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The Glenn Beck Program

Best of the Program | Guest: Rep. Riley Moore | 2/25/25

Tue, 25 Feb 2025


Glenn begins the show by discussing the latest expose by journalist Christopher Rufo, who revealed the disgusting chats our intelligence community staffers have been engaging in during working hours instead of spying on our enemies. Rep. Riley Moore (R-W.V.) joins to break down President Trump’s tariff plans and why his critics are mistaken. Glenn reviews a cryptic post from Aleksandr Dugin. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Featured in this Episode

Chapter 1: What controversial activities were exposed within the intelligence community?

153.184 - 178.094 Glenn Beck

What five things did you work on last week at work? Could you tell your boss? Because I could. I could tell, you know, more than five things pretty quickly. What did you work on last week? How hard would it be to write out in bullet points, not a dissertation, in bullet points what you worked on? Now let me ask you, how hard would it be if you weren't really working?


178.634 - 198.962 Glenn Beck

Or if you were wasting your time in private chat rooms using the most secure servers and channels to discuss your perversions? That'd be pretty tough. Well, I discussed my perversions online. That's probably not a bullet point that'll go over well. Listen to what Christopher Ruffo exposed.


200.022 - 235.795 Glenn Beck

Our spies at the NSA, the CIA, the DIA, the people we trust and pay to be sources of quality information and to protect us are We now know they have been on systems that we pay for talking about, and I'm quoting, castrating themselves, building fake vaginas and their sick little fetishes. Excuse the language, but piss fetishes, gang bangs, laser zapping, quoting their buttholes.


238.441 - 264.773 Glenn Beck

And by the way, this is not some basement chat room that they're on. This is Intel Link. This is our secure government network. This is what our spies use to talk to one another to make sure we have privacy and we don't have anybody hacking in. So I guess the upside is, I guess none of these people could be blackmailed by China or anything else.


265.868 - 297.436 Glenn Beck

Because hopefully China hasn't hacked into Intel Link. And they're doing it at work during the day. While you're breaking your back every day to earn a living and pay taxes, how hard do you work? Can you list five things you did last week? How many hours did you grind out just to see your tax dollars funneled to Washington in this cesspool? So you know, these are not random clowns.

297.516 - 322.022 Glenn Beck

These are not just a few, a handful of perverts. They're spies. They're supposed to be watching our enemies, not drooling over their own mental illness, and that's what it is. Make no mistake about it. It is mental illness, plain and simple, and we have got to start calling that now. No more sugarcoating. No more excuses. They are typing sick mental illness garbage online.

322.982 - 353.361 Glenn Beck

On our dime, on our clock, hundreds of times while claiming it's diversity work. Hmm. Is it? The NSA called it critical diversity work. Oh. Critical to what exactly? Our collapse? Do you think any of this stops on its own, gang? Do you think any of this is just like, oh, you know what? We shouldn't have done that. You think it stops on its own?

354.261 - 390.291 Glenn Beck

It won't unless we scream from every corner of our country, the left, the right. It doesn't matter. This kind of activity, this perversion on our dime, if it's not crushed, we're done. We're lost. We're finished. We have handed our intelligence agencies over to a bunch of degenerates who can't keep their minds out of the gutter long enough to do their damn job. By the way, I'm going to do it.

Chapter 2: How are historical parallels drawn to current intelligence community activities?

390.451 - 418.649 Glenn Beck

I'm going to do it, gang. I'm going to bring it up. History has echoes of this. He's not going to say Nazis. He says, yes, I'm going to say the Nazis. They didn't just kill and conquer. Their ranks were rotten with corruption and depravity. SS officers hoarded, looted wealth. The high-ups like Goering lived in obscene luxury, wearing women's clothing at night while preaching purity.


419.669 - 448.288 Glenn Beck

Some, like Ernest Romm, who was the head of the stormtroopers, the S.A., They were steeped in personal scandals. His essay was a hotbed of homosexuality, cross-dressing, perverse behavior until Hitler purged it. But he didn't do it for morality reasons. He did it for power. And then he said these people were perverse and sick and they were plotting against our country.


