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Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I'm running whorehouses. I'm not running them, but I'm a doorman. I ended up running them later, you know, 18, 19, 20, 20, you know, up till, what, 28, you know. So, but these girls, man, these, I mean, you know, we're talking lost, hardcore souls, you know, just lost. Some of them are angels, you know, just lost angels, you know, just lost and drug addicted.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


She was our local dominatrix. She was our club dominatrix. She had all the gear, all the leather, all the outfits, and boy, she would raise hell on these guys. And they loved her, man. One of the chiefs in Cook County was one of her clients, and he'd come in every Tuesday or Thursday, that piece of shit. But man, she would wail on him. She would wail on him.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


We had little peepholes in the doors where we could watch what was going on. She would let us know, watch what I have in store for this guy. Then we'd all run up to the door, be fighting for the peephole. Be three of us pushing each other out of the way, trying to get to the peephole while she wailed on these fucking guys. And these guys just loved it. Loved it. Oh, God.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Ming and Ling, these girls had their feet wrapped when they were young. Back in the day, it was a Chinese custom to wrap the feet of the girls, because they thought small feet was a beautiful thing in China. You guys can look this up. Go online and look it up. But they were strictly business, man. No drugs, no bullshit, no partying, no talking to anybody, just business.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


And they had a plan, where all the other girls and guys never had plans. So I admired them. I admired those two. And a short blonde they called Marilyn. Marilyn because she looked like Marilyn Monroe. That's what we called her. I dated her for a while. Nymphomaniac. Purely sex, I guess our relationship was. Didn't really have a lot to talk about. She was a cokehead.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


But hey, it was someone I was hanging out with for a while there. But she would have been your typical whore. And there were so many of them that came in and out throughout the years. So I would classify her as just a typical in-and-out girl. In for a while, working, and off to do something else. He goes on about a few more girls. Big, tall, blonde. Had a couple Hispanic girls there.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


When I wasn't working at the clubs, when I wasn't working a shift, I went home. I went to my apartment and I was either dating your mother or if I wasn't dating your mother, I would completely detach myself from working in that environment where everybody else would hang around at the clubs and bullshit around, do coke and party, party, party, all this other crap. And I would just go home.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I'd do my shift and I would go home. But no, I kept myself completely separated, especially when I was with your mother. Yeah, I could do that. It wasn't a lifestyle. For me, it was a lifestyle. It was grease balls. It was a fucking lifestyle. That's the style they wanted to live. They wanted to live that way. I did not. I don't know if I can make that any fucking clearer.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I did not want to be them, all right? That wasn't my goal in life. So I kept myself completely detached from those people.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


We would have to take bus every once in a while just so Cook County cops could, you know, show that they're making some progress here, okay? When half the motherfuckers were running their own hordes on the side out of our fucking clubs. Anyway, that's another fucking story.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


So, you know, these motherfuckers were so crooked and we owned them. We owned them. But here's the deal. You know, they had to show numbers. So somebody had to catch a bust every once in a while. All right. So I caught two busts.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


If you dig deep enough and it's there, the only thing you'll really see on me is two arrests, early 80s for a keeper of house of prostitution, late 70s, early 80s, keeper of house of prostitution. That's all that's going to pop on me. So, you know, we would arrange this. We're like, hey, okay, you're on tonight. You're taking one for the team.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Take the bus and give us a call afterwards and we'll come get you. So, so I took two of those and the girls would come with me and, you know, a little party, everybody would be laughing, having a good time and, you know, but had to take the bus. But here I am, Ken, young, not thinking, as smart as I was, as fucking dumb as I was, because I would use my name. Your real name. My real name.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


And, you know, I don't know who came over me, but I would use my real name while I'm hearing all the girls, you know, using their club names. Mm-hmm. So now that shit's on your record forever. Yeah, so now it's on my fucking record, and I can't shake it. But at this point, it really doesn't make a difference. Not many people have Keeper of a House of Prostitution on their record.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Yeah, and I got two of them.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


