Stephen Moore
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Never better.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I can't stop smiling after that speech last night. And I've lived through a lot of, well, that wasn't really technically a State of the Union speech, but it was very much like one. And that was a superb speech. I think everybody's talking about the rude and obnoxious behavior of the Democrats. What a party that's become.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I mean, when you and I first met, what, 30 years ago, I mean, there were a lot of centrist, common sense Democrats.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, those people are, I'd be embarrassed to be part of that party. I mean, even, even when he said things that were not political, uh, that were just pro-America. They just sat on their hands. I was really so disappointed by that. But otherwise, what a great night. You saw the CBS poll, 76% approved of that speech. Powerful. And it was powerful. So, look, the guy's on a roll.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I've worked with him now for eight years. You know, you asked me about the tariffs and I kind of feel like, who am I to even second guess this?
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
By the way, I apologize a little bit in the background. I'm at the airport, but I really wanted to come on your show. So that's right. I mean, I kind of and it's like it's really funny when I see Trump, you know, every couple of months. I don't work for him now, but but he is every once in a while seeks my advice.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And every time you see Steve Moore, he's a great economist, but he doesn't agree with Matt Terrace. I know he says that to me, too. But look, there's three kind of tariffs here. There's the kind of tariffs that are what you might call protectionist tariffs for like the steel industry, the aluminum industry, this industry, that industry, the chips. And I don't like those. I don't think they work.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I think that we tried the steel and aluminum tariffs in the first term. And look, Trump's heart is in the right place. He wants to help save people. you know, these steel jobs, et cetera.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
The problem we found out from those, Glenn, and we have pretty good evidence of this, we did save about 3,000 steel jobs, but we lost, you know, 20,000 manufacturing jobs because the steel became more expensive with the tariffs. So in other words, it was kind of counterproductive. And I don't think those really work.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Now, the one country that I think we all as Americans can agree on needs to be hit with tariffs is China. They are an enemy. They are an enemy.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
they're like china i mean they're like japan circa 1936. you know by the way you know you know this we sold to uh japan in the 1930s the steel that they used to uh for their bombs that so let's not make that mistake right uh and uh you know with respect to canada and mexico that's where i'm a little uneasy because canada and mexico are critically important allies to the united states i mean when you think about it all across the globe
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We have to we have to Canada and Mexico are critical to us. And we want to make sure Mexico doesn't go the way of Cuba and the Canadians. You know, sometimes, you know, they drove us the wrong way, but they're good people. By the way, you're not Canadian, are you?
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I ask that because I have a lot of friends who are Canadians, you know, and they're in the United States. It's almost like it's one big country. And maybe at the end of Trump's presidency, we will be one big country.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah. So you and I think alike on this. So here's the thing that I want to make sure people understand this loud and clear. And I think a lot of the foreign countries don't quite completely get this. There's only one country that really matters. That's the United States. I mean, we are the hub of the world economy and every other country is a spoke.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
So that gives us and I've learned a lot from Trump just being around him. He is, Glenn, the single greatest negotiator I've ever met. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think the guy's genius. He's a genius in that regard. And that's how he got rich. He's an incredible. And if you read his book and that was written, what, 30 or 40 years ago, but it still is relevant today. It's called The Art of the Deal.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And one of the things I learned from reading that book is if I'm negotiating with you, Brian, if we're negotiating a contract or something, and I have leverage over you, I'm going to probably win that contract. I'm going to probably win that negotiation, right? Correct. So leverage is everything when you're negotiating. Well, guess what country has the most leverage in the world?
