Jasmine Cassis
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
Kaizen! Three wise men? (Friends)
So then it just becomes part of the troubleshooting process. It's no longer an add-on. It's just one of the steps that you do, just like you would review a stack trace. our users would just also review the replay video. It's embedded right there on the issues page.
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
Kaizen! Three wise men? (Friends)
It does look like Dubai.
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
Kaizen! Three wise men? (Friends)
I can't share specific numbers, but it is highly adopted in terms of if you look at the whole feature set of Sentry, Replay is highly adopted. I think what's really important to us is Sentry supports over 100 languages and frameworks. It also means mobile. So I think it's important for us to cater to all sorts of developers.
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
Kaizen! Three wise men? (Friends)
We can do that by opening up Replay from not just web, but going to mobile. I think that's the most important needle to move.
The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source
Kaizen! Three wise men? (Friends)
Absolutely. That's a sentiment shared by a lot of our customers. And we've even doubled down on that workflow because today, if you just get a link to an issue alert in Sentry, an issue alert, for example, in Slack or whatever integration that you use, as soon as you open that issue alert, we've embedded the replay video at the time of the error.