You know, it was like an office, you know, hanging out around the water cooler, just bullshit, you know, that type of thing. We're not any different. It was just, you know, there's not, there's still human beings. They may be animals, some of them, and grease balls and narcissists and sociopaths, but they're still human beings, you know. There was Billy, the bartender.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Big old thick southern accent, cowboy hat, big old belt, big old belt buckle, jeans, cowboy boots. lanky, tall, lanky, and muscular. A guy you do not want to fuck with. I was afraid of this guy, and I was afraid of nobody. This guy worried me. Because those tall, lanky ones, boy, there's a lot of air time before that fist hits you. When he hits you in the right spot, that's it. You're done for.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


So this guy kind of scared me. Plus, he was just strong. Just a strong, dumb hillbilly. But a great guy.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


His brother was a good guy, you know. He didn't belong in the business. I did like him a lot. He wasn't like other y'all sociopaths, narcissistic maniacs that were in the mob. A little overweight, quiet, wanted to be like his brother, but knew he couldn't be like his brother. So that kind of bothered him. Things went bad at a club. He couldn't handle it.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I got recruited into the mob when I was 17 years old.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


He just didn't belong in the business, but that's, you know, that's the way he was Jack's brother. And Danny, a low-level doorman. Dan was just a fat guy, loved to eat. Typical greaseball. Kind of unkept, though, for a greaseball. A jovial, nice guy, you know? Yeah, he was a door guy. Yeah, we were door guys. I would relieve him, and he would relieve me, you know?

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Work a morning shift, I'd relieve him at night, or... I'd work a night shift, and he'd relieve me on a graveyard shift. You know, just something like that. We were relieving each other. So we'd stay and talk, you know, chat, just like any job. You stay and talk to your, you know. It was a job, you know, chat it up a little bit, mess around with the girls, you know, have fun with them a little.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


He trusted me because I didn't steal money. I just did my job. It's hard to find an honest guy in the fucking outfit. He got a new boss. My crew boss was Jack. Jack, Jackie Lemon's Erickson. He ran the whorehouses. And Kenny got a new job, working the door at a brothel. A guy would come in. I'd introduce him to all the girls by name. They would negotiate a deal.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Not sexual fun, but just goof around, you know, just like an office.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Oh, fuck, he did him and somebody else. I can't remember who the other person was. While Danny was working, he had someone come in and rob the place while he was working. You know, so, of course, Dan's going to put up his arms, take the money, and leave. And that happened.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Because they were all greedy bastards, man. Listen. I was taught by Jack. Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered. And that stuck with me. Meaning. If you're making a living, take the living. If you're making a good living, take that living. Don't be a hog. Don't. Get greedy. You know, be thankful for what you got because you're going to get slaughtered. All these guys wanted more. More broads.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


More dope. More fucking money. More power. More greaseball. More mob. You know, they wanted more, more, more, more, more. Very ambitious people. I guess it's like in the private sector. Very ambitious people. But in our business, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. And he got slaughtered.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I was there for the setup on the whack for Danny, all right? I think we, after a shift one night, we just waited for him out in the parking lot, and You know, we were all friends. He got in the car and was just one of those, you know, you're going to get whacked by your buddy type of thing, you know. So anyway, we got him, I got him. And it was, you know, when the guys trust you, it's easy.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Get in the car, let's go to Denny's, have some breakfast. Boom, next thing you know, he's getting his ass kicked. All right. And got him in the car and drove him to one of the chop shops in... drop them off there and whatever I did with them from there, I don't know. That was the only time I ever had any emotion in any hits.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Because everybody I hit was a fucking animal, a degenerate, psychopath, sadistic, narcissist, That didn't, we needed to get rid of that seed. That seed is not good for earth. That seed needed to be destroyed. That's how bad these people were. So I never had any remorse. The remorse I have now is that it's not my place.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


She would hand me half the take, and then she would be on her way. And then one night, he met a girl. I think I was 19 when I met her. She was 20. Saw her sitting at the end of the bar. I fell in love with her pretty quick.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


We would have to take bus every once in a while, just so Cook County cops could, you know, show that they're making some progress here. And those were all arranged bus. Okay, Ken, it's your turn. Oh, man. When half the motherfuckers were running their own hordes on the side out of our fucking clubs.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I mean, I could dance with you, but you know, you're not my dream girl or nothing like that.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


Yeah, I was 19 years old. I was over at fucking a disco called Some Other Place. She was sitting at the bar. She was sitting at the end of the bar with her mother, of course. And I saw her, and I was just, whoa. Nice little redhead there, and I kind of dug her. And I walked up to her, just started talking. And that's how we met. That simple. In a bar. But that's how we met back then.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


We didn't meet online like everybody meets online now. You actually had to go out and do something back in my day. I mean, you actually had to give it some effort. You actually had to walk and sit down and talk to somebody. Look them in their eyes and talk to them, you know. All right, close enough.

