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Natalie from Illinois


Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


How are you doing? Thank you guys for taking my call today. I really appreciate you taking the time.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


So I started listening to you guys a few months ago. And since then, I've purchased your map starter program. Um, in 2023, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and, um, it led me to make a lot of lifestyle changes since then. Um, my question for you guys is, do you have suggestions for people working through your maps program who experienced chronic pain? And would you make any adjustments?

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Okay, good. I was wondering because I've never like worked out at a gym before, like consistently before this. So I thought that was like the best place for me to start.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah. For myself, with the starter program, I've, like, when I go to – the gym, I've kind of like slowed it down a little bit. And since I don't have any experience, I've been like going pretty slow, just trying to make sure I'm getting everything right. Like the volume isn't, like anything crazy, but I just want to make sure that I'm getting like the movement right first. I love that.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Thank you. I would really appreciate that. I'm kind of Um, just trying to figure it all out. So some, some guidance would be really helpful.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


because it is so different with everybody that you know my metric for like progress is like pain level instead of like like any gains that i'm getting so i think like it's just a i don't know a bit different i think and trying to like figure it all out yep yeah but i guys i've had i have really good experience with this with some clients i trained for years and they they made a great progress uh we just were very careful managing the intensity of the workouts that's a

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Well, thank you. That makes me feel really excited and like glad that, you know, it's possible and, you know, exercise really does help. So yes, I'm really excited that I found you guys.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


I was actually listening to Dr. John Deloney, and he was talking about you guys.

Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2536: Avoid These 3 Kinds of Fitness “Professionals” & More (Listener Live Coaching)


Yeah, he's great. Yeah, he's really great. So I was listening to him, and he was recommending you guys to one of the people that called into him. So that's how I ended up looking and finding you guys.