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How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


And like I said, too, it was my first time kind of on the app and a really long time talking to anybody. Um, so it just, it felt really good to kind of be back in a groove and be excited about meeting new people again.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah. I think too, like you can, you can take dating seriously. You can take other people seriously, women seriously, but you don't want to be serious about it. you know, like it should be light. It should be fun. It shouldn't be immediate, like heavy conversations.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Um, if you find that you're like immediately going into setting boundaries or things just aren't flowing in a way that's like, am I actually going to enjoy being with this person? Then just, it helps to take a step back and say like, really evaluate your expectations and make sure that you're finding that balance between like, this is unexpected, but is it good or bad?

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It's annoying, but it's us.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah, the standard, you know, how's your day going? Maybe you like match the day before and he follows up with like, you know, how's your Monday? They're not, it's not like a deal breaker. I think those kinds of questions are fine, but they definitely don't stand out.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Um, along with kind of the idea of asking questions, you don't want to fall into like the interview of like you just asking her questions over and over again. Like she knows you're interested. You don't need to show that you're interested by only asking questions. You can share things about yourself. If you're going to ask questions, make them interesting.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Like I think you had, I don't remember exactly what they were, but there were a couple of times where you said like, you know, It was like, if you were going to cook for me, what would you make? Because I mentioned something about cooking on my profile. Again, just really leaning into what you're able to see about her. You can use those as conversation starters, as questions. Yeah.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I do remember that photo. I think that was like, that was before, that was like the day of our third date. That was a little bit later. And yeah, it was a, it was a SAS class video shoot and it was, the song was, um,

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


s&m it was the rihanna and britney spears remix okay um and it was just like a funny photo that someone had taken while we were filming that was just completely out of context and looked completely insane so i was like hey so this is what i did today see you later yeah because you know i dance and like dance and so whatever um i just thought that one photo was like particularly funny

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I remember I had just joined the league. I think I was on it for maybe five minutes when I came across your profile. So it didn't take very long. And I just saw this tall ginger. He had some really nice photos. I think your tagline or headline was something like the real life hitch. And I was like,

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Well, it's only been three years. I may need a little more time. No, I mean, I knew I was going on a date with a dating coach.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I just, I didn't a hundred percent know what it meant. And I don't think I did any, like, I didn't do the super sleuth deep dive internet search on you. I don't think, I don't remember doing any of that simply because it was like, it just isn't like instinct for me. I know it's instinct for a lot of people.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


right so yeah pro tip make sure you know what's out there on you about you on the internet uh before you for sure go out there um but i just i i didn't want to have any expectations because that just didn't feel fair i i assume there might be some like Like, you know, little games or lines.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I had my eye out for some dating judo moves. But I don't remember feeling like, oh, this is forced. Or, oh, this is like a move that he uses. It didn't feel, nothing felt inorganic. It just felt like I was going on a date with a good guy.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Uh, not this argument. Do we, do we need to explain? Quick backstory.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It was definitely a match. I think with the league specifically, it's not a particularly detailed profile, right? It was kind of like you put a few of your interests, you put like a tagline, your age. And I think that was kind of it. But I think, you know, with being profiles that might be a little more detailed, you do kind of run the risk of there being like a greater room for error.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


But yeah, I mean, it was definitely what I've expected. I didn't feel like I was being catfished.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


okay and you kind of read further and you're a dating coach and i'm just like it wasn't necessarily looking to have fireworks or have like you know jump into a relationship or anything like that i was just trying to get back into the dating game after being isolated for so long um yeah it was mostly curiosity but good curiosity maybe a little curiosity

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yes. The middle school history teacher that I was expecting to meet on the date was definitely there. Having drinks.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah. I mean, honestly, kind of sort of same. I had no interest really in like diving into a relationship, especially coming out of a year and a half long relationship. period of isolation. Um, and I, I was careful. I was a little guarded. I think it wasn't guarded about like how my feelings or anything like that. But I was like, you know, am I just like jumping into this?

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Am I just excited about this? Because I've been socially restricting myself for 18 months or like, is this real? Cause I had never, you were my first serious boyfriend. Like I just, I had been living in New York city for, for 10 years ish at that point. And it's, you know, New York city dating scene, say what you will about it.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It's fun, but it's also hard to take seriously sometimes because there's so many people and it's just very easy to kind of jump to person to person. So kind of the same of what you said, I was like, this will be, I'll at least come out of it with an anecdote that I went on a date with a dating coach that I met on a dating app at the very least. Um, but it is obviously a lot more than that.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I think, you know, it's hard out there. Saying like there's some sort of answer to find that perfect balance between being chatty but not too chatty or like being too quiet, you know. I think it's easy for anybody, guys.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


girls whatever to fall into the trap of like feeling like you're on an interview yeah you know you you want to ask questions but you don't want to just ask questions that are like that have like a single answer the typical like how many siblings do you have Do you have any pets? Whatever.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Whatever questions you have, I don't know if it's good to necessarily be scripted, but make sure they're ones that maybe three things or topics that you have in mind that you know are going to generate a conversation between the two of you, no matter what her interests are, no matter what her strengths are, what she does for a living.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Just things that you have on tap, ready to go, that you know will generate conversation. And if they don't generate conversation, then maybe that's a signal.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah. I mean, very straightforward. Um, yeah, I think, I think families, it's not always easy for people to talk about their families.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I remember they were mostly, they were good photos. They were, I don't, I couldn't tell if they were necessarily professional photos. I think a couple of them were, but they were like well-framed. It was just you. I think there was one of like you and your niece.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