Crook County

4 | Keeper Of A House Of Prostitution


I was quite the schmoozer, yes. I was running a whorehouse. I was running a whorehouse. I was schmoozing with whores all day long. I was banging six at a time, for Christ's sake. But I liked your mom, though. I liked your mom. She wasn't, I didn't look at her as a whore. I looked at her as a woman that I liked, you know? A totally different thing. Totally different, totally different.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So these two come up on me. I'm sitting down. And I'm thinking to myself, ah, fuck, here we go. And I'm completely unprepared, completely. Came up on me, and the bigger guy goes, the older guy goes, is that him? And the kid goes, yeah, that's him. That's the guy that robbed me, Uncle . He ran a fucking crew. So he tells me, he goes, are you looking for a job? I go, yeah, I'm looking for a job.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I'm fucking starving here. That's how I got into the fucking outfit. So he was impressed.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


They're all dead, man. You have to realize that I was really young. That's why they call me kid. Everybody was at least 10 years older than me. At least 10 years older than me. And if they're not dead of old age, they're dead from a hit, they're dead from an overdose, or like I said, dead from old age. I don't think there's anybody left. I doubt it very much.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


He was a powerful man, good guy, Businessman, well-dressed, well-kept, well-spoken, good-looking guy. Always took time to say hi to me. Always took time to little chat with me just a little bit. I never saw him do that with anybody else. Always took a couple minutes out to say hi to me. And I liked the way he behaved. He didn't act like a gangster, okay? He acted like a normal person.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


He wasn't a sociopath, narcissistic. You know, mobster guy. Those guys loved to play the part. Loved to play the part of gangster. I never could understand that greaseball bullshit. But he didn't do that, so I admired him.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


And he was, at that time, in Cook County, the king of the chop shops. They'd heist a car, they'd heist a truck with cars on it, and bring them back to his shops, chop the shit out of them, change the numbers, and ship them out. They shipped them out all over the world, you know, as far as Saudi Arabia. I mean, they were going all over the world, these cars. And it was a big, big, big moneymaker.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I only saw him a couple times, kind of a gravelly old guy, if I can remember correctly. He looked like a typical fucking... Greasy gangster. I was to put real fucking greaseball, you know? But he was a very powerful man.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I was an errand boy when I first started. Low level, very, very low level, dropping money off, collecting gambling money. No hits yet, but, you know, doing some beatings. But I always had somebody with me, so I was, like, assisting the person that was... doing the heavy work. So that's kind of where I learned how to do heavy work.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I was selling dope for him on the side. I'd get a half a key, I'd break it up at a scale. Some of it I'd cook up for the Freebase clients and the rest of it I just ate balled up. And I can't remember how the Freebase sold. I really can't. I don't. That was, you smoked that shit. Boy, that stuff was insane. It was just...

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Just a rush of euphoria would just look like a tidal wave, just knock you over. And the problem was now you're chasing that shit all the time because you don't get that after that. You get that first hit, that's it. You're not going to find that. So, you know, you're always chasing that first blast. Anyway, all right, but he wasn't supposed to do that.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


That would have been bad for me, and that would have been very bad for him, because I was just taking an order, all right? I was just obeying orders. But you can't do that, man. You cannot do that.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We could not sell dope, people. We could not sell dope. We were not allowed to sell dope. You got caught selling dope, you were in big-ass fucking trouble. Because that could bring heat on you. The whole thing, we don't want to bring any heat on any of us. So if you're going to do something stupid like sell dope, it's going to bring heat on you. People were coked up all the time.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So you're dealing with people that were fucking high 24-7 on coke. So no one's in their really right mind. You know, no one's sober. Everybody's fucked up. And it dictated a lot of things. It got a lot of people killed.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Listen, here's the deal, man. This was quick, fast money, all right? This was not my career. This is not what I chose to do with my life. I'm 17 years old, all right? I'm living in the backseat of my car. I'm hungry. I'm a survivalist, you know, and it's a job, and it's income. You know, I could start to get some security in my life, at least get an apartment, you know? So I'm taking this.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I'm jumping on this.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I got recruited into the mob when I was 17 years old.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


