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Fest & Flauschig

Fest & Flauschig Live - die riesengroße Weihnachtskleckerei [VIDEO]

21 Dec 2024 01:33:07


Die schönste aller Festtags-Traditionen backen Jan und Olli diesmal in der Kulisse der Weihnachtsbäckerei im Berliner Theater des Westens. Mit besinnlichen und aus gegebenem Anlass auch ein paar ernsten Worten und der Erkenntnis, dass Aufgeben keine Option ist! Mit dabei sind wieder großartige Gäste: Lola Weippert und das Toxic Island Quiz, die funkelnden Magier Siegfried und Joy, der einmalige Ski Aggu und dann auch noch per Videobotschaft Bjarne Mädel mit der Spendenpeitsche.Danke allen, die etwas beisteuern - und es noch tun werden - bis 19. Januar kann hier noch gespendet werden: festundflauschig.betterplace.orgFrohe Feiertage und guten Rutsch! Wir hören uns am 19. Januar hier wieder. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


00:24 - 00:53 Olli Schulz


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00:56 - 01:06 Ski Aggu

A wonderful evening!

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01:27 - 01:36 Jan Böhmermann

Hello! Hello, hello, hello! Jan, take a look at this! Come on, into the light, Olli! Take a look at this, Jan! Hello, nice to have you here!

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01:36 - 01:47 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, how nice! Welcome! Im Theater des Westens, beim großen Festum Flauschig Weihnachtszirkus.

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01:48 - 02:11 Olli Schulz

Mensch, der Applaus war nicht abgesprochen. Das ist ja wirklich Wahnsinn, weil normalerweise ist es immer so in diesen Fernsehaufzeichnungen wie bei dir, dass es einen Vorklatscher gibt, aber die Leute haben ganz organisch einfach so geklatscht. Vielen Dank. Also da möchte man fast einen Kniefall wie Markus Söder machen, oder? Ja, genau. I can honestly say, this applause gives me strength, Jan.

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02:11 - 02:28 Olli Schulz

I've been lying flat all week with a fever of 40. I'm wearing sandals, you could say. But in the meantime I'm doing better. I made one big mistake. I told everyone in my circle of acquaintances that I was sick and I became so aggressive, because you always get the same answer. Everyone says, oh, a lot of lemon and ginger.

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02:29 - 02:40 Olli Schulz

And then I really made a friend and said, do you think I'm hearing for the first time today that lemon and ginger really helps? Do you think I wouldn't know that myself? And they were like, yes, a lot of lemon and ginger.

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02:40 - 02:58 Jan Böhmermann

You have another friend yelling at me today. But that was on the soundcheck, because you were so annoyed. Let's sit down, so it's a bit more organic. I have the feeling that standing is very weird. First of all, it's nice that everyone is there. Olli is a bit dumb with his nerves. But that's usually a prerequisite for great entertainment. I sit down and say, oh, that's nice.

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03:03 - 03:19 Jan Böhmermann

Welcome to the big, loud and loud Christmas circus. I have to go up to the technical equipment first. I can announce a great message right at the beginning, Olli. I am the one who is a bit like Frank Erlacher this evening, like at the chart show.

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03:19 - 03:21 Olli Schulz

He's always completely different.

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03:22 - 03:35 Jan Böhmermann

For calling the statistics, just before we entered the stage, we have on our donation page the incredible amount of 500,000 euros already exceeded.

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03:35 - 03:36 Olli Schulz

Dude, before the show started. Yes.

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03:43 - 03:59 Jan Böhmermann

500.000 people have already gathered. There are 5,767 donors. Thank you very, very much for that. And of course we will watch tonight what happens on the donation side. And I mean myself with we. And you will also be there tonight.

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03:59 - 04:19 Olli Schulz

I will walk through the audience and you can just put up signs for me. It's all on the basis of trust here. That's definitely right. We have four donation targets, you know. For me it is once a animal protection organization PETA and then also the Schutzengelwerk. They are in Steglitz. Do you know how I came up with it? No. I lived in Schmagendorf for a long time.

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04:19 - 04:30 Olli Schulz

Is there anyone who comes from Schmagendorf? Schmagendorf. Three people clap. One of the coolest things. Yes, exactly. My one donation goal is the club Pro Mädchen Düsseldorf.

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04:46 - 05:11 Jan Böhmermann

Thank you very much to everyone who has already donated. We have great guests, surprise guests on this stage. There are stars, incredible people, people I met for the first time today.

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05:11 - 05:18 Olli Schulz

Right. It's always the same. I took care of the guests, Jan took care of ... That's not true at all. That's not true at all.

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05:18 - 05:37 Jan Böhmermann

But of course we want to start a little bit normally, because it's our last show today. This episode will be broadcast on the next Sunday as a video podcast. Hello. Hello. Video ... Finally we're doing a video podcast. We still missed that. Very important that these faces are filmed. Alright. Shots fired.

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06:00 - 06:02 Olli Schulz

How is your former employee doing?

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06:02 - 06:53 Jan Böhmermann

I was thinking about buying a houseboat together, but then the whole thing... However... Alright. However... I have a great motto. I have a great motto. Can you still answer my question? The contact with management has been hard to reach lately, I'll put it that way. Otherwise, I have to say, well... You're a wanker, what am I supposed to say in front of 1,600 people? It's Christmas.

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06:53 - 07:17 Jan Böhmermann

If we get over 1 million, I'll tell you the whole truth about El Hotzo. That's how we do it. Everything is going to be sold out today. I'm going to be a T-spin, I'm going to be a snitch, but first you have to deliver. What do you expect from me? Don't look at me with such big eyes. What should I do now? Should I whisper or what do you want to hear from me? I've always found him funny.

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07:17 - 07:24 Jan Böhmermann

I've already told you that back then. When you said it's a film about climate change, I said, you'd better watch out, because you're crying.

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07:29 - 07:37 Olli Schulz

So, we both have a phantom ghost on our side. But my god.

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07:38 - 07:49 Jan Böhmermann

It's important, no matter what happens today, please donate money. The higher the donation amount is, the better the mood, the more the mood increases, the more people talk shit. Exactly.

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07:51 - 08:09 Olli Schulz

I'm ready to give everything today. I'm still half in the fever mode anyway. You can do everything with us today. If you donate well and Jan can read a new number again and again that says, oh, we've come back to this and that level. So, dear people in front of the screen who are sitting there and have made a nacho plate, maybe even a little beer.

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08:11 - 08:16 Olli Schulz

Now you might be able to go to the donations on our website, which Jan will read out again.

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08:16 - 08:39 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, We're already at 510,000, but that's just the beginning. Last time we did almost five hours, because Thalina explained to us for three and a half hours how tarot works with great seriousness. And that was a similar socially difficult situation as it is now. It was a really difficult situation. Hot-Zoo and Houseboat.

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08:39 - 09:05 Jan Böhmermann

We both sat next to Paulina and we both had several apps open and we didn't know where to click and what to do. Hot-Zoo and Houseboat. Both start with H. This time we also have a great guest in the first half. We're taking a little break in between so that you can have a drink with the audience. And then we'll have a little break and then after the break we'll continue.

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09:06 - 09:26 Jan Böhmermann

You see, I have to get the first topic out. The first really big topic is that Burkhardt Garwig has published a letter. Burkhardt Garwig is a loyal, firm and fervent listener, I'll just say that. I think if Burkhardt Garwig, the missing RAF terrorist, the pensioner, if RAF terrorists listen to podcasts, then I think our podcast first.

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09:26 - 09:35 Jan Böhmermann

The likelihood that we can make contact with the missing terrorist Burkhardt Garwig from the RAF is I think somewhat, or can it be that he listens to Gemisches Hack or Mordlust?

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09:38 - 09:43 Olli Schulz

Maybe he's also sitting in the reception and is the Furtner, you never know.

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09:43 - 09:51 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, there were some designs today in the theater of the west. We are in the beautiful theater of the west. But you can really feel that we are only guests, I'll tell you that. Honestly. What is that?

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09:53 - 09:55 Olli Schulz

I was just looking at what kind of nonsense you're talking about.

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09:55 - 10:19 Jan Böhmermann

Did you get an SMS from Burkhard Garweg? Burkhard Garweg has published a manifesto today. It looks a bit like a long note from a note app. I brought out two passages for all the people who haven't really followed it yet. Two small text passages from the supposedly authentic letter from Burkhard Garwig, alias Martin. That was his nickname. He's on the run, he's drowned.

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10:20 - 10:38 Jan Böhmermann

Burkhard, if you hear this here, we wish you happy holidays, also terrorists on the run, presumably terrorists, you have to wish happy holidays. Get in touch otherwise either with us or with Keschraub-Behras, he's experienced in it. Look, I noticed two things. I found the text somewhat interesting at first. It was written with a lot of adrenaline.

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10:38 - 10:59 Jan Böhmermann

But then I noticed two things where I... I don't want to encourage you to give him advice, but where I would look over it again. Burkhardt Gawig, and the following sentence, excerpt from the real writing of Burkhardt Gawig. In Germany, the attempt of the self-employed workers' movement failed to overcome capitalism. It would have been the only possibility. And I didn't stop reading.

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11:02 - 11:23 Jan Böhmermann

I thought, okay, sorry, it's 2024, soon 2025. Just a little bit. You don't know what... It doesn't work, Olli. The only one is not okay. Okay. That was the first one. The next one. The next one, watch out. And then he starts counting up a little bit against whom the state repression is directed. So it all sounds, I'll say, to some extent plausible except for the terrorist context.

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11:23 - 11:41 Jan Böhmermann

Then he starts counting up against whom the state authority and repression is directed. It is, for example, the who oppose this robbery of capitalism and the ongoing destruction of the climate. Those who oppose the buggers of the corporations and are exposed to the violence of the police for it. Short and short.

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11:41 - 12:01 Jan Böhmermann

And then there are those who have recognized that the state took the cause of Corona with SZ to promote the formation of an authoritarian state. and to be denounced for it. I tried to get as many people as possible into the boat as possible. I don't know if that works. I would offer Burkhard Garwig, if you hear it now, Burkhard, get in touch with us.

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12:01 - 12:08 Jan Böhmermann

Maybe you can donate a little first and get in touch with us. We would like to invite you to the podcast. Do you think he still has money?

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12:08 - 12:09 Olli Schulz

He did bank robberies, didn't he?

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12:10 - 12:14 Jan Böhmermann

Would we accept donations from RAF pensioners? Good question.

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12:14 - 12:16 Olli Schulz

It's for a good cause, so yes.

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12:16 - 12:27 Jan Böhmermann

Can they cancel them? No. They are not registered. If you are not an RF partner and you want to donate, you can of course make donations in cash, but the real fine people do it without making it in cash.

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12:27 - 12:45 Olli Schulz

I have good news for everyone who is not registered in Berlin and who has been living here for five or seven years. You can do it online now. That's a whole new thing. Have you already noticed? It's the absolute game-changer in Berlin. I've been waiting for years to sign up here and now you can do it online. Berlin will be modern.

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12:46 - 12:54 Jan Böhmermann

Really. We judge and we don't listen. Burkhardt, we judge and we don't listen.

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12:54 - 12:58 Olli Schulz

I'm already getting the soup out of my head. I'm still feverish. I'm sorry, guys. Relax.

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12:58 - 13:00 Jan Böhmermann

May I offer you a cookie?

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13:00 - 13:02 Olli Schulz

No, they don't all look so delicious, to be honest.

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13:04 - 13:21 Jan Böhmermann

We had a cookie order. Spotify asked us, earlier they asked us, which cookie factory do you want? Today they ask, which cookies do you want? Since you are on the stock exchange, the money is a bit tight. Then you gave out cookie names, where I thought, this is fake. You just figured that out.

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13:21 - 13:22 Bjarne Mädel

Angel's eyes.

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13:22 - 13:46 Jan Böhmermann

Angel's eyes, man. Mr. Schulz, bad news, you have angel's eyes. Do you want one of you to have cookies? Here, Rei Opsala. So I told myself, the theater is very strict. Food on stage only for scenic reasons. So it must not be eaten, but it is part of the staging. I'll give you a cookie. Just give it to me. These are our cookies. They are not poisoned, nothing at all. Yes, come on.

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13:46 - 13:54 Jan Böhmermann

Do you want some too? Come on in. I chose vanilla kipferl and Vienna sand rings, Olli. And you chose the angel eyes.

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13:54 - 14:18 Olli Schulz

Tell me, who is the first time here at the Theater of the West of you? It's not really beautiful here. It's a beautiful theater. And I see a lot of people here with ties. I've seen some with flies and so on. Some have wrinkled up. Some come in Berlin style. It's really... Totally beautiful. This is Berlin, right? You can really say that.

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14:18 - 14:39 Olli Schulz

And what many may not know, Peter Plate and Ulf Sommer, the two, the hit Garantdu, who wrote so many songs, with whom I have already... Bibi und Tina. Yes, that's where I met them, at Bibi und Tina, I sang two songs for them. And that was a very nice experience. But they did, I think, for the No Angels, for Helene Fischer, Rosenstolz of course.

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14:39 - 14:45 Olli Schulz

They did this for two years to show their musical here. And what's the name of the musical?

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14:45 - 14:51 Jan Böhmermann

Kudamm 59. I said Kudamm 56, but it's 59. And I think Ulf is still here.

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14:51 - 15:16 Olli Schulz

Is Ulf still here, Ulf Sommer? Ulf, you're in the middle of the audience. Now I can't get there. Hey Ulf, hello. Applause for Ulf Sommer. Hello Ulf. Ulf, how is it going so far? Yes? How long is this going on?

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15:17 - 15:23 Jan Böhmermann

What do you mean? It's a bit difficult to give food around with the food. I mean, how is Kudamm 59 going so far?

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15:24 - 15:34 Olli Schulz

Not our show. Should we still advertise for it? Kudamm 59. Kudamm 59, you can see here. With Jan and me in the leading roles.

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15:37 - 16:06 Jan Böhmermann

Dear people, if you donate to, which is a different edition of Fest und Flauschig today than usual, it's really about collecting pure money for our four donations. If you donate, you can leave us a message. This is possible via this donation form. I donate 25 euros. I donate, if you vote for CDU, an anonymous user named El Hotzu loves you. Okay.

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16:06 - 16:08 Jan Böhmermann

Christmas socks, man. Extravagant.

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16:28 - 16:43 Olli Schulz

That's the thing. When you're over 50, you start to wear colorful socks. You're over 50, I didn't even know that. To stay a little peppy. You know? You put on these socks and people say, look, Olli Schulz is still funny. He's still wearing funny socks and stuff. Those are the little accents. What do you have? Puma socks? I have Puma socks. Don't you know?

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16:43 - 16:48 Olli Schulz

First of all, it's a good, honest German company. Puma with a good, honest German animal, the Puma.

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16:56 - 17:33 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, exactly! And it's the people... This is the honest applause of forced neurotics who understand what I mean. And inside.

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17:33 - 17:43 Olli Schulz

I only have individual socks and I have a big bag next to the washing machine where there is only one sock. And this bag is getting bigger and bigger. Who has such a bag with this one sock in it?

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17:45 - 18:06 Jan Böhmermann

And once a year you bring the bag with you and give it away at the Christmas circus. Or you give it to me with such a noble expression and you're disappointed when I don't put it on. For you. Yes, like you always gave me this one washed stink t-shirt. Huh? Yes, you picked out t-shirts and sorted them out and brought them with you. Two years ago or something at the Christmas circus. Oh, stop it.

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18:06 - 18:26 Jan Böhmermann

Did you do that? Some of you probably still remember it. You gave me an old t-shirt. I lent you a glass dildo, but that was out of the question. Very important with glass dildos. It's important to take safety glasses. Very important. Safety glasses with glass dildos. Beware of cheap goods from East Asia. Jan, we've been doing this together for so long now.

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18:26 - 18:27 Olli Schulz

It's our new day.

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18:29 - 18:55 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, but it's a podcast where you don't just donate for charity, where you also learn something. Glass dildos always with safety glasses, very carefully. Otherwise it's great, glass is a bit like Sea World. Glass dildos... Like this... Like this high tunnel, only in the sexual area. Yes. Safety first. Safe word means ouch. Sorry.

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19:00 - 19:00 Ski Aggu


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19:00 - 19:19 Jan Böhmermann

533,000. The level is going down, the donations are going up. Jan, please come to the Abenteuerland Musical. Say it anonymously. And I know exactly who recommends the Abenteuerland Musical. You don't have to be surprised, it's anonymous. Of course, 20 euros, I'm not going anywhere for that, man. 20 euros. The times are over.

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19:21 - 19:26 Olli Schulz

Have you ever been to the train station in this supermarket? Ulrich? Do you know him? Hitz, of course, Hitz.

