Ken's Partner
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
He realized at 19 years old, what am I doing being engaged? And I'm 20. He's only 19.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
So anyway, you know, maybe a year into the engagement, he called it off.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
One of our songs would come on and we'd run out to the dance floor because we're so excited because we can dance so good together. We're like John Travolta.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
It was. That's just what it was like. How those two would practice and then they would go on the dance floor and people would just like separate, move away and watch us dance. That's how it was. People were even throwing money at us at one time on the floor. But I think that was about they wanted you to take your clothes off. I'm kidding.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
So, yeah, so we continued to do that like two, three, maybe even four times a week. And it was just fun, fun, fun. Were you 20?
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
He called me almost like the next day and asked me out on a date. It took me about three months, though, to actually really, really like the guy. Because that summer, when I met Ken, I was also dating this other guy from the complex I was living in. The guy that I was dating before I met Ken and somebody else. So it was like... An awesome summer for me.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
He lived with some guys in an apartment. We would go back to the apartment, and there'd be people all over the place, you know? So it wasn't very romantic. But one night, nobody was there. And it was just like, he lit all these candles, and he had Pink Floyd playing on the record player back in the day. Whichever time that song comes on here. Us and Them.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
I remember he was wearing cut-off little jean shorts and his wife beater tank top. And he had really nice legs. And he had long curly hair like to his shoulders and I don't know, he just looked really sexy that night and that's, that's the night. Even though Ken had put a ring on her finger, they basically acted like kids who were dating.
Crook County
4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution
Ken was always such a schmoozer. He was always flirting. Very charismatic. You know, he was a good-looking guy, very charismatic, like you say. And he just attracted women. And I was a very jealous person. And I, to this day, I am. And that was not good for me to have a guy like that in my life. He would say, oh, you know, I've never cheated on you, blah, blah, blah, you know.