My boss, my crew boss, was Jack. Jack, Jackie Lemons Erickson. Great guy. I loved Jack, man. I really admired him. He was a great guy. Well-kept. Still a gangster, but a well-kept gangster. You know, his jeans were even creased. You know, he was one of those guys. Everything was perfect on him. Clean, neat, nails done, manicure, pedicure. One of them guys, you know?

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Jack became sort of a father figure to young Kenny. Oh, he was a mentor. He trained me. He trained me. He just took me under his wing and he trained me. I was the young guy. You've got to remember, I was the absolute youngest guy there. These guys had 20 years on me. You know, I was the kid.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So he just kind of took me under his wing and trained me, took care of me, you know, make sure I did everything good. You know, make sure I didn't get in trouble. Make sure he had my back, you know? I felt safe. I just felt safe when I went out to do bad work because I knew I had the, you know, the mob behind me. The outfit was on my back. You know, I had that always to fall back on.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So that kind of relieved a lot of the fear.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Yeah, he ran the whorehouses every night, just bouncing from whorehouse to whorehouse, checking on the bank, seeing how things were going, making sure nobody was selling dope, making sure the girls weren't too high, because they were always high. Making sure the guys weren't too high, because they were always high. You know, just kind of keeping things runnable, you know? Babysitting, basically.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Kind of like what I do now for a living. Babysitting a bunch of drug addicts and alcoholics. That's kind of what he was doing back then. So that's what Jack did.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


He trusted me. He trusted me because I didn't steal money. I didn't do dope while I worked. I didn't sell dope while I worked. I just did my job and my count every night, right up there every night for years, man. It's hard to find an honest guy in the fucking outfit. I was an anomaly. I don't even want to say a rarity, an anomaly.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So for the years I spent working in the whorehouses, the clubs, and they were scattered all over Cook County, DuPage County, and Kane County. We can only put them in the unincorporated areas because we had the county police pretty much taken care of.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We'd rent a house, a single family home, and we'd get in there, gut it to an extent, put about six bedrooms in there, small rooms with little peepholes. They had a peephole in the door and a peephole in the walls. Not everyone could be peeped, but if we could peep them, we peeped them. The living room would stay as a living room. The kitchen would stay as a kitchen.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We had a front area where they came in, a little foyer area there, where we would take their ID, look them up in the card catalog that we had. We actually gave them a fucking ID. Can you believe that shit? Match the ID with the picture, the picture with the face, and then we'd let them in. Now, how did they become members? They would come in. I want to be a member of this club.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


There's a million people out there that want to join whorehouses. Guys are horny bastards, okay? The people that frequent whorehouses know where whorehouses are. You don't have to advertise this shit. They just know where they are. They would come in and want to join the club. So we would put them through a process. We would make sure we'd check their employment, check their ID.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We even had something with county. with the county vice guys, where we would have them run something by them. I don't know what it was, I can't remember. But we would run something with them, and then after we got him checked out, I didn't do the checkout process, that wasn't my job, so I can't really expound too much on this.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


So anyway, they became members through a process that we put them through, pictures and verification. Basically, we wanted to make sure they weren't vice, the honest vice, we wanted to make sure they weren't the honest vice.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


A guy would come in. Bring them in, introduce them. The girls would be sitting there. The girls would stand up. I'd introduce them to all the girls by name. Jane, Marilyn, Cindy. We did have drinks. It wasn't a bar, but they would go, you want a drink? They'd go back in the kitchen. They'd make the guy a drink. Mostly just beer, beer and wine. And then they would sit and talk to the girls.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


And it could go on anywhere from 10 minutes to two hours. Some guys just came in there and just partied with the girls. Sat and partied with them. We didn't mind. They were members. Plus, when somebody else came in, it made that person rush a little bit because there was someone else in there. That guy that's already in there was going to take the girl that this new guy came in.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


