Zach's Dad
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I'm not seeking more attention. I'm seeking to speak more truth and touch more people's lives in a positive, healing way.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I've thought about that a million times. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm just saying. It's just, it's kind of ironic. I finally hit that age, but I'm not worried about it.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Not at all. No. No. I just want to get this book finished and published. As soon as possible, because I think it's a great book and I think it's going to touch a lot of lives. I feel like it's a culmination of my life's work.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I know. Mom said the same thing. It's not that they've gotten more extreme, because extremism is a negative and pejorative word. I've become more in tune with who I really am.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you know me. It's hard to put a percentage on it, but yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. These conversations and just talking about my dad and all the rest. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I have my opinion. I have my beliefs. How can I halfway believe what I believe?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Help me understand why you believe what you believe. And let's look at the fallacies or the shortcomings in believing that. If you continue to believe that, how is that going to impact your world? How is that going to affect your relationships? What if you entertain this thought? What if you could believe this way?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Can you see that that would make a difference in your life or in your relationships? you know, with your spouse, your son, your daughter, what if you could just adjust that thinking enough so that it didn't cause you the pain and the anguish that your current belief causes you?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
If you can't let go of those beliefs, how can you make room for your wife's, your son's, your daughter's belief without it becoming A stumbling block you have in a relationship with them.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Have a good night. We'll talk to you soon. And you know what, Zach?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
This alone has been well worth it. All the conversations we've had. I mean, to be perfectly honest, if I had to pay you 50 grand for the time we've spent together, every penny has been worth it.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
So I'm going to say to you sincerely and honestly and heartfelt that, wow, Zach, I was wrong. And you were correct.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
So Mark Twain had a famous quote. He said, if voting really mattered, they wouldn't let us do it. Isn't that great?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I've actually exposed him to more truth and more reality than he's wanted to deal with.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Oh, yeah. Stubborn, very opinionated, hardheaded at times. Yeah, very embittered against the medical society. They literally ran him out of business.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I kept telling my dad and my mom, I just want to go to school.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
And so they literally threw my dad in jail for a couple of days for practicing without a license. I was like 13 or 14 years old.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
He became so depressed that he literally couldn't get out of bed for like six months. And he was never the same man. That literally broke him.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
I wrote him a long letter. I wrote him like a two or three page letter and mailed it to him. And I said, you know, dad, I love you. I want the best for you. You know, I'm not trying to say anything horrible or damaging or critical about you, but your whole family is concerned about you. Can't you see this? Can't you? recognize that we all would like to see you live to a ripe old age?
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Because I said, if you continue on this path, I don't know when you're going to die, but I know you're going to die.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Yeah, I would agree with that. I would agree with that 100%.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
Mine with you. Mine with you. Right? We're on the same page here.
