Zach's Mom
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I don't know what's going to happen at the end of the year. I'm gearing up for a very, very big life change.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I can't wait. I can't. I can't keep living with crazy.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I think there's part of me that is trying to ignore where he has gone. This project is making it a little harder to do that.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
He's very aware that that's... a distinct possibility, more aware than I realized by just what happened today when he gave me a belated anniversary gift. And he gave it to me today because he said, honestly, I wasn't sure what frame of mind you would be in and if you would be willing to even accept it. And he said that crying. He wrote in this card, you know, I love you. I love Zach. I love Kira.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I love you. You're the three most important people in my life. You know, and he said something, and I said, but you don't with Kira. You don't. I said, yes, you love her. You say you accept her, but you don't accept her. I don't see a way to sway him around that. And so what it means is that The family is irretrievably broken.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
You know, things were tipping, and that just... That just knocked it all over.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I have tolerated for a long time. And I don't choose to tolerate it anymore.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
It's my wishful thinking that he will realize if he steps back and looks at the whole picture that he's not grounded in any reality and that he'll have an awakening and And I will have a marriage and a family.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
I need an end point. And so the end point is December 31st. And that when January 1st comes around, Things have to change.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
It's getting pretty crazy, and I don't even know half of it. You know, we have two generators in the house. He's stockpiling weird food.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
When I came home from Chicago, there are now eight flats of water in the garage that he bought at Costco. And some kind of fancy water filter system that was a couple hundred dollars worth. And he moved some money without my permission.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
No, because it's a joint account. And he withdrew from a joint account without telling me and made a purchase he knew I would never approve.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
I want a date, and then when that date happens, the precious metals gets returned to cash. The flats of water go back to Costco. You do something else with the food generators we now have, and you move on. I have been very clear that I'm not sure how much more I can take. And I've even said, you know, I'm considering leaving, ending the marriage.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Yeah, which is very hard for me to say because I'm 69. I'm about to retire. Not necessarily the life I had planned for myself to be alone. But What kind of life do I have now?
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
The problem I'm having is I don't know where he's getting this information.