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19:26 - 19:32 Jan Böhmermann

I often stand in front of it and wait for Angela Merkel to come out. But I think she's just kidding.

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19:32 - 19:49 Olli Schulz

I've been there since I've been living in Berlin for 20 years. Is there any reason to always go there between Christmas and New Year's Eve? Because it's the only supermarket that's open now or something. And then you go in there and buy some shit that you don't really need, if you don't find what you need there. Are you also people who always go there?

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19:49 - 20:06 Olli Schulz

Has it also become a tradition for you in Berlin around Christmas time? No one. There are no real Berliners here either. Who came from southern Germany today? It's not like they're all Berliners here. Who came from Hamburg? Is there Bremen? Who's from Bremen here?

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20:06 - 20:10 Jan Böhmermann

Bremen, who's from Bremen North? Yes!

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20:11 - 20:25 Olli Schulz

Your mother. Hello mom. Nice, nice, nice. Jan, before you get caught up in the internet... Flipper is not a fish, shall I tell you?

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20:26 - 20:31 Jan Böhmermann

From Dörte, 20 euros. Flipper is not a fish. Juri for President, from Fieber Olli, 55,55 euros.

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20:32 - 20:38 Olli Schulz

Oh, Juri, he's at home and is watching this on the screen right now. Yes, do you mean... Hey Juri, is he really watching today?

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20:39 - 20:48 Jan Böhmermann

Juri! Turn off 22 o'clock. Juri, go to Olli's closet where the passports are in there and log in to PayPal and donate something.

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20:49 - 20:57 Olli Schulz

Juri, donate for Olli. We have to talk about that today. Of course, we both donate something. There is a lot to discuss. I want to advance the program a bit. Hey, hey, hey.

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20:57 - 21:04 Jan Böhmermann

Do you have an appointment? What's going on? Last week, last year it was 3 hours and 40 minutes. That's going to be topped today. Are you on the right track?

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21:04 - 21:05 Olli Schulz

Oh, come on, Jan.

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21:08 - 21:10 Jan Böhmermann

We play the hall as empty as the wallets.

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21:10 - 21:30 Olli Schulz

There are many people who always ask themselves, do the two of them still like each other? Is it just a financial thing that keeps them together? How is the mood really behind the scenes or something like that? Today you have the opportunity to really find out, because as far as I know, there will be a partnership test today, Jan. What?

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21:30 - 21:45 Olli Schulz

Yes, so I heard that the editorial office, I myself have little to do with it, but I heard there is a partnership test today that is based on whether we both really understand each other or whether it is all about a facade that should be so merciless, the test, that we both can't lie at all.

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21:46 - 21:49 Jan Böhmermann

Okay, and who will lead us through this test?

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21:49 - 22:20 Olli Schulz

A wonderful person who normally specializes in... Can we stand up to get the guest in? Let's do it formally in this theater. It's about a lot... She really works in the hardest area, the reality TV area. Oh. Okay. Can I guess? What? Is it Anna Maria Ficici? Too bad, we didn't get her. Okay. Where's the moon? Where's the moon? Okay. Wo ist der Mond? Wo ist der Mond? Wo ist der Mond?

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22:20 - 22:33 Olli Schulz

Sie moderiert verschiedene Reality-TV-Sachen. Ich habe ihr damals, wir haben uns kennengelernt, da hat sie gerade angefangen, am Anfang ihrer Karriere. Und ich habe gesagt, pass auf, wo du dich da reinlässt. Jetzt ist das Kind in den Brunnen gefallen.

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22:35 - 22:39 Jan Böhmermann

Und hier ist es. Und hier ist es. Hier ist Lola Weypert. Lola!

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22:43 - 22:51 Lola Weippert

Halleluja! Hold on, Olli has to press it right. Hello.

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22:52 - 22:56 Jan Böhmermann

Hey Lola, we just met for the first time. We've never seen each other before.

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22:56 - 22:57 Olli Schulz

We had a live stream once.

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22:57 - 22:58 Jan Böhmermann


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22:58 - 23:00 Lola Weippert

Yeah, you don't know anything about it.

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23:00 - 23:07 Olli Schulz

But you were masked and free down there. But that's a different story. What live stream did we have?

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23:07 - 23:14 Lola Weippert

There was a seducer at Temptation Island, did you notice that? He doesn't want to talk about it, he wants to get out of it right away.

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23:14 - 23:17 Jan Böhmermann

I have no idea, I have no idea how... You were a seducer at Temptation Island?

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23:17 - 23:22 Olli Schulz

I was a seducer at Temptation Island? What would he be? A seducer or would he come there as a couple?

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23:22 - 23:29 Lola Weippert

Oh, I don't want to say anything wrong, we just know each other.

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23:29 - 23:31 Jan Böhmermann

We'll get to know each other soon.

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23:31 - 23:33 Lola Weippert

Are you very dominant?

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23:33 - 23:37 Jan Böhmermann

I can do both. I'm not the type for gaslighting and lovebombing.

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23:37 - 23:42 Lola Weippert

Lola, sit down! Oh, my presents! I brought you presents.

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23:42 - 23:43 Olli Schulz


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23:43 - 23:53 Lola Weippert

Yes. In addition to the relationship test we're about to do, it's going to be really beer-serious and hard for you, I brought you something from Norway, where I was just now. Just because of the name.

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23:53 - 23:54 Jan Böhmermann

Why were you in Norway?

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23:54 - 24:01 Lola Weippert

I was with my mom at the Hurtigruten and then Olli called. That's right. And my son was like, uhhhh.

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24:01 - 24:05 Olli Schulz

Was that your greeting? No, Lola's mom and I understand each other very well.

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24:06 - 24:15 Jan Böhmermann

Sehr gut. Mein Gott. Really awkward. We judge and we don't listen. We judge and we don't listen.

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24:17 - 24:18 Lola Weippert

Also, meine Geschenkchen für euch.

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24:18 - 24:20 Jan Böhmermann

Ich mache meinen Livestream an bei Instagram.

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24:20 - 24:20 Lola Weippert


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24:20 - 24:22 Jan Böhmermann

Okay, ist für Reichweite, weil Reichweite ist heute key.

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24:23 - 24:24 Lola Weippert

Habt ihr eigentlich alle schon gespendet?

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24:25 - 24:28 Jan Böhmermann

Ja. Gut, dass du mal fragst.

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24:28 - 24:28 Lola Weippert


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24:28 - 24:33 Jan Böhmermann

Ich mache jetzt, guck mal, Lola, das ist mein Livestream. Du hast ihn noch nicht gestartet. Ach so.

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24:33 - 24:34 Lola Weippert

Aber das macht nichts. Das ist ja...

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24:37 - 24:45 Olli Schulz

I'm going to the 40. Lola, you're here today because you want to tell us something about tarot. Lola can read feet.

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24:45 - 24:50 Lola Weippert

Come on, Jan, give me your feet. We're going to read feet today.

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24:50 - 24:51 Jan Böhmermann

You can wear socks.

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24:51 - 24:53 Lola Weippert

Oh, they're really modern.

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24:56 - 25:05 Olli Schulz

We judge and we don't listen. The only thing is, Jan is incredibly proud of his feet, because that's the only part of his body that's being cared for.

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25:05 - 25:10 Lola Weippert

Jan, I have a new career idea for you. What is it? You know, there are foot fetishists.

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25:11 - 25:11 Jan Böhmermann


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25:11 - 25:13 Lola Weippert

Yeah, like OnlyFeed.

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25:13 - 25:27 Jan Böhmermann

Is there something like that? Yeah, I think there is. OnlyFeed? We're in Berlin, so someone will know. There's an OnlyFans spot for feet, right? There must be one. Yeah, as long as you don't know it. Look, if I were to shave my socks... I have very small feet. I'm 42 and a half. But I understand that. You're just as big as I am. You have feet like a small person.

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25:27 - 25:37 Olli Schulz

Yeah, well... Can we see them naked?

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25:37 - 25:40 Jan Böhmermann

Your feet? You're not allowed to see them naked. You're not allowed to see them naked today.

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25:40 - 25:42 Olli Schulz

You can always see them naked. Oh.

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25:43 - 25:45 Jan Böhmermann

And my mother too.

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25:45 - 25:48 Olli Schulz

Oh, come on. Your mother knows my feet.

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25:48 - 25:57 Jan Böhmermann

Hey guys, hello, welcome to Instagram. You can also donate, guys. Donate at Lola Walpert is here. Yes. And what did you bring with you?

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25:57 - 26:09 Lola Weippert

I brought you pepper shit. Pepper shit? Pepper shit. They're... I thought the name was so funny. And there was also Kackaman. I was in Norway for the first time in my life.

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26:09 - 26:21 Jan Böhmermann

Really? Did you see the traffic lights? I didn't see them, but when I was in Norway, the traffic lights were in Cologne. I swear. Really. I drove through Norway because I thought the traffic lights were here. And then a message from Cologne, traffic lights over Deutz.

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26:22 - 26:28 Lola Weippert

Can I eat one? Yes, but then you'll be serious. You know, you've been liaising for 12 years now.

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26:28 - 26:36 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, is the test starting now? I think so. Today is our ninth Christmas circus. I counted again. The ninth time, next year, tenth anniversary. We can do that, Olli.

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26:37 - 26:38 Olli Schulz

I know, we can do it. We can do it right now.

💬 0

26:40 - 26:40 Ski Aggu


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26:40 - 26:51 Olli Schulz

That was when Olli was supposed to smoke. 2010 Jan and I got to know each other. In the main city studio. Yes, unforgettable. Nice place to get to know each other.

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26:51 - 26:53 Jan Böhmermann

It wasn't even a real studio, it was a small room where I was moderating.

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26:53 - 26:58 Olli Schulz

And then a little satirist came by, who had written a book about Germany. And then I saw the book and thought, man, that's not funny.

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27:05 - 27:24 Olli Schulz

And then the guy came into the show and we understood each other so well that afterwards, I told you more often afterwards, it was winter, I drove him to the hotel in the car and then we sat in front of his hotel for an hour in the car, both of us talked and I thought, now ask me if I can come in with him. But he didn't do it. I thought, when is the question coming?

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27:24 - 27:31 Olli Schulz

Because I can't ask, should I come up with it? You have to do it in the room. Do you still want to come up with it? But he didn't dare.

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27:31 - 27:35 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, I'm a shy guy and that's why I'm still waiting for it to happen.

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27:35 - 27:45 Olli Schulz

But what I'm still asking myself, very briefly before you start with the test, what was actually in the two years between our getting to know each other and when we started to work, did we have contact with each other?

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27:45 - 27:51 Jan Böhmermann

No, I think we always had contact with each other because we had podcasts back then, me with Klaas and you with Joko.

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27:51 - 27:53 Olli Schulz

Yes, but you only had it for a few weeks.

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27:53 - 28:07 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, but Joko did too. Joko stopped a podcast again. He stopped more podcasts than he started. At some point he starts to calculate and realizes that there is no money in it or whatever. And that was a blessing, because only because Joko stopped, our combination was created. That's true. I think that's how it was.

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28:07 - 28:13 Olli Schulz

It was similar and they wanted ... I said I want to work with Jan Böhmermann on Radio 1 and they didn't want that at first. Exactly.

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28:14 - 28:20 Jan Böhmermann

And then I said, I really want that too. And then it somehow worked. And then we started our relationship for two years. Was that gentle and careful?

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28:20 - 28:21 Lola Weippert

Exactly, that was gentle and careful.

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28:21 - 28:23 Jan Böhmermann

Does anyone still know each other?

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28:23 - 28:25 Lola Weippert

Of course, all of them. Yes, all of them.

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28:25 - 28:50 Jan Böhmermann

Sometimes I think I can hear Marek's clapping, but that's... Greetings from row 3, Jule, 100 euros. Jule! Jule! Hi, thank you very much! Richtig geil. Reihe drei. Guck mal, das ist ja unglaublich. Interaktivität durch Geld.

💬 0

28:50 - 28:54 Olli Schulz

So, dann lass uns mal anfangen mit dem psychologischen Test, Jan. Ja, jetzt wird's hart.

💬 0

28:54 - 29:04 Jan Böhmermann

Katzenpilz, soll ich sagen, von Klaus Marki. Katzenpilz. Okay. Entschuldigung, Lola. Jan drückt sich. Jan hat Angst. Darf ich mal kurz... Ist das Leder oder ist das... Was denn jetzt? Der Thomas Gottschalk Move.

💬 0

29:05 - 29:17 Siegfried & Joy

Nein. Absoluter Thomas Gottschalk Move. Darf ich hier mal anfassen? Was hast du denn da? Oh, oh, oh. Also, meine Damen und Herren, die Schuhe hier also.

💬 0

29:18 - 29:26 Jan Böhmermann

Today we can't do anything anymore. For 25 euros, Bashar al-Assad writes, look for an apartment from 1.5... Jan, let's start with the test.

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29:26 - 29:26 Siegfried & Joy

Sorry, too political.

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29:26 - 29:41 Lola Weippert

You two have been linked to each other for 12 years. And you have a relationship that is already with a lot of heights, but also with a lot of depths. The people outside don't know that. The depths, okay. No, then there are only heights.

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29:41 - 29:43 Jan Böhmermann

When it comes to smoking, no one has noticed. That's right.

💬 0

29:45 - 30:03 Lola Weippert

You were so relaxed. But that's why I thought we'd do what I normally like to do. For me it's called Temptation Island, today it's Toxic Island. Just the two of you. Hard and fluffy, Ghost Island. And you really need strong nerves, because all emotions are welcome here, but it's going to be hard for you two.

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30:03 - 30:05 Olli Schulz

Is that the test you do with the candidates at Temptation Island?

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30:07 - 30:13 Lola Weippert

Yes, I also brought videos with me. I found them while researching, but I was not allowed to show them. For reasons of you two.

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30:13 - 30:23 Olli Schulz

Lola, how long have you been doing this, Temptation Island? No idea. I think four years. Don't you want to go into the high culture? Here I am. Welcome. Thank you.

💬 0

30:24 - 30:28 Jan Böhmermann

So, are you ready for your first question? Oh, my pants slipped up.

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30:28 - 30:30 Lola Weippert

Oh, man. Jan, now sit down.

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30:30 - 30:33 Jan Böhmermann

You have a seven-eight pants.

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30:33 - 30:34 Olli Schulz

Stop reducing your clothes here.

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30:35 - 30:40 Jan Böhmermann

So. She sets fashion standards and I can't keep up. That annoys me. That's also good. You can see my pants.

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30:40 - 30:41 Lola Weippert

So, Jan, calm down and breathe deeply.

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30:41 - 30:43 Jan Böhmermann

It annoys me. The pants are too short.

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30:43 - 30:45 Lola Weippert

I have an idea. So, thank you. So, Jan.

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30:45 - 30:46 Jan Böhmermann

Jan, that's very rude. Okay.

💬 0

30:53 - 31:06 Lola Weippert

In the beginning, our relationship seemed almost too good to be true. We were quick, very close and the relationship was shaped by closeness and euphoria. Now I need your answer. Is it wrong at all, is it partly right or is it exactly right?

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31:06 - 31:10 Jan Böhmermann

I would say that our relationship was never shaped by closeness and euphoria.

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31:10 - 31:12 Lola Weippert

Sometimes it was, sometimes it was.

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31:12 - 31:22 Jan Böhmermann

When you cried at my kitchen table because I said Robert Habeck is coming soon. I was very close to you there for a moment.

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31:23 - 31:30 Olli Schulz

So the first time we had euphoria was when we actually earned money together for the first time. That was with a change to Spotify.

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31:30 - 31:42 Jan Böhmermann

And when the first photo shoot was and I wasn't there because of the Erdogan story. And then the first image campaign with some old pictures of me. So the first photos that Spotify published.

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31:42 - 31:43 Olli Schulz

All milled up.

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31:43 - 31:50 Jan Böhmermann

They were all different bodies and only our set faces, because I wasn't there for the photo shoot for reasons. Okay, so it's partly true, right?

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31:50 - 31:52 Lola Weippert

Okay, partly true. I'll turn off the stream again.

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31:52 - 31:56 Jan Böhmermann

Since I'm in a relationship, I laugh less and am more often depressed.

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32:03 - 32:04 Lola Weippert

That's not true at all.

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32:04 - 32:08 Jan Böhmermann

I have to say, since we only do this once a week, I feel better.

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32:09 - 32:24 Olli Schulz

I've been telling you for weeks, for months, I've always told you, we have to go back to one time. That was my idea, I intervened. I said, once a week is enough, for a good show for a bundle of two hours. We're doing that again in the meantime.

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32:24 - 32:28 Jan Böhmermann

This is not a Marcus Lanz applause when someone says something where the whole people applaud.