Alternate Realities: Down the Rabbit Hole
It's painful at times. It's very sad for me. Yeah, it's a drag.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Um, because it's a God ordained process and he's always had prophets and And it makes sense that just like he had prophets in Old Testament times, he would continue with it. Why would he suddenly stop? I never quite understood why God would stop talking to his people.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
I was Googling around, trying to find someone who I thought was Reputable, reliable, and truly plugged into God. Because there's a lot of false prophets out there.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
I firmly believe that, first and foremost, that God did lead me to Julie Green.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Well, I mean... Because this is like a pretty huge shakeup.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Hey, Zach. Dad again. Good conversation last night. Hey, I didn't. I remember to tell you this because I was kind of tired, but they're going to shut us down again. And it's going to be a worse shutdown than 2020 because of this EMP. All the supply lines are going to be disrupted.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Well, not even in the Civil War. This is going to be the biggest shakeup to ever hit the United States of America and the world at large. So, yeah, I mean, I'm a fan of all this stuff happening except for the blackout and the martial law.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
To be honest with you, I'm most concerned about your safety because you live in New York City.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
And I think New York City is going to be hit very hard. And I think the terrorists are going to wreak havoc on New York City. I'm very concerned about your safety and welfare because I firmly believe that roughly 5% of the illegal immigrants coming across the borders are being brought in as terrorists, and they're being shipped to every major city in the U.S. to create chaos and havoc.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
I don't like to look at it in those terms. I think that's overly judgmental to come from the position I'm right and you're wrong. Although a lot of people would view it that way. I prefer to look at it from the perspective of I have access to more information so I can see the bigger picture more clearly. than other people can.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
It's kind of like the president of the US, right? He has access to a ton of information that you and I don't. He can see the big picture because he has more information. He has more resources.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Because I believe God has gifted me with wisdom and discernment to discern between fact and fiction, and read between the lines.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
So you really want to store up two months worth of food and water because they probably won't be able to pump water throughout the city because that's all controlled by computers and electronics. and the EMP is going to shut down everything electronic. I know, I know it sounds like conspiracy theory, but they're going to do this.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Just what I said. I will pay you $1,000 for each one of these 10 things that are wrong.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Well, I think that once you see that I haven't been duped by AI and social media and the algorithms, I think you will gain a lot more respect for... who I am and how I think and how I've come to believe.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Right. But when they do happen, you're going to go, wow, that's amazing. How did he know that?
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
100%. If and when they do happen, I will definitely say, wow, that is amazing.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
The other thing I want to have you say after each one of these is that, wow, dad, you were right and I was wrong. Same goes for you then. Okay. Absolutely. All right.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
What happens to me? That's a good question because I haven't even entertained that idea because I feel 100% confident this is going to happen. So I can't really answer that question. You'll have to interview me at the end of the year.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
All right. I love you. I got to run. All right. Love you too. Good, good conversation. Good chatting. All right. Bye.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
This is what they're planning, and I just want to have you be prepared, okay?
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Zach, I could never talk to you about this again, have great times with you, great conversations, and pretend I didn't believe any of this anymore. So just suppressing it. That's what I feel pressured to do when I have these kind of conversations with you.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
You're saying that I'm a conspiracy theorist. Yes. And the facts that I'm citing are totally bogus, according to your opinion. Well, yes.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
It's called denying us freedom of speech. No. It's called denying us freedom of speech. It's misinformation. No.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
No matter how many studies you do showing that this is not a problem, it's very hard to unring the bell.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
will be found guilty of treason in 2024. So like by a court?
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Yes. Okay. Not the court of public opinion. Correct. Okay.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
And then number two? Biden will be found guilty of treason in 2024. Just treason for something specific? For selling all those secrets that he had in the back of his Corvette.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
And then number 10. Number 10. I threw this in because I thought you'd be excited about it.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Yeah, it's an exciting one. It's probably the most exciting one.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
The U.S. will come under martial law in 2024 because of mass rioting and chaos. So the military will have to step in.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
The whole United States will come under martial law, and the biggest cities will be targeted. You know, New York, unfortunately, Washington, D.C., the Bay Area. Okay. Chicago, L.A., Houston, Dallas... You seem pretty confident about that.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
When all these things happen, then you will realize that I'm not as big a crackpot as you think I am. And that these are not conspiracy theories. These are reality.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
Not a lot. In fact, I still chuckle about this when I mention it to other people. You actually turned me on to QAnon.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
That was definitely a miscalculation on your part. But no, because I know, Zach, that you love me and you care about me and you want the best for me.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
You were warning me. From your perspective, because you didn't want me to fall down that rabbit hole.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
So I totally respected your opinion and your belief. I simply didn't agree with it.
Alternate Realities: A Strange Bet
So every human being has five physical senses, right? Yeah. Sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Yep. And we tend to live in a physical world based upon... all the perceptions we get from those five senses. It's kind of like the old saying is, seeing is believing. But in the spiritual world, it's just the opposite. And by that I mean, you have to believe it first in order to see it manifest.