So you can always, you know, if you're asking her like about her parents or siblings, you know, if there's not a lot coming back, it's probably, they may not be super close or maybe tension there or whatever the case. There's always other, you talk about friends, talk about coworkers. I'm sure I talked about like my coworkers and bosses a little bit too. Yeah. Yeah.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


We went to the other room of the other room.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Hmm. I mean, honestly, it's, it's a terrible thing, but like everyone's different. Every woman is going to have a different expectation. I know with, I'm thinking of like our first kiss, maybe some other first kisses that I've had, not that I've had a million, but you know, I think

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I remember with us, it was, we were sitting next to each other and there was just like, we've been talking for at least an hour at that point. Right. We'd have like a drink or two, no more than two.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


And, um, there was just like a lull in the conversation and we were looking at each other and, you know, if you're maintaining good eye contact with her and she keeps it up, then that's usually a pretty good sign. If you're looking for a more verbal sort of confirmation, it can kind of go either way. Definitely depends on the, you know, circumstances.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


There was one of you with a dog, but the pitfalls that you see a lot are like, you know, guys that have like a clearly cropped photo, like group photo. And it's like blurry, um, Or they just take a bunch of selfies. Like there needs to be some sort of effort put into it. And there was obviously some effort in there. And then you also had a photo.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


But I think there have been a couple of times where, like, a guy has said, like, I'm going to kiss you now. And I feel like out of context it sounds super weird, but it definitely works. It's the moments, right, if you have that same kind of will in the conversation. Yeah. You can also ask, too. Consent is sexy. You can always ask.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah, there's that antiquated like three days rule kind of thing. Wait three days before you call her or text her or whatever. And that's just all that does is cause anxiety for both people. There's no reason to wait. There's no reason to play hard to get, especially after you've just met this person for the first time.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I think doing it at the end of the day, like you say, like, hey, I had a great time. I'd like to see you again. If she says, no, I'm not feeling it, then everything's set right there. Like, there's no question. You're not, there's no uncertainty. You know, you just move on with your life. But you also don't have to do it right away.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


But I think at the very least, you know, text her the next day, maybe later that night. Just say like, hey, I had a great time. But definitely communicate what you want and what you're interested in because how else is she going to know? Women are very intuitive, but we're not mind readers.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Your head was cut off, which was a little concerning. But it was like the last one. And I'd seen your face. I didn't care. But it was you in the policeman's Halloween costume.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


What do you got? All right. I mean, I got three don'ts. I have a lot of don'ts, but I think there are some that are more maybe universal than others. I think one of the ones that we've heard time and time again is just don't. Your first date, whatever date it is, it's likely going to be at a bar, at a restaurant, at a coffee shop, whatever. Rule of thumb is don't be a dick to the service staff.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Don't be rude to anybody, but it's a very specific thing when you are intentionally rude or dismissive to somebody that's serving your food or serving your drinks or just working.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


it there's a power imbalance that's kind of set up there yeah and it just immediately communicates this like if someone's going to be this easily dismissive or rude yeah a complete stranger how are they going to treat somebody that they know that's a great tip a woman notices if you're rude to the hired help yeah like i verbally assaulted my butler this morning and i felt so bad afterwards yeah your butler

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Pet names. So calling, like using like kind of common, you know, maybe in like the banter that you have before the date, you can jokingly come up with a nickname like Shmoopy. Right. But things like hun or sweetie or sweetheart or babe. One, it kind of like communicates the familiarity that she might not be ready for, especially considering she's just met you.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Another thing is like, like sweetie, sweetheart, hon. Like those are things that if I'm getting like cat called on the street, that's what guys call me. Or like when I was working as a server a million years ago, they'd be like, hey, sweetheart. Like it just has, you run the risk of it having this really crappy negative connotation. And it's just a little too familiar. So just avoid it.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Best, best option. There's a very small chance that she's like, Oh, he didn't call me baby the first time we met. So it's a no go. Just you're better off just avoiding it.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


There's a difference between sharing your interests and just going on a full-on rant or... going like off the rails. So like being like bitter or negative about something. So like I put on my profile pretty clearly, I hate hiking.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


