Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why Mark Zuckerberg wants to end the smartphone era
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why Mark Zuckerberg wants to end the smartphone era
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
How the Wayback Machine is fighting linkrot
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
How the Wayback Machine is fighting linkrot
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why CEO Matt Garman is willing to bet AWS on AI
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
Why CEO Matt Garman is willing to bet AWS on AI
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
Rabbit CEO Jesse Lyu isn't thinking too far ahead
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Decoder with Nilay Patel
Rabbit CEO Jesse Lyu isn't thinking too far ahead
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The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
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The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
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The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
Yeah, but we'll always have that opening drive, Dan. What a beautiful drive it was. I've never seen a drive like that. I mean, Pacific Coast Highway. I don't know. The other scenic American drives, nothing like an 18-play, 75-yard drive, nine and a half minutes. Your quarterback's puking and rallying. I loved it.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
It was like the Raven Steelers wildcard game, but like Lamar Jackson was on the team that I was rooting for for once. I'm like, oh, they're going to keep running him. Okay, sure. It's working.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
He was okay with it. I mean, I think he would have definitely taken it. He was so sad after the game. That made me sad, seeing him and Jack Kaiser, who's been at Notre Dame for six seasons after the game, was sad.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
But, yeah, like you said, Dan, like Ohio State, they were the best team in college football all season, even though they lost some games and had some really bad moments and some bad games. Like, you know, they were better than Notre Dame. So I think Notre Dame really lost this game in the second quarter. Ohio State really won this game in the second quarter.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
Yeah, it's like very different than what college football fans are used to, too. I mean, I've seen all these arguments about like devaluing the regular season. I'm not saying like the 12 team playoff is better or worse, but it is just different than what fans are used to. Like to have a team that lost twice in the regular season go on a run like this and win the national championship is different.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
But you can't say that they didn't deserve it. You can't say they're not the best team in college football. They've beaten like four of the top 10 teams ever.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
in the final eight people just like in the last month like they're obviously stand out amongst a crowd of really good teams and you know unfortunately I'm a Notre Dame fan and Notre Dame was a really good team this year they just weren't as good as Ohio State and I think you know it's a bummer and obviously it got close late in the game so there's like a little bit of hope but at the end of the day Ohio State was just you know played a better full game of a better more complete game and so yeah they came away with the win much deserved though I think
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
Yeah, I was very surprised. That was the sort of in-game decision making that went, you know, I kind of at this point in like the three years of Marcus Freeman, I kind of know when he's going to go for it, when he's not going to go for it. I was surprised. And I saw that, you know, the math said it was a toss up. It's basically your four or nine from like, you know, the nine yard line.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
the chances of scoring a touchdown on fourth and nine, very slim, the chance of making the field goal much higher, but you're only cutting it from a two possession game to a two possession game. So it is a toss up at that point. I understand his explanation of it. I think that, you know, obviously that that's a kick that Mitch Jeter makes most of the time. Like he was hurt during the season.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
And so he wasn't a very accurate kicker, but in the post season, he's been very, very good. He's made much longer field goals than that. So definitely the doink looms large. However, I understand the decision. Either way, it's a really tough spot. It's probably not what I would have wanted them to decide to do.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
But ultimately, yeah, it looks a lot worse because you missed a chip shot field goal there.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
It's okay if you don't care about Riley. No one's making you care about Riley Leonard. You can care about whatever you want to care about.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
I think Notre Dame fans care about it, but you don't have to care about it.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
I mean, yeah, like the first drive was great and I was like, this is a good start. But going into the game, I think I was pretty realistic about it. Like it had to be a low scoring game for Notre Dame to win. I think it was a difficult test for Notre Dame. I predicted Ohio State would win. So I wasn't like expecting Notre Dame to pull one off. I hoped that they would.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
But yeah, I mean, honestly, to me, To be honest, I know you guys want my tears. I understand. This isn't fun for anyone to have perspective the day after losing a national championship game. But I had a really fun weekend. The media gift was this nice Nike fleece crew neck. I got a Perry the Pylon stuffed animal. That's all that really matters. Wow!
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
I got to be on the field before a national championship game and see the end of this amazing season come to its conclusion. It's been a really fun run, and I hope Notre Dame's back next year. I think there's so much young talent on this team. Obviously, Riley Leonard's gone, and C.J. Carr will probably start at quarterback next year, and he hasn't played before. He's an underclassman right now.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
But there's a lot to look forward to if you're a Notre Dame fan. The last three games that they won were – Some of the most fun games Notre Dame's won in 30 years. So it's hard not to have that perspective, right? I didn't expect this team going into the season. We all had high expectations for Ohio State. This roster cost a ton of money. They did so well in the transfer portal.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
And they're always a great team. They're always in the hunt for the playoff. They're always in the hunt for the Big Ten championship. That wasn't how I really felt about Notre Dame going into the season. I thought this would be a really good Notre Dame team.
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
and then the you know some attrition started happening they obviously lost to niu and i thought like okay this is a above average notre dame team but i don't expect them to play in the national championship game obviously i was wrong this is a well above average notre dame team and they're the second best team in the country when all is said and done so uh you know i don't feel like this is like team of destiny stuff missing out on a championship
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz
Hour 2: Chris Hayes and His Brass Chain (feat. Chris Hayes)
Big winner.
The MeidasTouch Podcast
Mexico President DESTROYS Trump and REJECTS HIS ORDER
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The MeidasTouch Podcast
Trump BLOWS UP his OWN Team who QUIT ON HIM
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