You know what I'm saying? So they'd maybe kick it up a little bit. They'd make their choice a little bit faster. So I'd come in, chat it up with the girls, decide who they like. The girl would take them back to one of the rooms, and they would negotiate a deal. So much for whatever sex they wanted. They'd seal the deal. The girl would leave the guy in the room.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


The girl would come out, come see me, and say, $100 for blow job and missionary sex. She would hand me 50, half the take, and then she would be on her way. That was the end of the operation. That was how it worked. Very simple.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Oh, yeah, they got out of control. People would come in drunk or all coked out. But they got their asses beat bad. We would make a phone call, and there would be four muscle showing up within 15 minutes, and it was just... You know, they'd be... When we got them to their cars, we'd put them in their cars, and they'd be hanging half in, half out, and just...

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


The county stopped by and they knew it was a whorehouse there. But we wanted to keep them on property. We'd get them out on the street in their cars. Yeah, they didn't last long. They got beat pretty bad. They got beat really bad.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Just drunk assholes, yeah. Are these members? No, yeah, yeah. These are members, yeah. These are members or a guest of a member. or a guest of a member. A member could bring in one guest, all right? And, you know, alcohol and drugs turns people weird, man. People go stupid sometimes. I mean, 90% of the time it was fine, but that 10%, there was, you know, something would go wrong.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


That's just law of average, man. Something's bound to go wrong eventually. But we jumped on that quick.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I hang out. I had friends. You know, some friends that I'd hang out with. Do normal guy stuff, you know. Watch football on Sundays. I was just a normal guy. Just a normal young guy. That's all. Go to bars with my friends. You know, pick up chicks.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Met her at a club called SOP, some other place in Des Plaines, I think it is. Saw her sitting at the end of the bar. Beautiful redhead. Sexy. I fell in love with her pretty quick. So I just walked up to her. Just as a matter of course of time, we just ended up dating.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I think I was 19 when I met her. She was 20. Yeah, listen, I had to work to get your mother, damn it. It wasn't easy. She wasn't like one of the whores. I could just say, hey, come on, let's go. I had to work for that. I had to work for your mom. That was a job. That was a job. That was a job, man. It was worth it, though. It was well worth it.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We would have to take bus every once in a while just so Crook County cops could show that they're making some progress here. When half the motherfuckers were running their own horse on the side out of our fucking clubs.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Listen, there are girls in and out of there for years and years and years and years and years, all right? Go in there, crack a deal with the client, come back to us, pay us our fucking portion, go to work, get out quick, and wait for the next guy. These girls were pure, pure business, and they made a ton of fucking money. This is my son, Kyle, Justin and Jesse. Bro. Hey.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


How are you? Hello. Gus. Kyle, good to meet you, buddy. Jesse. Very nice to meet you. What's going on, brother? Justin lives with me. Jesse's the... House manager.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We know everybody's out of here. Five o'clock and then go, well, you know what? No, you can leave. Go.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Well, look at my room here.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


But that's okay, listen. Doesn't cost me a dime. This is marked with my pain in the ass.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


I'm going to ask you guys to leave while we do this interview because he needs quiet. I'm going to do comfortable yoga.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


All right, go get laid.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean



Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Right at the very moment, I am the manager of a sober living area where we have four apartments that we have clients in that are far enough in their recovery, at least 60 days of recovery, but they live under my direction in these apartments here. Being a drug addict myself who has been sober for six years, I am working with those people.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


And we can hold up to six girls and 10 guys, all in separate apartments. And I run that, I'm in charge of that. I babysit, that's basically what I do, I babysit. I drug test, I breathalyze, I make sure they're on track, I make sure they're looking for work, I make sure there's not too much idle time with them. What my job is is to get them ready to go back out in the world

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


that is what I chose to do. We are very, very sick people, and I am a firm believer in AA. It saved my life. While on the other hand, drugs ruined my life. It ruined everything. Ruined my family, ruined my homes, ruined my businesses, ruined everything. Because I was a raging addict, a raging heroin addict, believe it or not, at my age. So I came out here to California with my son.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