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We do. And, you know, do you think Joe Biden ever used our leverage? No. Hell no.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah. And so what that means is that let's say, let's take China as an example. I believe as a free trader that when we have free trade with China, we generally both, you know, they bring in a lot of cheap stuff and that, you know, that's good for American consumers and we sell them things, but they're not playing by the rules.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
They cheat, they steal, uh, they are predatory and they're, and they're dangerous. So we can say to them, look, You're going to do X, Y, and Z, or we're going to slap you with a 30% tariff. Now, they could say, well, we're going to slap you with it, but they can't do that. They can't win a tit-for-tat war with us because if we can't trade with them, it would hurt us.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
If they can't trade with us, they go into Great Depression. And Trump understands that. And that's why he's so effective at using these threats of terror. Same thing with Mexico. And I look, I love the Mexicans. I'm told Mexico. But the Mexicans have to trade with the United States. They must.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And so Trump is saying, if you want to have that access to the biggest consumer market in the world, you are going to help on the fentanyl crisis. You're going to help on the border. You're going to do the other things that they should do anyway.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I'm not an expert on the agriculture industry, but I will say this, that, you know, he wants us to be dominant in energy. Incidentally, we should also be, we can and should be dominant in minerals. You know, we just did a study of unleashed prosperity. You know what country in the world has the most minerals?
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We've got the mountains of Dakota. We got Utah. We got Colorado. But we can't get them. I know. You know why? For the last 20 years, the radical environmentalists have not allowed us to mine. And that's why I'm a little frustrated, even with Trump a little bit. We said, well, we've got to get these precious minerals from China. From Ukraine. Well, in the short term, he's right.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
But let's why would we do that when we have them in Montana? Right. Why wouldn't we just go? And why do we have to be dependent on China, Russia and Ukraine for our minerals? And we should become more self-sufficient. We have we should not just do that. When you said, you know, plant, baby, plant, because we are going to drill, baby, drill. And we should mine, baby, mine. We should use.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
There is no country in the world that has more abundant resources, Glenn. Then we do. You know that.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Well said. And, you know, it's funny because people ask me all the time, you know, how are Reagan and Trump different? And how are they the same? Because I did have the opportunity at the very tail end of the Reagan administration to meet Ronald Reagan. I'm very proud of that, by the way. I want them to put on my tombstone glasses.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I work for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, the two greatest presidents of modern time. Anyway, it's. So here's one thing. Think about this. Here's what I find really remarkably similar about Trump and Reagan. Well, there's two things. One is they both love people. They just love people. Trump and Reagan both. Second thing, this is even more important.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Both of them were always, always underestimated by their political opponents. And you remember Reagan? Oh, they laughed when Reagan ran for president. He's a great actor from Hollywood. He can't be president. Same thing with Trump. They still think he's stupid. He's not stupid. The guy is brilliant. He is. And so I agree with that. I mean, look, sometimes he does things that I think are dumb.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And I do think a screw came loose a little bit after the 2020 election where for about six months there, you know, you know, I didn't like his behavior, but he's back on his A game. And it is it is something to behold. And I never been more seriously since the election day and since inauguration. I haven't been able to stop smiling. Yeah.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah, so there's two reasons. Let me back up, because it's very simple, and this is really fundamental to economics. If, Glenn, you and I trade together, you know, you trade something to me and I trade something to you. We are both by definition better off, right? That's what, that's why trade is it, you know, if we all just made everything we, okay.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Thank you. So this goes back to, uh, not way even before Milton Friedman was one of my greatest, my favorite economist, but, but Adam Smith and Adam Smith and his great book, the wealth of nations talked about this idea of comparative advantage. And I'm going to keep this really simple. Okay. So, uh, Brazil and Columbia have great coffee beans, right? The best coffee beans in the world.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We have the best microchips. So it makes sense that we would buy our coffee beans from Brazil and we would sell them microchips. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. And so that's why trade is so important. I mean, if Art Laffer, another one of my mentors were on, he'd say, you know, free trade is one of the pillars of prosperity when the freedom to trade makes everybody better off.
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
But all Trump is saying is we want a level playing field here. We're the lowest tariff country. Did you know that, Glenn?
