The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
For real, for real, for real. Don't put the knife down. That's not funny.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Well, first guys, let me get this correct, because I tooted.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
I was following. Be very careful! Kenzie! Very careful! I will chop a tad off today! Be very careful with the knife! And Ted will be discompeting today!
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Once the cow gets in, it'll be on you. Oh, no. This live will be on you.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Okay. Okay. So I'm going to drop them over here. And then I'm going to walk that way. Okay. Okay?
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
The knife needs to go away. That is a serious weapon. That is a serious weapon. Come on, put that in the drawer.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Okay, put the cow down Really like actually danger knife is crazy You brought the knife Someone
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Put my cow down. Okay, put the knife down and I'll give you the cow. Oh, put the cow down. I promise you, I'll shake on it. There we go.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
I'll put this down. No, I'm not putting the taser down. Why did you stab the knife into the wall, man?
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
I knew it! Yep, Maverick did. Because whenever he was in the hole, Maverick was like... If y'all play back the video, I looked at Maverick. I'm inside the hole in the wall. I said...
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
And he goes... No, I looked back and the mouse was like... Yes, I said... Like a son looks at a father and he said... Harper can vouch. He's had a vendetta against my couch and today I bought it. Harper can vouch.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
Is that why you wanted me to cut the head off the cow? I didn't tell you to cut the head off the cow.
The LOL Podcast
Harper’s Quitting School!
I saw you shake your head. I was like, do I cut the head off?