448.608 - 486.354 Glenn Beck

And so he killed them all for power, not morality. That society ended in rubble, burned out by its own excesses as much as allied bombing. Take Rome. the late republic senators were drowning in orgies and graft while the state crumbled it fell apart overrunning overrun by enemies that couldn't that it couldn't face anymore When your guardians turn inward, they are obsessed with their own filth.


486.754 - 517.643 Glenn Beck

The walls will not hold. And that's us right now. We are standing, gazing into the abyss. You know, when we voted for Donald Trump, we thought we knew how bad it was. When we... When we lost in 2020, we thought we knew how bad it was. And then more was revealed to us by their own actions, right? They started teaching this crap, this mental illness to our children.


519.145 - 534.156 Glenn Beck

And that's what started to wake us up. And then we started seeing everything. And they just kept dogpiling more and more and more. And then, by the time we got to this election, a lot of Americans, who weren't necessarily for Trump, voted for Trump because they're like, okay, this is really bad.

534.556 - 570.508 Glenn Beck

But now that we're actually in it, now that we're actually exposing and just beginning to peel the carpet back, oh my gosh, we are seeing the infection and the bugs and the cockroaches that I didn't think we would find. Our spies are too busy playing sick games of, I'm now a female, I'm now a male, and I just love urinating out of my new vagina.

570.628 - 604.802 Glenn Beck

That's what's actually happening online, on our secure servers, on your time. Let me just give you the historic context here. These are just the facts. Nazi Germany, beyond ideology, corruption, perverse indulgence. That's what that regime was all about. Leaders exploited slave labor profits and then engaged in documented debauchery. What was the outcome? Total collapse, 1945.

605.103 - 642.655 Glenn Beck

Moral and physical ruin. The Roman Empire. Elite corruption. Sexual excess. Bribery. Weakened governance. Teaching men that they should be more like women. Outcome? Destruction. Transition to an empire. Then eventually they fall to the barbarians. Weimar Germany. They weren't Nazis. Pre-Nazi decadence in Berlin. Cabarets. Weiss. Drugs. It all fueled the instability.

642.935 - 682.094 Glenn Beck

Outcome, Nazi takeover, then destruction. Now, no parallel exists in history that exactly lines up because we didn't have online systems where the government spies could be chatting about their fetishes. But the pattern, internal rot... undermining duty, undermining honor, undermining our country always ends in societal collapse. This isn't new. This is just our turn to face it.

Chapter 3: Why does Glenn Beck emphasize the importance of guilt over shame?

828.635 - 854.368 Glenn Beck

It's an absolute cesspool, and it's being done with your money. If you've been living with pain, you, if you're anything like me, desperately want to get your life back, right? I'm here to tell you that not only do I understand firsthand what it's like, but also I may have the answer for you. It's called relief factor, and it's worked for me when everything else I tried failed.


854.668 - 869.153 Glenn Beck

As someone who thought he was never going to find something that would make the pain go away, I've been in love with Relief Factor now for years. It is not a drug. It's a daily supplement that helps your body fight pain by fighting inflammation, which is the source of most of the pain in our bodies and a lot of our disease.


869.574 - 894.226 Glenn Beck

It's 100% drug-free, developed by doctors to help reduce or eliminate pain. And over a million people have tried Relief Factor's Quick Start Kit, and 70% of them have gone on to order it again and again. So make 2025 the year of feeling good and living great. Trying Relief Factor is easy. Get their three-week quick start for only $19.95. That's less than a dollar a day at 1-800-4-RELIEF.


894.246 - 921.017 Glenn Beck

1-800-4-RELIEF. Relief Factor. Or visit Now, back to the podcast. This is the best of the Glenn Beck Program, and we really want to thank you for listening. Congressman Riley Moore. Welcome. How are you, Riley? Thank you. Glad, doing great. Thanks for having me back on. You bet. It's good to have you. Do you like being a congressman over the state treasurer?


921.837 - 922.697 Glenn Beck

What do you think so far?