The Glenn Beck Program
Democrats Exposed Their Worst Side During Trump's Speech | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah, and I think in the end of the day, and this is my, you know, when I say my prayers at night, I hope this is the way it turns out. After two or three years of this Trump administration, I believe we will move more towards freer and fairer trade.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
on x at january do no harm you're listening to the best of the glenn beck program steven moore my dear friend how are you sir hi glenn never better good smiling uh... speech last night and i've been i've lived through a lot of uh... well that wasn't really a technically a state of the union speech but it was very much like one and uh... that was one of the one a superb speech i i i think everybody's talking about
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
the the rude and obnoxious behavior of the democrats what a party that's become i mean when you and i first met what 30 years ago i mean there were a lot of centrist common sense democrats i was good friends with joe lieberman oh yeah i mean those people are i'd be embarrassed to be part of that party i mean and even even when he said things that were not political
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
you know, that were just pro-America. They just sat on their hands. I was really so disappointed by that. But otherwise, what a great night. You saw the CBS poll, 76% approved of that speech. Powerful. And it was powerful. So, look, the guy's on a roll. I've worked with him now for eight years. You know, you asked me about the tariffs and I kind of feel like, who am I to even second guess this?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah, no question. By the way, I apologize a little bit. In the background, I'm at the airport, but I really wanted to come on your show. So that's right. I mean, I kind of and it's like it's really funny when I see Trump, you know, every couple of months. I don't work for him now, but but he is every once in a while seeks my advice.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And every time you see Steve Moore, he's a great economist, but he doesn't agree with Matt Terrace. I know. He says that to me too. I know. But look, there's three kinds of terrorists here. There's the kind of terrorists that are what you might call protectionist terrorists for like the steel industry, the aluminum industry, this industry, that industry, the chips. And I don't like those.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I don't think they work. I think that we tried the steel and aluminum tariffs in the first term. And look, Trump's heart is in the right place. He wants to help save you know, these steel jobs, et cetera. The problem we found out from those Glenn, and we have pretty good evidence of this.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We did save about 3000 steel jobs, but we lost, you know, 20,000 manufacturing jobs because the steel came more expensive with the terrorists. So in other words, it was kind of counterproductive. And I don't, I don't think those really work. Now the, the one country that I think we all as Americans can agree on needs to be hit with terrorists is China. They are an enemy. They are an enemy.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
They're like China. I mean, they're like Japan circa 1936. You know, by the way, you know this. We sold to Japan in the 1930s the steel that they used for their bombs. So let's not make that mistake again. And, you know, with respect to Canada and Mexico, that's where I'm a little uneasy because Canada and Mexico are critically important allies to the United States.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I mean, when you think about it all across the globe, We have to we have to Canada and Mexico are critical to us. We want to make sure Mexico doesn't go the way of Cuba and the Canadians. You know, sometimes, you know, they drove us the wrong way, but they're good people. By the way, you're not Canadian, are you?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I ask that because I have a lot of friends who are Canadians, you know, and they're in the United States. It's almost like it's one big country. And maybe at the end of Trump's presidency, we will be one big country.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah. So you and I think alike on this. So here's the thing that I want to make sure people understand this loud and clear. And I think a lot of the, you know, foreign countries don't quite completely get this. There's only one country that really matters. That's the United States. I mean, we are the hub of the world economy and every other country is a spoke.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
So that gives us and I've learned a lot from Trump just being around him. He is, Glenn, the single greatest negotiator I've ever met. Oh, yeah. I mean, I think the guy's genius. He's a genius in that regard. And that's how he got rich. He's an incredible. And if you read his book and that was written, what, 30 or 40 years ago, but it still is relevant today. it's called the art of the deal.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And one of the things I learned from reading that book is if I'm negotiating with you, if we're negotiating a contract or something, and I have leverage over you, I'm going to probably win that contract. I'm going to probably win that negotiation, right? Correct. So leverage is everything when you're negotiating. Well, guess what country has the most leverage in the world?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We do.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We do. And, you know, do you think Joe Biden ever used our leverage?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Hell no.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah. And so what that means is that let's say let's take China as an example. I believe as a free trader that when we have free trade with China, we generally both – they bring in a lot of cheap stuff, and that's good for American consumers, and we sell them things. But they're not playing by the rules. They cheat. They steal. They are predatory, and they're dangerous.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