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32:28 - 32:45 Olli Schulz

But you can still, please be happy that people clap at me too. Okay Since the relationship, we're still laughing, we're still getting each laugh, I think, within the show is not faked.

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32:59 - 32:59 Olli Schulz


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32:59 - 33:02 Jan Böhmermann

Lola, do you actually have a podcast?

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33:04 - 33:13 Lola Weippert

No, I don't think anyone will want to listen to it, except my mother. And then you'll also listen to it because of my mother. Conny, best regards.

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33:13 - 33:15 Olli Schulz

Best regards to Mrs. Walpert again.

💬 0

33:16 - 33:27 Lola Weippert

Oh God, that's unpleasant. Between heaven and hell and to death, our relationship feels like a single up and down. There doesn't seem to be a healthy balance. Never right, sometimes or all the time. All the time.

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33:31 - 33:32 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, I would say it's constant.

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33:33 - 33:34 Olli Schulz

What? It's an up and down? Yes, it's an up and down.

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33:35 - 33:44 Jan Böhmermann

Yes. Yes. But today I already have several different feelings towards you. Really extreme. Now it's like always, but it was already different.

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33:45 - 33:50 Olli Schulz

Was there a time when you really hated me and didn't like me? No, it's not like that anyway.

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33:50 - 33:56 Jan Böhmermann

No, I don't hate you. But I was really annoyed. But I know that you were annoyed by me too. But I have a good reason for that. I didn't know what reason you had.

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33:56 - 33:58 Olli Schulz

You know, when I was at the crowning ceremony of King Charles.

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34:07 - 34:23 Jan Böhmermann

And I said, Olli, I have to, we're shooting there. And you said, no, we're recording now. I said, Olli, the king is only crowned every 100 years. And you said, I'm recording a podcast now or not at all. I still don't know. At the crowning ceremony of King Charles, you said, the king can't wait. I can't wait right now. It was, in the figurative sense, it was like that.

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34:24 - 34:38 Olli Schulz

And you always said, you don't understand that at all with king and kingdom. I mean, all the criticism against this kind of monarchy and so on, you always opposed it. And now all of a sudden you act as if the King Charles is more important than you.

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34:40 - 34:50 Jan Böhmermann

Was der König oder ich? 50 Euro, Jenny Elvers. Hier ist Jenny Elvers und ich hab Bock auf euch. Ich übernehme keine Garantie, ob es wirklich Jenny Elvers ist.

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34:51 - 34:51 Lola Weippert

Ich glaub schon.

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34:52 - 34:59 Olli Schulz

Jenny Elvers, hol Farin Urlaub aus dem Kinderzimmer. Der muss wieder auf die Bühne.

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35:02 - 35:21 Jan Böhmermann

Olli. Oh Gott. What? The thing is, the special thing about the Christmas circus is that it's the only live podcast of the year. We often record and we're special older gentlemen and every now and then we sit down and think about this one passage, this other passage, whether we want to include them. That's not possible today.

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35:21 - 35:22 Jan Böhmermann

I just said...

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35:25 - 35:38 Lola Weippert

You know, right? I think we have to keep going. Yes, please. In our therapy conversation. It feels as if our relationship could break at any moment. In a conflict situation, my partner threatens to leave me.

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35:38 - 35:57 Olli Schulz

No, that's... We're over it. Yes, we're over it. We had that once or twice. We had that once or twice. From me, I stop. There was once or twice. Oh, when? When and why? I stop. Why? I don't feel like it anymore. But that was mostly... When he became so weak. When he started to gender, I had my mouth full. When he got into the Vogue bubble.

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35:57 - 36:07 Olli Schulz

And then I realized that the only way to survive as a white cis man and I also started to smear myself in there. It's better.

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36:07 - 36:14 Lola Weippert

It's better, Olli. My family and or my friends have already worried or expressed their criticism of my relationship.

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36:16 - 36:19 Jan Böhmermann

Yeah, I have to say, it's often already in my... Yeah, I thought so too.

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36:19 - 36:52 Olli Schulz

Yeah, you too. Of course, stop working with your system puppet. So, when I open the DMs, there's... That's not your friends, Olli. No. When you open the DMs... How do you want to know that? Where do you want to know if I have better friends at all? I'm a public figure. These are my friends. I would go for a drink with each of you tonight. Yes, I would. With each of you. These are great people.

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36:52 - 37:06 Olli Schulz

You're checking several toxic boxes right now. Honestly. So write every now and then. The cool thing is, it was the same this morning. I open my DMs. By the way, next year I'm doing a social media break for everyone. Oh damn.

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37:07 - 37:08 Lola Weippert

My DMs are so funny.

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37:08 - 37:32 Olli Schulz

Then the first one writes, you're a musically dirty sack. Then the next one writes, you're a system nut. Then the next one writes... Me or you? No, I get all of those things, also in between. Finger away from Böhmermann, he's always very happy to be there. And then another one, your music is shit, without Joko and Klaas you would never have ripped something. Those are the things that keep coming.

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37:32 - 37:35 Lola Weippert

Olli, how do you feel about it? How do you feel about it? I don't care.

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37:37 - 38:00 Olli Schulz

Inzwischen geht's mir gut, weil ich hab die Pferde im Trockenen. Quatsch, die Pferde im Trockenen? Das ist auch nur Quatsch, den ich hier gerade sehe. I have a fever, man. I have to talk somehow, because this is a live show. My partner needs so much attention and attention that I put my own needs first.

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38:00 - 38:01 Lola Weippert

Yes, I feel that. Seriously.

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38:09 - 38:17 Olli Schulz

To be honest... Yeah, that's how it is with me. That's the problem when you're working with a TV guy. Now put your socks up. You can see your skin right there.

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38:17 - 38:20 Lola Weippert

Now just put the pillow back on. We just talked about it. Put your socks on.

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38:20 - 38:32 Olli Schulz

You have such a nice suit on. You only saved on the sock. To be honest. No, sometimes I really think I have to step back and a lot of melancholic stories... Your posture really says you're an oppressive... an oppressive guy.

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38:32 - 38:42 Jan Böhmermann

How am I supposed to sit? Oh, I have a really good one. Since I've been in a relationship, I rarely practice my hobbies.

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38:42 - 38:45 Lola Weippert

Besides, I don't have any personal plans or goals that I pursue.

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38:54 - 38:57 Olli Schulz

Jan has only one hobby, the internet. I really don't have any hobbies.

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38:59 - 39:03 Jan Böhmermann

Do you have any hobbies? You don't have any hobbies. What kind of hobbies do you have?

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39:03 - 39:18 Olli Schulz

I collect vinyl. Yes, it is. It's a hobby. I collect vinyl records. That's a hobby. And my animals. I have two cats and a dog. That's also a hobby. It's part of life. But you go shopping. Those are the things I do.

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39:18 - 39:20 Lola Weippert

Yes, going for a walk is your hobby.

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39:20 - 39:27 Olli Schulz

Sport is also a hobby of mine, which I unfortunately no longer practice for a long time. Frank-Walter Steinmeier donated 20 euros.

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39:27 - 39:33 Jan Böhmermann

I don't think the names will be checked by Better Place. That's your chance out there.

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39:34 - 39:50 Lola Weippert

Since I've been in a relationship, I've been particularly tired and exhausted. I feel burned out and I feel worse about my health. For example, I'm susceptible to infections, I'm tense or I have a headache. Or I listen to a podcast while I still have a fever.

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39:52 - 40:24 Jan Böhmermann

Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Does she love me? I wanna know!

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40:37 - 40:38 Olli Schulz


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40:39 - 40:45 Jan Böhmermann

Share-eating? Sharing concept. Oh. Sharing.

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40:45 - 40:49 Lola Weippert

But you're not allowed to have any food in it.

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40:49 - 40:51 Olli Schulz

Sharing. I don't want anything.

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40:51 - 41:03 Jan Böhmermann

I get mad all the time when someone takes the last piece of what I still want. And Daniel from Spotify was mad because he didn't get any hummus or risotto. He was mad. He said, that has consequences.

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41:03 - 41:16 Olli Schulz

I am a friend of everyone who has his own plate and eats what he has ordered. That is somehow for me... Thank you. Speaking of sharing.

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41:16 - 41:27 Lola Weippert

My partner likes to take over the leadership. He decides, for example, what we eat, which movie we want to watch or where we want to travel.

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41:27 - 41:32 Jan Böhmermann

When I pushed this metal group back then, that was really not okay with me. That was the only thing I had in mind.

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41:32 - 41:38 Olli Schulz

And the only thing I had in mind was the electric car number. It was so important to me that I would always annoy people with how good it is for me to drive an electric car.

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41:40 - 42:02 Jan Böhmermann

So, Olli, the thing is, pragmatic or practical politics has to start somewhere. And if you convince people to buy electric cars, it's like a dominoes chain. One after the other. Guys, if you buy a car, then buy an electric car. Only if. Only if. If. If. If. Then electric car. Really. Yes, that's good, man. Yes, really. Only if. Are you a car driver, Lola, or not at all?

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42:02 - 42:04 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, it's really bad, because I think I would drive over everything.

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42:04 - 42:07 Lola Weippert

But I have a driver's license. Yes, but you rarely drive. Thank God, I rarely drive. Ah, okay.

💬 0

42:10 - 42:27 Jan Böhmermann

And if so, then petrol or car or electric. Doesn't matter, you don't have to say it. It's not bad. I think it's totally awesome that you're so experienced with nuclear asses, that you're quite calm. That we get to know each other like this, I'm really sorry. I would have preferred to get to know you somewhere, I don't know, on the live show.

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42:27 - 42:27 Lola Weippert

At the sharing dinner.

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42:27 - 42:32 Jan Böhmermann

At the sharing dinner. I would have also liked to get to know you at the sharing dinner. From 1,600 people. Embarrassing.

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42:34 - 42:47 Lola Weippert

I think we should keep going. My partner seems to be particularly caring. But that often turns into a dominant behavior. Almost as if he were taking over a role as a parent. No, but we're more like brothers.

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42:47 - 42:51 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, a little bit like brothers. Although Jan for a while... I wasn't at his place for a long time.

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42:52 - 43:01 Olli Schulz

But at the beginning of our career, I was in Cologne. And we recorded the show together at his YouTube room. There was a memorable evening where I decided for myself...

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43:07 - 43:09 Jan Böhmermann

No more people with prominence at home.

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43:09 - 43:22 Olli Schulz

Yes, but I can't do anything about that, because Charlotte Roach was there too. And that was this... I can remember this evening exactly, you don't have to say anything. After the recording of Schulz and... no, Roach and Böhmermann, I was there as a guest.

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43:22 - 43:23 Jan Böhmermann

You were there as... oh god!

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43:23 - 43:25 Olli Schulz

I was there as a guest. That's... that's forever, 15 years.

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43:25 - 43:27 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, yes. And I've been there forever.

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43:27 - 43:28 Olli Schulz

And then we all met at Jan's...

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43:33 - 43:34 Lola Weippert

And we don't listen.

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43:43 - 43:47 Olli Schulz

Did we have a good drink? In the fridge?

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43:47 - 44:06 Jan Böhmermann

I have to say, I started drinking beer in 2019. I was obviously not drunk. That was my USP for years, never to be drunk. That was also the shit. Charlotte and I still understood each other well in the evening. Yes, exactly. It's half past three, I want to go to bed.

💬 0

44:07 - 44:14 Olli Schulz

When you were called Schulz and Böhmermann, was there only one call from Charlotte Rhodes? And I'm going to talk about it now.

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44:16 - 44:19 Lola Weippert

What brought you to drinking?

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44:19 - 44:19 Jan Böhmermann

That's private.

💬 0

44:21 - 44:23 Lola Weippert

Yeah, we're in a private little room here.

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44:23 - 44:29 Jan Böhmermann

Lola, there's really... I can either say the untruth or I can just say... Yeah, but you know what?

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44:29 - 44:41 Olli Schulz

This whole Saubermann thing... Look, Stefan Raab also conceals his private life. But look what Stefan Raab is doing now. He's sitting there with wrong scenes in pay TV and moderating something. And you've become a human. You can show a little bit of a cracking facade.

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44:42 - 44:55 Jan Böhmermann

Yeah, but that was the task this year. Last year, when... There was Paulina here and explained tarot to us for a very long time. That was... Don't get us started. And I said I want to be human. This year I've let a lot of human things through. But it's not enough yet.

💬 0

44:55 - 45:02 Olli Schulz

There's more to come. Someone has clapped and that's a manager. That was Klaus. Jan hugged me for the first time this year. Okay, my partner gives me the feeling that he or she is right and superior to me.

💬 0

45:16 - 45:20 Jan Böhmermann

überlegen Ich soll von Susanne fragen, wann denn die Auflösung kommt.

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45:21 - 45:27 Lola Weippert

Eine halbe Stunde. Echt? Nein, Moment, ich kann vorblättern. Aber die Frage möchte ich gerne noch beantworten.

💬 0

45:27 - 45:30 Olli Schulz

Ein paar will ich noch beantwortet haben. Ja, ja, die wichtigen kommen jetzt erst.

💬 0

45:30 - 45:33 Jan Böhmermann

Also, dass Olli mir das Gefühl gibt, dass ich im Recht bin, oder was?

💬 0

45:33 - 45:35 Lola Weippert

Wer ist der Berg, wer ist der Prophet?

💬 0

45:38 - 45:53 Jan Böhmermann

Das ist, also jetzt, nach dieser El Hotzo-Geschichte will ich gar nichts mehr sagen, ehrlich gesagt. Ich glaube, das ist ein Wechselspiel zwischen uns beiden. Ja. Yes, but you are on an emotional level, you often have more right and I come more over the head. You come to me over knowledge.

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45:53 - 45:57 Olli Schulz

I come over the head and you come over the heart. And I come over the heart or over the penis.

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45:58 - 46:03 Lola Weippert

Oh wow. It's time for the evaluation.

💬 0

46:03 - 46:36 Jan Böhmermann

I'll take a quick look at the donations. Several people have taken their share back. We're back at 200,000. Sorry. Four euros, be happy, from anonymous. Christian Lindner, two euros, you know my professional situation. Sorry, Lola. You're really called Lola, aren't you? Lola, Lola. I said Lola. You're just slurping in your ear. You're really called Lola.

💬 0

46:36 - 46:38 Lola Weippert

I'm Eleonore Lola Naomi.

💬 0

46:38 - 46:39 Jan Böhmermann

That's great.

💬 0

46:39 - 46:46 Lola Weippert

My parents are a bit disturbed. But Lola is stuck. Well, I got stuck. Completely.

💬 0

46:46 - 46:49 Jan Böhmermann

But that's... I saw a drumming video of you the other day.

💬 0

46:49 - 46:49 Lola Weippert

A what?

💬 0

46:49 - 46:51 Jan Böhmermann

Where you put a drumming machine on a wall.

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46:51 - 46:52 Lola Weippert


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46:52 - 46:53 Jan Böhmermann

That was really, really sick.

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46:53 - 46:57 Olli Schulz

You're from a small village, right? Is that right? Or very rural? A small farm.

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46:57 - 46:59 Lola Weippert

We didn't have a TV, no reality TV. We had nothing at all.

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47:02 - 47:15 Olli Schulz

But isn't it even more absurd that you went into this world that actually didn't take place in your childhood and youth? And that, I'll tell you, pretty much without thinking too much about it. You just got sucked into these media. I got sucked into it.

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47:15 - 47:19 Lola Weippert

Yes. I got sucked into it. I was first on the radio for seven years and then I went to TV and now...

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47:19 - 47:29 Olli Schulz

And is reality TV... To be honest, you don't always want to do reality TV. Is there a goal for something else at some point? Or do you think, I'll get old on Temptation Island?

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47:29 - 47:32 Lola Weippert

I'll get old on Temptation Island. I'll get on set at 80 with a roller coaster.

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47:33 - 47:36 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, Golden Temptation, like my Bachelor at some point.

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47:36 - 47:36 Lola Weippert

Why not?

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47:37 - 47:39 Jan Böhmermann

Why not? I don't think I'm that agile anymore.

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47:39 - 47:41 Olli Schulz

Have you seen The Substance, the movie?

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47:41 - 47:41 Lola Weippert


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47:42 - 47:44 Olli Schulz

Okay, then it doesn't matter now.

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47:44 - 47:45 Lola Weippert

Yes, then I've seen it. Then I've seen it.

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47:45 - 47:49 Jan Böhmermann

First of all, is there a resolution? Yes, definitely. You have strong signs for a toxic relationship.

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47:56 - 48:18 Lola Weippert

Okay. A real downer.

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48:18 - 48:36 Jan Böhmermann

No. Basically, you describe what's at the core of every good podcast. If it's too good, you don't want to hear it. If it's too bad, you don't want to hear it either. It has to be toxic in a way, but somehow stick together.