923.677 - 941.103 Stephen Moore

Well, you know, so far so good. I do miss being in West Virginia and dealing with sane people in the state of West Virginia. But, you know, it's something I certainly prayed on a lot and certainly need a lot of prayers and God's protection when you're down here. I know. There's no doubt about it.

942.004 - 956.895 Glenn Beck

So you are a guy who understands things as a treasurer. You understand the economy, etc., etc. So tell me what you think about Trump's tariffs and what he's actually doing.

958.316 - 980.149 Stephen Moore

Yeah, so I am very supportive of the president's tariffs. I've actually introduced what's called the U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act. And specifically, what the president's trying to do here and what I'm trying to address in my bill is, in short, we're getting taken for a ride. The American people and the American worker have been getting taken for a ride for a very long time.

980.209 - 1000.135 Stephen Moore

Now, what my bill does is it addresses non-tariff trade barriers that are there. So that could be a VAT. That could be a regulation. It could be government subsidies. that act like a tariff for our manufacturers to be able to enter into that marketplace, right? A lot of hidden costs in there.

Chapter 4: What is Rep. Riley Moore's perspective on Trump's tariff plans?

1104.512 - 1115.347 Stephen Moore

A tariff on, say, a U.S. automobile in Europe right now might be around 10%, but really it's more like 25%, right, because of all these non-tariff barriers that are in place.


1116.649 - 1122.016 Glenn Beck

Is it going to pass? Are you going to be able to get it? I know, what did you start with, eight sponsors to this bill?


Chapter 5: How does the U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act impact trade relationships?

1123.433 - 1144.202 Stephen Moore

Eight sponsors, my main lead sponsor, Marjorie Taylor Greene, her and I have worked on this. And we're going to continue to pick up some more sponsors, particularly as the president has started to lean in on this. And people got to, everybody knows, Glenn, you're a huge U.S. history expert. You know this. And so just flashback.


1144.847 - 1167.473 Stephen Moore

to pre-Revolutionary War, and one of the aspects and issues that we had with the British at that time was they were taking our raw goods and materials, shipping them over to Britain to then become finished goods that they would export back over to us. Does that sound familiar to anybody? That's what's happening to us right now with the Chinese. It's literally what's happening right now.


1167.834 - 1175.43 Stephen Moore

But instead of that, it's our intellectual property. It's our technological know-how. And they're building it over there and shipping it back to us.


1176.092 - 1201.711 Glenn Beck

So he says that the tariffs are going to make us rich because we're going to collect so much tax dollars. But actually, if this works and everybody just kind of plays fair with each other, your tariff is not collecting that much money. We still have to have a serious look at cutting our budget and also our taxes, correct?


1202.812 - 1226.642 Stephen Moore

Correct, because I'd say in the... you're going to have some revenue on that. But in the long term, we're trying to correct a behavior here. Now, this is an example that I've used before, not that I'm in favor of it because I didn't support it in the state legislature. But if you think about something like a cigarette You keep breaking up. Are you there? Oh, yeah, I'm there. Can you hear me?

1226.762 - 1242.365 Stephen Moore

Yes, I can. An example to think about would be, say, like a cigarette tax, which I'm not in favor of. But what they're trying to do is change a behavior on the other side. So you might get some revenue in the beginning, but eventually people will come off of cigarettes. Right.

1242.705 - 1260.574 Stephen Moore

So it's the same way you could think to an extent on tariffs is that we're trying to correct the way that these foreign countries are dealing with us. and bring it to a more level playing field. The president said he's for free trade, but he is for fair trade. So we'll get some revenue in the short term. This is not a long-term play, though, I don't think.

1260.994 - 1284.036 Glenn Beck

So I'm talking in just a few minutes to one of the congressmen that are on the Doge Oversight Committee. And I can't figure out what's real and what's not on these numbers. You know, the Wall Street Journal said, I think it's only $6 billion, according to the Wall Street Journal, that they've cut. I'm really not excited about anything until we get over a trillion dollars in cuts.