So we can say to them, look, you're going to do X, Y, and Z, or – we're going to slap you with a 30% tariff. Now they could say, well, we're going to slap you, but they can't do that. They can't win a tit for tat war with us because if we can't trade with them, it would hurt us. If they can't trade with us, they go into great depression. And Trump understands that.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And that's why he's so effective at using these threats of terror. Same thing with Mexico. And I look, I love the Mexicans. I'm pro Mexico, but the Mexicans have to trade with the United States. They must. And so Trump is saying, if you want to have that access to the biggest consumer market in the world, you are going to help on the fentanyl crisis. You're going to help on the border.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
You're going to do the other things that they should do anyway.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I'm not an expert on the agriculture industry, but I will say this, that, you know, he wants us to be dominant in energy. Incidentally, we should also be, we can and should be dominant in minerals. You know, we just did a study of unleashed prosperity. You know what country in the world has the most minerals? Probably us. We've got the mountains of Dakota. We got Utah. We got Colorado.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
But we can't get them. I know. You know why? For the last 20 years, the radical environmentalists have not allowed us to mine. And that's why I'm a little frustrated, even with Trump a little bit. We said, well, we've got to get these precious minerals from China. from, uh, Ukraine. Well, in the short term is right, but let's, why would we do that when we'd have them in Montana?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Why wouldn't we just go and, you know, why do we have to be dependent on, on, uh, China, Russia and, and Ukraine for our minerals? Uh, and we should become more self-sufficient. We have, we should not just do that. I was thinking that when you said, you know, plant baby plant, because we are going to drill baby drill and we should mine baby mine.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We should use, there is no country in the world that has more abundant resources. Glenn, Then we do. You know that.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Well said. And, you know, it's funny because people ask me all the time, you know, how are Reagan and Trump different? And how are they the same? Because I did have the opportunity at the very tail end of the Reagan administration to meet Ronald Reagan. I'm very proud of that, by the way. I want them to put on my tombstone glasses.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
I work for Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, the two greatest presidents of modern time. Anyway, it's here's one thing. Think about this. Here's what I find really disappointing. remarkably similar about Trump and Reagan. Well, there's two things. One is they both love people. They just love people. Trump and Reagan both. Second thing, this is even more important.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Both of them were always, always underestimated by their political opponents. And you remember Reagan? Oh, they laughed when Reagan ran for president. He's a great actor from Hollywood. He can't be president. And same thing with Trump. They still think he's stupid. He's not stupid. The guy is brilliant. He is. And so I agree with that. I mean, look, sometimes he does things that I think are dumb.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
And I do think a screw came loose a little bit after the 2020 election where for about six months later, You know, you know, I didn't like his behavior, but he's back on his A game and it is it is something to behold. And I've never been more seriously since the election day and since inauguration. I haven't been able to stop smiling.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yeah, so there's two reasons. Let me back up, because it's very simple, and this is really fundamental to economics. If, Glenn, you and I trade together, you know, you trade something to me and I trade something to you. We are both by definition better off, right? That's what, that's why trade is it, you know, if we all just made everything we, okay.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Thank you. So this goes back to, uh, not in way even before Milton Friedman was one of my greatest, my favorite economist, but, but Adam Smith and Adam Smith and his great book, the wealth of nations talked about this idea of comparative advantage. And I'm going to keep this really simple. Okay. So, uh, Brazil and Columbia have great coffee beans, right? The best coffee beans in the world.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
