermann!
Oh man, if only Michael Andrang could still experience that.
Michael Andrang, what does he say about that? I saw a horror movie yesterday, actually. The first time in a long time. Which one? It was Late Night with the Devil. And it was a movie that was really, well, I think the first hour was great. In the end it drifts a lot. I wanted to see a horror movie again. Which I still haven't seen. It's the Hendricks, no, I couldn't speak the name. Mockridge.
No, but I saw Late Night with the Devil, because it was really messy at the last Fantasy Film Fest. It's a low-budget film by a talkmaster who fought against Johnny Carson in the 70s. An imaginary story. But there is still alleged footage and he has always tried to raise the entry quotas. And then on Halloween night in 1977, I think it was, in the film,
invited a medium, a woman who is possessed by the devil and the woman is the medium that can talk to her. And all that goes insanely into the pants. It is a good film. I wouldn't say that it's a sensation or something like that, but I really liked seeing it. In the end there are a few gore effects and so on.
And because I used to, I pulled one horror film after the other, I especially found the beginning, how this story is built up, how this late night story is made like that. And the story is just, first of all, his prehistory is told, how he became an ever-growing talk monster, until his wife died of cancer, after two or three weeks he dares to make a comeback.
And then always a little bit behind Johnny Carson, always a little bit behind the starting quotas. Even the show, when your wife was just about to die in the show and they were still talking about her life, she had one percent less than the Johnny Carson show. And then they just want to top it all and it's really well set in the scene. I think you would have had your fun in the film too.
Late Night with the Devil can be watched very well.
I saw a movie this week, which is not yet available in cinemas, because someone sent me a link and then I was allowed to watch this movie. And I would like to make a film recommendation at this point. The film is called The Apprentice, a film from this year. It plays with, among other things, maybe you know from Succession, Jeremy Strong. It's about the story of the rise of Donald Trump.
And not only that, the film is really excellent and it's not just a weird one, they all look alike now, but it really tells very close to reality how Donald Trump actually did it. From being a millionaire to becoming an absolute super mogul. And you always find yourself a little bit in the middle of that, that you don't just find him unsympathetic.
Especially very exciting is Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn, who has been dead for 40 years, but whose philosophy is still in this whole Trump cosmos. That was the lawyer of Donald Trump, so his mentor, who taught him everything that he still has today. The whole homelessness and... All that, what you feel as evil, that comes really, is played very well by Jeremy Strong.
An excellent film, I think it only runs on October 17th in Germany, in America only on October 11th. And who is interested in the history of the film, which is already a crime in itself, because it is such a political explosive, so this story of Donald Trump. To film it the way it really was and to publish it one month before the presidential election is a huge policy. Several investors have left.
The film was very close to never being published at all. And now it turns out that if you have a program cinema in your city and they don't know exactly what to show next week, then try to convince them. The Apprentice A little film tip in two weeks, if that's enough. I really can't send you the link, I think, because it's such a once, like with Mission Impossible.
I have so much on the watch list of things I want to look at.
I have you on the watch list, Olli.
I also have this thing here, a very good audio game series. I had recently told you that I saw Wie Dann, three parts. Europa, Europa Next is a bit of horror, horror audio games for adults. I think it was from Raimund Weber that he also wrote Gabriel Burns. Did I give you recommendations? A lot of people wrote back to me that they also thought it was great.
They made a second, really a bit more fucked up, darker audio game series, Hurricane, about the city Hurricane.
in which special things happen, where everything is intertwined, I have now also heard the last few weeks, to go to sleep, excellent, makes a little more bad mood, very gloomy, Hurricane, the audio game about the city Hurricane, also, I think, by Raimund Weber, also released in Europe, I'm a big fan of it, in my opinion, there can be two or three more series, I'm a big fan.
Jan, I have one more story at the end of the show. Of course. The Great Lakes in America, do you know them? Do you know which are the big five lakes that are connected to each other? Of course I didn't know that, because geography is not my biggest strength, even though I've been to the Great Lakes. I'll send you the Wikipedia link in a second. Great Lakes. How did you come up with that?
How did you come up with that story? The Great Lakes are five connected lakes in the South. One of them looks like a huge pimmel, dude. It looks like a huge pimmel. And the interesting thing is that 21% of the South, so it's a freshwater lake. How cute. And it's the biggest, probably, I think there's one lake, and that's the Baikal Lake. Baikal Lake. Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron
Huron, Lake Superior.
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
Between Canada and the USA. Between Canada and the USA. There are a lot of interesting stories about it, but the story that brought me to it is a song that I would like to put on the Fitty and Bumsy list at the end of this show. In 1975 an accident happened. The ship was called the Edmund Fitzgerald. It was considered the biggest ship on the seas. You have to imagine it that way.
These seas are oceans. Huge. Huge. Huge. And there was a big shipping traffic. And the Edward Fitzgerald, which was built in 1958, was the largest transporter ship of this time. Really an incredible ship that was built. And the pride of the ship was at that time and in the village of Superior. There is also the city of Superior, a small port city, which was in the time of economic growth.