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48:36 - 48:37 Lola Weippert

But that sounds toxic again.

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48:37 - 48:57 Jan Böhmermann

Yeah, that sounds really stupid. You know, seriously, with this El Hotzo song, what I thought, when you asked me, I was looking for something because I thought I shouldn't answer seriously, I can't say anything but read smart things from other people that I find smarter than my own thoughts. Should I read something or does it bring the mood further into the basement?

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48:57 - 48:59 Olli Schulz

It's your friend, El Hotzo.

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48:59 - 49:15 Jan Böhmermann

It might be good if you read something. Watch out. I thought the brightest thing was Katja Berlin's share pic. Do you know this podcast where two cool guys regularly talk about how much they benefit from patriarchy, how much it hurts them and how much it has affected their image as women? Neither do I.

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49:17 - 49:28 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, should we both now... I think our audience... I don't want to... I just want to put it in the room and let it stand for a bit and see what it does to me first. And maybe that's all you can say about it. I also have something to put in the room. Please. I have gifts for you.

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49:28 - 49:44 Lola Weippert

Because in couple therapy it is also important that you have similarities. Oh. And so that you have more similarities, you will soon have... No, Lola. Disgusting sweaters? Yes, but also for playing.

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49:45 - 49:47 Jan Böhmermann

I could wear them to KitKat if you don't wear anything underneath.

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49:48 - 49:49 Lola Weippert

That's really cool. Lola.

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49:49 - 49:59 Jan Böhmermann

Lola, can I say something? First of all, thank you very, very much. Thank you very much. Lola Viper, that's the word. Thank you very, very much. Yes, thank you very much. But you have to get dressed.

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49:59 - 50:00 Olli Schulz

You have to get dressed.

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50:00 - 50:25 Jan Böhmermann

Stay there, please. Lola. We will see Lola again today anyway. We will see you again. Lola, you don't have a microphone. May I ask you to stand up for a moment? Last year, Bjarne Medel started a little tradition. By talking in rows? No, Bjarne Medel did it. I don't know how he did it. By bluntly appealing to the people in front of the television or here. The first people are already standing up.

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50:25 - 50:42 Jan Böhmermann

We are now singing the national anthem, the forbidden seventh stanza. Had it geschafft die leute zum spenden zu animieren und wenn du irgendeine idee hast du kannst von beschimpfen bis hin zu versprechungen machen die du nie einhalten musst irgendwas wie wir das schaffen können mit deiner hilfe leute zum spenden zu bringen fest und

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50:43 - 50:52 Lola Weippert

We'll start with what's here. I'll just run from row to row. I'll come to you now. And if you don't donate, you'll come to Temptation Island.

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50:52 - 51:18 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, Olli, hello!

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51:27 - 51:26 Olli Schulz


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51:27 - 51:39 Lola Weippert

50 euros. Then I'll make a zero with it. I think that's good. How much do you donate? 50 euros, perfect.

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52:08 - 52:14 Jan Böhmermann

What is it? Oh no! Oh no! That's so awesome!

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52:18 - 52:37 Olli Schulz

How awesome is that? That's so awesome! Hey, that's... meet me! That's so awesome! That's a partnership game! Not bad, not bad. It's totally fun.

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52:37 - 52:45 Jan Böhmermann

Lola, thank you very much. Lola, you don't have to go through all of them. Come on, come on, Lola, come on, I'll help you up. Oh, you're coming up. Sorry, I almost cleaned up the stage.

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52:46 - 53:06 Jan Böhmermann

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, Lola Weipart, ladies and gentlemen.

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53:06 - 53:19 Lola Weippert

See you soon. The question was asked if all the tickets are not being donated.

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53:19 - 53:44 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, except for the cost. Is that the case? Yes, it is. Yes, of course. See you soon, Lola Weipart. Very good. Yes, of course, we will also donate today. We will also donate to Spotify from the Rippenleier. Everyone has to donate, donate, donate. We are now at 6,955 donors. We already have the fabulous amount of 581,324. That's very good. That's very good. I didn't have that last year.

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53:52 - 54:28 Jan Böhmermann

We didn't get over a million last year, very close, when Bjarne Mädel was on it, it was really fast. But we didn't go over a million. Maybe we can do it today. If we get over a million today, then... What? Pull out? Who or what? I don't know. So if we get over a million... What did you want to say? You just wanted to say something, I saw it, you wanted to say something, but then you didn't.

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54:28 - 54:35 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, I'm just waiting for a moment. If we get over the million, then there will be white Christmas.

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54:35 - 54:35 Olli Schulz


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54:35 - 54:44 Jan Böhmermann

And here, in this theater. Fine cocaine, which I... What I buy... Bio-cocaine!

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54:44 - 55:02 Olli Schulz

Bio-cocaine from the train station to my neck today. Fair trade. Fair trade. Fair trade. Not from Ecuador or something, but from... Just filtered out of the Berlin drinking water.

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55:02 - 55:26 Jan Böhmermann

Olli, we're going to do the following now. We're going to do a little pause. I would briefly pause the music. I usually do that, but I always do that. But don't think that we already have everything. No. Don't worry. Quite the opposite. We're about to prepare a second, a big second part. We're going to go live with our Instagram accounts during the break and continue to donate. I'll do it.

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55:27 - 55:51 Jan Böhmermann

I'll do it. You can put it in your tiredness basin. I'll go live on Instagram. I'll continue. I won't take a break. All right. Now, dear people. Let's get to a little twist here in the theater of the West. You can now please continue to donate in the break, if you don't feel like looking at your cell phones right now, because you found it rude.

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55:51 - 56:01 Jan Böhmermann

Now you can do it right away, if you're standing in the toilet and waiting. Just I want to come back here and I want to be very close to the 700,000 euros after the break.

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56:02 - 56:04 Olli Schulz

That would be a dream, I would also be very excited.

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56:04 - 56:12 Jan Böhmermann

700,000, that's not far, 120,000, we can still do that. Four great donations. Schutzengelwerk is Olli's... Why are you already leaving?

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56:12 - 56:12 Jan Böhmermann

We're talking!

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56:12 - 56:38 Jan Böhmermann

Not yet, you little birds! Sit down here! He has no limits. Peter and the Promethean club in Düsseldorf. Those are our four donations. Really great organisation. The donations are being distributed. We're also donating something. We're going to have great guests. It's going to be really spectacular today. And... Die hängen an meinem Bad jetzt, diese Dinger. Wir sind gleich wieder da.

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56:39 - 57:14 Jan Böhmermann

Vielen Dank für den ersten Teil vom großen Festum Flauschig Weihnachtszirkus 2024. Bis gleich. Dankeschön. Bis gleich. Ey. Let's get to the light for a moment. Dear people, you just had a break. You probably did the same as we did. You checked your cell phones when you were standing on the toilet in the queue and saw what was happening.

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57:15 - 57:29 Jan Böhmermann

While we were sitting here, when we went on stage right at the beginning, there were already the first messages. When we started in 2016 with the Christmas circus in Tempodrom, the older people will remember, something similar happened. We had a similar situation. We have now...

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57:29 - 58:06 Jan Böhmermann

The difficult challenge this evening to do this event here, while in Magdeburg people are probably struggling with their lives and are injured. There are one death of current reports and several dozen injured people in a possible attack on the Christmas market. That's all. We are a duo, two people who have been doing this for many years and have been in similar situations. Offenheit hilft.

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58:07 - 58:15 Jan Böhmermann

Der Grund, warum wir das zusammen machen, ist, dass wir aus verschiedenen Richtungen kommen und uns in der Mitte treffen. Wir sind sehr unterschiedliche Menschen, aber es gibt was, was uns verbindet.

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58:15 - 58:29 Jan Böhmermann

Nämlich die tiefe Überzeugung, dass zur Durchsetzung von irgendwelchen Zielen, sind es religiöse, politische oder sonst was, eine einzige Grenze nicht zu überschreiten ist, nämlich den Verlust des Respekts vor Menschen. Wer den Respekt vor Menschen verliert...

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58:31 - 58:53 Jan Böhmermann

and takes into account that through actions people's lives are being endangered, people are being hurt, whose political goals can not be worth so much. He is simply an asshole. That has always been our conviction. And last time when the story was on Breitscheidplatz, that was exactly eight years ago. We were standing in the Tempodrom with a lot of people.

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58:53 - 59:26 Jan Böhmermann

It was a terrible situation because no one knew about it. You probably had the opportunity What we know, however, That it led to the last time that we became insanely angry after what happened. That we tried insanely to direct our frustration in one direction, wherever the perpetrator comes from, whatever is behind it.

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59:26 - 59:42 Jan Böhmermann

There is only one thing that is important and that we find important and that we believe that it is so important that we have to make a decision together, as we are now moving forward. If people do something like that, they are wankers and they are assholes.

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59:42 - 60:01 Jan Böhmermann

And from such people and from such guys, from such people, no matter, no matter in which direction they come from, whoever loses their respect for human life, whoever crosses this line, he overcomes his right to be taken seriously. And the only thing we can do in a time of year when we actually all want to go to our families,

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60:02 - 60:22 Jan Böhmermann

Where we somehow together with people that we might, because they are related to us, meet, but who might watch us on TV, still try to find a common ground. To do such a mean thing is just the most disgusting thing ever. That makes me totally angry, that makes us all totally angry behind the stage. And the only thing we can do is to do something out of the anger. productive and constructive.

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60:22 - 60:43 Jan Böhmermann

And the only thing we can offer is that we try, without forgetting what is happening right now and without respecting it, we respect it and we pay attention to it and try to find a good tone, that we just do what we can best, which is to keep going, keep going and not... and not...

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60:48 - 61:01 Jan Böhmermann

And not us, our freedom and our love for each other, which is somehow there, otherwise it wouldn't work, to destroy people like us, from such wankers, who take such a shit. Yes.

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61:08 - 61:23 Olli Schulz

This is always our last event that we do together. It really means a lot to us both. We really like to do this, this charity event. We really like to collect money together. And it is so important that we stick together as a society and that we don't let our society get destroyed by fascists of any kind. That's why we're doing this here.

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61:23 - 61:30 Olli Schulz

Maybe we're not all that cheeky anymore, we're doing our best to entertain you, but of course it hits you.

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61:30 - 61:49 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, you know, Olli, if you donate for the Schutzengelwerk, then it's about young people who have fewer chances than other young people. have the right to participate, that people who come from socially strong but financially weak families have the right to be involved in their social life, in education, in further education, in school, like other children.

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61:49 - 62:08 Jan Böhmermann

That's the reason why you donate for the Schutzengel. The reason why we donate for Peter is that we believe that the respect for life does not stop with people, but that it also applies to animals, even if I'm not an experienced animal lover, I see it that way. The respect for life is for humans and animals and that is the reason why we are collecting donations for Peter.

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62:08 - 62:25 Jan Böhmermann

That is the reason why we are standing here tonight. Yes, Juri is really scared of you. Yes, exactly. The reason why we support Promethean is that we believe that people who experience violence need protection, that they need to be cared for, that they need security and that they need people who take care of them. And that we want this to improve in the future.

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62:26 - 62:56 Jan Böhmermann

And we believe that a support of Doctors Without Borders, a medical and humanitarian support with help on site in the areas of war that are affected by war, that we co-finance, that we manufacture weapons, that we support politically, where we also have a responsibility that what we can do is to alleviate the suffering. And that's why we also collect for Doctors Without Borders.

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62:56 - 63:07 Jan Böhmermann

For the people in Gaza, for the people in Ukraine, for the people in the Sudan and all the other war zones in the world. And that's why we're continuing now. And we're continuing now.

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63:09 - 63:28 Jan Böhmermann

And the only thing I ask you, when you go home and when you discuss with people and when you read news in the next few days and when you go into discussions with people about what has happened and what will happen, never lose the respect for life. Be better than the wankers who organize such a shit. I don't want to be on such a bum.

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63:29 - 63:46 Jan Böhmermann

I don't want to always stand here at the Christmas circus and comment on such a fucking terror attack, to have to behave like that. The only thing we can do, if we really love and appreciate our freedom, is to keep going and not let ourselves be underestimated. Don't be afraid, just stand still. Yes, and that's why we keep going.

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63:46 - 64:35 Jan Böhmermann

And don't let us be underestimated by the people who will instrumentalize such a shitty deed politically. And that will happen. And we must not let that affect us. Our equality, our freedom, our love for one another and our care for one another. We must not destroy that. Please, please, please. Music off! Music off! Music off! Hello again!

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64:39 - 64:57 Jan Böhmermann

The evening on which we leave our differences and what separates us aside for a moment, the show cynicism, where we consciously decide to give what we have. Everyone can do as much as he can, everyone gives as much as he can, just not his next man, not his next wife either. We take it very precisely., that's the page where you can donate.

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64:57 - 65:09 Jan Böhmermann

Donate more than ever today. Every donation for social purposes is an investment in the future, that one day everything will be a little better than it is today. And now... Ladies and gentlemen, here are Siegfried and Joy!

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65:42 - 65:56 Siegfried & Joy

Einen wunderschönen guten Abend. Das ist Siegfried. Das ist Joy. Und wir sind vor einem Jahr nach Las Vegas gefahren. Und wir haben uns gesagt, wenn wir es in Las Vegas schaffen und so richtig berühmt werden, dann kommen wir niemals wieder.

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65:57 - 65:59 Siegfried & Joy

Berlin, hier sind wir!

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66:15 - 67:29 Siegfried & Joy

I heat up, I can't cool down. You got me spinning round and round. Round and round and round it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows. Every time you call my name, I heat up like a burning flame. Burning flame, full of desire. Kiss me, baby, let the fire get higher. I feel the magic in your caress. magic when I touch your dress. Silk and satin, leather and lace, black panties with an angel's face.

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67:29 - 67:43 Siegfried & Joy

I can see magic in your eyes. I hear the magic in your size. Just when I think I'm gonna get away, I hear the words that you always say.

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68:04 - 68:09 Siegfried & Joy

I'm so happy to be here in the theater of the west.

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68:10 - 68:34 Siegfried & Joy

We thought about it, tonight is a very special... It's a very special evening and we thought we wanted to do something special. We thought we would fulfill one person's dream tonight. The great childhood dream of magicing on this stage. And let's be honest, who didn't have this as a little child? This very big dream of magicing.

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68:41 - 68:57 Siegfried & Joy

Jan, I think this is your moment! Come to us! Come on stage! This is Jan Böhmermann!

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68:58 - 68:59 Siegfried & Joy

Jan, what kind of magic do you get?

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68:59 - 69:17 Jan Böhmermann

Of course, first of all, a really good outfit. Especially one that people really donate a lot. With this glitter bonus, everything that is donated is doubled, right? And now, of course, we need appropriate props so that you can do the trick at home.

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69:17 - 69:40 Siegfried & Joy

These are three paper cups, which are empty. Can you confirm that? I can confirm that. So three empty cups and we have water. They are completely empty. And we have water in every cup, there is equally a lot of water. We all count cup number one, cup number two, cup number three. We have three cups.

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69:40 - 69:57 Jan Böhmermann

And each of us gets one cup. And he puts it on his head. Like this. But you hold on to it. That's what distinguishes us from Cirque du Soleil. What doesn't differ from a big circus is the right performance.

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69:57 - 70:17 Siegfried & Joy

And Jan, we'll do that for you. When the music starts, you'll go cool and relaxed. You'll feel the rhythm. You'll feel the blues. When you're at the front, you'll shine bright like a diamond. You'll do a magical hip swing. Not yet, we're still practicing, Jan. Hip swing down to the stage. Then the disco finger goes. Up in the sky. And when the disco finger is up, the audience turns around.

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70:17 - 70:32 Siegfried & Joy

You're completely out. The donations. And the magic happens all by itself. We'll take the microphone off. Thank you. Jan, are you ready for your performance? Okay, the cup always has to stay on your head, don't spill any water, you always hold it tight. Are you ready for Jan's performance?

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70:34 - 70:39 Siegfried & Joy

Let's say it with the words of a great magician. The stage is yours!

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70:53 - 71:11 Siegfried & Joy

Wow! Oh my god, Jan, did you feel it? How the sparklings sparkled through the room. How the magic went through. In that moment it happened. And the water disappeared in a magical way. And the only thing we have to do now to prove it to the people is to put the cup over our heads. Do it, be brave.

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71:23 - 71:32 Siegfried & Joy

Jan, come on, I'm begging you!

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71:32 - 71:43 Siegfried & Joy

Thank you very much, once again a huge applause for Magic Jan!

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71:44 - 71:59 Siegfried & Joy

Hit the music! And guys, do you want a real big illusion? Then have fun in our small, personal Las Vegas!