We have the best microchips. So it makes sense that we would buy our coffee beans from Brazil and we would sell them microchips. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. And so that's why trade is so important. I mean, if Art Laffer, another one of my mentors were on, he'd say, you know, free trade is one of the pillars of prosperity. The freedom to trade makes everybody better off.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
But all Trump is saying is we want a level playing field here. We're the lowest tariff country. Did you know that, Glenn?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guests: Stephen Moore & January Littlejohn | 3/5/25
Yep. And I think in the end of the day, and this is my, you know, when I say my prayers at night, I hope this is the way it turns out. After two or three years of this Trump administration, I believe we will move more towards freer and fairer trade.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Well, you know, so far so good. I do miss being in West Virginia and dealing with sane people in the state of West Virginia. But, you know, it's something I certainly prayed on a lot and certainly need a lot of prayers and God's protection when you're down here. I know. There's no doubt about it.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Yeah, so I am very supportive of the president's tariffs. I've actually introduced what's called the U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act. And specifically, what the president's trying to do here and what I'm trying to address in my bill is, in short, we're getting taken for a ride. The American people and the American worker have been getting taken for a ride for a very long time.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Now, what my bill does is it addresses non-tariff trade barriers that are there. So that could be a VAT. That could be a regulation. It could be government subsidies. that act like a tariff for our manufacturers to be able to enter into that marketplace, right? A lot of hidden costs in there.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Now, the president, what he wants to do is be able to reciprocate with all these countries that have high tariffs. And what I want to do is allow them to give more latitude to be able to reciprocate on these non-tariff barriers, because at the end of the day, nobody wants high tariffs. What the president has proven is
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
is when you go out here and you reciprocate you're going to lower tariffs and you're going to get more free trade everybody who is freaking out about this and oh no this is going to be terrible for the consumer this is going to be great for the consumer in the long run and guess what it's going to be great for the american worker and the blue collar worker and the same point here i mean this is
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Right, so it will allow the USTR to be able to calculate that and they'll come up with a value in terms of what that looks like in a non-tariff sense, right? So what is that value? What's that inhibitor into our entrance into that marketplace? So it gives them latitude over USTR to be able to determine that, but we have to have the ability to be able to negotiate on those aspects of that.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
A tariff on, say, a U.S. automobile in Europe right now might be around 10%, but really it's more like 25%, right, because of all these non-tariff barriers that are in place.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Eight sponsors, my main lead sponsor, Marjorie Taylor Greene, her and I have worked on this. And we're going to continue to pick up some more sponsors, particularly as the president has started to lean in on this. And people got to, everybody knows, Glenn, you're a huge U.S. history expert. You know this. And so just flashback. to pre-revolutionary war.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
And one of the aspects and issues that we had with the British at that time was they were taking our raw goods and materials shipping them over to Britain to then become finished goods that they would export back over to us. Does that sound familiar to anybody? That's what's happening to us right now with the Chinese. It's literally what's happening right now.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
But instead of that, it's our intellectual property. It's our technological know-how. And they're building it over there and shipping it back to us.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Correct, because I'd say in the... You're going to have some revenue on that. But in the long term, we're trying to correct a behavior here. Now, this is an example that I've used before, not that I'm in favor of it because I didn't support it in the state legislature. But if you think about something like a cigarette. You keep breaking up. Are you there? Oh, yeah, I'm there. Can you hear me?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Yes, I can. An example to think about would be, say, like a cigarette tax, which I'm not in favor of. But what they're trying to do is change a behavior on the other side. So you might get some revenue in the beginning, but eventually people will come off of cigarettes.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So it's the same way you could think to an extent on tariffs is that we're trying to correct the way that these foreign countries are dealing with us and bring it to a more level playing field. The president said he's for free trade, but he is for fair trade. So we'll get some revenue in the short term. This is not a long-term play, though, I don't think.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
