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Susan Rice


The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 2144 - More Trump WINS: Joy Reid GONE!


What message does it send to Xi Jinping when Donald Trump says to Ukraine that they are the aggressor, they who are in fact the victims of an invasion, are somehow the ones who started the war, and that the price for ending the war ought to be that Ukraine gives up territory, has no security guarantees, and oh, by the way, give over $500 billion to Donald Trump in the United States for nothing in return?

The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 2144 - More Trump WINS: Joy Reid GONE!


If I'm Xi Jinping, I'm looking at that going, great, now's my time to invade Taiwan.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 2144 - More Trump WINS: Joy Reid GONE!


We have always had an extraordinarily apolitical, professional military. It's one of our greatest strengths as a democracy. We have civilian control, but we have men and women in our military of all backgrounds who are super highly qualified and who serve with honor and serve with integrity and without politicization.

The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 2144 - More Trump WINS: Joy Reid GONE!


And now suddenly Donald Trump is bringing politics into the process of determining who should be our military leaders. That is dangerous. It's unprecedented. And it does not bode well for our integrity as a democracy.