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72:41 - 73:12 Jan Böhmermann

Touch me! Touch me, I'm real! It is real! Watch me! Wilco!

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73:12 - 73:23 Siegfried & Joy

A little Christmas girl! What? What? Huh? Wow, it's really beautiful.

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73:23 - 74:01 Jan Böhmermann

And what can I say? That's it. Really? Yes. So, Lars Klingbeil, Christian Lindner, Markus Söder, Friedrich Merz. Exactly.

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74:01 - 74:03 Olli Schulz

That's 200 Euros.

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74:06 - 74:19 Jan Böhmermann

It wouldn't be much after March, but we'll round it up. Hey, thank you very much. Do you know how much that is? Yes, I think that's... 9,500 euros. Yes, I hope it's less after the bill, but we just say it's 9,000 euros. 9,000 euros? We say it's 10,000 euros. What? What? No! No! What? No! Yes. Yes. Yes.

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74:35 - 74:42 Jan Böhmermann

No, but hey. Seriously? Yes, but we don't do that.

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74:42 - 74:49 Jan Böhmermann

And you take a zero away. We don't do that. We don't do that for our applause. If two magicians can donate so much, then you can do that too, right?

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74:50 - 74:54 Siegfried & Joy

Yes, hey. No. This is especially for the people who are at home. At least for the people who have money.

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74:54 - 75:07 Jan Böhmermann

It was such a wonderful evening and we don't want to let it end in such an applause. We really want to send you home with magic. So enjoy with us. At least... For both of us it is now. Thank you very much for the invitation.

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75:07 - 75:17 Siegfried & Joy

We invited ourselves, but... But it was magical. That was very fast. Do you want to see a little trick?

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75:17 - 75:22 Siegfried & Joy

Yes, definitely. One trick. One more. Sit down. Enjoy it.

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75:22 - 75:28 Jan Böhmermann

And enjoy the end of our little magic intervention with us. The great Siegfried and Joy. Tuchschwebe.

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75:36 - 75:39 Siegfried & Joy

It's a completely normal red suit.

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75:39 - 75:41 Siegfried & Joy

Completely normal.

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75:41 - 75:41 Siegfried & Joy


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76:06 - 76:31 Siegfried & Joy


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76:35 - 76:36 Siegfried & Joy

Thank you.

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78:02 - 78:02 Siegfried & Joy

Thank you.

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78:33 - 78:34 Olli Schulz

Thank you.

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79:10 - 79:12 Siegfried & Joy

And we are Siegfried und Joy!

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79:42 - 79:44 Jan Böhmermann

That's really crazy. Sensational.

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79:45 - 79:52 Olli Schulz

Siegfried and Joy. I thought they could only do this one song with the golden curtain. You can see it all the time. That's really sensational.

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79:52 - 79:53 Siegfried & Joy

Mega cool.

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79:53 - 79:56 Olli Schulz

I became a fan within a minute today.

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79:56 - 80:24 Jan Böhmermann

Hey, dear people, thank you very, very much. Siegfried and Joy, how generous. We now have the incredible donation sum together of 691,479,24 euros. Of 8,600... 25 donors and donors and a lot of great news. Keep going. Never give up. That's the only thing that helps. Thank you very much. Astrid. Marky Mark writes, love, peace and happiness. 25 euros. Thank you very, very, very much. Keep going.

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80:25 - 80:44 Jan Böhmermann

I already have it. I already have it. Love. Love for you and all thoughts go out to Magdeburg. For 45 euros donated. Many, many, many thanks. It is right that we continue. Many, many thanks and sensual festivities from Leonie and Lukas. 50 euros.

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80:44 - 81:04 Jan Böhmermann

People, many, many, many thanks for your donations, for your help, for your support, for social purposes, for the people in the war zones and for animal protection. That's what we're collecting today. And Siegfried and Joy, just a very short appreciation applause. 10,000 euros. And we didn't know that. We didn't know that. None of us knew that and none of us demanded it.

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81:06 - 81:09 Olli Schulz

Exactly, that's... I thought... Thank you very much.

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81:09 - 81:11 Jan Böhmermann

For me, it was good enough that they even came. How awesome was that?

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81:11 - 81:20 Olli Schulz

They might have the money out of the pockets of the audience. Don't look at your wallet, maybe it's a little less in there. I could take a look at your place, if everything is still there.

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81:21 - 81:35 Jan Böhmermann

Hey Olli, today is our last show, today is the last time we see each other this year. I'm going to shave tomorrow, I'm going to go as a smooth-shaved person into the new year. It's an old Christmas tradition, I've been doing that for ten years. What have you planned for the coming year, under which star is your next year?

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81:35 - 81:47 Jan Böhmermann

I don't want to be esoteric now, but we've actually had a good tradition for many years, even if you don't want to realize it, that we always think about a motto for next year and then also try to pull it through. I have planned to come back with an image change.

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81:47 - 81:47 Olli Schulz


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81:49 - 81:55 Jan Böhmermann

What kind of image can we expect from you after the winter break? A well-trained, sporty, tidy guy.

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81:55 - 81:56 Olli Schulz

You really made fun of sports last week.

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81:56 - 82:01 Jan Böhmermann

I got so many hate messages for you. I know, but to be honest... And people who have been really strong.

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82:01 - 82:03 Olli Schulz

Some people have shown me pictures of their biceps.

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82:03 - 82:16 Jan Böhmermann

Like the motto, that's what you want in Olli's face. Really? On my side, because I have taken part for the people who are physically stronger than us.

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82:16 - 82:25 Olli Schulz

But who is, in your opinion, such a funny athlete with whom you spend the whole evening? The big five athletes with whom you want to spend an evening.

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82:25 - 82:27 Jan Böhmermann

Kai Pflaume is definitely number one for me.

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82:27 - 82:35 Olli Schulz

Yes, Kai Pflaume for sure. But he also started his sports career late and moderated for the first time. Do you still have the opportunity to go in that direction?

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82:36 - 82:51 Jan Böhmermann

As I said, I borrowed a stepper. It's not a joke, I borrowed a stepper because Olli has been gassing me for years, in a way, into the possession of steppers. You say, go on a stepper, go on a stepper. When you're on a stepper, I'm like, what's a stepper? And I started to find out what a stepper is, after you told me about it in the podcast.

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82:52 - 82:58 Olli Schulz

I thought a stepper is the thing that women and men from the age of 40 use, where you are shaken through and you stand on it.

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82:58 - 83:17 Jan Böhmermann

No, no, no. It's called elliptical. And you make the human body a completely opposite movement, that you walk like that. It's complete. That's sometimes also in such care parks for pensioners, where children break their legs like that, so elliptical. And then I borrowed it from a neighbor who had it, because I wanted to try it out. It's insanely ridiculous.

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83:17 - 83:26 Jan Böhmermann

But it's good for the knees, because I used to have a treadmill and then I did it a few times. And then I noticed the knees. I go to the 40, Olli. I can't do it anymore with the knees.

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83:26 - 83:50 Olli Schulz

I can't do it anymore. I also have whiskey knees. Let's start with alcohol. Vodka legs and whiskey knees. They keep me young. But there is this one saying. The lifetime that you gain through sport, you lose to dignity for it. But... That's... Well, you can see it this way or that way. So watch out!

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83:51 - 84:13 Jan Böhmermann

I have a little bit of useless knowledge that I brought with me. Unfortunately, I made a mistake. I read into an absolute rabbit hole at Wikipedia at night and was really fascinated by this story. But because I wanted to make notes for Fest und Flausch, I only wrote down two words. That means I have to try to get this story that I read through a few weeks ago out of my memory. to reconstruct.

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84:13 - 84:38 Jan Böhmermann

So that can contain a few mistakes. I'll say that right away. If you discover mistakes, you have to donate 100 euros instead of complaining and don't write DMs to Oli, but donate 500 euros. What are the people's names in Volksmund in Liverpool? There is an expression, how do they call themselves? Liverpool, where we were at the Eurovision Song Contest last year. Well, who knows? Scousers!

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84:39 - 84:39 Jan Böhmermann


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84:39 - 84:41 Olli Schulz

Scousers, alright.

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84:41 - 84:55 Jan Böhmermann

Where does the expression Scousers come from? From England. No. And now watch out, it will blow your mind. From a famous seafaring court. It's a seafaring court that... Oh, of course. And this court is about... Lobstkaus.

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84:55 - 84:55 Olli Schulz


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84:55 - 85:09 Jan Böhmermann

I've heard of it before. Lobstkaus. And I read it and thought, what? I thought, Lobstkaus is such a Hamburg-Bremen story. And then I found out that Lobstkaus in Great Britain... That still doesn't mean Lobstkaus, but it means Lobstkaus.

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85:09 - 85:12 Olli Schulz

Lobstkaus. Lapskaus. Lapskaus.

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85:12 - 85:34 Jan Böhmermann

The Liverpoolians call themselves Scousers. It's a kind of abbreviation, a big form of Lapskaus, because it's a city of seafarers. It's prepared in a completely different way. It's more like a stew with beef and potatoes and carrots. It's considered a Norwegian or Swedish specialty. That's where it's called Lapskaus. And everywhere in seafarer nations there's this dish. Didn't I just tell you?

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85:34 - 85:35 Jan Böhmermann

Isn't that unbelievable?

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85:35 - 85:46 Olli Schulz

No, I already knew that. But it's awesome. You already knew that. But I'll tell you one thing. The dish was created by the fact that the smoothie in the kombüse, which is the chef's smoothie, was the chef in any case.

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85:47 - 86:06 Olli Schulz

The smoothie has been in the last few days, when you were on a sea trip, for example whale catching or similar things, and the food was getting less and less, then you mixed what was still there. That was mostly potatoes with meat and fish, sometimes also the leftovers from other dishes. That was all put in and then with red beet color. so that you don't see how disgusting it actually is.

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86:07 - 86:21 Olli Schulz

And that's why, a healthy red then, that's how this food actually came about. It was the last thing that the smoothie was made on the seafaring, if there was no regular cost anymore. And still a lot of people found it good.

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86:21 - 86:36 Jan Böhmermann

Etymologically, the word probably comes from the Wallisian. It's a Wallisian expression for a pot. So it supposedly comes from the Wallisian. Only that as a little bit of knowledge. That you don't just take a nice evening with magic arts and entertainment.

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86:36 - 86:45 Olli Schulz

I still have a few Wikipedia articles, but they are all very messed up. Yes, we have to be a little careful. I want to be a little careful today. But that with the seafaring is interesting.

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86:45 - 86:58 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, but that the Scousers, I knew that the Scousers are called, but that it comes from Lapskaus, I didn't know. And that there is Lopskaus in England, unbelievable. Do we want to get the next guest in? The next guest, Seafarerei, is his specialty. Well, yes, in the broadest sense.

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86:58 - 87:04 Olli Schulz

Because he's currently traveling around. He's actually the Berlin star, you can really say that.

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87:04 - 87:05 Jan Böhmermann

This is Harald Juhnke.

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87:05 - 87:06 Olli Schulz

Yes, this is Harald Juhnke.

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87:07 - 87:08 Jan Böhmermann

Played by Sascha Grammel.

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87:09 - 87:32 Olli Schulz

Small joke. I met him, we met each other and fell in love right away. I really like him. And we met over social media. That's my last big social media love that I would have. That's why I want to go down from Instagram next year, because even more will not happen. We are all very happy that he is here tonight. Jan, tell him. What do you know about him?

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87:32 - 87:51 Jan Böhmermann

I know, I know. little about him. I don't know how he looks or what his real name is. I know that he's a really funny guy and that the last time, almost with his announcement in Potsdam, he put the police state protection on his neck. Here is for you the unique Shi Agu!

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87:59 - 88:02 Jan Böhmermann

Shi! Shi Agu! Agu!

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88:05 - 88:13 Jan Böhmermann

Wir bringen euch die Stars nach Hause. Ey, du warst eben noch casual, jetzt hast du einen Anzug an. Ja, ja. Aber mit Preisschildern noch.

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88:13 - 88:17 Ski Aggu

Naja, ich bin gegen die Wegwerfgesellschaft. Ich brauche sie eigentlich nicht, also gebe ich sie mangels zurück.

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88:18 - 88:22 Olli Schulz

Did you get a new pair of glasses for your birthday? Yes.

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88:22 - 88:33 Ski Aggu

That's awesome. I also brought you a present. No, that wouldn't have been real. When we took a family picture at your show in Potsdam, here and there, so you don't argue, I brought one for each of you. I think it's awesome that you took a picture of me in there.

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88:33 - 89:00 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, that's cute. Where's the camera? Look, here it is. We have a picture. Thiago gave us a picture. Hey, Thi. By the way, you can put yourself next to the bed in the bedroom. By the way, the announcement actually applies. If we should get over a million, then snow falls in this theater. And that would be the unique opportunity to have Agu here in the snow. That's right. That would be great.

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89:00 - 89:06 Jan Böhmermann

It would be great. Tomorrow, day 24, I didn't even know what to report tomorrow. Can I ask a few stupid small talk questions? Sure.

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89:06 - 89:10 Olli Schulz

Are you a ski driver? Does that come with the glasses? Are you a snowboarder?

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89:10 - 89:13 Jan Böhmermann

Dude, where do you get your interview technique from? I don't know.

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89:13 - 89:23 Olli Schulz

I never dared to ask that. I thought now is the right opportunity for it. Or is it just because of skiing? Or is there a background that you've styled derby so halfpipe-like on the ice? I don't know either.

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89:28 - 89:44 Ski Aggu

Actually, I only did it to not show my true identity. It's just a mask. Nobody knows who I am. That's why I'm wearing these glasses. You're from Wilmersdorf? Right, yes.

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89:44 - 89:55 Olli Schulz

I already know that much. You're currently the biggest rapper in Berlin, in my opinion. Is there anyone who's even more popular than you? No, probably not right now.

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89:56 - 89:58 Ski Aggu

Yes, there are a few. There are a few.

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89:58 - 89:59 Olli Schulz

But you don't talk about the dead boxer.

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90:00 - 90:24 Jan Böhmermann

I just got to know you for the first time behind the stage. You were already in our show, but you performed a track with the team, with Dumitiana. But we didn't get to know each other personally. I was somewhat shocked by this bromance you obviously have. What exactly is going on in the DMs between you and Oli at night? It was definitely just backstage to feel a proper closeness.

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90:24 - 90:26 Jan Böhmermann

So almost a toxic closeness, I would say.

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90:26 - 90:35 Olli Schulz

Yes, I mean, I don't know anything about it. I have to see where I stay and he's young and has energy and I want to get a little closer to him. I want to get a little away from his youth.

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90:35 - 90:44 Ski Aggu

Exactly, and Oli promised me a glorious career when I... When I do what he says. And that's why I hang out with him. Aha.

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90:45 - 90:52 Olli Schulz

The good thing is that we, in contrast to Stefan Raab, Otto Walkes and all the other people who hang out with you... Careful, stop biting Otto Walkes.

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90:52 - 91:06 Jan Böhmermann

I love Otto Walkes, man. You know that. Hey, Otto Walkes. At this point, hey. Otto. I admit that I was completely in awe because I thought that Otto Waages was in Berlin.

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91:06 - 91:11 Olli Schulz

When the two of them were eating yesterday, I saw their Insta-Story and I thought you were in Berlin, but they were in Hamburg.

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91:11 - 91:16 Jan Böhmermann

Olli made me go crazy. Thiago was with Otto.

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91:16 - 91:17 Olli Schulz

I never said that.

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91:17 - 91:34 Jan Böhmermann

Maybe that's the counter-representation, live in the show, in which the wrong statement is made by Olli Schulz. Counter-representation. And I said, that would be the opportunity to get to know Otto Walkes. Then I sent Otto a voice message. Also on Instagram. Do you want to show it?

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91:34 - 91:34 Ski Aggu


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91:34 - 91:35 Jan Böhmermann

Do you want to show it?

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91:35 - 91:40 Ski Aggu

I don't want to show it. Are you stupid, man? Show, show, show.

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91:43 - 91:45 Jan Böhmermann

The crowd is dying.

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91:45 - 91:46 Ski Aggu

The crowd is dying. They want to hear it.

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91:46 - 91:49 Jan Böhmermann

I don't know if it's technically possible at all.

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91:49 - 91:52 Ski Aggu

Olli, we would show you our voice notes. I don't have to. That's not so good.

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91:52 - 92:28 Jan Böhmermann

No, then it would be party time. I don't think Otto is here now. Wait a minute. Where is it? Otto, here Otto. Sent four hours ago. Did he let you read it? Oh, how cute! Oh, isn't that cute? The thing is, I've never met Otto before. I once said in a podcast that I really want to buy an Otto picture. He sent me a catalog with a signature on it. And that I should contact him if I want to buy one.