And, you know, this budget resolution that they're going to have on the floor today has a floor itself within it.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
provide some guardrails in there for one and a half trillion dollars in cuts yeah but but isn't that a like an 85 million trillion dollar bill over 10 years you're only cutting i mean that's i mean really yeah so that's over the 10-year window you're right so that's over the 10-year window so in the way i've thought about it and i've talked to people
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
They're like, oh, it's $1.5 trillion, or what if we get to $2 trillion? It's like, well, one, it's over the 10-year window, which is saying we're going to reduce, let's say, $200 billion a year if it's $2 trillion. If this place tomorrow woke up and said they wanted to spend $200 more billion a year, they could do it in a nanosecond.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Yeah. And we do got to get more serious on this. And I do think, though, I mean, the things that we're seeing from Doge, if people have the intestinal fortitude, which I am one of these to actually take what they're doing and put it into law. Yes, they can pause the spending. But if we don't put it into law, it will be reappropriated in the next year.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
No, well, and they won't show up, right? So they won't show up in 2026 and rightfully so if we do not get to the speed of Donald Trump and start cutting in the manner in which particularly Doge is finding some of these things. And obviously this is so frustrating for me coming from state government. We balance our budget every year, every year, balanced budget, no problem. And guess what?
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
When we come up short, what do we do? We cut. When the Democrats are in charge, they taxed. We cut and we got our way there. We always balance our budget every year.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
is everything's got to take a cut. And I'm a big believer in national defense, huge believer, but everybody has got to do more with less because everyone in America is doing more with less. Yes.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Everyone's going to have to figure it out.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
We just got it introduced here just last week. And so we're actually working with the White House on the bill right now as we speak.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Glenn Beck, I am doing great. Every day is a crazy day up here in crazy town. So it's wild stuff. So we've got a caucus, a caucus, a Doge caucus that's working to codify the changes that Elon and the president's Doge work group is doing. And it's a busy time.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Well, I think it's much bigger. I think it's much bigger than the public knows. People would be shocked of how big it is. What we have to do is reestablish a new baseline for a budgeting so that we eliminate and codify and not give all this crazy crap that we continue to fund. Today, though, it's game day. It's game day in Capitol Hill and Capitol Hill.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
We've got a big budget vote tonight that sets up the framework of the Trump agenda, including reestablishing the Trump tax cuts. Glenn, it's going to be razor thin. We can only lose one vote because we know the Democrats, as crazy as they are, they will stick together. and they will all vote no, so we've got to stick together. So it's going to be a nail-biter here tonight.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I don't know how long it'll take, but everybody's going to stay tuned, listen to Glenn Beck to figure out how to begin the process.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
And we were, you know, this year we'll spend over seven and a half trillion dollars. 2019 before COVID, we were a $4 trillion budgeted nation. And so just in the last five years, you can see how much it skyrockets. But we're now at a critical stage that we have to make a change. We have to make a change. And as little as this budget deal that says we will
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
We will, over the next 10 years, cut $1.5 trillion. As small as that is, it is the first cut, major cut, I think, ever. It is the largest cut ever, but it's the first time that we've ever shrunk government. So we will cheer this. We will say it's the first step. It's a big deal. It's a big deal. We've got people in our party. in our party plan, that you need to know that he's a Republican.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Some say these cuts go too far. And then we've got people in our party who say, I'm not voting for it because it doesn't go far enough. But we've got to come together, and hopefully we'll do that tonight.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
I think they will. Yes, I do. But this framework tonight is the first step. I agree. If it was Glenn Beck and Aaron being in a room, you and I could do it on the back of a cocktail napkin of how we were going to reshape government. But when you have 500 and 535 members of Congress that each has their own little idea of how it should go down then that's where the trick is.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So tonight, getting 216 virtually virtually unanimous. We'll lose hopefully not more than one vote or it fails, but if we, uh, that we'll come together and begin the process of reducing the size of the government the first time in a long time.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Uh, I on a scale from one to 10, I'm at a eight right now. That's four people, four Republicans have said they oppose it. But I think that's a chance for Donald J. Trump, who is the 800 pound gorilla that can get on the phone and say, what are you doing? Let's go forward with the Trump agenda. Seventy seven million people voted for it in a. in America.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
