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588: Hulk Smash “PUNY DEVS”

Wed, 18 Sep 2024


The insidious undercurrents threatening to crush open-source AI projects, plus our thoughts on Microsoft's "big changes" to Windows post-CrowdStrike.


Full Episode

1.618 - 34.244 Chris

This is GoToRadio, episode 588, recorded on September 17th, 2024. Hey friend, welcome in to Jupyter Broadcasting's weekly talk show, taking a pragmatic look at the art and the business of software development and the whole world of technology. My name is Chris, and joining us, ready to go, probably fully caffeinated, I don't know, it's our host, Mr. Dominic. Hello, Mike. Misa, bye.


34.504 - 42.347 Chris

Now, Jar Jar, can you put Mike on, because I've got a question for him. Okay, but Mike's a little sad. Oh, what happened?


43.404 - 67.387 Mike

Get out of there. Well, so I don't know if you know that Florida is crazy. I've heard, you know, tons, tons of our schools have had shooting or otherwise violent threats since Friday. Oh, like just since Friday? Since Friday. Yeah, tons. Like it was – my little town here was like lockdown mode. What's happened in the last few days? Do you know?


67.427 - 85.162 Mike

What's going – I mean – The one nearest to me where one of my stepkids goes to school and it's the same district as my youngest is a kid went on the internet, posted a threat that he intended to shoot the school up, right? Yeah.


85.562 - 86.363 Mike

They don't like that.

86.463 - 112.444 Mike

They don't like that. Right. Of course not. Right. Correctly, they respond pretty aggressively. Well, as the sheriff's department is clearing the school, this person decides, I'm assuming it's a boy. That he is going to follow the media, the social media, the local news, and taunt the school and the sheriff. Oh, man. You're kidding me. Very poor decision. Yeah.

113.184 - 129.834 Mike

In a county over, an 11-year-old was perp walked and arrested because that sheriff also had the same experience. It was some kind of meme or something going around, some coordinated – I don't think it's like a conspiracy, but like something in the – just like in the air, right? Like a coordinated thing. It's a copycat type syndrome perhaps?

129.854 - 154.863 Mike

Copycat because of what happened in Georgia a couple weeks ago or – yeah, a week and a half ago. And an 11-year-old did a similar thing. He claims to have been joking, right? The sheriff found him of that county, different county that I live in, and perp walked him the whole thing, booking, pat down, in the cage, the whole thing, on tape and put it on social media, which the kid is 11.

155.303 - 164.449 Mike

I have many thoughts that would get us into political water here. I would lose a number of Republican points. It's too much in my opinion.


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