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92:28 - 92:51 Jan Böhmermann

I looked at it and thought, I don't know if I... No, first of all, they are insanely expensive, unfortunately. Really insanely expensive. But then I thought, oh, what kind of elephant stands in a meadow and gives out such a sum, I don't know. And then I didn't dare, but I was so proud that he sent me a catalogue.

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92:51 - 92:57 Jan Böhmermann

And I think I would collapse if I met Otto, because I didn't do anything other than listen to Otto's cassettes in my room.

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93:01 - 93:47 Olli Schulz

We judge and we don't listen. I then entered the new HSV club bus as a comedian and should with the HSV legends Uwe Seeler, Thomas Hess, Rudolf Hess, Uli Stein, Horst Rubisch. The painter or the goalkeeper? Uli Stein, the goalkeeper. Horst Rubisch, all kinds. The drawing goalkeeper.

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93:52 - 94:13 Olli Schulz

I was on the bus and was supposed to make a five-minute intro for the big screen where these things were in the evening. And it was so hard with athletes, with Jörg Butt. Then I go to Jörg Butt and said, you know, his nickname is Butt, right? Haha, ass. And he looks at me. Okay. And then I realized that this is the hardest job ever.

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94:13 - 94:29 Olli Schulz

Since then, I have been of the opinion that I am a big fan of football, of many sports. I think sports performance, when people train for something for years, I think everything is great. But now such a slight small talk gag and so on is difficult, because they are very focused on performance. That's how it is. And now it comes.

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94:30 - 94:49 Olli Schulz

In the evening, the one-player ran and then I was supposed to be brought into the hall. And then the editor says to me, you are now going to the hall with Olli Dittrich and Otto Walkes. And then I stood in this corridor and then Otto came and said hello. And then Olli Dittrich came to you, who I didn't know at the time, and said hello. And then I was in the middle between the two.

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94:49 - 95:06 Olli Schulz

And I thought, actually, I can't go any further now. I made it. The problem is that they both talked to each other behind my back, but not to me. Well, that's my little story. It's the only time I've met Otto. We're doing it now. Small scene applause.

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95:07 - 95:24 Jan Böhmermann

We have a little thing, I don't want to say prepared, but we have a section that we would like to do with you that is an absolute legend. So a legendary section that has accompanied us for a very long time, almost as long as our beautiful feet. It is the first section that we have ever done and the last one that we will ever do, namely this one here.

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95:30 - 95:33 Siegfried & Joy

Defined by Böhmermann and Schultz.

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95:59 - 96:00 Olli Schulz

Bist du oft in Hotels?

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96:01 - 96:04 Ski Aggu

Ständig, ja. Ich bin nie zu Hause, immer in Hotels.

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96:05 - 96:12 Olli Schulz

Wir haben vor drei Jahren, ist es gemacht, die großen fünf Dinge, die in jeder Minibar fehlen, unserer Meinung nach. Ich habe damals sehr viel Alkohol da mir eingewischt.

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96:12 - 96:14 Ski Aggu

Also der Alkohol am nächsten Morgen dann.

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96:14 - 96:26 Olli Schulz

Ja. Inzwischen bin ich aber der Typ geworden, der viel auf Leistung, Sport, auf seine Ziele hin arbeitet und so. Wenig mehr trinkt und so. Deswegen werden die heute neu definiert. Auch du bist ein Typ, der die Ernährung umgestellt hat.

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96:26 - 96:35 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, and we both were lucky to have been in hotels where people listened to the podcast and set up the minibar the way we wanted. That means we have a somewhat big responsibility.

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96:35 - 96:38 Olli Schulz

But I'm a little bored of it, so let's do it again. The king is bored.

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96:38 - 96:42 Ski Aggu

What were the old five? I completely forgot. For example, I always had whiskey cola cans with me.

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96:44 - 96:45 Olli Schulz


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96:45 - 96:59 Jan Böhmermann

Always whiskey-cola, because these pre-mixed... Hey, I remember that I was in a hotel where even your combination was put in the fridge with me. And I had such an obscene amount of whiskey-cola cans that I couldn't even start with, except to remove my nail polish.

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97:04 - 97:08 Olli Schulz

On the 5th place of the big things I'd like to have in every minibar. I'll start right away.

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97:08 - 97:09 Jan Böhmermann

Should I start with our guest, you rascal?

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97:10 - 97:12 Olli Schulz

I thought the guest was the last one, because he's the coolest.

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97:12 - 97:15 Ski Aggu

How do you want it? I don't care. Or shall we start with everyone?

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97:15 - 97:38 Olli Schulz

Everyone. So let's start with 5th place. Yes, because 5th place for me is an old classic, because I become sentimental in the meantime. Get the sweetness of my childhood back and just wish me a pack of refreshment sticks. I think... Dude, that's disgusting. What are you saying? We judge and we don't listen. We judge. And you know what the best thing is?

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97:38 - 98:06 Olli Schulz

Then you take this package, take a stick, put it on your tongue and wait until the chocolate is gone. And there's only this sugar around it. And then you put it on your tongue. Then you take it out of your mouth. The chocolate is gone, it's just this sugar shell and this liquid in there. Put that on the same bottom plate where you have the nails on it. No, on a plate.

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98:08 - 98:29 Olli Schulz

I once told you that I put my fingernails on a plate and throw them all away. That's a running gag. So, a story completely far-fetched from you, to be honest. Listen up! And then you suck the chocolate down from one freshener to the other. And then at some point, when you're done, you have the whole package without chocolate, just these sugar things. And then you eat them deliciously. That's life.

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98:32 - 98:32 Olli Schulz


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98:33 - 98:53 Ski Aggu

I'm closed, right? Top 5 for Agu. I would say electrolytes. Because if you want to be fit after a show or after a party, you have to put electrolytes in the next morning. And you never get that in a mini bar.

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98:53 - 98:55 Jan Böhmermann

In what form? As powder?

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98:56 - 98:57 Ski Aggu

No matter. In electrolyte form.

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99:01 - 99:17 Jan Böhmermann

Okay. Duly noted. For me, this is a new candy that I recently discovered, which was an absolutely mind-blowing experience for me. And it's been around for a short time, ready in a package with chocolate-coated salt pretzels. It's really crazy. Yeah, I like this one too.

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99:17 - 99:17 Olli Schulz

I know this one.

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99:17 - 99:30 Jan Böhmermann

Because you eat it, and normally I'm always caught in the sweet-salty cycle. They have it on a linear basis. It reduces from the cycle to the linear. You can just eat it with just one sweetness. You have salty and sweet in one.

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99:30 - 99:32 Ski Aggu

It cancels itself. Yeah, it's awesome.

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99:32 - 99:38 Jan Böhmermann

It's like a salty caramel, but even more awesome. And do you also lick the chocolate like Olli?

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99:38 - 99:38 Ski Aggu

Yeah, of course.

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99:38 - 99:43 Jan Böhmermann

And if you're lucky, there are a lot of salt crystals underneath. So chocolate pretzels, but with salt pretzels.

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99:43 - 99:49 Ski Aggu

The more salt there is, the more awesome it is, right? Yeah, of course. Actually, they should make a version with a little more salt.

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99:49 - 99:59 Jan Böhmermann

Do you recognize the popcorn from Werther's Echte? The salty popcorn? Yeah, sure. I've eaten it for a while, but I can't... Over-eat it. Over-eat it. Sorry, Werther's Echte. Over-eat it.

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100:00 - 100:05 Ski Aggu

Wer das Echte hat sich gerade kurz gefreut über Markenplacement und dann... Achso, nee, überfressen.

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100:05 - 100:12 Jan Böhmermann

Scheiß Produkt, überfressen. Kennt ihr Wer das Echte? Sorry. Please, you're Olli. 4th place. 4th place.

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100:12 - 100:32 Olli Schulz

What annoys me the most is just the whole selection of snacks. What annoys me is that it's always just peanuts. Peanuts are really the loser among the snacks, I think. Followed by the flips. I can't get rid of flips either. I'd rather hear flippers all evening than eat a flip. So really, I don't like the flippers either. That's why... Attention, attention, attention!

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100:34 - 100:46 Siegfried & Joy

Here's Olaf from the Flippers and you're listening to Mädel am Mittwoch with Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz. And Thiago. Keep it hard, we keep it heavy. Bye bye, your Flipper. Olaf from the Flippers says you should donate.

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100:47 - 101:07 Olli Schulz

Oh, we also have to talk about how much we donate. But we'll do that in a minute. When you drive in from the Schlesien Gate, Schlesienstraße, about 100 meters to the right, there is a small Späti. And he always has chips from Spain with a different taste. Truffle chips, for example. That would surprise me.

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101:09 - 101:21 Jan Böhmermann

Erfrischungsstäbchen und Trüffelchips, komm mal klar, ehrlich. Was ist los? Ja, ich mag sowas gerne. Das ist ja also der Junge von nebenan, auf dessen Tickets du hier fährst immer, ne?

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101:21 - 101:28 Olli Schulz

Trüffelchips sind keine Chips aus Trüffel, sondern sind einfach Chips mit Trüffel.

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101:28 - 101:31 Jan Böhmermann

Gibt's bestimmt, ne? Trüffelchips aus Trüffel.

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101:31 - 101:34 Olli Schulz

Weiß ich, keine Ahnung. Crunchy. Auf Platz vier für dir.

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101:36 - 101:55 Ski Aggu

I would say, in a double pack, one bottle of white wine and one empty bottle to turn the bottles. Alone? It also works alone, then you turn until the bottle shows you and then you have to drink. Okay. Yes, try it out.

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102:04 - 102:28 Jan Böhmermann

I was recently at the Rummelplatz. Whenever there is a Rummelplatz in the city, I go there. And there is an underrated stand. Of course, all dice are on the cathedral in Hamburg, for older people. But there is always a cucumber stand on every Rummelplatz. On which you can get cucumber from large barrels of unacquainted origin, unacquainted recipe. And I got two big Oschis there.

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102:28 - 102:50 Jan Böhmermann

Hashtag glass dildo. bought really big Oshis and I ate them at home with a knife and fork. It was so cool. And they had, just like my grandma, my grandma comes from Eastern Europe, and she always picked cucumbers herself. That was before, we had nothing. But what we had was from our own garden, the strawberries, dill and the cucumbers from our own garden, put in from the spring, dude.

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102:50 - 102:59 Jan Böhmermann

And there was just the right amount of dill and salt in it. And it was just like on the Rummelplatz, such a really cool salt dill cucumber. And it was such a really big one, which you can also use for the love game, if you want.

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103:00 - 103:07 Olli Schulz

Okay. Deine Oma ist damals über die Grenze mit den Gurken im Boot. Auf der Gurke.

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103:09 - 103:12 Jan Böhmermann

Defying gravity. Wie bei Wicked.

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103:12 - 103:30 Olli Schulz

Auf Platz 3 bei mir, der Sachen, die mir ab und zu fehlen abends in der Hotelminibar, ist zwar... Nähe. Ja, Nähe sowieso. Ein kleiner... A small plate with a mix of three to four different types of blue currant cheese.

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103:30 - 103:48 Jan Böhmermann

A good Stilton, a good Gorgonzola and a Roquefort. Do you remember last year when Tommy Schmidt had some weird flu-cancer as a folk song? Tommy also had some weird food things where I thought, dude, what's wrong with him? Now you're starting with that stupid shit. I want Roquefort cheese in the evening.

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103:48 - 104:08 Olli Schulz

Rockfort Stilton and a gorgonzola. And then you look for it and say, oh, look, that's the gorgonzola. And then you have these little crackers. And then you put crackers on it. Crackers and then also a great fig jam. Oh. Oh, ich hab Hunger, ich muss los. Auf Platz 3 bei dir?

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104:10 - 104:22 Ski Aggu

Weil da ich ja den ganzen Tag diese Brille trage und meine Haut unter der Brille natürlich total irritiert ist, brauche ich diese... You poor pig, you're suffering.

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104:22 - 104:23 Olli Schulz

For your fans.

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104:23 - 104:52 Ski Aggu

I really have a shitty life. But that's why I need these coolpads. These coolpads, not packs. That's really cool. These coolpads. But not only for the eyes, also for the bottom. Whole body, exactly. And then I put on my bathrobe, put myself in bed and have the coolpacks under my eyes. And then I'm on the phone with my best friend the whole time, while we're flirting with all the other people.

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104:55 - 104:57 Olli Schulz

That's how my perfect evening always ends.

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104:57 - 105:12 Jan Böhmermann

Okay, now I have something on me that I ate for the first time last night when you were there for the Christmas dinner. Because there were people from Spotify New York, Spotify Detroit. There were people there who wanted to see us again. I apologized to all of them. And there was a table and I ate stracciatella for the first time yesterday.

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105:12 - 105:31 Jan Böhmermann

And so I had to explain to myself... Welcome to West Germany. But not... Yeah, sorry. But you don't mean the ice, do you? No, not the ice. I've heard that a lot. Stratatella ice cream, where sometimes there was such a big piece of chocolate in the ice cream that there was no ice left. It was such a fat piece of chocolate.

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105:31 - 105:32 Ski Aggu

But I think it's awesome. That's the best thing ever.

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105:32 - 105:56 Jan Böhmermann

When there was such a hard piece of chocolate in the Stratatella, which you don't see when you give the ball. Stratatella is the inside of a burrata. It's a creamy, cheesy kind. And it's made with nuts and a little lemon and olive oil. Dude, that's so delicious. It's super delicious. I've never eaten that before. I ate it for the first time yesterday. Spotify took me into a world.

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105:56 - 106:00 Jan Böhmermann

It wasn't that expensive, but I've never eaten it before. Do you know that or what?

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106:00 - 106:06 Olli Schulz

Yes, you can get it at my house too. But it's delicious. I think it's nice.

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106:06 - 106:22 Jan Böhmermann

With bread and stuff. That was so stupid. Unfortunately, that was a sharing concept last night. That I only got one sip from the stupid stracciatella. But delicious. I would like to get it from a stracciatella plate of the house. A la casa. I can understand that.

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106:22 - 106:47 Olli Schulz

Second place for me. Things that belong to every minibar. Instead of always this whole... I can't stand Fanta, Sprite, Cola. I think this big... The world domination of Cola has to stop slowly. We have to... Cola, Fanta, we have to break this system. There are so many awesome drinks. No violence, no hate and no Coca-Cola. Yes, but an ice-cold cola from a 0,2 bottle is sensational in summer.

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106:47 - 107:02 Olli Schulz

From time to time. From time to time. But sometimes you open the fridge and think, I don't want water, I want something with taste, but I don't want cola from Fanta Sprite either. And the worst thing is this rotten apple shell from Lyft. That's the worst thing. Hey, it's the same group.

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107:03 - 107:18 Jan Böhmermann

That's the same band. They've put themselves on the apple shawl train in Germany and they're really cashing it off. And there's always some kind of aroma stuff in there at Lyft. That annoys me too. When you see apple shawls that you have to shake beforehand, where there's such disgusting stuff down there.

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107:18 - 107:28 Olli Schulz

It looks like dead pussy, to be honest. It's just disgusting. That's why I'm totally addicted. I'm not doing any advertising right now. I won't say the name. But this vitamin water, hydrate, recreate.

💬 0

107:28 - 107:30 Jan Böhmermann

Is that from Andreas W. Herb from Paderborn?

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107:31 - 107:33 Olli Schulz

No, no, no. It's from Sweden. With a broken back?

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107:34 - 107:44 Jan Böhmermann

He should also donate. Andreas W. Herb. If you see or hear this now. Donate something for a Christmas circus. I think he's in trouble with Kollegah. No, he just battled with Flair.

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107:45 - 107:46 Olli Schulz

No, with Flair, not with Kollegah.

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107:46 - 107:50 Jan Böhmermann

He battled with Flair and Andreas Herb. Did you notice? Which side are you on?

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107:54 - 107:59 Olli Schulz

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

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108:21 - 108:28 Jan Böhmermann

Hey, attention! There's news from the Spotify headquarters. Vitamin Water is Coca-Cola, by the way.

💬 0

108:29 - 108:40 Olli Schulz

No, it's from Sweden. Not this... Wait, let's google it. This water, this Vitamin Well, it's not from Coca-Cola.

💬 0

108:40 - 108:41 Jan Böhmermann


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108:41 - 108:42 Olli Schulz

Agu, you do it.

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108:42 - 108:49 Jan Böhmermann

Make it number two. The big five things that belong in every hotel minibar to get down.

💬 0

108:49 - 109:18 Ski Aggu

Such a great fresh Döner from Rüam. Because how often do you get hungry in the evening at the hotel and then there are only these stupid snacks and you actually want to eat something hearty and then there are only the loser peanuts. Or if you're lucky, you have a fancy currywurst, but it's way too fancy and way too expensive. You mean when you call? Yes, when you call.