They voted for rapid change that Doge is bringing. They voted for rapid change that our president is doing. Somebody said, and it's perfect, somebody said that the president's running a no-huddle offense. Every day he goes to the mic, every afternoon he pushes and signs executive orders and pushes everybody.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Congress is having a hard time keeping up with him, but tonight, game time, 6.05, going back, tune in.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
No, it's public Thomas Massey. Thomas Massey is one of them. Victoria Sparks is, uh, is another, those are the two that are public right now. And hopefully they'll get to, uh, to have their say of, of, uh, going forward and we'll bring them back into the fold.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
Well, that was my dad. That was your dad. You're thinking of a different Mr. Bean. Yeah, Mr. Bean, yeah. I've been a long time. Yeah, exactly. I've been a long time fan of you. The passion comes through in your voice, the love for our country. It's just infectious. If I ever need to be picked up, I turn on the Glenn Beck program and you do a wonderful job.
The Glenn Beck Program
NSA Officials Used Classified Chat to Talk Smut on YOUR Dime | Guests: Rep. Riley Moore & Rep. Aaron Bean | 2/25/25
So keep that up and hopefully we'll get a chance to talk again.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Now, the president, what he wants to do is be able to reciprocate with all these countries that have high tariffs. And what I want to do is allow them to give more latitude to be able to reciprocate on these non-tariff barriers, because at the end of the day, nobody wants high tariffs. What the president has proven is
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
is when you go out here and you reciprocate, you're going to lower tariffs and you're going to get more free trade. Everybody who is freaking out about this and, oh, no, this is going to be terrible for the consumer, this is going to be great for the consumer in the long run. And guess what? It's going to be great for the American worker and the blue-collar worker and the family here.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
right so it will allow the ustr to be able to calculate that and they'll come up with a value in terms of what that looks like in a non-tariff sense right so what is that value what is that uh what's that inhibitor into our entrance into that marketplace so it gives them latitude over uscr to be able to determine that but we have to have the ability to be able to negotiate on those aspects of that so
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
A tariff on, say, a U.S. automobile in Europe right now might be around 10%, but really it's more like 25%, right, because of all these non-tariff barriers that are in place.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Eight sponsors, my main lead sponsor, Marjorie Taylor Greene, her and I have worked on this. And we're going to continue to pick up some more sponsors, particularly as the president has started to lean in on this. And people got to, everybody knows, Glenn, you're a huge U.S. history expert. You know this. And so just flashback.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
to pre-Revolutionary War, and one of the aspects and issues that we had with the British at that time was they were taking our raw goods and materials, shipping them over to Britain to then become finished goods that they would export back over to us. Does that sound familiar to anybody? That's what's happening to us right now with the Chinese. It's literally what's happening right now.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
But instead of that, it's our intellectual property. It's our technological know-how. And they're building it over there and shipping it back to us.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Correct, because I'd say in the... you're going to have some revenue on that. But in the long term, we're trying to correct a behavior here. Now, this is an example that I've used before, not that I'm in favor of it because I didn't support it in the state legislature. But if you think about something like a cigarette You keep breaking up. Are you there? Oh, yeah, I'm there. Can you hear me?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Yes, I can. An example to think about would be, say, like a cigarette tax, which I'm not in favor of. But what they're trying to do is change a behavior on the other side. So you might get some revenue in the beginning, but eventually people will come off of cigarettes. Right.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
So it's the same way you could think to an extent on tariffs is that we're trying to correct the way that these foreign countries are dealing with us. and bring it to a more level playing field. The president said he's for free trade, but he is for fair trade. So we'll get some revenue in the short term. This is not a long-term play, though, I don't think.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Well, I can tell you that I am. And, you know, this budget resolution that they're going to have on the floor today has a floor itself within it.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