My son got me into treatment six years ago. I had a couple relapses, but they got me sober. And now, like I said, I've been sober for six years, and now I work with these people. And that is what I do now to... To thank God for not letting me be dead. Or something else would happen to my family. So that's my give back. That's what I do. I'm gonna help the people that need to help the most.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Because I know I needed a man. I needed a bad. That's what I do.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


Anybody that listened, guys, you guys got family members. that are drug addicts, alcoholics. There's someone in your family somewhere, a grandparent, an uncle, an aunt that's genetic and carries down that gene. Maybe your kids, maybe some of you kids listening to this. Go get help. You cannot control this. You cannot. It is the sniper, it is the devil.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


It lays in wait for you and it will take you out at your weakest moment. Go get help. It saved my fucking life. It saved my life, that's for sure.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


No. Are you kidding me? No one knows anything. Oh my God, they have their thing. You know, they know I'm from Chicago. They know I've got a little bit of an accent. They hear it in my, they hear wordies that I say, stuff that I say. I think they snicker behind my back that I'm a gangster, you know, from Chicago. But they don't know anything. I don't tell them any stories. I do not share.

Crook County

3 | Coming Clean


We do a thing in treatment, in AA, that's called sharing. We share our life story. you know, what got us into treatment. But I've never shared. That's the one thing I haven't done with AA is share because it's not something I really choose to share.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


The neighborhood was so new that none of the landscaping had been planted yet, so the entire yard was mud.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


How about that? That something? Stay in the dirt, you guys.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


It's right here. I'll relax, will ya? I have it in motion, forever in motion, all right? No more stills, baby. This is the 90s.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


I got recruited into the mob when I was 17 years old. Meet Kenny the Kid Tequila. I became a trusted member. I ran whorehouses and I did hits.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


I wanted him to know I meant fucking business here. So I beat him. Put the gun back up to his forehead. And three of my boys come in. He lived a secret double life for over 20 years. I had a wife and I had two children. Nobody knew anything. I didn't want anybody to know. I was kind of embarrassed and I wanted to keep them as far away from it as possible. I wanted them to have a good life.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


Listen, there are girls in and out of there for years and years and years and years and years, all right? Go in there, crack a deal with the client, go to work, get out quick, and wait for the next guy. These girls were pure, pure business, and they made a ton of fucking money.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


So my goal was to be a good provider, all right? So my kids had every opportunity in the world that I didn't have, and my wife could be a wife, to be a stay-at-home mom, to raise the family, okay? That was my goal, all right? I didn't want anybody to know. I was kind of embarrassed, and I wanted to keep them as far away from it as possible. I wanted them to have a good life, you know?

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


Raise their own families.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


What has he found? Kite! Kite! Look around, quarterstuff.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


You'll find a kite.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


Ladies and gentlemen, here is my son, Kyle. I want you boys to stand back and my wonderful family stand back. Let me look at your faces. My beautiful wife. My two beautiful boys. And look it. See all that candy and stuff there? That's their first load. We got part two coming up. I want you to think about this. You know what I got for Easter?

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


My whole life was one basket with socks and underwear in it. That's all I ever got. Look at my kids. Happy Easter, you guys.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


Easter Sunday over at the tequila residence.

Crook County

2 | The Ties That Bind Us


He's 35 years old here, my age now.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Um... I just don't want to glorify this, because there's nothing, there's no glory here. I mean, I try to forget these stories, and I've been trying to forget these stories for years and years and years. My goal wasn't to run whorehouses and fucking kill people. I was doing what I had to do. to have a normal life and raise a normal family. Okay, that's all I was doing. I didn't have an education.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I didn't have the opportunity for an education. I didn't go to college. I barely got out of fucking high school. You know, I just, survival mode, that's all. Just really that simple. And I survived.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I got recruited into the mob when I was 17 years old. And completely unbeknownst to me, it was the last thing on my mind. And my parents got divorced. You know, I'm not going to go into the fucking woe is me. You know, I had a rough childhood bullshit. But I got tossed out. My parents got divorced. I wasn't happy about it. I got tossed out of my house at gunpoint by my mother. Go figure.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


So, I mean, that'll give you an idea of what kind of family, you know, I grew up in. God rest their souls, okay? All right? I love my mother dearly. And I love my father dearly, who's dead. But, you know, they just did the best...