It was very big, however, and in November 1975 the ship set sail to Detroit to transport a large load of iron ore. On the way there, there was a storm. In November, the storms are insanely wild and there is also a so-called process that it is so cold there. I can't describe it exactly because I'm not a meteorologist, but the winds are so strong that it starts snowing very quickly. It storms.
And in such a storm, the team with 29 people, the Edmund Fitzgerald, fell. It was still tried by another ship, after it had fallen out of the radar, to be launched at a safe harbor. So it was tried, it didn't work anymore, the contact broke off. And the ship sank with 29 people and was considered the greatest accident that happened on this part of the lake.
In addition, it must be said that since the sinking, 6,000 ships have sunk in these lakes and more than 30,000 people have sunk and have never been found again. There is this expression that the lake simply keeps the people in this place. I came up with it through a song. And this song was written by Gordon Lightfoot.
It's not very well known in Germany, but the song is called The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald and describes the whole story. And it's actually a very, very big songwriting. When you listen to it, you think to yourself, you're on the ship and you're going down with these 29 people. It's a song without a chorus, it's seven and a half minutes long, insane.
I just think it's crazy that one year after this incident took place, Gordon Lightfoot, whose career was actually already at the end. He was considered a great songwriter in the 50s and 60s. Elvis covered songs from him. Bob Dylan once said about Gordon Lightfoot, the only bad thing about his songs is that they stop at some point. So he really counts as a great man.
His great time was already over, but this song made him immortal. He talked about these 29 people and about the chef who came out and said to the other 28, it was my pleasure to drive with you. That's how it is delivered, what was in it or not, you don't know. I listened to this song recently and read the whole text. You can also do that on Spotify. And last year Gordon Lightfoot died.
This song made him so immortal. That in the village where the men grew up, who were mostly very young seamen, who had just founded families. And if you look at the YouTube entries from the song The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, you see our many sons and daughters, these lost seamen, who thank each other that this song was written, which is for this kind of sanctification and also a bit...
The whole story... Yes, I found it very moving, also very nice that music has the great power to describe a loss or a grief, as it may no longer be done today, because you no longer respect other people as much as it was the case back then. It's a very big song by The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.
I came up with it because I read the biography of Pete Steele, the singer of Type O Negative, who unfortunately also died over ten or twelve years ago. And he always wanted to cover this song. And then I immediately came up with this song, read through the whole story and came across this rabbit hole for two nights.
I looked at everything about the Great Lakes, about these five big, connected freshwater lakes. I looked at the story of the ship, the boat, and then also the story of... And that's the way it is. I don't know if you know that. You come from one to the other, find one thing interesting, and then you sit two hours in front of the computer. And that's why I love the internet.
And build one story after another together and get a really big picture that I wanted to share with you. And the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald I'll of course still put on the feed. Listen to this song.
Thank you very much. You just described the principle of this podcast. You come from one to the other and then suddenly there are two hours around. That was Fest und Flauschig for today, October 6, 2024. I would suggest the episode is called today, if dead, then right. That was a very nice sentence. As always, we are somewhat reachable for you on Instagram. We are not reachable.
I get it all.
I get that just as much. Sometimes people complain about you. You've only recently given little reason to complain. I, on the other hand, put out an opinion blog every week. No wonder that people are with you. And now these gamers and all these YouTubers, dude, just drive down, always just want to share all the time, make some wigs jokes.
The whole career of MontanaBlack and all these others, his putzer fish, is often made by other people. Now drive down a bit and chill a bit when it hits you. What is that for a yowl? My goodness. Yeah, but, but, And I thought it was totally interesting who threw himself in front of the gamer community with such a boomer reflex. Who was that? These game journalists.
No one said that the gamer community is shit per se. No one started a killer game debate. But hey, hostility, organized and organized in groups and go on one person, dude. That's just shit. No matter what the person did. That can also be the worst. You just don't do that. Just a shitty idea. My goodness. All this mess in all sorts of things.
Even back then, when people were talking about the Dragon Lord, I got so many messages from people saying, but he earned it, he's really a sick guy. And in this Shoyuka debate, it's like, she didn't deserve it better. No, man. No, man, calm down.
It's really about fucking computer games. And a woman who said her opinion. And that she also told other shit. Who are we to judge and who are you to judge, that's why. That was Fest und Flauschig for this week. And we'll be back next Sunday, here at Spotify, Polymo, RTL Plus, we're at Apple Podcasts, we're everywhere where you can't cut out our rags.
Have a nice week, do something nice out of the week, fight where you can against fascism and against people who are right-wing extremists. Und nicht immer nur die Nazi-Keule rausholen, sondern auch mal Nazis keulen. Das ist ein wichtiger Satz. Der ist natürlich mit Augenzwinkern gemeint. Weil keulen, das wisst ihr ja.
Da verstehen die keine Augenzwinkern, Jan.
Keulen bedeutet masturbieren.
Mein Gott. Und das machen wir jetzt beide im Anschluss in diese Sendung und denken an euch alle. Vielen lieben Dank fürs Zuhören. Schöne Woche. Tschüss.