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109:18 - 109:19 Ski Aggu

You need something right away.

💬 0

109:19 - 109:21 Olli Schulz

And some people come home so late and then the kitchen is no longer open.

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109:25 - 109:31 Ski Aggu

Just a fresh Döner from Rüam that has just been made. You need that, man.

💬 0

109:31 - 109:50 Olli Schulz

But Döner, do you still know Heiße Hexe? No, right? There used to be that at Raste, to make it warm. That was cool stuff, too. Guys, check out Wicked, it's really cool. Was it a real witch? No, Hot Witch was a brand.

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109:50 - 109:54 Jan Böhmermann

And Hot Witch was Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande. Did you get Hot Witch?

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109:54 - 110:07 Olli Schulz

Is it also two witches? No, let me explain what Hot Witch is. You got Hot Witch at the gas station and next to the gas station there was still a microwave. And you did it all yourself. It was your own gas station, but only for food.

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110:10 - 110:25 Olli Schulz

So you refueled yourself and then you took a burger or a currywurst or a baguette with cheese and ham, put it in the microwave, took it out and put it in the tank within two minutes of making your own food, of course you had to pay for it.

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110:25 - 110:41 Olli Schulz

It was never completely through, in the middle it was still cold, it was always too little, but somehow it was also awesome, my body was 80% hot witch at the time. After the first tours. And that's something I also miss. On second place with you.

💬 0

110:41 - 111:00 Jan Böhmermann

On second place is not for eating, but it's a huge market gap. Hotels should put these small bathroom accessories from DM somewhere. That if you have a bathtub in the hotel, which is rare enough, or at least a shower tub where you can let in too much water, that you can bathe a little. That you have such a small accessory, that you sit like that.

💬 0

111:02 - 111:30 Jan Böhmermann

in this bathtub and let it run to the top and then such a nice bag with such a relaxation bath from dm which is for 99 cents and that's just such a small selection there lies in the minibar that you can put something in the bathtub that the skin is nice and soft that it smells good that the back is relaxed that you don't just sit in such a brach water and such an untouched bathtub there I can understand that I never go to the bathtub in the hotel but I would do a bathtub with an addition because then there is also such a color in it then you don't see how dirty it is and so I would wish for a bathtub

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111:32 - 111:33 Olli Schulz

Okay, I understand.

💬 0

111:33 - 111:39 Jan Böhmermann

Place 1 of the big 5 things we wish for in the hotel when we get home from the enemy.

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111:39 - 111:47 Olli Schulz

So for me, place 1 is a well-cleaned, clean glass dildo. That would be... Oh, come on! Come on! Spas beiseite.

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111:47 - 111:52 Jan Böhmermann

Yes. Put the glass away. When security, very important, safety glass.

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111:52 - 112:16 Olli Schulz

Yes. And safety gloves. Sea life. Sea life Oberhausen. Important, important, important is for me, and that would be a thing that would really surprise me. Now it comes. A beautiful Scandinavian salmi plate with all kinds of salmiacs, beautiful pieces, balls, old ones, so salmi, so really hit the galley. Not these ... You're Lakritz, you're a Lakritz person. I love Lakritz.

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112:17 - 112:19 Olli Schulz

I'm an absolute lacrits fan.

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112:19 - 112:29 Jan Böhmermann

You're a lacrits fan? Not at all. What kind of lacrits? A leading person in my management team is a lacrits person.

💬 0

112:30 - 112:32 Ski Aggu

And you fired him now, or what?

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112:32 - 112:37 Jan Böhmermann

No, but he's so lacrits. And he eats things where I think, dude, how can you do that? The more salty, the better.

💬 0

112:37 - 112:57 Olli Schulz

Salty and so rotten. Where you think, oh, dude, I can't get a second one. And immediately the second one afterwards. So richtig geil, das finde ich geil. In der Zeit, als ich früher nochmal, das ist in den 90ern gewesen, Marihuana geraucht habe. Das ist ewig, ich kann es bezeugen, das ist ewig her, Olli.

💬 0

112:57 - 112:58 Jan Böhmermann

Das ist ewig her.

💬 0

112:58 - 113:18 Olli Schulz

Das ist ewig her. Das ist ewig her. Da habe ich mir wirklich, ich hatte nämlich mal was mit einer Apothekerin, das ist kein Witz. Das ist ganz lang gewesen, am Großneumarkt in Hamburg, ja, ja. Und da habe ich dann immer... And from that I always got the salmi things, everyone. I've only been with you for half a year because of the salmi things. So my number one is Lakritsch.

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113:18 - 113:22 Olli Schulz

And it's awesome Lakritsch, demanding, from Norway.

💬 0

113:22 - 113:30 Jan Böhmermann

So let me briefly, so that Argo has the last one, I'll go ahead briefly, it's also very fast. I want reasonable kimchi frames, which are not too spicy and not too less spicy.

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113:31 - 113:33 Olli Schulz

They should be in the mini-basket.

💬 0

113:33 - 113:48 Jan Böhmermann

No, kimchi ramen, soup bags, that's my go-to dish. These things where you just have to pour hot water in. Because you always have a kettle, but what are you supposed to do with it? What are you supposed to do with the fucking kettle? If you only have tea, I want a kettle where there is a kettle, you also have to have at least one portion in these things.

💬 0

113:48 - 114:06 Jan Böhmermann

Kimchi ramen, I'm not saying the company, because otherwise they'll send a package again. But kimchi ramen from a company, orange package, best vinegar. BigPuck, Essig. If that was in the minibar, it would be awesome. My number one. I can understand. I wish you happiness. A little stage applause for Kim Shiram.

💬 0

114:07 - 114:31 Ski Aggu

Agu, your number one. It's crazy that I have such a pressure. I don't know how it is with you guys, but really often I forget or lose my toothbrush. And then it really happens that I'm at the hotel in the evening and I don't have a toothbrush, sometimes no toothpaste either. And that's why I would wish that in every hotel, it doesn't have to be in a minibar now,

💬 0

114:33 - 114:48 Ski Aggu

That there are toothbrushes and toothpaste and most of them don't exist. They always have earplugs and shit, but toothbrushes almost never exist. Some tails have it, but some, no matter if it's five stars or not, some don't have toothbrushes.

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114:50 - 115:02 Olli Schulz

Then you go on vacation in England and there's a mini bar where you can take everything for the next three weeks. Drinks and food. There are so many great sweets. Because they are from the EU. Of course they have a one-way toothbrush there.

💬 0

115:02 - 115:15 Ski Aggu

Yes, exactly. But that's a German phenomenon. Because they are from the EU. And it should also be a bamboo toothbrush, so somehow good for the environment. So, yeah, I don't check it. But I also think that's important.

💬 0

115:15 - 115:25 Jan Böhmermann

It's a very good place. I ordered a sewing kit at the hotel yesterday. Because I sewed like a... Like a... A sewing kit? No. How expensive? How expensive?

💬 0

115:26 - 115:32 Olli Schulz

From Bangladesh. Hey, Jan, you can't bring that. A sewing kit.

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115:33 - 115:34 Jan Böhmermann

A sewing kit.

💬 0

115:34 - 115:39 Olli Schulz

A sewing kit. I thought it was a little kid to sew.

💬 0

115:39 - 115:56 Jan Böhmermann

I don't know what to say about it without making it even worse. A sewing kit. A sewing kit. I came to dinner too late yesterday because I sewed my jacket. I'll show you the seam right away. I'll show you the seam backstage. I have it with you in the back. I'll show you the seam.

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115:56 - 115:58 Olli Schulz

I'll show you my seam on my back later.

💬 0

115:59 - 116:01 Jan Böhmermann

That was definitely it.

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116:04 - 116:05 Siegfried & Joy

Hey, yo

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116:21 - 116:31 Jan Böhmermann

Es ist jetzt 23 Uhr, wir machen jetzt nicht ewig, wir ziehen jetzt nicht so knallhart durch wie letztes Mal. Aber wir wissen, ich weiß das von Olli, der hat es erzählt, dass du Überzeugungskraft hast, dass du die Massen im Griff hast.

💬 0

116:32 - 116:43 Jan Böhmermann

Wenn du irgendeine Idee hast, wie wir Leute, die jetzt den Stream gucken, dazu bringen können, in Echtzeit quasi alles, was sie haben, zu geben, das würde uns helfen. Ich würde dich musikalisch untermalen, du hast einfach gemacht, was du willst eigentlich.

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116:44 - 116:46 Ski Aggu

I should convince the people to donate. I'll do beatbox.

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116:46 - 116:53 Jan Böhmermann

No, I can turn on music or... Okay, just give it to him. I can only give him our opening melody. There's no beat on it.

💬 0

116:53 - 116:56 Ski Aggu

He shouldn't rap. No, you shouldn't rap. I won't do it.

💬 0

116:56 - 117:19 Jan Böhmermann

I'll just give him something and... It doesn't pump enough. No, it doesn't pump enough. Now something will come that will pump. DJ Jan. Attention, attention. So guys. Yes. Exactly. I would now like you all to look at your accounts and your wallets.

💬 0

117:38 - 117:52 Ski Aggu

And see how much money is in there. And how much money you can donate. And if you can give something away, then give it away. No matter how much. Whether it's one euro, ten euros or more, shit doesn't matter. But donate. Please donate.

💬 0

117:52 - 118:27 Siegfried & Joy

Donate. Donate. Donate, damn shit. Everyone donate. Give your money for a good cause. Donate, donate, donate, donate, donate. Who donates is cool. And when we reach one million, what do you do then, Olli? What do you mean, what do you do when we reach one million? Help me on the jumps. Oh, I see. When we reach one million euros, then Olli Schulz becomes... Then I take naked photos on a cow dung.

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118:29 - 118:31 Olli Schulz

In underpants. And then until next year...

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118:35 - 118:41 Siegfried & Joy

The erotic Olli Schulz calendar.

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118:42 - 118:49 Ski Aggu

And the rewards of the erotic Olli Schulz calendar will be donated again. Absolutely.

💬 0

118:49 - 119:10 Olli Schulz

If we reach a million tonight or a million in general. By the way, it is natural because we are working in a team. Jan and I are gone. It will be the erotic, hard calendar with photos of Jan and me. What? Six photos of you, six photos of me. And one from me. And one from Thiago.

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119:10 - 119:26 Olli Schulz

All of us in Ku'damm, all of us in West-Berlin made a leather jacket with a lacquered upper body, sunglasses, gel hair, a foot photo. One where only Jan and my feet are on it. I only make feet from me. Only feet. We make a foot calendar.

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119:26 - 119:40 Jan Böhmermann

Oh, no. To not always dare to change at the end of the month. I wish the time would stop. Ey, we still have to... Siegfried and Joy, we have now 738,540 euros, dude. 738,540 euros.

💬 0

119:50 - 120:13 Jan Böhmermann

9,300 Elon Musk has just donated 50 euros with the comment for Jan there is still an electric car on top I think that is right-wing thanks for the wicked shout out writes alphabar the green witch from wicked donated 25 euros love and peace from chain tensioner donated 100 euros dude here the people donate it doesn't stop anymore But the percentage is definitely higher. Broke like Lindner.

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120:13 - 120:21 Jan Böhmermann

50 Euro, no problem. Just go to Thank you very much. Olli, we have to talk about us. What do you want this year?

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120:21 - 120:26 Olli Schulz

Siegfried and Joy have proposed. Wait a minute. Should I say first before you do?

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120:26 - 120:28 Jan Böhmermann

Do you want to donate something too?

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120:50 - 120:49 Siegfried & Joy


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120:50 - 120:51 Ski Aggu

Thank you very much, Pascal!

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121:04 - 121:05 Jan Böhmermann

And 10,000 from you.

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121:05 - 121:30 Ski Aggu

Exactly. 10,000, 50 euros. And I wanted to say again, in times like these, especially on days like today, when we are in the thoughts of the victims and relatives of the victims in Magdeburg, it is simply important to donate for a purpose that ensures that the respect of people is maintained. You said it perfectly. And that's why it's important to give something away. Thank you very much.

💬 0

121:32 - 121:34 Jan Böhmermann

Ey, vielen Dank.

💬 0

121:36 - 121:46 Olli Schulz

Wenn die Gäste, Jan, wenn die Gäste schon 10.000 Euro spenden. Ja. Okay, so watch out. Dude, if the guests donate 10,000 euros. For every percentage point.

💬 0

121:46 - 121:56 Jan Böhmermann

Lars Klingbeil donated 500 euros for a heart for children. Christian Lindner 2000, Markus Söder 2000, Friedrich Merz 4000. That's a total of 9,500 euros. I would say we double that and donate 19,000 euros. Everyone.

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122:15 - 122:27 Olli Schulz

But, to be honest... I think that's kind of an unfair sum, 19.000. I say, let's just donate 20.000 each. Okay, all right. Okay?

💬 0

122:29 - 122:44 Jan Böhmermann

Okay. Everyone. Everyone. Everyone. Okay, okay. This is, very briefly, a disclaimer. This is all money that I... I get this from Spotify. I get it from Shi-Agu.

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122:45 - 122:58 Olli Schulz

Is that okay? So 40,000 in total, old swede. Okay, all right. But then we have to extend the contract with Spotify for another year. Okay, okay, okay. All right, I'm on it. Put your hand on it. Put your hand on it.

💬 0

122:58 - 123:03 Jan Böhmermann

Put your hand on it.

💬 0

123:03 - 123:10 Jan Böhmermann

Okay, ey. Yes, do we want to say goodbye to Agu? Come on, yes. Ey, Agu, thank you very much.

💬 0

123:10 - 123:22 Jan Böhmermann

Shi-Agu, how awesome is that? Hey. Thiago.

💬 0

123:29 - 123:31 Olli Schulz

Thank you very much. Didn't I tell you that he's a nice guy?

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123:31 - 123:33 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, he's really nice. Isn't that so?

💬 0

123:33 - 123:48 Olli Schulz

Yes. I think it's true. I'm also a real fan of him. I have to honestly say, I actually came across him through my daughter. Really, the songs, Wilmersdorf was a child and so on. Not his dirty songs, but the politically correct ones and so on. And I totally picked myself up at some point.

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123:48 - 123:53 Jan Böhmermann

Which is totally crazy. I just saw him without a mask. He has such a panda face.

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123:53 - 123:53 Olli Schulz


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123:53 - 123:57 Jan Böhmermann

He looks original like a panda.

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123:57 - 124:04 Olli Schulz

Yes. Little cute panda. We still have to clarify something political.

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124:04 - 124:28 Jan Böhmermann

I just called the chancellor candidates of the democratic parties to the trial just yesterday at 7.30 a.m. I just wanted to organize it for a moment. It's really just storage. You're not allowed to listen at all. It's just organizational. It's not part of the show. It's basically storage. So far, Robert Habeck has reported on Instagram, which is not surprising.

💬 0

124:28 - 124:45 Jan Böhmermann

Because there's really every kitchen table that doesn't... Every untouched kitchen table, he's sitting there in between. The problem is, we are of course obliged to be over-partisan. Spotify is basically something like a public-legal broadcast, only in private and with a lot of money, dude. And really global and crazy, dude. We can't just invite one, it doesn't work.

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124:45 - 125:04 Jan Böhmermann

Besides, I think it's really disgusting to just invite one. Olaf Scholz has not reported so far. I don't know what it's about. It can't be up to me, because I've been in a conversation with the chairman of the SPD for a while. Politically, I was very close to him. Friedrich Merz, I'm also an entrepreneur. I'm a medium-sized entrepreneur. I'm very close to Friedrich.

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125:04 - 125:13 Jan Böhmermann

That can't be the reason why the two of them don't get in touch. I assume. What could it be that the other two don't get in touch? I would do it, but all three of you would come.

💬 0

125:13 - 125:16 Olli Schulz

Friedrich Merz hasn't noticed it yet, I think.

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125:16 - 125:19 Jan Böhmermann

Karsten Lindemann is also registered on Instagram, isn't he? I think it would be a good option.

💬 0

125:19 - 125:22 Olli Schulz

If ARD and ZDF don't manage to do it, we'll do it. I'm totally in.

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125:32 - 125:47 Jan Böhmermann

It would, if we could get it done tonight, so a decent sum, so also our economic potential, what we are able to drive up on funds, that is very important for politicians. Party politics only works through donations.

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125:48 - 126:05 Jan Böhmermann

If they see that we are two virile guys here who are financially making a lot of money, then I can imagine that especially people who are close to the economy, like Olaf Scholz or Friedrich Merz, that they then feel more drawn to us. Robert Habeck, he comes because he knows that there is good grass with you and so on. And that's why I have the private phone number of Burkhard Garweg.