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


they could with what they had and the culture that they grew up in okay so i get tossed out 16 years old i'm living in the back seat of my 68 camaro for about three or four months I need money, all right?

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I know this fucking clown that's dealing dope, dealing fucking Mexican dirt weed, because back then it was, I don't know, the shit they got now is insane, but it was just straight Mexican dirt weed back then, and he was, I think he had Placidils and Quaaludes. So Placidils, Quaalude, cash, and Mexican fucking dirt weed. So I knew he hung out at the fucking Kmart. So I watched him for a while.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I kind of figured out his pattern, you know? And I don't know why that it just made sense to me to just kind of sit back, scope him for a while. So when I hit him, it would be the best time or the best situation. Anyway, came up on him and robbed his fucking ass. I had a fucking pencil and came up kind of from the side. I was came because kind of walked on bottom on an angle.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I was on the left side and came close enough where I didn't seem to be where it wasn't threatening, but close enough where I could pivot. and put the pencil in his back. He had a jacket on, so I used the rubber, you know, the eraser part. And believe it or not, if you stick that thing in there hard enough, you know, just have somebody do that to you when you're not expecting it.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


And, you know, being told that, I need your cash and I need your dope and I need it right now, all right? And I got a fucking knife stuck in your back. Reach into your pockets with your left hand and hand me back that shit. So I get the dope, I get the money. Push him forward, tell him not to fucking turn around, and we're on our way.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


He goes off in a sprint, I go off, do a round, and come back to my car. I never really saw him, except for two days later, when I did see him. But I saw him with someone else. And two other guys off in the background. So these two come up on me, and I'm sitting down, and I'm thinking to myself, ah, fuck, here we go. And I'm completely unprepared, completely.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Came up on me, and the bigger guy goes, the older guy goes, is that him? And the kid goes, yeah, that's him. That's the guy that robbed me, Uncle . He ran a fucking crew. He's a mob dude, all right? You know, we're talking syndicate here. Outfit guy, all right? So he tells me, he goes, are you looking for a job? I go, yeah, I'm looking for a job. I'm fucking starving here.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


That's how I got into the fucking outfit. That's how I got in. He was impressed.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


About 9 p.m. at night, I'm in an apartment complex in a neighborhood that I really don't know very well. And I'm listening to my song, the song that I always play before I do something sketchy like this, and that's Sympathy for the Devil.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I don't know what it does. It's just part of my routine. I sit in my car and I do what I always do. I breathe. I make myself aware. I heighten my senses, my sight, my smell, my hearing. I don't know how I do it, but I do it. As I'm listening to the music, I feel my senses start to kick in. As they kick in, the moment arises. The moment always hits me.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Yeah, of course I had a family. Yeah, I had a wife and I had two children. And I wanted to keep them as far away from it as possible. I wanted them... to have every advantage in the world that I didn't have. So they had every opportunity to have a good life, you know, raise their own families. I wanted to be a good provider. I loved my family. I still do, you know, very much.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I mean, nobody knew anything. I didn't want anybody to know. I was kind of embarrassed. My wife, you know, she was purposefully bliss. You know, money was coming in and she had, you know, she was secure and she was raising her kids and, you know, she had a nice suburban life, you know. So, like all the wives of people that were involved in the outfit, they were, you know, blind by choice, okay.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I don't know how it hits me, but I know when I'm ready for the moment. Out of my car. Walk up to the apartment complex. Ring the buzzer. This asshole comes at a buzzer, announces his name. I said, this is Ken. I'm coming up for the coke. He says, fine, come on up. Buzzer hits. I walk up the stairs. I reach my right hand behind my belt on my back. Knock on the door with my left hand.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I want to say his name, dude, but I can't. Will you edit his name out of here? Let's kick ass. Back it up to the bathroom. He didn't move fast enough, and I wanted him to know I meant fucking business here. So I beat him. I hit him twice, right cheek, left cheek. Backed off, put the gun back up to his forehead. Backed him up into the bathroom. Got to the bathroom. Get on your knees, .

