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Mauricio Umansky


Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


It's like, and look. Watch the way they can fold a diamond into toilet paper. You go. You show them, honey.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Erica, you're mixing your influencer jobs.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


It's like, what are all these pictures of Halloween?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Should I put a shirt over my sleeveless thing? I just didn't get a spray tan.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Like, hold on, hold on.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Can we just talk? Can we just talk for one second?

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#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


And she's like, oh my god, it's not lost on me that Sutton was berating me for leaving Bose's wellness day and now she wants to walk out?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Well, I feel like I don't want to be left out. I'm going to go over there. I'm going.

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#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


And Bose goes, oh, well, and that equals calling her a bitch in the house? I mean, come on. Bitch in the house, alcoholic. Two different things.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


I'm still sweating because I run.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


You're being ridiculous. They're all ridiculous today. I love it. And Bose goes, that is being a sister that's coming to tell you to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Pie chart, Google sheets. You know what I'm saying? Okay.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


So she starts, like, shaking her face a little, and she's like, I mean, it's funny that you said that, because actually I felt the complete opposite. Like, at times, the times we spent together, I actually did feel like we had a great connection. Okay, roll the clips. Roll the clips. And it's Kyle being like, hi, Bose.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


She's not opened up to me. There's no warmth. I just, what do I do with that? I mean, there's nothing to do. Give me something to work with here. This is a television show, okay?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


And here's why I'm warm.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


So she's like, well, even though you say you don't have preconceived ideas, your actions say otherwise. Do you know what it's like not even be able to reach the top shelf of my kitchen?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


And she's like, you know, like in conversations. Like, remember when we were in the Viper room and you said, put your phone down and block PK right now? That was so mean. That was so mean. And Bozo's like, what? Like, that's so stupid. So Kyle's like, okay, well, you know what I already feel like?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


okay judge judy kyle's pre-written a line and you know because she has like the special come up on her she's like okay is my makeup good you better watch out judge judy it's like it's not a gifable moment kyle but nice try

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


I mean, she could literally say anything and you're all over her ass. Like, it's gross now. Just stop it. I'm having a conversation with her and everything she says, you have to back up, Dorit. Just stop it.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


So Carl's like, you know, you know things about me. You know that I'm separated from my husband. You know that I'm married for 28 years, but it'll be 38 years, and we have more children.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


I will lower my voice. Okay, what else do you need to know? Because I think that that's a lot. I've brought a lot. Also, I do Amazon Lives every once in a while and pretend that I like jogging pants. Anybody else?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Look, I'm going to start from scratch. And trust has to start from scratch for both of us, okay? Let's go upstairs and talk about everybody else.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


I have a better closet than Dorit. I can forgive her.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


So his stuff was still in the closet, but now it started to take over his closet. Cause like, what else do you do? Do you know how hard it is having more closet space?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Jeans. I can bring all the bacon. Fry it up in the pan.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


In the beginning, in a separation, you don't know what it really means. And then you're like, well, I'll just take a little bit of the space. And before you know it, his shoes are all over the ground.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


She's like, yeah, but he bought furniture for his bachelor pad instead of having his house staged. So I was like, oh, and now he's buying furniture? Another blouse is going on that rack.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


I still don't have any bread and I still don't play the piano. I'm getting back together with Maurizio.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Have you ever tried to change a light bulb on a 20-foot ceiling?

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


She's like, um, that's next year's storyline.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Every time I've asked Faye to furnish my house, she just comes back with wicker baskets and plastic hangers. I just don't know what to do anymore.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Normally, I'd be excited to leave. But now I just have like a big empty house. So like, yay me, a chair stuck in a doorway that can't be moved. Poor Kyle. Don't cry out loud.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


It reminds me of the time Mauricio told me he loved me. Let's see pictures of us skiing together in Aspen.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


All I'm saying is the back of my mirror needs to match my shine.

Watch What Crappens

#2735 RHOBH S1412 Stars and Gripes Forever


Because, you know, Keeley, Keeley's going to have to get tested too. He's going to have to get every kind of sample. Drip, drip, drop, drop, sample, sample. That's what they're going to do to him.