1285.797 - 1294.684 Glenn Beck

And I'm not sure that we're serious enough to do that. And certainly in Congress, we're not serious about cutting, are we?

Chapter 6: What are the challenges in passing the U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act?

1307.91 - 1329.939 Stephen Moore

provide some guardrails in there for one and a half trillion dollars in cuts yeah but but isn't that a like an 85 million trillion dollar bill over 10 years you're only cutting i mean that's i mean really yeah so that's over the 10-year window you're right so that's over the 10-year window so in the way i've thought about it and i've talked to people


1330.489 - 1348.979 Stephen Moore

They're like, oh, it's $1.5 trillion, or what if we get to $2 trillion? It's like, well, one, it's over the 10-year window, which is saying we're going to reduce, let's say, $200 billion a year if it's $2 trillion. If this place tomorrow woke up and said they wanted to spend $200 more billion a year, they could do it in a nanosecond.


1349.079 - 1376.218 Glenn Beck

Yeah, and you wouldn't feel it. In Washington, they wouldn't feel it. They have to cut. Ten percent, at least 10 percent from this. And yes, to cut a billion dollars is nothing in an almost 90 trillion, one trillion out of almost a 90 trillion dollar budget is is frankly pathetic and a slap in the face to people who are actually serious and voted for serious reform.


1377.785 - 1393.368 Stephen Moore

Yeah, and we do got to get more serious on this. And I do think, though, I mean, the things that we're seeing from Doge, if people have the intestinal fortitude, which I am one of these, to actually take what they're doing and put it into law.


1393.548 - 1393.808 Glenn Beck


1393.948 - 1401.85 Stephen Moore

They can pause the spending, but if we don't put it into law, it will be reappropriated in the next year.

1403.058 - 1414.785 Glenn Beck

So the – that's so incredible. The – I think the American people – I don't know if you saw what Christopher Ruffo came out with as an expose yesterday about what is happening.

1414.805 - 1415.046 Stephen Moore

I did not.

1415.466 - 1444.512 Glenn Beck

Oh, look it up. I won't waste your time now. Look it up. It is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen, what our intel does. is doing on our secure servers where they're having the most vile sex talk stuff. And NSA says it was important because it was, you know, DEI crap. It's just vile.

Chapter 7: Why does Glenn Beck stress the need for substantial budget cuts?

1445.213 - 1463.71 Glenn Beck

I think when the American people start to see how our money is spent and some of these things, when they come out and they are out in the open and they are shown to be absolutely true, I have to tell you, I think... Donald Trump is running so fast, and the American people like that.


1464.191 - 1474.676 Glenn Beck

And if the Republicans don't start moving at his speed to make massive changes, they're not going to be in favor with the American people.


1478.522 - 1502.912 Stephen Moore

No, well, and they won't show up, right? So they won't show up in 2026, and rightfully so, if we do not get to the speed of Donald Trump and start cutting in the manner in which particularly Doge is finding some of these things. And obviously, this is so frustrating for me coming from state government. We balance our budget every year. Every year, balanced budget, no problem. And guess what?


1502.992 - 1511.17 Stephen Moore

When we come up short, what do we do? We cut. When the Democrats are in charge, they tax. We cut, and we got our way there, and we always balance our budget every year.


1511.37 - 1533.308 Glenn Beck

Right. Well, the other thing is, and I'd love to hear your opinion on this, I don't know why we're just shifting money around in the Pentagon. I want the defense budget, and I'm somebody who believes in defense, strong defense, but we have to cut everything, including defense. Why are we not cutting the 8%? We're just moving that money around.

1535.971 - 1553.37 Stephen Moore

I could not agree with you more. Everything's got to take a cut. And I'm a big believer in national defense, huge believer. But everybody has got to do more with less because everyone in America is doing more with less. Yes. Yes.

1554.164 - 1556.105 Glenn Beck

Yes. Riley, thank you.

1556.125 - 1557.385 Stephen Moore

Everyone's going to have to figure it out.

1557.565 - 1563.687 Glenn Beck

Thank you very much. We'll be watching what happens to your tariffs. You were introducing that when to the floor?


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