provide some guardrails in there for one and a half trillion dollars in cuts yeah but but isn't that a like an 85 million trillion dollar bill over 10 years you're only cutting i mean that's i mean really yeah so that's over the 10-year window you're right so that's over the 10-year window so in the way i've thought about it and i've talked to people
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
They're like, oh, it's $1.5 trillion, or what if we get to $2 trillion? It's like, well, one, it's over the 10-year window, which is saying we're going to reduce, let's say, $200 billion a year if it's $2 trillion. If this place tomorrow woke up and said they wanted to spend $200 more billion a year, they could do it in a nanosecond.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Yeah, and we do got to get more serious on this. And I do think, though, I mean, the things that we're seeing from Doge, if people have the intestinal fortitude, which I am one of these, to actually take what they're doing and put it into law.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
They can pause the spending, but if we don't put it into law, it will be reappropriated in the next year.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
No, well, and they won't show up, right? So they won't show up in 2026, and rightfully so, if we do not get to the speed of Donald Trump and start cutting in the manner in which particularly Doge is finding some of these things. And obviously, this is so frustrating for me coming from state government. We balance our budget every year. Every year, balanced budget, no problem. And guess what?
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
When we come up short, what do we do? We cut. When the Democrats are in charge, they tax. We cut, and we got our way there, and we always balance our budget every year.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
I could not agree with you more. Everything's got to take a cut. And I'm a big believer in national defense, huge believer. But everybody has got to do more with less because everyone in America is doing more with less. Yes. Yes.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Everyone's going to have to figure it out.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
We just got it introduced here just last week, and so we're actually working with the White House on the bill right now as we speak.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Well, you know, so far so good. I do miss being in West Virginia and dealing with sane people in the state of West Virginia. But, you know, it's something I certainly prayed on a lot and certainly need a lot of prayers and God's protection when you're down here. I know. There's no doubt about it.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Yeah, so I am very supportive of the president's tariffs. I've actually introduced what's called the U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act. And specifically, what the president's trying to do here and what I'm trying to address in my bill is, in short, we're getting taken for a ride. The American people and the American worker have been getting taken for a ride for a very long time.
The Glenn Beck Program
Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25
Now, what my bill does is it addresses non-tariff trade barriers that are there. So that could be a VAT. That could be a regulation. It could be government subsidies. that act like a tariff for our manufacturers to be able to enter into that marketplace, right? A lot of hidden costs in there.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
It is true that many of the people in this room for four years failed to cover the fact that Joe Biden was mentally incompetent and was not running the country. It is also true that many people in this room who have used this talking point that Elon is not elected fail to understand how government works. So I'm glad for the opportunity for a brief civics lesson.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
A president is elected by the whole American people. He's the only official in the entire government that is elected by the entire nation. Right? Judges are appointed, members of Congress are elected at the district or state level. Just one man, and the Constitution, Article 2, has a clause known as the Vesting Clause, and it says the executive power shall be vested in a president. Singular.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
The whole will of democracy is imbued into the elected president. That president then appoints staff to then impose that democratic will onto the government.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
The threat to democracy, indeed the existential threat to democracy, is the unelected bureaucracy of lifetime tenured civil servants who believe they answer to no one, who believe they can do whatever they want without consequence, who believe they can set their own agenda no matter what Americans vote for. So Americans vote for radical FBI reform, And FBI agents say they don't want to change.
The Glenn Beck Program
Senate Republicans Just Caved on Cutting Inflation | Guest: Daniel Horowitz | 2/21/25
Or Americans vote for radical reform under energy policies, but EPA bureaucrats say they don't want to change. Or Americans vote to end DEI, racist DEI policies. And lawyers in the Department of Justice say they don't want to change.