So it was a good variety. You weren't taking yourself too seriously, but you were taking dating pretty seriously.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Exactly. It was kind of something that I put out there. And you could have said like, oh, I love hiking. Like, well, maybe, you know, I can take, like you could have, if you did like hiking, you could have like spun it and it could have like generated conversation. We connected on like hating hiking, whatever.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Right. Two very different things. But that's different than me saying, like going on a rant about hiking and nature and how terrible it is. Um, or, you know, you don't like mushrooms. You can say like, fun fact, I hate mushrooms. That's something good for me to know.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I generate some discourse because I do like mushrooms. But for you to then go on a rant about vegetables in general and to go down a hole of vegetables are stupid. Like there's a difference between little things like that and just like turning the conversation into this negative.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Right. Make it, you know, if it's something interesting, that's one thing. If it's just like a vendetta that you have against vegetables and fungi, that's, you know, that's something we get to on like the fifth or sixth date if we're feeling like we're at that place.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Listen, you're the one that booked the flight. You knew what you were getting into. We're out of time.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I don't know. It might be something if they're avid listeners or readers of yours that they already know, but

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


being your authentic self and leaning into who you are is so important women are going to pick up on if you're not being yourself if you're trying to be something you're not you know I think that's I don't know how obvious that is maybe it's not obvious I think there's people have had a lot of whatever experiences you've had it can skew how you approach you know future dates and other women but

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Just really leaning into who you are. And that should be it. That's really all that matters. You can't take it personally if she doesn't like who you are.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah, I put effort into my profile. I do expect the guys I'm matching with, the guys I'm seeing on there, to do the same.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I feel like when I've described you to people in the past, I've been like, I don't know any other way to describe it other than like the cool middle school teacher. Yeah. And not in like a weird way, literally just like a very like gentle, friendly, open presence. Like that comes out immediately.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It doesn't come out of your profile, but just even getting to know you, I'm like, there's no scariness or bad weirdness here. It was just like a very genuine person in front of me.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Right. Or, you know, thinking about what kind of woman you actually want to attract. Do you also want to attract a motorcycle riding babe? I mean, you know, if you do, great. Or maybe opposites attract if you're taking that approach, whatever the case may be. Yeah, definitely tune into what you actually are and not what you maybe want to be or think you should be.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah. I mean, anything that's different from any of the other guys. We're in New York City. There's however many million men out there that are whatever their job is, whatever their interests are. Sometimes it all kind of feels the same after a while. I think the league in particular maybe attracts a certain kind. And so being able to say like, hey, this is my job.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


And not only is it unique, but it's something that I enjoy and that I'm proud of and that I'm like, you know, poking fun at a little bit. That's really special.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah. And I think that's kind of the beauty of online dating.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I think it's, you know, it's much more accepted now than maybe it was like 10 years ago, but all the different dating apps that we have, the way that you are like prompted to design your profile and to like put information about yourself out there, like you should, if you need to maximize that, you need to take advantage of the fact that like, this is the first impression that you're making and this is how you're doing it.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It's great being people in public too and organically through friends, whatever, but Um, but online dating and setting up this profile, it's your time to show off exactly like who you are, what those things are that you really want people to know. And then when you get to the first, second date points, it's like we have this whole, we have all this information already that we're using.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It was very easy. I'm someone who likes quick humor, dry humor, and you had that same sense of humor. So you set me up and I set you up and it was just like a very easy conversation. I didn't feel like I was... Trying to like find the right or wrong thing to say or felt like I had to keep the conversation going.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


We literally just talked for a couple of days, kind of back and forth, made a few jokes. You know, it was it was just very easy. Sometimes you chat with guys or you're having a conversation on the app or texting leading up to it. And it's hard to communicate a lot of things over text. It can be really hard to communicate your sense of humor, your genuinity, whatever, over text.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


But being able to have that easy flow, that definitely stood out.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


It definitely feels like it's the first date all over again.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


I mean, my go-to would be the T-Rex.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah, T-Rex. Oh, and pterodactyls.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Also because I could show off that I could spell pterodactyl.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Yeah, I remember just, like I said, it was very easy. I mean, a big piece of it is like, you know, if your sense of humor matches with the other person or if your interests match with the other person, that's kind of key. If it doesn't match, then it's probably not going to be a good conversation.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


So if you feel like you're not struggling to find the right words to say, you feel like, you know, you're not like worrying about, is this going to be, is she going to take this the wrong way or... is she going to think I'm weird? Like you, you shouldn't be having those kinds of apprehensions if it's a good, genuine connection and a good conversation.

How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett

My Girlfriend Jess Reveals the #1 Secret to Landing Second Dates! (Most Men Make 3 BIG Mistakes)


Um, yeah, I, I, I remember, I just remember feeling like, okay, this is a person that even though we still haven't actually heard each other, we hadn't talked in person yet. I was like, I know this is going to be an easy conversation. I know I don't have anything to worry about, you know, as of right now. Um, it just, it felt really good.