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126:05 - 126:13 Jan Böhmermann

I don't have the private phone number of Burkhard Garweg. Violence is not a means to solve political issues.

💬 0

126:13 - 126:16 Olli Schulz

No, also no glorification of terrorists. No glorification either.

💬 0

126:16 - 126:36 Jan Böhmermann

It would also be great if it started like that. Then such a shit happens, dude. Well, hey, report to Olaf Scholz and Friedrich Merz and you can help us. The more money goes in here, the greater is the probability that Friedrich Merz and Olaf Scholz actually And then in February we'll do a trial at Spotify. Daniel was super excited about Spotify. So he was really happy.

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126:36 - 126:36 Olli Schulz

He was so happy.

💬 0

126:36 - 126:54 Jan Böhmermann

It fits exactly into the political strategy that Spotify has developed in the last five years for this election. It was just great that the elections were postponed. Spotify really liked that, I think I understood that correctly. It all fits now and I think the trial would be exactly fit into Spotify's strategy. Both of us. Actually, we're just talking and they should listen.

💬 0

126:54 - 126:59 Jan Böhmermann

That would be my idea as a concept. We're talking about toenails and what we like to do in hotel rooms.

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126:59 - 127:03 Olli Schulz

But I also understand that it's a really tough job to interrogate Friedrich Merz.

💬 0

127:03 - 127:18 Jan Böhmermann

Yes, and we're definitely talking about modern feminism as five men then. Very important. And all and all and again our opinions about El Hotzo and so on. That's very important. Tail parade, dude. Real tail parade.

💬 0

127:18 - 127:19 Olli Schulz

Did we both just say that's for 20,000 donations, dude?

💬 0

127:19 - 127:28 Jan Böhmermann

You have that... You have that... Could it have been a fever with you? I meant that seriously. Yes, me too. I can't get out of here anymore. I'll call the Schufer quickly, for safety's sake.

💬 0

127:28 - 127:33 Olli Schulz

Hello, do you know... Every year... I'm always the first to pay, by the way.

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127:33 - 127:34 Jan Böhmermann

That's true. No, no, no, no.

💬 0

127:34 - 127:37 Olli Schulz

You always wait. No, no, no, no. You always wait. No, no, no, no.

💬 0

127:37 - 127:48 Jan Böhmermann

You always wait. I do the same backstage. That's the first thing I do. I don't socialize. I don't go drinking liqueurs with Lula Weipart and with Siegfried and Joy and Thiago like you. I sit there and do my PayPal transfer right away.

💬 0

127:48 - 127:50 Olli Schulz

You don't even have access to the account yourself.

💬 0

127:50 - 128:15 Jan Böhmermann

Your manager has access. He has a full power. If you're at the dressing room, I've already transferred the money. That's what it looks like. You don't even have access to your account. I have access. I have a printed TAN list folded in my wallet. It may be that I can't transfer the sum in one piece, but in five hundred shards. I don't think you've been paying with TAN for three years.

💬 0

128:15 - 128:35 Jan Böhmermann

I can still pay with TAN. We still have to make songs on the Fidi and Bumsi playlist, Olli. Really, do we have to do that yet? Yes, we have to do it now, because we are only coming back, I think, I'll take a quick look at my calendar, I mean only on the 19th of January. The donation campaign remains open even on the holidays.

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128:35 - 128:55 Jan Böhmermann

If you receive money gifts, if you don't know where to go with the money, If in the next few days, depending on how the events that started this evening continue to develop, you feel the need to do something, but you don't know exactly what, donations for social purposes are so stupid. At some point we decided to do it, quite ironically. I come from the world of Harald Schmidt.

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128:55 - 129:11 Jan Böhmermann

Something like that was always looked at in a disgusting way and donations were always so bad. And at some point I thought, why actually? What the fuck is the point if you can help? And somehow the public, which unfortunately sometimes has something positive from time to time, umünzen kann, dann sollte man das machen. Deswegen machen wir das.

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129:11 - 129:23 Jan Böhmermann

Und wenn ihr das Gefühl habt, dass das irgendwie euch was bringt, dass ihr was entbehren könnt, wir freuen uns sehr. Wir entbehren auch. Und ist die Adresse für eure Spende. Und die Spenden gehen, wollen wir einmal die vier Spendenzwecke nochmal ganz kurz sagen.

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129:23 - 129:25 Olli Schulz

Das haben wir schon ein paar Mal gesagt.

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129:25 - 129:29 Jan Böhmermann

Mach es noch zweimal. Einmal noch du, deine beiden, ich meine, dann wissen das ja auch alle. Komm.

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129:29 - 129:52 Olli Schulz

Das Schutzengel Hilfswerk in Berlin und einmal die Tierschutzorganisation PETA sind meine beiden Spendenziele. Ich muss mal ganz kurz eine Sache May I say something? There are some people who complained to me that I took the animal protection organization PETA. I'll just say one thing for a moment. My consciousness, as far as that is concerned, I have always loved animals very much.

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129:52 - 130:13 Olli Schulz

But if I find one thing really terrible, it is that we all benefit from the fact that animal experiments take place for cosmetics, for all kinds of things. I want animals to suffer and I want it to stop. It's not necessary. We live in a time that is so modern and I think it's good from Peter that they are so hard on it, that they show such blatant videos, that they disturb so much.

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130:13 - 130:25 Olli Schulz

I don't think everything is good, maybe, but I think it's important. I think you can only change certain things if you are really brave enough. I don't want... Yes. And...

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130:53 - 131:22 Jan Böhmermann

And my two donations, Doctors Without Borders for medical and humanitarian aid, because, to be honest, the moment when I thought, you have to do this as Bushido in this funny shareholder interview, where he somehow failed so much and gave his stock portfolio through, how awesome it is with Rheinmetall, and to realize that we here, despite all the terrible things that happen to us and all the challenges we face, we are sitting in an insanely privileged, rich country, we profit insanely from the suffering of other countries,

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131:22 - 131:42 Jan Böhmermann

And if you somehow manage to solve this politically, it's incredibly difficult. It's difficult, but at least humanitarian to alleviate the emergency and that this happens with an organization that knows where donations are best used. And that's why we don't have a specific place where we donate, but the organization Doctors Without Borders.

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131:42 - 131:57 Jan Böhmermann

who are really incredibly courageous in the conflict in the Middle East, in the Gaza Strip. I think there are almost a dozen activists, doctors, employees of doctors without borders already killed in the conflict, in the war-ridden conflict down there. In other countries, unfortunately, too.

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131:57 - 132:14 Jan Böhmermann

So these are people who really help out of complete conviction and use themselves to alleviate the need of people. That's why this is a donation. And yes, the other is a social institution for girls, a violence prevention initiative. for girls and women, and also to make it clear why I particularly like it.

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132:14 - 132:21 Jan Böhmermann

A few years ago, I once told it in an Instastory, I read a text a few years ago, which I found very exciting, by two female employees.

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132:22 - 132:36 Jan Böhmermann

And they said that in their practice, so in practical work in this violence prevention initiative, of course, women are often taken up, women are helped, who have experienced violence in their families, in their relationships, who find shelter, who find advice, the pedagogical

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132:36 - 132:50 Jan Böhmermann

social care and also legal care, but that they mainly set themselves the goal because they said that this violence that these women experience is always a violence against femininity and it does not bring anything from the beginning to say dogmatically that we are breaking the boundaries.

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132:50 - 133:08 Jan Böhmermann

And they have had incredibly good experiences that they also take in people, trans people, in these violence protection institutions that are very affected by violence and that promote the networking of violence protection initiatives that with a more enlightened, progressive view also take care of these people. And I thought that was good and I think it's right that this is supported.

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133:09 - 133:35 Jan Böhmermann

And of course, the money comes in favor of the violence prevention initiative for women and girls. But above all, it is intended that this aspect of the work continues to be expanded and promoted, because it concerns people who are at the edge of society and have it very, very difficult. And I think that's important. Yes, great. That was the long explanation. We're going to do a curfew now.

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133:35 - 133:46 Jan Böhmermann

We haven't done it in a long time. I'm going to pack some music and songs. I don't want to announce them all. I'm preparing something for you. I have a little surprise for you.

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133:53 - 134:23 Olli Schulz

I want to give one more music tip, if I can find it. For those who are interested in music outside of the normal pop context, I found a really interesting playlist on Spotify, after I read a report. about music in Somalia in the 80s, where there was a dictatorship, where music was forbidden and the people buried their tapes in their last possible way.

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134:23 - 134:42 Olli Schulz

These tapes were buried for a long time so that they wouldn't get into the hands of, because music was forbidden at the time, there was a long report, I don't know exactly if I read it in English, it wasn't in the Times, you will find it. Watch the following, notice the following, Sweet as broken dates, lost Somalia tapes from the horn of Africa.

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134:54 - 135:14 Olli Schulz

because in this time of dictatorship it was not possible to be creative, to make music. And these tapes have been rediscovered, now put on Spotify. Totally exciting, absolute favorite piece for everyone who is interested in music. Sweet as broken dates, Lost Somalia tapes from the Horn of Africa. My musical tip for today, very briefly.

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135:15 - 135:22 Olli Schulz

And the songs that I put on the Fidi and Bumsi list, I don't have to list them now, I don't want to bore you, there are a few more great songs on it. Now you say what you want to say.

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135:22 - 135:43 Jan Böhmermann

I have a little surprise. Because last year... First of all, I have to give a very great message. Last year, at the end of our donation gala in the Nature Science Museum between the dinosaurs, we received a sum of 707,000 euros. We are already at 774,000 euros. That means we have already exceeded the result of the last year by 70,000 euros.

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135:43 - 136:04 Jan Böhmermann

Thank you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. And that's not even included in what we're doing. That's not even included. So thank you very, very, very much to all the donors. And you can continue to donate diligently under until next year, until we're back. And we would be very happy about that.

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136:04 - 136:26 Jan Böhmermann

Maybe we'll even achieve that, that we can do more than last year. But no ambition, no competition. What comes, comes. Every sum has helped. But when did it really go down last year? In January. No, when did it really go down in terms of donations, man? When did it go down? When did it really go down at the event? When Bjarne Mädel was there. When Bjarne Mädel was there. Bjarne is not there today.

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136:26 - 136:47 Jan Böhmermann

Where is he today? Bjarne is in Hamburg, he has to shoot. But he sent us a little video. And it was surprising to me. I can play it now. I have to say, when he recorded it, he didn't hear about the events in Magdeburg. That's why it doesn't have any current links to the terrible events in Magdeburg. I haven't seen the video yet either. I would now... If you can't see it, you can all come down.

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136:47 - 137:07 Jan Böhmermann

We can't project it. How come down? No, it's a joke. Please don't come down. You can hear the audio now. You will see the video in the video podcast on Sunday. We'll cut that in. Then the people can see it in full screen. So you'll be able to see it. And I'm turning the laptop around now. I'm turning the laptop around now.

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137:07 - 137:28 Jan Böhmermann

The people in the first row have paid a lot of money and they should get something for it. Waren die ersten Reihen teurer? Waren die teurer? Ja! Na klar. Da hat Klaus-Peter Schulenberg bei Eventim direkt auf den Knopf gedrückt, persönlich, dass das alles teurer wird. Na klar. So. Warte, pass auf. Jetzt kommt... Ich muss das Video... So. Wenn ich jetzt draufdrücke, groß machen.

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137:28 - 137:53 Jan Böhmermann

Ich muss jetzt groß machen. So. Hier ist das schon. Das ist schon mal da. Da muss ich das... Moment. Achtung. Vielen Dank, dass du uns das geschickt hast. Danke, Bjarne. Hit us. Bjarne, hit me. Okay, then I'll show it to you on my phone. It works too. So wait, I'll show it on the phone. It works too. Bjarne, I'll make it big.

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137:56 - 137:56 Olli Schulz

That will help.

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138:00 - 138:26 Bjarne Mädel

Yes, Olli, did you really think I wouldn't contact you, or what? Yes, of course. Hello, people. Hello, Jan. Oh, something popped up here. Here's the thing. Unfortunately, I can't record live with you today, because I'm allowed to shoot here in Hamburg tonight. And also offset. That means I'm going to be picked up first and then washed. And then I can go in front of the camera first.

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138:27 - 138:50 Bjarne Mädel

I just wanted to say something very briefly. Last year I was so incredibly excited and I actually didn't want to this year, but then I just googled that everyone is so proud, because last time 2 million euros came together, roughly. And I can only say, I can't share the joy. I'm not touched either, because Fest & Flauschig has an average of one million listeners.

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138:54 - 139:26 Bjarne Mädel

Yes, so you all didn't pay attention to math, did you? No one cares about math, right? If there are one million listeners and then two million come together, I can get angry again. That's nothing. That's shit. I personally find everything below 10 million to be a bummer and sad. Because there are also certain people like Olli and Jan or I do something out of it.

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139:26 - 139:54 Bjarne Mädel

There are a few more zeros at the back. That means a lot of people just don't donate at all. And now you could say, yes, well, I'm already donating for Greenpeace and for SOS and for this and that. That's great that you're doing that. But now you really have 10 euros left. That's what I said last time. And I still think so. So something between 10 and 100 euros has to be made out again now.

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139:54 - 140:17 Bjarne Mädel

Because it's so easy. You have this here. It's all prepared for you. Better Place. You can click on it somewhere and then the donation goes out. You don't have to work hard at all. You can just do it now. I could really get into it again. But oh yes, we have, everyone on average has donated two euros. That's shit.

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140:17 - 140:44 Bjarne Mädel

So really, now we can just normalize it between us now that everyone gives ten euros or more if he has. And then in the end we are far above these two euros per person. That's really ridiculous. What else did I want to say? Yes, people, I also have a reputation to lose. Because it was always said, yes, last year when the girl came, then the donations went right through the roof.

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140:44 - 141:16 Bjarne Mädel

And yes, that would be nice if that also happens this time. I don't know what else to say. I'm missing the words. Olli, Jan, I think it's great that you're doing this again this year. And you're talking about head and collar. Keep it up. And people out there, those who are watching, if you haven't donated yet, then do it now. It's a good feeling for you too. So...

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141:19 - 141:23 Bjarne Mädel

I have to... I still have to work today.

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141:25 - 141:28 Jan Böhmermann

Bye. Diana Mädel, thank you very much.

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141:33 - 141:48 Olli Schulz

So guys, I think we've reached the grand finale. And we want to get our guests on stage again. Are Siegfried and Joy still there? Are they all still there? Is Lola Weybart still there? Is Thiago still there?

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141:48 - 142:27 Jan Böhmermann

Are they all still there? Are they all still there? Then come out again. Here are our guests Siegfried and Joy. Here is Lola Weybart. Lola Weybart. Siegfried and Joy. Siegfried and Joy. Thiago! Thiago! Pascal! Pascal! Wilco! Wilco! Jule Pollack! Jule! Jule, come on stage! Jule, come on stage! All of you! These are our stable people!

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142:27 - 142:46 Jan Böhmermann

Thank you very, very much that you all donated, that you were all here tonight. Even if it was a weird evening again. If you can donate something, do it like Bjarne Medel said and donate something. Stay nice to each other. Don't let each other tear you apart. Love is stronger than hate. That sounds pathetic.

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142:46 - 142:46 Jan Böhmermann

No, it's not pathetic.

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142:46 - 143:01 Olli Schulz

It's the truth, dear people. Stay healthy. Stay true to yourself. Thank you very much. We'll stick together. I wish you a wonderful Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas. All the best for next year. Stay healthy. We'll see you again. Thank you very, very much. Thank you very, very much. Take care. Bye. Come home. Have a good trip.

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143:01 - 143:41 Jan Böhmermann

Merry Christmas. Thank you very, very much. Pascal and Thiago, Sigmund and Joy, Lola Breitband, Wilko, Jule, Philipp Schürer, Philipp Schürer, Philipp Schürer, it really exists. The mystery. The big three that we always talk about in the podcast. You don't. My manager doesn't want to. My legendary manager doesn't want to. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want to.

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143:41 - 143:55 Olli Schulz

Where is my manager? Where is he? Is Ansar there, Nena? Ansar Seidenstücker. In the Kaiserlobe. He's sitting up there and celebrating. He's already celebrating with caviar.

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143:55 - 144:05 Jan Böhmermann

Thank you very much to Spotify, thank you for being here. Thank you to Susanne Bündisch and to Andreas. Thank you very, very, very, very much. And after show at Jan's hotel. Yes, of course.

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144:07 - 144:21 Jan Böhmermann

I'll tell you where to go. Right next door to Motel One. In the lobby of Motel One, right next door. Thank you for being here. Bye. Hey, snow, snow is coming. When is the snow coming?

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144:35 - 144:37 Jan Böhmermann

Alpecin, deswegen Alpecin.

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