Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
I'm Klaus, I'm Jan's manager.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, I've learned from the very best.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Michael Jackson's manager. The father of Michael Jackson. I have Jan and him under control. He does what I say. Jan and Olli are sitting in front of the microphone.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Let me, no. So, let me get back to the microphone.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Greetings Oliver, my dear! Happy New Year!
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Not Klaus. My name is Kalaus. Kalaus! Rennebeck-Berkelein. May I introduce myself for those of you who don't know who I am? I'm the manager of Böhmermann, the fucking whore. I almost said whore son, but you don't say that anymore. You say whore fuck.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
At the expense of my guardian. Everything on account of Böhmermann.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
You're a little king with my salary, honestly. The king of Cozamoj.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Let me carry him around with five of these. On a mustard.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Dude, I wanted to talk to you briefly. It's about PR stories for Böhmermann. And I was thinking about whether I, now that Cora Schumacher is out of the jungle camp, whether I somehow try to get them to do something heterosexual in order to close the target group of the heteros, the alpha-heteros a little more. What do you think of that?
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
And how are you? Are you okay?
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, I think it's completely right. And I also don't understand that these bubble people who have driven themselves from the left-wing bubble to the demonstration, that they don't use the momentum to get a decent demonstration against the NFL on their feet. If you had that in one wash, you would have done it.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
No, but I think, to be honest, the Jungle Camp is so good this year. So good. And the last few years, I've always said, don't do it. But I would say, next year is the time. I'm working on it nicely for next year. You have to give it a lot of gas.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
I'll plug in two or three wrong information. Then he can put his weird woke journalist on it. And then there's a huge blamage afterwards on TV. For me it's just important that I'm the companion in the Hotel Imperial. And then there's nice caviar from someone's navel. While he has to eat the goat's tail. Speaking of goat's tail, I have a little gift for you, Olli.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
On the internet, at Kaleido, I ordered you a doodle sack goat. I said, come on, I think that's really awesome. Honestly, awesome instrument. You can't learn that in our music school here in the Rhineland. I wish that instead of guitar and drums, a goat as an instrument would come in mainstream.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, they can't defend themselves. Animals can't defend themselves.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
No, he's a government idiot, he's a state clown. Honestly, I wonder how long Spotify is still doing that. Because they have to see where they stay.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, but Spotify, whoever pays the most is in power. That's how it is in the stock market. You're right a little bit. Yeah, that's the way it is. Where there's money, money makes the music.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
But we have to see that we as Germany continue to stick together. I thought that on the weekend too.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, but a million people, that's already been a lot of people. I thought a little bit about whether I have to think about it again, whether I have to adjust myself a little bit programmatically, politically. Because I thought they were gone. That no one would be worth it anymore. On the weekend I got a little scare. Because I am now ... AfD is nothing for me, but I love Werte Union.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
I think Hans-Georg Maaßen is quite good.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, I also like Martin Sonnemann. From a party, I think they're funny. They're always drunk. I also like them.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, well, satire can quickly become serious. I don't understand that.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, he just brings in the money. Sonneborn doesn't bring in any more money. He has to let himself be fed by the European Parliament.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Yes, by all of us.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Take care, Olli. Bye. You're a guy. So, you can put the gloves back on. Thank you.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
No, Jan is not here today. I am Klaus, I am the manager of Jan. And Jan will come back to the show when you have calmed down a bit, my friend, in terms of content.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
Because you always come around the corner with your vogue shit. Jan doesn't feel like it anymore.
Fest & Flauschig
Deutsches Abendbrot, Manager Klaus & Manfred Klug reloaded (Best Of)
No, you're not doing anything here alone if that doesn't get Jan's approval. That's in the contract.