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


He wouldn't have gotten on his knees fast enough, so I dropped him with my left foot. I got him right behind his right knee. That dropped him to his knees. Pushed him down towards the toilet. grabbed the cuffs that were in my left rear pocket and cuffed him right behind the base of the toilet. There he sat.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I can't remember exactly what I said to him, but I was dead serious what I said, but I really can't remember. Anyway, I waited like I was asked to do. Knock at the door comes and three of my boys come in. Showed them to the bathroom. I backed out because it wasn't my hit. It was just my setup. It wasn't my hit. Went back into the living room, sat and waited.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Heard some commotion, a muffled gunshot. I know that's the end of the story. The boys walk out. Where's the dope, Ken? Ransacked his bedroom, found the dope. Got about three or four ounces of what was called at the time... Yeah, it was pink cocaine. What the hell did they call it back then? Peruvian, I don't know. Anyway, it was coke. All right, because that's what everybody was doing back then.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Uncuffed them, brought them to the living room, started tearing up the carpet inside the living room, wrapped them up in there, and left them until tomorrow. What normally happens is, or what was already set up was, not by me, but it was already set up to have a carpeting company come in the next day, put in a new carpet, take him out, put in new carpeting, lay it, and then me leave.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Spent the night, waited for the carpeting people in the morning. They arrived about nine o'clock. They took him out, wrapped up in the carpet, brought up a whole new carpeting and padding, laid that down. I left the door unlocked and I left. That was the end of him. That's it. Story's over.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Just when I think I'm getting out of this shit, I'm right fucking back in it. It's the devil. It's following me wherever the fuck I go. I can't shake this son of a bitch. He won't fucking leave me alone.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


You're not going to put my voice on that thing, are you? Yeah. You're going to tell the story?

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I'm very confused on this, Kyle, and I'm just going to talk, okay? I'm just going to talk. I really kind of don't understand.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


This is... A story, well, a story, it's not a story. This is my story. Basically, the experiences I've had, most of them not by choice, that just ended up like I never thought I would end it. I'm surprised I'm sitting here. Technically, I shouldn't be sitting here. Historically, people don't make it. They just simply don't make it.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


But I think I was low level enough and I didn't want to make it a career. I didn't do the things that the other people did, trying to move up in the outfit, trying to get their own crews, trying to make more money. I did fly under the radar, and I really didn't want to know what the hell was going on, where I became a trusted member. We're not gonna worry about Kenny. Kenny does his job.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


He keeps his fucking mouth shut. He doesn't steal any money. He doesn't do fucking drugs while he's working. He's not running whores on the side, our whores on the side. He does what he's supposed to do and he goes home.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


Cook County and the Chicago area, okay? Chicago is actually in Cook County, and we worked in the unincorporated areas. Because the unincorporated areas are, you know, we owned, you know, we owned the judges, we owned the fucking cops, you know, we owned them, you know, so we can work freely, all right? And what did you do? I was a low-level. I ran whorehouses and I did hits.

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


I was just a low-level guy. And my crew, the money that we made on our crew, worked its way up the ladder to the big bosses. You're in the fucking trenches, man. This is low level in the streets, in the dirt, in your face, the backbone of the fucking outfit. That's where the money came from. It came from us and we pushed it up. All right. We're not the fucking

Crook County

1 | Give Me Your F**kin Money


sitting back while his troops were in the fucking trenches fighting it out fucking hand-to-hand, knife-to-knife, all right? We are the guys in the fucking trenches hand-to-hand, knife-to-knife, all right? That's where we are. That's how far down the ladder we were, all right? Fucking clipping people and running fucking whores.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

LIVE Approaches: Hear Me Chat Up Cuties IRL—Listen NOW to Get Numbers and Dates Tonight! (Part 4)


He walks up and says, I never meant to cause you any sorrow. I never meant to cause you any pain. And she starts laughing. She loves it. She starts singing Purple Rain with him. They're doing a two-person duet of Purple Rain.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

LIVE Approaches: Hear Me Chat Up Cuties IRL—Listen NOW to Get Numbers and Dates Tonight! (Part 4)


Hi. Hi. Excuse me, miss. Hi. I'm sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say hi. I'm over here. Hello. Hi.